hojuruku ago

@Vindicator - what do I have to provide in 24 hours? I'm not jilted like I said I'm glad that half the people who saw this and had the will to vote thought there might be something here.

Vindicator ago

Hojuruku, the whole topic of this thread is not appropriate for the research sub. See me removal comment. I explained there.

Vindicator ago

@hojuruku, how is this thread relevant to our mission here in v/pizzagate? Users here decided long ago to keep discussion of moderation and other indirectly related concerns in separate subverses so the focus here can be on investigating the pedo elite (Rules 1 and 4). You know our rules. You agreed to abide by them when you were unbanned. But you keep ignoring them? Not cool, man. This belongs in v/pizzagatewhatever. Since the whole topic of the thread -- moderation of some other forum -- is outside our rules, there is not much point in giving you the Edit flair. I'm just going to remove it.

hojuruku ago

By the headline it clearly relates to one of your mod sticky threads. I just don't know...... anyway I wont repost.

What is this drive kids off a cliff thing about too?

Vindicator ago

By the headline it clearly relates to one of your mod sticky threads

No, it doesn't. It's all about drama in some other forum, at least as far as I could see from the way you presented it.

What is this drive kids off a cliff thing about too?

The dyke family who went off the cliff in Mendocino County and three of the numerous foster kids went missing. Scroll back through the posts of the past week, or SearchVoat.co for SJW family CPS. I think those were some of the key words.

hojuruku ago

Look i don't care if you delete this after a day - but many people know something is up with Q shutting down people's research for political agendas. It's not open source intelligence - it's filtered open source intelligence. Just remember that. Who is doing the filtering ... well that's what this flaming post was about.

▶Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 02:55:25 d8aec2 No.970410

Doesn't deserve it's own thread, not your personal army. Your problems with 'Anonymous' are your problems not ours.

▶Anonymous (You) 04/10/18 (Tue) 03:00:49 a5a9ed No.970498

ok then. i took it to pizzagate about qresearch mods harbouring pedophiles in their own midst

▶Anonymous (You) 04/10/18 (Tue) 03:01:20 a5a9ed No.970505

he's a fucken mod on your discord you idiot who uses an anonfag avatar on his skype

▶. 04/10/18 (Tue) 03:04:14 9f392d No.970546

Maybe when they get married they can adopt 5 kids, get 240K & then drive them off of a cliff.

carmencita ago

I remember seeing that last comment. I read it in a thread about the Hart women and the children they adopted. What a cruel thing to say about those children. Tells us exactly what he/she is. Turncoat Traitor. We are here to save children not drive them off a cliff. Scum.

hojuruku ago

strange things for the qresearch mod to say - about child killing eh right before pruning the thread.

BigMatteson ago

-despicable double life

No, he's a faggot and they're both open as fuck about being faggots and they're unapologetic about being pedophiles. Molesting children and pedophilia is how faggots reproduce.

hojuruku ago

who's that - numerif - did you have a run in with him too?

BigMatteson ago

It's from one of the headlines that was posted in one of the links. I try really hard not to associate with degenerates. Even the fags that know me know to keep their private life private around me. I've made more than one 'person' cry because of my stance on homosexual perversion. They cry mostly because everything I say is true, documented, and verified and the truth is far worse than any made up bullshit.