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Vindicator ago

@hojuruku: Our submission rules require every major claim have a link to supporting source (Rule 2). This one is missing a source:

after his sponsor was deported for doing infant sex porn

I'm giving you our new 24 Hour Removal Reprieve flair so you can add that link. Please reply to this comment when you've edited your post to have the flair removed.

hojuruku ago

I've proven they were a couple more than enough. I could get in trouble revealing my sources on the infant sex so I did a find and replace on infant to little boy and baby to child porn.

The OP should make you happy now. @Vindicator please remove the 24h hold.

Vindicator ago

Thank you hojuruku. That was exactly what was needed.

ProTip: When you have a complex submission with lots of claims and links supporting them, you can select the text that needs a supporting link, click the third formatting button (visible when you "view desktop site" if on mobile), and paste in the link url and it will turn the text into a hot link. Alternatively, you can manually insert the code by putting brackets around the text, followed immediately (no space) by the url address in parenthesis. This is great because it:

  • Gets those ugly long url's out of the text
  • Highlights the key points of your material in blue
  • Clearly delineates which link supports which claim

hojuruku ago

Thanks Vindicator. BTW... can you give this a shot..!mqpkyRJJ!bghSUuNEIZS39e7Xidq6ENCd8bZGI99Q37Pqm8UdE9k

That's an alternative link to download the raw gay pride protest video of Senator Lee Rhiannon supporting those FBI child porn fugitives. It was downloaded with a in 2014. Can any of you guys upload it to you youtube or am I onto something here. My two YouTube accont's wont accept the video that YouTube encoded itself.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I blame you for this. Not everything MF did should be undone, ya know. :)

hojuruku ago

oh vey shut it down!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Go fuck yourself U narcissistic-nutjob.

hojuruku ago

think I wanted this... it all started with gay police kicking my front door in and I my investigation in what made them exist took me to this satanic baby sex cult the OTO that admits on camera they drink human blood and force children to join the gnostic catholic mass orgy and worse.

Dr Gregory Tillet who founded the gay kiddy fiddler protection squad as well as writing the history of the OTO, and did his PhD into nsw police covering up Alister Crowley's friends fucking little boys you can read his thesis online here anyway the special gay police have just arrested john sunol who I used to share a blog with.

The special satanic baby sex cult founded NSW GLLO gay police are arresting people now to shut this news story down

If you hate me then go share this link there and tell the satanic pedo cult founded special homocop squad to come get me.

hojuruku ago

Wow Newscorp had this story pulled for hate speech after @nodiscrim threatened them! This is GREAT WORK! I haven't seen it until now. Thanks for nagging me to do some more digging @Vindicator

Now that article is amazing, and based off my research because Bernard Gaynor has a close relationship with Miranda Devine at the Daily Terror newspaper. Maybe that article was only in print not put online so they weren't sued for hate speech and it would be harder for the gays to find. It's publication date is well after my breaking the whole WTF this guy is a gay marriage activist. The courier mail newspaper shared the story on twitter with the #childporn hashtag and deleted the story within a day of posting it once the commentators on there also worked out he was a gay marriage activist.

This news story clearly shows Dr Matthew Hynd and Ali R Choundry were in a long distance relationship when the child porn was downloaded in 2010. I exposed this and gave the sources from gay news magazines praising them before their arrest. This saves you going to gay rights websites and seeing all the men wearing g-strings on the ads - instead you can just take it for gospel from Murdoch's newscorp. Under Australian immigration law "character concerns" are applied to both the visa sponsor and the visa recipient. So unless immigration thinks child porn is a sign of good character (well they employ leader of the OTO child rape cult [email protected]) Ali Choundrhy should be deported - but he's not. You can check the immigration law for yourself.

hojuruku ago

You want to schedule a visit to talk about the baby sex porn he was caught with. I don't want to reveal my sources in US Law Enforcement that talked about that lying son of a bitch that only got free because he tried to blame another gay flatmate then bolted when the FBI does what the FBI does - investigate.

He's in Georgia right now. MATTHEW HYND Register Number: 22098-052 Age: 42 Race: White Sex: Male Located at: D. Ray James CI Release Date: 12/02/2019

If you demand i can do a find and replace on the world "baby" to "child" if it makes you feel better, but that will be detracting from the truth of the story. I did actually read that in some court documents I'm trying to dig up again too. Give me your answer within 12 hours, or after that extend the deletion counter by 24 hours.

hojuruku ago

please remove the 24h warning. Anyone can see they are an item. The two youtube video links show videos taken down by Ali Choundry with them standing together saying WE ARE A GAY COUPLE - Give us money to sue the government for a partner visa whilst the visa sponsor (Matthew Hynd) is on the run for infant sex porn. He Fled The USA the day after the FBI took his laptops to become a top gay marriage activist in Australia. I guess he thought he could get away with directing infant sex scenes if you read the prosecutors brief and nobody would want to deport him for the sake of gay pride - like how they let this other gay activist off connected to QLD AIDS Council as well: The judge ruled the child under 16 wanted the gay dads sex and had the gay dads sex crush so it's all was the child's fault. You can't make this s*@#$ up. Here is the gay lobby praising those boy rapists before they got arrested say yay they got their son - how dare you christians complain about them again - what could go wrong!

hojuruku ago

wow proving a pattern of behavior and multiple gays linked to QLD's AIDS council peak gay charity arrested for raping kids is mass downvoted.... Exposing a pedophile ring - multiple pedophiles arrested by police with something in common - gets downvotes here. interesting intresting.

Some people don't like others exposing pedo rings it seems.

hojuruku ago A whole lot more links here on the gay lobby saying those two were an item. Just watch the video from Lee Rhiannon.

Also more coming soon on how the Gay Police say it's a hate crime to investigate this pedophiles close links to raising funds for gay marriage. I thought the gay lobby would want to distance themselves from these infant sex lovers not prosecute people for asking them to apologize for gladly keeping hold of infant sex lover raised gay marriage equality cash. Australian Marriage equality group too supporting these baby rapist fugitive and asked gay marriage supporters to give them spending money on the run from the FBI.

hojuruku ago Wow LEADER of Australian Gay Marriage IT department shared my research - and you want to tear it down...

I'm archiving this page again now.

hojuruku ago

James Newburrie

James Newburrie is a cyber-security specialist, the man who organised a marriage equality demo outside Mt Isa MP Bob Katters office, and runs the Facebook Equal Marriage page 32001names. Never without his unrelenting sense of logic or his trusty iPad he tweets as @Difficultnerd

Damn trigged by PEDO news coverage wrote by a homosexual itself. Goes to show you who's doing the downvoting. Not gays - but pedos.

hojuruku ago

Ali Choundry was sponsored by Dr Matthew Hynd. All sources on this Wasington Times Reporter sourced articlie with links to US justice department.

Link already provided.

Dr Matthew Hynd is in a US jail right now for child porn. on the youtube video descriptions in the OP you can look up his inmate tracking number and see what jail he is on the inmate finder.

Government sources mate. The fact they were partners is proven in all the links in the OP including the robert stacy mccain one with pictures. Try again vindicator. Have I satisfied you?

The infant sex porn details is in the prosecutors brief and the press release from DOJ.