hojuruku ago

@heygeroge gonna ban me for round 4? or are we fucken done with this tread..... I sure hope so. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2497273

I want to move onto other fish, though not bigger, I have more of an axe to grind against them https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2501780

heygeorge ago

@heygeroge gonna ban me for round 4?

Have I banned you? I don't remember that.

hojuruku ago

nah you are just talking about me on /v/SoapBoxBanHammer/ ... .... explain the purpose of this sub-verse again?

heygeorge ago

At least you are willing to back off when questioned. Why are you spreading mythical accusations if they are not true?

What a peculiar way of capitalising the subverse's name... Regardless, I'm not sure there is a point to it. Some find that difficult to understand.

TheKingOfMonsters ago

Are you god?

heygeorge ago

Am I not God?

heygeorge ago


Anyone on this site who downvotes any post or comment of mine, attacks me, lies about my intentions, or doesn't get my jokes is really saying they are opposed to truth and they are eneabling pedophilia.

hojuruku ago

You do understand you fired the first shot as a minority of Jewish lgbti pro pedophilia censors taking out my voat account for 24 hours across all sub-verses.

If there was karma the 80% of people here - you know the people who upvoated the post you censored would stalk you everywhere you go and down-vote you into oblviion too.


I hope everyone that has seen your gang stalking tactics against me remembers and whenever a pizzagate mod goes anywhere there is a button that needs to pushed. You sons of bitches. I thought I was trying to debate moderators on their choice to censor a post for saying items were outsourced when then ALL CLAIMS OF OUTSOURCED POINTS BY @Vindicator WAS SOURCED in the OP. But instead you guys were just trolling me to take out my whole account. We'll thank god for the reply feature on private messages not using CCP or you would have taken my whole account offline for the sake of jewish childfucking power.


I'm done here. The system is corrupt. You can't work if you don't like people rubbing penis into other mans shit before it comes out like you clearly do kike.



And his gangstalkers got jailed eventually and sued to oblivion. Remember ZGeek?

hojuruku ago

I'm not joking. John Sunol lost his taxi license due to letters from Crypto Lesbian Mayor of Sydney Clover "No" Moore.

And my dad put the intel up on his scribd.

Don't you hate it when I say things I that are true. Do I need to be banned for saying what is true.


gabara ago

What do you think of Israel's war crimes?

heygeorge ago

It seems the mole people have gotten the message and upvoted you back into the positives. Why would you ignore that, then attempt an attack?

hojuruku ago

They why you cunts waited until 30 mins before the thread was deleted and all 5 of you killed my account for a post that got 30 upvotes from regular upvotes then deleted the thread once the damage is done.

I'm not feeding the trolls anymore. I'll just keep letting you deleting and keep reposing the valid intel with links to previous censorship.

It's funny the only non disgusting link (based on it's name pansexual something xyz) in /r/pizzagate comment deletion log in the last 12 months is someone asking if a pedophile was jewish. I'm going to find out if that pedophile was Jewish. and guess who deleted it - @Vindicator

Priceless. https://8ch.net/pol/res/11478443.html

I'm sure you could dig up mainstream news about John Sunol and his taxi license (but not also drivers license that never went public because he got that re-instated without court action).

Did you actually make this post thinking people couldn't believe what I said when it was all infact true? Do you really think everyone else will be so disconnected from reality like you to believe the shit you do - quiet literally like rubbing a penis in an anus full of shit is "the best sex" as they tell children in Government Schools in Australia as the best sex you just have to try.

If you refute me you know I'll only drop the source because unlike you I'm not full of it.

heygeorge ago

I'll just keep letting you deleting

[D] level mods can only access the style sheet. Cannot even see mod mail, much less delete posts/comments or ban users.

hojuruku ago

ok i gave you an upvote. if you got no access and you get all the bad press. opt out. SanegoatIswear gave me a mod of something and i unmodded myself. Why can't you do the same?

heygeorge ago

I don't know what 5 you are talking about.

I called in the mole people to vote for you.

How do you think you raised your CCP by over 240 in just a few hours?

hojuruku ago

And where was this fight for free speech against jewish/lgbti pedophile's joint venture: big brothers big sisters co-ordinated from? I want to thank those who did it if that's the truth.

hojuruku ago


You are on my side and a pizzagate mod? Well where where you when this clusterfuck happened?


Where you asleep at the wheel like I was when my points came back. I missed the show I didn't know what happened? That was you?

DieselBustersYes ago

@BaneGhostISwear is a tranny that wants to lynch straight people at some riot in California.

-Sincerely Everyone at Voat

zyklon_b ago

@baneghostiswear aka muh nigga is raysis