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hojuruku ago

What about if the mods say I broke a rule with flawed logic - and say this isn't proven because I say it is - but the facts of the matter are different. Make Vinny answer the simple questions I gave him.

Then you are playing fair. You are abusing your authority and I am following the rules.

Crensch ago

I know for a fact @Vindicator and @Kevdude don't really play in flawed logic. They may come to a different conclusion than I do, but it's due to different information and motivations, not from some cognitive error. @srayzie and I went at it over rules not long ago, and we eventually came to an understanding. I still despise @ESOTERICshade for every time he has been involved in mod drama, but he seems fairly reasonable in this thread.

Every single one of the above is trying to help you.

I'm not. I don't really care about you, and I don't think you're worth the effort. You're snubbing your nose at rules the PG community came up with on their own not too long ago. You're saying, "The rules don't apply to me", and expecting others to agree; you're also lying about supporting your claims, as if we can't plainly see that you aren't.

You're looking down at everyone trying to help you, everyone putting in effort on this subverse, and everyone here to make sure this place doesn't get overrun by disinformation, shills, spam, and subversive mods.

You call those mods that the entire rest of the community seemingly really like, and get along with, pedos.

The way I see it, you have two options:

Act like a fucking adult and admit you're wrong, or keep acting like an entitled shit, and being indignant when we hold you to the (extremely easy) standards of the subverse.

The former will earn respect, and the latter will probably wind up with you banned.

I care not either way.

hojuruku ago

Make vinny answer a few yes no questions to test out his logic. Put it into 1's and zero's for me.


/v/pizzagate/2500972/12511136 <- FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE ANSWER @Vindicator using your real account.

It's not hard to to ask him to answer a few yes or no questions to justify his censorship position. I've asked 10 times already /v/pizzagate/2500972/12512960 or the more expanded rebuttal: /v/pizzagate/2500972/12510102

FYI: /v/pizzagate/2500972/12512682 /v/pizzagate/2500972/12512682

I have thought hard about a solution to this clusterfuck that makes all of our lives easier:

^^^ For the time being I am still on YOUR SIDE if you just listen ^^^

That would make the moderators as it stands now being the problem turn be the accountable to the people and give the user-base what they want. Uncluttered, troll free threads without excessive censorship.

your thoughts @Dfens - would even you come back if they adopted that?

Crensch ago

Make vinny answer a few yes no questions to test out his logic.


You broke the rules. You don't get to demand answers to your questions.

Fix your shit, or I'll start leaning towards banning you for being either a troll, shill, or someone so fucked in the head they have no clue how to source their claims.

You have an hour before I start pushing for this; then you can go cry in /v/pizzagatewhatever, and post your unsourced BULLSHIT there.

Fix. Your. Shit.

@Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie @ESOTERICshade @think- - - User shows zero sign of wanting to follow the rules, even with the multiple offers of help; I'm not making a top-down directive here, just letting you know where I fall when this comment is an hour old if the faggot above doesn't make some kind of effort.

srayzie ago

I hear you. Keeping my eyes open.

hojuruku ago

^^ @auralsects your lover/my troll is here again with something important to finally contribute....


srayzie ago

Me and "Donkey" go back a long way. Almost everyone knows that. As for you, as far as I can remember, I've only spoke to you one time and yes, I used a meme and that was as a regular user. Today is my first official day as a pizzagate mod. You talked crap earlier asking why a meme lord was a mod. Why you are TRYING to be on my bad side is weird. Anyone who is friends with this user, also known as @Donkeyhote, has issues. He's the biggest shill here and anyone friends with him is put on my radar.

Wisen up. If you wanted to be treated fairly, then treat others fairly. Doing shit like this doesn't help you.

hojuruku ago

What rule did I break?

What was unsourced and unproven? Are you seriously going to believe this pro-pedophilia cover-up?


You can't even repeat one claim of @Vindicator again and say I support this XYZ claim of @Vindicator because you know it's complete LGBTI+ bullshit.

Why can't I call a Disney Operated Dating Site that has been proven to be used by gay men and boys what it is? What about the truth triggers you so much?

Crensch ago

What rule did I break?

What was unsourced and unproven? Are you seriously going to believe this pro-pedophilia cover-up?

hojuruku ago

this thread dummy - not the thread and trolling used to censor my whole account





Crensch ago

I'll make you a deal right here and now:

You can ask ONE question. Right here. You are allowed ONE link, and only ONE link, and you'll get your answer from me. If you do not ASK the question IN TEXT in the comment responding here, you get no question answered.

THEN you fix your submissions, and work with the mods to stay within the rules. NO MORE of your bullshit anywhere on PG - you follow the rules and work with the mods to stay withing the rules.

ONE question. ONE link. Then you fix your shit.

-- OR --

You can respond with more than one question or link, and get banned immediately.

@Vindicator @kevdude @srayzie @ESOTERICshade @think-

Given this user already having been banned, and his EXTREMELY rule-breakingly-long leash that he's been allowed, I think the above deal more than fair. Let me know if you disagree.

hojuruku ago

I'll play your game once you quote any claim vindicator's 4th attempt at censorship and say I SUPPORT HIM.

Here are some of his possible claims you could try:

1) DISNEY DOESN'T RUN A DATING SITE - a site where two or more people meet online for "friendship" or more, GAY MEN AREN'T ALLOWED TO USE IT,

2) CHILD ABUSE HASN'T HAPPENED AT BBBS USA or AU done mostly by homosexuals.

3) BBBS Australia hasn't employed pedophiles on their own advisory council (Dr Patrick Power) etc etc.

Just say one of his claims and say that there is NOTHING TO SEE HERE YOURSELF then I'll play your games.

Pick any lie and say I STAND WITH VINDICATOR.

@seekingpeace and I know there is similar shit to this going on in Vietnam with some suspect people I know....

Priniciple Partners

The Walt Disney Company (Australia) Pty Ltd Without the support of the Walt Disney Company, thousands of young people around Australia would not have had access to a mentor. Through providing the technology that powers Big Brothers Big Sisters' online mentoring platform OurSpace, The Walt Disney Company is a long-standing partner of Big Brothers Big Sisters, and has helped improve access to mentoring for young people who otherwise might not have access to a mentor.

In addition to OurSpace, the Walt Disney Company has supported Big Brothers Big Sisters with skilled volunteers and expertise, internal fundraising, and external fundraising, and pro-bono support.

That's right all the (((DISNEY))) staff are doing corporate giving making the bosses of Disney total VIP's around Big Brothers Big Sisters. I've seen a Vietnamese company totally obsessed in forcing their employees to raise $$$ for that has had a history of employing pedophiles in order to fit in in the company. I was at the company meeting when one Vietnamese guy almost caused a rebellion exposing what was going on with that charity. Have you seen the CEO of Konica Minolta's AU CEO's trip to the brothel district of Phenom Phen to hand out "mothers mlik" and contraceptives. Weird shit is going on and I've see this before. Disney and BBBS are totally inseparable now just like the OTO is totally protected by the highest judges who say they must be respected.

No cop can arrest an OTO pedophile without bringing down the whole system or "sandalizing the judiciary" - just like nobody can oppose Disney dating sites for gay men and boys without getting banned....

hojurukuisatroll ago

Just like I said. Your goal was to get banned so you could cry about it. Because you are a troll.

Crensch ago

Consider your choice documented.