sore_ass_losers ago

Not the most normie-convincing source, but:

"The Ordo Templi Orientis is quite active in Australia, with the majority of parliament being members. To a lesser extent, the Astrum Argetum is also present, as is the B'nai B'brith. Elks, Oddfellows, Carpenters, and Rosicrucians. On more masonic lines, the Eastern Star, AASR, YR, Shriners and others are also moderately present. My father almost moved to Australia in the late 40's, but did not as at the time the Elk's were not very well organized there."

Secret Societies in Australia

Also I know there were rumors of Julia Gillard being satanic.

sore_ass_losers ago

The modern OTO has come up with the UK equivalent of pizzagate researchers. Here is a pretty good summary:

Peaches Geldof (daughter of Bob Geldof, OBE, said to have said he was above the law) got involved with the OTO, even got a tattoo.

Then it came out that Ian Watkins of the band Lost Prophets was getting his female fans to provide babies for him to molest. (Later on he was convicted and jailed.) Peaches tweeted the names of some of the mothers involved. She got into some trouble for this, perhaps the authorities honestly were just protecting the rights of the babies.

Then she died young.

Anyway some observers wonder if she had that inside information on Watkins from her OTO involvement.

There's more at my link.

Podge512 ago

There is a Youtube channel run by a guy called Tom Cahill called 'ozzieslovepedos'. I see now what he's talking about!

hojuruku ago

Image showing that headline on the front page of is on the 8chan link.

As well as case law links where the judge says to go against Crowley is to go against the OTO, and to go against the OTO is the crime of religious vilification.

Video coverage on - See jim fetzer phd interviews, and on

Please get this news out to all American Christians, White Nationalists and other decent people so we can fight this evil with prayer, activism and if it comes to it civil insurrection.

Fake news in Australia officially said HAIL SATAN (Mr the great beast 666 Alistair Crowley) or go to jail - I'm not joking they were covering a court case where the head of the ACT Bar Society and highest ranking judge in the state who's job to investigate all other judges saying you must respect Aleister Crowley's teachings that children should be exposed to sex from bith as stated in their "holy" book "the book of the law". Here's the details on how you can look up the MSM saying this for yourself. See Bernard Gaynor's blog post Freedom and Democracy in Australia has taken another hit. I hope you can expose this massive scandal on your channel at some point. My name was cited in case law because I'm the hate criminal who "abused" this satanic paedophile cult. court ruled to disrespect Aleister Crowley the great beast 666 as he called himself is a crime against the state even though his published works include "ballard to passive pederasty" in his book "white stains". Front page news yesterday with my name in the cited case law. Here's the MSM fake news headline about it from the Canberra Times newspaper. Judge on the case is head of the ACT Bar Society and complaints against other judges who made the decision: "Blogger ordered to remove 'hate speech' against member of small religious order " look up that article and be red-pilled by the MSM. Then google alister crowley sex cult guardian newspaper to see the worlds biggest paper says OTO is a sex cult - but the mainstream news says in Australia saying you must love the religion of incest (Babylon working with OTO Leader Jack Parsons the FBI has an interesting file on) child sex magick (gnostic catholic mass ritual) gay anal sex (master of the hermit traid xi) etc. These satanic pedophiles persecutes Christians for hating Satanism with the overt backing of the state and the fake shill news. You must hail Satan or go to jail now for religious vilification by law. Look up the cases:BOTTRILL v SUNOL ( Discrimination) [ 2018] ACAT 21 & from the same pedo juge kingpin CRISTIAN v BOTTRILL (Appeal) [2016] ACAT 104 section 41 on austlii edu au case law. Read where he says says to go against crowley is to go against the OTO and to go against the OTO child sex cult is to go against the state. Hail Satan or be jailed - that is what they do to you after they take your guns. If you give them up you are dead and dominated by satanic child pimps like Australia that have foster care agencies for gay men only like life without barriers that gave inaugural national foster care award to @TwoDadsAndMe on twitter who was charged with raping foster kids by the QLD Police service. See My Jim Fetzer PhD 9/11 Scholars for Truth interviews on my channel for more information that debunks the case law saying hail satanic religion of child orgies. Spirit Cooking is OTO is cakes of light. These pedophiles really do run the show. It's the religion of the Rothschild Frankanist Jew. see section 41

^^ Must See ^^

The case law lies and doesn't say the judge was switched 3 times back and forwards, there was more than one judge or they ordered a whole blog of anti-pedophilia activism censored. After the court removed the "hate speech" against the cult of infant sex normalization and child sex magick rituals the mainstream media says how evil I am for not loving sex with children.

hojuruku ago

All court documents are here:!DqYTUZxY!vSGyuaEFWQvv0jheaP2VEA

I wasn't joking about baby sex cult. here's the source:

Posted By Bernard Gaynor on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 6:46 pm | 19 comments

Welcome to Bizarro World, where geographical jurisdiction does not stop at geographical jurisdictional boundaries and where religious vilification laws are used to protect organisations that are inspired by Satanists while activists are free to hold up signs calling for churches to be burnt. Burn churches

The ACT Thought Police have shown zero interest in taking action against those who hold up signs calling for Christian churches to be burnt. But they are processing ‘religious vilification’ complaints for an organisation inspired by one of history’s most infamous Satanists…

Or, more simply, welcome to Australia where true freedom has just taken another hit.

And also know that you will not hear about any of this in the mainstream media.

The ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal has just decided that it should be able to determine anti-vilification complaints made against people living anywhere in Australia.

That’s bad enough. But there’s more.

This decision supports a ‘religious vilification’ complaint made by a person associated with the Ordo Templi Orientis – a group which takes its inspiration from Aleister Crowley, one of last century’s most famous Satanists and the man who penned the Hymn to Lucifer.

Just for your information, the UK Telegraph ran an article in 2011 detailing evidence that linked Crowley to seven murders. It is also well documented that Crowley was a:

bisexual heroin addict [who] gained notoriety for advocating sexual promiscuity and prostitution and was dubbed ‘the wickedest man in the world’ by the Press.

Crowley’s writings advocated human sacrifice – his book Magick in Theory and Practice contained these lines:

For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim…

…But the bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best.

These writings have been cited as an inspiration for the infamous Manson family murders by Gary Lachman, an occult historian who also played bass in his spare time for the 80s pop band Blondie.

Make of that what you will.

Now, I’m not suggesting that the Ordo Templi Orientis advocates child sacrifice or depraved sexual promiscuity.

I’m just pointing out that it is inspired by a bloke who did.

The first book on the Ordo Templi Orientis Australia website bookstore is a life of Aleister Crowley. This same website also promotes The Book of the Law – which Crowley claimed was dictated to him by an Egyptian god. His later commentary about The Book of the Law stated this:

Moreover, the Beast 666 adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act, as also the process of birth, lest falsehood fog, and mystery stupefy, their minds, whose error else might thwart and misdirect the growth of their subconscious system of soul-symbolism.

The Beast 666 of course is what Aleister Crowley called himself!

Again, make of that what you will.

Just know that under ACT law, it is unlawful to incite revulsion of a person or a group of persons on the basis of their religious belief. So please do not feel revulsion about the fact that the Ordo Templi Orientis unashamedly promotes Aleister Crowley.

I might get in trouble. Even though I live in Queensland.

Instead, feel revulsion that the ACT Thought Police (that would be the ACT Human Rights Commission) are so far gone that they actually think the Ordo Templi Orientis is a religion.

It’s not yet against the law to be incited to feel revulsion for the Thought Police, which is a good thing, because the various Departments of Thought Police around Australia would be in trouble. They regularly incite me to feel revulsion towards them.

Unfortunately, all of this now means that if an activist living in the ACT does not like your views on marriage, or your beliefs about Islam, or your adherence to the biological reality that a male cannot be a female, you can wind up in court.

In Canberra.

And even though you may have never set foot within cooee of the place.

In short, anything you write on Facebook or Twitter or on a blog can now be policed by the ACT legal system.

It shows, once again, that promises that radically redefining marriage won’t affect freedom of religion and speech are nothing but empty lies. The Commonwealth does not own the laws which affect speech about marriage.

The states and territories do.

For those who think this sounds a lot like my current predicament with an endlessly offended homosexual activist in New South Wales and that is now before the High Court, you are kinda right and kinda wrong.

A simple man like me understands simple things: like how you need to obey the law of New South Wales when you are in New South Wales but not when you are in Queensland. During those times, you should obey Queensland law.

But the law is not for simple people.

It’s for people who like complicated arguments and that’s why this case is kinda the same but different.

My case is about the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. This case is about the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

New South Wales is a state and the Australian Capital Territory is not. Hence the High Court ruling on my case may or may not have impact on what happens in Canberra. It’s pretty complicatedly simple really.

And we all know that when laws are complicated it’s much harder to know when you might not be breaking them.

The key take away is this: with the ACT Thought Police processing religious vilification cases for organisations inspired by Satanic occultists against people who live outside the ACT, one should not expect that it will be safe to express Christian views about marriage for much longer…

sore_ass_losers ago

Do you have a link to that 2011 Daily Telegraph article?

All I've found so far is very sympathetic to him, such as this, from 2011:

hojuruku ago

I think bernard gaynor mentioned that too on his blog I linked to in the OP

sore_ass_losers ago


Found it in the Daily Mail, from 2011:

"In his book, London's Curse: Murder, Black Magic and Tutankhamun in the 1920s West End, Mr Beynon pins seven deaths on Crowley, six of which took place in London."