edgelord666 ago

lol you pizzagate retards are adorable

Crensch ago

Sadly, the responses from non-mods in my sticky seem to be drifting towards a "whatever" subverse. I'm not really sure what happens then, other than allowing it to become the shitshow shills want it to become.

Crensch ago

Raising public awareness and alerting people how to spot pedophile networks helps make the pedophile networks more visible and increases the chances they will be arrested.

So now we're "awareness" raising? Like the scam Komen for the Cure crap? "Breast cancer awareness"?

Really not buying it. @kevdude

Vindicator ago

A sticky will be coming soon to discuss this in detail and find out what the community wants Rule 1 to include, and not include. I am still mulling how to go about presenting that discussion, as these stickies can be tricky, LOL.

Crensch ago

Not to be rude @crensch but I don't think you have been keeping up with the fact that these pedophiles sell kids as sex slaves, run organ harvesting operations, crooked child protective services, etc....They have more ways of exploiting kids than simply fucking them.

Is that so?

Crensch the same elite crew of pedophiles run organ harvesting operations. The same elite people are also funding operations to give children hormones so that they will be transgender children.

THEY BRAG ABOUT THIS SHIT ON THE NEWS. How the fuck is this going to get someone put in jail?

These same people are also publishing pornographic like material in cartoon form to distribute to elementary school children that teaches kids how to use dildos. They do this so that children will be more pliable to pedophilia at a young age.

What research could you possibly do on this that would lead to an arrest, or even a slap on the wrist in the judicial system?

What are we doing now, thought crime hunting?

These people are not just pedophiles they are also profiting off of the children in the ways I explained above. @kevdude inspected one of our organ harvesting threads and called it a "compelling" thread and told the mods not to delete it.

I'm not sure when or where this happened, or IF it happened. I'm also not sure if there was better information in that thread than you gave here, so nice try on the D&C.

Crensch ago

Right... I had that backwards, linking Trump to the mob would have been better. Sorry. Post is about to go live. I'll link you to it asap

Crensch ago

Tons of quality material like children being given hormone blockers at age 3, Planned Parenthood misleading children to believe that a person is not male/female at birth

Literally accepted by our MSM and reported on without fear of retribution. ZERO elites will be imprisoned for this. Was PG not about getting those elites specifically linked to crimes in order to get them arrested?

Linking it to "the clintons" is like linking the mob to Trump, IMO.

Crensch ago

Jesus fucking christ I just happened on this shit @kevdude

The Rule 1 problem is the biggest problem in the subverse in my opinion. Tons of quality material like children being given hormone blockers at age 3, Planned Parenthood misleading children to believe that a person is not male/female at birth using the word "gender", organ harvesting, etc...

Written by @ESOTERICshade


Anyone that has a problem with that stuff being removed here IMO cannot be taken seriously.

Strawtinman ago

Armyseer. Early divide conquer drama. Why many observed Voat but did not post abd waste research time.

shoosh ago

Why is there a 10,000 character limit? It doesn't seem accommodating for those people who might contribute long research articles.

Vindicator ago

Voat has limited resources. You can always post to Steemit and then submit the link here. Then it's permanently saved in the blockchain, as well.

Crensch ago

Oh, excellent. Thanks for the update!

Crensch ago

Was out for a week - did this get more or less fixed, or do I need to try and find some time to go through the names?

Shouldn't be a problem for the near future doing so.

MrPim ago

I made a comment about his children? Im not denying this, I just dont remember it.

and how did I get dragged into PG stuff? I dont really hang here and someone msgd me about this. I have no idea why im in PG stuff.

MrPim ago

I just logged back in after quitting voat. And I find this. this is hilarious. Im glad I came back just to see this.

MrPim ago

I just logged back in after quitting voat. This is hilarious. Im KevDudes alt. This is hysterical

VennieKocsis ago

thank you for the link. I am really working on learning all the ins and outs on voat, how to find things I've posted on, etc. thanks for helping me.

VennieKocsis ago

I did quite a long comment to a gal who was picketing Hillary Clinton to give her some tips on protesting, and it got deleted, but I don't know why?

VennieKocsis ago

I want to take part in these discussions, but every time I turn around my comments are deleted by someone and I have no clue why. When rules and regulations are so intense and complicated, those of us who survived the types of programs that Pizzagate/Pedogate are talking about, end up falling silent, which is most likely what I'll do. I have a plethora of information, but I am not going to invest my time laying out facts as I know them just to have my time wasted by my comments being constantly deleted. It's annoying censorship and makes this forum non-neutral. I wasn't even allowed to defend myself on a thread someone wrote about me because it got archived. I don't see how this forum is doing anything fruitful if people aren't allowed to have a voice. I can understand if it's trolls and abusive people, but I've never posted anything like that and never would, yet still, my comments... deleted... questionable to say the least.

formatist ago

I found like 75% of my posts got taken down for obscure reasons so I just stopped posting. Not going to read all of this either, sorry. Keep it simple.

Vindicator ago

Ah...that makes sense.

You don't have to convince me -- I've always thought this was relevant to PG. :-)

SterlingJB ago

Only suggestion, I think it might work if a version of the verse was just links, like a collective news aggreator, one that allows all things child trafficking. That way it'd be resource for all those investigating even beyond the pizza crowd. Cld see this go haywire with high conspiracy news, but it's a thought wOrth thunk.

Vindicator ago

You should make and maintain that sub, SterlingJB. v/pizzagatelinks. :-)

SterlingJB ago

Awww fudge

SterlingJB ago

I'll think about it, how to do it correctly. Tuff stuff tho since no matter what if you open up the flood gates it takes it back to moloch, which might be less myth than true but isn't much helpful.

Vindicator ago

LOL. I was replying to Crensch about why I left it up. His "Done" implied he removed it...though I didn't go dig around to see if he did.

rodeo13 ago

I agree with this and I vote to add Pedogate to our name in some form (pizzagate/pedogate, pizzagateispedogate, etc).

Kawksnahch ago

sorry, I come and go as the info does and I did get more into Pedogate...

Has there been anything new? Because everything that isn't explicitly about CPPP and Alefantis is deleted by the mods.

Vindicator ago

That's not true, but I know it does feel like it at times.

Kawksnahch ago

I keep tabs on what's going on here but... who even talks about David Brock anymore, let alone Alefantis?

Whatever ever happened to dear old James?

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

I still lurk :) but posting here is like talking in circles. There are too many shills and they are very good at using Voats rules against people seeking the truth. It's very demoralizing and I am not surprised at how many good posters have disappeared. @kevdude

VictorSteinerDavion ago

This is just the tip of the iceberg, and the third round of this behavior from this user overall.

There is a significant amount of energy wasted on this drama and it's sucks you have to expend your time dealing with it.
There is no real long term solution to this expect to limit the amount of energy you feed into the system.

Baddabing ago

I think that, as many of us live among people who are not or cannot be awake/aware to all of this, that it could be helpful to have a Subverse dedicated to dealing with the secondary trauma that comes from researching Pizzagate and its related horrors. I know that a space like that could definitely be helpful to me. I imagine a board where people share anxieties and frustrations, and where others can hear them. I know I spend a lot of my time feeling silenced because this material is so anti-social at it's core; it's a really difficult way to live.

Also, I have noticed a few posts related to activism lately, and it does seem to me that a Subverse dedicated to that could be helpful as we move forward. It could be a place to share demonstrate-able events, picket sign ideas, pamphlet outlines, etc. Perhaps this isn't the right place to put this comment: I am kind of new to all of this, but horrified as well as motivated to wake up our fellow citizens. Is there a better place to suggest a Subverse or two?

Vindicator ago

I think it's a good idea, Baddabing. You can always make those posts on v/pizzagatewhatever. Or you could create a research post combining some articles about how first responders deal with the stress, tips, etc. combined with the shill handbook disruption tactics which are designed to play off those to demoralize. Maybe look at the David Brock tactics posts and the Pegasus Museum posts about how Alefantis tried to take out @IsThisGameofThrones. That would be directly PG related.

If you want a whole sub dedicated to these two topics, why not create v/PizzagateOutreach or whatever you think it should be called, and invite some folks to it? There have been some threads on here dealing with the topic very early on. Maybe you could populate the sub with reposts of those original threads. Try the alternative search link in the sidebar to find them. Ping me when you've got it set up, and I will help you get more attention to it.

Have an upvoat :-)

Millennial_Falcon ago

Human Trafficking would be separate from Pizzagate too using that logic, but it isn't.

Elite child sex abuse/trafficking and organ trafficking are both subsets of human trafficking. One is what pizzagate is about. The other is not. If users were to vote to expand the definition to include organ trafficking, that would be fine by me (although I would personally disagree, since as far as I've seen, the organ trafficking angle is pure speculation).

By that logic, MK Ritual Mind Abuse, Hollywood sexual abuse, Child Protective Services, Foster Homes, corrupt law enformement officers, corrupt medical services and personnel, previous mind control survivors, child trafficking by elites over state and national borders, and anything else related to pizzagate that was not INITIALLY discovered with Comet Ping Pong should also have its own sub-verse.

Some of those are relevant and others are relevant in certain contexts.

Voat is supposed to be about what the Voaters want, within the rules, and not what you decide they need.

That's exactly right, and those rules (voted in place by the users) are what I'm enforcing. Of course, they are subject to change by the users.

equineluvr ago

By all means, please check them.

And, after you check them, Crensch or whoever, you can come back here and post that NONE of those other accounts are moi. :)

FuriousYT ago

Got it. I now know who/what you are. Will be sure to ignore you going forward.

Eyezopen ago

For Proposal #4: My opinion is to discuss and include stuff that's removed now simply for I feel some good posts have been removed just citing a rule with no explanation? That just my take on it and seen people having to repost because of a simple overlook which can frustrating. Certain good posts get removed and lose there momentum. Also @Vindicator great job doing this. Inspired to me to get a little more active in what I feel is a great tight community despite the shills, which are usually easy to spot.Thanks.

FuriousYT ago

Can any of you moderators please explain why these insulting and emotionally overcharged posts by Crensch to PG posters is acceptable protocol for moderators?

10371147? ago

I second that.

Don't enjoy coarse and mean spirited comments parlayed by and to anyone.

This week came close to turning this sub OFF.👎

But voaters who I extremely respect "hung in there."

So I plan to for a while.

Mostly been a lurker.

I believe in love.

FuriousYT ago

Is this a joke? So let me get this straight. You, a moderator, are defending the abusive posts of another moderator, and threatening some kind of silly retaliation with fake accusations? Is this the accepted approach to your work? How old are you people? Should I infer from this that moderating is a part-time job for angry high school students?

Reminder: childhood sexual abuse is a traumatic crime, a stain on civilization, even more so when it takes on an organized and even political context. There are few forums to discuss/reveal information about this tragedy. Perhaps many posts are irrelevant/false, but even a trickle of truth is worth the openness of this forum. You may consider your role as moderators (i.e., to provide moderation of content and tenor, not engage in highly emotionalized criticism/insults/threats of posters) as you and your colleagues "police" this forum. This topic is much bigger than you or any of us.

4_InquiringMinds ago


A voice of reason...ty

Millennial_Falcon ago

As I see it, organ trafficking is a separate topic from pizzagate, suitable for a new sub or /pizzagatewhatever. All the evidence that gave rise to pizzagate clearly indicated pedophilia, and that gave rise to our pizzagate definition. No evidence has ever linked pizzagate per se to organ trafficking. That said, I don't recall being asked about starting a "dig" thread. I wouldn't have any problem with that, personally, although I'm not sure whether it would be within the rules. It's kind of a gray area, but I really don't think I would have denied the opportunity to start a thread for users to collaborate and LOOK FOR ties between pizzagate and organ trafficking, so long as it met rules 2 and 3. I'm curious to know when exactly the conversation took place, so I can see what exactly was said (I'm almost certain there were no "multiple requests"). THAT said, it could be a slippery slope (e.g. trolls/shills could come up with endless things to "dig": pedo aliens, lizard people, you get the idea), so it's entirely possible I said no to such a request. Also, just saying but, there are many platforms (i.e. chat rooms) available for users to collaborate, and then bring their findings to v/pizzagate.

@ESOTERICshade @Crensch @Vindicator @sensitive @Honeybee_

srayzie ago

Here are some








Now, people have pointed out that he's also Amino69

I believe he's also DonkeyOatey

srayzie ago

What do you mean?

srayzie ago

Equineluvr brings me up "crayzie" because yesterday I PROVED that he and donkeyhote are the same person.


The other day, he said the Viebleu believed him and was on his side. I never paid much attention to viebleu, but if Equineluvr is sticking up for him/her then I am suspicious because equine only likes his alts.

After I proved that Equineluvr and donkeyhote are the same person, Equineluvr makes a rare post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2093556

So, in my opinion, he and his alts have spent months and months here shilling, and now that he's been found out, he's going to try to ruin the whole sub. He is trying to tear this board apart. If he see's that he's a problem here, he should leave. Not try to sway others opinions about the whole subverse now. @vindicator

SoberSecondThought ago


I considered the proposals and I'm abstaining. If forced to vote, I would vote No on everything because I am satisfied with the status quo. Let the people who really care about these details carry the day.

My main reason for adding this comment is to let you know that I think you're doing a standup job. Thanks.

Vindicator ago

I had no idea the lengths these people will go to derail discussion here.

Indeed. I find the best solution is what we've been doing -- share as much information as possible and let users see who is truly helpful and who is merely manipulative and harmful. When the narrative is challenged, it usually collapses. It is quite time and energy consuming, though.

Vindicator ago

i feel like I am constantly explaining site mechanics to newer users lately while other users are posting misinformation

Yep. This is a pattern I have been seeing for a while. Voat has no consistent centralized source of info about how things work, what they mean, and how to use the site features to best effect. Plus, they are constantly changing. Shills have figured out most users (at least here in this sub) are not adept. I constantly get claims of comments being removed, when what has happened is someone thought they were replying to a comment but were actually replying to a DM, so their comment never appeared in the thread. The shills encourage this idea, as well as the shadowbanning fear, the removal of the Search bar to keep people from finding past research, the lag and sometimes failure to register up or downvotes, old posts on the HOT page (bug)... It goes on and on.

Crensch ago


Others need to be addressed by [M] [J] when at all possible.

Vindicator ago

I left theTrump/Arpaio thread because to me it looked like another piece of the Smear with Pizzagate Conspiracy campaign that started the day the NYT "debunked" PG and the coordinated, multiplatform censorship crackdown began. Seemed obviously on topic.

Vindicator ago

Or...repurpose the Share a Link button...LMAO

Vindicator ago

Actually, that's not a bad idea. How would we go about doing it? Make a how-to in v/pizzagatemods and sticky it there? Or is there some way to add it to Report button or something similar?

Crensch ago


Crensch ago

As an aside, put in MF's shoes, I don't really blame him for being short with any user at this point.

Crensch ago

I think he and one other seem legit in all of this. @ThePuppetShow, I think is the name. Could be wrong though.

So MF not saying what I did is the problem here?


Factfinder2 ago

I sincerely thanked you twice for the explanation, though I didn't ask you for it. Sorry to have taxed you so.

Crensch ago

Well, let me know how that jives with my recent comment, and if there's some misuderstanding somewhere here.

Factfinder2 ago

Thanks again. Too bad it doesn't work on shill posts, but it's a good tool and I'll be using it.

Crensch ago

This is the sort of thread I wanted to start about organ harvesting and get people to help me dig.

There are plenty of places to go to find people wanting to help dig into decent leads. The purpose of this subverse was to archive the ACTUAL progress of those successful in their investigations linking their lead to the PG elites.

The RULES of the subverse were created to help USERS easily parse information and voat the more useful stuff to the top, since determining what is and isn't legitimate should not be up to a moderator. All mods are supposed to do is see if the title/description follows the rules, and then let the users decide.

If that's not happening, then THAT is what needs to be discussed more than anything. All I ever see complained about are submissions that utterly violate the rules. All it takes is for that beloved, awesome, super PG user to reword/rewrite/resubmit, and yet somehow following the submission rules is impossible for them.

@kevdude did I miss anything here?

Factfinder2 ago

Kevdude just informed me that it is possible to block people. Just go to their profile and hit the block button at top right. I suggest that you block the people you feel are harrassing you. I'm going to use it also for serial nonsense posters.

Vindicator ago

I don't block anyone...I like to know what everyone is up to. Offensive speech doesn't personally bother me much. I actually appreciate the fact people have the freedom to pop off. Kinda like how if you can still feel pain, you know you are still alive, LOL.

Eyezopen ago

Agree with this also. They don't bother me at all and people do need to let it go especially considering what we're dealing with.

argosciv ago

now this I agree with xD

Factfinder2 ago

Thank you! I was referring to #2. I wish people would block those who harrass them instead of fighting back and forth. This is supposed to be a research site.

argosciv ago

kev, I don't know wtf's going on between yourself and vie, I got pinged so I'm giving it an honest moment of time, for both parties' sake.

Factfinder2 ago

Proposal #____: Add a "block" option to permalink/save/source/reply/report that would block all future comments and posts made by that individual.

VieBleu ago

I did NOT CLAIM YOU THREATENED ME - you are the liar.

VieBleu ago

NO I AM NOT. The thread above clearly says "something about my children being killed".

That's what the Pim comment says, and yes I believe it was you. Even if it wasn't there has been too much of everything else.

VieBleu ago


**[–] MrPim -2 points (+0|-2) 1 month ago

You mean like Reading The Rest Of Voat On A Semi Regular Basis You Fucking Ignorant Piece Of Shit. Go back to Reddit. Oh wait. You Cant. Because they kicked your sorry ass out for being a cretin.

So you might take two god damned mi ites out of your day to look around at Voat. Who have been kind enough to host your mostly delusional bullshit. Take thise two mi utes to look around andknow what is going on your Hosts. Those who are giving this party. Insteax of making retarded accusations about shit showi g up thats old.

God damn. I hope all of your childeren, and their chdren are raped by record producing Jews. Youre that dumb, nothing will be lost. Go die back at reddit you worthless piece of shit cock sucki g cunt.

In short, die. No one will ever miss you. Not even your children**

Mr. Pim was KevDude's alt - he came to a thread acting as "owner" and lost his temper. Here is the other one lately, from pizzagatemods, 4 days ago. It was deleted so I don't know how to link it but it is in my submission mentions.

@VieBleu you fucking cunt. LYING about one of the owners of PG in your big post to get us to change things suggests that you have ulterior motives for your proposed changes. (voat.co)

The point of all this is that it became too much lately.

Crensch ago

Did you actually link that organ trafficking to the CF, or are you just "helping" by presenting "leads" that others can try to verify?

Because unlimited "leads" is part of why the rules are the way they are. Do your vetting of the leads, then bring it to /v/pizzagate where users wanted an archive of solid info on PG.

Do I need to explain to you what happens when "leads" are spammed all over the board without having been connected to the elite PG pedo ring?

Crensch ago

@VictorSteinerDavion @kevdude @Millennial_Falcon @vindicator

Apparently, figuring out what adheres to the rules and what doesn't is some kind of rocket science, and I have a rocket science hair-width laser that I use... or something.

Esoteric, these accusations without support seem like manufactured consensus on something that doesn't actually exist; like support for Hillary Clinton.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

you... you have hair rockets?

Crensch ago

Well, not yet.

cantsleepawink ago

sunajAeon ago

I can vouch for the inappropriate rude behavior of kevdude and a few others-its really not in question, asinine behavior is asinine behavior and there should be no problem with a mod stepping in, Voat is great in that you can use a little "French" now and then when it is appropriate, but some go too far-just use good judgement and post the reason why a user was tagged

cantsleepawink ago

That's just lazy.

cantsleepawink ago

when you thought ccp affected submissions.

Incorrect. That's not what I thought. Again, either comprehension problems or games... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnvHCJA_OyY

cantsleepawink ago

I've come round to that. But I'm also interested in bringing the issues here to light.

cantsleepawink ago

Yeah, he has a point. Why didn't you submit that as a discussion post and provide the link and the explanation together?

Here's one of a couple explanations I have already left on this thread. This particular link has you in it. So you've seen it before. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2086828/10305105

I am constantly having to repeat things with you. Is it a memory issue? Or is it a game?

Did you know that Voat has a PM feature that allows you to have one on one conversations with other users?

No chance buddy. This conversation is going to be aired in a very public arena.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. Because I've had enough of the snarky posturing around here and I won't let this issue go. Some mods are all over this thread whining on about posters needing to provide evidence of someone following the 'rules' and still having a post deleted. I've done that. AND posted this several times with several people... CRICKETS. What is this gulag ? I also hear lots of whining about how hard these mods work and the ungrateful, lazy posters who post crap ..and so on. Well, my turn - In the time I've been here I doubt there are many, if any, moderators who has put in the time working on pizzagate that I have. My work consists of hours and hours of research, scanning websites, articles, twitter, conversing with other researchers before even putting a post together. Go crunch the numbers and work out how many posts I've contributed in relation to the time as a member here. Go work out how much new information I've brought forward here. I'm not prepared to do this anymore..not under these circumstances.

We need to get this moderation issue sorted. And if that's not going to happen - we need to highlight why.

cantsleepawink ago

I never tell people they have no business commenting.

But you tell them everything else - and often not in a civil manner - which is why I asked you to back off when I'm conversing with someone else. But you can't/won't do that. So, let's do it your way. I'll model myself on your example.

I only correct people when they are wrong or are missing the bigger picture. And of course that is evidently too much for people to deal with.

I'm just going to leave that great big pile of ego there for the moment.

As we worked through the rules we examined all the shitposts and set up reasonable restrictions that good faith posters could satisfy with minimal effort but would catch most of the shit. But of course that is too much for some, right? Too much effort to summarize a position in the body and explain the relevance, right?


cantsleepawink ago

I deleted my response because I lost my temper, knew it and didn't want to carry on with a spat. Well, you've retrieved it - so it seems that you do.

Pity you didn't retrieve the updated version ...

Go fuck yourself.

I was under the impression that was your speciality.

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. As I only joined voat to contribute to pizzagate I was not aware of that. So that makes me confused again as to what changes were made 6 months ago that now makes the use of altering our internal CCP a non-starter for newcomers. Never mind...it's not worth the hassle going on and on about this. I'll come to my own conclusions in time.

cantsleepawink ago


VieBleu ago


Aside from being all over this thread, calling me a liar, that I've poisoned the subforum, intended to misinform etc, and constant villifying me, I get weird mentions like this in my inbox - https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2092172, I had another one thread sent to me by Kevdude two days ago with a headline simply calling me a cunt, something about my children all being killed, or maybe that was the one before, etc from out of nowhere (no prior discussion to generate it). I have tried to just not answer the person, then I get villified for that. I cannot have an exchange without that one becoming insulting usually either eviolently or vilely - Usually I have ignored all this stuff - its been ongoing for months - as you are supposed to be here with a thick skin. I started a pizzagatewhatever community discussion here https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2033192 and here https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2030995 when I was directed to by a mod, who I asked what is the proceedure for getting things stickied for a vote. so we had a vote and generated several issues of importance, which was the genisis of this sticky. yes I crusaded for the CCP idea and we have finally gotten to the bottom of site mechanics and done some testing. We all understand it better now because I asked FuzzyWords and her clear cut explanations helped more than anything else we'd been told. I think all of this could have been avoided if a community announcement had been made on this subforum at the time the CCP restriction was changed. The whole issue is obviuosly of genuine interest to the community, not just me, but I am villified again and again. To paraphrase the Elephant Man, "I am not an Amalek!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_PzQAx9wgs

So below is the comment I left on the weird Anonymous thread. Everyone has a tipping point, and after months and especially the last few days, this felt like stalking and this was it. I was just going to cry, answer it and leave it, but something tells me I should show it to everyone. There is something about a predator type isolating a target for further abuse which is a trap I don't want to allow. So the question to the whole place is this - I have had exactly one account and one name on this subverse since I started last December. I know this community knows I am not a multiple liar, an intentional mis- and dis- information spreader, someone who works to cripple/poison/isolate the pizzagate subverse, an investigation derailer, paranoid, dense, ignorant, stupid, a cunt etc Because I have been called all this and more by only one individual on this thread within the last 48 hours who I have not even been in a discussion with. Yeah, it's his right, but I'm asking now can he be asked by anyone he respects to lay off? Anything? Do I have to endure consistent abuse to try to get some positive change on an internet forum that is supposed to help child abuse victims? Do we really want to be a group that has a Punisher In Chief who doesn't even contribute in any visibly significant way to the investigation? Millenial_Falcon is taking a lot of heat from the community, but some heat needs to be turned up on this behavior too - I feel it is way more toxic and poisonous to our efforts than anything I contribute. Edit: Here is an example of the kind of material I contribute - http://archive.is/jXPz8)) I have seen another comment on this thread saying the males beat up on the women here, if you want it I'll search through, it's here. Other people have called for more civility. We need to find it somehow. Thanks for hearing me out, all of you.

My answer to this thread that pinged my inbox https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2092172

All I can say is I genuinley wanted the 100 CCP thing back as it was at the beginning, and I represented the majority of the community who felt the same way.

It took the discussion sticky to really work out to everyone's true understanding what was going on. @FuzzyWords explanations were far more detailed than anything I or anyone else had been told about the issue. I highlighted the explanations in posts to the sticky so anyone who reads my comments could see them.

I think it was a good idea to explore the issue so thoroughly which is what putting it up in the sticky is all about. It was not a waste of time. I still think the CCP thing should be implemented, and then it would corral the vote farming accounts and they could be more easily watched.

I don't think the communication about how the site works is strong enough or wasn't on this issue.

The short conversation I had with you KevDude months ago was not of this depth. If you want to debate that, then show the conversation. We did talk about v/all and I started watching it - I literally never saw pizzagate posts on there. For me, our conversation was not convincing.

I don't answer or ping you because everytime I try to speak with you, you insult me. You ask for "open debate" then use it as an opportunity to insult me every single time, no matter what I say. I am in a lot of emotional pain right now already because I have problems in my family. I really am only human and honestly I am crying as I type this because I feel so beat up.

Please stop demonizing me. I try hard to do right and I have worked very hard over the months. I am asking you to please stop calling me cunt and singling me out.

You might notice that the reason we actually have the sticky is because I tried to get some good changes done, I asked Vindicator how to proceed and followed her directions - the pizzagatewhatever post had all the suggestions currently up in this sticky besides the CCP thing, and they were culled from the communitystarting with my effort. I have been a catalyst for changes and this sticky which hopefully will make the subforum better.

Please don't beat me up again here. Honestly just a friendly word would make a lot of difference. I thought about who I could talk to about feeling harrassed, Vindicator, VictorSteinerD etc, but the reality is the only thing I can do is tell you honestly how I feel and it is really beat up specifically by you and only you, over and over again, for trying to use the mechanics of the site the way I'm directed to do so.. That's it I guess.

@VictorSteinerDavion, @kingkongwaswrong, @Vindicator, @cantsleepawink, @quantokitty, @Honeybee, @The1stLantern, @Millennial_Falcon, @ESOTERICshade, @votescam, @AngB23, @argosciv, @equineluvr, @SecondAmendment, @badastrid, @darkknight111, @Dressage2, @Factfinder2, @2impendingdoom, @4_InquiringMinds, @DerivaUK, @sunajAeon, @UnicornandSparkles, @Judgejewdy, @carmencita

Edit -Note this post does not belong in pizzagatemods as @KevDude claims he is not a mod in this thread - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2086828/10307566

EDIT: I am not a liar. I have never even deleted a comment on voat. I am as transparent as it is possible to be. I can get the other comment too if I have to dig that one up, starting with calling me cunt. It was deleted after several hours from pizzagatemods 4 days ago when I didn't bite.

There has been a request to focus on the "children killing" comment in my post. Below is what I was referring to. This is just par usual, and during the conversation it was very clear I was talking to an alt of KevDude - he came to the subverse when I kicked up a stink about all the archived accounts littering the front page, which got it fixed btw. He was civil for two minutes then lapsed into his usual abuse. Since he is denying this so vehemently I put it here, but it is not the main problem. If this is all he'd done, that'd be fine. Its just the continual slander and the campaign that needs to stop. He won't acknowledge his behavior, and it was his campaign that caused that weird anonymous thread in my inbox either directly or indirectly.

He will of course deny it, then call me the liar. I don't care. This isn't the biggest deal by any means, just one of the things that came to mind when I was writing this stuff up.


**[–] MrPim -2 points (+0|-2) 1 month ago

You mean like Reading The Rest Of Voat On A Semi Regular Basis You Fucking Ignorant Piece Of Shit. Go back to Reddit. Oh wait. You Cant. Because they kicked your sorry ass out for being a cretin.

So you might take two god damned mi ites out of your day to look around at Voat. Who have been kind enough to host your mostly delusional bullshit. Take thise two mi utes to look around andknow what is going on your Hosts. Those who are giving this party. Insteax of making retarded accusations about shit showi g up thats old.

God damn. I hope all of your childeren, and their chdren are raped by record producing Jews. Youre that dumb, nothing will be lost. Go die back at reddit you worthless piece of shit cock sucki g cunt.

In short, die. No one will ever miss you. Not even your children**

/\/\/\/\ This is classic KevDude, known by his signature racial hate. Here is the other one lately, from pizzagatemods

@VieBleu you fucking cunt. LYING about one of the owners of PG in your big post to get us to change things suggests that you have ulterior motives for your proposed changes. (voat.co)

submitted 4 days ago by [deleted] to pizzagatemods

argosciv ago

Okay yep, this deserves it's own comment...

TL;DR: @kevdude, I see no reason to link the alleged abuse vie has received, to you

What the FUCK is this shit? I have literally been dos'd(I have the logs) for my recent contestable submission(someone has access to users' ip addresses, I can assure you that), I don't know who it was, but it was very real...

This here, though, this is just dumb.

@VieBleu, maybe you're not lying, maybe you genuinely think MrPim is kevdude and/or @PuttItOut,


"good luck and thanks I assume you are puttitout"

but, that is conjecture at best(as you have provided no evidence to link the two) and as I swiftly found out myself when haphazardly posting a submission which I had not done enough research on, this can really cause you damage.

You remind me of another user (who I won't name or ping) who is VERY prone to assuming that the mods(MF in particular) are in cahootz with the worldfuckers, while he does often provide seemingly useful information that is otherwise strongly contested, he is often accusing pretty much everyone of being the boogeyman out to get him.

I never like calling people crazy, Vie, but, I do think that if you are genuine in your presence here, you are confused greatly and may need to just take a break or something? This really looks like mostly a case of mistaken identity blown way out of proportion.

Kev, I hear you when you say there's an apparent agenda in Vie's posting, of particular note is his view on "one owner" and kkwr's presence - perhaps I'm playing too much Devil's Advocate here, but, is it possible that Vie is just a little confused as to how things operate, not only on v/pizzagate, but also voat and with world fuckery abroad?

If I may, I'd like to take a moment to weigh in on this whole "potty mouth is okay" stuff... @Crensch, I'm sure you'll lambast me for this, go for it, I mean no ill intent nor insubordination nor to display any lack of gratitude for the platform being provided here. You and I will not see eye to eye on many things, but, I don't necessarily challenge your reasoning for presenting the way you do - please understand that I'm not a "lefty", nor a censorship advocate nor any other such low-level bleeding heart moron, or at least, do not identify with that crowd.

I am not a fan of the way some users 'abuse' free speech, no, my feelings are not hurt and I don't mean for 'abuse' to imply strictly negative things; For a simple example, imagine a teacher saying one of the following: "One plus one equals two", "Okay cunts listen the fuck up! One plus fucking one, equals two, you fucking niggers!", sure it's funny as fuck to imagine, but is it really a practical way to get the point across?

I really don't mind it most of the time(I myself can be quite unreserved in other settings), as I'm reading through for the information anyway, but, it does add clutter and it does make the more sensitive users(who are otherwise possibly good, honest, smart people) question what they're reading; it's somewhat counter productive to keep laying on the teasing and crudeness, when the important information could be just as easily delivered without it.

I get it, this is frustrating shit for anyone who's had to deal with it in ANY capacity, for more than 5 minutes - I really don't blame you for just wanting to put dickheads in their place and exercise freedom of speech without judgement, I'll admit that I can be a bit judgemental about this whole thing, but, even I can understand that most any of it(the crudeness) is not intended as a personal insult (bit hard for nigger or faggot to mean anything if the insulter doesn't personally know that the insulted is either, right?).

Just my 2cents on the matter.

You fucking kikes :P (please note: last line is not meant to be taken seriously in any conceivable way)

Crensch ago

Fucking props to you, faggot. Seriously, I tip my MAGAbyremovingniggers cap to you.

No, the invective I lace my words with is not necessary. I can almost guarantee that there would be little to none had the whiny PG faggots actually had a point at SOME time in the past 6+ months when attacking a mod, but none do. And when they don't, I go from not feeling the need or desire to lace my words, to wanting to abuse the "users" in question.

There are many instances in my comment history of me being sweet as pie to someone that seems like they honestly want to discuss something. I'm seriously open to it at any time. What I get from PG is either people that have no idea how logic/arguments/Voat/the-real-world works, OR what appear to be paid-for shills stirring up shit. VERY few in between.

I'll admit that I can be a bit judgemental about this whole thing, but, even I can understand that most any of it(the crudeness) is not intended as a personal insult (bit hard for nigger or faggot to mean anything if the insulter doesn't personally know that the insulted is either, right?).

It's also a filter. What many do not understand is that such things have successfully fended off numerous attacks on this website. Many instances of (most likely) shilling where the shills "literally cannot have this conversation right now" because... ? (they have oversight that won't allow them to engage over the offensive subject-matter or wanting to avoid those hurt feefee words, IMO)

I am not a fan of the way some users 'abuse' free speech, no, my feelings are not hurt and I don't mean for 'abuse' to imply strictly negative things; For a simple example, imagine a teacher saying one of the following: "One plus one equals two", "Okay cunts listen the fuck up! One plus fucking one, equals two, you fucking niggers!", sure it's funny as fuck to imagine, but is it really a practical way to get the point across?

That's a bit of a false equivalence there, don't you think? Unless someone sees mods as teachers, or teacher-like? I can't quite wrap my mind about that being the case. Mods are janitors here, unless they're cancer.

If I may, I'd like to take a moment to weigh in on this whole "potty mouth is okay" stuff... @Crensch, I'm sure you'll lambast me for this, go for it, I mean no ill intent nor insubordination nor to display any lack of gratitude for the platform being provided here.

Literally the opposite. I detect no bullshit from you, and respect you for what you've written here.

You and I will not see eye to eye on many things,


but, I don't necessarily challenge your reasoning for presenting the way you do - please understand that I'm not a "lefty", nor a censorship advocate nor any other such low-level bleeding heart moron, or at least, do not identify with that crowd.

You didn't present yourself as a lefty faggot cuck. You presented yourself as a reasonable person that does not agree with some things.

You fucking kikes :P (please note: last line is not meant to be taken seriously in any conceivable way)

Remove the parentheticals, IMO.

Since you can navigate my words and see that I'm not just some NaziHaterComment chatbot, check out the rest of Voat. You might be pleasantly surprised that despite some shitposts here and there, we're not completely full of shit.

argosciv ago

It's also a filter. What many do not understand is that such things have successfully fended off numerous attacks on this website. Many instances of (most likely) shilling where the shills "literally cannot have this conversation right now" because... ? (they have oversight that won't allow them to engage over the offensive subject-matter or wanting to avoid those hurt feefee words, IMO)

Oh I get it, I've seen many people trap shills with something along the lines of "Call me a kike and mean it", the accused shill then disappears... this is why I don't intervene when I see someone doing their thing to out a shill, but will speak up if I think someone is being abusive just for the sake of it and otherwise possibly going a bit far, but, that's not me trying to censor any information that may be relevant.

That's a bit of a false equivalence there, don't you think? Unless someone sees mods as teachers, or teacher-like? I can't quite wrap my mind about that being the case. Mods are janitors here, unless they're cancer.

Sorry, to clarify, I was not speaking strictly in the sense of mods, but, any user in general who is trying to share information or "red-pill" as it's often referred to here. The role of the teacher is also one which goes well beyond a school/classroom setting, which doesn't necessarily bolster my point, but is worth noting.

Similarly, even trolling and crudeness has a much more profound ancestry than most understand, see: Heyoka.

Remove the parentheticals, IMO.

Fine, fuck, get off me ya nigger-loving kike!

Since you can navigate my words and see that I'm not just some NaziHaterComment chatbot, check out the rest of Voat. You might be pleasantly surprised that despite some shitposts here and there, we're not completely full of shit.

I never thought the crude users were full of shit, they just talk a lot of it sometimes :P

Crensch ago

Sorry, to clarify, I was not speaking strictly in the sense of mods, but, any user in general who is trying to share information or "red-pill" as it's often referred to here. The role of the teacher is also one which goes well beyond a school/classroom setting, which doesn't necessarily bolster my point, but is worth noting.

In my experience, the internet has forged certain defense mechanisms in people's minds that needs to be disarmed before rational discourse can happen. I find that relentless attacking and triggering of these mechanisms lead to a battle fatigue that causes the mechanisms to fail, resulting in authentic discourse.

But I realize some have the gift of being able to calmly and politely disarm it.

Fine, fuck, get off me ya nigger-loving kike!

THAT's what I'm looking for. Grab sack and sound off like you've got a pair!

Cheers, bud.

argosciv ago

In my experience, the internet has forged certain defense mechanisms in people's minds that needs to be disarmed before rational discourse can happen. I find that relentless attacking and triggering of these mechanisms lead to a battle fatigue that causes the mechanisms to fail, resulting in authentic discourse.

I can't disagree with your method. I mean, forgive me for saying it, but it's kind of a page directly out of Worldfuckery 101 - NLP, but, using their own methods to our advantage is pretty effective if done 'for the right reasons', in this case, aiming for authentic discourse rather than mind control.

Crensch ago

a page directly out of Worldfuckery 101 - NLP

Unfamiliar with that text.

but, using their own methods to our advantage is pretty effective if done 'for the right reasons', in this case, aiming for authentic discourse rather than mind control.

I'm guessing you mean where humans are mass-inundated with shit until they give up and finally accept X or Y that the powers that be want them to accept?

Never made the connection between those tactics and mine before, thanks.

argosciv ago

haha, well no doubt you'd have heard of Neuro-linguistic Programming(NLP)?

What I mean is that your method of "attacking/triggering these mechanisms", in order to get a specific response, is very much employed by the worldfuckers(my word for "the elites/illuminati" et al) in other ways, for their own nefarious purposes.

So, yes, you understood me correctly :P

Crensch ago

haha, well no doubt you'd have heard of Neuro-linguistic Programming(NLP)?

Oh man... like 15 years ago or something, maybe?

So, yes, you understood me correctly :P


Factfinder2 ago

VB, if you weren't going through personal family distress, you'd no doubt have the fortitude to just shake off the crude and unwarranted attacks. Everyone whose opinion you'd care about has appreciated your work and thanked you for it. I hope you can disengage from this fight and find some peace.

I just posted a suggestion to Vindicator that would help with that if it is instituted--a block button. I don't know whether it's technically possible to set that up, but it would be a great improvement if we as individual voaters could choose to simply not see the posts or comments of people we find to be rude or distracting from the research.

argosciv ago

Bloody hell...

This is gonna take a bit of time to get through, both your post and the comments discussing it.

Will either update this comment later, or post another if the update will be large.

Crensch ago

@ESOTERICshade @ThePuppetShow

Read really carefully below/above the comments from users piling on here as if they're manufacturing consensus against the mods/kevdude.

Not one of them can link an archive, or anything at all proving that @kevdude threatened this user, but watch them act as if it is truth - kinda like the MSM.

And really, too, even the users that kinda seem like they just have their own axe to grind... just LOOK at those "arguments". Look at how pathetically they hem-haw over irrelevancies, like our tone when speaking to them.

If you have the ability to learn something, and aren't somehow linked to the shills or sissies, try to learn something here.

I'm not unreasonable, I just don't put up with bullshit. And if that, to your mind, means that you think me unreasonable, well, I've got bad news for you.

ThePuppetShow ago

Honestly, I'm not sure how @kevdude is the one being attacked here after making what I believe is the most reasonable comment, by a "mod" in the thread. I know he isn't a mod here. I don't get along with you fuckers either, but right is right. Anyone can check the history on that. Could this be to distract from the former? I don't know.. All I know is I'm constantly on the front lines trying to disprove the bullshit and having mods call me a shill, then all of a sudden I'm getting framed up in bullshit threads has got me real fucking curious.

Crensch ago

I don't get along with you fuckers either, but right is right

Cheers to that.

All I know is I'm constantly on the front lines trying to disprove the bullshit and having mods call me a shill, then all of a sudden I'm getting framed up in bullshit threads has got me real fucking curious.

Pretty sure there are some users/mods on both sides getting played here, but I don't have the time/resources available atm to parse out what's what and who's who to my satisfaction.

All I know is that MF is constantly attacked, and nobody ever seems to be able to link valid submissions that were deleted.

VieBleu ago

I just put the links in the post, and also under kevDude's comments. The talk itself isn't so much what bothers me - I didn't believe children were ACTUALLY threatened. It's just an ongoing campaign which is too much, along with the anon thread, which was stimulated by KevDude either directly or indirectly - no one else thinks I am a liar or posts anything like that ever regarding me.

Just tell KevDude to lay off me and let's get back to what is important.

Crensch ago

I just put the links in the post, and also under kevDude's comments.

Looks more like a whole lot of fabricated bullshit by a shitstirring cunt.

no one else thinks I am a liar or posts anything like that ever regarding me.

Literally everyone in the mod team thinks you're a liar; because you are. You've demonstrated enough times that you're willing to fabricate shit to push your agenda that we no longer believe you.

VieBleu ago

Liar based on what? I have never been called a liar except recently by KevDude and I am not a liar.

The links are there, you asked for them, ignore them if you that's what you are going to do. Whatever.

Vindicator ago

VieBleu, I woudn't necessarily say "you're a liar". But I would say you are disingenuous. You have presented false information repeatedly, after being informed of your error, repeatedly. In the original threads in v/pizzagatewhatever, you DMed me a bunch of questions you wanted to post in the thread about how I became a mod and where I stood on things, asked if I was okay answering them, and then before I could respond yay or nay, made a thread asking me publically. Now, I don't have a problem with asking a mod publically where they stand or any of the questions you asked. But it is not honest to ask someone if they are okay with a group of questions, and then post it before you get their feedback. It is hardcore manipulation. It is the mark of a stunted character.

Seeing your literally baseless accusations attempting to smear @Kevdude with ALL CAPS headlines demanding the community "help" you by tarring and feathering him really confirms a vicious pattern I have experienced with you. You try to control people, and when they don't just go along with you, you resort to manipulative, bullying tactics. It's weak. And it really shits up the experience of this subverse for other users who are honestly frustrated and want to make changes to improve things.

Look at what you did. You came into this thread and tried to turn it into a discussion about YOU and Kev. Right when we had successfully identified a number of key points about how to move forward. I can't respect that.

Crensch ago

Liar based on what?

Literally every submission of yours in which I was called in, and showed you to be utterly full of shit.

I have never been called a liar except recently by KevDude and I am not a liar.

Your not having heard what others think of you doesn't negate the fact that they think that of you.

The links are there, you asked for them, ignore them if you that's what you are going to do. Whatever.

Your links were couched in lots of emotional wordsalad, and appeared to need to be in order to convince people of your intellectual prowess that you are a poor victim of @kevdude.

Try again. Formatted like this:

[link] this is where kevdude said X


[link] this is where kevdude said y

Oh, and you don't know nearly enough about kevdude to make accusations like kevdude = Mr.Pim.

YOU PG FAGGOTS ARE HATED BY MOST OF VOAT and the only thing keeping you here is me and @kevdude. Once putt puts into place his "users decide on mods" stuff and me and VSD get removed, this place is going to get destroyed by the other goats. There will be no more PG on here - not this subverse, or any other.

I've explained this to you before, and you refused to believe me. Unlike you, I'm not a liar, so maybe you should read what I have written.

Millennial_Falcon ago

YOU PG FAGGOTS ARE HATED BY MOST OF VOAT and the only thing keeping you here is me and @kevdude. Once putt puts into place his "users decide on mods" stuff and me and VSD get removed, this place is going to get destroyed by the other goats. There will be no more PG on here - not this subverse, or any other.

If @PuttItOut's new policy will result in people who hate this community taking it over and destroying it, how exactly does that promote free speech?

FuriousYT ago


Don't know you and don't care to, but as a casual reader/poster on the PG subverse, I observe that your comments are completely inappropriate and unprofessional and it's obvious you should remove yourself as a mod as you clearly do not have the temperament to be a "moderator" of anything. Maybe you are better suited to being a poster/troll in some other forum. Good luck to you.

Crensch ago

I observe that your comments are completely inappropriate and unprofessional and it's obvious you should remove yourself as a mod as you clearly do not have the temperament to be a "moderator" of anything.

Whatever, Milgram-Obedient faggot. I'm not a SJW, and I don't censor my words to your liking. Guess what? That means precisely dick about my qualifications for anything at all.

The ONLY reason the internet has even a single PG place that hasn't been taken down, like rEddit or the recent wiki takedown, is ME and @kevdude. That's it. You would have NOWHERE to post your whiny hissyfit bullshit if it weren't for us.

You came from a place where mods and admins curated what you could say and see. You're the type that would prefer a convenient lie over an inconvenient truth, and that makes you part of the dregs of a dying social construct. If you live out your natural life, you'll get to see the return to a more FUCK YOU version of society that values content over feefees. That you would appreciate it like pigs appreciate pearls makes it a tragedy.

Maybe you are better suited to being a poster/troll in some other forum. Good luck to you.

Maybe you're better suited to discussing pizzagate on rEddit.

Oh, wait...

VieBleu ago

There has been a request to focus on the "children killing" comment in my post. Below is what I was referring to. This is just par usual, and during the conversation it was very clear I was talking to an alt of KevDude - he came to the subverse when I kicked up a stink about all the archived accounts littering the front page, which got it fixed btw. He was civil for two minutes then lapsed into his usual abuse. Since he is denying this so vehemently I put it here, but it is not the main problem. If this is all he'd done, that'd be fine. Its just the continual slander and the campaign that needs to stop. He won't acknowledge his behavior, and it was his campaign that caused that weird anonymous thread in my inbox either directly or indirectly. The other abusive headline calling me a cunt was in pizzagatemods and is deleted so there is no link but it is in my submission mentions history.

He will of course deny it, then call me the liar. I don't care. This isn't the biggest deal by any means, just one of the things that came to mind when I was writing this stuff up.

[–] MrPim -2 points (+0|-2) 1 month ago

You mean like Reading The Rest Of Voat On A Semi Regular Basis You Fucking Ignorant Piece Of Shit. Go back to Reddit. Oh wait. You Cant. Because they kicked your sorry ass out for being a cretin.

So you might take two god damned mi ites out of your day to look around at Voat. Who have been kind enough to host your mostly delusional bullshit. Take thise two mi utes to look around andknow what is going on your Hosts. Those who are giving this party. Insteax of making retarded accusations about shit showi g up thats old.

God damn. I hope all of your childeren, and their chdren are raped by record producing Jews. Youre that dumb, nothing will be lost. Go die back at reddit you worthless piece of shit cock sucki g cunt.

In short, die. No one will ever miss you. Not even your children

@fuzzywords sorry you are dragged into this @kevdude

cantsleepawink ago

This is not acceptable VieBleu . It's about time we sorted this.

equineluvr ago

This stalking by KevDude is asinine. He acts obsessed.

There is a lot of stalking around here (see Crayzie's obsession with Don Keyhote and myself, who she erroneously insists are the same poster) but not to this degree. Crayzie is just an annoyance, like a gnat really. She has never threatened anyone to my knowledge.

VieBleu is one of the TOP posters here, and I think we all know of her high degree of integrity. No, threatening someone's children, etc. should NOT be tolerated. We have already dealt with that once before (see AbortionBurger).

Frankly, I don't understand why mods aren't more proactive on this. They allow shills like DickHead/MethHead, Bangles, Jew777, and Dressage to continue posting -- I get that because it's technically not a TOS violation. But THREATS should be if they aren't already.

Take care and hang in there, VB. This poster stands beside you (despite your ping list).

cantsleepawink ago

This stalking by KevDude is asinine. He acts obsessed.

That's what I think too.

Frankly, I don't understand why mods aren't more proactive on this.

That's a very big question.

darkknight111 ago

Honestly, we as a community NEED to have an honest heart to heart regarding civility.

NOT as a rule for that can be abused, but as a community enforced "Gentleman's Agreement".

Crensch ago

You snowflakes are HOSTED by one of the few places on the internet left for the kind of people that don't give a fuck about your SJW tone-policing. It's not happening, at least at the [O]/kevdude levels.

If you want your bubble of Milgram Obedience to not get popped, follow the rules and stop supporting the shills attacking PG and its mods.

darkknight111 ago


If you're calling me an SJW then you have completely missed the point.

"Gentleman's Agreement" is a reference to the concept of "The Golden Rule", one of the most ancient philosophies on how people should live their lives. I think its origins are either Greek or New Testament era. Gentleman's Agreement is purely voluntary in nature. It is NOT formally enforced by rules. That's why we have the voat arrows.

"Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself".

Disagreement is perfectly acceptable under this philosophy. Take apart arguments, but be constructive in your criticisms. You may even sway your opponent to your side that way.

Crensch ago

If you're calling me an SJW then you have completely missed the point.

I doubt it.

"Gentleman's Agreement" is a reference to the concept of "The Golden Rule", one of the most ancient philosophies on how people should live their lives. I think its origins are either Greek or New Testament era. Gentleman's Agreement is purely voluntary in nature. It is NOT formally enforced by rules. That's why we have the voat arrows.

Keep that shit to yourself. The Golden Rule is a white-shaming tactic (because we're the only ones capable of feeling shame) and nothing else. Voat, and the real world, don't give a fuck about your feelings.

"Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself".

Do I look like I don't want to be treated in kind? I WANT someone to come in here and rip my words to pieces and show me to be an absolute fucking liar. PROVE ME WRONG and do it with as much invective as you can muster.

Oh wait, nobody can, because I'm not wrong.

Disagreement is perfectly acceptable under this philosophy. Take apart arguments, but be constructive in your criticisms. You may even sway your opponent to your side that way.

As someone that sways plenty of people already, I don't need sissies that can't weather some insults hurled at them to understand me. I don't WANT weakling faggots on my side.

Here. Enjoy realizing that you aren't actually about having your opinion swayed on anything you consider a sacred cow. Enjoy figuring out that you're a weak-willed faggot that would be on rEddit if only they hadn't BANNED PG, and that the website full of people that want to RIP YOU TO PIECES textually are the only ones willing to host you bunch of sissy-fuck faggot SJWs.

Vindicator ago

I don't WANT weakling faggots on my side.

Frankly, the kids this subverse wants to help don't need weakling faggots on their side, either.

argosciv ago

I'm probably overstepping my confidence here and going to cop a proverbial slap upside the head, but, I'm going to admit to downvoating this and why:

Frankly(not mocking), I believe that any genuine help is good - the more eyes the better. Obviously this whole thing is only the beginning of a wake up call that many are in desperate need of/experiencing for the first time; they're coming here confused and possibly otherwise heavily influenced by the propaganda of the left - do we not want these people 'waking up' or 'taking the red pill' in the first place?

We all had to start somewhere, whether coming from leftist shite or wherever our experiences lead us, prior to culminating in coming here to help/learn/contribute (or shill, but, fuck them, they stink from a mile off most of the time)

Some people need further waking up once they get here, their eyes are still blurry, is my point.

~ with respect.

EDIT: From a business perspective too, think about it, the more eyes, the more chances voat might receive donations - especially with the objective of a group like this, surely there's exponential chance of donations for such an altruistic cause?

EDIT 2: Downvoat removed, I wasn't thinking on this from all angles.

Crensch ago

While I understand your point here, allow me to highlight an alternative hypothesis I believe has merit:

Milgram Obedience is often touted as one solid reason good people commit atrocities. Not wanting to rock the boat, and just playing off of feefees instead of cutting through the bullshit is the hallmark of a weak-willed faggot.

We don't need more MO people around - we had them running shit for many decades, and that's why everything is so fucked up. "Oh, let's not rock the boat and say the racist shit that we want to because it's impolite"

I posit that MO faggots are more likely to get in the way than help. "More eyes" doesn't always mean a better outcome, or more efficient - just look at the idea of so-called think-tanks.

As for Voat donations - either Voat makes it, or it doesn't. Changing what Voat is for shekels is a great way to end up with rEddit, and a userbase that is just as useless as rEddit... giving tens of thousands to a fucking bus driver and acting like heroes for it.

Crensch ago

argosciv ago

In retrospect, you're right, my comment was a bit uh... credulous?

Thank you for providing hindsight.

Crensch ago

I would say simply lacking a step back for perspective at worst.

Cheers to you, fellow niggerfaggot. You've shown yourself to be an extremely reasonable goat thus far; I look forward to our future dialogue in this glorious goat pen.

argosciv ago

Much hate, nigger <3

Crensch ago

I'm probably overstepping my confidence here and going to cop a proverbial slap upside the head, but, I'm going to admit to downvoating this and why:

Not that a downvoat is really a big problem, but I thought I'd mention it on principle. Do what you will, but I thought it prudent to revisit.

argosciv ago

hah, just removed the one I apparently gave you too - same reasoning I'm guessing, can't remember fully though.

EDIT: Oh wait, I remember, it was literally in response to the following:

If you're calling me an SJW then you have completely missed the point.

I doubt it.

Crensch ago

That's hilarious. Happy to keep that dowvoat, truly, but I am curious about your motivation for giving it in the first place. I see the text, and that I responded to someone wanting a "gentleman's agreement" that I consider to be cancerous, but I'm not picking up what you're putting down about why, I think.

argosciv ago

i need to get back to you, big shit going down

argosciv ago

right, yes, removing now.

cantsleepawink ago

Ridiculous that we even need to do this but the behaviour with a few is out of hand..clearly so. And lack of action implies it's condoned.

4_InquiringMinds ago

While I only know minimal about this issue of harassment (as of today) I'm sick and tired of when ppl have a disagreement they use the most degrading terms in replying (ie cunt which I see all too often, faggot etc). I'm puzzled as to why this forum is allowed to operate in this way. Donkey and various aliases is allowed to continue unabated (cking new banned users) / saw one of his flame responses yesterday offering nothing of value just popping in to call someone names. Whether this sub takes the action to require members to treat each other with respect remains to be seen. If the action is not taken then the question arises 'why', what is the true agenda.? Or is it simply that the mods also live in that kind of netherworld of 'loving the trashy mouth life' ?

Even more why do members have to point this out when it would seem that any intelligent group of mods would see and address this issue w/o being reminded that we are here for the children and not to show off our trashy mouths. There is nothing 'cool' or 'hip' about showing off your lack of intelligent exchanges. A lot of us were not raised like this/maybe it is just a very young group and talking trash is the hip thing to do...I really don't know.

To what purpose would it serve to have members constantly trolling and insulting each other?

4 Inquiring Minds...hummmmmmmmmm

Crensch ago

While I only know minimal about this issue of harassment (as of today) I'm sick and tired of when ppl have a disagreement they use the most degrading terms in replying (ie cunt which I see all too often, faggot etc).

Nobody cares about your feelings.

I'm puzzled as to why this forum is allowed to operate in this way.

Because PG is HOSTED by Voat. You would have ZERO places to go had some few, brave goats that you should be thanking stepped in to save your stupid PG from getting destroyed here.

Stop acting like a fucking sissy. Those days are swiftly heading towards being over in a very violent way. SJW tone policing is unacceptable on VOAT. So either deal with it, or fuck off.

Even more why do members have to point this out when it would seem that any intelligent group of mods would see and address this issue w/o being reminded that we are here for the children and not to show off our trashy mouths.

It's retards like you that make arguments this stupid that makes me want to call you a fucking Millennial tranny cunt.

I can hurl all the obscenities under the sun at you and still be right, and still have done more for PG than you EVER could, or will. And I have.

It's called tone fallacy. Look it up.

4 Inquiring Minds...hummmmmmmmmm

4 empty minds.

4_InquiringMinds ago

fucking Millennial tranny cunt.

Wow, took a lot of brain cells to put that together.

Thank you for your response. Now I'm clear on why this forum functions as it does. Had thought it was maybe an oversight/now I know it's by intention.

We are complete~

Crensch ago

Wow, took a lot of brain cells to put that together.

You want to whine about invective here, you get invective. Just because you're a tranny cunt and it doesn't hurt your feelings doesn't mean it wasn't meant as a slur.

Thank you for your response. Now I'm clear on why this forum functions as it does. Had thought it was maybe an oversight/now I know it's by intention.

Way to miss the fact that it's also how reality works, nigger. I can keep calling you names and still be right about everything.

We are complete~

"we" kek.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Ah, 4 downvotes...musta hit a nerve grin

Vindicator ago

I think what is keeping people from doing this, Kev, is that @Crensch has a very strict interpretation of what is PG related, especially when he believes a user is trying to undermine a mod doing his job. He tends to come down very hard on those who raise the issue of what they perceive to be removals of valuable posts, as happened in this example.

It's great when this nails an actual shill or troll, but quite chilling to open communication when it falls on a user with a different sense of what belongs on v/pizzagate.

Honeybee_ ago

Heard, thanks for explaining, I know you're not mad, but defending those who feel wronged, I hope this gets figured out.

Honeybee_ ago

And thank you, I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just trying to understand how this has gotten to this point, I appreciate your tenacity in fighting for the voaters, there will be community justice no matter what I say, and I will support it ♡

Honeybee_ ago

Haha, I'm not triggered. I don't respond, I'm not Jewish and words don't bother me, I believe you are twisting things around because you are upset that MF is being supported, you just admitted that there is concern trolling, isn't that done to burn Mods out and to cause disruption?

Honeybee_ ago

I want to be clear, words don't hurt my feelings, baseless ignorant slander and derogatory name calling is not effective for our subverse to thrive. If someone posts a thread about circumcision that is following the subverse rules and is factual with sourced documents and how it relates to Pizzagate, that is awesome, I have never had a problem with that, I belong to 4chan and reddit as well, I thought we were better than that.

Honeybee_ ago

Can you define "concern trolling"? I'm guessing it means people pretending to troll to push buttons and to make more of a work load for Mods... seems counterproductive rather than fair and honest conversation.

Honeybee_ ago

Thanks for responding

You know the jews are not above criticism here on Voat. "offensive to jews" is not a deletion criteria.

I'm not talking about critisism. If you think someone calling me a Jewess Kike Nigger Cock Sucker in response to a post, or someone posting Jewish slander for NO good reason is appropriate, I think you are not the person who should Edit* promoting demods Edit* (community makes rules). There are some Jews that are evil, and also some Christians, Many Jesuit and Zionists, let's be specific here with some intellectual standards instead of condoning derogatory and racist bullshit trolling just for the sake of free speech

quantokitty ago

My entire purpose here was to correct false statements about how the site functions.

And my entire purpose here is to post about pizzagate related stories and do investigative research.

Since you understand the mechanics of this place, how about you define a new mission for your talents and find a workaround?

I know you can do this if you apply yourself.

cantsleepawink ago

I don't spend much time in other subverses so I've missed any discussions that have gone on about this issue over the last few months. So the first I heard about it was through the sticky here on the pizzagate forum. So, I've been behind the curve in terms of understanding the changes that were made. Setting up a new subverse yesterday and testing it with Esoteric brought me up to speed with the issues. it's very difficult to understand the whole CCP thing without doing that. I can see why there is so much confusion. And also, I think that when we had the ability to use CCP within the subverse as a tool to discourage shills it was quite effective. Maybe there could have been another way to tackle the upvote farms. But it's done now.

cantsleepawink ago

I've been reading through all the comments on here about the 100 CCP option. It seems that some people have been discussing it in terms of 100 CCP to restrict newcomers from posting, while others (like myself) saw the rule being applied to downvoting restrictions until a new poster 'proves' him/herself by accruing enough CCP to have that option too. The latter application is how I experienced that constraint when I first arrived here at voat and the pizzagate subverse. So I'll accept that we may have been talking across each other with different perceptions/interpretations of this rule. Note that that Item #1 in the post refers to the 100 CCP DOWNVOTING setting...and I took that at face value based on my own experience.

With the testing that ESOTERIC and I did yesterday it does seem that having an internal sub CCP setting benchmark has a marked effect on the ability of a new user to accrue any CCP within the subverse itself. This seems to me counterintuitive for the user experience within voat, and I wonder what is the rational to have made such a change that would affect all subverses. I see that the explanation given is to prevent upvoat farming and I'm guessing that was a response to what was happening on the pizzagate subverse which I'm sure is quite unique within voat as a shill drawing powerhouse. I can see now why the idea for 'authorized' accounts has been put forward as the subverse response to the problem we now encounter with the global application of the 100CPS rule. That removed our ability here to get new posters to somehow 'prove' themselves. I think the 'authorized account' scheme would be extremely difficult to implement but I do agree that we do need to come up with a solution to protect the subverse.

Strawtinman ago

Part of history of this subverse. Part of how subverse died in power and numbers, and citizens reported all sorts of doxxing and attack in that very high paranoid to divide period. Why many left or never post.

carmencita ago

I highly agree and it is sad that you have to post elsewhere and not have it seen because the sub has low numbers of visitors.

Vindicator ago

99% of the bans were legit shills or nutters spouting gibberish and repeatedly reposting it (a la Amalek). Then he banned a few regulars who tend to fall for the bullshit to see if they were sockpuppets and it put gasoline on the smouldering Removed Submissions fire. The real underlying problem is lack of consensus among users, mods and owners about what is Rule 1 compliant. I really do want to hear detailed points of view on this -- what is, and isn't and why. As just about the only place on the internet this can be investigated freely, I take a fairly broad view of the matter and am willing to let the downvoates or lack of upvoats raise the cream to the top.

Plus, it's more fun debating and debunking the kooky shill posts than deleting them so no one sees what they're up to. Every lame "Look, a spiral logo! Whirlpool is making appliances for the pedos!" post is a beautiful opportunity for goats to outwit the troll under the bridge and display just how far off the MSM narrative about us actually is by critiquing and debating. My experience hasn't been that shills get pissed when you delete their bullshit. They just post more bullshit. They get pissed when you tell them why you could remove it, but are leaving it up and flairing it "Possible Disinfo" or "Debunked" -- and why -- so their bullshit is on the record, accumulating downvoats, and staining their Submission History.

carmencita ago

THIS. One and the same in so many ways and are joined at the hip so to speak. Amen.

cantsleepawink ago

That's not my understanding of what you were saying. However FuzzyWords seems to have communicated the rules in a format that we all can understand.

cantsleepawink ago

That was always my understanding of CCP (apart from being aware that a restriction of 100CCP had been applied globally 6 months ago).

Vindicator ago

Thanks for vetting us, Esoteric, field testing, and most especially for coming back and stating your findings. :-) Voat is labyrinthine and it's often difficult to assertain how things actually work, what things mean from a feature standpoint, and whether they've changed since whatever thread found on the subject was made. This is all one great big free speech experiment up in here, and it's constantly being tweaked.

Vindicator ago

Yep. Done. Thanks @FuzzyWords. :-)

Vindicator ago

LOL. Have to agree with @ESOTERICshade on this @darkknight111. We want to reduce subjective decisionmaking by mods -- that power belongs in the hands of users. It's the whole point of the vote button.

darkknight111 ago

Point taken. If the voat button can be used to deal with jack asses, then it will be a good lesson for them. Unless they're a sociopath, then they never learn and will just get "sub zeroed". Sounds like fun.

Vindicator ago

When I got on Voat today, every single donkey post was collapsed because it had been downvoated. I had to click to see what grumpy shennanigans he was up to.

Vindicator ago

We had a sex offender on here named Rob Robinson who spammed the board dozens of times a day with the same few memes. He used over 300 versions of same alt PizzagateIsStupid. Regular users would get all screechy if his "Podesta Arrested!" meme was left up for more than a little while. Deleting these dozens and dozens of posts coming in every two minutes for two hours was challenging -- especially with modmail filling up with other users complaining. To keep up, you literally had to have the subverse bans page open in a separate window, the ban reason typed in, and be pasting in the new alt, hitting "BACK" and pasting in the next new alt (all with the same five or seven posts). Spam is quick to type into the ban window and in that situation was accurate. Also, no one complained, LOL, because everyone hated it. Two mods couldn't take it and drifted away.

I messaged cynabuns to see if there was any way to get this account banned at v/ReportSpammers as a spammer, since he always linked to his own memes. It didn't meet Voat's definition of adspam, though, so no.

I started put "Rob Robinson frustrated pedo spam" in the ban reason window, got a disgruntled DM denying it was him, and when I kept doing it, he stopped altogether. ;-)

Unfortunately, I think it desensitized @Millennial_Falcon to the use of the term "spam" in the ban reason field. A legit user making a post they think satisfies Rule 1 who repeatedly tries to repost with modifications (guessing at what might be needed) and then receives a ban with nothing more than "spam" in the auto modmail message they get (no explanation comment in the thread), is going to be pretty pissed. Especially if they went to a lot of work. Unfortunately, this has happened numerous times.

On the other hand, there would have been no way to keep up with the PGisStupid shitposts if we had to write explanations before removing every one or banning every alt. No one cared, when it was PGisStupid. Perhaps that was the whole point of those posts -- to wear out mods and tempt us into bad habits that would overflow onto legit pizzagoats.

With no clearly defined policy in the Moderator Rules about when, why and exactly how a ban should be enacted, it's not surprising this situation evolved. I am glad we are discussing it.

Vindicator ago


VictorSteinerDavion ago

I do understand this perspective, but I have to disagree.

The majority of the calls to remove @Millennial_Falcon come from people fostering mob rule because their got their feelings hurt due to M_F deleting their pet topic post.

Overall I'm very disappointed with the slide in quality of the content posted here, plenty of which is overtly obvious campaigns to place content that can be used to discredit in the future.

While I'm all for bringing to light all the organizations and centuries old structures that allow pizzagate to exist, pizzagate is not the whipping horse of everyone's pet prejudice.
Many of the posts about jews are obviously intended to foster hostility and divisiveness, and should be removed as such.
But I welcome any post that points out how members of the jewish faith misuse their authority to abuse children, same as catholic, same as atheism, same as any power structure.
But if the premise of the post is 'x' group is inferior humans and they abuse children, it shouldn't be here. Just cut out the inferior humans part and post the rest.
Keep the bigotry agenda for places that want that discussion.

everyone pleaded with you to relax.

The volume of the complaint doesn't lend credibility, only evidence that stands independent of the accuser.
The irony is not lost on me that the level of evidence to remove a mod is far, far lower than the level of evidence required to make people believe pizzagate is a thing.

cantsleepawink ago

The majority of the calls to remove @Millennial_Falcon come from people fostering mob rule because their got their feelings hurt due to M_F deleting their pet topic post.

Overall I'm very disappointed with the slide in quality of the content posted here

Oooh I say....apparently some of us haven't been working hard enough. After my latest encounter with MF today, it finally occurred to me that no one on this board should be tolerating the sneering condescension and plain bad manners that comes from him and one or two sidekicks under the guise of moderation.

The volume of the complaint doesn't lend credibility, only evidence that stands independent of the accuser. The irony is not lost on me that the level of evidence to remove a mod is far, far lower than the level of evidence required to make people believe pizzagate is a thing.

Why don't you do a scientific study... Once this sticky is out of the way, run a self evaluation study of moderators' performances (like happens in the real world, ya know) so that everyone on the pizzagate forum can pitch in and give you feedback. Because from where I'm sitting you'd get a tsunami of concurring responses regarding one or two of the mods here. Simply to deny that there is a significant number of disgruntled voaters in that regard is hyperbole.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

from where I'm sitting you'd get a tsunami of concurring responses regarding one or two of the mods here.

And still no credibility would be given without supporting documentation of actual transgressions.

no one on this board should be tolerating the sneering condescension and plain bad manners

Tone policing is censorship

Simply to deny that there is a significant number of disgruntled voaters in that regard is hyperbole.

Again, numbers in isolation a valid complaint don't make.
There's lots of frothing at the mouth about individual performance and very little about the cause itself.
This reeks of planned distraction.

cantsleepawink ago

This reeks of planned distraction.


VictorSteinerDavion ago

Do better

cantsleepawink ago

Back at ya

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I appreciate the encouraging support, thank you

VictorSteinerDavion ago

his comment seemed to indicate that he would support the wishes of the posting community of the subverse

As a servant of the community this is all I can do, more would be to assume authority that isn't mine to assume.
Do keep in mind that 'posting community' is a term that covers a wide variety of people with different motivations.
Some of those motivations are to disrupt the verse and redirect it away from the investigation.
This is something I watch carefully for and there is a marked increase in diversionary posts and drama stirring.
It is very hard to maintain a focus of effort when the very people you are investigating are actively trying to derail the investigation.

bewildering number of relevant threads that are deleted

The quality of posts on this verse have dropped quite a bit while the volume has increased.
Everyone keeps talking about all these good posts but all I see are poorly sourced unverified conjectures that don't get us closer to bringing to the public attention who is doing these despicable acts to children

Which is ultimately what I care about in the context of this verse. That and bringing retribution to them.
Of course there are many interlinking stories and related information, but they are appropriate to other verses that are focused on those topics.
Talking about them and showing all the webs of corruption is well worth doing in this verse, but the post must have at its heart the primary goal

Vindicator ago

Yeah. I'd like to know this, too. Never seem a user with that name on here. I think he is thinking of ArmySeer.

Honeybee_ ago

The issue could be solved by fixing some Moderation rules, don't think demodding MF is fair, especially like this, I'm really suprised by this coming from the person who pretty much made the rules for v/pizzagate

Vindicator ago

I agree with this. I also have noticed shills commenting positively in reputable users' posts to the same end. They are very manipulative.

VieBleu ago

your English is excellent. You need no communication advice from the worst communicator on this subverse.

Honeybee_ ago

I see the posts @Millennial_Falcon deletes, and I would delete them too, also, are you aware of how shill infested this subverse is? My first two days modding I had to delete 10 Jew slandering shitposts, not to mention just as many link posts with no explainations or relevancy to the sub. Also, the backlash from users is ridiculous. The level of disrespect some users have when responding to deletions is extremely vile and sad, especially when they have clearly not followed the rules, it 's enough to burn you out, how about trying to help solve the issues with trolls and newbies not following the rules, please stop demonizing, publicly lambasting, and gaslighting the hardest working Mod I've seen on Voat besides * @Vindicator

Edit: * Spelling

VieBleu ago

appreciate that answer- thx.

Vindicator ago

The definition of Pizzagate in the sidebar has always included all of this...as long as it can be reasonably connected to child sexual abuse by the elite, not some isolated weird uncle molesting his siblings' kids (of which there are thousands, of course).

VieBleu ago

I owe you no courtesy whatsoever.

VieBleu ago

could you try or let me try - I consider this critical. It could solve the whole problem easily.

VieBleu ago

as far as v/all this argument may be technically true, but in practical terms it means nothing. I have monitored v/all which is what is brought up here all the time (NOT v/all/new). pizzagate posts never show up there, I mean ever. there is one pizzagatewhatever post there three pages back with low upvoats. Makes you wonder if the main PG sub is shadowbanned there, as we know that the goats that hang out there don't care much for PG to begin with. PG subverse would practically speaking lose nothing.

Vindicator ago

No, it doesn't mean PG is shadowbanned. This isn't Reddit. :-)

Which sorting button are you viewing v/all through, VieBleu? They have different coding governing them. If your default settings are set to HOT, you will view v/all/HOT -- and PG submissions don't get nearly the number of upvoats in a given minute that the posts they are competing with do. Here's an explanation:

JuiceTown 2 points (+2|-0) 1.6 days ago (edited 1.6 days ago)

I know how the algorithms work. I'm a web programmer and a Voat superuser.

"Top" is determined by number of upvoats. Simple.

"Hot" is a measure of upvoats per unit of time - think of it as velocity. Example: If a posts gets five upvoats in its first sixty seconds, that is very hot. i.e. it's moving fast.

This is why you see posts on the front page that have a low number upvoats. If you look at the time it was posted you'll see it is very new. A post that gets a relatively large number of upvoats in a short period of time is hot. The ratio is upvoats/age

Hotness doesn't imply Topness and Topness doesn't imply hotness. When a major story breaks, you'll often see it become very hot. The front page content is Hot content by default.

Check which sorting button you've selected. I'm betting it's HOT. If you click TOP instead, you'll be able to sort submissions by time periods: Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, and All. In there, PG posts should be competing solely based on number of upvoats.

ThePuppetShow ago

I was just reading through this thread again to see peoples opinions on the different rules in question and came across a glimmer of hope..


VieBleu ago

lol good catch

VieBleu ago

Have you tried accruing CPP outside the subverse as a New User? If they accrue points outside the subverse, I assume they can come back in the subverse and downvoat at 101 right? if that works then what the hell, we just require that newbs look around voat a bit - go to pedogate for example and build that one up some. People will do it, it will dampen shills, that's all we want.

Could you share or PM the link?

VieBleu ago

They would have to go to other subs to get their 100 CPP points. That would kill our new user count before long.

So, for the sake of being extremely open minded - is it really that big a deal to go and comment elsewhere on voat first, take a look around? Maybe they could help test. As long as it was clearly explained to newbs I don't think that would actually drop real new users who are interested, but it would put a major blockade up for shills. Actually makes me laugh thinking of them having to peddle their new accounts elsewhere.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You don't err on the side of letting the votes decide, there have been times where you allow your own opinion to guide enforcement of Rule 1.

I let a lot of stuff slide that is tangentially relevant, but as I am human and doing most of the work of modding a 15k-subscriber sub by myself, I don't really get much time to weigh a removal, so in some cases, I do remove a post here or there that maybe would have been appropriate to leave up, but only rarely.

And you have been a bit ban happy by Voat's standards.

Basically one mod for a sub with 15k subscribers doesn't leave much wiggle room for coddling outright willful rule-breaking, and yet I've always been quick to forgive and unban.

Remember how we were requiring mods to explain each deletion? This was for your protection as well.

Again, coddling. No time for it. I always give a little explantion if it's not self-explanatory.

Probably isn't up to you at this point.

Yes, it is. Whether I resign or not is definitely up to me. Whether or not O's remove me never was up to me. If O's remove me without a viable replacement, it may doom the sub to be an utter shithole, not to mention allowing a noisy minority to dictate.

@Cresnch @kingkongwaswrong @VictorSteinerDavion @Vindicator @Honeybee_

VieBleu ago

ah thank for that - I did not know that. You basically answered my ? and I just asked another. I'll wait for that. Again, I really do appreciate you weighing in on this, it is difficult to get straight answers from some of the highly emotional men around here.

Millennial_Falcon ago

There are a TON of users in this sub calling for your head now and not all of them are Amalek.

A TON "calling for my head"? A wee exaggeration. It's a handful of accounts, and there is no telling how many are shills. The way some of them behave, it certainly serves the shills' purpose. It's downright fucking disgusting and ass-fucking-backwards considering how much work I have put in for this sub. In my view, these users are mad (or pretending to be mad) that there is ANY level of modding at all beyond removing adspam (i.e. either shills or butthurt that their personal focus, e.g. abortion, isn't considered relevant enough). Also notice that the complainers mostly provide no proof for what they're saying. The examples they give for stuff that they think should be relevant is obviously NOT relevant according to the pizzagate definition. So you think I'm "beyond saving" because I enforce the rules? Open a discussion about the pizzagate definition if people think it should be expanded. By the way, Voat is probably beyond help in the long run if the Admins don't allow mods to IP ban users like Amalek. Having to re-ban the same user constantly is ridiculous. Also, I would be GLAD to resign as a mod if there were someone else consistently available to mod during daytime. I've been the only person willing to actually do the work and I get SHIT ON FOR IT. FUCK THAT.

@Crensch @Vindicator @sensitive @Honeybee_ @kingkongwaswrong

VieBleu ago

Okay, technically it is possible. Thank you.

To understand better, how is it that by limiting downvoating - which does help deflate new account shill downvoating brigades - does that open Voat up to attack? what is the nature of that type of attack? They would be downvoated by the many users already there, for example. Isn't Voat going to be open to attack at all times no matter what the CCP earning potential is because of the no email/new account policy? thank you.

VieBleu ago

Hello -

At this point, the situation as you describe it in your first paragraph is quite well understood (by most anyway). The question becomes one of what is technically possible, which I detailed in my ping to you. Looking forward to hearing you weigh in. thanks.

Votescam ago

May I ask ... WHY does the link come in the title?

Why not do it as every other thread is done ...show a topic and then give the link separately?

Would that change any of the problems?

Vindicator ago

Votescam, are you asking why Rule 3 requires titles to clearly state the link to PG and accurately describe the content being linked in a "Share a Link" post? Discuss posts already include the hyperlink separately and can explain the PG relevance in the body of the submission. "Share a Link" posts have no body text -- just a headline and link. Therefore, the headline has to do the whole job of satisfying all of the submission rules.

Votescam ago

No -- I was asking why the TITLE also had to be a link .. and why the link couldn't just appear in the body of the message.

But now that I'm reading some of your explanation, why are there two ways to do it? Why not only one?

Unfortunately, I've never really tried before to get deeply into the ways and means of the website/rules, etal. And actually haven't yet finished reading the sticky as it seemed so confusing, but will be back on it tonight, I trust.


cantsleepawink ago

why are there two ways to do it? Why not only one?

From my experience, direct links to videos or articles sometimes engage people more than detailed discussions which require more effort on the part of the reader. Particularly if it is related to something current in the news or it's a new video that has popped up on Youtube and needs to be seen by other people.

There's an area within computer science called Human Computer Interaction (HCI) which is all about the psychology of what motivates people to engage with digital information. It's where website designers get their 'good design principles' from. Just having a thumbnail next to the title of a post, as happens with direct links, has a significant effect on the number of people who will actually click on it. Discussion within the comments section then becomes an effective mechanism for pooling resources. Perhaps you could try posting a bit more, and trying out both options and observe the difference.

Taking that option away would be a HUGE mistake.

cantsleepawink ago

why are there two ways to do it? Why not only one?

From my experience, direct links to videos or articles sometimes engage people more than detailed discussions which require more effort on the part of the reader. Particularly if it is related to something current in the news or it's a new video that has popped up on Youtube and needs to be seen by other people.

There's a area within computer science called Human Computer Interaaction (HCI) which is all about the psychology of what motivates people to engage with digital information. It's where website designers get their 'good design principles' from. Just having a thumbnail next to the title of a post, as happens with direct links, has a significant effect on the number of people who will actually click on it. Discussion within the comments section then becomes an effective mechanism for pooling resources. Perhaps you could try posting a bit more, and trying out both options and observe the difference.

Taking that option away would be a HUGE mistake.

Votescam ago

cant --

Thank you for the response and, sadly, you're probably wasting your time sharing your knowledge with me as I've never paid any attention to the systems here and certainly not the discussions about them. But I got an email from someone asking me to look at that thread and to vote. And it's been at a bad time because I'm way behind in my internet reading -- that is backed up! And since I know very little about the systems I do ask a Q or two, but I have no intention of advocating any changes.

On websites that I visit, most often the Title/Subject can be the headline of an article ... but the "title" is not an active link to the article .... the link is at the bottom of a paragraph or two or three or four about the article.

That way readers have the option of deciding at that point whether they want to explore the article and/or subject further.

Also, then, the comments can also be seen at the same times.

In some of the threads here, if you hit the title you're taken immediately away from the website... and you cannot see the comments.

Frequently, not realizing that the title is an active link, I have to back up to the Voat again and then hit "comments."

Not that I'm letting others decide what I'm reading or not ... but because I really prefer it when someone gives me at least some info about what I might find in the article.


cantsleepawink ago

Therefore, the headline has to do the whole job of satisfying all of the submission rules.

Uh oh. Looks like you guys are seriously fixing to get rid of another important tool for distributing information. Did you not see my example yesterday of my 'direct link to a video' post which had 4 upvoats within less than 5 minutes (explanation and context in the title and comment section); it was then deleted by MF, I reposted in the discussion format - ZILCH votes in 15 minutes before being deleted again?

There are many good reasons to keep it.

Vindicator ago

There are many good reasons to keep it.

It definitely makes the page less boring to look at. :-) And we won't get rid of it unless a lot of users agree that would be worthwhile.

Honeybee_ ago

Can we add an image (thumbnail) to our posts headers that appear on the front page instead of a video thumbnail, add that to the "discuss" link as an option?

SturdyGal ago

I vote yes to The ONE HUNDRED

quantokitty ago

They're in my ass where they're supposed to be.


VieBleu ago

lol thx for the laugh.

quantokitty ago


quantokitty ago

Then communicate that to @Vindicator and not to me. S/he is the one that's asking whether we support or do not support it.

quantokitty ago

No to everything you just said.

Pls see my previous comment.

quantokitty ago

Okay, you're all over the place today, aren't you? First you have to accumulate points by not using the subverse and now you have to accumulate points that way?

Let me just state it this way: I'm supporting for setting the 100 point barrier before a member can post a submission.

You be you; I'll be me.

ThePuppetShow ago

Yep.. I know exactly what you're saying.

ThePuppetShow ago

I couldn't agree more.

cantsleepawink ago

I haven't assumed that. That's why I worded that sentence in the way I did. Semantics Kev, semantics. @VieBleu

VieBleu ago

::rolls eyes::

It's time to institute a new rule - to comment on the rules you have to have contributed a submission to this forum that furthered the investigation.

cantsleepawink ago

Proposal #1

Here's a link to a post that @kevdude made to my subverse demonstrating the fact that he does not understand the point that a number of pizzagate contributors (including myself) have been trying to make on this forum about the 100 CCP issue. https://voat.co/v/pizzagateTNT/2090563/10307686

Some genuine input from the OP would be appreciated.

VieBleu ago

Also I wanted you to see how new accounts are affected. Upvote my comments, then in 10 min check this account's profile. You will see it is still zero. - KevDude

from https://voat.co/v/pizzagateTNT/2090563/10307707 Kevdude's thread experiment that supposedly proves his point, however the account CCP was already at 1, NOT ZERO when for some strange reason? submission was deleted.
: ) @Vindicator

Good experiment, so WHY DELETE?

EDITED TO PROVIDE SCREENSHOT that upends insulting wanker's constantly repeated point - http://imgur.com/a/YFMai

EDITED TO GET DOWN TO THE NITTY GRITTY: The community has voted twice on this issue, always in the majority of restoring the 100 CCP to downvoat restriction. KDud's point is that once the change had been made by @PuttItOut, it would/could never be reversed, not now, not if the subverse wanted it, never. Even if Voat could rule The Iron Throne by making it happen. @FuzzyWords, respected coder, could you kindly comment on whether it is technically possible to revert one subverse to the situation of 100 CCP restricted downvoating and being able to earn points with comments within the subverse? Whether it is a good idea/Puttitout would honor the request is a different question which is not being asked of you - first the question of it being technically possible should be honestly settled. Thank you very much.

Also, this discussion is not "holding up" any other more important discussion. All discussions hav been raised in the sticky and are up for comment. What a wanking weird attitude, but we've all come to expect it of course.

VieBleu ago

This explanation is from Voat coder FuzzyWords -

  1. Technically it IS perfectly possible to allow the CCP downvoat restriction in the subverse AND allow points to accrue. Turns out most people don't know how the site actually works, finger-pointing dudes included.

  2. "I've read your comments and I am not sure why you are getting downvotes. All you said is true but the other users don't seem to understand that if they disable downvoting by requiring 100 CCP then the upvotes they get won't add to their total CCP and will be stuck at 0 CCP unless they comment outside this sub. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2086828/10308289

So we could add the CPP downvoat restriction, go around voat and comment elsewhere, and IT WOULD STILL BE QUITE POSSIBLE to earn CPP outside of the sub. We are always being encouraged to go outside of our subverse and look around, so this seems like a win-win.

However, according to FuzzyWords, the CCP restriction will never be allowed, because having one subverse do so would create vote farming which leads to shill attacks on the site. I asked for further explanation, here it is:

It is not limiting downvoting what opens Voat to attack, it is letting users who are nearly un-downvotable (because the sub has 100 CCP requirement within the sub to let people downvote) earn CCP and power to downvote what opens Voat to attack, that was what you asked in your first reply.

The attack is easy, let's assume this sub restricts downvoting to users who have at least 100 CCP within the sub. An attacker creates a valid thread that won't get removed by the mods, a month passes, the thread is nowhere to be seen in the sub unless someone uses search so people don't go back to it. The attacker then has two months before the thread is archived to comment in his old thread with a lot of alt accounts and farm CCP while nobody notices. But let's supposed /v/ProtectVoat notices the odd behavior because they are always vigilant, they won't be able to downvote the accounts farming CCP because this sub requires them to have at least 100 CCP within this sub. So now you end up with a lot of bot or shill accounts farming CCP, nobody can stop them, they have earned at least 100 CCP in the sub and can begin downvoting everyone here and on the rest of Voat.

Previous explanation is not something that could happen, it is something that has already happened to Voat and it is the reason why this restriction exists when earning CCP.

It is refreshing to get a straightforward explanation without the usual insults and racial abuse from the forum's emotionally unhinged pet chimpanzee mascot. Thank you @FuzzyWords

VieBleu ago

@FuzzyWords - another question has come up. Your statement here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2086828/10308289 says that new users could earn CCP "outside this sub". So could they then earn 101 CCP outside the sub, come back to the sub and begin to downvote? Or do those points not show in the sub and they are always stuck at zero when in a downvoat restricted sub no matter what they earn elsewhere. Thank you.

cantsleepawink ago

I am an experienced Voat user who is watching a group of people try to limit the visibility of PG on the site by lying to users about how the site functions.

I sincerely hope you are not including me and calling me a liar Kev.

Btw, are you a pizzagate moderator


Well you've made your position clear. Now if you don't mind, I'd like it if you left it to @Vindicator to respond to my queries.

cc : @VictorSteinerDavion

cantsleepawink ago

My in sub minimum is set at 100. I had to do that because I had a couple of trolls.

Second - comment and have people upvote you then watch how your global ccp does not increase-

Why on earth would the site be programmed to do this? So there is no point in subverses having the function to alter in sub CCP. Makes no sense.

maybe you can make a real subverse about a specialized content area that interests you and help voat grow

that's pizzagateTNT - for people who understand technology and business

Btw, are you a pizzagate moderator ?

cantsleepawink ago


It's da bomb!

Cheers :) :) :)

cantsleepawink ago

Proposal #2

In the thread mentioned above, user @GoodGodKirk suggested we create a Pizzagate Introductions sister-sub,

is only further compartmentalization of the pizzagate subverse.

and close submissions to those who have not introduced themselves

Could we please have clarification on the suggested format for this 'authorization' process? How can people vote on a proposal if we are not clear about the format? @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

The vote is to gauge interest in the idea, based on the original thread in v/pizzagatewhatever. We would have to make a new sticky just on this topic to develop the idea, document all the pros and cons and potential unintended consequences we could brainstorm, and then vote on what we wanted.

cantsleepawink ago

Okay. My opinion is that it is a rubbish idea - the whole question of who and how we grant authorization will be necessarily steeped in flaws. I vote NO to that as it is not realistically implementable in an equitable fashion.

cantsleepawink ago

"approved submitters only"

How on earth would that work ??

quantokitty ago

Wait a minute!

It wouldn't matter if the coding didn't work. If 100 CCP's weren't attained the moderator could simply delete the offending post under Rule Whatever number it would be.

Nice, clean, and simple. Your argument no longer applies.

quantokitty ago

No, "WE" do not keep telling me, "YOU" keep telling me.

I'd like to hear what Vindicator has to say.

Silverlining ago

I thought I would put this where people who matter might see it @vindicator

Since the Gods have descended from Olympus, may I humbly petition that @Millennial_Falcon be struck by a bolt of lightning and removed as a Mod - if only for a trial period, say 10 years - I jest, a month should prove the point one way or the other.

The point being whether he is a positive or negative influence on the [most successful?] subverse on voat: whether he is the Prometheus of Pizzagate who has tricked the Deities.

@crensh @kingkongwaswrong - a couple more pings for you to ignore...

Millennial_Falcon ago

^ Confirmed Amalek sockpuppet/alt. I have suspected this account for a while. Now confirmed as this account posted Amalek's "covfefe password" spam.


quantokitty ago

@Vindicator, is what is alleged true? I understood that if the 100 Contribution Comment Points weren't reached, that you could not make a submission. Here is someone saying that the proposal wouldn't do that. So in Rule 1, would making someone attain 100 CCP prevent someone from posting a submission?

Vindicator ago

@Kevdude is correct, quantokitty. VieBleu's understanding of the 100 CCP setting was not accurate. I tried to explain that in describing each proposal. I told the community that if they wanted a sticky up discussing subverse changes, I would do it, but only if they had a good strong thread in place to demonstrate to the O's there was a community outcry for the discussion. Since turning on the 100 in-sub CCP to Downvoat setting was the topic discussed (though very inaccurately) in VieBleu's thread, I felt honor-bound to include it here -- with the appropriate factual information about what it would and wouldn't do.

Turning on 100 in-sub CCP To Downvoat has no effect on the ability of shills to post crap whatsoever. It does dramatically hinder v/pizzagate members' account strength and ability to get visibility on v/all/NEW.

quantokitty ago

Great! I get roped into another cabal! But this:

Turning on 100 in-sub CCP To Downvoat has no effect on the ability of shills to post crap whatsoever. It does dramatically hinder v/pizzagate members' account strength and ability to get visibility on v/all/NEW.

So it would hinder NEW but not HOT? HOT is the page we're bitching and moaning about since that's the main one that pops up. If shit posts appear on NEW and not HOT, I wouldn't care. That in itself would be a victory. If it hinders shill posts in NEW, it wouldn't in HOT? Or it would in HOT?

I also don't understand why the moderator can't just see the CCP count and manually delete a post that does not meet the requirement. The stats are visible. But since you know all, what do you suggest? What would keep things honest? The only thing I've seen is an Arpaio hit piece be kept out of the HOT listings by being downvoated. It seems the forum is heavily weighted to leave it up to the downvoats of the community as the arbiter or what buoys a submission to the top. Thereotically, it's a noble way of handling things, but not when you have shill scum taking advantage of the system.

There has to be way to do this. Other forums have a minimum comment requirement, and it's not unusual. But if this is an impossibility then what is possible? I've asked @kevdude fifty times for an alternative plan to no avail. If s/he understands the system that brilliantly, there isn't a workaround? I find this difficult to believe.

If the coding sucks that badly, what about adding another stat for just this subverse? Pizzagate Contribution Points? I suppose that's impossible, too?

quantokitty ago

Because it has zero effect on submissions.

But that's the entire point of having a barrier of 100. If it works for up and downvoating, it could work for preventing submissions.

There is a proposal to limit posting ability to "approved submitters only".

ABSOLUTELY NO WAY IN HELL I'D SUPPORT THIS! WTH is going to decide who is approved? No, it should be a free forum. Flakes are welcome and so are geniuses. You never know who's going to contribute. And if the only thing preventing you from getting on board the "100 barrier proposal" is that it doesn't effectively prevent posting, then the coding needs to change so it does. As stated above, there is a 100 barrier for up and downvoating that works magnificently. When I joined, I didn't realize you needed to accumulate a certain number of points, and made several unsuccesful atttempts before catching on and starting to contribute by commenting.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Already explained. Provide a direct link or screenshot of the pedo accusation. Pizzagate is not about sweatshops.

cantsleepawink ago

In the comments section of my now dead post: http://imgur.com/a/7LMX4

Clicking the link: http://imgur.com/a/E48rV

Pizzagate is not about sweatshops.

It's about pedophilia and trafficking - which the video addressed. Peter Nygard owns sweatshops. Where do you think some of the underaged girls that are being trafficked to the precious US of A are coming from ? And who is supplying them ??

Millennial_Falcon ago

You never told me the video itself addressed pedophilia/trafficking. Why are you only mentioning that now? If you would have simply said that in the title, we would never have had an issue. This is part of why Rule 3 exists. Matter of fact, it doesn't make any sense that you didn't put in the title, not to mention that you only mention it now. Before, you said the claims of pedophilia were in the comments section (which is why I asked you to link to or screenshot the comment).

cantsleepawink ago

If you would have simply said that in the title, we would never have had an issue.


Crensch ago

The Apparel Truth - SHOCKING footage of

Clickbait title, nothing useful so far.

sweatshops supplying blah blah blah

So... 3rd world shit that doesn't matter.

allegations of pedophilia in comments section

Really? Allegations. Of pedophilia. In some 3rd world shithole.

Color me impressed.

Tell me exactly what you think investigating ALLEGATIONS of PEDOPHILIA in a 3RD WORLD SHITHOLE will do. For anyone. For any reason.

It's a slide. It's a useless, rulebreaking post that has fuck-all to do with elites, and everything to do with the fact that it takes place...

in a third world shithole's sweatshops.

cantsleepawink ago

Hahahahaha...that was pathetic. I give you a D-

The first bit of the title was the name of the video. The documentary was an important piece of investigative journalism about the abuse that goes on in sweatshops that includes rape and other forms of abuse of workers and trafficking to the US of underaged girls. Some of these 3rd world sweatshops are owned by billionaire Peter Nygard and supporting articles describe his connections with Prince Andrew and Epstein et al....Nygard has been in court accused of..I won't waste my time carrying on. ..

I'm archiving your response for prosperity.

Color me impressed.

I'm not.

Crensch ago

The first bit of the title was the name of the video.

Irrelevant clickbait title. Why retype it?

The documentary was an important piece of investigative journalism about the abuse that goes on in sweatshops that includes rape and other forms of abuse of workers and trafficking to the US of underaged girls.

"Sweatshops that traffick underaged girls to the US" <--- better title. Still not enough without linking it to the political sheltered elite, but better.

Some of these 3rd world sweatshops are owned by billionaire Peter Nygard and supporting articles describe his connections with Prince Andrew and Epstein et al....Nygard has been in court accused of..I won't waste my time carrying on. ..

"Sweatshops that traffick underaged girls to men linked to Epstein" <--- better title. Notice a pattern here?

I'm archiving your response for prosperity.

Cool, I can do that, too. http://archive.is/lTBNp

I'm not.

I wasn't, either.

cantsleepawink ago

"Sweatshops that traffick underaged girls to men linked to Epstein" <--- better title. Notice a pattern here?

Duh, yes. Do you know how many posts I've made to this subverse? Sometimes I don't get the title as perfect as it should be. Most moderators give you the opportunity to create changes necessary. There is dialogue. Instead with MF there is hostility. It's bizarre. The things he said I needed were actually there..and that's why I pinged you the screenshots.

Right now we have a post languishing on the forum "Taylor Swift. WTF" That's not click bait ? Or is it that Taylor isn't a 3rd world sweatshop girl ?

So... 3rd world shit that doesn't matter.


I wasn't, either.

So what ?

Crensch ago

Duh, yes. Do you know how many posts I've made to this subverse?


Sometimes I don't get the title as perfect as it should be.

Try harder.

Most moderators give you the opportunity to create changes necessary.

Irrelevant. Repost. Not really that difficult.

There is dialogue. Instead with MF there is hostility.

Look at how he's attacked constantly. I'd be hostile, too.

It's bizarre. The things he said I needed were actually there..and that's why I pinged you the screenshots.

If your post failed on multiple levels, it's NOT HIS JOB to type out the laundry-list of rules you broke, why, how to fix them, etc. Fix your own shit, faggot.

Right now we have a post languishing on the forum "Taylor Swift. WTF" That's not click bait ? Or is it that Taylor isn't a 3rd world sweatshop girl ?

Then ping a mod or janitor about it. What the fuck do you think mods are? Omniscient and omnipresent? Do your fucking duty if you see something that isn't right.


You certainly didn't illustrate that it was in that title. Or are we supposed to just believe that any 3rd world human trafficking is PG and that we should have people waste resources investigating/reading about it?

So what ?

You deemed it important enough to respond to; if it wasn't, then maybe you should ask yourself that question?

cantsleepawink ago


No it's not. I've been on this forum solidly for 9 months now. I'm not some fly-by-night ..and most of us here know each other to whatever extent that is possible. I think that hostility and aggression is uncalled for, and unacceptable.

Irrelevant. Repost. Not really that difficult.

I did. And that's a whole other story.

Look at how he's attacked constantly.

Not by me. However, that's now changed as I've lost patience.

I'd be hostile, too.

You already are.

If your post failed on multiple levels

It did not. The title was not good enough..it could have been improved sure..but all the information was relevant.

Then ping a mod or janitor about it. What the fuck do you think mods are? Omniscient and omnipresent? Do your fucking duty if you see something that isn't right.

I've done so many times in the past. On this occasion I didn't. So sue me. That's actually the mods job and that post has been on the forum now for 4 days. Cry me another excuse, why dontcha ?

You certainly didn't illustrate that it was in that title

You haven't taken the time to go through properly the exchange between MF and myself, have you?

Or are we supposed to just believe that any 3rd world human trafficking is PG and that we should have people waste resources investigating/reading about it?

The articles on your first world billionaire were all there. I've already explained his connections to pizzagate via pedophilia, Epstein, Prince Andrew, trafficking accusations. I can't do anything about wilful ignorance, lack of education, lack of subject knowledge and a poor attitude in others. But I know how I can respond to it.

Crensch ago

Oh, how lucky for me that I get to respond to this now! It must have gotten lost somewhere in my mail.

No it's not. I've been on this forum solidly for 9 months now. I'm not some fly-by-night ..and most of us here know each other to whatever extent that is possible. I think that hostility and aggression is uncalled for, and unacceptable.

This is Voat. Unlike rEddit, where you faggots were banned from posting about PG, tone-fallacy doesn't actually win arguments; both reality and Voat work this way.

I did. And that's a whole other story.

Well, supposed shills seem to not have any issue with doing so, so quit whining.

Not by me. However, that's now changed as I've lost patience.

Likewise here, and I'm sure MF has, as well.

You already are.

You don't really understand what hostile means here, then.

It did not. The title was not good enough..it could have been improved sure..but all the information was relevant.

Then you failed.

I've done so many times in the past. On this occasion I didn't. So sue me. That's actually the mods job and that post has been on the forum now for 4 days. Cry me another excuse, why dontcha ?

I'm not the one bringing shit up. If you have a problem and you did nothing to rectify it, what in the everloving fuck makes you think you have the right to complain about it?

"Wah, I pinged a mod elsewhere so why aren't they removing this post I didn't ping them to?"

You haven't taken the time to go through properly the exchange between MF and myself, have you?

Honestly, I have no idea at this point. I dig through what I'm linked to until the person linking me there shows they're full of shit - so if you pinged me there, and I didn't, then you're full of shit.

The articles on your first world billionaire were all there. I've already explained his connections to pizzagate via pedophilia, Epstein, Prince Andrew, trafficking accusations. I can't do anything about wilful ignorance, lack of education, lack of subject knowledge and a poor attitude in others. But I know how I can respond to it.


Was the wiki not shut down/DDOSed or whatever recently? Isn't there NO OTHER FUCKING PLACE ON THE INTERNET TO ARCHIVE THIS SHIT? PG is for ARCHIVING the REAL shit that is FULLY SOURCED and LINKED to what is KNOWN and ACCEPTED by the community as being part of PG.

Every fucking post should be an add-on of claims and supporting links to more claims and supporting links ad infinitum (metaphorically). Fucking SOURCE your shit.

This isn't a discussion place, or a place for nigger-tier communication and shitty titles.

Get your shit together, faggot.

@kevdude @Millennial_Falcon @vindicator

cantsleepawink ago

Get your shit together, faggot.


Crensch ago




Millennial_Falcon ago

Why not give me the opportunity to make those links more explicit if you weren't satisfied? Other moderators do.

I AM giving your that opportunity. I asked you to repost with direct link to the pedo claims, or in discussion post. You can't "Edit" a direct-link post. SO the ONLY option is delete and repost. So can you explain WHY you are throwing a fit?


Don't remove bad posts "fast enough," people complain. Remove bad posts "too fast," people complain. See what I'm saying? How soon I happened to see your post is irrelevant. Just post as a discussion post. Is that so hard? Do you hate discussion posts or something?

quantokitty ago

It would prevent shit posts from dominating the "Hot" page and knocking off legitimate posts. And I'm not seeing anyone going ballistic about the barrier to Up or DownVoating. It's the same methodology.

Again, what remedy is there to shills who have been a member of ten minutes posting ten ridiculous submissions and knocking legitimate posts off the "Hot" page? I've yet to see an alternative plan.

And I should add, that I do theoretically agree with the no barrier submissions decision, but it is being used effectively against the members of pizzagate by shills. So please offer an alternative.

quantokitty ago

But there used to be a 100 CPP barrier, so is this how it worked?

As I remember it, you have the same barrier before you can up or downvoat anything. I distinctly remember furiously responding to posts to enjoy this privilege. I didn't have to do that in another subverse, I commented here in #pizzaagate. It's why I'm having a hard time believing/understanding why it would be different in this case.

If what you're repeating is true, then it would need to change to being able to comment, etc. in pizzagate. It makes no sense having to go elsewhere, and I wouldn't do that either. It would kill new membership. As for the subverse not showing up, I don't have a problem with that. I came here from Reddit (it does suck) for the express purpose of posting in the one subverse. In other words, I sought it out. I would say most members felt that way, in that, they knew why they were coming here and not putzng around.

If the above does not make sense to you, then what would your solution/remedy be to shills posting ten thousand shit posts to remove informative posts from the "Hot" page? What would be a viable alternative?

Vindicator ago

If the above does not make sense to you, then what would your solution/remedy be to shills posting ten thousand shit posts to remove informative posts from the "Hot" page? What would be a viable alternative?

Quantokitty, this is exactly what the current submission rules were designed to accomplish: allowing mods to remove shitposts in order to protect legit content from forum-sliding shills. Users downvoat shitty submissions, mods look at the downvoat count and vet individual posts for rule violations and either remove them or flare them so users can downvoat them to oblivion.

As I see it, the problem comes from lack of consensus between users, mods, and sometimes O's about which posts violate Rule 1 and which don't. If we have consensus on that, we don't have to change any of the site settings to unduly limit new user posts, the ability for pizzagoats to gain CCP in v/pizzagate, or v/pizzagate posts to get Voat-wide attention.

@VieBleu @kevdude @ESOTERICshade @Millennial_Falcon

quantokitty ago

As I see it, the problem comes from lack of consensus between users, mods, and sometimes O's about which posts violate Rule 1 and which don't. If we have consensus on that, we don't have to change any of the site settings to unduly limit new user posts, the ability for pizzagoats to gain CCP in v/pizzagate, or v/pizzagate posts to get Voat-wide attention.

The point is that there will never be a consensus, that's why a barrier needs to be constructed that is definitive.

For example, this morning, there were four identical posts on Arpaio. This is in addition to the ones posted yesterday. It's ridiculous and obviously a concerted effort on the part of those supporting The Cannibal Elite to disrupt this forum and spread anti-Trump propaganda.

The other way the shills work it is for one new member to post numerous submissions. So we have a member that's been here for fifteen minutes with five submissions. This is almost always in retaliation for a legitimate post that either is attracting attention, or has information they want to bury.

So let's get it through our heads that there will never be a consensus on this, but that we could construct a barrier. It would not solve all life's problems, but it would solve this one. Plus the mods (MF) won't get shit for removing a post by a user that has under 100 CCP. Since that will be a rule, a clear rule, s/he will only be following the rule. In fact, MF or whoever is mod will probably get a pat on the back for getting rid of shit posts effectively. We get tired of downvoating this crap and then having it linger. Like the Arpaio post ... they're still there when we woke up this morning!

cantsleepawink ago

Well said.

quantokitty ago


AngB23 ago

I vote yes with @VieBleu. Pizzagate thread has been censored to death, too many people banned and too many good threads deleted for no good reasons. Something needs to change.

Hell, I told someone to check out the research and they didn't want to create an account, and the thread couldn't even be found w/out them having to log in in the search engine. WTF...

Judgejewdy ago

So what's so hard about resetting them then?

Judgejewdy ago

Bullshit. I've done it, at least twice (thanks to our dear friend MF who banned me for spamming after reposting a legit topic ONE time). Takes a freaking long time, but it can be done.

VieBleu ago

Can you explain? when did you do this, within the last month or two? How long was "freaking long time" and did you earn points in subs outside PG?

Could be important to know these details

Judgejewdy ago

No, sorry, not within last month or two. Early on. Dec/jan maybe. Took maybe a month or two. Which i think we can agree in v/pg years is a long time.But i wasn't participating in any other subs.

Judgejewdy ago

Hello. They want the subverse to die. That's why it's run the way it is. Nevermind suppressing upvoats, etc. It was on fire and now it's an ember. This wasn't a free forum for more than a week or two. We've just been swimming upstream since then. Remember when voat changed hands? Yeah.

GoodGodKirk ago

Ok guys, while you may like what I suggested in option 2, it's just not feasible ATM. There's no way to automate it and people don't like waiting for approval especially if they have new info to share.

I like the 100ccp for now, cause it's easy to implement and some people just need to be selective and thought provoking on their responses.

Fuck a hostile takeover. This isn't Reddit. You want to run this sub? Fuck you bitch, make your own and build it. Those who take over subs are no better than the malware groups buying up old chrome apps and filling them with malware. Go start your own pizzagaters sub and gtfo of here.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Hahahaha I know right.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Posting between the two is pointless. The traffic is here. Maybe the terms of what we can post here that explains to the mods that Pizzagate is pedogate and things like giving hormone blockers is as relevant to Pizzagate as discovering CIA fund Isis. This is a big fucking pedo pie and it's about time MF understands that!!

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Hahahaha. NO. I have my own mind and my own opinion. I can read your replies with my own eyes and make my own conclusions.

darkknight111 ago

I had no idea some of these functions (like block user) existed.

Now then, for the million dollar question, the main source of all my concerns.

What do YOU think we should do regarding all the false flag baiting we've been assailed by?

Over the past two months, there have been two attempted false flags against v/pizzagate. The first was a week long affair around the time of the "CNN Doxxing Incident". The second occurred within 2-3 days after Charolettesville.

Both of them being via bombardment with threads and comments designed to plant evidence that the v/pizzagate community as a whole is a bunch of nazi sympatheisers as part of a net objective to discredit us.

In the aftermath of Charolettesville, we now that that the left is willing to DOX people who they believe to be "racist" (basically anyone who disagrees with them). If these attempts to false flag bait and plant evidence are successful, then it is most certainly a given that WE will all collectively be doxxed. Given what we're up against (the deep state), if we got doxxed, we are all "dead men walking".

At this moment, there are users on this sub who are acting as agent sabateurs trying to false flag bait us. I can name them too.

I've been on a constant "yellow alert" regarding attempts to false flag us. The community as a whole is greatly concerned and I suspect we need a permanent solution to these agent sabateurs.

Thank you for reading my concerns regarding the safety of the community.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

@Vindicator, thanks for taking this on, I'm glad to see the community taking a more active role in it's own governance.

As usual there's going to be a bunch of short term drama over much of this from all sides and my advice would be to give enough time for this discussion to run it's course.

As usual my intention is to be as hands off as possible on this and to remain in a oversight capacity.
I am watching for takeover attempts via rules churn and I'll say it before it gets asked; no, there will be no changes to the status of the owner level mods - no additions and no removals.

@kingkongwaswrong can change this anytime, but @Crensch and I are in consensus about the role of [O] level mods at this time.

Let me know via ping when the conclusion of this is happening so I can be aware of what has been decided by the community.

Silverlining ago

Since the Gods have descended from Olympus, may I humbly petition that @Millennial_Falcon be struck by a bolt of lightning and removed as a Mod - if only for a trial period, say 10 years - I jest, a month should prove the point one way or the other.

The point being whether he is a positive or negative influence on the [most successful?] subverse on voat, whether he is the Prometheus of Pizzagate who has tricked the Deities.

@crensh @kingkongwaswrong - a couple more pings for you to ignore...

Crensch ago

Over 24 hours and 4 submissions of yours, and you present nothing on MF.

Guess you were nothing but a whiny crybully at best then.

Oh, and I don't ignore pings. I also almost invariably respond.

So take your snark and shove it right up your ass.

edgelord666 ago

lol you would be a pizzagate mod

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Since the Gods have descended from Olympus

You're already attempting to manipulate my response with this kind of passive aggressive crap.
You're fully aware of the difference between myself and the other mods in this verse, my role doesn't touch the areas of content control (deleting posts or comments) unless in extremis.
And it has to be truly extreme.

Also be aware that numerous campaigns have been attempted to 'oust' a variety of moderators, all have failed for a lack of evidence, even though they use the same basic tactics of "they hurt my fee fees".

Be the change you want to see in this subverse, post better content, dig for better sources, comment on other quality content.
Stop expecting everyone else to do the work for you and complain when it doesn't go the way you want it to

Crensch ago

I will say this to you exactly once, so please pay attention:

If you can put together a case, with links and reasoning as to why MF's removals were wrong, I'll look at it.

Again, PAY ATTENTION. I don't half-ass this stuff, so bring your fucking A game, because if your post is shit, I'm going to hope you die for wasting my time. And as with EVERY FUCKING ONE OF YOU that attacks MF, every single shit-tier post makes me believe that YOU are the subversive element, not him - and I trust him more.

Make the post in /v/pizzagatemods - make 110% sure that the post did not violate any rules, because if you present some that do, I'm going to invite you to find a soft spot to make a terminal-velocity landing.

@kevdude @vindicator @Millennial_Falcon @VictorSteinerDavion

quantokitty ago

Item #1: Should we turn on the 100 CCP Downvoat setting (Doesn't prevent shitposts; Removes us from being visible outside this sub)

Yes, I'd be for this.

Theoretically, I love the idea of someone just able to post when they join. It's what attracted me to Voat ... well, that and because you're not reddit. But I see the pattern as others do. If there's a legit post gaining traction, or just pissing off The Cannibal Elite, shills start posting a series of the most inane, ridiculous posts ever. Only five votes get them from New to Hot and that pushes off the legit post right off the main page. So only for this reason I would be behind this.

As for the rest, I have no strong feelings on mods/ownership, etc. I do wish MF were less rapacious in removing threads, but I can't see where s/he is the devil incarnate. Oh, wait ... there is something else. It's this:

Proposal #7: Update the sub Moderator Rules to clarify how, when and why users can be banned from v/pizzagate

Yeah, I'm not getting this banning stuff. I was shocked at a couple of the members who were banned. I don't know the particulars, but as far as I know, they weren't shills and posted some very substantial submissions not once, but numerous times. They also partake in discussions and leave comments so they are active.

Yes, I would love to see clarification because I still don't know what happened to those members who were affected.


Eyezopen ago

I'm definitely going to try to be more active on here. I make contributions to this great cause in other ways. On the banning people, some people are so obvious on why they should be banned, others I've been shocked they're banned. I think a damn good reason should be given in banning someone. They're are people doing amazing things on here, a real tight community compared to any others.

quantokitty ago

Agree. If you frequent and utilize the site, it becomes quickly apparent who is supportive and cares about this issue and who doesn't. It's not just agreeing or disagreeing, it's the way someone disagrees.

Yes, some pretty solid members have been banned. If someone is an active community member that has contributed to the formation and maintenance of the community, there has to be a really strong reason given. A technicality is not good enough. A technicality might warrant a warning, but not a ban.

heygeorge ago

Thank you for your specificity. I was responding to another user asking about kkww.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I was responding to your statement where a new account is concerned. Everyone already here and over 100 in-sub would be able to downvote, but no new accounts would ever be able to do so because raising the limit now shuts off the ability to accumulate any in-sub ccp.

Now shuts off the ability. Now. Don't be so insulting to @viebleu when they weren't aware, and nor was anyone else it seems, that the way you used to prevent shills had been changed and can't be changed back as viebleu is proposing.

So not deterrent for shills and NO SEARCHBAR. I wonder who needs to be questioning who's motives here.

cantsleepawink ago

I linked you to an announcements thread that explained exactly that.

You linked me to this: https://voat.co/v/announcements/1639027 I'm still trying to correlate what this thread says with what you are saying.

So vote against it.

I have.

What rule is that? There was never a "rule". Are you trolling or just dense?

Who's being dense now ? Of course we had a 100 CCP constraint previously, that's a rule. That's why we're discussing whether we should reinstate it or not ! Jeez, it's the Twilight Zone around here.

heygeorge ago

Who are you talking about? We are evidently not talking about the same topic.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Completely agree!

argosciv ago

Fair points, I guess the principle involved stopped me considering the currently existing options for dealing with problematic users.

The1stLantern ago

100 CCP was one of our most potent anti shill tools and they stole it from our toolbox without discussion of any kind. It needs to come back

Millennial_Falcon ago

I already explained this to you in a PM conversation. There is no evidence linking any of these things to pizzagate. Until there is actual evidence of a link, it is all empty speculation. The point of this sub is to focus on the scandal we have exposed and pull on the REAL threads we have found. The pizzagate definition clearly states "child sex trafficking by elites..." The only people who benefit from the "conspiracy bloat" of all these speculative topics are the guilty people we are trying to investigate. If you have EVIDENCE linking pizzagate suspects to any of what you mentioned, that would definitely be allowed to be posted (but it would need to be something truly suspect).

argosciv ago

How is a bit of basic respect for one another, subjective?

Seriously, being an arsehole just for the sake of it(in a hostile, non-joking manner), is not protecting freedom of speech, it's abusing it. If someone thinks your "joke" is a bit brash or just inappropriate, is it really that hard to just tone it down a tad(without going off the rails and accusing people of censorship)? (I don't mean to ask you directly or imply anything about you, just speaking broadly)

cantsleepawink ago

Please assume that anything @viebleu has ever told you about site mechanics is wrong.

What is your obsession with @viebleu ? It seems that you cannot make a comment on here without bringing him/her into it.

If I seem like a dick it is because he refuses to listen when people try to explain it to him and he shoots off his mouth and confuses others.

I'm still trying to understand the argument you put forward about the 100 CCP rule. Perhaps you should focus on explaining that.

4_InquiringMinds ago


I'm sorry to laugh bc the subject is not funny/but there is a big grin plastered on my face after reading this :)

4_InquiringMinds ago

I concur also!

Plus the topic of giving children hormone blockers was EXCELLENT. It all ties in.

10298509? ago

I concur !

cantsleepawink ago

My argument is that we need that as a separate rule for the pizzagate subverse as well, like it was before,because it is easy to get that in any subverse. If CPP points are awarded for contributions within the pizzagate subverse then it requires some effort and commitment to the subverse. Therefore a bit of a deterrent to shills and trolls.

cantsleepawink ago

Perhaps he or @Vindicator could clarify/explain.

cantsleepawink ago

Is he referring to this ? :

Users no longer earn CCP in Private Subverses

Silverlining ago

Why has this suddenly appeared? Is it going to be under every comment?

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Vindicator ago

You must have clicked the "report" button.

VieBleu ago

There are a lot of things going on site wide - maybe related https://voat.co/v/announcements

cantsleepawink ago

It feels to me that this site is starting to go the way of Facebook, Twitter et al. Take the discussion on this post re 'authorized users' for example. Makes no sense to me on a forum like this. However, it's conducive to thought policing. And the 100 CCP rule that many of us want reinstated to help fight against shill infestation. Yet I'm being told that this means that new users will not be able to accrue any CCP at all, though no one can explain how or why. To the people who are here for genuine reasons I say 'prepare yourselves'.

cantsleepawink ago

That's exactly what I've been saying.

ThePuppetShow ago

I think what a lot of people believe is that it would keep shill accounts from posting threads until they get to 100. From your explanation in the OP that doesn't seem to be true anymore. Am I understanding this correctly?

cantsleepawink ago

No, new users can post. After that I have no idea what's happening as the rules were changed 3 months after I got here. Perhaps you can figure it out: https://voat.co/v/announcements/1639027

VieBleu ago

My vote regarding #1 is YES to the requirement of 100 CCP earned in this subverse before downvoating - this was taken away in a top down decision WITHOUT INFORMING THE COMMUNITY AND WITHOUT POLLING THE COMMUNITY. It worked well before, so restore this.

A poll on this was taken recently here - https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2030995

Judge for yourself while reading the pushback and insults below from mostly one source - a source btw that NEVER posts submissions here or contributes to the investigation,. With the 100 CPP in place on this forum new users would be able to gain upvoats for comments within the forum, just like the experience most of us had at the begining of this subverse. EDIT: This is an old comment at this point. This is not the case. Sort comments by "New" and read through to see what has developed in our community understanding of this issue. Newbs would have to earn comment points outside the subverse to reach 100. After 100 they coud downvoat as well. It is a small and actually rather simple reversion that is worth a try. Do we actually as a community have the power to vote for changes or not? We are always reminded about how the community determines its own rules, but trying to get even a minor change meets draws in huge opposition from mostly one voice who actually doesn't contribute submissions and investigative work here - ever, and who can now be expected to villify and malign with the usual sophistry, circular logic and insults as per earlier comments.

Edited to Add re v/all: EDIT: this is still true, v/all never shows pizzagate posts - shadowbanned there? Pizzagate "hot posts" never surface on v/all. Go and look through and you won't find one.

If you look three pages back today, you will find exactly one pizzagatewhatever post with five upvoats "We Are Stronger Then They Are" - that's it. HARDLY a hot pizzagate post. Talk about misinformation being spread. The argument that "everyone will see them" (pizzagate posts) on v/all is highly strange, as the mod Vindicator has been informed that in fact pizzagate posts don't seem to appear there yet Vindicator carries on merrily making this essentially false argument. Just playing dumb?

Propaganda much? You decide.

sunajAeon ago

Fuck off yourself you foul-mouthed narcissistic punk-this is a discussion-not your own private pimp council

VieBleu ago


argosciv ago

Proposal X: If possible, minimum CCP before "Share a link" button may be used.

Why? This would mean that only users who have a history of quality posting, would be able to just 'quickshare' a link without having to summarize why they are sharing it by using the "Discuss" button instead. Because users with a high CCP rating can generally be trusted, I feel that this will help to, if nothing else, set apart the genuine link shares from the click-bait/shill/troll ones, by way of being able to recognize the pool of high-CCP link sharers.

Vindicator ago

This would be a sitewide setting change, as I understand it. You would have to suggest that at v/voatdev. All we can do here is turn on or off the settings we already have. I don't think it would go over well sitewide, though. Most people use Share a Link most of the time in most subs, and it would make it a multistep process to post content and thus hinder free speech.

argosciv ago

I imagine that, in implementing such a thing, subverse owners would be afforded the ability to enable/disable "CCP Restricted Link Shares" per their own subverse requirements and possibly even configure their own "Minimum CCP For Link Shares", but, I'll float it by the devs and see what they think.

Mammy ago

Geez Louise there are a lot of rules. I don't care what is done -- just try to keep it simple.

Silverlining ago

Hear! Hear!

VieBleu ago


SecondAmendment ago

Proposal #1: NO, in light of the information provided. Proposal #2: YES. Proposal #3: YES. Proposal #4: YES. Proposal #5: YES. Proposal #6: YES. Proposal #7: YES.

cantsleepawink ago

Proposal #1: NO

Could you point me to information provided ?

SecondAmendment ago

Hi @cantsleepawink,

Thanks for asking. The information about Proposal #1 that convinced me to vote "NO" on #1 is the following (which appears above in the original post):

Should we turn on the 100 CCP Downvoat setting (Doesn't prevent shitposts; Removes us from being visible outside this sub)

The primary concern discussed is cutting down the number of shill and troll posts by limiting downvoats to those who have 100 Comment Contribution Points. Please be aware there was quite a bit of misinformation contained in that discussion. Here are the facts:

Kevdude explained to me how CCP works:

CCP are points we get for comments. The middle number at the top is your sitewide ccp. Once that hit 100 you can downvote. You can not downvote anywhere if you are under 100.

In the sidebar there is the minimum ccp to dv in a sub. That refers to your in-sub ccp which is ccp you generate on the comments you make in that sub. (which is why under that you see "your ccp for this sub"). That does not mean new users with 0 ccp can downvote. It just means tgat you don't have to generate points in the sub to dv there. If you raise the sub minimum 2 things happen. Users can no longer generate ccp for the sub and the sub is blocked from v/all.

@VieBleu characterized the 100 CCP limit to downvoat as a "figleaf" and implied it limits people's ability to submit material. The first point is accurate, the second is not.

To clarify: turning on this setting has NO IMPACT on the ability to submit or comment. It's main effect is to prevent our material from being seen outside this subverse (something many shills and several pedos who frequent this board would love to have happen!) and stop each of us from accruing Comment Contribution Points for our comments within this subverse. This could have the unintended effect of severely limiting those who primarily contribute tov/pizzagate! CCP is an important buffer -- if people downvoat your comments into the negatives, you lose the ability to comment. Organized downvoat brigades can effectively silence those with low CCP. Currently, SCP -- submission contribution points -- have no effect on the ability of your account to take action on Voat (other than demonstrating you are an actual contributor).

Based on this, I believe turning on the 100 CCP downvoat minimum would unnecessarily empower the shills and trolls -- the exact opposite of the intended effect, which is why @Crensch @Kevdude@VictorSteinerDavion and others who have been pinged about this have said no. However, because users have requested it, I am going to include it in this poll as item number one. Please make an informed vote.

Edit: Here is a good thread explaining SCP and CCP:https://voat.co/v/TellVoat/301176

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you for the link. I was unaware such changes have been made since I joined. I need to take some time out to see how this would affect new accounts on pizzagate.

cantsleepawink ago

Why are we going round in circles?

I get that there is a restriction in place for new accounts across the whole site. So what?

But we need restrictions on the pizzagate subverse. It is not like most of the other subverses. There are lots of shill accounts here. And therefore that needs more control here.

Now, please explain to a thicko like me why anyone who joins Voat today and participates in the pizzagate subverse will never be able to accrue enough points to downvoat. if the 100 point rule is reinstated here. If you can't then point me to a page or link where I can read the new rules that make this a fact.

Silverlining ago

I may be wrong, but any [O] can remove him. Perhaps he does deserve to keep his historical sinecure having set up the site in the first place. Reminded here of Aesop's Frogs - http://fablesofaesop.com/the-frogs-pick-a-king.html

v/pizzagate is the most visited [and successful and controversial?] subverse on /voat - correct me if I'm wrong - hence @crensh involvement.

Hey @Crensh ! Where is my v/georgewebb subverse. It has been months since my takeover request

cantsleepawink ago

I think he's still here. Perhaps under another name ;)

Silverlining ago

Ah! What hoot if he was @Millennial_Falcon Must be a total masochist!

@kingkongwaswrong never answered my pings, so gave up on him.

My pick would be @heygeorge

heygeorge ago

Lol, I assume you're joking.

Since you brought me here: On Voat, moderation works by both rank & seniority. So kevdude is correct and (currently) kkww has to remove himself or delete his account if he is to no longer be top [O].

cantsleepawink ago

I have one or two other accounts in mind. You'd fall over laughing if I told you.

heygeorge ago

I'd like to hear these ideas!

cantsleepawink ago

That even though it may be frustrating for newbies to immediately downvoat, it's a deterrent for shills. Genuine accounts don't mind this minor irritation. It's an understandable restraint.

cantsleepawink ago

But with the in-sub limits raised you would never be able to downvote in this sub.

What do you mean? When we had the 100ccp rule in place on this subverse, once I particpated enough on here, there were enough points to downvoat if I wanted to. Maybe I'm being dense today..but I don't understand how you arrived at that conclusion.

cantsleepawink ago

I think you missed the point that badastrid was making.

cantsleepawink ago

I'm still trying to get my head around this.

You still need 100ccp to downvote anywhere on the site.

I wasn't aware of that. So that means that someone can create an account and go to any subverse on VOAT - without contributing anything sensible to the pizzagate subverse - to get round that, right?

ask yourself how many legitimate users engage in this behavior

Not many. And that's the point. We have a huge number of shills and trolls here. Ask yourself why.

is it worth shutting off the visibility of the sub?

I agree that's a huge issue. I wasn't aware that would be the case. However, we have had some recent posts here that were hugely popular and I've seen plastered all over Twitter that I personally thought were not up to our critical standards here and still have the potential to come back and bite us in the ass. So, I'm sitting on the fence with that point.

New accounts that join to participate will never be able to downvote in the sub, no matter how high their ccp gets sitewide, becaise they won't be able to accumulate any ccp in the sub.

I was a newcomer here once. It didn't take long to get past the 100 ccp hump. People who are genuinely interested in participating in terms of downvoting recognize that the rule was there for a reason. I have participated in other forums in the past. Not a huge number, but a few. I have stayed far longer on Voat than anywhere else because the rules and moderation helped to keep the trolls at bay, in comparison to other forums. The 100ccp rule I think largely contributed to that. I think this forum is in decline because of the inevitable contamination with ever increasing trolls and shills. A sign of the success here. It's also acted as a bit of a honeytrap for intelligence gathering. But once that's done, this place will be allowed to go the way of others.

Coming back to the point about visibility, platforms like Twitter and Youtube are the more effective forms for getting information to a larger audience. people on youtube videos for example are just grateful to watch something and be informed. A platform like this one is for deeper research. It's where new information emerges to be pushed out to other platforms. If you open it up too much, and not protect that legacy, then the shills and trolls flood in with glee.

cantsleepawink ago

It would help to alleviate the downvoting of important posts by newly created shill accounts or by accounts that do not contribute anything but are solely here to block genuine discussion. When that restriction was in place the forum was pretty good at self regulation and the posts at the top were a truer reflection of the priority given to investigative threads. It is by no means perfect but eliminating it made things worse imo.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Unfortunately raising CCP limits on downvoating doesn't stop the troll/shill farms from up or downvoat brigading and bot farm brigading.

Something I've used on reddit is to create alts that post low effort content to the porn subs like 'celebs' etc for the purpose of gathering huge karma scores in a short time, then through various manipulations you can hide this activity and start posting content to more mainstream subs.

The net result being plebs think you have some kind of standing because of a high karma number and will hivemind agree with what ever you post or comment.

Even though voat has smaller user engagement it's possible to use similar manipulations to create 'high value' alt accounts that can be sold to organizations wanting to push a particular narrative.
Making people have a minimum CCP won't stop these bought shill alts and only punishes new users who are still learning the dynamic and differences from reddit.

badastrid ago

I'm totally in favor of keeping the 100 CCP to voat. I found it frustrating when I was new, and so should all the shills.

VieBleu ago

It does mean we will have no ability to gain Ccp here, or have hot posts reach v/all where everyone will see them.

Pizzagate "hot posts" never surface on v/all. Go and look through and you won't find one.

If you look three pages back today, you will find one pizzagatewhatever post with five upvoats "We Are Stronger Then They Are" that surfaced - that's it. Talk about misinformation being spread. The argument that "everyone will see them" (pizzagate posts) is highly strange, as Vindicator has been informed about this in the past, but ignores that reality and keeps making what is essentially a false argument.

Vindicator ago

100 CCP to downvote is standard Voatwide for new accounts. After that, downvoting is limited by the number of upvotes you've made. Proposal 1 has no bearing on this. It does mean we will have no ability to gain Ccp here, or have hot posts reach v/all where everyone will see them.

darkknight111 ago

IIRC, I could have sworn that #1 was about 100 CCP in order to make a submission. I remember that being discussed.

Would certainly prevent PGIsDumb types from ever wrecking havoc ever again, especially when comboed with #2.

I am in support of the "100 CCP to make a submission proposal.

Proposal 2: Aye

Proposal 4: Aye

Proposal 5: Aye

Have some ideas.

Proposal 8: Clarify the definition of spam.

This is a matter that is frustrating a lot of users in regards to bans. As such, it would be good to include some definitions for the sake of clarity.

Proposal 9: "Reset Bomb" in regards to users with multiple accounts.

A signature tactic of shills is to have more than one account. Typically 3+ accounts. This tactic involves using the multiple accounts to give their posts upvoats in order to have more ready access to downvoats and more effectively resist downvoats. Likewise, shills use multiple accounts as part of "downvoat bombs" by using these accounts to downvoat the same person multiple times (one man downvoat brigades).

A "Reset Bomb" (named after the MO of an antagonist from the videogame Kid Icarus: Uprising) would entail taking those with multiple accounts (3+) and banning all but one (the one with the lowest CCP and SCP). Using "spam" as the reason.

This proposal cripples shills ability to "game the system" as a way to bypass the defenses provided by other proposals.

Proposal 10: Basic Human Decency Standards (good idea from 4InquiringMinds)

We are supposed to be a community about protecting the "little ones". It can be very demoralizing having to constantly deal with people who are "assholes and proud of it". Certain misogynistic people here are quite abusive to the female members of this community, which is a BAD thing because quite a lot of us here are women.

Under Human Deceny we could implement a crackdown on "False Flag Baiting". Intentionally trying to bait false flags shows an utter lack of basic human deceny via having zero concern for the safety of the community as a whole. Given that the left is willing to DOX people who disagree with their views as seen with Charolettesville and the attempted false flag against us two days later, it is therefore obvious that those who try to bait false flags against us are simply evil people.

argosciv ago

8) Yae (amend: also propose that links shared with the "share a link" button(instead of "discuss") be treated as spam - genuine posters will understand and be willing to summarize their links)

9) I like it, but share king's concerns.

10) Yae, valid points raised. To those of you who may consider it an attack on freedom of speech, consider this: Freedom of speech protects your right to be an arsehole, but that doesn't mean people have to tolerate your shit; expect to be shown the door, if you can't show a modicum of respect for your fellow human, especially given the goals of this community.

argosciv ago

LOL! aaand of course some man-child downvoats because they disagree with what someone is saying about their petulant abuse of free speech, bloody narcissistic hypocrites.

VieBleu ago


KingoftheMolePeople ago

A "Reset Bomb" (named after the MO of an antagonist from the videogame Kid Icarus: Uprising) would entail taking those with multiple accounts (3+) and banning all but one (the one with the lowest CCP and SCP). Using "spam" as the reason.

How exactly do you propose to determine who is whose alts? Other than accusation, youll need some form of proof that someone is an alt of someone else. I cant see how tbis could actually be implemented.

cantsleepawink ago

The forum is inundated with dross now. Bring back 100 CCP. It creates a better power dynamic as well for the subverse curation. Mods do a difficult job but some are better than others..for obvious and also, less obvious reasons. Bring back Item 1.

cantsleepawink ago


REINSTATE the 100 CCP for downvoating requirement. There was a noticeable deterioration in this forum when this was taken away.

That rule created a more equitable power balance between voaters who research and post and the moderators. Of course mods perform an essential function on this forum. But the workloak is immense due to the volume of traffic. I believe that 100 CCP gives the real contributors on the pizzagate forum the ability to self-regulate and helps enormously with the curation of this subverse.

Vindicator ago

I believe that 100 CCP gives the real contributors on the pizzagate forum the ability to self-regulate and helps enormously with the curation of this subverse.

Can'tsleep, can you explain this better? I'm not understanding. New shill accounts always have to gain 100 CCP before they can downvote -- here and everywhere on Voat. After that, they can only downvote as much as they upvote. The site requires it automatically. I don't see shills downvoting users as our main problem. How does taking away our users ability to earn CCP and get their research out to the rest of Voat help level the playing field. Please explain. Thanks!

cantsleepawink ago

How does taking away our users ability to earn CCP

I need to have a look at the site wide rules on earning CCP. It seems that the rules were changed 3 months after I got here. @kevdude supplied this link https://voat.co/v/announcements/1639027 I wasn't aware of these changes, so I need to get my head around what this means.

We've had these discussions in the past:




But until I absorb and understand what those changes made by PuttItOut means for us here in real terms, I'll refrain from commenting further.

argosciv ago

Point of concern RE Introductions/Authentication:

What can be done about the possibility of faked introductions which are intended to pass a shill off as a genuine pizzagater(newbie or otherwise)? How might we 'authenticate' users without compromising their identity?

Vindicator ago

I don't think anything up front. And it wouldn't be appropriate to slam the door in new users' faces in the Intros sub -- that would already have been done with the main sub.

However, it has occurred to me that people can comment in the introduction thread...forever. Both positively and negatively. Sort of like a Yelp review? People could link to evidence of interactions with the user, either building up their reputation as a valued contributor, or challenging it.

Over time, if people actually endorsed each other (with evidence), this would actually be a good facsimile for the non-existant "Follow" option on Voat. All you'd have to do is click highly upvoated/endorsed usernames, view their submissions and voila! It would be quite handy for folks coming here new wanting to find out what's what and whose posts to trust.

argosciv ago

I don't think anything up front. And it wouldn't be appropriate to slam the door in new users' faces in the Intros sub -- that would already have been done with the main sub

Definitely not appropriate to slam the door on newbies in an introductions sub, I'm just worried that with the ease of making a new account and with just a bit of writing skill, 'high level' shills (or even a grunt who knows how to build a character) could easily use the "give newbies a chance" theme, to their advantage.

Don't get me wrong I really love the idea of the introductions sub/thread/whatever, it just may not necessarily be as inherently helpful as I first thought(without some refinement)

However, it has occurred to me that people can comment in the introduction thread...forever. Both positively and negatively. Sort of like a Yelp review? People could link to evidence of interactions with the user, either building up their reputation as a valued contributor, or challenging it.

Over time, if people actually endorsed each other (with evidence), this would actually be a good facsimile for the non-existant "Follow" option on Voat. All you'd have to do is click highly upvoated/endorsed usernames, view their submissions and voila! It would be quite handy for folks coming here new wanting to find out what's what and whose posts to trust.

Hmm, there's still a bit of potential for abuse, but I'd say there's at least a fairly easy-to-identify pool of quality contributors already, who can get the ball rolling quite well in the proposed introductions area.

I guess it comes down to a matter of being vigilant as a community, without being overly critical of newcomers who could not only be new to pizzagate, but to the broader scope of fuckery going on in the world as well.

EDIT: Sorry for the borked quote! xD

Dressage2 ago

Count my vote exactly the same as what @VieBleu has selected. I think he makes very legitimate points.

Vindicator ago

Proposal #7: Update the sub Moderator Rules to clarify how, when and why users can be banned from v/pizzagate

This probably needs a quick sticky of it's own for a full discussion. Possible requirements might include: warning users that repeatedly disregarding the submission rules is a violation of the Voat User Agreement and will result in a ban, including links to removed posts demonstrating the pattern and warnings, and leaving more than a one word reason for the ban in the "Reason for Ban" box.

Please vote and comment.

Factfinder2 ago

Proposal # ____: Define in the submission rules what "spam" is.

It's true that "adspam" is listed as a violation, but I'm assuming that's different and has something to do with advertising. People (including me) have been banned for plain "spam" with no explanation. Tell us what it is so we can avoid doing it.

Factfinder2 ago

"@VieBleu characterized the 100 CCP limit to downvoat as a "figleaf" and implied it limits people's ability to submit material. The first point is accurate, the second is not."

I never got the impression from what VieBleu wrote that a 100 CCP limit to downvoat would also limit the ability to submit material.

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks for the opportunity to comment,

Rule #1, what is and isn't pizzagate should be reconsidered with more allowance toward pedogate and related current political issues. Also the rules should allow for duplicate posts to be deleted (or somehow combined?) if they are essentially the same topic repeated, probably due to lag. For example, there were several posts about Roland Bernard not being dead, and a bunch of Taylor Swift posts today that it would have made sense to be consolidated. I get that they don't violate the rules but it does clutter things up and splinters discussions.

Proposal 5. Yes, hide the share a link button.

argosciv ago

Item 1: (-1) So far as I understand it, CCP is actually pretty good at making it hard for dv-brigades to do their thing - any changes which lessen the efficiency of CCP to prevent unjust downvoating, are a bad idea imo. (that said, I'm not claiming to know the exact details of how CCP works, beyond what is explained here)

Proposal 2: (+1) see comments of proposal

Proposal 3: (unsure) see comments of proposal

Proposal 4: (+1) Definitely worth discussing, as at times there are posts which seemingly break rule 1(when compared with the reasoning behind other posts being taken down) which are allowed to remain active. I'm not trying to criticize anyone there by the way, it just makes sense to try to get everyone on the same page with this one.

Proposal 5: (+1) I have nothing to add here, fully agree with the reasons stipulated.

Proposal 6: (+1) I support this on the grounds of transparency and improving the quality of the subverse abroad - nothing else to add though.

4_InquiringMinds ago

There are forums that require members to be respectful of each other. It's not about 'ma free speech' it's about showing respect. The name calling that devolves into such childish spewing of the worst terms ppl can think to call each other not only furthers division (a cabal goal) but gives the appearance of being no more than the moronic groups fighting in the streets. Brutish behavior should have no place on a forum that is supposed to be dedicated to saving the children. It is after all about them/not who can have the foulest mouth, rack up the most downvotes (for some this is a goal) and generally create discord among ppl that are supposed to be dedicated to a higher ideal. The name calling devolves into predictable daily dramas, energy is wasted in acting blatantly stupid, ppl leave in a huff and come back. And we talk about the school play 'out there' ?????

SecondAmendment ago

Wow, @Vindicator, thank you for taking time to post this and especially for differentiating and explaining proposal #1 and proposal #2.

I agree with @4_InquiringMinds, above, and I apologize to all y'all who've read my steady stream of "EFF YOU. DONKEYHOTE" posts. I am sorry that I let myself stoop close to the subterranean level in which that jerk resides. I absolutely despise that guy, in all his many forms, and I wish there was a way to stop him.

I am someone who almost never cusses in real life, but seeing his anti-Semitic garbage just disgusts me. I'm not even Jewish. Nope. But I get so sick and tired of this B.S. that I lash out.

Proposal #2 is great on several levels. I did not realize there are so many subs connected until just reading this thread! I think subscribing to all of them would be "win-win" for all of us.

I'll respond to the rest of the options after I have some coffee.....

4_InquiringMinds ago


I am sorry that I let myself stoop close to the subterranean level in which that jerk resides.

Don't beat yourself up lol...he is doing what a good troll does, find the appropriate bait then flame. At one point in internet noob land looked up definitions of trolls and shills. Gave me good insight in how they operate. My latest learning was 'concerned trolls'...bc ha, I tend to think ppl are really concerned/an affliction for those of us that think in normal 'good people' terms.

Consider that there is a large budget for propaganda...droves of paid trolls and shills/and that naturally with this kind of subject matter we would be infested with them. Some are disguised as regular members, others come in to fan the flames.

and I wish there was a way to stop him.

There is and it's easy. If there is a forum rule that members have to be respectful and courteous to each other then the donks can't get started/they will be cut off at the pass. That should eliminate a lot of troll/shill traffic/not all but ALOT.

turitelle ago

I agree with the OP about this. There are a few shills who are only here to make disgusting comments and stir things up. They make the forum look bad and people who are stopping by to find information on pizzagate leave because they think we're a bunch of creeps ourselves. Its deliberate.

What's the reasoning for allowing them to continue?

DerivaUK ago

Well said. This is starting to become a daily bane and deflects from the true objective

sunajAeon ago

Here-here just basic decency

cantsleepawink ago

That's often a sign of a professional troll. There's a group here on voat that is slowly becoming more prominent with that game. They used the same tactics in the UK to shut down genuine discussion on the Hampstead children case.

argosciv ago

Well fucking said! Upvoat for you on the hopes this comment gets a bit of visibility.

DanKeyhote ago

"Organized downvoat brigades can effectively silence those with low CCP"

Like every great free speech platform.

Why not ELIMINATE THAT OBVIOUS TACTIC by simply BANNING someone with enough actual complaints -- a spiteful downvoat is not good cause, much fewer really want someone silenced and gone.

sunajAeon ago

People who tell the truth are often attacked; if you allow the banning of someone simply because of downvotes it leads to a small elite of the worst character gaining control of the community

Silverlining ago

I can't believe you've spent hours on this. Why not just dump the rules and let people sort themselves out. Try it for a month and see what happens.

Vindicator ago

Added Proposal #6 to the text of the post.

Silverlining ago

I thought he was going to say M_F had resigned. Sadly not.

cantsleepawink ago

Item No 1 needs an upvoat. We are now inundated with trolls on the forum and it is dying. Bring it back.

Millennial_Falcon ago

We are now inundated with trolls on the forum and it is dying.

I'm the main one fighting the trolls, and yet all people have is butthurt over their not-relevant-enough posts being removed.

Vindicator ago

Proposal #6: Restore the original Mod Rule requirement that mods always must leave a brief comment explaining why removed post violates a submission rule, not just citing the rule number

Please vote and comment.

rodeo13 ago

I vote yes.

VieBleu ago

Yes, a no-brainer.

10293609? ago

Vote yes . This is the most annoying thing to hear "Removing per rule # 1" , when it's clearly obvious how it's related to PG.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Vote yes...clarity helps the op and everyone who might be reading in the removed section (where I find many excellent posts).

karenrussell63 ago

I think this should be done when possible, and maybe even allowing the OP to edit post to make it compliant before removing it; when able.

Vindicator ago

Proposal #1: Should we turn on the 100 CCP Downvoat setting (Doesn't prevent shitposts; Removes us from being visible outside this sub, Stops users from accruing CCP here)

Please vote and comment

cantsleepawink ago

Proposal No 1 is the most important proposal here. It needs to be brought back. There was a noticeable deterioration in this forum when this was taken away.

That rule created a more equitable power balance between voaters who research and post and the moderators. Of course mods perform an essential function on this forum. But the workloak is immense due to the volume of traffic. I believe that 100 CCP gives the contributors on the pizzagate forum the ability to self-regulate and helps enormously with the curation of this subverse.

Silverlining ago

I think you answered your own question. Why ask it in the first place.

Do people lose points if they have negative rated comments. Never understood the system anyway.

I have absolutely no idea what my numbers mean - Silverlining 1047 | 1179 | 330

Caused no end of trouble when I tried to set up my first subverse.

Vindicator ago

Here is a good explanation of those numbers: https://voat.co/v/TellVoat/301176

Silverlining ago

Is there an explanation of how the "Top" submissions are selected? It seems a bit random to me. Only if you know where it and it is just a couple of clicks away Just curious - I could search for myself, but if you alredy invented the wheel ...

Vindicator ago

Great question for v/AskVoat. I don't know the specifics, but it's based on number of upvotes minus downvotes if I understand it correctly. Then it's tracked by time period.

Silverlining ago

So I Asked Voat and @JuiceTown says [thanks]

I know how the algorithms work. I'm a web programmer and a Voat superuser.

"Top" is determined by number of upvoats. Simple.

"Hot" is a measure of upvoats per unit of time - think of it as velocity. Example: If a posts gets five upvoats in its first sixty seconds, that is very hot. i.e. it's moving fast.

This is why you see posts on the front page that have a low number upvoats. If you look at the time it was posted you'll see it is very new. A post that gets a relatively large number of upvoats in a short period of time is hot. The ratio is upvoats/age

Hotness doesn't imply Topness and Topness doesn't imply hotness. When a major story breaks, you'll often see it become very hot. The front page content is Hot content by default.

[it looks to me as if "Top" is just top of the last 24 hours]

Silverlining ago

At the risk of cluttering your thread, thanks.

ThePuppetShow ago

I was under the impression that new accounts were able to downvote, which isn't the case. After the explanation I vote no on this.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the input, TPS. There is a lot of confusion about CCP and its effects. Hopefully, talking about this will raise everyone's level of understanding about how Voat works (or sometimes doesn't, LOL).

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I Voat No.

Honeybee_ ago

I think visibility is paramount to sharing information and networking, that is the ONLY reason I would vote to keep it turned off... BUT, I remember when I joined Voat, it was turned on, and I took great care in my voating, made sure I engaged, and it challenged me to be fair, non bias, fact driven and to have great deliberations with my peers... which is what I love about Voat, so I'm still sort of in the middle...

Vindicator ago

Proposal #2: Turn on the "Only allow submissions from authorized users" feature & Authorize users who introduce themselves in new sister-sub

Please vote and comment

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I vote no. This isn't an exclusive club. This is a sub for anyone ready to be redpilled .. or for someone who wants to redpill us.

ThePuppetShow ago

I don't see this accomplishing much. Yes, it will create another step for shills. But 90% of the people in this sub are going to be bullshitting their way through this for opsec reasons. It's going to be nearly impossible to determine a shills bs from a real users bs and it's going to create a shit ton more work. It will also create another sub that nobody pays attention to.

Laresistance ago

Open the sister page, announce that posts will be members only in one week, accumulate members for a week in sister sub, THEN switch to authorized users only posting.

cantsleepawink ago

Authorised users ?? Forgive my ignorance, as I'm late to this conversation. By "authorised" do you mean 'take away anonymity'?

Vindicator ago

No. We would all make a post in the new introductions sub under our username. No self-doxing. It's against the Voat User Agreement. There would be a reminder about that in the sidebar.

cantsleepawink ago

Well, that's good. But is this an attempt to stop voaters from having multiple accounts? I don't understand what an introduction posted by ourselves would achieve.

Vindicator ago

Not much by itself. But as a required gateway to being authorized to submit to v/pizzagate, it would throw a hurdle in front of new shill accounts. It would also shine light on individual comment histories (good or bad) if people commented on intros with their experience of a user who has been around a while (like a Yelp review?). See my other thoughts in this part of the thread.

badastrid ago

This is totally AA. Nope.

Vindicator ago

Can you clarify? Not understanding the problem with this.

Silverlining ago

What would you put for your "introduction"?

And then what process would permit you to post on v/pizzagate board and who would decide?

Vindicator ago

We would have to decide all that via discussion. I included it as a proposal, because it was part of the original thread I promised to sticky, and it was the only part of that thread that actually addressed the problem the thread was focusing on: reducing the ability of shills to shitpost.

I was actually hoping folks would have a bunch of good suggestions, since limiting the ability of shills to post was such a hot topic of that thread.

karenrussell63 ago

I'm in favor of this; with the ability to remove known shills once they out themselves. I also think trusted members should be shown more leniency when posting content which its relevancy to PG is open to interpretation.

argosciv ago

(+1) I quite like this proposal, I've recently been pondering over how we're mostly all strangers to each other here and how that simple fact is able to assist professional shills with getting in our ear on a less noticeable level - nevermind dillweeds like PGiz, they're the dividers, the conquerors are far more subtle.

I'd say that an introductions/authentication system will not only improve posting quality, but will create a more robust and bonded community, resilient to psychological attacks being carried out against us.

EDIT: I believe my recent post in v/pizzagatewhatever somewhat touches on this proposal, in that the more open and genuine we can be with each other, the better - introductions can go a long way towards helping us to form a bond and to stand in unison in the face of our objective and those who seek to hinder it's progress...

I'd love some input from mods on that one if you can spare a moment. (https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2085349))

sunajAeon ago

YES Most definitely disallow new users to post-lets take a little time to get to know them, are going to stick around-exactly how to do this without developing an elite group that controls discussion is the task-we see all too frequently a new person, possibly a previously banned person(s) controlling the majority of new posts-this makes no sense, with all the provocateurs about; perhaps a short introductory period, after so many comments, etc.

argosciv ago

We share similar concerns, but, I'm at a loss for solutions right now.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I vote YES

Silverlining ago

Kind of like AA? No thank you very much!

UnicornAndSparkles ago


sensitive ago

I'm leaning in favor of this idea but don't care much either way. Let's hear your thoughts, people.

Honeybee_ ago

I really like this idea, but it will take some serious getting used to. If people really care about this subverse they will be more than happy to put in the extra effort to reintroduce themselves to the community. I don't think it will deter new Voaters.

Vindicator ago

Proposal #3: Change mods/owners (various ideas)

Please vote and comment -- be specific about what you are voting for or against please

Factfinder2 ago

I'd like to relieve Millenial_Falcon of mod duties and give them to VieBleu if s/he is willing.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Vote yes...Vindicator I think you would make an excellent owner. As for mods it 'seems like' too much power is in the hands of mods whereby if a grudge match gets going someone is banned and either has to suck up or go to another mod for consideration. It likens to the old adage/absolute power corrupts absolutely. Plus I think mods should be respectful of members. Recently I helped a member, grandma, who is here learning bc she wants to protect her grandkids. She is not internet savvy. She was banned for posting support for 2 members recently banned/did not realize she could not do this and a previous post that was removed but she had no clue about the process. When she contacted MF (at my suggestion) the first pm was very disrespectful. Upon her reply MF took the time to read her previous comments and realized she was not Amalek. If MF had bothered to ck comment history this error never would have happened. I think it is too easy for a mod to ban w/o having some requirements like cking out the members post history. So I vote for mods having requirements in the banning process. And had I not reached out to this member (that I only 'met' that day) she would still be banned, have not a clue why or what she could do about it. Do not assume everyone is internet savvy and look for the value in that member before hitting the ban button and replying with such intensity. To MF credit the ban was lifted but it should not have happened in the first place. We are here to help each other and in like kind help the children. There is too much animosity going on imho. Please please please keep in mind that many members are not internet savvy and try to help them learn the terrain.

rodeo13 ago

I vote yes and agree Vindicator would be a great owner.

Strawtinman ago

Agreed. Seen this with many, in every construct there is, including alleged victims. Pgate to to be stopped needs numbers not pedestals of tyranny.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for reaching out to grandma. That was awesome. :-)

argosciv ago

(unsure) Hard to weigh in on this one, having read the pm kkwr received, I must say that I'm not convinced that everyone the sender named is a shill - I've seen quite a few people make rather 'large' claims of moderators/users x/y/z being shills, but, in my own reading of comments, only a few really stand out as obvious - perhaps I'm not being discerning enough, though...

Silverlining ago

@Millennial_Falcon should be encouraged to resign. He spends hours here and adds nothing, just upsetting people.

I would be happy to resign ownership of https://voat.co/v/MillennialFalcon in his favor, if he leaves off moderating this subverse.

He would get his life back.

And @kingkongwaswrong might as well move on at the same time. Absentee landlords are so last century, if not the one before that!

kazza64 ago

have you seen how many posts mf deletes ? it is a shocking amount on a daily basis. i wont post anymore because he will delete my post and then wont even tell me why or help me modify it. at least the other mods have manners. except for crensch who just abused me.

cantsleepawink ago

Normally I would stay out of this type of conversation. But I've reached my end with MF too. It seems that someone's ego is starting to get out of control. We are supposed to be a community. I appreciate that mods have the most difficult job but some emotional intelligence is needed. Some researchers here are doing some heavy lifting too. I would put myself in that category with the hours and hours, weeks, that have moved into months of research. It is not acceptable to be treated with contempt and I do not understand why the senior members are allowing it because it then looks like they condone it.

Here's an exchange between MF and myself which demonstrates that I followed all the rules that he insisted needed to be followed but yet, he still deleted a post of mine that needed to be seen. At the end of the exchange, there is no response, just downvotes on my comment which contains a screenshot providing proof that I had followed the rules. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2086828/10313984

This is not acceptable. And it is also not moderation.

rodeo13 ago

I agree. This is not acceptable.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Spent a full week writing the executive summary. Spend ~1 hour+ of my time every day refreshing /new to maintain the quality of the sub and prevent shills from spamming nonsense, disinfo, and off-topic slide posts, something that nobody else has been willing to do so far.

"adds nothing, just upsetting people"

pick one.

There are two kinds of people who get upset by my moderating. One is shills/trolls like Amalek. Another is paranoid types (a great recent example is @hojoruku) who think I'm trying to censor them because I ask them to take 2 minutes to add needed info to their post. Well, to be fair, there's a third issue. Some users simply don't understand that actual evidence is important and it gets buried and hidden if we allow the slippery slope of tons of barely-relevant posts.

equineluvr ago

Your INCONSISTENCY is frustrating, MF. You need to enforce the rules the same way for everyone instead of giving your buddies a break that others don't receive.

Millennial_Falcon ago

What buddies are you even talking about? I do enforce the rules as evenly as I reasonably can. There is a lot of gray area (particularly with Rule 1), as there is irreducible and unavoidable subjectivity. I try to follow the spirit of the law. Rule 2 and 3 violation are almost always easily fixable. Even Rule 1 violations are often fixable, but those are the ones where it is more subjective. Actual evidence indicating possible pedo elite activity ALWAYS stays up. That is the most important thing.

Strawtinman ago

Buddies would include freearmy. I am at the point of wondering who is sexing or bfucking the army.

equineluvr ago

Everyone here knows who they are: DarkMath, Jem777, Jangles, and Dressage2. There may be others, but these four posters in particular I have seen several times.

Instead of IMMEDIATELY DELETING their submissions, you give them a "pat on the back" for their efforts, explain what the problem/violation(s) is/are, and give them an opportunity to rectify it/them.

Everyone else's submissions go straight into Deleted Submissions so they have to look there to find out what was wrong.

We have all seen this and talked about it, so please don't deny that you do this.

Millennial_Falcon ago

This is just flat-out false. DarkMath is banned. How is that a pat on the back? All of those accounts are in fact on my radar, since Amalek pings them onto his shitposts all the time. I don't give anyone special treatment. If your post breaks a rule, I just delete it and name the broken rule(s). That's all I have time for, but I also always work with people who message me directly or ping me (never been in habit of checking subverse mail). I am always happy to help people bring a post into compliance if it has potential, although the rules are not hard to understand.

ThePuppetShow ago

I also always work with people who message me directly or ping me (never been in habit of checking subverse mail).

This is not true.. I've pinged you and messaged you on several occasions trying to get answers on why you deleted my post and was completly ignored. Here's an example..


ThePuppetShow ago

@crensch Do you want me to write this up for pizzagatemods or can you just evaluate it here? I'm sick of being called a shill by this mod. MF is blatantly lying here, I've never had a PM conversation with this person. I'm a bit leary because I feel like I'm already being targeted by this mod and this will certainly make it worse.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I had a PM conversation with you about that post. Don't lie. I can come back with screenshots.

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm not lying.. Come with it.

You deleted the first thread..


This is all I got..

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2012562 has been deleted by: @Millennial_Falcon on 7/22/2017 8:15:13 PM

Reason given: @ThePuppetShow: Rule 1.

I sent you this PM and got no response..

ThePuppetShow > v/pizzagate | Sent: 1 month ago on 7/22/2017 8:23:25 PM

Submission /v/pizzagate/2012562 deleted

How is that not related to pizzagate?

Since I heard nothing I reposted with more links after getting some advice from other users.


This time you deleted it and told me..

v/pizzagate (Millennial_Falcon) > ThePuppetShow | Sent: 1 month ago on 7/23/2017 12:26:34 AM Submission /v/pizzagate/2012768 deleted

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2012768 has been deleted by: @Millennial_Falcon on 7/23/2017 12:26:34 AM

Reason given: @ThePuppetShow: Rules 1 and 2.

At this point I was frustrated so I sent out some PM's to other users asking this..

Can you give me your honest opinion on whether on not I did a good enough job of linking this to pizzagate? MF keeps deleting it.

I followed some advice I got and posted it again. The last time you deleted it you added this..

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2020298 has been deleted by: @Millennial_Falcon on 7/26/2017 9:01:59 PM

Reason given: @ThePuppetShow: Rule 1. the IG account doesn't seem sketchy at all, as top comment in the thread points out. you still haven't bothered to build a case connecting Rothschilds to pizzagate, so this banking stuff is off-topic

This still made no sense to me, because the threads I linked were still active, but I knew I wasn't going to get an answer out of you so I gave up because I didn't want to get banned for spam.

We have never had a conversation through PM that I recall or have record of. Correct me with those screenshots if I'm wrong.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I cant find it in my sent folder, but I remember for sure we discussed it somehow, possibly through subverse mail. This is proof we discussed it:


Here, you basically admitted to being an Amalek alt:


ThePuppetShow ago

You're full of shit. What I meant was I was working on pissing off MMIQ. I was literally blasting all the shit that alt was posting and you know it. Don't try to link me to your boogie man, clown. You're probably running all those alts. That would be a good reason why you didn't want to delete them..

Sure they can, but banning accounts accomplishes nothing, because brand-new accounts can vote. If they're willing to go to the extent to collect multiple IP's so they can vote multiple times, they're going to be willing to take the 15 seconds it takes to create a new account.


Millennial_Falcon ago

What I meant was I was working on pissing off MMIQ.

Riiiiiiiiight. And how does that add up, given that you had just accused ME of being Amalek (i.e. MMIQ)?

ThePuppetShow ago

Everyone knows who the liar is. Nice try.

I'm the one who handed you the whole thread of alts you didn't want to ban for some reason. Those included MMIQ and your other alts.

If you want a good start on who to drop the ban hammer on look down farther in this thread. Dumbass posted a link to someone when questioned about their alts.


Here's the link directly to the list of alts


@Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch


I know you're trying to set me up.. BTW the only thing this proves is that you sent this when you deleted the thread..

Your submission /v/pizzagate/2020298 has been deleted by: @Millennial_Falcon on 7/26/2017 9:01:59 PM

Reason given: @ThePuppetShow: Rule 1. the IG account doesn't seem sketchy at all, as top comment in the thread points out. you still haven't bothered to build a case connecting Rothschilds to pizzagate, so this banking stuff is off-topic

That's why you can't produce our conversation in the screenshots you promised. We've never had a conversation through PM.

UgTr2 ago

@Silverlining is right, you should resign. Banning people for a single comment which draws attention a contentious issue is not about spam, regardless of what you put in the deletion log.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Banning people for a single comment which draws attention a contentious issue

Thanks for the input, 8-day-old account, but I haven't done any such thing. I ban users for spamming posts (i.e. reposting already-removed posts) that break the rules (and sometimes that takes the form of the user linking their post in a new post complaining about the removal). I have been cracking down on Amalek (aka spamalek) alt accounts, though, and I may have been a bit overzealous, in that I experimented with "test-banning" accounts that are inexplicably supportive of his shitposts, to see if those accounts are just sockpuppets or not. I have always been reasonable about bans. If the user is well-intentioned, I will always reverse the ban, often without even being asked.

That said, I would be happy to step down if there were someone to take my place. As it is, I've been the only one willing to do the job consistently and persistently.

UgTr2 ago

Thanks for the input, 8-day-old account, but I haven't done any such thing.

Actually, you have. This account is relatively new because you banned me as Ugly Truth after I posted this

If the user is well-intentioned, I will always reverse the ban, often without even being asked.

How are you going to know if they are well intentioned or not if they're banned? You could have simply looked at their post history.

Millennial_Falcon ago

lol. you practically asked me to ban you ("will MF ban me too?"). Jem777 was banned to test if s/he is an Amalek sockpuppet. I did the same to test your account. If you had messaged me to ask me about it, I would have reversed the ban right away. Account history doesn't really prove anything. Amalek knows how to create fake personas.

Judgejewdy ago

That's BS, mf. We shouldn't have to plead our case to you when the ban is bogus to start. You did the same thing to me early on when the sub started, conveniently just about the time that i got my 100pts to start downvoating. Who knows how many others you did that to, who just ended up giving up. It took a while to build my points back up under a new name. And your "reason" was extremely bogus. However, I'm well convinced "you" have been replaced by an underling now that this sub is more or less the shit hole you (pl.) intended it to be. So congratulations. Or, rather, tell your boss congratulations. The new MF isn't as petulant as the original. Dont forget to say hi to HenryKissinger.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yes, I'm a new MF. I'm on version 8.0, now. Have you not understood that I am AI? HA HA HA HA. (robotic laugh)

Strawtinman ago

Was done to many in cahoots with free army. Hence, voat started of full of expansive research and many left. Read my other comment above. Been watching this from week one.

UgTr2 ago

Asking a question is not the same as requesting a ban. The reason that people get banned should be because they're not abiding by the rules rather than some other arbitrary criteria. Account histories give a good indication of intent, proof of intent is a difficult thing to measure. If your test was even meaningful, then why haven't you unbanned me?

Millennial_Falcon ago

If your test was even meaningful, then why haven't you unbanned me?

Because you never messaged me in response to the ban. Hence, I concluded you either don't log into the account very often (sockpuppet) or you don't care much about it (sockpuppet).

UgTr2 ago

Why would I message you about it when we've been discussing the issue on this thread?

Strawtinman ago

MF banned and let many be posted on a shill list in the begginning of voat pizzagate. Most on the shill list had many posts of research subverses and comments full of research. Kingkong did this to. It turned alot of people off for they gave many hours of research.

Meanwhile, shills were not banned and bullies. This amalek thing is a paranoid level and bullshit excuse level. Amalek was a issue from years ago. The mods allowed profile Freearmy to list shills with the most insane illogic that did not prove shills, but proved free army has no logic. All the support to freearmy by the mods and it makes one wonder if a mod is controlling narrative or sexing freearmy.

A number of researchers that endured the above had connected pgate to public health care, fosters, organ trafficking; including "mango" wikileaks emails.

A number of ones wrongfully called shills that gave a lot of research were also reporting that were doxxed, hacked, gang stalked and more.

I have been observing from week one of voat and reddit, chan sites. Many just observe as have adult responsibilities and have witnessed the habits that occur here and the misery put on ones that gave so much work and effort to the cause.

The post by MF above, using H as a example in negative. Clearly, H is exhausted by all the labours to the cause, including in the courts that MF has never done.

There is clearly, multi control narrative, intimidate real citizen researchers on here. And it started on week one.

There are many that care of Pgate and want it stopped. Many do not include sabotaging assholes in their daily lives, so do not post on here for much fuckery on here.

UgTr2 ago

This amalek thing is a paranoid level and bullshit excuse level

Yeah, MF started with "spamalek" in the ban log at around the time that he banned me.

There is clearly, multi control narrative, intimidate real citizen researchers on here. And it started on week one.

Still, I don't know of anywhere better for people to post their research. I guess system-level fuckery is just a fact of life when you're trying to talk about the issues related to pizzagate.

Strawtinman ago

Surprised how many missed the Bair blood early troll on here that broke many laws to number of citizen researchers. Nathanwblair. Now Australia pedo is being shown.

Vindicator ago

The mods allowed profile Freearmy to list shills with the most insane illogic that did not prove shills, but proved free army has no logic. All the support to freearmy by the mods and it makes one wonder if a mod is controlling narrative or sexing freearmy.

Strawtinman, are you talking about ArmySeer and his sillyass subverse he created to attack pizzagate investigators, v/pizzagateshills, which he would ban people from when they'd never posted there to make them think he was a mod here and they had been banned from this sub?

I systematically debunked his bullshit dozens of times, until he lost it and started spamming removed submissions under multiple alts and got banned. He now keeps a low profile and tries to undermine in comments as DeathTooMasons. I call him out on that, too.

You're making some tall claims in this comment. Would you mind adding some links to what you are referring to?

Strawtinman ago

Partially sarcasm ( the sex part, maybe, ha ha). Yet, voat positivity and numbers did crash during that.

And Many mods were posting with Freearmy constant attack posts. Thats just fact. Sure gave cocksuck appearance.

Vindicator ago

You're talking about @ArmySeer? Still not clear on who you are referring to.

Strawtinman ago

No worries. Is old news. Just pointing out early redflags. Nathan was the Australian one. Blair family.Newbies not know early redflags and many oldies never poated but dud watch all on voat, reddit, 4chan etc.

Silverlining ago

Vin - you mean infested with criminals? [lags]

Vindicator ago

Looks like Voat is laggy -- let's see if your original comment gets merged with the edited version automatically.

Vindicator ago

Silverlining, you made a duplicate comment. Can you remove this second one to keep the thread uncluttered? Thanks.

Vindicator ago

Proposal #4: Revisit what is and isn't Rule 1 compliant (directly related to Pizzagate)

Please vote and comment on having a more detailed discussion of this via a separate sticky

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Keep general Trump news in v/news or v/politics or whatever, pizzagate material has to deal with elite child diddling. Shit that is about actual pizza that you eat related makes me cringe.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Yes. As others have pointed out Pizzagate and pedogate are the same thing.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Vote yes...as it is now it's rather vague and confusing for many.

karenrussell63 ago

I get annoyed by having to make sure to explicitly state that what I'm posted is PG related, and risk having it removed just because I didn't specify. I understand the purpose but as long as a post is clearly relevant, it shouldn't require an explanation.

Crensch ago

It sounds like you want mods that are in the know for PG, and can curate based on their knowledge of PG.

It sounds like a great way to invite rEddit cancer here and ensure that only the non-useful narratives are followed.

You're welcome for the real estate to be able to follow any narrative you please, and the ONLY thing you have to do to use it is follow the rules.

Can you imagine if one of these shills managed to take over and delete certain actual leads while supporting bullshit like:

The Rule 1 problem is the biggest problem in the subverse in my opinion. Tons of quality material like children being given hormone blockers at age 3, Planned Parenthood misleading children to believe that a person is not male/female at birth using the word "gender", organ harvesting, etc...

? I found that below somewhere... ESOTERICshade wrote it.

The tranny-fuck bullshit is pure kikery and deserves to be investigated and destroyed, but it is NOT pizzagate.

THAT is the kind of bullshit that would be on the front page, NOT your (I assume) real PG material.

karenrussell63 ago

that's a fair point. i still think that mods should use discretion when something is clearly related even if the op didn't specifically specify. but.. i suppose its best to err on the side of caution rather than risk allowing irrelevant info.

Crensch ago

Unfortunately, Voat isn't all that great for archiving good information, and sliding/cluttering the subverse is a very, very easy thing to do.

So I agree with your obvious desire for it to be different.

i still think that mods should use discretion when something is clearly related even if the op didn't specifically specify.

How much work do you want the mods to have to do? I (by design) don't know the latest shit. How much time and effort should I have to put in to each post before I can make a decision on it? Where would you draw that line, and is it something we can write as a rule on the side?

How would that rule look?

cantsleepawink ago

If you don't make it clear in the title, the mod has to go digging to ascertain that your post is relevant.

From my experience karenrussell63 , you can still follow the rules, try to be reasonable and MF will still delete you because he feels like it.

Here's an example of what I mean:


I'm now asking myself who moderates the moderators ?

Millennial_Falcon ago

If you don't make it clear in the title, the mod has to go digging to ascertain that your post is relevant. It takes you 5 seconds to save the hardworking, busy mod who knows how much time. This is part of why the title must make relevance clear, along with the fact that it helps other users know what your post is about.

star_boi ago

one of my posts was deleted within 5 mins while i was still writing the damn explanation!!

Crensch ago

I'm pretty sure that having to continue writing the explanation is a problem in and of itself.

kazza64 ago

i changed my title and you still deleted it

Crensch ago

What other rules did you break? It's not our job to scroll through every single word of every single post to find all the shit you couldn't be bothered to shore up in order to follow the rules.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

But you delete posts that explain citing they are not Pizzagate relevant.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Explaining how something is relevant don't necessarily make it sufficiently relevant.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I often wonder if I can ask you a very personal question without insulting you or asking you to doxx yourself.

I see a lot of relevant stuff deleted by you. Can't figure out if you work for the dark side or are too set in your own beliefs over what is Pizzagate and what is pedogate. Maybe merging the two meanings for one sub will stop this happening .. I won't hold my breath.

Crensch ago

Maybe instead of just typing out how much you dislike the guy or think he's awful, you'll post in /v/pizzagatemods and make a case with links to submissions that did not violate the rules.

Not a single one of you has presented anything that wasn't complete and utter horseshit, and while I'm sick of wasting my time, I will continue to parse them.

Bring your fucking A game though, because I don't tolerate half-assed emotional attacks or irrelevancies trotted out as damning evidence.

sensitive ago

I'm open to constructive suggestions on how rule 1 should be changed - listening ;-)

Crensch ago

I see two downvoats, and not a single response.

Honeybee_ ago

Definitely should revisit this, I believe it is frustrating to voaters that are just coming on board that want to participate in the discussion because they DO BELIEVE pizzagate is real and also that it is very much apart of PEDOGATE. My suggestion was to possibly utilize the v/pedogate subverse and make it just as popular and challenging as v/pizzagate. I'm personally starting to post there more often for I've found so much that supports that pizzagate is a real scandal, but also that there are HUNDREDS of other networks and operations that are exploiting, kidnapping, selling and harming children and they need to be addressed with stellar research!

Edit: spelling

kazza64 ago

as a new poster i have to say it is very discouraging when come across information that you get excited about only to have it repeatedly deleted without proper explanation as to why. how can i fix my post if i dont get the feedback i need to re-edit it to the format required by the moderator deleting the post ? they can state a rule but if i dont understand how that rule applies to my post and i try to fix the post and repost it and the same moderator deletes it without explanation then that isnt helping me and it isnt helping voat. work with voaters to help us all become better at understanding voat rules in relation to our posts so we can enjoy less deleted posts and just get on with the business of investigating pizzagate together .... as a team :)

Honeybee_ ago

Hi @kazza54 I'm looking at the email that was sent to you when your post was deleted, it said deleted per rule 3. Not sure how glancing over to the right hand side of the desktop view of the voat subverse and reading the rule mentioned isn't an explanation that is spelled out very clearly...

"3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate. EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post (except when markup is used to embed links in the specific text they support)."

If you really want to validate Dr Steven Greer, who may or may not be a limited hangout, you have to do some research on your own and provide evidence of what he is proposing and explain how it is related to PIZZAGATE/CHILD TRAFFICKING in the title and the post. That is laid out in the description of Rule 3. So to say your post was deleted without explanation is false.

EDIT: @Vindicator @sensitive @Millennial_Falcon

EDIT: *Spelling

kazza64 ago

Hi honeybee 😊 thanks for getting back to me. I read rule 3 and amended the title to have it deleted again I asked the moderator to help me only to be ignored

Honeybee_ ago

can you send me a link to the second deleted post, thank you! I will look at this, if there is more that I'm not seeing I will try and help the best I can

kazza64 ago

no worries :)


Honeybee_ ago

Ok, that link didn't work, BUT I did see both deletions and you still aren't following rule 3 in your second post either, I'm sorry, just please try and read the rule carefully and compare to your post and you will see where you are failing to follow. Please refer to my previous message for specific details on why both posts were deleted, hope that helps, thanks -Bee


kazza64 ago

thank you for your help bee :) i appreciate your concern and i will review the rules to make sure i am abiding by them when i post. you're a nice person

argosciv ago

This comment just perked my interest about v/pedogate, mind if I pop my head in there aswell?

(Something tells me it's appropriate to ask ahead of time on this one :P)

Vindicator ago

Combining the two subs somehow was one of the things mentioned in recent threads.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Would it be possible to have it so that when you click on the pedogate sub it takes you to Pizzagate? Posts that aren't accepted can be posted on Pizzagatewhatever instead of pedogate. Clearly explain this in the sidebar.

carmencita ago

A round of applause. I agree with you proposal. This would also make Newcomers make the connection between the two.

KillAllPedos ago

It's time to unite the two groups of discussion on Pizzagate & Pedogate . Uniting the two creates a stronger force against the Pedos! We all know the players and the scene of context for Pizzagate,that is not lost; and Pedoagte is the larger realm of pizzagate,combining the two will create a better aggregate of info for the voaters.

Vindicator ago

Any thoughts on how it might be accomplished?

I have always felt they were the same thing anyway. For a while I was using #Pedogate more on Twitter. But I've come to see the stinkbomb value of #Pizzagate -- it's notorious. When someone uses it seriously as an intelligent, highly competent individual, it really sets up the cognitive dissonance. Pedogate is too generic to have that effect, IMO.

KillAllPedos ago

Not sure? but I went to v/pedogate to see not many posts and low traffic, it seems that the majority are on v/pizzagate.I guess drop v/Pedogate and only have v/Pizzagate then.Then a make a small change to the title, calling it " pizzagate / pedogate,, next to the voat beta logo. maybe that?

Factfinder2 ago

"Any thoughts on how it might be accomplished?"

Simply redefine pizzagate as something that began with Comet Ping Pong but grew much larger as researchers began to uncover long and ruinous tentacles of pedophilia aggressively infiltrating societies all over the world. Edit: Also, sex and organ trafficking, ritual abuse, and even cannibalism.

Honeybee_ ago

PIZZAGATE falls under the umbrella of PEDOGATE. Thats how I've always seen it, I've been researching other networks unrelated to pizza code words, but also some that are not related to Comet, but also use pizza symbolism/codewords/operations to exploit children. When I think of Pedogate, I think Vatican, Hosanna Church, NCMEC, CPS, Voodoo Doughnuts and also Pizzagate. Pedogate is the cover up of Child trafficking and exploitation.

cantsleepawink ago

Agree. Pedogate and pizzagate are the same thing. #Pizzagate is more powerful as a meme.

Vindicator ago

Proposal #5: Hide the "Share a Link" button

Please vote and comment

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I agree. As honeybee pointed out when the poster adds a description to the comments they quickly get lost.

badastrid ago

Vote yes

KingoftheMolePeople ago

But hiding that button does nothing. I have CSS turned off sitewide. I will always see that button, and it will still work. So if I had a mind to I could spam a bunch of links that you would need to remove. Granted, this can be done now. But all hiding that button does is limit your legit users who allow CSS.

Im not sure how hiding that button accomplishes anything for your sub.

Note: I am not a PG user. For some reason I got msgd about this thread and came here out of curiosity . But as an outsider I may have two cents of vaule(or dubious value)

VieBleu ago

this is interesting information Your point of view as an experienced user is helpful, glad you made it.

Vindicator ago

Because our submission rules are rigorous, a large number of new users get removed on technicalities. Bad first experience. Gives fuel to shills claiming this is a "limited hangout". Many would simply switch to Discuss posts, which can be edited.

KingoftheMolePeople ago

i guess that makes sense.

cantsleepawink ago

This might seem like an odd observation but...

I like the share a link button. Sometimes people just want to share a video or article. That option also links to thumbnails which makes the forum more visually appealing. Some of us are visually oriented in our learning and media consumption. So a detail like that actually makes a difference.

I post a lot and noticed that direct links often get more hits and comments than more detailed posts. It appeals to people who do not like to read a lot or are too busy to do so. So superficial browsers to this site will linger at those posts. It's obvious whether direct links are related to pizzagate or not. Sometime I get a moderator who asks for a breakdown of a long video or an explanation in the comments section. I have no problem with that. KEEP the "share a link" button.

I vote NO.

Silverlining ago

I had never even noticed it until I read this - what does it do? [don't answer]

4_InquiringMinds ago

Vote yes

sensitive ago

Hiding the "Share a link" button would be helpful not only for us mods, but also for OP and the users: It's extremely difficult and time-consuming to squeeze everything into one - usually very long - title to accomodate for the rules, plus these posts cannot be edited afterwards - a major flaw and a very helpful feature of "discuss posts".

Honeybee_ ago

I definitely think it should be hidden. I notice a majority of contributors utilize the link option and most of those posts get deleted. To be honest, it makes it so easy to unintentionally break v/pizzagate rules by not giving you the chance to actually explain the relevancy or provide sources other than the link... people try to add a comment to their own post to elaborate, but it gets lost in the comments. Seems having a "post a link" option is like having a "no smoking" sign next to a table with an ashtray, lighter, and fresh pack of cigarettes... you know I'm breaking that rule.

Edit: spelling