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Crensch ago

Since we err on the side of leaving up a submission, that's the way to go. We don't know what was in that pastebin link but given that some massive breakthroughs on many things have come from the chans, AND the fact that shaking this tree is likely to have some apples fall out, it seems like leaving it up is the way to go.

Unlike the low-level cops and grunts who might give up someone above them and so-on for a few people at some point someone will be more afraid of the guy above him than the law.

You TECHNICALLY could remove per 3, but I think we can reasonably say that the entire text is considered the description of the first link, and that he archive is of the link above.


ThePuppetShow ago

If you want a good start on who to drop the ban hammer on look down farther in this thread. Dumbass posted a link to someone when questioned about their alts.

Here's the link directly to the list of alts

@Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch