hookednosedjoooo ago

/pol/ never figured out shit. None of us are certain that he's a Rothschild. Same idiots that fall for this are the ones who post neonnettle and yourjewswire

Infopractical ago


birthdaysuit11 ago

Okay, why is this left up by mods but damning information is censored. I literally scrolled through all of these links and no documentations that he's a Rothschild. James obviously works with them but why this disinfo! POST THE CLAIMS CLEARLY and with quotes to source this claim. God damn it.

Crensch ago

Since we err on the side of leaving up a submission, that's the way to go. We don't know what was in that pastebin link but given that some massive breakthroughs on many things have come from the chans, AND the fact that shaking this tree is likely to have some apples fall out, it seems like leaving it up is the way to go.

Unlike the low-level cops and grunts who might give up someone above them and so-on for a few people at some point someone will be more afraid of the guy above him than the law.

You TECHNICALLY could remove per 3, but I think we can reasonably say that the entire text is considered the description of the first link, and that he archive is of the link above.


ThePuppetShow ago

If you want a good start on who to drop the ban hammer on look down farther in this thread. Dumbass posted a link to someone when questioned about their alts.


Here's the link directly to the list of alts


@Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch

Mammy ago

Upvoat. Fuck the shills & bots. (Well, not literally, but you know what I mean.) And I wish we could find a more apt term than "elite" for these bottom feeders, but that's another thread....

scotchfor1 ago

Same with "bloodlines". When I see proof of a superior bloodtype I will acknowledge their so-called 12 Bloodlines, til then we are all the same IMO.

PedoStomper ago

Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. You done fucked up now. I hope he is 4channed to death and hangs himself.

HiiH ago

Benjamin de Rotschild, the guy who inherited his father's fortune in the 90's is an ex-junkie

Benjamin de Rothschild, only son of the late Edmond de Rothschild, was a classic case of great expectations gone astray. Despite being groomed for greatness from a young age, as a teenager he skipped university and instead headed for Los Angeles with dreams of being a film producer. In LA he started taking drugs, and ended up on heroin. Meanwhile, he failed to make it into Hollywood's charmed circle and bombed as a film-maker.


Also in 1996, Baron Benjamin Rothschild, now 34, was arrested at an airport in England and fined $600 for heroin possession.


Not the only case of heroin use in the family.

In 1996, one of Nat Rothschild's cousins, Amschel, hanged himself at the age of 41. **He had just been asked to fill a leading position in the family bank in London. Four years later, another cousin, Raphael de Rothschild, died in Manhattan from a heroin overdose. He was just 23. **



Raphel was the oldest kid, he has a sister named Esther Eva Marie-Cécile who inherited everything from him. She is alive but i am unable to find stuff about her, havent looked through the recent 4chan leaks tho, i bet she is there.

The Raphael de Rothschild overdose is also interesting.

" Cops arrested a friend of de Rothschild's, William Corbin, and charged him with heroin possession, said Officer Theresa Farello, a police spokeswoman. Rothschild apparently passed out inside the loft after partying with Corbin and friends into the early morning hours, friends said....

" Corbin, however, denied partying with de Rothschild. "I was there on the sidewalk, but that's it," said Corbin, an executive at RestaurantRow.com, an** online restaurant reservation service**. "That's all I know. I came walking up [to the scene] a little late. I wish I could tell you what happened, but as I told the police, I really don't know.

To recap, the head of the Rothschild family, richest of them all, is an "ex-junkie". Suicides and overdoses arent rare, some press call it "The Rothschild curse" and it seems to catch the bad apples and those who are in line for inheriting.

I believe Rothschild are the ones who pull the globalist's strings but they always keep distance. Very interesting little rabbit hole.

Not do distract from the OP's post, if James isnt a Rothschild he has at least very close ties to them and since he didnt kill himself from media bullying him or some other stupid reason, there is a high chance of probability that he is a Rothschild.

Truthseeker3000 ago

James Rothschild the younger one who just married Nicky Hilton his father was "suicided" aka murdered because he didn't want to go along with their plans so they killed him when both James and his sister Kate Rothschild were young. His sister Kate has had a troubled life too, married to a Goldschmidt having two kids, she had an affair with a New Orleans rapper and was seen in and out of pawn shops broke cut off from money. Her ex husband has the kids and has since remarried. There are also 4 younger late teen Rothschild girls, Eve, Alice, Olivia and Noemie (and others on the family tree) who are lost girls. Sad, sad world. All the money in the world but living in a virtual cage, brain washed to believe evil is good.

HiiH ago

I believe it might be because you cant refuse "the job", ie when a Rothschild is in line for inheriting not only the shekels but the banks and/or companies, you cant say no. I read a bit about Rothschilds, at least what google gave me when searching with time settings from 1990 to 2000, i dont know if it is normal but it seems a big influx of suicides and death in Rothschild's family in that timeframe. Seems to me that they are either getting offed by their relatives or they are offered a fake death and a nice life, which i highly doubt cause killing is less expensive.

You know what leak would be maybe the biggest redpill? Bilderberg voice or video recording, Wikileaks should stop publishing thousands of emails in the open, they should go slowly.

I would release a small number, lets say 5 damaging emails, two days later 10 damaging looking, another two days rest of the damaging emails i was able to find and the next day release all the emails so people can look into. This way the media HAS to report on the content of emails. If the left even looked at Hillarys emails, at least those found, they couldnt deny she not only deserves jail but possibly the chair too, so to say.

bibigirl_ ago

Weird site mentioning blood refrigerator al gore used ? refrigeratorguidemax.com/al-gore-refrigerato

jstrotha0975 ago


Cigarette5mokingman ago

So out of over a hundred and fifty votes there's really only 7 critical thinkers here that can see through the bullshit?

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Can someone please link me to the actual evidence proving alefantis is an alias, cause I'm just not seeing.

Married2Martha ago

There is no need for the word "how". Please learn to spell is the correct grammar.

scotchfor1 ago

rolf schooled.

Just_thinking ago

Does Merkel have a Son?

What does he look like? where can people find him/them?

carmencita ago

Merkel has a brother that was at an Event given by John McCain's Foundation and his wife was also there. Don't know about a son.

Just_thinking ago

Thank You.

carmencita ago

We have to help where ever we can :)

pushthis ago


Damn. Good thinking

Snailracer ago

I found a screen shot of the supposed DOX,


I can't tell what database the names are supposed to have come from. For the first address (2660 Scott St, San Francisco) I looked up the owners since the 90's, and there didn't seem to be any connection to JA or the Rothschilds. I'm not spending more energy on this BS, zero proof.

logos_ethos ago

You linked to the image board's file directly. That will expire soon. Here is the image on a different host.

Snailracer ago

Thank you, back ups are a good thing.

10077000? ago

Part son of Roth, part Funky Chicken.

DeathTooMasons ago

Good work. Many of us were assuming this already. He lived in a house whose previous owners were Rothschilds. So mr kiddy pizza parlor and pedo paddle is a filthy Rothschild and the media had no idea right? We need to make threads about anything they are NOT lying about.


But why would a memeber of a trillionaire family labor in a pizza place? Let's say it's a cover. Why isn't the restaurant super badass?

Konran ago

Would make it difficult to 'hide in plain sight' if the restaurant was 'super badass'.

[EDIT: Spelling]

scotchfor1 ago

Since when do jews splurge when it's not in their best interests? Hole-in-the-wall pizza joint breathes authenticity.

PedoStomper ago

The reason is so its nondescript. It doesn't draw attention. It doesn't scream "money." They use that to hide, to blend in, to seem like just "Average Joes."

remedy4reality ago

you ask all the wrong questions..

but that's your job, isn't it ?


We are on the same team. I have legitimate questions, that people ask me when we talk about this. My uncle ask the same questions. They are questions for spreading awareness, than investigation. Read trough my history.

Devious1 ago

Wouldn't this be funny, if this was actually JA talking about pineal gland extraction > it's a good possibility the age seems about right (34 yr old in 2010 from USA)

"If I was able to come in possession of a certain mammal's pineal gland, how would SWIM go about attempting to extract all DMT from within?"


Cybernetics ago

It's the Seal Of Solomon.

Hopevoats ago

"Rotschild" is more appropriate for someone so rotten.

pig_lifter ago

Am i the only one who didn't clearly see a connection?

micha_ ago

Hlad you asked, because I was reading the linked comments and found no link - it's just a screenshot of a text. Shockingly is the number of upvotes for a sensationalist claim without any shred of evidence.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

No its bullshit as far as I can see, and all the idiots who just watched zeitgeist for the first time upvote the hell out of it, until it's the top post. There is zero evidence to back up the claim, as far as I can tell. I suggest any real researcher put efforts elsewhwre. Not to say it couldn't be possible he's a rothschild, but there's not evidence here or anywhere else I've seen to prove it.

10076035? ago

wow, things are really slipping around here. i leave for a few days after swordfish's """"damning revelations""" and it's actually only gotten worse. i've scrolled halfway through that 4chan thread and literally no one has explained or provided documentation of this claim. OP replies to multiple comments that "4chan has been our source before, just trust them guys"

OP, why aren't you explaining in your post or comments how they doxxed him / why this is relevant?

non shills: keep your eyes out for this cult-of-personality/weird "cliques" of users whose information makes you feel off. i swear to god every single fucking post these days is some retarded shit like the bistro (imo it just looks like some database error on what looks like a clunky, cheap website i can't believe we spent so much time on that) with one downvoat and everyone's upvoats. must be more shills than we realize.

PS - adrenochrome is not DMT!!

hookednosedjoooo ago

Jews are muddying the waters and poisoning the well with disinfo

10096953? ago

kinda like what you're doing huh?

darkknight111 ago

This thread came out of something shown here.

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2041343 which is a very good lead.

10076677? ago

answer my question.

darkknight111 ago

I honestly don't know. Then again, I don't understand the methodology of doxxing. I'll have to check in more detail later. Right now I'm on lunch break (overnight shift) and my work's wifi blocks access to /pol.

-Edit: Seems people have been having problems accessing ghost bin shortly after that thread appeared. Very fishy, like an attempt at censoring the truth. Also strange that stuff on Roger went dark around a similar time. The elites do push back aggressively whenever something really gets under their skin, like the Pegasus incident.

10086128? ago

sigh. it's like you're a bot, you just keep repeating the same baseless stuff.

SatanicStreetCred ago

Achilles is The Line of David. https://vid.me/christisagape

SatanicStreetCred ago

I think we concluded Pizzagate.

Gothamgirl ago

Roger Rothschild from Canada. I wonder if he is close or connected to Glacier Dental.

carmencita ago

Good for you for remembering that. We were being steered away from that were we not, imo. We went to a certain point and then stopped. There was a Catholic School and we did not investigate the people there.

darkknight111 ago

Good. Feel free to do so.

The "smell a rat" test is going off the charts for me. "Know thy enemy" (gauge the reaction of your enemy, aka "flip the chessboard") is pointing to this being true.

Jobew1 ago

i'm thinking this is likely true with the info in the various links esp the ghostbin entire site down, linkedin for pappa down (or was down). JA looks spitting image also. would also explain a lot about ja's finances and why no one will even contemplate investigating (one would think with all the "busts" of mid to low level traffickers lately, they'd surely wanna look into a pizza shop owner to add to the low level busts if true)

hookednosedjoooo ago

They just took it down to give the illusion that its "real"

His bf might have had held a fundraiser on Lynn Forester De Rothschilds property (she's friends with Hillary) but thats no proof

Jobew1 ago

woulda thought you'd be "all in" on this given your username....

hookednosedjoooo ago

Nope. I don't fall for bait

Jobew1 ago

what's the angle to the "bait" you reckon?

hookednosedjoooo ago

He's not a Rothschild

Jobew1 ago

yeah i got that's what u think. im wondering what would the motivation be to anyone to put that out there as 'bait' in your opinion

hookednosedjoooo ago

Why does yournewswire and neonnettle make fake articles about shit that doesn't happen? It's a disinfo campaign

Jobew1 ago

i'm not seeing a similar angle for some 'anon' on a board though (this is assuming for a second that a site like that would have a motive to do that -- would it even get them trafic and wouldn't they possibly be in danger)...and has this been picked up by a cite like yournewswire

JesusRothschild ago

Yes, I am smart.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Beware of Bezos' shills/bots originating from AWS IP addresses.

DarkMath ago

Got it. The reason I'm a little pissed is this "James Alefantis' true name: Rostchild" has no supporting evidence besides a comment on 4chan while I went to the trouble of siting 3 sources of physical evidence showing the guy was murdered possibly for his connections to Brownstone Operations.

ToMuchBS2 ago

I actually have screenshots of the pol doxxing before this thread and how it all linked. Posting would not be a good idea because of doxxing obviously. Check the addresses, businesses owned, birthdate and other Rothschild links to all of this to find your answers

DarkMath ago

"Check the addresses, businesses owned, birthdate and other Rothschild links to all of this to find your answers"

I have no doubt they all match up. That's what Media Matters, Share Blue and Crowd Strike get paid for: post well researched and believable disinfo.

I looked into this the last time and there is no way this story is true unless David Rothschild fathered a child at age 11.


ToMuchBS2 ago

David??? No!

DarkMath ago

You think he had a kid at age 11?

Godwillwin ago

What guy was murdered?

Speaking of murders- what's up with this dead reporter guy? Seemed like a straight laced young fella with a bright future. He winds up dead. Fox News did a tribute tonight "remembering Joe Rago" http://video.foxnews.com/v/5533101061001/?#sp=show-clips

DarkMath ago


DeanKeyhote ago

"Citing." Siting would be locating and sitting would be what you pay fat kike whores to do on your face Friday nights.

DarkMath ago

Thanks historically illiterate Black Hitler guy who thinks European History started around 1900.


DarkMath ago

I know. I never said it was related to the Rothschilds. Why did you even think that?

DarkMath ago

Can I ask @Millennial_Falcon and @Vindicator and @sensitive why this post is allowed to stay while mine on another topic was deleted?

I provided actual physical evidence supporting the argument. One was of a DC Metro Police crime van which is only sent if there's a murder. And the other piece of evidence was the court date the following week.

darkknight111 literally read a comment on 4chan and that was enough for you guys.

That's a double standard no?

Millennial_Falcon ago

To answer your question, I am only now seeing this post, and arguably deleting it per Rule 3 would be imposing my own opinion of the strength of the evidence (although any reasonable person can see the 'evidence' in the 4chan thread doesn't even come close to proving Alefantis is a Rothschild). Also, if I remove it now, the shills and their useful idiot followers will be all over me, even though OP could just repost with a more accurate title. Also, as you can see based on the votes on @redditsuckz' reply to you, the shills seem to have people under the impression (if those 11 upvotes aren't ALL shill accounts, which is possible) that I delete anything having to do with Rothschilds, which is completely ridiculous. I have removed off-topic posts about the banking history of the Rothschilds, per Rule 1. This post itself is fine as far as Rule 1, but arguably crosses the line on Rule 3, misrepresenting a possibility as fact.

@kevdude @Crensch

Cigarette5mokingman ago

So if I'm to understand this correctly. You want to delete the post because there is no actual evidence, but don't due to everyone being "all over you" ?

I'm really trying to see the connection here, but just not seeing it.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I'm really trying to see the connection here, but just not seeing it.

I don't get what you're saying. Connection of what?

Cigarette5mokingman ago

The connection of alefantis to rothschild.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Apparently his nose is basically identical in shape to that of a particular Rothschild (Evelyn, I think?). And now supposedly there is a Rothschild who had an alias of "James A Rothschild" among other aliases. So, not proof by any means, but worth exploring, especially considering Alefantis clearly has unexplained clout in D.C.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Yeah. I've seen the side by side nose comparison, but I'd hardly consider that evidence. As interesting as this would be if it were to turn out to be correct, I just grow tired of all the idiots just reposting shot that has no relevance, and just don't understand what a provable fact is.

DeathTooMasons ago

You should know the answer to that by now.

redditsuckz ago

If you want M_F to show up just make a new thread with the word "Rothschild" in the title. He will be here in less than 15 minutes max;


DeathTooMasons ago

Vindicator would rip it down first.

8887766554433221 ago

Stop whining @DarkMath

MolochHunter ago

hes winning, not whining

8887766554433221 ago


ThePuppetShow ago

DonkeyHote shilling as usual.

Godwillwin ago

It seems the archive link with the info only works if you go to it directly from the original post in /pol/

So you have to go here then in the first post click the archived link. It should open a purple page of information


Madwack ago

Unable to connect

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at ghostbin.com.

AncientJabberish ago

Red Shield aka Rothschild.


Y are you getting downvoted?

ThePuppetShow ago

Are you upvoting shills with 100 alts? lol Are you one of them?



Dose my history look like I'm a shill?

ThePuppetShow ago

Well, anyone who blames the Jews for their problems is certainly questionable. The Jews aren't really running a damn thing. They are the cover for the SOS.


BIGLY17 ago

Blaming the Jews for stuff now makes users a shill? Hahahaha this sounds like Jew logic at its finest.


O ok....

ThePuppetShow ago

You're also questioning why an obvious shill account is getting downvoted. Certainly interesting. Don't believe me, look through this thread.



I have NEVER encountered a shill that talkrd about practical jokes... how would that even be shilling? I have been postung in PG for almost a year and was NEVER called a shill.

ThePuppetShow ago

So you have alts too.. Your account is only 21 days old. I'm just asking questions.. It made me curious why you would be questioning that an obvious shill account was being downvoted.


Send me the comment i responded to. I dont even fucking remember. I deleted my old account. No alts


Big daddy Rchild was visited by a demon in his sleep telling him to mark his door with a red jew star and change his last name to Red shield which translates into Rchild. At least that is how i understand it. I got it from one of 3 places. Belold a pale horse, The eternal jew, or David Ikel. Cant remember which.

ThePuppetShow ago

The red shield is a Knights Templar thing and the eagle is a Roman thing too.

An aquila, or eagle, was a prominent symbol used in ancient Rome, especially as the standard of a Roman legion. A legionary known as an aquilifer, or eagle-bearer, carried this standard. Each legion carried one eagle.

The eagle was extremely important to the Roman military, beyond merely being a symbol of a legion. A lost standard was considered an extremely grave occurrence, and the Roman military often went to great lengths to both protect a standard and to recover it if lost; for example, see the aftermath of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, where the Romans spent decades attempting to recover the lost standards of three legions.

No legionary eagles are known to have survived. However, a number of other Roman eagles, either symbolizing imperial rule or used as funeral emblems, have been discovered.


I'm was more questioning why you were defending a shill though.


Ya ok. There can only be one red shield refrence in history.....

ThePuppetShow ago

So.. Where does the red shield come into play for Jews? Ohh yeah.. Just the Rothschilds. How about the eagle?


Who the fuck mentioned an eagle? You. So, go argue with yourself

ThePuppetShow ago


Yep, you bitch niggas always want to try to talk shit when you have no facts. Have a nice day, useful idiot.


I really have no clue what you are talking about. But ok

Shillaxe ago

They still hunt with Eagles in the Stans eg. Kazakhstan....home of Khazarian "Jews"???

ThePuppetShow ago

They still hunt with Eagles in the Stans


Kazakhstan....home of Khazarian "Jews"???

That depends on who you ask..

Excavated DNA from Khazar burials was classified in 2017 as belonging to Haplogroup R1a-Z93 and "typically “Turkic”, and not a Jewish DNA lineage", but any more detailed Single Nucleotide Polymorphism than Z93 of the Y chromosome was not tested, which could confirm un/relatedness to the specifically Jewish subclades.[306]

The hypothesis of Khazarian ancestry in Ashkenazi has also been a subject of discussion in the field of population genetics, wherein claims have been made concerning evidence both for and against it. Eran Elhaik argued in 2012 for a significant Khazar component in the paternal line based on the study of Y-DNA of Ashkenazi Jews using Caucasian populations, Georgians, Armenians and Azerbaijani Jews, as proxies.[307] The evidence from historians he used has been criticised by Shaul Stampfer[308] and the technical response to such a position is dismissive, arguing that, if traces of descent from Khazars exist in the Ashkenazi gene pool, the contribution would be quite minor,[309][310][311][312][313] or insignificant.[314][315]

According to Nadia Abu El-Haj, the issues of origins are generally complicated by the difficulties of writing history via genome studies and the biases of emotional investments in different narratives, depending on whether the emphasis lies on direct descent or on conversion within Jewish history. The lack of Khazar DNA samples that might allow verification also presents difficulties.[316]


VastExpanses ago

Homer's Achilles is King David see the ping pong paddles? https://vid.me/WY3Sx

VastExpanses ago

Take a guess.

darkknight111 ago

The "false flag baiter" shills are out in full force on this thread. One using an alt (red flag that they're a shill). Proof that this is important. Archive and keep pushing.

DeanKeyhote ago

Moi? Ive done way more for the cause than you so YOU BITE YOUR TONGUE FAGGOT

DeathTooMasons ago

It's shilly in here.

darkknight111 ago

Then explain all of your alts.

Prove that you're not trying to get us set up for some false flag designed to discredit us or get us taken down.

equineluvr ago

"Prove that you're not trying to get us set up"

Logic FAIL.

A negative cannot be proved.

DeanKeyhote ago

Oh, the kikeshills downvoated me 500 times in one week which limited my account to 10 comments a day.

If welch was FF clearly theye not just waiting for an anon to say "kill the jewz!!" YOU RETARD

darkknight111 ago

Wrong. If you truly knew anything about false flags attacking truthers, then you would know that even non violent anti semite comments get used to plant evidence to discredit truthers.


hookednosedjoooo ago

I'm the one who sounded the alarm about the false flag and you guys were calling me a shill for being antisemitic so you can shut the fuck up


How can the truth be antisemetic? You need to sit a think about deleting the "jews are untouchable as a group" programming.

DeanKeyhote ago

Btw we are talling about a group whose biggest defense org,ADL, was foundes because a jew raped and murdered a gentile girl and the folks lynched his ass.

DeanKeyhote ago

Youre a faggot larper. And dont understand logic, LMAO! By yoir reasoning no criticism of jews is EVER valid and as long as stormfront exists it can be blamed for all FFs. Just admit youre not privy to a MOTHERFUCKING THING they do nor WHY and neither am i.

Tsuishika ago


ThePuppetShow ago

Agreed. There's definately bots out there pulling all this information.

AncientJabberish ago

Homer's Achilles is King David, so that's the code of the names, Jewish Aryan Line.

DarkMath ago

Where's the proof? I only see a 4chan message board. The archive page provided as "proof" is blank: http://archive.is/9hrn4

I call bull shit.


Damnpasswords ago


Godwillwin ago

Uh oh Try this?


DarkMath ago


That page contains a comment anyone could have made up. Ditto for the ghostbin evidence.

DeanKeyhote ago

Tzitzimitl ago

look at the "saved in" slot at the top of the page, youve archived the front page of the site. add these at the end:



DarkMath ago

There is no "saved in" slot.

darkknight111 ago

/pol is extremly through when they doxx someone or get their weaponized autism active. They're also commonly one of our best sources of intel.

The father's stuff went dark when /pol posted this.

From all of that, the likelyhood of this being true is pretty dam high. Plus this is ongoing.

PedoStomper ago

This. /pol/ found that damn "He Will Not Divide Us" flag even when old Shia tried SO DAMN HARD to hide it. Those autists can work wonders when they put their REEEEEEEEEEs together.

DarkMath ago

There is literally no documentation. All this is based on a comment someone made on /pol.

This is a joke. Stop being so gullible.

darkknight111 ago

According to PuppetShow, ghost bin is down.

If this is false, why go to the trouble of attacking sites with that information.

The thread on /pol was also under some very heavy "forum sliding" attacks by shills. Very suspicious.

Something stinks badly.

10076105? ago

ok,,,,,,,, but they've been lurking here long enough to know that's the way our logic works, or at least that of gullible people who are newer to this level of Conspiracy. if the shillmasters wanted to plant false information they could easily also fuck with a few more things to make it seem ~legitimate~ and then get their clique shill army to comment back and forth like there's actually something here. just have them all repeating "no guys this is for real!! 4chan said so!"

meanwhile, neither you guys nor 4chan have produced SHIT.

DarkMath ago

"under some very heavy "forum sliding" attacks by shills"

My guess would be sliding the topic toward James Alefantis is a Rothschild which there is literally ZERO public evidence of.

dickface88888 ago

Are you stepping in for AreWeSure?

DarkMath ago

Lol God know. Shame on you for even thinking that. I just think the Alefantis is a Rothschild disinfo is classed Media Matters bull shit.

Damnpasswords ago


Godwillwin ago

It seems the archive link with the info only works if you go to it directly from the original post in /pol/

So you have to go here then in the first post click the archived link. It should open a purple page of information


DarkMath ago

Anyone could have typed that in. There is literally no other evidence. This has disinfo written all over it.

Godwillwin ago

Yeh. Just thought I'd pass it along. not saying it's gospel, but it's worth looking into. It would make sense

AncientJabberish ago

Homer's Achilles is King David, so that's the code of the names, Jewish Aryan Line.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Could you elaborate?

I haven't heard of David and Achilles being synonymous.

JesusRothschild ago

Ptah aka God of craftsmen and architects. Carpenter is a mistranslation from Hebrew for ARCHITECT.

It's a bloodline.

Julias Caesar's son was Caesarian "Chosen by Ptah" aka Jesus.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

ImmortalCommunity ago

They made me do it.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Jesus, but why?

UlyssesEMcGill ago

But you're not, he was

The_Easter_Bunny ago

A dry place is not a place where people die of thirst, but rather a place where the sea is no more, after it has given all her treasures (Revelation 21:1).

On the Biblical canvass, the name Zion means Dry Place.

The_Easter_Bunny ago

I'm available for research projects. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1987774

The_Easter_Bunny ago


The_Easter_Bunny ago

The Head of The Iron Rod of Hermes IS SOPHIA And her wisdom hath built this house.

AncientJabberish ago


Michael Aquino, Alefantis and The Line Of Seth https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1984570/9770989

Alexander the Great and Cleopatra both display epicanthal fold, B- blood (like ramasses) and PAX6 derived heterochromia iridium in Alexander. This is why we find Jacob Rothschild with coloboma.

Ramses II 'The Great', Pharaoh of Egypt is Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild's 65th great uncle's second great niece's husband's wife's uncle's wife's great niece's husband.

Also comparative analysis between Plato's forms and Judaism is useful... As well as knowledge of Heraldry such as Delphi (Dolphin), Dauphine (Dolphin)... Apollo associated with the dolphin and Cyrus with dolphin and anchor.

The elite obsession with unicorns is interesting for it's what covered the tabernacle, which of course, is an allusion to the unicorn heraldry and bloodline.

Godwillwin ago

They are also saying the father studied biochem and lives in Alaska and something about "the leaks" being true. I haven't yet figured out what leaks they are referring to. Lastly, they talk about adrenochrome, but there's no specifics on it as there are for James' real name being James Alefantis Rothschild. They list all the properties associated with him. They are in New York, CA, DC, and there's one in Illinois - need to look into the Illinois one

carmencita ago

Illinois would be strange- seems odd. CA and DC and NY that's were all the action is, but Illinois does not seem like an Alefantis place, but know knows, he is One Strange Bird. Now did you mean this is his father's property or that of James?

DeanKeyhote ago

Chicago is a jew hotspot, are you dense, ma'am?

Godwillwin ago

Seems to be residential

Godwillwin ago

I think it's James'

730 Hibbard road Winnetka, Illinois 60093

1994-2006 are the years this property was associated with his name

carmencita ago

Odd, what would he be doing in a suburb of Chicago. It is some what wealthy I believe. This could have just been an investment, will see.

Godwillwin ago

So I'm finding tony podesta was born in Illinois and went to college in Chicago, Illinois. Hastert's son,Josh,worked for the Podesta group & Google and was a lobbyist for Lockheed Martin

So maybe tony podesta and hastert's ties to Illinois has something to do with the property in Illinois??

Excerpts below From an article on the "fall" and perp walk of Dennis Hastert:

As a lobbyist, Hastert worked on, among other specialties, technology issues. Piggybacking on that, his older son, Joshua, hit Washington soon after Denny became Speaker in 1999. Voila! The pierced-tongued owner of a record store in DeKalb called Seven Dead Arson became a lobbyist focusing on technology and defense issues. Josh started his new gig, working for mp3.com’s lobbyist who had been an aide to former House Republican Minority Leader Bob Michel, a close colleague of Josh’s father.

Josh then moved to a small firm, Federal Legislative Associates, that lobbied on tech issues. Moving on up, he was soon hired by lobbying firm, Podesta Mattoon, headed by two old friends of his father’s—Tony Podesta, a fellow Illinoisan, and, with Hastert, a student government leader in the 1960s, and Dan Matoon, a close friend/advisor of Hastert’s who ran his first congressional campaign. In 2006, while his father was still holding the Speaker’s gavel, Josh was hired by Google as part of a team of Podesta Matton lobbyists.

In a conversation with Jonathan Franzen for The New Yorker, Josh held up his father as a model—they both love small business—and, as a lobbyist, he told Franzen, he’d be helping “smaller defense contractors…who are taking on the Big Four contractors.” Josh would later become a registered lobbyist for Lockheed Martin.

Like his older brother, Ethan has drawn heavily on his father’s friends in high places. Soon after graduating with a business degree from the University of Illinois in 2000, he landed a spot on George W. Bush’s transition team and then went to work for his dad’s long-time friend and fishing buddy, Vice President Dick Cheney, as a special assistant to Cheney’s COS Scooter Libby.


carmencita ago

Were you the one that found the Hibbard address owned by JA? I just looked it up and there were 3 Elementary Schools for this house and they were this close: 0,3 0.4 0.5 miles from the home. This is amazing. Is this why he bought it? So close. Usually most homes have just one school nearby. I found it here:https://www.redfin.com/IL/Winnetka/730-Hibbard-Rd-60093/home/13788904 We can't do anything about this now, but very interesting imo.

Godwillwin ago

Yes it was me.

Creepy. The podesta's are from Illinois. Tony went to college in Chicago. That's all I could come up with

carmencita ago

Well that address was very close to 3 Elementary schools and I mean just blocks away. That is highly unlikely usually just one nearby. I may research this a little more. Any missing children during 96 thru 2006.....also there is Palwaukee Private Airport right nearby as well. A Perfect Storm? IDK, but it is a start.

carmencita ago

That article sure has given us a lot of info has it not. Many have referred to it and found answers. I seems to me those Hastert Boys worked both sides of the aisle working for Podesta Mattoon and then the other son ending up as the aide to Libby. It could be that Emanuel played into all of this as well since the three brothers are Mafia involved. There is some really interesting background on Rahm's dad while he was in the Israeli Army (if it has not be scrubbed). He was involved in a bombing of sorts. Do not want to go into it until I look it up again. Afraid of disinfo.

AngB23 ago

Of course, just a theory but, let's say kids/people are human trafficked and tortured for the purpose of extracting adrenochrome, which is more potent when someone is in a very heightened state of fear.

To do that, torture and rape also is a money maker for CP and snuff films. (I found possibly a weird connection w/this researching the Hampstead case which I'm sure serves the same purpose here in USA)

Then after the bodies are used for these vile purposes, there's another angle for the unused organs- research, biotech, transplants. This would need more research bcuz organs after death do not last long, need experts and a place to store/freeze I would think. This is where I feel some restaurants may come into play.

If some of these acts are done close to biotech companies, then transfer of organs/body parts is easier. Winnteka is a 4 mile drive to Evanston. In the case of Hampstead/Christ Church, they were close to a McDonalds and Tavistock. These biotechs can only work on animals for so long before they need to test on humans. Also, hybrid of animal/human body parts needs probably more humans than those that actually "volunteer" or donate their bodies to science. To add to Biotech, also think- psychological testing, vaccine testing, organ harvesting...

Biotech-worldwide. Wonder how many of these are located where many kids go missing? http://biopharmguy.com/links/company-by-location-genetics.php

Pig/human lung hybrid- transplant is BIG money business. Also, to harvest lungs like this, children lungs are what is needed. I like how this article seems to need to point out the kids died in an accident https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2014/05/06/genetically-modified-pig-lungs-or-lab-grown-lungs-which-is-the-future-of-our-organ-supply/

And lastly, what about the "scrap" body parts to dispose of? Remember pink slime? Or the recent articles that both McDs burgers and Starbucks tea has tested positive for human fecal matter. It's disgusting to think about but haven't you ever wondered how all these burger joints, world wide, gets this massive amount of "beef"? I know there's cattle farms and we also know that the beef has fillers...what fillers exactly?


So basically this seems to be one GIGANTIC ring covering many facets. From satanic rituals to organ harvesting and medical testing/research.

carmencita ago

Here is the thread...Oops I think this is the same one https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2042853 Check it out it included the address.

carmencita ago

God that stuff is nasty, but yes, we have to go there if it is to be researched. I never eat fast food or any burgers out and hate Starbucks. I will tell you one thing I know and I don't know if it is connected, I have a special dislike for Emanuel and so I know that he is from Winnetka.This is especially odd also because in another thread, we just discussed that JA owned property in Winnetka from 1996 through 2006. Very odd and this may lead to something. Let me find the thread. Will post here. I just finished researching him and Rahm lived in Willmette not Winnetka. But I would still not count this out. He surely has a lot of ties there and could have hooked JA up with the right people.

PedoStomper ago

If they really are putting human leftovers into fast food, then they are also causing the public to unwittingly participate in their rituals with them, which I'm sure in their mind only increases the potency of their "magick." Man Aleister Crowley can suck a fuckin cock in hell.

AngB23 ago

EXACTLY! Cannibalism. Which they already put human tissue in vaccines but for the unknowing to actually EAT other humans is basically us participating in it with them.

ETA- here's the company that supplies meat to McDs. I don't know much about them but will be looking further http://www.keystonefoods.com/global-business-regions/united-states/us-locations

carmencita ago

Please do look into that. I think we would all like to know their background and how they may be involved in this nasty business. It is disgusting thinking about it. Also how this can eventually effect people's brains.

Dressage2 ago

Winnetka is considered the North Shore. Wealthy towns all along this stretch, Libertyville, Lake Forest, Kenolworth, Highland Park, Evanston

AncientJabberish ago

Drop the adrenochrome bullshit. DMT can be obtained from plant matter. It's not about that, it's about mind control.

darkofthemoon ago

Adrenochrome is not the same as DMT, Two entirely different molecules. Adrenochrome is harvested from blood to which adrenaline has been secreted in large amounts and DMT from pineal glands. Yes, there are entirely fine alternate sources for DMT, but synthetic adrenochrome doesn't produce the same effects according to reports. It is unclear if pineal gland high is different in some way from the ordinary DMT high or if pineal glands simply have more Satanic street credibility.

Links to show that they're different molecules:

SatanicStreetCred ago

Your pineal gland get's an A.

KekMate ago

"Synthetic andrenochrome doesn't produce the same effects according to reports"

Which reports are these, Vampire Weekly?

darkofthemoon ago

People on the Internet, so take it how you will. Basically folks trying synthetic adrenochrome for kicks get no desired euphoria, but LARPers who go a little too far playing Vampire: The Masquerade are surprised with an euphoric high that has potential for addiction. Also, I hear that ordinary non-elite Satanists get the same effects from animal blood, which makes sense from a biological perspective.

KekMate ago

That's not what elitists get up to.

Real elitists, under physics.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Androchrome happens to kill cancer kills. There's a logical reason why schizophrenics have a low incidence of being stricken with cancer. Because their bodies convert adrenaline into oxidized epinephrine -- adrenochrome. My theory is the elite consume adrenochrome to extend their longevity.

Gothamgirl ago

This is what I think they're doing. They're injecting this "miracle tissue regenerator" shots, which consisted of amphetamines, animal hormones, bone marrow, enzymes, human placenta, painkillers, steroids, and multivitamins.[5][8]


CognitiveDissident5 ago

Agreed. I think it's one of the reasons. Not being vaccinated and not eating GM food or consuming fluoride also keeps them living much longer

star_boi ago

take or leave the adrenochrome argument-- this already broke this year as an actual story, on npr and multiple news sites, regarding the transfusion of youthful human blood to delay aging and boost health! the desensitization to the subject has begun...

ReptilianGland ago

CO2 is the difference between melatonin and DMT. By the same logic, yoga is life extending for the same reason.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Cool story, bro.

ReptilianGland ago

Whatever idiot.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Cool story, bro.

EricKaliberhall ago

I don't think it's BS. Adrenochrome or DMT from the pineal glad is part of the Egyptian mystery school teachings. The eating of the pineal gland is the doorway to the "underworld" once there one must go thru the "Maze" to obtain knowledge. Mummification with the removal of organs and glands is ritualistic, and has great meaning for these Luciferians.

DMT from plant and root is ayahuasca, dr Rick Strassman (The spirite molecule) and his tests show similar experiences. A shaman will help guide the "traveler" thru the maze. Same scenario, different interpretation.

It's not the drug per se, but the rituals and what is learned thru the rituals that is of importance to these people. I definitely believe that Adrenochrome is part of the puzzle. And of course the most potent Adrenochrome is supposed to come from children.

Married2Martha ago

The pineal gland IS the THIRD EYE.

ReptilianGland ago

I have no doubt in the power of DMT. However the Hunter S Thompson spin needs to be dropped.

EricKaliberhall ago

Agree, the Hunter S Thompson spin clouds the discussion. I have no doubt he was involved in some crazy, disgusting stuff. But because it's Hunter, drugs always comes up.

8887766554433221 ago

No. You don't eat pineal glands because we cannot digest DMT.

EricKaliberhall ago

So, DMT is only smoked then?

JesusRothschild ago

It requires preparation to be drunk.

equineluvr ago

Not pure DMT.

You are thinking of ayahuasca.

SatanicStreetCred ago

"there is a devil in every berry of the grape" Devil's backbone Cissus Antarctica

SatanicStreetCred ago

"I conclude from this fact that DMT is not designed for ordinary consumption, like any organic food fitted to nourish an animal. It is, in effect, forbidden to the organism that it has assisted to take form as an organism. That makes sense, if the formatting chemical goes dormant after it has completed its tasks. The inclusion of MAO chemistry in the liana by-passes this alimentary taboo -- a most special case of transgression, as I suggested just now"

SatanicStreetCred ago

The human body cannot digest and metabolize DMT without the MAO inhibitors: the serpent mother residing in the vine allows it to take the alimentary path, in exception to the natural order.

Godwillwin ago

I don't know anything about adrenochrome. I'm Just passing on what I read because I know a lot of people don't like to "venture" over to /pol/

AncientJabberish ago

It's deliberate half baked nonsense.

Godwillwin ago

Something else that maybe nonsense, but maybe not. An anon said COmet ping pong and Embarcadero - part of the port of San Francisco - are related somehow and something about a SoHo Playhouse - a theater in New York

Godwillwin ago

Maybe so. I just thought I'd mention it.

Some companies that have likely already been looked into that James is associated with

VP of Kidzworld Media at 475 Howe Sr. Vancouver. site has 2 million monthly visitors.

LLC's include:

Big Cheese LLC 5037 Connecticut Ave. NW Washington DC. Trading Name = Comet Pizza. He is governor and CEO. Incorporated 9/6/05 -

Christopher Achilles LLC 5037 Connecticuit Ave. NW Washinton DC. Incorporated 5/26/05.

Big Bucks DC Incorporated on 8/1/03.

Cheese LLC in DC (sepapate from "Big" cheese Llc above. Inc. date 6/05 -

Achilles LLC in DC incorporated on 8/6/14

Castellum Achilles incorporated on 6/16/14

He is the agent for HereComesYourMan. Incorporated on5/27/14

ThePuppetShow ago

Did you spell the name wrong for the bots?

darkknight111 ago


ThePuppetShow ago

Ghostbin is down again..

ThePuppetShow ago

Good plan.

DanKeyhote ago

Thank god youre here. Some internet Nazis are claiming the Rothschilds are jewish! Thats some chutzpah!

PedoStomper ago


AncientJabberish ago

AshkeNazi Davidic Line. Like me.

Damnpasswords ago


ThePuppetShow ago

Same shill playing with himself.

AncientJabberish ago

You could be conversing with me about practically anything, yet you choose to insult me. Speaks volumes of your character, or lack of, I should say.

ThePuppetShow ago

Why were you talking to your other alt and trying to mislead people?

JesusRothschild ago

I could be doing so many things. Misleading it not something I have ever aspired to.

JesusRothschild ago

Why would I bother misleading people?

ThePuppetShow ago

All of your alts are plenty of proof you're misleading people.

JesusRothschild ago

I don't like to be restricted from speaking.

Azagthoth ago

How many foreskins have you eaten today?

10074812? ago

and his brother runs tech firm.. Agile something or something... internet infrastructure and cloud based storage

yea doooooooddzzz

star_boi ago

that's interesting.... a post regarding this site: http://www.wholetspoondrive.com/ was just posted..... it looks like an insider joke larpy site to me, but.... on the home page under 'join our network' ..... it states 'work in an Agile environment'. a lot of 'in the know' references on this site and password protected areas. this couldn't possibly be a new access site for the previous CPP server could it?? can someone check dates on this??

10080561? ago

"Agile Environment" is industry jargon for being flexible with what you work on

KekMate ago

I just spilled coffee everywhere. Damn you NSA

KekMate ago

@butthair You dingbats forget to alter the dates on the blog page. http://www.wholetspoondrive.com/diamond/

butthair ago

i didn't make anything it looks like a fake to me.

you are a dumb bat

butthair ago

that is tech talk. i think yur right about wholespoon thing. looks like template.

Godwillwin ago

The linked in profile of his father went dark shortly after /pol/ posted the thread with all of his info

AncientJabberish ago

Homer's Achilles is King David, so that's the code of the names, Jewish Aryan Line.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

OK, then tell me the story of King David's heel.


(Read in jew voice) Oy, these new velcro shoes i got from Walmart makes my heel spur flair up. But they were only $6.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

LOL. At least someone understood the question.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


8887766554433221 ago

Read more Plato. then approach me.

ReptilianGland ago

Empty headed monkey.

AncientJabberish ago

"Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me"

Et tu brute?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

So does that mean King David was Julius Caesar and Achilles?

JesusRothschild ago

Ptah aka God of craftsmen and architects.

Carpenter is a mistranslation from Hebrew for ARCHITECT.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I understand ALL the bloodline material, my question was if Achilles was King David how do the tales of their lives mesh. You know Achilles being given the choice of being remembered by all humanity or being remembered by his descendants as beloved and his death in Troy, compared to the biblical accounts of King David and his exploits.

JesusRothschild ago

Yes we know equine.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Ur funny, Skippy.

JesusRothschild ago

It's a bloodline.

Julias Caesar's son was Caesarian "Chosen by Ptah" aka Jesus.