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AncientJabberish ago

Red Shield aka Rothschild.


Y are you getting downvoted?

ThePuppetShow ago

Are you upvoting shills with 100 alts? lol Are you one of them?


Dose my history look like I'm a shill?

ThePuppetShow ago

Well, anyone who blames the Jews for their problems is certainly questionable. The Jews aren't really running a damn thing. They are the cover for the SOS.

BIGLY17 ago

Blaming the Jews for stuff now makes users a shill? Hahahaha this sounds like Jew logic at its finest.


O ok....

ThePuppetShow ago

You're also questioning why an obvious shill account is getting downvoted. Certainly interesting. Don't believe me, look through this thread.


I have NEVER encountered a shill that talkrd about practical jokes... how would that even be shilling? I have been postung in PG for almost a year and was NEVER called a shill.

ThePuppetShow ago

So you have alts too.. Your account is only 21 days old. I'm just asking questions.. It made me curious why you would be questioning that an obvious shill account was being downvoted.


Send me the comment i responded to. I dont even fucking remember. I deleted my old account. No alts


Big daddy Rchild was visited by a demon in his sleep telling him to mark his door with a red jew star and change his last name to Red shield which translates into Rchild. At least that is how i understand it. I got it from one of 3 places. Belold a pale horse, The eternal jew, or David Ikel. Cant remember which.

ThePuppetShow ago

The red shield is a Knights Templar thing and the eagle is a Roman thing too.

An aquila, or eagle, was a prominent symbol used in ancient Rome, especially as the standard of a Roman legion. A legionary known as an aquilifer, or eagle-bearer, carried this standard. Each legion carried one eagle.

The eagle was extremely important to the Roman military, beyond merely being a symbol of a legion. A lost standard was considered an extremely grave occurrence, and the Roman military often went to great lengths to both protect a standard and to recover it if lost; for example, see the aftermath of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, where the Romans spent decades attempting to recover the lost standards of three legions.

No legionary eagles are known to have survived. However, a number of other Roman eagles, either symbolizing imperial rule or used as funeral emblems, have been discovered.

I'm was more questioning why you were defending a shill though.


Ya ok. There can only be one red shield refrence in history.....

ThePuppetShow ago

So.. Where does the red shield come into play for Jews? Ohh yeah.. Just the Rothschilds. How about the eagle?


Who the fuck mentioned an eagle? You. So, go argue with yourself

ThePuppetShow ago

Yep, you bitch niggas always want to try to talk shit when you have no facts. Have a nice day, useful idiot.


I really have no clue what you are talking about. But ok

Shillaxe ago

They still hunt with Eagles in the Stans eg. Kazakhstan....home of Khazarian "Jews"???

ThePuppetShow ago

They still hunt with Eagles in the Stans


Kazakhstan....home of Khazarian "Jews"???

That depends on who you ask..

Excavated DNA from Khazar burials was classified in 2017 as belonging to Haplogroup R1a-Z93 and "typically “Turkic”, and not a Jewish DNA lineage", but any more detailed Single Nucleotide Polymorphism than Z93 of the Y chromosome was not tested, which could confirm un/relatedness to the specifically Jewish subclades.[306]

The hypothesis of Khazarian ancestry in Ashkenazi has also been a subject of discussion in the field of population genetics, wherein claims have been made concerning evidence both for and against it. Eran Elhaik argued in 2012 for a significant Khazar component in the paternal line based on the study of Y-DNA of Ashkenazi Jews using Caucasian populations, Georgians, Armenians and Azerbaijani Jews, as proxies.[307] The evidence from historians he used has been criticised by Shaul Stampfer[308] and the technical response to such a position is dismissive, arguing that, if traces of descent from Khazars exist in the Ashkenazi gene pool, the contribution would be quite minor,[309][310][311][312][313] or insignificant.[314][315]

According to Nadia Abu El-Haj, the issues of origins are generally complicated by the difficulties of writing history via genome studies and the biases of emotional investments in different narratives, depending on whether the emphasis lies on direct descent or on conversion within Jewish history. The lack of Khazar DNA samples that might allow verification also presents difficulties.[316]

VastExpanses ago

Homer's Achilles is King David see the ping pong paddles?

VastExpanses ago

Take a guess.