srayzie ago

Hello, @millennial_falcon @vindicator

I would have replied to this sooner, but @kingkongwaswrong pulled a cowardly move by not pinging the ones he's accused of being "high end shills" so that he could have only his side heard. I think @V____Z has a right to know what she was accused of as well.

I am amazed at how exaggerated and one sided this post is and how my being labeled a high end shill is based on my opinion of George Webb! My turn....

I am contacting you in urgency to talk about the obvious infiltration of the Pizzagate subverse by "high-end" shills. For months now, users such as "V____Z" and "srayzie" have lead the investigation in a huge nowhere. They have filled the investigation and the Pizzagate subverse with dead-end subjects and the objective was to submit "shocking" content which would lead to nothing.

I've been here and have been an active contributor here for around 8 months. Anyone can look thru my submissions. Other than my George Webb submissions, I have only posted leads and links to leads that are Pizzagate related.

When it comes to George Webb, I was stating my opinion at that time. I don't like that he says he wants to stay away from Pizzagate and that he doesn't want Hillary Clinton, Podesta, Shultz and others to go to jail. However, my opinion of him has changed. I now watch him daily because he has revealed so much that has turned out to be correct. I am on guard, because I don't know who he works for, or who's protecting him, but I have to push those things aside and use my inner filter. I believe he's very valuable when it comes to exposing the deep state. But, not Pizzagate. You even stated in this post that he is an old Mossad agent! Not that any of this matters tho. Because my opinion is totally different than shilling. People are free to make their own decisions. Free speech!

I've looked into Montagraph and am aware of many things now. But, I'm not dumb enough to post about it because, if you know anything about him, he doesn't take too well to being called out and him and his friends are hackers. Enough about that.

As I dissected this post, I see that almost everything you said about me that leads you to believe that I'm a shill, is my opinion of George Webb. Like 90% is all about George Webb! So, if someone disagrees with you about another person, they are labeled a shill? Wow. I don't like David Seaman either. Does that mean I'm a shill?

In other words, how I used to feel about George Webb, Jason Goodman and laughing over a post about Montagraph, you mention nothing else. So I'm labeled a "high end shill" because of my opinion of a few people (all of which I have since changed my mind).

Other than that, there are 2 shills (Equineluvr and donkeyhote) here that I fight with in the comments section, like so many others do, because they threatened to dox me. Donkeyhote has alts such as dankeyhote, deankeyhote, dwaynekeyhote, dawnkeyhote, longdongkeyhote and others. They troll threads all day long and spew nothing but hate for Jews. They call people horrible names. One even told someone they should go commit suicide.

Instead of you focusing on 2 women who had a different view than you do when it comes to George Webb, maybe you should focus on the real shills here. I have never been banned and get along with almost everybody here. I am an active daily member of Pizzagate and do not appreciate you labeling me a shill.

Edit: I am now aware that this was posted because of a private message received. I'm pretty sure it was Equineluvr or donkeyhote because we talked about George Webb and Montagraph in DM's and we don't like each other. But, before you post and slander someone, you should use discernment. An opinion is not shilling. Verify that what you're posting is correct before you make a post pinging the mods, accusing people of being HIGH END shills.

V____Z ago

Thanks for letting me know.

srayzie ago

You're welcome.

equineluvr ago

"Other than my George Webb submissions, I have only posted leads and links to leads that are Pizzagate related."

LMAO! Anyone looking at your posts can see that you have an obsession with attempting to argue with DQ (to you, the high school flunkie, that would be Don Quixote) and myself and failing miserably.

YOU are the one stirring up the shit, so YOU are obviously the one who "doesn't care about kids."

Still chasing all the men on here vi a PM and asking about their "snakes," married "Christian" woman?

srayzie ago

Since I know your lying ass tries to make me look bad, I save everything related to you. I had this tagged and ready.

Vindicator ago

@srayzie: I know you are not a shill. ☺

You really should ignore and downvoat the donkey and equineluvr. The more you respond to their baiting, the more they get off on doing it.

equineluvr ago

So much for mods being objective, "above it all," and staying out of the fray.

To your credit, it appears that you have at least enough brains to recognize that we are two different people.

Vindicator ago

So much for mods being objective, "above it all," and staying out of the fray.

My goodness, EL, your idealistic side is showing. No one is objective. And only naughty monkeys want mods "above it all" and "out of the fray" so they can run amok.

argosciv ago

hah! when you put the two names (or rather, donkey instead of "don") together, the connection between them becomes so much more obvious.

equineluvr ago

Don Keyhote is an OBVIOUS reference to Don Quixote so has NOTHING to do with equines and EVERYTHING to do with literature, apparently something only HS grads understand.

srayzie ago

Thank you! I know. It's hard tho because he threatened to dox me and talk about people in my life. So I can't stand him.

Vindicator ago

As I like to tell my daughters: God put a middle finger on BOTH of your hands for a reason. You think he did that by accident? ;-)

srayzie ago

LOL. I like that!

Well, since I can't use them online, I have some middle finger emoji's haha.

argosciv ago

Sorry, just before an argument gets way out of hand here... kingkongwaswrong is not the one making the accusation! He received a pm from an unnamed user!

srayzie ago

Oh, thank you for correcting me.

darkknight111 ago

Hey, welcome back. Joined in march and never saw you. Here's what's been going on.

Convicted pedo Robert L. Robinson made 100's of alts to torment and shill us.

There were two attempted false flags against us within the last two months. One around the CNN doxxing incident in which a bunch of new accounts spammed topics designed to plant evidence that the pg community are a bunch of racist antisemites. The second was last week, a few days after Charolettesville. Same objective. On that same vein, we have an agent sabateur by the name of Donkeyhote (and his MANY alts) actively doing the same thing.

This brings me to my next point. A submissions guidelines suggestion for a new Rule 5 that also applies to comments. "No False Flag Baiting". Made a thread about it and there is a lot of support for this new proposed rule for it gives us extra defenses against shills.

About a month or two ago, there was a massive DDOS attack against us. Analysis of the date, timing, and things being looked into led to the conclusion that it was a combination of two things that triggered it: something on /pol regarding a certain specially encrypted date file and leads looking into the Jesuits around that time.

Within the last week, there was a huge breakthrough regarding Tenet Healthcare.

Vindicator ago

Hi there, kingkongwaswrong! Glad to hear you are around. We are plugging away in here and continue to see glints of light at the end of the tunnel from time to time. :-)

VictorSteinerDavion ago

This user comment matches a few suspicions I've had, minus the specific users.

There is an attempt to derail this whole thing, but so far is at the level of individuals communicating and coordinating in a reactionary manner.
If it is actually a high level coordinated effort it's one of the least competent ones I've seen. There are also a few jokesters derailing for fun, but those don't get much momentum.

The individuals trying to disrupt this verse appear to be playing from a strategy guide published pre facebook, I've not seen any particularly current methods being used here.
Reddit seems to be the continuing target of more up to date manipulation, which is usually only possible with site owner collusion.

Overall the initial rush of interest has settled down and the remaining community seems to be populated by the 'long haulers' that usually carry these types of investigations through to the end.

Something to keep in mind is all the non-contributing audience members who, while silent here, are using what they learn here in their lives in the real world.
It's a long road to the completion of the objectives, but progress is being made.

Crensch ago

Hey, great to hear from you, KKWR!

Things are going well, and the sub is predictably getting attacked by shills, trolls, and useful idiots. I've fortunately had to step in only a handful of times since you left.

Also - feel like I've been holding my breath for the establishment to come crumbling down and pizzagate to be vindicated since pre-trump election victory. Felt like something huge was going to drop but it never came.

Unfortunately, our mod rules are simply about the format, as judging the quality of posts was determined to be something we couldn't make rules about, since mods' value-judgments would be different, and more open to abuse.

Also I got this PM which looked really well laid out, posting it for your perusal. It was sent 2 months ago but looks like the users mentioned are still around/active.

I'll have to parse this through a bit later, but it looks as if this user has some points. I don't know what we, as mods, can do about it, but when I have time/mental faculties to read through it all I might be able to come up with something.

Are you planning on sticking around or is this a fly-by?

kingkongwaswrong ago

BTW wanted to say thanks to all of you for being fantastic @crensch @victorsteinerdavion @millennial_falcon @vindicator and also @kevdude for ongoing support.
