Micheal84 ago

Seen this vid on Montagraph's utube page? The guy is a creep.


bopper ago

Yeah I've seen it. Can't stand the guy, having learned more about him. Creep is correct. Or worse. Thanks.

Micheal84 ago

He has another one


Just as creepy.

bopper ago

I've seen two like this, I don't think I've seen this one, I will look at it. That would make three. Let me know if you have an opinion about what's real and what's not and what this sicko is up to. I do know some things about him. People here on Voat are afraid to post anything about him and these videos. And I don't want to either, unless under another name.

Micheal84 ago

I only googled him, did find the older stories about him. Not sure what to think about him. But sure the guy is a creep.

bopper ago

Yeah, another poster here gave me info on him, the guy is mysterious, connected to some cult supposedly, threatens and stalks people who oppose him, and supposedly can hack, at least acquire private phone numbers. I won't give the person's voat name unless they allow me to.

Micheal84 ago

Thats fine with me, dont think its up to me either to dig into this guy. ;)

bopper ago

Yeah I hate him. Talk to you later.

bopper ago

srayzie ago

Yikes. I feel like George Webb is the shady one. For some reason, I'm still on the fence about Jason. I kind of think George is playing him and tricking him. George keeps confusing him and then Jason thinks he's doing it to protect him. I need to look into that tho. Thank you Mr Bopper

V____Z ago

I was just about to say that I have been getting the strong impression that J is very sinister. Neither one is good, G is free of conscience, which is dangerous, he can lie with a smile... whilst J delights in causing pain, and watching it. Both delight in lies, and adore the elite and the powerful. Watch Jason's eyes sometime, you'll see it.

srayzie ago

I don't know cuz George had Jason and Trish look freaked out and scared that night that they discovered the thumb drive files had trackers on some of them. It made me think that maybe George is messing with their heads too. It seems like Jason is a nervous wreck and in over his head to me. I definitely think Trish was played.

@fatsack that disagreed with me and you about George Webb continues to argue with me. On that same thread. Have you seen? My explainatiom about George seems to have triggered him. πŸ™„ I need to get caught up on George Webb. I don't know the latest!

Fatsack ago

And defango and his crowd strike ilk are the only ones still making drama about this. If it was nothing, why is defango still so butthurt about it. The fact he's still whining and making videos about it shows his real goal.

Fatsack ago

another point, i've never been muted or banned in any livestream to date, sure i get the cooldown message, but defango outright bans all detractors. You think he's truthful? That faggot defango can talk shit but can't take it. Sure sign of a fraud. https://postimg.org/image/9e7tdnwi1/

bopper ago

Don't mention it Grazie.

Ovi-Kintobor ago


At this point, Montagraph is part of the Internet meme culture : https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Montagraph

More than simple "opposition", he is an obvious low-end controlled distraction and it is well known for years.

Private detectives such as Timothy Charles Holmseth have already investigated the case of Montagraph such as several young girl abduction (i.e JonBenet Ramsey...).

https://haleighcummingsdotme.wordpress.com/tag/timothy-holmseth/ http://www.policerecordingskekoas.com/ http://writeintoaction.com/

At a certain time, the pedo-state tried to threaten Timothy by removing the custody of his child.

Timothy has already proven Montagraph uses many sock-puppets accounts. He has MANY accounts on YouTube.

Mentioning the name of MONTAGRAPH, A WELL KNOWN WEIRDO AND PEDOPHILE, in order to discredit Webb and Jason IS AN EPIC FAIL FOR YOU, SHILLS : SRAYZIE, V___Z and their CTR FRIENDS ARE SHILLS.


They are trying to slide the whole subverse and to disguise personalities such as MONTAGRAPH.

bopper ago

Those two people aren't shills. If what you're saying about Montagraph is true (and what you posted seems a bit convoluted to follow, at least when you have a headache) ... if true, then they (the two people you're calling shills) are unaware.

Ovi-Kintobor ago

They are doing damage control for months and they keep the whole community focused on the only part of the story that will never ever lead to arrests, WAKE UP. NOBODY here will ever denigrate or refute the pedo-satanic part of the story : we ALL know it is true, that there is a real horror-show occurring in private elite rings. They are sliding the forum and they are high-end shills doing damage controle, preventing you from according too much importance to the real deal. WAKE UP.

equineluvr ago

Wow, I'm off here for 24 hours and it all breaks loose!!

Thanks for the update, Bop. ^

bopper ago

You're welcome :)

cantsleepawink ago

I'm reposting here a great comment on that video by Youtuber MrCati :

I love your approach Monty, but this entire G.Webb, Jason Goodman, and Defango buzz, is a bigger internet You Tube problem that most can begin to understand. It is unfortunate that most will never ever connect the dots with the true deep state players involved, enough to see the bigger problem we are currently facing. Just so you know, Dave Acton, per his recent video, no longer is going to involve himself with the George Webb, Jason Goodman, and the Mossad factor revelations. I can completely understand his reasoning, but since I see things differently, I want to offer you the following background information, which is publicly available to confirm what I am about to tell you. The Pizzagate shooter false flag event occurred on Dec. 4, 2016 where the gunman fired one single shot from his AR-15 and which supposedly struck the Pizza-gate/Comet Ping Pong Server/Computer, where supposedly the bullet destroyed their business PC's hard drive. Next day on Dec. 5, 2016, Titus Frost, is reported to have contacted the Washington PD regarding evidence that he, Titus Frost and "some unknown hacker," had obtained evidence by using a hacker to hack the Comet Pizzagate web site. They hacked and obtained server/web site evidence which did clearly show pedophile criminal activity. Titus Frost did a YT video on Feb. 12, 2017, showing the screen shot evidence and informing the You Tube community about what he and the hacker had done. In his Feb. 12th video, he shows screen shots of when they contacted the investigating officer with the hacked evidence. What many miss is that "ANY" conversation or discussion with the Washington PD in the days before Dec. 5, 2016, as alluded to by Titus Frost, would have been the advance heads up that Law Enforcement and other deep state elements would have needed to justify the false flag shooter event, that would be rolled out on Dec. 4th 2016, to destroy the PC which the pizza-gate gunman did in fact shoot. Next Day, Dec. 5th, when Titus Frost contacts the investigating officer, they are eventually told that the hacked pizza-gate pedophile evidence is inadmissible in a court of law, because it was obtained by being hacked, which is an illegal action in obtaining the evidence, which would then never be allowed in any court of law, because it would be considered illegal and tainted evidence. I mention this because not everyone is who they claim to be and recently as a result of the George Webb, Jason Goodman, Mossad elements, I noted that Defango and Titus Frost know each other and are friends, I began seeing that this whole George Webb and Jason Goodman, and Defango relationship, also connects directly to Titus Frost, who if you recall made an ass of himself at the Washington DC pizza-gate rally, where David Seaman showed up to steal the show. It is Titus Frost, and the unknown hacker he used to hack evidence from the Pizzagate, Comet Ping Pong Server that rendered all of the obtained criminal and pedophile evidence unusable in a court of law. Some may see this as a nothing element, conducted by bafoons, but it is much more, once you connect some dots and the dates involved. Last but not least is that fact that on Feb 19, 2017, there was a brief media report about a DHS insider who was reporting that the Washington DC Pedo ring was being run by the CIA/Mossad as a means of obtaining political blackmail evidence, which is used to advance, Israel first agendas. This is where the Mossad should be studied, because when the DHS insider reported as he did, we should remember that it is the CIA that runs the worlds drug operations and it is the Mossad that is heavily involved in the pedophile network, because while many will see their involvement in many things criminal, most do not understand that the CIA/Mossad also run the organ harvesting, child sex trafficking and the many facets of the illegal drug industry in Washington DC as well as on the world stage. Everything going on since the death of Seth Rich has been to cover up the involvement of the CIA/Mossad in all these criminal operations, which of course relates to billions of dollars in illegal activity. The Child trafficking market in the USA is alone an estimated 32 billion dollars a year industry. The Mossad are involved not just to hide the possibility that Seth Rich is still alive, but to ensure no one ever connects the dots leading to the involvement of the CIA/Mossad, both of which are joined at the hip. Anyway, just wanted you to know that many people are being played these days, by those in the limelight, so tread carefully, because it is much more than just George Webb and his associates that are involved in this major cover up and intelligence gathering psyop, because if we were to ever prove that Seth Rich is still alive, it would require a thinking person to do some hard thinking as to the fact that someone did in fact try to kill Seth Rich, but failed. This denotes an insider war among deep state players that is at present using the many players on You Tube to source intelligence and anyone who is smart enough to figure out or see the bigger picture. Anyway, thanks for the video Monty. My best regards.ο»Ώ

s2s ago

I was checking into the events around the Titus timeline when that was all going down. Someone commented, maybe under his video, that what the cops said about inadmissable evidence was BS, the cops would have had to have obtained the material illegally themselves for it to be inadmissable, having it handed to them was a whole different story according to that comment. There are online law libraries, I ain't going there.

Someone dug into Titus and found I think it was his LinkedIn and maybe other stuff , which showed a heavy and connected background which I can't remember details and which he deleted. I mean, what?, they think we can't google, lol !?! At the time i was wondering white/grey hats, but naaah. It makes sense it was an operation to rationalize disappearing those Comet hidden files. A single bullet through the wall. Must be the fluoride.

If Seth Rich ever really got shot. That would also explain no medical paper trail. :) Still and all, did they really mean to dox Sava like that? Trauma surgeon and handles transplants, what the hey?, and the rest, pharmacy head, more Podesta, etc.? It could be interpreted that this is just one of the tailor-made distractions that are being rolled out, with the likes of the aforementioned, enticing breadcrumbs, to have all the subgroups chasing their preferred conspiracy / political scandal / unicorn, with nothing coming of it while they run out the clock until some big event, and then we'll be too busy running for our lives, let alone pursuing litigation. The GW looks like populating Main Core, though.


equineluvr ago

MrCati makes a LOT of sense.

Oooooh, but we should disregard EVERYTHING he says because he's former intel. LOL

s2s ago

Well, when he's saying "fake" FBI are grabbing stuff, I'm sorry, but "click." Maybe later, they do give breadcrumbs by times.


lawfag123 ago

That was a good read

V____Z ago

Thanks!! I thought about doing the same thing.

Did you hear about the big break up? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1923514

ArthurEdens ago

Ugh what a waste of time listening to that was

G-ma ago

They just broke up. I think George does good work. Jason brought a lot of drama. Look at George's stuff on Haiti and Dyncorp. He spent a lot of time on Monica Peterson, too. I don't take what he says as fact, much is conjecture. He also got people to start talking about the Awans, which has been going on for a long time, a didn't break until now.

kazza64 ago

george webb actually posted something good on twitter today. i think he comes across little gems of information as he goes

DarkMath ago

I can understand Montagraph's anger. By George Webb's own admission he's sort of in his own school play and obviously that involves some amount of lying. Montagraph is sick of being lied to. I'm sick of being lied to. We're ALL sick of the lies.

We all have been disappointed so many times the past 9 months. It hurts to see these sordid crimes covered up day after day. And when George Webb says "Hey I don't want to see Andrew McCabe arrested." or "No one is going to jail." or "We just want to go back to business as usual when it was just selling Crack Cocaine to [insert N word here] in Los Angeles" I don't understand what the fuck his point is.

When George Webb says those things I get sick to my stomach. I don't fucking get it. I don't understand why he's saying those things and expecting us all to believe him.

I'm praying George Webb is the real deal and not some charlatan spinning some new Big Lie to keep justice from prevailing down in DC. I'm not Jewish and not a shill. But my gut is telling me George Webb is the real deal despite some bad acting and some bad jokes. My gut's telling me he's got a good heart and will do the right thing.

So yeah, let the usual DarkMath bashing begin. Have at it.


equineluvr ago

"I'm praying George Webb is the real deal and not some charlatan spinning some new Big Lie to keep justice from prevailing down in DC. I'm not Jewish and not a shill. But my gut is telling me George Webb is the real deal despite some bad acting and some bad jokes. My gut's telling me he's got a good heart and will do the right thing."

You're STILL clinging to the infinitesimal possibility that Mango Man is "legit?"

There's a MOUNTAIN of evidence to indicate otherwise. If you don't get it by now, you truly are brain-damaged.

DarkMath ago

"There's a MOUNTAIN of evidence to indicate otherwise"

Yes that's what a, duh, School Play is all about. How could you have missed that? Oh wait you're a Pocket Hitler.

For about the 10th time George Webb is Mossad turning state's evidence against their former partners in crime. Why? Because Hillary Clinton is bat shit crazy and Barrack Obama spent the last 8 years giving Iran nukes and removing the sanctions that allow them to make more.

What's happening isn't all that complicated. You can't accept that Israel is helping bring down parts of the Deep State and Hillary & Co because you don't WANT to accept it. You'd rather have no justice than half justice.

No justice vs Half justice

That's the entire crux of George Webb. If we listen to people like you Horsefucker then nothing in the Deep State comes down and Hillary & Co re-open their lucrative organized crime syndicate.


srayzie ago

@Darkmath Wow what got into you? You sound all nice right now lol. Do you watch Montagraph? I love him. His best video ever is from New Years Eve. He was drunk and he made one of his drunkalics videos. It means being drunk and talking about politics lol. So, he had a little chatty doo with some guy that called and it was hilarious. Let me know if you want to see it and need a link.

DarkMath ago

"to see it and need a link."

Now that I'm sober I steer well clear of people getting drunk in person or on the Interwebs. When you get sober you kind of have to play a mental game where you pretend Alcohol doesn't exist. "Alcohol? What's that? Really? People drink it for fun? No thanks. I'll take a rain check. etc etc etc.".


equineluvr ago

Okay, that explains it. Damaged/Destroyed neurons.

bopper ago


DarkMath ago

"Damaged/Destroyed neurons."

Whoa there Pilgrim. I can assure you I was far more insane BEFORE alcohol "destroyed neurons" then after. I must have been given too many neurons because I've never felt more sane in my entire life than I do right now.

And bee tee dubs Horsefucker you're a proven Pocket Hitler(tm). I just made that term up and it's now associated with you forever on the Interwebs. I don't take advise from Adolph Hitler or anyone acting like Adolph Hitler.

Sorry, I don't make the rules.


bopper ago

Good for you man, been there, but it wasn't booze.

DarkMath ago

"been there"

Did you get the Pink Cloud when you got sober? That's what floored me about getting sober. Going to Hell and back makes the everyday seem like the most beautiful thing you've ever seen in your life.

bopper ago

Adios talk to you later - exhausted :(

bopper ago

Yep. Hardest part (for me) has been the "post acute w/drawal" stage. I became pleasure-deaf, still trying to recover, but well on the mend now. When the Eagles asked Joe Walsh to tour again w/ him they told him he had to get sober first. Till then he said he'd had nothing to get sober for. And he said, it wasn't an overnight thing. https://youtu.be/wm_dSIeviug?t=102

srayzie ago

We have something in common. Now that I am sober, I stay away from alcohol in person, but I can handle watching someone online being funny. But, whatever helps you. Keep it up.

bopper ago

Maybe just "hold him with a loose hand," as they say, until things become clearer.

"Hold everything earthly with a loose hand; but grasp eternal things with a death-like grip." I think Charles Spurgeon said that.

bopper ago

Yeah, I never followed him. In the beginning a lot of people here were intrigued by him but now have become disillusioned. I guess I'm just old, I've seen too much what happens to real whistle-blowers, who've paid the ultimate price.

fartyshorts ago

I think he got all his info from here, 4chan and reddit anyways.

equineluvr ago

Except for the "heroin mango" bullshit. I haven't seen that on any forum. I'm pretty sure Mango Man pulled that whopper straight from his ass.

srayzie ago

I'm not sure. I didn't start watching him until he started looking into Seth Rich. I think the only mangos George Webb is interested in is the women's mangos that are sending him naked pictures thru Facebook messenger.

privatepizza ago


bopper ago

Hopefully somebody can answer your question. No it doesn't sound like the best way to move smack.

For a "secret agent man" Webb is not being too secret, and with his wine-drinking and missteps and contradictions he's beginning to look more like Inspector Clouseau.

There are still some here who have faith in him but I'm not one of them. The FBI had him "cornered" not long ago, then next day or two he was all relaxed and fine. When you see something like that, it doesn't really matter much what else he has to offer, not to me.

Joe10jo ago

Bwaaa, my husband says it sounds like Gabe the Gambling Addict on Intervention. "I neeeed my Monnn-ney!"

Dressage2 ago

This guy knows jack shit! He doesn't even have the balls to show Jason his phone number. I finally couldn't stand to listen to this ill-informed yahoo any longer. I think he was hoping Jason would hang up even at one point encouraging him to hang up. I think he realized Jason was getting the best of him. Pathetic.

equineluvr ago

Your Kook-Aid drinking is showing again, Dressage.

srayzie ago

Montagraph is a crack up but he knows his stuff. He's hip to their skip. George Webb didn't sale his house to fund this investigation! Jason Goodman isn't spending all this time and money to film and investigate for no reason. He's filming for the documentary he's going to make! I guarantee there will be a book. They are already getting a lot of exposure and keep saying stuff about how they are top news in some countries. Montagraph sees past this facade of theirs!

crystalclear ago

What is the problem with filming for a documentary? I still don't get what the upset is about George & Jason. They are another source of information - to be taken or left. Seems to me people are approaching George & Jason and focusing on personalities instead of information. This Montagraph was rude and was full of his opinion.

V____Z ago

No, it's not about personalities, it's about the danger Webb poses to the research community. HA explains it well. But in short, consider he has claimed to have solved the Seth Rich murder already. That's nuts, and it makes anyone following him look nuts too, at least that's how we'll be portrayed. There needs to be a loud and resounding NO to Webb's web from our community.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaLFn6m9d2Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_V0cHZL2TI

crystalclear ago

Oh good god- Danger to research community? Seriously? - I don't think HA explains it well at all and I've listened to it at two different times. I think this is his opinion and everyone has right to have one and express it. But worrying about CNN or MSM view of our research & investigation will never stop anyone who has an open mind and is interested in the truth. So I disagree

Dressage2 ago

If they break up the pedo filthy swamp, I don't care how much money they make. If someone on here who has been researching their ass off can make a movie or write a book God bless them, Just shut down the rat lines and save a child or vet's life.

V____Z ago

He has said he isn't touching pizzagate. And he doesn't want to shut down rat lines, just to revert to the old ones.

srayzie ago

That's the problem. If they are doing this to turn around the narrative then it can HURT our cause.

bopper ago

You know this Montagraph dude?

Dressage2 ago

Not really. Just sounded out of his league.

srayzie ago

This is the best! I'm cracking up. I love Montagraph. He's hilarious. Goodman becomes unhinged and threatens to call the police πŸ˜‚ They both are recording each other. I needed a good laugh. @V____Z you might get a kick out of this.

V____Z ago

loved it! it turns out Jason owns a 3-D film company. they are filming a movie that conspiracy investigators are saying might be a "real time coverage" of a false flag that will hurt the Seth Rich and pizzagate research communities, much like the Comet shooter hoax. one theory was that George's videos around NYC are actually to get tactical intel back to whomever he's working for, because they're planning a false flag in NYC. they realize the serious of what he's pulling... i hope they get really serious about making it CLEAR to everyone, and stopping it! i believe it can be stopped if we can OUT them.

s2s ago

Editing to more accurately describe my thoughts: I've been thinking that besides bamboozling, GW is sending signals, like Odigo, to the larger community he is a part of concerning an upcoming event, and this sounds very ominous, like just what I was thinking. The Jason movie sounds like Naudet Brothers Serendipitous, Part 2. I live in NYC and this is giving me the creeps.


V____Z ago

It feels really ominous to me, that is why i'm currently 'obsessed' with this.

s2s ago

I need to know more. Whatcha got? Did you see the Seth Rich yearbook stuff?


V____Z ago

Nothing new yet, but this is all unraveling as we speak. I would expect some good summary reports within a few days. As for Seth, i've been focused solely on the WebbOp lately, so no.

s2s ago

This thread contains the Shielaalien vid, which last 2/3 is backstory about his neighborhood, as I recall. I was looking all over this site, expecting to see it, but nuttin:


Here's the video: Seth Rich Yearbook Photos; Israeli Military Training; More Comments From Neighbors (Shielaalien video, published 07jun2017, 11m44s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z1kvKJhQx0


V____Z ago

Thank you - if v/ Seth Rich posts aren't being upvoted, let us know here like this in comments, or if you feel it's cool to cross post, that would get a lot more eyeballs.

V____Z ago

I made this just for you https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1923514

srayzie ago

Geez! Well people are starting to open their eyes finally. Jason Goodman went all crazy huh?! Lol. Jason sure loves talking about his accomplishments! I loved how Montagraph was all chill and laughing. LOL

bopper ago

"Nothing astonishes men so much as common sense and plain dealing." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is why Trump enamored his people, and confounded his foes. Over and over again.

β€œAnd five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.”

bopper ago

I've never heard of this guy Montagraph but I had to post this when I heard about it. He's pulling no punches :)

bopper ago

Hat tip to another Voater here who keeps up much better than me with all this. Really heats up at the 7:20 mark.

"You and George are playing a game with the truth movement and it's not cool!"