Coco-Hamilton ago

So silly. So when the documentary comes out, expect this dramatic little segment half way in. Webb and Goodman at a crossroads. Enya playing in the background...ten second pauses of Webb staring into the camera. A tear on Goodman's cheek. "I just don't know if we can trust each other....I don't know...but...we have to....THE AWANS MUST BE SERVED!" Cue the Rocky music...Webb and Goodman slogging along a beach, hand in hand, talking about how wonderful metadata makes them horny.

Btw. hot case people haven't figured it out. Dan V is the Rabbit that Webb keeps taunting. It is a threat.

jangles ago

@V____Z they trash most of your claims here

privatepizza ago

Timestamp us. Have a clip? I can't see any trashing of claims at all.

First you comment 'bullshit', then you comment 'context', then when presented with hard evidence, you're claiming they've trashed these claims. I can't see at all where they've done this in the link you've provided. Are we supposed to watch a 1 and a half hour video of GW to find this?

If you can give us a timestamp, that would be great.... and may redeem your flippant and rude comments which don't include any facts or counter-evidence.

jangles ago

This is a fair comment. There are many in the video noted. The next video is directed to this issue.

privatepizza ago

HA Goodman slating the GW and JG video you've posted above -

Dave Acton saying how GW and JG can explain their espionage Webb and passing information to foreign intelligence to the justice department -

privatepizza ago

Thanks. The only reason, and the one and only reason GW's followers and others from the truth and hacker community are pissed at him, and his team is this -

  • GW has showed us, the people, who he is and who he is working for

  • This is not what he intimated when he started his series into finding Eric Braverman on the day that Pizzagate broke

  • George Webb has therefore lied, and therefore people do not trust him now

This is a circus and a soap opera. Drama brings much more views and ergo - more grannies and lonely house wifes to watch

jangles ago

The context is in the entire video. He uses good logic.

srayzie ago


GrDec ago

More interesting and disgusting is one of the comments on this video:

And for the lulz

Becki Percy Survivor19 hours ago

having been right under George's GUT, i can tell you it is very big and blubbery


The girl who claims to have been "under" Fat George's gut has her own "YT channel" and claims to have been the "survivor of child trafficking"

What i find sickening, is that Fatso George seems to be using women left and right, for his own purposes, whether they are victims or no, he doesn't care...

He is just a sick as the people he claims to be "investigating"

V____Z ago

Dude, that is not her. the only thing real about that account is her picture.

GrDec ago

Still, i know he has screwed a few women on his little road trip across the US..

V____Z ago

I don't think he has empathy. I haven't seen it.

GrDec ago

Of course not, the guy is a psychopathic POS, who thinks the state of IsraHell and Mossad has the rights to steal the organs from Palestinian prisoners..

V____Z ago

I agree.

YingYangMom ago

You just replied to your own comment. @V__Z won't see it unless you reply to their comment. Well now they will because I pinged them ;)

srayzie ago

Lol thank you. I didn't notice

YingYangMom ago

No worries :)

V____Z ago

@srayzie 's always talking to herself ;)

srayzie ago

Lol I know. I've done that more than once!

bopper ago

Long as you don't answer yourself back. Is what I hear.

srayzie ago

Good idea 😁

V____Z ago

lol - me too

YingYangMom ago


RweSure ago

So what happened?

Silverlining ago

You'll love this

Webb Of Deceit ! Montagraph

srayzie ago

Dang I wonder what the heck happened. I need to go get caught up on the other podcasters and see if I can find out. Why would he be off doing some other murder case just out of the blue?

That just trips me out. He already knew that Jason Goodman used to be a director. So why would he have a problem with the ImYourGhost's video? This is all so confusing.

By the way, George Webb deleted that last video

V____Z ago

OK - that last video from last night was under a minute, he was either a bit drunk and/or on tranquilizers. He said nothing of import, or anything sensible, but talked non stop. The comments said "I've never heard you so so sad." and everyone was worried about him.

"Why would he be off on some other" BECAUSE this is an op, it's a script being written by multiple people who pull false flags professionally, in my opinion. Webb is an actor and doesn't have proper emotional responses to things, so he can turn on a dime when the script takes a turn, and has no problem with being 180 degrees different from day to day.

It's confusing because we're being lied to, and they're good at what they do. It's making me angry. I wish they would just stop.

DonKeyhote ago

We have long since reached diminishing returns here.

You fucking liberals wasted weeks spamming Webb on some lame crusade to "avenge" your Jewish commie martyr, cuz bernie totally wouldn't have been destroyed in the general vs. The Donald.

Now V___Z is spamming telling us what everyone knew:


YingYangMom ago

@V__Z something is wrong with the counter. You should have way more upvoats. I don't believe this is the accurate number. If you count the number of upvoats :16 and downvoats : 6 you're total score should be at 10. I find it hard to believe that out of 493 views, you only got 10 voats. Smells fishy.

V____Z ago

Heh - scroll through my recent submissions! All the Webb related ones are the same story as this one. And all Webb posts always have the most downvotes, and they're literally squatting here and tell all their friends, to vote asap. @DarkMath actually happens to be one who has purposefully muddied the waters when it comes to Webb, and if you've not been around to see it, it can be shocking to hear. But I was alerted to the fact he would always be sure to make the first comment, and always would cast doubt... it came to the point where he was defending Mossad and Israel in his defense of Webb, and was always trolling me, even called me (and still does) a "useless cunt". He fooled a lot of us, so i wanted to share my experience with you, and to warn that i consider the push for everyone 'just getting along' to be dangerous if it means we have to overlook things like what i've described.

DarkMath ago

"He fooled a lot of us"

I work for the Mossad? I don't work for anyone. I'm doing all this for free. How many times do I have to tell you that?

Last thing I remember I offered you an olive branch and now this. Sigh.......

pizza10 ago

I understand your skepticism, but to me George Webb looks like someone associated with the Trump administration. He has been leaking a lot of information that has been beneficial for Trump (not so beneficial for the previous administration or Hillary Clinton).

For instance, the Awan Brothers hacking saga was real and although it is not covered in MSM right now, the investigation is really happening. In short, some democrats allowed a few Pakistani ISI intelligence agents to infiltrate US government. Webb exposed this long time ago, which for one, further enhances the credibility of the Trump administration. To me, Webb looks more like a person that Trump administration is leaking material and not an Israeli agent.

YingYangMom ago

I understand your skepticism, but to me George Webb looks like someone associated with the Trump administration.

I disagree. To me he looks like someone associated with the DEEP STATE or some high level spy agency. He admitted that he worked and liked Kissinger. If that's not a red flag, I don't know what is. He also wouldn't touch PG... because he was there to distract us from it. That's what it looks like to me.

s2s ago

Yes, distract from PG, wild goose chases. And, as I said before, I think he's tasked with making it look like the buck stops at ragheads, misdirecting away from and protecting a certain tribe at the top running the show. I'm part Heeb, so I get to say whatever I want. :)


YingYangMom ago


HolyMoly0 ago

Interestingly, Pieczenik said that Trump should work with Kissinger. And now Pieczenik is calling Webb incompetent, saying he's not to be trusted.

There's a lot going on that we don't know about.

YingYangMom ago

That's called controlled opposition, I believe. I really hope Trump won't take the bait from neither of them. They're all corrupt.

HolyMoly0 ago

Seems to me like Old CIA vs Old Mossad

YingYangMom ago

I think you're right. Sigh So sad.

remedy4reality ago

Anyone who claims PG is a distraction or a psyop is a fucking liar and a disinfo agent.

YingYangMom ago


privatepizza ago

Have you not seen all the clips going around where he says he's an Israeli agent? Where y'bin?

privatepizza ago


Here y'go... and everyone can decide the context themselves. If you wish there are many many more. People are rightly pissed when his raison d'être is to expose a foreign infiltration team then it's revealed he's working for a foreign country's interests himself. And that's just the start of the joke.....

GW: "I'm with the old guard"

GW: "I am a Berniecrat, and Jewish and always rooting for Mossad"

GW: "Shout out to all my French Mossad homies" - 00.00 - 3.20

GW: "Hillary is bad for Mossad business" - 2:30.32

GW: - "That's what I've found difficult in this series is playing the Mossad thing"

GW: "Whoever just tweeted that is now a Mossad operative" (talking about a citizen researcher)

GW to Goodman - "Mossad picked you to document this"

Clip -

George Webb Sweigert - "Mossad gave me some stuff today"

GW: SETH RICH COULD BE ALIVE "Now I'm gonna go back to the school play, cause people wanna know that... it may be that Seth Rich was part of the school play. I think that's.... and maybe he's on the same kibbutz, you know, growing chick peas right next to Eric Braverman. Possibly... possibly." - 1:40:05

GW: I wish Mossad would come rescue me too! JG: Me too!

jangles ago

They answer all these here.

privatepizza ago


YingYangMom ago

This is some very compelling evidence. Nice compilation.

jangles ago


s2s ago

Cherry-picking !?! He's a veritable cherry orchard, lol !!!


jangles ago


HolyMoly0 ago

They've been looking sketchy lately. The Defango thing made me take a big step back.

jangles ago

Bull shit

ArthurEdens ago


tx2truth ago

Get a job.....doing something positive & productive would benefit all of you. Sitting in a cube typing away about things of inconsequence is useless unless you back it up with real action. MARCH FOR THE CHILDREN TODAY!!!!

Fatsack ago

Lol how is any of this evidence. Looks like crowdstrike is losing their touch. Meaningless videos, copying the format of links developed by this thread but all the links lead to unrelated bullshit. Wow, Crowdstrike is dumb af.

privatepizza ago

Who said it was evidence, you duffer? These links are gold, and if you've an issue with people outing GW and JG for what they are, you're the one who's obviously working for the WebbPsyOp.

srayzie ago

Yeah Fatsack has been analyzing and fact checking my comments 🙄 Trapped by the Webb

privatepizza ago

Yep, he's behind me too on everything about the Webb. Nothing dispelling the facts mind you, just calling BS w/o any facts to back up. I'm all up for debating facts, but calling BS w/o any facts is lame.

Coco-Hamilton ago

Webb has accounts here...not just under his regular name. He actually trolls his own youtube comments often under a different name sucking his own dick. I am being serious.

privatepizza ago


DeathTooMasons ago

You deserve a lot more upvotes than I am seeing.

V____Z ago

Grazie. Did you see the latest compilation from Montegraph? Check the bottom of the post, I just added the video. Ho leeee shhhhhh

srayzie ago

I didn't know Montagraph was the one that showed that Hillary Clinton lied about a YouTube video causing the Benghazi attack! I just seen George Webb and Jason are back together. I can't watch it all right now so check it out if you get the chance! Thanks for thinking of me. Put an @ before my name next time so I'll see when you're trying to mention me lol

srayzie ago

You mean he did another?? I'm on my way!

equineluvr ago

Wow, I'm off here for 24 hours and Mango Man goes down in flames!!

Thanks for the comprehensive update, V____Z. ^

V____Z ago


equineluvr ago

Abel Danger is another DISINFO outfit that I and other posters outed here long ago. AD is touted by GEORGE WEBB on a regular basis. I have posted links to three different conspiracy forums that contained DETAILED info of how Abel Danger, Field McConnell and David Hawkins, are full of shit. McConnell is supposedly this big former pilot yet his jet specs and flight info do not add up (that from experts who work in the field). In addition, he has a history of being kicked out of the military on a PSYCH discharge.

McConnell's DISinfo is very similar to Webb's -- it's so disjointed you can't really follow it.

The usual gang of idiots - DickMeth, Jew777 and its appendage Carmencita, and Dressage - all jumped our cases, INSISTING -- BASED ON NOTHING BUT GEORGE WEBB'S VOUCHING FOR THEM -- that AD were "legit."

That is the problem with many around here. Bias/Emotion clouds your judgement, rendering you incapable of evaluating data/facts/evidence objectively. Then you follow the little "clique" into the blind alley.

ArtificalDuality ago

You're wrong on Abel Danger. Because GW pushes it, doesn't make AD disinfo. Field McConnell is true. When you watch some interviews, and hear him talk, you will note that he is real. He's also married. He and his wife love each other. She has been taken away from him in the UK. I don't know if they are already back together. - Field McConnell on various subjects, including PG related stuff. Here he is still with his wife.

Satanists and disinfos don't express love between complementary other halves. Nor can they talk about God the way he does. McConnel is explicit on spiritual values.

In fact, WEBB is riding on AD's tail to gain alignment (good/evil) credibility.

srayzie ago

I love him. He's a good Christian man and he's funny

ArtificalDuality ago

So do I. The video interview I linked brought tears to my eyes. (For deeper reasons I won't mention here).

DeathTooMasons ago

Many in here know that George is full of shit, but they are disinfo themselves.

jangles ago

Fuck you still, he has done more for the USA than most, mossad or not he is a hero

privatepizza ago

How can someone who's working on behalf of a foreign intelligence service be a hero for the USA? He's working for another country's interests, not America's. He's possibly a hero in Israel for fooling so many American grannies, but that's about it.

RweSure ago

Christopher Steele comes to mind.

equineluvr ago

That's true too. But then the idiots here who can't discern that "like" them personally so upvoat their every post and question nothing they say. The posters I mentioned above are the "popular" ones. It's like junior high all over again.

It's all a popularity contest around here, like the stupid old German socialist woman who basically contributes nothing but long posts expressing how much her heart hurts for all the poor little children and how she wants to hug them all! Nothing wrong with that on occasion, but her posts are ~98% emotion and little substance. Then there are these loooong back-and-forths as all the old women here chime in on how that's how THEY feel, too! We ALL know it's disgusting and we're all outraged; that goes without saying. Rant over, LOL.

srayzie ago

Your comments are usually filled with calling everyone you don't like a Jew. Since when have you posted anything with substance? You are always bitter and negative. You are on voat all the time too. But you are usually putting down others so of course you're not going to get upvotes for that.

YingYangMom ago

Was your mommy too strict on you? Did she beat you up, or was it your daddy? Why does that bother you so much?

oldchangling ago

And David WEBB is JASON Bourne. So what?

dreeeg ago

/V____Z Accuses webb and Goodman of detracting from pizzagate yet posts here everyday attacking... what are his motives? Privatepizza follows it like a bitch

redditsuckz ago

He pimped David Seaman constantly also...he's the only one here allowed to run roughshod on this forum spamming day and night...check his pizzagate thread count...over 150 threads here and 99% useless.

what are his motives?

To distract us from something...whether it be pizzagate or even the recent 50 year anniversary of the Israel attack on the USS Liberty - June 8th 1967;

"USS Liberty: Dead In The Water" (BBC Documentary 2002)

The US covertly was with Israel attacking Egypt and then let their own Americans be slaughtered for a "false flag"...if only the Americans knew about it...

s2s ago

Maybe I missed it, but I was surprised there wasn't a lot posted here for the 50th anniversary. Maybe this whole week should be dedicated to that. I posted a bunch of videos on another site. In the third vid I posted, one of the survivors was talking about the connection to 9/11. I was like, "Doh, why didn't I see that?"


redditsuckz ago

There has been a huge coverup from other subs on reddit over past few years...r/history...r/documentaries etc;

And the threads on the USS Liberty never really made it anywhere the front page of r/conspiracy last week.

If people knew the truth Israels billions and billions in funding from the US might be protested...All that money just goes into paying Mossad agents like George Webb and friends anyways.

s2s ago

I've also read that some of that money is funneled back to Congress.

There are two versions of that BBC documentary, Dead in the Water, on YouTube, one about an hour and the other about an hour-and-forty-five minutes. I was going to post the longer one on another site, but it locked up after ten minutes.

The really frightening part mentioned I believe it was in that video is that LBJ had ordered two planes loaded with NUKES to bomb Egypt. He called off the hit within minutes when the Liberty managed to get a mayday through, which totally blew the OP, because it would have been evidence the ship was NOT Egyptian and had not fired on anybody. NUKES. Got that? What does that mean? That means they have a bunch of other potential similar operations in the wings, just waiting to be implemented.


bopper ago

I had an ex NSA customer who intercepted cable codes at that time. Seemed truthful. Told me to read The Puzzle Palace and U.S. Liberty book. Man that was awful. Got his ph. number in my file right here, I should call him. First time I had heard about Liberty was from him.

privatepizza ago

Why not follow it? When someone bullshits our community with a pile of horseshit, damn right I'm following :)

There are plenty of posts here on PG and along side this GW concerns people here. Are you suggesting we should just go to sleep or something?

I notice you're on all the Webb threads vehemently sticking up for him. We don't even know you. Are you saying you prefer subtle compromises of children and subtle organ harvesting? Good luck with promoting that here buddy.

V____Z ago

Only for the past week, while they're being outed. You shou have been around the past six months, people were posting Webb daily, quoting him as if he's a reliable source. I had to wait through all of that, and now it's time to put them to rest. You can always ignore Webb related posts.

DeathTooMasons ago

Yeah, once it occured to me that he was a spook, I knew he was disinfo. But guys like Webb and Alex Jones will always have their fan club. People like heroes and like to be entertained. Those people aren't really even red pilled yet.

V____Z ago

So sad. Then again, that was me only a few years ago.

YingYangMom ago

Yeah, once it occured to me that he was a spook, I knew he was disinfo.

Exactly. A lot of people were fooled at first and then started noticing inconsistencies and out right lies, so they changed their minds about him. That's totally acceptable. But to do like equineluvr and blame and point fingers is not. No need to name names and attempt to divide our community. We're all human and we're all trying our best to work together to expose the trafficking, the elite pedophilia, the... evil. Well, almost all of us.

YingYangMom ago

So the name WEBB wasn't enough of a "Tell" to give him away. Webb of lies. Spider Webb. Entangled Webb... We're clueless, aren't we? We can't see it even when it's right there in our faces. They must be laughing hard at our ignorance and our gullibility. Enough!

Coco-Hamilton ago

Charlatan's Webb

DawnofTruth ago

It's not even his surname. It's his fictitious 'tribute to a dead journalist' (Gary Webb) name. George Sweigert is his name and I started seeing through him about 2 months ago. He seemed very contrived---as if he was serving an agenda not known to his listeners. And, I was right!

Also, once Kerry Cassidy interviews these people without an ounce of vetting on her part.....usually tells me they are 15-minute of famers!!

YingYangMom ago

It's the surname he chose. Same thing.

equineluvr ago

"We're clueless, aren't we? We can't see it even when it's right there in our faces. They must be laughing hard at our ignorance and our gullibility."

Speak for yourself, lady.

Bopper, DonKeyhote, V---Z, Laskar, et al were onto this FRAUD months ago.

I have been VERY outspoken on here about Webb, posting his phony GamerGate crapola of last year. I was jumped on by the Webb Worshippers here, including DickMeth, Jew777, and Dressage -- just to name a few. The gullible Carmencita even jumped in to defend her "mentor" Jew777. That is when DickMeth began calling me "horsefucker," and it's been on ever since. It's been an ongoing thing for me since Day One.

You people wouldn't listen.

YingYangMom ago

Listen up you arrogant, narcissistic, hypocritical, anti-semite, old dirt bag. I don't know how your wife even stands you. You're so full of yourself it's not even funny. The worst hypocrite. When will you get it through your thick skull that constantly blaming and insulting people won't bring you anything but antagonism and hostility. You stupid asshole.

Speak for yourself, lady.

I never believed Webb, not now, not a week ago, not ever. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, but I certainly didn't keep my hopes up. If I referred to US as a group, it was by way of consideration and compassion. I don't like to point fingers. We all make mistakes, I make mistakes and I know when to admit my mistakes. We all are human. You're no better than any of us. We all are redeemable. WTF is your problem? Why are you naming names? Do yourself a favor and get over yourself.

privatepizza ago

standing ovation

twistedmac11 ago

slow clap

DeathTooMasons ago

Yeah, And I called out Robert David Steele the moment i saw what he was doing and uttered that unfortunate phrase "everybody gets the truth, nobody goes to jail". I even noticed how many truthers were telling you to stop investigating this and focus on other things. Telling us that Voat PG forum was not a good place to spend time. Yes it has shills and corrupted mods, but the researchers are here too. Shills are everywhere so that was never a good excuse. Jnoir is really full of shit. He now has the skull and bones symbol on his videos, the skyline backdrop has a pyramid in it and he talks bad about voat PG forum and defended the worldcorp site. He thinks we should do things other than reasearch this stuff. Then he says he is doing it the right way by passing out flyers at the park and going to worthless rallies. Guy is a joke. He is a dimwit as well.

equineluvr ago

Thank you for bringing up that POS RDS, another SCUMbag!! Defender of Maccoby, proponent of "alien" BS and all kinds of crapola.

JNoir vaguely rings a bell, but I'm tired and too lazy to Google it. These idiots are a dime a dozen. Another is that AMTV guy Chris Green, who promotes alien bullcrap and reportedly just brunched with the Google guy (presumably Schmidt, but it was never stated which one).

All these idiots with YouTube channels; it's amazing! Many are horrible narrators, and they have ZERO research bona fides. Some of them have pretty good dots but connect them incorrectly based upon bias or whatever. It's laughable! And NOBODY questions it. Watching a video on GooTube is the same as watching TV, which suspends your disbelief as you passively watch (low alpha waves). You're highly suggestible, just as in hypnosis.

It's astounding how many here latch onto these characters and lap up their every utterance. That goes for "regular" media personalities, too, like the phony conservatives Sean Insanity and Hush Lobotomy.

Riva ago

Reality WINners? Sure that's a real name lol

YingYangMom ago

I know right. Obvious "Tell".

equineluvr ago

Reality Leigh Winner is an anagram for

Hillary in, Get Weiner or Weiner in, Get Hillary

EDITED to correct "Clinton," replaced with "Hillary."

fartyshorts ago

There's no C in "Reality Leigh Winner"

equineluvr ago

You're right. Thanks for catching it.

It's Hillary, not Clinton. Too tired and going to bed now. :)

s2s ago

I made a bit of an effort to see what an anagram site might do with "Beranton Whisenant," but it's got too many letters for the places I tried to plug it in.


privatepizza ago

Constant dupers delight at how they're managing to BS everyone, they revel in it.

YingYangMom ago

Absolutely. They enjoy it very much.

V____Z ago

they are delighted by our ignorance.

YingYangMom ago

This is how they view us, the masses:


Piscina ago

When you spend your life feeling entitled to people serving you, fawning over you, flying first class, staying in the most exclusive hotels, never having to lift a finger because you have people cooking your French haute cuisine, cleaning up after you, anticipating your every move so that they can open a door for you, fill your glass, take away your used dishes, folding down your bed, opening your curtains, fluffing your pillows, you become haughty, lazy, arrogant. You despise people who travel economy, you can't tolerate hordes of ordinary people because you believe you're not part of the hoards (you're better and deserving of better), the last thing you care about are ordinary people. In fact, they're simply things that get in the way; that you and them are fundamentally different (you are special and were born better than them). They are fat, dirty, gross, disgusting. You are NOTHING like them, the plebs. You wish someone or something would wipe them put or cull them, because the ones who don't serve you are not worthy of life. That is the mindset of the super-rich.

YingYangMom ago

So in other words... they are what they are accusing us to be. I completely agree.

bopper ago

And normal kicks don't satisfy them anymore.

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't forget how children are considered "raw materials" or "commodities".

equineluvr ago

And, in most cases, they are correct.

You guys are TOO EMOTIONAL. It's your Achilles heel, and they use it against you.

YingYangMom ago

You must hate yourself a lot.

privatepizza ago

How far can something implode? lt's all coming to a head with the nefarious WebbOp by the sounds of things. Good. The truther community won't be taken for a ride.

The one from ImYourGhost is classic on GW's connections with Henry Kissinger and the 'rat lines':

He's solved the SR murder case but must be too comfortable to go claim the, oh what is it now, $550,000 in rewards.

s2s ago

Fatman constantly reinflates, so why not Niagaramouth? :) Suckers, born, etc.

I haven't followed his every move, maybe he's done it before, but it looks like he's really flipped his wiggo with the video where he's knocking on someone's door, I assume wih camera phone at the ready, I think the house of someone who was murdered. But he'll probably edit this quirky little detail out of his jabberwocky.


TimeForPitchForks ago

Dude fucked around and got Kek'd. Or it's all part of, going with the flow and having to keep looking somewhat legit to whoever is still baited on yt..

V____Z ago

I'm thinking the latter. I'm not at all relieved by the latest act in this drama. We haven't seen the last of them.

equineluvr ago

Webb is a narcissist, and I believe he gets a real thrill out of duping unsuspecting females.

He can't keep his mug off of GooTube.

V____Z ago

There was a rambling 18 minute video today walking around some rich houses where someone who's relevance is unclear, was murdered. To be entirely 100% honest, I think he's insane.

There is simply no proper response to anything going on around him. He smiles through it all and moves on, oblivious to the blowback.

I know he gets a thrill out of hurting females (and being duped hurts). This is one reason I won't just let him slide, being female, I am fighting for my sisters.

V____Z ago

I checked his very last video, it was like 18 women and one man in the comments, all of them adoring him, he's really reached star status. I do wonder if he's doing mind control through those videos. Seriously.

lawfag123 ago


V____Z ago

that time when you regret not having visited the chans enough to get what might be a really insightful comment, and even Urban Dictionary won't give you a clue

(and by "you" i meant me)

lawfag123 ago

lol in this case it was a compliment. The way you put it together changed my assessment of george webb. Seems plausible to me that he is a honeypot to catch leakers. he seems to know everything about everyone like it was his job - like he said he was old mossad.

on the other hand, he was allowed to post videos unmolested for 6 months

still no eric braverman

no neil brown

no marc turi


whispers seth rich


Maybe it's a masterful example of the insiders controlling the narrative. If so, he sure earned his paycheck. But I fact checked him and he was and is putting forth true information. But there is deception in there.

The most obvious example is him deleting the first 52 of his videos. On day 53, he said that "all of his videos were gone" as if someone else deleted them. But he later admitted to deleting them because one of his sources, avi braverman?, told him to DELET.

Even if he was not what he seemed, what was the purpose of his videos? Catching leakers seems like a more plausible purpose than to help cover up pizzagate - because he did cover it, and other "brownstone" projects pretty extensively in a couple videos. He also was pretty anti clinton. And not necessarily pro trump. What else could he be doing?

V____Z ago

Here it is, in his own words. He is here to restore the subtle rat lines, subtle child trafficking and subtle organ harvesting, because that's what DC wants. Listen to the last minute cc @privatepizza

privatepizza ago

A very, very good clip there. Epic. Thank you.

V____Z ago

It needs to be its own post. Seriously, that there is anyone defending or following this guy after he said that means we just need to get the word out. If they still defend him, then we need to seriously consider that he is doing some sort of mind control operation through his videos.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I think he's the public face of a team.

I think he has too much output, scripted material for one person.

V____Z ago

Webb used to have a website that was called "No More Informants". He's here to catch leakers, to gather the intel that we have, to gather intel on us, and the videos possibly have non audible tracks in them being used for some sort of mind control. Hopefully that is being looked into.

He defended the Dems, including Hillary, overall. He said didn't want to hurt them, didn't want them jailed. He seemed to be covering for the Soros wing of the deep state, and I see no sign he is not anti-Trump. Worst of all though, he is most likely from Israel and has admitted he puts Israel first, and Mossad. He's an actor, part of the deep state's plan to destroy a group such as ours. and he did indeed take it over, his charm and bright smile won him a bigger audience than any other youtuber of this sort.

This is my initial 2 cents, but i'm still trying to figure this out.

"White Rabbit", the source of what Webb fallaciously claimed were Seth Rich files, and new (they were neither), says that the files were changed after Webb got a hold of them, before releasing them and demanding everyone hurriedly download them.

The files uploaded by #georgewebb and #jasongoodman have been tampered with and may contain tracking malware. The files are not the same.

YingYangMom ago

Distracting us from PG. That's when he started, isn't it? When PG broke. Common sense.

equineluvr ago

Nope. Webb had his "GamerGate" crapola of last year, which I have discussed here at length.

That was also 100% bullshit. I posted the evidence, but the chorus of parishoners in the Church of Webb (DickMeth, Jew777 and its appendage Carmencita, Dressage, et al) drowned me out defending him.

Sheeple ALWAYS DO follow the herd. Even when it's WRONG.

YingYangMom ago

@carmencita @Dressage2 @DarkMath @Jem777 are respectable voaters. Even if @Laskar, @V__Z @bopper which are just as respectable don't agree with them, it doesn't mean that we're not all well-intentioned and working on the same goal. Stop trying to divide us.

You're not going to succeed.

Dressage2 ago

Thank you, @YingYangMom. You are a very good researcher/contributor as well. I think you are absolutely right. Let's not forget why we are here. Lots of great people contributing.

YingYangMom ago

Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress.

srayzie ago

You're a respectable voater too even tho you didn't include me yingyangmom 😡 Lol

YingYangMom ago

Aww. You are as well. I was just addressing the people who were named in equineluvr's comment in response to his divisive tactic. And thank you :)

srayzie ago

It's ok 💗 Thank you. Well he's gonna go off on me soon because I left him a comment earlier

YingYangMom ago

Lol, IF he's gonna go off on someone, it will be me. I don't care, I had to get it off my chest. I have nothing else to say to him. And I'm not gonna wrestle with him, because when you wrestle with a "horsefucker" (nickname given to him by @DarkMath), you usually come out of it covered in horse shit LOL.

DarkMath ago

"covered in horse shit"

Lol. You're catching on. :-D

srayzie ago


Laskar ago

Thanks for in injecting a little sanity to this..

Have you noticed that ad hominem attacks never address the actual information brought forth?

This is the kind of thing that has driven so many away form VOAT, though some of us hang on because we care about the actual subject.

YingYangMom ago

Oh yeah. I've had my ups and downs. Took breaks and all, but am hanging in there because I can't afford not to. The subject is too important and close to my heart to let go. And as Mahatma Gandhi would say: "Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." So I just do :)

Laskar ago

I hear you, and agree.

carmencita ago

I could not have said it better. We may not all agree at all times, but we are all here to protect and save the children. I have really had enough of GW but will not slam my fellow voaters because they choose to follow someone on YT. There is just too much that we have all been through together to start insulting my fellow friends. I have been avoiding any posts on GW because to tell you the truth I am sick of him. The more posts we have on him the more it takes us from our main goal. Finding the solutions to the many clues that some of us have discovered and also hopefully finding who was responsible for murdering Seth Rich. I can hope can't I? Just recently there was a post on the SR sub about GW and it had so many comments, there were many more than the other SR posts combined almost. We were all piling on and working together like teamwork, and it made me so proud, but now it seems that GW has succeeded in killing our efforts. I really think that is his ultimate goal. Let's not let him succeed.

YingYangMom ago

Excellent. Good for you and for us, as a community :)

privatepizza ago

Someone mentioned that his first video aired the same day (or week) that Pizzagate broke.

lawfag123 ago

it was low key with no interest though. not a strong indicator in my mind

s2s ago

First! :)

Dahlink, you're too good to me!


V____Z ago
