Fatsack ago

So you make shill accounts to post shit in this forum. Thats why you're on here all day, helping slow down the investigation and protecting pedophiles. Helping disgusting vermin get away with raping children. GJ dude, you're a real winner.

Fatsack ago

Lol guess I win, you shill faggot

Fatsack ago

So you and bopper both work together to create new shill accounts to reply to threads. Thanks for exposing yourselves for the dishonest pedo-protectors that you are.

Fatsack ago

Lol, hmm, I wonder where this brand new voat account who dug all the way down in the obscure section of the comments to post for the first time came from... Lol. You're not very good at your disinfo job dude.

V____Z ago

Sounds like it, and that's in keeping with this Mossad op, trying to blame the nearest brown guy.

V____Z ago

That sure would be convenient, but i don't believe he is.

V____Z ago

That's what's CRAZY - why hasn't the guy he claimed murdered Seth Rich SUED HIM? WTF is going on here? Either he did it, and should be arrested, or he didn't, Webb is a liar, and Webb should be sued.

V____Z ago

Which he?

Gothamgirl ago


SterlingJB ago

Your obsession VZ.

V____Z ago

I just skimmed the top posts here, and as usual, they have nothing to do with pizzagate. At the same time, I have been suffering through months and months of "GEORGE WEBB SAID..." posts that would appear in the top lost daily. I complained about his absence of sources, have asked for people to take his posts and claims to a separate sub, and was told no, that if people vote them up, they stay, that's how it works.

Webb posts would get a hundred likes, though they said nothing and led us nowhere.

Now, this week, he is being outed as possibly not only full of shit, but dangerous to our community, to the innocent investigators who gave personal info to Webb unwittingly. But I should just shut up?

Yeah, I'm obsessed that this could be happening to the people around me Ive grown to know and love. Webb is dangerous and I cannot believe there aren't more folks here yelling this from the rooftops.

But I'm supposed to succumb instead to what Voat considers important: a 7 year old drag queen in Canada? How does that relate to what this sub was meant for - an investigation into the Podesta leaks and child trafficking?

Webb relates to it because he is part of an operation trying to keep dirt off of Hillary and the rest of the Dems, redirecting our attention and just plain lying, convincing lonely housewives and less bright investigators that the Awan brothers are at the heart of all the problems, and that a little organ harvesting is cool, as is Kissinger.

SterlingJB ago

I'm with you, he should be is own thread. But energy goes where attention goes, whether it be negatively oriented or positive, so the efforts to take him down, vis-a-vis Defango talking about credibility (hahahaha), calling his followers lonely housewives (housewives are all over voat too, mothers have a thing against child abuse, and are a force to be reckon if they suspect an individual or group is involved in child abuse; they can be quite intelligent too), or what he thinks should be done in relation to prosecution and resolution (he's not LEO, a pol, nor works for any courts so what does his opinion matter here? Also, as far as Hill dirt goes, not sure I can see how is narrative is keeping her clean, unless you're talking about his cheeky negotiations, which, again, are hilarious since he is in no position of negotiating anything). Thing is, I aint telling you to shut up. Do what you think is right and productive. Just saying your campaign may have the opposite effect.

V____Z ago

Awareness that he is dangerous and in no way helping any children, is the most important thing this sub could focus on right now. I'm not dissing housewives, but there is a certain group that follows him who are new to psyops, clearly, and I'm trying to point to this group using lazy language. They are being fooled and they are in danger. It needs to be made clear to them. And yes, it will seem negative. Rainbows and smiles around George Webb are exactly how he's able to fool so many people. I don't consider that positive at all.

This is serious business. This is a psyop happening with our group, in real time, and we can't stop them. I don't know in the long run what will be the effect of their propaganda film and all the Intel they've collected on the more trusting among us, but they are spinning our group and the story we've been investigating on behalf of the very group responsible (the perps mentioned in the Podesta leaks). That can't be good. And if they're also using those videos to do mind control on thousands of people daily, well that calls for a whole new area of focus and investigation. We've been looking into mkultra, and into groups associated with false flags like the Mossad and Soros, and now we find ourselves potentially in the crosshairs of a professional operation.

People call this negative, or obsessive. You just don't see what is going on here. I need help looking into this and warning people, not the opposite.

SterlingJB ago

Also, one element of the George show you might look into is whoever runs their FB page. I never was allowed on their but somebody commented on one of G's YT vids that they knew Ramos (profile pic is a red and white truth pill I believe, can't remember first name) and said he was some sort of sketch ball.

SterlingJB ago

Actually, scratch my earlier comment. Interested in whatever you find. I guess I was also concern trolling or whatever it's called also so I'll stop. Spec and skepticism is always a good thing.

WeWillWin ago

Keep up the good work, VZ.

V____Z ago


seekingpeace ago

George Webb is either full of shit or someone has footage/images of GW himself, caught in an entrapment scheme. He did say that, right?

Is George Webb being blackmailed because of things he has done in his past?

V____Z ago


privatepizza ago

Thanks for the catch up on what's happening V, it's appreciated. New revelations happening minute by minute, it's an incredible time.

Defango's stream was excellent tonight with Action Dave. Strange how it was cut just when they were drilling deep into things. Thanks again for posting the links and updates.


I hope he's not whacking people off camera

Howmanyarethere ago

I think all signs point to Seth Rich is dead and was the leaker.
All this smoke screen is people trying to confuse and conflate the issue after the fact. Nothing to see here....move along.


There is NO motive to fake his death or save him after he'd been shot.

He likely was an abused kid, maybe that was the motive for his leak in the first place. But there is zero benefit for the CIA or Mossad to cause this commotion 6 months before pizza gate even broke. However, there is a ton of motivation to clean this up afterwards, confuse the facts and make this all go away.

V____Z ago

There are three signs pointing to Seth not being dead at all: his brother, mom and dad.

Howmanyarethere ago

Family behavior should be taken into account but it isn't definitive Sandy Hook's parent behavior in every interview was shockingly odd and out of place indicating to me that those children were never in that school dead. But that alone wasn't enough. There was so much corroborating evidence on the school and the area and the police 911 tapes and the child photos being wrong or used in other dead kid collages.

I'm just saying the evidence and motives of the people involved don't match him still being alive.

V____Z ago

I've never doubted the official story until only a few weeks ago, when i reposted the interview with his family from the day after his 'death', asking people what they thought. I thought he was dead, of course, and just shoved this interview into the recesses of my brain to avoid cognitive dissonance. There was no way to hold the two simultaneously. After watching the interview a few more times, i can no longer hold the truth that he is dead. Letting it go, all made sense to me. Add to that his missing death certificate, autopsy report, no camera footage of event, and even testimony that he shouldn't have died from the wounds he had...

jangles ago

This is crap, v_z you have been compromised or something, now all you do is attack with opinions. Anything concrete is better.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Personally have no use for geo, believe he is disinfo.
Then again same feelings for Steve P, D Steele, AJ, JA and many more.

Seth Rick is either dead or alive. We won't know till we know.

This in my assessment is theater...the defango geo feud gosh what drama. Others either supporting or ridiculing the narrative from their prospective corners.

What is accomplished? Ppl spend lots of time watching the drama, squabbling, name calling to the point of sounding like functional illiterates. What is accomplished is division/which is the goal. For reference Ronald Bernard/but it's obvious even before his interview that division was always the goal for eons.

VZ...to what point is posting more of the drama being a citizen journalist? It just stirs up more discord. There are those that support geo and those that don't. Previous posts exposing geo had value for ppl to see how controlled opposition, limited hangouts, gatekeepers function.

Now that the newest dramas which resemble nothing more than daytime soap operas are brought to this forum...the endgame is achieved in that the divisions are solidifying.

Seth Rich unless it can be shown with relevant links to pizzagate, is best left to the Seth R voat where they pick apart clues. It served a purpose initially and might still if the links to Buffet can be linked to pizzagate and Seth. But unless Seth discovered more than just DNC vote tampering it has nothing to do with pizzagate. Geo focusing on Seth is an effective diversion. Same with the Awan brothers.

Personally I find this statement...

George Webb was sent by Mossad to tie up any loose ends. He is here to gather intelligence on the research community, and to neutralize them.

far fetched. If geo is mossad then they are scraping the bottom of the barrel. He strikes me as a mossad wanna be with some severe personality disorders and has become a useful idiot. Geo supporters out there I mean no disrespect to your views. Not trying to start yet another debate/squabble. We agree to disagree.

What we can all agree on is that the ongoing SRA must stop. I believe if that domino can be felled it could bring down the house of cards. If ppl can understand the satanic nature of the deep state then the other truths that seek acceptance like 9/11, eugenics and depopulation, intentional contamination of pharmaceuticals and food for depopulation, the manufactured tranny explosion and so much more will be more readily acknowledged. Right now the ppl that can't allow themselves to see the whole truth write off the other issues as corporate greed. Michael Moore, another disinfo agent, did a docu on global capitalism to cruel corpocracy. The collective is so numb to corpocracy they explain to themselves and each other it's all just greed.

If pizzagate can really be exposed, if ppl understand what the satanist are really up to, all the other pieces of what they see will make sense.

Whoever geo really is doesn't matter. Mossad doesn't need geo to gather intelligence on the research community/it's all out there in the open slathered all over every social media and what is not is easily tracked or hacked.

Focus is what is needed. Geo has become a convenient distraction/let it go. Just like is Julian alive or dead/why won't he come to the window that went on for months. Now it's is he a clone, mk ultraed, blackmailed...fill in the blank/so many more theories abound. Who in the hell cares?

Care about the children and drop this silly drama bingeing. It's time to move forward not dwell on the past.

SoldierofLight ago

Well said. Thank you. Let's get back to the basics of investigating pizzagate and move forward. And focus. There are children (and adults) who need our help.

Narcissism ago

GW bashers are either disinfo agents or jealouse. If they could reveal 10% of the info GW does I'd be impressed.

ArtificalDuality ago

It's the adaptive narrative adjustment that sacked the guy, along with the contradictions. He acts on citizen feedback with the purpose of dereailing research into a thousand-and-one honey pots to get the attention off of the real thing: The satanic pedophilic cult that runs this globe. The human trafficking is a big part in that. That's the stuff he keeps pulling away from and keeps you on Awan Brothers for weeks on end.

There is one big rule on the web: If it is a threat to their existence (the cult) they will nuke it off the web in no-time. THAT is a golden rule. By inference that what stays up they allow to stay up.

Just look at VOAT here, how quick some mods are at nuking down threads that get too close to revealing truths.

Here is a website (bookmark the IP, not the DNS name) that is being kept off the web and is massively censored everywhere. Linking from this page at the usual honey pots (GodlikeProductions, AboveTopSecret etc) gets you instabanned.

Gothamgirl ago

I agree.

21yearsofdigging ago

Her is being a shutchut but is that a bad thing?

V____Z ago

Only in the sense that we are all chasing our tails, trying to help prove a lie, being distracted from researching pizzagate.

Are_we_shill ago

So how about we set a honeytrap to find Mossad? Two can play at this game

FeLpZ187 ago

I had an epiphany the other day that Seth Rich isn't dead. Nor is Assange. I think it was shortly after the video of his family laughing was posted here that I came to this realization.

User2060 ago

Assange not being dead is a given. We've seen him again and it wasn't that RT interview that some said used old footage.

V____Z ago

Same here. It's all in that video for me. I just cannot get past it. There is no way that family's son died. No. Way.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

It's very obvious Seth was not working alone! Someone other than Kim or Assange!

User2060 ago

Craig Murray was the recipient of Seth Rich's DNC Leaks.

Vindicator ago

I think so, too.

equineluvr ago

Welcome aboard the U.S.S. Reality.

Howmanyarethere ago

I didn't remember until just now. Wasn't there a interview with an Anon somewhere, (I don't recall where but maybe one of you read it too) where they said that this pedo blackmail operation was run by the mossad and that they have an interest in keeping this whole thing quiet as it is the heart of their leverage against politicians and others.

I had blown it off at the time but with the actions of George Webb, that interview seems to have more validity.

Does anyone remember this?


*** Edit: I found the article from February*** http://victuruslibertas.com/2017/02/exclusive_interview_with_dhs_insider/

User2060 ago

Well it was CIA that had Henry Vinson's house totally bugged audio and video. Craig Spence was his handler....his degeneracy gave him aids, not that he was participating in the filmed sex relating to the white house call boys, but he was smoking crack all the time and he likely shared a needle with somebody when he "upgraded" to shooting up coke. He died by suicide apparently, but I think someone gave him a syringe with a much too high dose of cocaine in it and his heart exploded (Craig Spence that is).

Mossad is maybe 100 people max, I don't consider the many many sayanims Mossad, I leave those who want to do so the freedom of choice though.

equineluvr ago

That is a classic operations tactic and not exclusive to MOSSAD. That particular "Anon" -- whichever one that was (I think we're up to 10.0 now) -- wasn't revealing any "secrets" there. Anyone who reads any literature on alphabet agencies knows that.

Laskar ago

and guess who runs the alphabet agencies...

Howmanyarethere ago

well yeah it wasn't news per say on the alphabet agencies. I never thought it was exclusive to mossad, I still don't. The difference is that I never figured them into the equation. But, if George Webb is mossad and he was sent to control the narrative of pizzagate, then Mossad is a bigger player than I thought. Or, at least hired guns.

User2060 ago

I only heard George Webb on a Timothy Kelly podcast once, on "Our Interesting Times", usually guests Kelly likes come back often, he never did. Ryan Dawson and Tom Secker despises him...I don't know I guess my sources online are just better than the typical conspiracy person who will click on every '"End of the World" videos in the suggestions, those from 2008, 09, 10, 11,12, 13, etc. I even consider YouTube responsible for doing what weed does to some males at around 20 years old, bring up latent schizophrenia. I think people would benefit of learning how to hide the right suggestion videos bar so that nothing on the internet is suggested to them, subliminally by just seeing the other videos to the right in the corner of their eye and not giving it a thought as they watch something not in full screen. It's possible. Tutorials show up if you put in the correct search terms in duckduckgo or ixquick/startpage...Duckduckgo's .onion version is even better when it comes time to research stuff by the way. But do not type tor in a search engine and download it without being at least behind a socks5 proxy or a 256 bit vpn before and do NOT trust AirVPN. Find that huge table comparing about 80 different vpn's before bothering, keep out of the 14 eyes. I've seen a lot of hatred thrown around at George Webb, its surprising Dawson hasn't "woodshedded" him yet.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

George Webb and Jason Goodman have revealed some truths, and have also been openly deceptive and omitted many more. Do you really want to find out if George Webb and Jason Goodman are really pursuing the truth wherever it leads?

See if they will follow their own advice and look into the Bellwether district of Racine, Wisconsin. It is a litmus test for anyone that really wants to solve Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. If the key to unraveling the story involves Bellwether districts as George claims, he should have no problem investigating it and showing how Racine is linked the the chain of global corruption, blackmail and abuse.

All Pizzagate roads link back to Racine, Wisconsin. Are they really interested in the truth? This story is a lot more exciting than Allison's.

trueringstrue ago

Why do not you investigate it and disclose to this community?.

Or give your info. to ET Williams..The Doctor Of Common Sense.

If anyone could get it "out there". thinking the Dr. could.

If it is/was true. Thanks. 🇺🇸

YingYangMom ago

Btw, Racine in french means root.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That is exactly right. It is the root of all Evil. It is the root of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I have to go watch! On Defango's YouTube, he had a guest. It might have been The Rabbit. I didn't catch the whole thing. But, he said that George Webb keeps acting like he's all powerful and women are sending him naked pictures. How he did Wendy and now hearing this, it's pretty disturbing. It looks like a pattern of using and manipulating women. This guy is just full of secrets.

It looks like we follow all the same people!

Fatsack ago

Sounds like lies you are making up with no evidence to tarnish someone who is closing in on the truth.

srayzie ago

Here's an update for you https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1923514

srayzie ago

Well then go listen to the podcasts. In fact, pay attention to how he contradicts himself all of the time. How about when he said he works for Old Guard and speaks so highly of Mossad. Does it bother you that after exposing murder, child trafficking, organ harvesting and on and on and on, he doesn't want Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Donna Brazille or Debbie Wasserman Shultz to go to prison and even likes them. Isn't that in and of itself fishy? If not, how about how he says he says he wants to avoid the Pizzagate investigation?

What George Webb did to Wendy was documented. He manipulated her and threatened her. Then when he went to her town, he IM'd her asking if they can meet. I've shared private conversations I've had with Wendy on voat after I asked for her permission. She has posted many screenshots of their conversations on Twitter over the last couple of months. She left Twitter for a while and I talked to her privately on Facebook. She was avoiding Twitter, hoping that if she was out of site that he would leave her alone. She wanted to find other female victims of his and said he has sick sexual fetishes. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to involve children so to each his own. 🙄

George Webb says he sold his house to fund this investigation. Do you think he did this out of the goodness of his heart? No. He's being backed by Mossad, CIA or somebody else. So, he doesn't except donations, even tho he is traveling, staying in hotels and pays for his alcohol that he drinks all night long. That way when it eventually comes out who he's really with, he can say he took no money from anyone. That, or it will make him seem more heroic in the documentary that is being made right before our eyes and the book that's in the making.

He only recently admitted to being with Old Guard a couple of weeks ago. Now he's added a director and an author who is documenting Webb's investigation called "Accidental Journalist" on medium.com. Look under Trish the dish if you want to see the beginnings of what will become a book. Last I looked she had just finished Part 6 I believe. Then, you can go watch Jason Goodman's live feeds on his YouTube channel. He is the one that was a Hollywood director that has been investigating with Webb for the last couple of weeks. If you watch those live videos, you will see how Trish the dish risked her life getting a thumb drive of Seth Rich files and how they screwed her over.

Then, they had the help of others like DeFango, who he then screwed over. So over time, people have been getting suspicious. They are pointing out inconsistencies and lies. George Webb keeps smearing other people's reputations because they voice their doubts about and Jason Goodman.

How do you think George Webb is able to be LIVE on Periscope and YouTube and even announce where he will be ahead of time and still be alive after exposing OUR governments corruption? He'll act like he's scared, being followed and is worried that his children are in danger. He threatened Podesta on video and said that if Podesta comes after him or his children, that he knows where Podesta has precious art located. After threatening Podesta, he's STILL walking around openly in the cities he's visiting and interviewing people. Not only that, he tells people which person he's going to interview ahead of time and many times where!

Does that sound like a man that's scared? He finally admitted that he was the one that deleted the first 54 videos on YouTube. That it wasn't YouTube that removed them. Has his social media accounts been suspended? No. Has his YouTube videos been taken down or have they suspended his account? Nope. But, many people that I follow on YouTube have their videos taken down all of the time. Social media suspends users if they speak of things that make our government look bad. But not George Webb! He's been safe this whoooooole time even though several people have already died, within a year, that were investigating the DNC.

So, feel free to go watch Jason Goodman's YouTube videos where there are hours of Live videos of the 2 of them, and where they were even a trio while Trish the dish (a mother) was there after risking her life meeting The Rabbit, who goes LIVE on DeFango and admits to meeting her and giving her the thumb drive that he had held all this time, waiting until he found someone that could do something with the files that were on it.

So if you still want to stand up for George, trust him and believe that he's going to lead us to the truth, and not veer us in the direction that whoever he's working for wants him to lead us, then have at it.

If you look thru voat, myself and others have posted links to several strange things that George Webb has said. If you still need more proof that this guy is up to something, @V____Z knows even more than I do. I'm sure she would share stuff with you if you have any questions. Or, look thru her archives. She has posted ALOT about George and watches the podcasts of these people.

V____Z ago

There is so much material though, no one can keep up with it. It's going to take all of us together to understand this operation being perpetrated against us.

I do feel a good summary post is in order. And i would copy all of your text here, @srayzie , so well put together. One thing to be clear about, though yes, Rabbit was waiting to do a release of the files that would attract attention, specifically for how it would aid the DNC fraud attys, Jared and Eli Beck --- HOWEVER, and Rabbit acknowledges this, this files has been on the web since Sept 2016, it was tweeted out by Wikileaks. It just didn't attract any attention. Though Rabbit wanted it known, he specifically told Trish the Dish NOT to give it to Webb and Jason, because they didn't trust either one of them.

srayzie ago

Good idea. I'm not home today but I will do it soon :) Did you see that George and Jason are working together again?

V____Z ago

Someone said it was on today's 18 minute video, which i skimmed thru, AGONIZING AS IT WAS UGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH and did not hear this. But it sounds like they're loving playing with people's minds, in fact Jason released a series of short videos the other day eluding to this.

Fatsack ago

okay, lets list these out.

  1. When you're researching, you come with something called a hypothesis, and then try to support your hypothesis with facts. During the search for supporting facts for your hypothesis, you often stumble across new information, which changes your original hypothesis, and refines the search. When you're doing in this not just by yourself, but in a crowd source format, you have to communicate that process between the presenter and the researchers. That's why you say he 'constantly contradicts himself'. Have you EVER written a research paper? Have you EVER done a major group project or report in school? People would say you contradicted yourself a LOT in that process. Thats basically what you're doing here. You're assuming this is some pre-produced fox news broadcast, or you are judging it by standards and conventions that make absolutely no sense for the format.

  2. He explained himself clearly about why he doesn't want to go for imprisoning all these people, that he'd be happy with just getting them to stop the traffficking and ratlines and hurting innocents. Because when you corner someone and leave them with no way out, they will burn the house down around themselves, meaning killing sprees of loose ends, mass false flags, who knows. You may not agree with him, but it's a valid point. EITHER WAY, whether or not they get prosecuted ISN'T WITHIN HIS POWER OR JURISDICTION, it's not his choice, and he doesn't get to say "oh mr. prosecutor, you can't use the evidence i uncovered and shared publicly in your case against the clintons." And his investigation has already produced alot more solid connections, meta-data, and hard evidence on this crime ring than this pizza forum has yet to pull up on Alefantis.

  3. Show me the messages from Wendy where George Webb threatened her. If it's who i'm thinking of, it was someone crazy lady that posted a bunch of crazy over-exaggerations based on her paranoid interpretations of what George said. There was never any actual threat, just a tweet or two of flirting, not even that, just grand-standing by George.

  4. George Webb Sweigert has clearly stated several times why he is doing this. If you don't know his stated reason for doing this, that just shows your lack of effort in actually researching his background for yourself.

  5. When you're an engineer, you make good money. If you're not a dumbass with that money, you usually invest it in a house as well as several other assets, if not multiple houses as rentals. George Webb has a an engineering and programming background, and ended up being an engineering software salesman, like alot of my adjunct engineering profs had as well. Believe it or not, people who aren't dumbasses can actually make enough money to retire early.

  6. George is something called a 'human being'. You see, human beings are not perfect creatures. We have weaknesses, individual interpreations of morality and different ideas about what we value. George obviously likes his drink. I bet your not exactly an Adonis yourself. This is engaging in AD HOMINEM and trying to distract by attacking the messsenger not the message. A classic tactic of a dis-information operative, or stumbling block of a lazy pseudo-intellectual.

  7. Maybe the thing thats keeping George ALIVE is exactly what you're complaining about. Staying in the public eye, not missing A SINGLE DAY OF PROOF OF LIFES AND META DATA TRAILS, makes it hard for someone to stealthily take him out. You do understand that right? That it's easier to get away with killing someone no one knows much about, or have constant updates on their whereabouts, what they're doing? Do you know how murders are investigated? How they put together motive, opportunity, etc? Constantly being on the move and constantly vlogging is probably the only thing keeping him safe from the people he's exposing.

  8. Have you ever considered that, just like George Webb, those 'other Youtubers' you follow might be taking down their OWN videos? So that they can say "OMG IM BEING CENSORED, SO WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT MUST BE IMPORTANT, PLEASE WATCH MORE!". If you can apply that skepticism to GW but not to others, it shows your implicit bias. You probably like, understand, relate to, or some other irrational emotional bias toward the ones you don't apply that skepticism to. That's called tribalism, and it's a big stumbling block for pseudo-intellectuals.

  9. So Defango says he has THE rabbit, not just someone saying they're THE rabbit, on his channel. Again, how do you KNOW its THE rabbit, not just another liar, fraud, friend of defango, etc. Maybe Defango really believes he's the rabbit. Is Defango an omniscient god? Is he incapable of fault? Sounds like double standards from where I'm standing, which is a sure give away that you haven't thought critically about this, or are just willingly spreading propaganda for what you believe is the 'truth'. Which makes you no better than what you're accusing others of.

  10. Show me some hard evidence that anyone that has come forward to George Webb with information has suffered reprisals from George Webb or someone connected to George Webb. If you believe all this nonsense and conjecture and assumptions you're spewing, without hard evidence that you can confidently and freely share, than you're just blowing smoke out your ass, and your accusations of George just start to sound a lot like you're projecting what you think of your self.

srayzie ago

How much of this did you copy and paste? 🤔 I wasn't aware that I was writing a report. I wrote you a long message telling you exactly how to find out all of this info. Since you want to play school and grade my comment, then now it's your turn. You can take what I've said and can go do your own research. I'm not going thru all the work of gathering everything for you. Especially since you are blinded by Webb. You will find an excuse for everything anyways.

I wasn't talking about Webb contradicting himself by changing opinions. I'm talking about him saying something and forgetting he said it and then the story changes. Like when he said he likes Kissinger. You can go look at what @V____Z posted today. Towards the bottom is a link to a YouTube video exposing stuff and shows the Kissinger comments that contradict each other.

I am going to be busy until tonight so feel free to go research. Whatever you come up with doesn't affect me. I've stated my opinion about George Webb. You can have a different opinion. I don't need to write some official report just to try to convince another user on voat of my opinion.

V____Z ago

Or what about claiming to have solved the Seth Rich case, then going on to an entirely different murder... yet the Seth Rich has NOT been solved, that's ludicrous. HA Goodman denounced him for doing that, and for being so reckless.

But think about it, you can tell by the downvoating campaign and the comments from strangers who won't look at facts, that the WebbOp has employed a huge troll team here and on youtube. Other youtubers who have interviewed them always say "we got TONS of comments saying we should interview you", and you see these comments and every related video, very similar comments - and no one seems to pick up that these are bots and trolls. Their popularity is FAKE, but it is used to feign legitimacy and fools a lot of people.

Fatsack ago

I responded to what you said, in order, and put it in an enumerated list by point. And i didnt ask you to gather everything, I asked in 10. for a specific example of evidence to back your claim about GW 'cleaning up leakers' or whatever. If you can't even support what you believe, why do you believe it? You don't even know why you think you know something. Lol, guess that means I win.

srayzie ago

Forgive me. I didn't have time to deal with your latest comment yesterday. I would have had to over my cell phone. I had things to do. That's why I waited until morning.

First you act like a professor 🤓

I responded to what you said, in order, and put it in an enumerated list by point.

Exactly! This isn't high school. I was stating an opinion. Not writing a report and making sure I abbreviated, crossed my T's and dotted my I's. 🙄

Now you act like you're in 3rd grade

Guess that means I win.

Make up your mind on which way you want to portray yourself in the same conversation, because this back and forth stuff makes you look like an immature idiot.

I am not playing your game and going to list everything again. Like I've said, I've given you plenty so you can look and decide for yourself. I have no interest in trying to change your opinion. It doesn't affect my life.

If you still feel that "you win", then that's fine. Whatever makes you feel better. You seem to be the type that needs to feel validated or you cry until you're told you did a good job...

So, you did a good job 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I'm proud of you. I give you an A+ ✍🏻 I hope you feel better now and can get on with your day.

Fatsack ago

You're a shill, and a lazy one.

srayzie ago


Fatsack ago

You come off like a pedophile.

srayzie ago

Well I don't have a penis so statistically that would be much less likely

Fatsack ago

Dont need a penis to be a pedo. You sick bitch

srayzie ago

Oh nice. Talk dirty to me 😂

Fatsack ago

Exposing your shillness for all to read. You dont care about the kids obviously, you didnt even reply about that.

srayzie ago

Obviously you haven't looked at my profile. I am here daily and am always concerned about these kids. But, instead of letting shills like you upset me, I embrace it. It's better to laugh and let it roll off my back then to get all worked up like you. Why don't you just go away now? It's weekend. Ask momma to take you to the park. You need to release all this built up tension that seems to be getting out of control.

Fatsack ago

You're here daily because you care about not getting caught for child porn...

srayzie ago

Well you started out voicing your opinion like a normal person. But once again you call me a pedophile and then a bitch. I'm here everyday trying to fight against children being sacrificed, trafficked or used to replace someone else's organs and you say I'm here so I don't get caught with child porn. You don't even know me. Do you know how much of an ass you're making of yourself today? Stop being an immature brat and move on.

Fatsack ago

Lol, you ain't fighting shit. You can't even tell real information from disinfo...

srayzie ago

Your only come back is to act like your in junior high AGAIN and react by calling me names and saying I have child porno lol. Yeah, you seem to be doing a great job fighting for these kids! Hahaha. Maybe you should have chosen a different come back. Here's a tip. When you tell someone that they don't do anything helpful here, you should remember that everything we've posted or commented on is archived on our profiles. When yours shows that you've contributed absolutely nothing to this cause and I have a lot, you might want to choose a different come back next time. You're not a very good shill. You should find another hobby.

Attention Media Matters and David Brock: If you hired this little shit, you need to train him better. 🙄

Fatsack ago

You rape defenseless children, im not really interested in your opinions. And seeing as you have no facts to share, I wonder what you spend all your time here doing. Certainly not furthering the investigation or argumentation because you can't even reply without getting your panties in a twist, ya fuckin poof.

srayzie ago

What's cracking me up is seeing that you keep coming back accusing me of stuff and calling me names because I'm getting under your skin. I struck a nerve. Does that mean I'm using mind control on you? Am I using MKUltra on you now too? Maybe I'm CIA now? 🤔 Lol

Fatsack ago

Im trying to get you to reply with some facts, which you have zero apparently, ya dumbass pedophile.

srayzie ago

You must be a pervert since you're thinking about my panties and tried talking dirty to me earlier so you must be a rapist 🙄

Fatsack ago

Do you do this for the attention? still waiting for your argument or facts. You troll a board investigating pedophiles for attention. GJ dude, you're really winning at life...

srayzie ago

Omg isn't school over for the summer? No. I guess he did this one time because people are laughing at how foolish you're being. I told you 2 days ago and like 35 comments up how I formed my opinion and told you where to go find links and videos so that YOU can go form your own opinion. This is getting boring.

You're still being immature and you obviously are not even wanting to go look at all the links in here and the videos all over YouTube. Do you know how to form an opinion of your own yet? I'm not your mamma. If you need help, ask a grown up. You are a waste of time. Grow up freak. You've proved you're a shill and not out to research so I'm done with you. Bye

Fatsack ago

WHAT PEOPLE haha, you speak for yourself, no one else faggot. Typical shills, using ad hominem, bandwagon, and social cues to try and persuade because you got no fact and even less logic to tie the facts you dont have together.

Fatsack ago

How much does serving evil pay?

Cat_anon ago

Serious? How does he get women to send him naked pictures?

srayzie ago

Well, with Wendy he would IM her on Facebook. So other researchers would chat with him. He's in touch with people that help him and YouTube subscribers. So I guess they are attracted to his alpha male personality.

redditsuckz ago

Dave Acton AKA "Acton the Actor" and MrCati are Military Intelligence


Any other "heros" you faggots want to throw at us?

Dave Acton Reptilian Cat Eyez on Infowarz - lol?


equineluvr ago

Yeah, we know. We can read. Acton openly admits it. Cati's background is listed in the OP.

Nobody's worshipping either of them. Acton is at least entertaining in a Dr. of Common Sense sort of way. But they do provide insight on Webb's possible motivations. There have been several valid theories bandied about.

Cati made some good points that most of ALREADY KNEW.

EDITED TO ADD: Why would you link to some retarded "Reptilian Eyes" upload? Nobody here believes that bullshit. And some nutbag alleging that Acton of being "reptilian" proves what, exactly? It has no bearing on Acton being alphabet.

redditsuckz ago

You are an admitted "crypto Jew"...so what is it like to be thought of as a reptilian hybrid or have websites push that idea?

Jews Are Reptilian Hybrids


Reptilian Jews - Twitter Search;


Reptilian Jews - Youtube Search;


equineluvr ago

Why would I give a shit what retards think, Laskar -- OOPS, I mean Redditsuckz.

I don't. Retards say all kinds of stupid shit.

Why are YOU listening to them? Are you on their level?

redditsuckz ago

I would seriously like to know why there are so many blood rituals with the Jews...Do they crave blood?...When they see someone cut themselves do their mouths actually water and they lick their lips?

Is this translation correct?;

Are Jews Aliens?


Is this true?;

Jews Are NOT Exactly Human…WHAT?!?!

Holocaust activist Elie Wiesel, whose lies about his holocaust experiences seem to be legion, also claims that Jews are a superior race. “Everything about us is different,” Wiesel boasts. “Jews are ontologically exceptional.”


equineluvr ago

"Old MOSSAD or new MOSSAD, it doesn't matter. You're still MOSSAD." -- Mr. Cati

Laskar ago

Even if not officially Mossad, he is at least among the sayanim.

equineluvr ago

Why is nobody talking about the Seth Rich-Warren Buffet connection?

Buffet, a billionaire from Rich's hometown of Omaha, Nebraska, had his photo shot with Seth Rich as they "clowned around." That suggests a relationship that goes beyond the professional and into the casual.


Rich was just a low-level DNC op. What other CONNECTIONS did Rich and Buffet share?

Buffet is a KNOWN PEDOPHILE from the Franklin Scandal of the 1980s.

Laskar ago

Great comment.

They are all connected at the top.

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you for the info. Now Webb et al are teaming up with Lionel Nation. We are so being played.

Howmanyarethere ago

Yeah Buffet is a big Pedophile. By association alone I would say there was a high probability that Seth was at least an abused kid now grown. Maybe MKUltra plays in too.

I know this is conjecture but its too much of a coincidence for something not to be there. Highly Highly suspicious

Laskar ago

Seth Rich might be a victim, but he is likely not even dead.

I agree with your conjecture @Howmanyarethere, and I would add Comey's past should ont be ignored either; it explains a lot:


DeathTooMasons ago

Would explain his family's akward disjointed public concern.

Laskar ago

They obviously aren't mourning him.

DarkMath ago

"had his photo shot with Seth Rich as they "clowned around."

Link please horsefucker. Thank you.

equineluvr ago

Hey, Mouthbreathing Retard -- See that UNDERLINED THING in PURPLE that STARTS WITH http://www.?

That's called a LINK.

DarkMath ago

Got it. The problem I find you rarely deal in reality so my default setting with you is to dismiss everything you say as total horse shit.

But in this case you're correct. There was a picture............Um yeah. I'm not picking up Warren Buffet is a pedophile from that picture. And I'm sorry but you're going back to the default horse shit setting because you thinking that proves Warren Buffet is a pedophile is bordering on an insane homeless person talking to a lamp post.


equineluvr ago

Step 1 for anyone is to confirm the death. Only IDIOTS run off half-cocked and "investigate a murder" when you don't even KNOW that the subject is DEAD.

Laskar ago

Agreed, @equineluvr

No autopsy, no toxicology report, no death certificate, no real funeral, no mourning by the family, and the 'find a grave' site has no evidence except for a handwritten sign which could have been photographed anywhere at all--not even as good as the Sandy Hook 3 fake graves for dozens of people.

He's probably on a beach in Israel.

Shillaxe ago

He's kibbutzing w Chris Cornell ???

siegnagel ago

Probably with ((Lord Jenner)) and ((Leon Brittain)) also.

DarkMath ago

You tell em horsefucker. It's not like the James Comey and Andrew McCabe are doing everything they can to hide the truth. And they have 10,000 plus FBI agents who can assist them in hiding the truth.

Who does George Webb think he is anyway! Damn Jew's getting all upitty and shit. I hate that.

equineluvr ago

HA! Watching Acton now.

Spot on assessment.

DarkMath ago

"Spot on assessment."

Really? I stopped after two minutes because he wouldn't stop talking about Clive Bundy, Oregon and assault weapons. Then he chimed in on the Comet Ping Pong shooter as if he thought it really happened and wasn't a school play.

If Dave Action couldn't figure out CPP and Edgar Welch was a school play then there is no chance in hell he can figure out the evidence George Webb has uncovered.

So horsefucker you're profoundly lost in the wilderness and I would take anything Dave Acton says with a grain of salt.


equineluvr ago

^^ Says the double-digit RETARD who OPENLY WORSHIPS MOSSAD, calling them "badass" in blatant ADMIRATION.^^

Frankly, I'm surprised you're stupid enough to show your face here. It looks like your fellow Webb-worshiping shills, Dressage and Jew777, at least had sense enough to know that the jig is up.

ArtificalDuality ago

Jem777 indeed appeared to be an "inversion-agent". Act 'good', while under this guise seeking out rightheous folk and then being subversive with dis-info support.

An 'm' inverted (turned up-side down) = 'w'. Applying inversion to 777 (considered 'good') yields then '666' (evil).

DarkMath ago

"An 'm' inverted (turned up-side down) = 'w'. Applying inversion to 777 (considered 'good') yields then '666' (evil)."

I started to respond to that but then stopped. This is the first time this has happened. I couldn't make you ArtificalDuality look any worse than to just repeat the high voltage insanity you just put forth. So here it is without quotes. Please enjoy bathing in your own shit:

An 'm' inverted (turned up-side down) = 'w'. Applying inversion to 777 (considered 'good') yields then '666' (evil).



Jem777 ago

I hope you seriously regret those comments @artificialduality. I have stood up for your posts before when others have attacked them because they speak of the darkest of evil such as the explanation on Nancy Pelosi GoatHill pizza & pineal glands. To understand that post one must understand scripture & the forces of evil therein.

I have not jumped on @V__Z posts about Webb because that is her sole mission. Mine is not to defend him or anyone in particular but attempt as @darkmath, @dressage2, @jangles & many others do find truth however it shows up even if in flawed characters because we all are.

For you or anyone one to use "inversion" technique and apply this to the moniker on this account as done satanically is beyond hideous. It is an insult and degradation of the highest order. These are my initials and the though that you @artificialduality have joined the likes of @equineluvr, @V_Z and the many others who offer nothing but name calling is extremely sad.

Would like to remind all of the heros out there stating you are doing this for the children some of those children are writing messages back to you.....this former child victim is and when you continuously call us names and pretend to know more than the very victims who type anonymously behind their keyboards you again silence the very voices who are trying to lead the way out of the darkness.

Dressage2 ago

The truth is George is getting closer everyday. He has DWS making a criminal ass out of herself, he is finding out about this NARDA operation with Wiki's JA help and the list goes on. He will suceed in flushing out those asswipes McCabe, Lindsey Graham, McCain, Podesta, Palmerie, etc. Stay true to your beliefs as you will watch people continue to roll to the anti-Webb faction. The truth hurts and sometimes it is criminal, but it always rings true in the end!

ArtificalDuality ago

Hello Jem,

I have to be honest with you. The fashion in which you tried to gain access into my sphere has raised an eyebrow, despite of the kind words told. It has to do with the fashion of approach. Talking about how I seemed to know so much about this evil thing going on. The interest for that Pelosi thread specifically, as that is one thread that shows a very clear, unmistaken association with Luciferism and accompanying lore.

I have also noted you 'attack' one guy that made it seem like he was in law enforcement, where it became clear you seem to be knowing a lot yourself and are part of LE yourself. You deleted that message shortly after. It gave a sense of that you felt like you said too much in that post. I can't remember the full contents of it, just that you removed it.

Then, yes, I have noted you rooting for George Web before he was exposed and bringing to attention VictoryOfTheLight in this VOAT PizzaGate sphere. You did not respond on my assertion on him.

But, all the while, I have given you the benefit of the doubt due to your kind appearance towards me. Yet there is an undercurrent that undermined that appearance as outlined here.

No. I don't agree with @equineluvr with his stance on certain things. I was just responding to the commentary about exposure of disinfos. I also look at how other people perceive other people on this verse. And that led me to my conclusion.

As far as jewry goes, as you have been able to gather from my postings here, you'll know that I know that that is a wide spectrum with many flavours and degrees. Not much different than any other religion. I do not judge people solely on a single label. I look at individual behavior as that is the only way to go.

What is it that you say about forces of evil in scriptures? Scriptures generally speak of divine force - at least, those scriptures that people talk about in the open. While obviously they do talk about the evil side of things, this is not the prime focus (at least not within the Christian bible). These are omni-dual religions and talk about the divine as a guidance, recognizing the infinite.

So there you have my side of the story. Now to get this cleared fully, I'm going to ask you a simple question of morality. A dual choice. When you can honestly answer that question, then I will apologize fully and retract my statement and will ask for forgiveness. Nobody's perfect, not me either. So here goes:

If you could choose between living either of two worlds, which world would you want to live? In a world of good, where evil would simply not be possible? Or would you choose the world of evil, where good would not be possible..

I personally would choose the world of good any day any moment without the blink of an eye. Which would you choose?

DarkMath ago

Horsefucker your opinion is of no consequence to anyone here. You literally spend several hours a day here calling people Jews, Fags, Homos, Kikes, Fag Kikes, Jew Fags, Homo Kikes and Kike Fags.

You are a walking Nazis dictatorship. You're a pocket sized Adolph Hitler. Your opinion here carries about as much respect as a pair of soiled underpants.


equineluvr ago

Awww... Someone's butthurt!! LMAO!!

DarkMath ago

Horsefucker me calling you a Nazi and a pocket Hitler doesn't do anything other than get me to feel sorry for you.

This is your life. You come here and call people Homo Kike Jew Fags. You're like an insane and homeless street person talking to a lamp post. You're one of the saddest human beings I've come across in my whole entire life.

Fatsack ago

For that to be true you have to have evidence that people who have leaked to George Webb have had reprisals against them. Do you have any proof of that?

Poot_McGarvey ago

No that is not how truth works.

This is a theory worth discussing. Webb has been extremely dramatic, cryptic, and muddy with his revelations. This is circumstantial evidence of some sort of psyop. And these videos go in to this theory in all the depth currently possible on the facts that we have. Furthermore, if Imyourghost is right and Webb has been caught in a lie, that is further circumstantial evidence.

Just because we don't have enough evidence yet.... doesn't mean that its not true.

Fatsack ago

He hass not been cryptic at all, he cites fucking everything, you probably havent even opened up his presenation have you? Just because you're a lazy dumbass who can't pay attention or be bothered to watch the back log of videos or look up his citations yourself, doesn't mean he's being 'cryptic'. It means you're dumb, really really dumb, and lazy.

Poot_McGarvey ago

haha dude I've watched probably 100 of his videos. He spits a lot of truth... but there are things that are concerning to me.

By cryptic I mean that he is all over the place. He says one thing and then he's on to another. He gives little pieces of things and then comes back to little things in later videos. Some of the things he's saying are very much NOT cited... and are given as truth with no supporting evidence or context.

I'm not saying I believe 100% he's controlled op but I think its definitely worth discussion.

Fatsack ago

Put yourself in his shoes. You might be willing to deceive or bluff that you know something you're not 100% on because you know the people you're investigating are also watching, or at least aware of it. I do that shit in video games, board games, at the office, it's called STRATEGY. Just look at how far he has actually pushed the story of the Awans, the tangible evidence that he broke with a 'working theory' that was later produced or verified or brought into the light elsewhere. You should never believe anyone 100%, you should never let the MESSENGER affect your interpretation of the MESSAGE. You should judge an argument on its OWN merits and the supporting evidence and facts offered to support it. AS WELL as actually checking up on claims yourself. "BELIEVING PEOPLE", ANYONE, is what lazy idiots do. Take what they say as a starting point not an ending point, and find out for yourself.

Poot_McGarvey ago

I have brah.

But you should look in to what people like defango have been dropping. George has been at minimum a bit sloppy with the truth, and his boy Jason Goodman has been doing some very shady shit to people who were just asking regular questions.

Fatsack ago

Im not aware of any evidence or actual breakthroughs made by Defango. Can you name one that has pushed the investigation forward or gained more attention for the issue?

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Both the For and Against George Webb are irresponsible. Understand this, if their is NO substantial logic attached to their story, then it is conjecture. Period.

OP- Why even attempt to plant the seed that Seth Rich was Mossad? You think everyone thinks like you? There are some less mentally coordinated people that will run with that theory and it will grow. The point is to stop all that bullshit and stick to the facts.

GrDec ago

George Webb Sweigert, is a Israeli/ CIA disinfo agent, he gives himself away here: HE SAYS IT HIMSELF


"i am a berniecrat, and jewish and always rooting for mossad"

Notice, he doesn't say he's an American and he is rooting for the USA.. NO, first and foremost he is JEWISH and he is "ALWAYS ROOTING For MOSSAD" Do you think a hardcore zionist socialist crypto-jew (he is not even a real jew) like George Webb Sweigert, is going to say anything bad about Israel and their involvement in the US government??

All of his "research" is carefully constructed to divert attention from AIPAC / Israel's involvement in the corrupt US government, and in organ, women and child trafficking

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Yes i'm aware he's mossad, and I've said before once mossad always mossad, I'm not discussing nor debating that,so what is your point?

privatepizza ago

There are numerous video clips of Webb mentioning that he's working for MD. Where ya bin ?

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Again, not debating that, don't you people verify who it is you're responding to? I do, it's easy to see who you all are when one views your views

DarkMath ago

If Seth Rich is Mossad that would explain why George Mossad Webb is doing what he's doing. Hillary Clinton stole Bernie Sanders campaign contributions then killed the Jewish kid who found out about it.

I think Mossad sent George Webb on a mission of retribution for Seth Rich's murder.

If Seth Rich is still alive then it's because Mossad rescued him when he got in over his head and Hillary and Skippy Podesta put a hit out on him.

V____Z ago

I didn't plant the seed. Think of me as a citizen journalist, or an armchair reporter, letting the Voat community know what is being discussed. Titus Frost also covers the possible connection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UghrRLuqdic

The_Roman_Numeral ago

But you did, and it's irresponsible of you to bring that up. it's akin to people bringing up the 911 no-plane theory, or nuclear bomb, or many other theories. That's why there has never been a definitive answer to 911. You are doing the exact same. It's a tactic used for 911 and now I'm seeing it again. I'll let the people decide what is going on.

V____Z ago

I'm covering it all as we go, and i'm happy about that. It's just taken another twist: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1929449

dreeeg ago

can you look into links with Defango and the occult.. via Cicada 3301? Doesn't this angle need to be looked at?

V____Z ago

I don't believe there is any reason to distrust Defango at this point in time, he accidentally outed Webb because they lied to the wrong person, and he has proven their lies.

dreeeg ago

He volunteered and coincidently new the hacker the rabbit (who seems to be some hacker guru that didn't realize that it was the same file) Defango is well known for the Cicada 3301 riddles that have been accused of occult links (see Wikipedia).. why are you actively discrediting Webb without researching Defango?... Who nobody new a week ago..

V____Z ago

Defango's role is limited, he has successfully proven that George and Jason are bullshitting. And it's possible that the files now contain some sort of tracking. I have to rely on the assessment of others who know about files, file types, etc., and have seen no one question Defango's side of the story, It's hard to - he's got solid proof and provides it. He could still be into the occult and the facts would remain, and George would still not look innocent in all this.

I don't consider what i'm doing to be "bashing". Consider that George MIGHT not be a good guy on our side. Just consider that when he says he likes Kissinger, but knows Kissinger was a pedophile, he is giving us a strong hint that he's not Mr American Citizen Reporter, he's only playing a role to gain intel on and disperse the research community we have here. If that's at all possible, then what i am doing is a service to Voaters.

dreeeg ago

he says strange things - no doubt- but to ignore his research based on what this Defango says is BS. others have said that there is different info in one of the files.. I don't know wjho to believe but this defango love is concerning.

V____Z ago

I'm not entirely sure where you see "Defango love" in my post. If anything you should accuse me of loving Dave Action since it's his video being highlighted here. The assessment is very much crowdsourced. Are you biased against him and that is why all you see from my submission is Defango love?

dreeeg ago

No - I learned from the Obama administration that we should look at the results not the words.. Defango caused massive confusion... Now there is open season on Webb.. People following the Webb story have known about his words for a long time - he says he loves everybody... he talks about Mossad... Now all the new comers are prejudice towards the investigation and slowing momentum.. Defango is bullshit

privatepizza ago

Defango has not caused massive confusion, he's the hottest thing on the Internet right now because he's explosed GW and JG for being the disinfo honeypot agents that they are.

I suggest everyone check out Defango's videos and decide for yourselves what's what. Defango is rockin the investigation imo. George is for grannies who don't know better.

dreeeg ago

He said he would upload the file... he then turned around and uploaded a different file... hence the confusion

privatepizza ago

It was the same file! Where y'bin ?!

dreeeg ago

no it wasn't... and there have been reports they are different.. I don't know but I have seen people just discrediting his previous 150 days based on some dude nobody knew a week ago

privatepizza ago

Maybe take a look at Tracey Beanz video. It's real interesting and she shows the files were the same. Defango shows the files are the same, on screen. Everyone at 4Chan was saying the files are the same.

The confusion is, as I understand it, that Defango already had the file, untouched and pristine, the 7zip file. He saw that Goodman had uploaded a .zip file which had been opened up from the original 7zip and re-zipped up as a .zip, therefore changing all the metadata of the files. Trish had zipped up the files PLUS the zip files, hence also the bigger file size.

You'll find Tracey Beanz video on YT, it's well worth a watch.

dreeeg ago

so if was the same file it could have been confusion.. simple .. I think we should still be on the fence with him because he has done great research.

privatepizza ago

If you're feeling that way then great : )

V____Z ago

Wow, you are really not looking at the evidence. It's almost like you want to defend Webb.

dreeeg ago

I give whistleblowers and people searching for truth the benefit of the doubt because I know the machine they are up against.. as a pizzagate researcher you should realize this too.

V____Z ago

whistleblowers and people searching for truth

for SURE, but what the evidence is saying is that Webb is the opposite of a truther. I'm not sure if you're here to see the truth, regardless of where it lies, or if you are indeed defending Webb, facts be damned.. but what I am doing is trying to warn people in case he is dangerous to our community, which looks to be the case.

dreeeg ago

he has been exposing the deep state for 150 odd days- can you point to any did- information he has put out?

V____Z ago

Did you mean disinformation? There's a ton.

Most recently, his team released old information as new, and as "Seth Rich files" when they had nothing to do with Seth Rich. https://voat.co/v/SethRich/1911372

dreeeg ago

So Rabbit went to all the trouble to do a stealth drop off and later that night just sent the file to defango by internet.. no questions asked.. His style is to crash or crash through. He possibly thought it was the Seth Rich files -

V____Z ago

George knows what he's doing. He shouldn't have spoofed the entire community by calling them something they were not. Agree?

dreeeg ago

we don't know what he knew - but you should apply the same critical attention to the person that caused the confusion. agree?

V____Z ago

It's like this. Webb, not rabbit or Defango, has positioned himself as the lead investigator, analyzing info he gets from various sources. As such, he is the one responsible for putting out correct vs disinfo. You asked for an example, now you are whining that George was fooled? Tricked? Or just too lazy to vet his sources? I do more work before submitting content here than he did before releasing files all over the internet. How could you have faith in this guy? Are you working for him?

dreeeg ago

like I said earlier.. Defango is connected to Cicarda 3301 - which many people think is connected to Crowely and occult or CIA.. why are you ignoring this? Webb said it could be bull shit.. Jason was the one hyping. Defango decided to upload a different file causing confusion.. look at results only.

V____Z ago

Are you even trying? "many people think" is not proof and if i didn't ignore this little dribble of BS coming from you, an account that appeared from nowhere, I would indeed be a fool.

dreeeg ago

my account has been around since the beginning... and on r/pizzagate and r/operationberenstien and DNC leaks

DonKeyhote ago

All jews are potential mossad agents. Sometimes they write memoirs. So its legit, check your fucking loop jabroni

The_Roman_Numeral ago

You killed your speech. Potential

HollandDrive ago

The scene in The Three Amigos, where the amigos are running around on their horses looking like fools shooting their pistols in the air, just before the amigos find out the Mexicans are real bandits, is an apt pic of Webb and the (real) big dogs who run the show.

I can see Webb w/ red on his arm copping an indignant look at that Jason dude and saying "Great! Real bullets!"

PGIs_Retardedd___ ago

Dude those "furious" and "outraged" "free to talk" FBI agents started talking yet? =))

HollandDrive ago

Yes, I am in touch w/ them.

DarkMath ago

Dave Acton? Dave Acton is an ass clown and a crank and the most obvious disinfo shill on youtube.

George Webb is catching flak because he's over the target. That's actually a GOOD thing because we're fighting Nazis here. We don't like Nazis and all their MKUltra fucking Josef Mengele perverted shit. Nazis are bad news V.

V____Z why do you keep refusing to talk about Andrew SlowWalker McCabe's trying to frame Trump?

Why do you listen to Andrew McCabe's version of events that Seth Rich was murdered by [insert N word here]s which is weird because they didn't steal his wallet. That's odd.

So yeah V please prove me wrong. Tell me why you won't talk about Andrew McCabe? Can you stop pretending Andrew McCabe doesn't exist?


Shillaxe ago

Nazis were gay, jewish actors & i believe Frump to be a Khazarian (sp?) gangsta http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=2&contentid=12024 Is an article connecting Grump to Red Kosher Nostra

DarkMath ago

You tell em Shillaxe!

V____Z ago

Do you really believe your comments need to litter every single thread here? You consider me a "useless cunt", why not just stay away from my submissions? Do you not have other things to do? Why not go out for dinner with someone nice, enjoy some good wine... we'll be fine here without you.

equineluvr ago

That half-Jewish faggot doesn't have any friends.

Shillaxe ago

He's an ashamed Norwegian x Irish (so i gotta cut him some slack but vry time i see your sn i think of pegasus and cringe

equineluvr ago

Many Irish are crypto Jews. But, I realize that you're not that familiar with the subject matter.

DarkMath ago

" You consider me a "useless cunt""

Correct. I stand convicted. Until you can give your honest opinion of Andrew McCabe you're a "useless cunt".

Sorry I don't make the rules. We're talking about people who don't think child rape and stealing organs from poor people is wrong. That's fucked up.


NoBS ago

The fact that Deep State is actively trying to silence George and the citizen investigators speaks volumes. Then we have you posting in desperation. Interesting.

Coco-Hamilton ago

Give me one example of how the deep state is trying to silence him. He says whatever he wants. Videos are never ficked with. Relaxed...getting drunk, eating at expensive joints, no attention from MSM...shills and bots upping his youtube stats...please explain and dont say.."well, Webb says they are".

NoBS ago

You must be very guarded behind your walls. Lack of public exposure is why Seth Rich was silenced so easily. That and some Bernie Bros have been called clueless, I just call it lack of situational awareness.

George is an exceptionally smart Bernie Bro. Just because he is a Socialist Jew does not make his citizen investigation unworthy of follow up. The guy has way too many names, places and dates to keep a dozen grand juries running for YEARS.

Yet it is easier to destroy evidence then to get off your own fucking lazy ass and HELP find some.

Coco-Hamilton ago

I dont give a fuck if he is socialist jew. BTW, i doubt very much he is a jew despite his claim to be so. Most jews have Jewish parents...his werent. He has collected nothing but circumstantial nothing that anyone with a google search engine could dig up. He even admitted today.."We have no metadata on Seth Rich." Oh..that is strange because i thought you solved that case six times already and no he didnt say it was a theory those six times...he called it fact that he was "breaking"each time. I hate this fuck because he is a con man looking for clickbait trying to be a big fish in a small conspiracy pond. We've met. He is an arrogant psychopath. He admits to making up shit but shrugs it off "well..i think it will play out that way so...". Get over the crush. Show me the evidence he has gathered...not the bullshit like a Marine told me this..or a source told me that. What has he accomplished? Im not trying to solve any investigation. Im trying to stop him from sabotaging other peoples' investigations. He does no research into what he talks about. His knowledge of law enforcement procedures is cringe worthy, his errors when telling historical antedotes is sad, his conjecture and speculation is designed to keep you confused and stay on wild goose chases, and his drama is so staged it is embarrassing. The confirmation bias that rallies behind him is pathetic.

Gothamgirl ago

Exactly. His work was never about Pizzagate, it was about the Clinton foundation and DNC fraud. Yet it seems some people are obsessed and every other post and video is about him. I don't care what they say his information helped me with my research. I can name doctors that had no one else has yet, that were directly tied to the Awan brothers in New York. I am really starting to rethink these youtubers that bitch and moan everyone else is fake. It screams shill.

NoBS ago

The coordinated attacks are the best money can buy.

Coco-Hamilton ago

If you like completely unrelated data that is independantb of each other and making up shit to glue it together..then yeah...he is awesome.

Gothamgirl ago

Unrelated data? Sort of Like these George Webb posts spamming pizzagate everyday? Maybe you guys should make a new sub for this, it's unrelated and annoying. Especially when the mossad bashers show up. It's pretty disgusting that anyone can blame one group of people, when clearly it's not. If a preist is a pedo does it make the entire church guilty of the same? Maybe his theories & logic don't make sense to you, because you aren't seeing the bigger picture..

Coco-Hamilton ago

Im not invested in any of that. I didnt come here to debate conspiracies (though i follow his closely in order to expose his lies). I know Webb is a fraud and a joke. He isnt Mossad. He wants you to think he is. I think i have a much better picture of him than anyone else here does and there are reasons for that. I will expose him at every opportunity. He has some big mental issues and insecurities, things i knew months ago that only now people are seeing filter through his "work". I dont expect you to believe me...that is fine...but at least tread lightly and take him with a heavy grain of salt. There are those much much closer to him that will paint a very different picture of Mr. Webb. That much i can assure you.

Shillaxe ago

Im thinkin Webbs workin for the Rothschilds who's tryin to shut down this cuntry & impose their dicktater mr. T

Gothamgirl ago

If the Rothschilds wanted to shutdown the country they would not need George. They fear Trump and us & I highly doubt they would hire anyone, to make 3 or 4 video's a day, for 7 months throwing their friend Hillary, and the party they basically control under the bus. Just as a bonus- I don't think there is 1 individual that covered Monica Petersen the way George has. I am starting to see a pattern though, the people who a trying to discredit his actions, are mostly democrats, if his allegations are correct it could be the end of an error that has gone on way to long.

Shillaxe ago

They fear Trump , haha , he's a Rottenchild to thr core, the reason Billary & Co. has to be stopped is because they're too big for their britches & want more more more but ill let you figure this out on your own, keep waving your Trump is a good guy flag.

Gothamgirl ago

No, he is American to the core, and I will waive that flag proudly, he is a good guy. I watched his actions my entire life. He is fearless & breaking their hold on this country. If they didn't fear him or us, they would've shut much of the banking system off already, and that may still happen. Trump is picking his battles wisely. Do you realize he didn't choose to run for President, that many droves of good people in our government begged him to run? Unlike anyone else who ran, he is the only one with the attitude and stamina to stop this..

Shillaxe ago

Do you remember when he was going bankrupt & who bailed him out , ill remind you, his daughters ex-boyfriend Nat Roth👶 , they print ALL the money in the corporation of THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA , look on your money & see those words in all CAPS just like corporate names. A shill for Trump is a shill for Eastern European Jewish gangsters aka the Red Kosher Nostra Did you read this ? http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=2&contentid=12024

Gothamgirl ago

Do you remember the impact drugs had on the economy at that time? Besides look at the recent housing bust, a great deal of Americans have claimed bankruptcy as well. Everyone makes mistakes whether intentionally or unforseen. Many businesses claim bankruptcy just to restructure debt. If you have a loan it probably came from them to, so does that mean everyone is colluding with the Rothschilds?

Shillaxe ago

I dont have time for you shill.

Gothamgirl ago

You mean you don't get paid enough and you're unable to discredit me lol

Shillaxe ago

No, actually i was busy, we could argue all day , so even with the tide turning against GW your still his biggest fan ?

Gothamgirl ago

I wouldn't say biggest fan just a follower until he is disproven, which fell short in these posts.

bopper ago

I'm still w/ Trump. You're right, you have to have known him over the years to make an accurate guesstimate about the man. Even his roots, though worldly as he is, his mom comes from one of the strictest of churches, there in Scotland, the church a direct descendant of the original reformed "covenanted" church, whose member's martyred blood watered the tree of the visible protestant church.

Shillaxe ago

Anyone who pays taxes , in the western hemisphere is a Crypto Jew

V____Z ago

If they wanted him silenced, he would be. Other youtubers covering this stuff have their videos taken down, not Webb. Webb claimed FBI was after him , in his hotel, but he didn't happen to get footage? And the next day for no reason he suddenly feels safe, acts completely normal? If they were after him why is he using a cell phone all the time - everyone knows that is a tracking device.

NoBS ago

You have no clue why he "made" himself too dangerous to kill? Yet you post your narrowed view of the world as wisdom based on feelings.. He is alive because the FBI is being shamed into action. Not all mind you, just the Obama bots. The rest are feeding him intel with teeth.

That's how pissed off the rank and file are, yet you really believe all FBI are corrupted. Broad fucking brush you burdened your stupid ass with.

Gothamgirl ago

Webb doesn't cover Pizzagate thats why. Youtube is pro pediphilia.

DarkMath ago

"The fact that Deep State is actively trying to silence George and the citizen investigators speaks volumes."


Thank you. People are finally catching on. George Webb is getting hit really really hard. And that's really really strange because he's been posting videos since early LAST FALL and only know are shills coming out of the woodwork to discredit him.

George Webb is catching flak because he's over the target.

The other thing is the OP @V____Z repeatedly refuses to provide her opinion on Andrew SlowWalker McCabe. She won't even type his name. That's so telling. I must have asked her 10 times what her plan was for stopping Andrew McCabe's Hail Mary attempt to use Guccifer 2.0 to frame Trump.

She's quiet as a church mouse every time. It's as if Andrew McCabe doesn't exist.


NoBS ago

He's connected too many dots and too many police reports to not be taken seriously.Hell, I'm saving his videos off line just to make the fuckers sweat.

equineluvr ago

^^ Says the IDIOT who lapped up Webb's disinfo BULLSHIT hook, link, and sinker, including


DarkMath ago

Horsefucker please explain to me why Hillary Clinton went to all that effort to begin importing the $6 mango from Pakistan.................................................................................................which sells for $1 after it's brought to America.


V____Z ago

I don't give a flying fuck about George Webb and Dark Math's obsession, Andrew McCabe. Not one.

DarkMath ago

You don't care about Andrew McCabe framing Trump so the Deep State can impeach him?

Why would you not care about that? Donald Trump is the only one who can bring the Deep State down. You not caring is not acceptable.


V____Z ago

You are unacceptable.

DarkMath ago

V___Z Andrew McCabe is trying to impeach Trump. Why is my objection to that "unacceptable"?

Harpua33 ago

So you are think McCabe is a great guy?

V____Z ago


DarkMath ago


Why don't you care?

You've been here a while if you didn't care one way or the other you wouldn't be here. :-)

So you do care but you just don't care. Hhhmmm it's like a riddle isn't it?


You're being paid to do this.

But you're either not an American or you are but you're a newly minted American. A true American could not be so callous about our countries crimes against children, drug addicts and poor people who don't get to keep their organs.

Yet you DO care because you read my post about me being a born again Christian and how my faith is helping me get through this national tragedy we're seeing on a daily basis. You said you were my sister. And I said I was YOUR brother in Christ.

So what could that mean? You care and you do care but you don't and you don't care.

The only thing that fits is you're maybe Ukranian or Romanian or from a country in Eastern Europe who is in some sort of struggle for freedom against Russia. Maybe you're a hired hand maybe even with CrowdStrike who knows it doesn't matter. All I care about is the Truth these days having been lied to by my government for so long.

My theory would fit everything I've seen and know about you. You ARE a good person and you DO have a reason to be here but at the same time you don't.

You are using this little fight here as a proxy for a larger fight against Russia. I can understand that if you are indeed from one of those Eastern European countries.

Or not, I've been wrong before. But that is the only thing that makes sense to me now.


Your brother in Christ,



HolyMoly0 ago

Do you have an opinion of what happened between Webb, Goodman and Defango?

equineluvr ago

Why would you ask a RETARD for his opinion?!

HolyMoly0 ago

To try having constructive discourse

equineluvr ago

Constructive discourse with that retard? Good luck!

DarkMath ago

"Webb, Goodman and Defango?"

I think everyone's really frustrated with each other at this point. Waking up to the reality the U.S. Government is run by psychopaths tends to shorten one's fuse.


HolyMoly0 ago

What I mean is, do you have a response to Defango's claims? Cause they're not talking about it very clearly, if at all. And they're refusing to speak to him.

DarkMath ago

No. And actually I like Defango when he's chasing Cicada puzzles. He's good at that and very entertaining. However his chronic marijuana use precludes me from listening to anything he says regarding the Deep State or the W.A.S.P. Mafia over in Langley Virginia.

HolyMoly0 ago

Ok, well he's seemed pretty credible to me so far. As long as he's laying out his case so clearly, and getting support from The Rabbit and Intel Valor, and getting such an incoherent/ignorant response from Webb/Goodman, I'm gonna lean towards trusting his story.

I've said this to you before, but I recommend watching the videos he did right after the debacle happened.

DarkMath ago

"I've said this to you before"

Can you send me the link to that video? And please include the exact minute mark of what you're talking about so I don't have to look for it.

Thank you.

HolyMoly0 ago

Start at 3:07. I think the rest of that video is just him going through Goodman's accusations and dismantling them. He did a bunch more videos, but this one's pretty good, if I remember correctly.

Here's him talking about it with The Rabbit. Start at 18:10.

DarkMath ago

"I think the rest of that video is just him going through Goodman's accusations and dismantling them."

It was neither. And the fact you couldn't write a quick blurb about what Defango's argument is makes me suspicious.

How about you respond to this comment with a brief review of what the issue is.

HolyMoly0 ago

You didn't ask for a blurb. Here's what happened, roughly.

Webb and Goodman get a file from Trish, who got the file from the Rabbit. They get in contact with Defango, who helps them put it out. Problem is, Trish, Webb and Goodman uploaded a file that has a timestamp that's 2 hours later than the original file, and it's also a larger file size. Defango reveals this when he uploads his own file (timestamped 2 hrs earlier).

Defango says they added something to the original files (hence the 2 hr time difference), and also broke the chain of custody when they moved them from the flash drive (given to Trish by Rabbit) to Trish's laptop, thereby compromising the integrity of the files. This is also confirmed by The Rabbit himself, and Intel Valor, who had been helping them as well.

Defango claims to know this because they were old files, which he'd happened to have in his possession before Trish ever got them from The Rabbit.

The rest of it, you'll just have to go through the video to understand. Unfortunately it's kind of convoluted. But the real telling thing is that they refuse to talk to Defango about it now, and don't seem to ever really address his most significant points.

DarkMath ago

"Unfortunately it's kind convoluted."

Yes, very. I work in the the IT field and this type of stuff happens all the time. The only important thing is finding the difference between the two files. That's easily done with tools like WinMerge and the like. It takes about 2 minutes and you'll find out which files are different.

I gather Defango was concerned George Webb and Mossad added some secret sauce to the files because the file they uploaded with 2 hours different. That could happen or someone could have changed the date and time of the files.

This seems like a tempest in a tea pot and a waste of time.

HolyMoly0 ago

I suggest watching it. I didn't find it to be a waste of time. Defango goes into detail, showing the differences between the files, addressing Goodman's accusations about what Defango was telling them about the different files (he refutes them by showing their chat logs), stuff like that.

DarkMath ago

"showing the differences between the files"

Can you respond briefly with what those differences are?

HolyMoly0 ago

There's a bunch of zips in the Trish files. He removes them, and then both sets of files turn out to be the same size.

DarkMath ago

"There's a bunch of zips"

What was in those zip files?

HolyMoly0 ago

I don't remember exactly. And I'm not IT, so I won't be good at figuring it out. In this interview, Defango lays out the story pretty clearly. I'm pretty sure he explains the zips. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2ZMxb1K0WQ&t=1593s

Edit: 3:00

DarkMath ago

"I'm pretty sure he explains the zips."

So you are suspicious of George Webb possibly adding files that weren't in the original but you don't know what those files are.

If you don't even know what those files are then why are you suspicious? And I'm talking to YOU not Defango. Why are YOU suspicious of something you can even describe to me here in a comment?

Something's not right. You sound like a shill and you're just parroting bullet points on a piece of paper.


HolyMoly0 ago

I'm not IT, as I said. It would be useless to argue with me about it. Go to the 3 min. mark for the story. He gets to the file differences at around 4:00. Why don't you tell me what's wrong with what he (an actual IT guy) says. Be better than Webb and Goodman. Ease my mind please.

DarkMath ago

"Go to the 3 min."

I did. There's nothing of any consequence. The two different uploads are about 99.9% the same. Any difference is meaningless.

You're obviously a shill sent here to push some meaningless story about the time stamp on a zip file. That's pathetic.

HolyMoly0 ago

Get outta here with the shill accusations. Seriously. I've been defending these guys until now. If you really care, then please do what Webb and Goodman haven't done. Go through Defango's video (the first one I linked)--and maybe go through the others--and tell all of us what you think happened. Cause there is zero explanation from Webb and Goodman. That's what makes me suspicious.

DarkMath ago

"Go through Defango's video"

I did. He's making a mountain out of a molehill. And again your story is absurd. You feel strongly something's wrong but you can't even describe what is wrong.


HolyMoly0 ago

And I did describe what's wrong: they have no response. Neither do you, it seems.

HolyMoly0 ago

And you haven't described jack shit, my friend.

DarkMath ago

That's correct! I stand convicted!

When I see jack shit I feel no need to describe it.


HolyMoly0 ago

Go to 14:00 in this video. Pay attention to where Defango proves that Goodman was lying about their interaction. Then tell me if, and why, you still trust Webb and Goodman, even though they lied about that. Cause that is not nothing.

I'm literally just trying to help.

And don't respond with snark, or accuse me of being a shill. It is extremely off-putting.

If you have no response, then I officially give up on you.

DarkMath ago

I went to 14:00 and see more of the same mountain out of a molehill. Defango is getting paranoid about a 2 hour time difference in the file's time stamps. Jason Goodman is in New York and Defango is out West somewhere like Arizona or California. That could easily explain that.

The other thing is Defango smokes a lot of weed. Weed can make you a little paranoid and obsessive about completely meaningless shit. It's kind of a problem for Defango. He got into a similar dust up with MathEasySolutions about how easily MathEasy solved one of the Cicada puzzles. Defango couldn't believe he could do it in 15 minutes without a super computer:


So MathEasy went over the steps which are probably similar to problems a Math major would get in college. The math wasn't that tough. Mountain out of a molehill.

HolyMoly0 ago

I don't know how much you were paying attention when this happened, but it was Jason that initially got paranoid. Defango uploaded that 7z he shows in their chat, and Jason then started screaming about Defango spoofing the Seth Rich files and claiming that Defango never gave them that 7z--which is exactly what Defango demonstrates he did, in fact, give them.

DarkMath ago

Whatever. This being the world's first totally online civil war I would chalk it up to the "Fog of War".

HolyMoly0 ago

Also, the time zone difference doesn't seem to explain it. I've never had that happen with a file from a different time zone. It always corrects for my time. Plus, Defango was in CA when this happened. That's a 3 hour difference, not 2 hours. I think the fact that the .zip was larger than the .7z explains it.

As long as Goodman doesn't admit he was wrong, and ignores Defango's calls, I'm gonna be extra skeptical about Crowdsource the Truth.

DarkMath ago

"I'm gonna be extra skeptical about Crowdsource the Truth."

Yep, being skeptical is a great policy around here. I'm not even sure if I'd trust my own mother at this point.

V____Z ago

Cannabis is the one thing that can keep people from being MKUltra'ed. Why you hatin?

pizzaequalspedo ago

I could believe it