James Comey testified that Loretta Lynch ordered him to not call it the Clinton "investigation" but a "matter", as if he was formerly the head of the "Federal Bureau of Matters" instead of FBI.
Here's a short video highlighting this one detail and his own words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VIZ3RshYEQ
Comey also admitted that he was the one who leaked info to the media on Trump, but then calls out a NYT story as false and wrong:
Leak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5bCbKyWsB4
NYT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSu2arM9zJU
We already know that Comey has massive conflict of interest related to the Clinton Foundation.
Sources: http://yournewswire.com/james-comeys-ties-to-clinton-foundation-is-a-conflict-of-interest/
While he may have operated as an elite fixer while he had the power, his interesting past may give a clue as to why he was so controllable. His statements like "maybe if I were stronger" (in the video above) in his testimony about the Trump leak are very telling. No wonder he was fired by Trump.
Comey's past:
In North Jersey, three days before Halloween and 9 days before the elections in 1977, James Comey and his younger brother Peter had a run in with a criminal that had raped young teens in Bergen County.
A man, dubbed “the Ramsey rapist”( for the town of Ramsey, NJ)** held 15-year-old Comey and his younger brother at gunpoint **after breaking into their Allendale home on an October day in 1977, one of a string of **break-ins that included the rape **of two area baby sitters. The Comey brothers, locked in a bathroom while the intruder searched the home, escaped through a window, only to encounter the man again on their lawn. The brothers ran back inside the house, locked the doors and called police, setting off a massive manhunt.
Comey has said [that episode] taught him important lessons about crime’s psychological toll on victims.( guess he forgot those "lessons") He said it affected him for years, though he did not say exactly how.
Source: http://archive.northjersey.com/news/fbi-nominee-comey-was-held-captive-as-a-bergen-teen-1.589446?page=all
We are talking about homosexual pedo rape here--this should not be ignored.
One of the Comey brothers (unnamed), identified the rapist in a line up, but the police did not pursue any charges. In fact, the bail for the guy they had in custody was lowered and the police chief put up his own house as bond (ethics, conflict of interest). A grand jury in 1978 returned no indictments.
No one was ever charged for the home invasion or the rapes.
How many holes can you find in this story? e.g. How did two teenagers just run back into the house "to call police" when they were confronted outside by a guy with gun?
Summary: In his own words, James Comey admits under oath that he functioned essentially as an elite fixer, covering up "investigation" with "matter". He has hidden conflicts of interest with the Clinton Foundation. When he was a minor he was the victim of a rapist who was never held accountable.
Tossoff ago
keep up the good work comrades! you're doing mother russia proud!
carmencita ago
His mother was a woman that was involved in many social groups. The father had an important position in town. I would think that possibly these boys were raped by someone very well known who was then "let off". The parents either allowed this to happen or did not want to press charges either considering who it was. I offer, that the father may have gleaned that position as an exchange of silence. Or it was an arrangement? Either way, what a lesson did that teach those two boys? The two people they loved the most and who they thought loved them the most, sold them down the river. They were silent to protect their standing and positions. Pretty Rotten. @Laskar @quantokitty
Laskar ago
The fact is that no one knows who it was.
No matter who it was homosexual rape is traumatic to say the least. There is no way it did not affect his life.
carmencita ago
Yes it is a horrible horrible thing to happen. But later they could have chosen to get help. If they had sex with other men that was consentual, I have no problem with that. But if he and his brother are pedophiles and raping children, I have no remorse for them. Yes, I often think that when pedophiles were so horribly abused that it was horrible too but it turned sad when their parents did not get them the help they needed.
Laskar ago
I have no remorse for anyone who is harming another person, especially a child.
carmencita ago
I knew that :))
quantokitty ago
Interesting theory. You could well be right. This sort of thing has happened before. Could be the parents and the perpetrator were members of the same secret society also. That also goes on. Brotherhood and loyalty, you know.Is Comey a member of a secret society. Can't remember reading up on that.
carmencita ago
I have strong feeling that their parents sold them down the river. I have read a couple days ago on here, that he was a member of the Ninth Circle. But who knows? I have not looked up other groups but am sure he is a member of one of them for sure. What we do know is that he is a liar extraordinare and evil like the rest of them. If these Brownstoned Idiots had only faced the music and refused to go along with their blackmailers and lived a normal life, they would not be in their predicaments. I have no sympathy whatsoever for them.
quantokitty ago
I fully agree. Someone doing that in his position of authority is a travesty. And he is nothing but a liar. Hopefully, it'll become crystal clear what he is.
carmencita ago
Yes, well, I agree that he is a liar and a horrible person for he has probably caused a lot of heartaches and pain to others. I am sad and sorry that he and his brother were abused, but when the got older they should have chosen to get help instead of choosing the route they did. Again like others, they chose wealth and power.
quantokitty ago
Absolutely. It's traumatic, but most of the people I know that have suffered from childhood abuse would lay down their lives to prevent it. It's special kind of ugly when a victim turns predator.
carmencita ago
They must be so very deeply traumatized there is no turning back. I believe there is a right time to turn around, but if goes way beyond, then it may be too late. Severe traumatic abuse for many years can be an everlasting hell. But if you have parents that refuse to get help because they are selling their children, there is not much to be done. I am not an expert.
quantokitty ago
Who is? I was going to post an anecdotal incident I witnessed to keep morale up. It's was such a perfect example of what abuse does to kids and their families.
carmencita ago
I was starting to read about the McMartin case and it said the mother reported that her child come home from school bleeding anally and I nearly lost it! How can anyone doubt that? Can the child not be taken to a doctor immediately? I think I would be berserk. No wonder she died from drinking. I would want to kill them.
quantokitty ago
Oh, that case was so mishandled ... and on purpose. The same with the Presidio case that involved Michael Aquino. I read about one woman that stood up to everyone. She was castigated and lost everything trying to fight for justice. I mean, these kids had venereal diseases. It was ridiculous. But I guess it's more comforting to think children are lying ... don't know how that can be more comforting, but it is.
carmencita ago
IMO, children are the truth tellers, and they do not learn to lie until the adults teach them. They learn it from us. When little and young they usually tell the truth, I worked with very little ones Kindergarten 1st and 2nd graders and they were the most honest. Many of the lower grades and even the older ones if they knew how important something was would tell the truth. It's those adults that were lying. When they got away with their lies and the children were vilified, the children were taught that lying pays. It also gave them the feeling of insecurity. Who would protect them? I have such a love for children, when I see a baby on tv or on the street they are all cute to me. There is no such thing as an ugly baby or child. I am color blind.
quantokitty ago
I'm with you. I find young children very honest. Plus ... the things they were saying ... they'd really have no knowledge about such sick things. That plus the physical evidence means there was a cover up.
carmencita ago
Big Time DUH. They will say if they know of such things they must be learning them from their parents. AHA! They are the criminals? NOT.
quantokitty ago
Tossoff ago
Vy vse kucha zaderzhek
Tossoff ago
Hi Russians!
jstrotha0975 ago
Okay, they have a video of Comey dressed like Howdy Doody and raping a little boy and there's something sticking out of Comey's ass.
Laskar ago
Here is an example of the effect of homosexual rape on a child--traumatic to say the least.
It is well known among those in the counseling field that victims may possibly turn to be perpetrators for the reason that it makes them "safe" when they are abusing someone who is less powerful than they are because they cannot handle/process the trauma of the past or have been silenced about it.
Commoner ago
Laskar ago
Well, that's how absurd that testimony is. People need to know.
They need to know about his childhood trauma.
It looks like he was groomed to be pedo fixer.
Laskar ago
I know. But I just wanted to get those particular parts of Comey's testimony out there, you can always skip over the part where Dice speaks if you are triggered.
Why not comment on Comey's childhood rape? anything fishy on that story?
quantokitty ago
Yeah, that rape story ... that is so weird ... wonder what actually happened and why they covered everything up. Good practice for when Comey grew up though. Here's how you cover for rapists.
Laskar ago
He experienced homosexual rape as a child. How can anyone not be adversely affected by that trauma?
All these VOAT "researchers" and no one blinks at the glaring anomaly of that case. The police chief put up his house as bond? Really?
2impendingdoom ago
Also, it was brother Peter Comey who was also "kidnapped" and this is the one who is the taxes attorney for the Clinton Foundation, allegedly works at DLB Piper and in whose name the real estate of the Washington home that James Comey was living in, so there is that conflict of interest as well.
quantokitty ago
Good point. What was going on there? I suppose my first question was how did they even know it was the same man? I thought the other babysitters that were attacked were young women.
2impendingdoom ago
That's where the database of distinguishing penile features comes in handy. I guess their rapist was bi?
quantokitty ago
Highly unusual ... and how would they know? Plus the fact he busted down the front door. Is that how the rapist gained entrance? Besides, "the narrative" is that the two boys were locked in the bathroom while the "rapist" searched the house? For what? Little girls to molest because he wasn't bi?
It makes no sense. If I saw a movie written that poorly and with those plot holes, I'd walk out and demand my money back.
Laskar ago
Yes, thanks for the reminder. It looks like they were both groomed to be in the service of the pedo elite.
Do you think I should have put that in the post? I didn't because I didn't want it to be too long. Let me know.
Have an upvote in the meantime.
2impendingdoom ago
I would say, Peter Comey c/should be a whole new post, I can't remember where but I vaguely remember a comment that Comey said he had a difficult childhood (maybe I'm confused him with someone else) but possibly abusive father?
2impendingdoom ago
"All these VOAT "researchers" and no one blinks at the glaring anomaly of that case."
what exactly do you expect Voat researchers to do here? The story is completely fucked up, that's been the case for a while now. There was even a 60 minutes episode about the "Comey kidnapping". The weirder thing is that Trump fired the guy, but like HRC he won't go away.
quantokitty ago
Yes, what is going on with the researchers. Especially the ones with credentials. Has anyone ever talked to Frank Winstead? crickets chirping in background As for Comey not going away, it's a trait of the Cannibal Elite. They don't give up. They lie, lie, lie right up to the bitter end. Comey is trying to inflict as much damage as he can ... as if he hasn't done enough.