MommyLove ago

In the SEIU vid on Jason Goodman channel, George talks about Dr.'s names that I am thinking are on this download/upload. Can someone PLEASE help me figure out how to access this list of Dr.'s? It is so very important. Thank you!

NoBS ago

Or the evidence of vote rigging and illegal collusion between Hillary and the public employee union active collusion. The Defango files are half a gigabyte, short for a reason. The 1/2+ gig of .dot 7z files that mysteriously showed up had been manipulated just before the upload. Can you say Trojan? Get the 1 1/4 gb file and you are golden. The real files end with zip, not .7z I might have the Defango file last 2 wrong, but it was over 500 mb with the more modern zip program extension. Hell, he admits he with the file THAT DAY. One of his back track vids.. Defango has to look out for the little Defangos. Give him a break.

privatepizza ago

Watch the Tracey Beanz vid above and Defango's vids. The GW file is missing a lot of files compared to Defango's and the original Guccifer.2 file. Look again.

NoBS ago

I have, Also the date modified and the size.

privatepizza ago

Do you disagree with Tracey then? If so, I hope you're going to make a video of evidence as she did?

MommyLove ago

In the SEIU vid on Jason Goodman channel, George talks about Dr.'s names that I am thinking are on this download/upload. Can someone PLEASE help me figure out how to access this list of Dr.'s? It is so very important. Thank you!!!