Gothamgirl ago

Do you realize that Defango also states that Pizzagate could be a hoax in one of his videos? According to him most of the information on Pizzagate was from Dave Seaman, who went crazy and off the deep end after getting fired from the Huffington post.

And he also states he is a 5th dimensional being on other sites.

V____Z ago

Yeah he's a bit ridiculous. The only reason I referred to him in my posts though, was in regard to his statements and screenshots showing that Webb/Jason lied about the files.

srayzie ago

This video is a MUST SEE. Make sure you watch the video right after as well. That puts it all together! This is CRAZY!

dreeeg ago

again with this? let it play out.. none of us know with any certainty what's going on.. Awan Brothers.. Awan brothers ... Awan brothers

jangles ago

That happens when the elite pay big $ to attack this community.

TimeForPitchForks ago

Dave lays it out here.. Apparently there are mental prob's with George..?

V____Z ago

We've been saying that in all seriousness for a few weeks now. @privatepizza @4TruthUnited @srayzie

DarkMath ago

"We've been saying that in all seriousness for a few weeks now"

Yeah and your gas lighting has failed every time. It was George Webb who exposed Deep Wasserman Schitz running a spy ring in Congress.


There is no rational reason DWS would try to obstruct a police investigation.

"The lady doth protest too much."


Jem777 ago

Finally V__Z getting exposed. "The lady does protest too much"

DarkMath ago

Anything to say for yourself @V____Z?

srayzie ago

Omg! I am more behind you. I just started the 2nd video of DeFango's showing that his brother admitted to lying and that George Webb is mentally ill! I am tripping the hell out right now. I'm gonna go make some popcorn for breakfast and be watching videos for hours! Lol. Let me know if you find any other goodies! Thanks for alerting me 💋

V____Z ago

lolololol it seriously IS a popcorn for breakfast type of day. Tracey Beanz said it best

jangles ago

lol, this is just some quack talking. No evidence.

V____Z ago

You have to watch, the evidence is shown. You can even turn the sound off.

SterlingJB ago

"The evidence shown" why not just go full brackets: [information].

V____Z ago

"Last comment I promise"

SterlingJB ago

Yeah, but you're a shill. From the looks of it, of the CTR muddy the waters variety. So all promises are off

V____Z ago

U silly

jangles ago

All this shows is that George has been at this a long time

jangles ago


equineluvr ago

50+ minute video. Got a timestamp? Thanks.

EDIT: Never mind.

The Defango video is a MUST SEE.

V____Z ago

I agree, so why does it have more downvotes than up? SHILLS

SterlingJB ago

V Z, last comment I promise. Was hoping your investigation wld get better, since I'd like to know more as well, but this is shite. Acton is spoofing hard. We already know the dave of the fam based on supporting evidence (professional profile, news clippings, daves middle initial) Defango's interest in the occult is not what discredits him. It's his claim of finding the spear of Destiny (!). Don't know abt the file, but the spear, yeah, hardcore, and talented imo, spoofing. Why not actually do some digging. I can give you some starters. There's actually quite a bit out there.

V____Z ago

You're being silly. This video is nothing but a sweep through the web, showing now-deleted images that prove what has now been admitted, that Dave Acton is George Webb's brother.