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The_Roman_Numeral ago

Both the For and Against George Webb are irresponsible. Understand this, if their is NO substantial logic attached to their story, then it is conjecture. Period.

OP- Why even attempt to plant the seed that Seth Rich was Mossad? You think everyone thinks like you? There are some less mentally coordinated people that will run with that theory and it will grow. The point is to stop all that bullshit and stick to the facts.

V____Z ago

I didn't plant the seed. Think of me as a citizen journalist, or an armchair reporter, letting the Voat community know what is being discussed. Titus Frost also covers the possible connection

The_Roman_Numeral ago

But you did, and it's irresponsible of you to bring that up. it's akin to people bringing up the 911 no-plane theory, or nuclear bomb, or many other theories. That's why there has never been a definitive answer to 911. You are doing the exact same. It's a tactic used for 911 and now I'm seeing it again. I'll let the people decide what is going on.

V____Z ago

I'm covering it all as we go, and i'm happy about that. It's just taken another twist:

dreeeg ago

can you look into links with Defango and the occult.. via Cicada 3301? Doesn't this angle need to be looked at?

V____Z ago

I don't believe there is any reason to distrust Defango at this point in time, he accidentally outed Webb because they lied to the wrong person, and he has proven their lies.

dreeeg ago

He volunteered and coincidently new the hacker the rabbit (who seems to be some hacker guru that didn't realize that it was the same file) Defango is well known for the Cicada 3301 riddles that have been accused of occult links (see Wikipedia).. why are you actively discrediting Webb without researching Defango?... Who nobody new a week ago..

V____Z ago

Defango's role is limited, he has successfully proven that George and Jason are bullshitting. And it's possible that the files now contain some sort of tracking. I have to rely on the assessment of others who know about files, file types, etc., and have seen no one question Defango's side of the story, It's hard to - he's got solid proof and provides it. He could still be into the occult and the facts would remain, and George would still not look innocent in all this.

I don't consider what i'm doing to be "bashing". Consider that George MIGHT not be a good guy on our side. Just consider that when he says he likes Kissinger, but knows Kissinger was a pedophile, he is giving us a strong hint that he's not Mr American Citizen Reporter, he's only playing a role to gain intel on and disperse the research community we have here. If that's at all possible, then what i am doing is a service to Voaters.

dreeeg ago

he says strange things - no doubt- but to ignore his research based on what this Defango says is BS. others have said that there is different info in one of the files.. I don't know wjho to believe but this defango love is concerning.

V____Z ago

I'm not entirely sure where you see "Defango love" in my post. If anything you should accuse me of loving Dave Action since it's his video being highlighted here. The assessment is very much crowdsourced. Are you biased against him and that is why all you see from my submission is Defango love?

dreeeg ago

No - I learned from the Obama administration that we should look at the results not the words.. Defango caused massive confusion... Now there is open season on Webb.. People following the Webb story have known about his words for a long time - he says he loves everybody... he talks about Mossad... Now all the new comers are prejudice towards the investigation and slowing momentum.. Defango is bullshit

privatepizza ago

Defango has not caused massive confusion, he's the hottest thing on the Internet right now because he's explosed GW and JG for being the disinfo honeypot agents that they are.

I suggest everyone check out Defango's videos and decide for yourselves what's what. Defango is rockin the investigation imo. George is for grannies who don't know better.

dreeeg ago

He said he would upload the file... he then turned around and uploaded a different file... hence the confusion

privatepizza ago

It was the same file! Where y'bin ?!

dreeeg ago

no it wasn't... and there have been reports they are different.. I don't know but I have seen people just discrediting his previous 150 days based on some dude nobody knew a week ago

privatepizza ago

Maybe take a look at Tracey Beanz video. It's real interesting and she shows the files were the same. Defango shows the files are the same, on screen. Everyone at 4Chan was saying the files are the same.

The confusion is, as I understand it, that Defango already had the file, untouched and pristine, the 7zip file. He saw that Goodman had uploaded a .zip file which had been opened up from the original 7zip and re-zipped up as a .zip, therefore changing all the metadata of the files. Trish had zipped up the files PLUS the zip files, hence also the bigger file size.

You'll find Tracey Beanz video on YT, it's well worth a watch.

dreeeg ago

so if was the same file it could have been confusion.. simple .. I think we should still be on the fence with him because he has done great research.

privatepizza ago

If you're feeling that way then great : )

V____Z ago

Wow, you are really not looking at the evidence. It's almost like you want to defend Webb.

dreeeg ago

I give whistleblowers and people searching for truth the benefit of the doubt because I know the machine they are up against.. as a pizzagate researcher you should realize this too.

V____Z ago

whistleblowers and people searching for truth

for SURE, but what the evidence is saying is that Webb is the opposite of a truther. I'm not sure if you're here to see the truth, regardless of where it lies, or if you are indeed defending Webb, facts be damned.. but what I am doing is trying to warn people in case he is dangerous to our community, which looks to be the case.

dreeeg ago

he has been exposing the deep state for 150 odd days- can you point to any did- information he has put out?

V____Z ago

Did you mean disinformation? There's a ton.

Most recently, his team released old information as new, and as "Seth Rich files" when they had nothing to do with Seth Rich.

dreeeg ago

So Rabbit went to all the trouble to do a stealth drop off and later that night just sent the file to defango by internet.. no questions asked.. His style is to crash or crash through. He possibly thought it was the Seth Rich files -

V____Z ago

George knows what he's doing. He shouldn't have spoofed the entire community by calling them something they were not. Agree?

dreeeg ago

we don't know what he knew - but you should apply the same critical attention to the person that caused the confusion. agree?

V____Z ago

It's like this. Webb, not rabbit or Defango, has positioned himself as the lead investigator, analyzing info he gets from various sources. As such, he is the one responsible for putting out correct vs disinfo. You asked for an example, now you are whining that George was fooled? Tricked? Or just too lazy to vet his sources? I do more work before submitting content here than he did before releasing files all over the internet. How could you have faith in this guy? Are you working for him?

dreeeg ago

like I said earlier.. Defango is connected to Cicarda 3301 - which many people think is connected to Crowely and occult or CIA.. why are you ignoring this? Webb said it could be bull shit.. Jason was the one hyping. Defango decided to upload a different file causing confusion.. look at results only.

V____Z ago

Are you even trying? "many people think" is not proof and if i didn't ignore this little dribble of BS coming from you, an account that appeared from nowhere, I would indeed be a fool.

dreeeg ago

my account has been around since the beginning... and on r/pizzagate and r/operationberenstien and DNC leaks