s2s ago

It's creepy. He uses his station, his place in the pecking order as they perceive it, to subliminally bully them into revealing themselves.


s2s ago

These two wouldn't be running around making remarks that could have anyone else brought up on defamation charges, no matter how true any of what they say is, if their lower sixes didn't have protection. Our need to figure out what is going on, so we can do the right thing and protect ourselves and others, drives us to seek information from people who seem to be in a position to know. This need is being manipulated and abused by an entenched self-serving group who most don't understand control that information, and who create multiple rabbitholes to distract and confuse, use up precious time, and move people in directions detrimental to their survival.

George Webb has preemptively verbalized his own school play, putting a positive spin to his previous activities, to control the dialogue about his background. Listening to him grilling people for their personal information, essentially "unmasking" them, is especially galling when his real agenda is understood.


V____Z ago

I wish you were writing entire articles, I would read you fervently. We need your wisdom to drown out, or at least accompany, Webb's drama. But here you are in some lonely comment section gathering dust. So sad.

s2s ago

Each one of us is a truthbot working toward the ultimate political DDoS. So, as many as possible need to speak their truth in as many corners as possible. Butterfly effect.


V____Z ago

Beautiful 🐝

s2s ago

Back atcha.


CeepsNo ago

I suspect the documentary guy filming him is only pretending to be his friend to make a documentary about "one man's descent into insanity" to discredit the whole thing and claim it was the Russians.

lynn1314 ago

I'm starting to think that George is a Deep State Operative (Mossad? Who knows) who is protecting Obama. Notice he has repeatedly told everyone to move away from Obama, his Admin, etc., and focus on Hillary, Podesta etc. Now he's saying he doesn't want anyone to go to jail, but if all of what he says is true, this crew has been involved in human trafficking, organ harvesting, pedophilia and murder. But he doesn't want them to go to jail?

I think whoever is paying for his trips, etc., is trying to protect Obama and give us already known info that points to Hillary but is so all over the place that everyone leaves confused and nothing happens. Now it's the Pakistan government? How much further from Obama does he need to go?

And do we know that this woman was really hurt? That "thugs" were following him, messing with his phone, whatever. Kim Dotcom said a day or so ago that George Webb and Goodman were on to things, then George takes off after Kim. Remember, Kim has pointed a finger at Obama.

I don't know anything about Goodman, seems like a good guy, but who knows. We are dealing in the big stakes here, everyone could be lying either a lot or a little, but it is strange that NONE of these two want to get anyone near the Obama Administration. If the truth goes where it goes and George wants the truth out, this makes no sense.

Also, I think he is the FBI ANON. They say the same stuff.

V____Z ago

First of all, you're brilliant.

I've also been thinking he's a protector for establishment Dems. And I notice that when he does talk about Hillary, it's nothing we don't know. He's not outing anyone. And when he went after the very person who could damn the Dems, Dotcom, with such anger, I thought he really is angry at Kim, he has distain for him because George admittedly loves the Dems. He's their guy, herding all of us who are angry about what's in the leaks, who are angry about all he corruption, into a nice little safe corner that will be controlled and defined by this stranger from nowhere, and his Hollywood handler.

In fact the way he treated Kim told me those suspicions are right. He hates people who are hurting the Dems, though he claims the exact opposite.

Obama and his fake family are a CIA operation. So it would make sense George feels very aligned to him.

lynn1314 ago

Thank you. I think you're right. I think this is what is "real." George has been herding us away from Obama/CIA/Deep State all this time.

It was a brilliant school play - but now we've ended it.

V____Z ago

You wouldn't believe what they're doing today. They've just revealed their plan. George is now claiming Anthony wiener, not huma, was running a spy ring (or something like that, point being, he's already been chosen to take the fall so why not heap everything else on him too), and at the very end Jason admits they are creating a narrative, and that what they intend to do is say that the Awan brothers HACKED the files, so that would mean there was no leak and no one is suspect for killing Seth.


@carmencita @privatepizza

lynn1314 ago

It all makes sense now that we know who he is. Let's get this info out that he is a Deep State Operative to all the places that support George.

V____Z ago

Just get ready for the fricking firing squad... People are fighting for the right to be lied to.

GrDec ago

I was following George Webb Sweigert when he deleted his first 50 or videos from YouTube, long before most people knew who he was, I actually have a copy of some of those deleted videos. In some of his first videos he truly comes off as a slightly deranged Paranoid / schizophrenic, claiming that the government is tailing him, etc

I thought his research was interesting, but too disorganized, and IMHO, he came off as some kind of Bipolar dude who starts making crazy connections and patterns out of nowhere. I have lived with bipolar roomates and i known what they are like when they are in their "highs" and George fits the pattern.

I started to get serious doubts about him when he started taking roads trips (i wonder who's financing those?) and saw him in a Long Island Jewish cemetery whining about the Jew rosenberg spies.. and i thought..only a hardcore zionist would worry about those two traitors..

I realized George Sweigert was a phony when i saw him making claims he had cracked the Seth Rich case when he named Alpha Jalloh as the Seth Rich killer. The funny thing is that this "killer" had been named almost a year ago at http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2071.htm Some of the stuff he was parroting on the video came straight off www.whatdoesitmean.com.

Wow.. some deep research, right?

Of course, when he took credit for his "discovery", he never named the source of the info, only the name of the "russian intelligence agency", which sounds a lot cooler, than some cheesy website, right?

Another thing this genius didn't investigate, is that there are at least two differently-aged criminals named Alpha Jalloh, one from NY, the other from Newark NJ. Any of these two could be the ones that got caught in Washington DC.

See for yourselves: http://6abc.com/news/photos-21-charged-in-nj-ny-car-theft-ring/1055951/


If the younger Alpha Jalloh was the one caught in DC, (not the one involved with the car theft operation), that means the other AJ from NY, the one that is supposedly an FBI informant linked to the DNC, is probably still locked in jail, and has nothing to do with Seth Rich.

Then i found out the guy is a phony zionist disinfo agent, much like (((David Seaman)), (((Gordon Duff))) (((Stephan Molineaux))), Alex Jones and many others, Webb has accomplished nothing, other than to steal research and fake news from various sources.. and claimed credit for them.

GrDec ago

George Webb Sweigert, is a Mossad / CIA disinfo agent, he gives himself away in this video at 9:10: https://youtu.be/WWbrpdDLM2k?t=550 "i am a berniecrat, and jewish and always rooting for mossad"

Notice, he doesn't say he's an American and he is rooting for the USA.. NO, first and foremost and he JEWISH and he is "ALWAYS ROOTING For MOSSAD"

Do you think a hardcore zionist jew like George Webb Sweigert, is going to say anything bad about Israel and their involvement in the US government??

Notgood ago

Kettle, meet the pot.

NotTooLate ago

I think all the drama was rehearsed and intended to make this "I found the thumbdrives" scam more believable. If Kim just went along and this was a smooth leak, it would have been even more unbelievable and hurt their credibility with Kim who is clearly not who he says he is either. To me, it simply outs them all including HA Goodman, Cernovich, AJ, True Pundit, etc.

lynn1314 ago

I don't know what's going on with George. I may officially be dropping out of this school play.

srayzie ago

Omg he was a lot worse than I thought it would be. He gets mean when he drinks. He's gonna be embarrassed today. He's 6'8. Jason probably got nervous and was trying to calm him George down!

NotTooLate ago

What I saw was Jason handling him and it looked to me that he shut him down without a nervous bone in his body.

srayzie ago

I continued watching after I wrote that and thought the same thing when he said I'm the director. Cut! He actually did really good.

DawnofTruth ago

At the end, first he says it's not him then he gives a reason why he is not cooperating with his orders. Talk about flipping the script to fit your drunk ideology!! Wow George!!! You're a piece of fucking work and anyone with any sensibility left has dismissed you by now as a Gary Webb wanna-be with absolutely NOTHING to say. Just opinions. Pffffffft

Pizzalawyer ago

If ever one needed proof of George Webb's mental quirks this is it. Several times he exhibited a hair trigger temper, while live streaming to the world. Could his private displays be worse? He was admonishing Jason while schmoozing Jennifer from Wilmington. He regarded Jason's actions irrelevant while his conversation with Jennifer was relevant because it showed the humanity of being a truthseeker when in reality he was flirting. Same with Trish the Dish (Georges words, not mine) George is not only a super sleuth, he is a sexy super sleuth, almost as good as James Bond. I didnt totally waste my time watching this, I got the dishes done and the kitchen floor mopped. I can't wait much longer for something of substance.

V____Z ago

He is a predator.

jstrotha0975 ago

Jason Goodman and George Webb are LARPers.

awakenaware ago

Someone else mentioned recently that if you lie all the time like GW it starts to effect your mental state. Case in point.

norobotono ago

That was so unprofessional and such a total embarrassment. I am glad the other guy cut the feed before it got much worse.

V____Z ago

They're going on tomorrow night.

equineluvr ago

02:20:01 -- "Send this shit to Wikileaks.' That's a good idea!"


bopper ago

You're cracking me up :) Comedy gold.

equineluvr ago

LMAO! 02:15:55 -- "These are old files, not worthy of our work.' I don't know about that (scratches head). Has anyone had these files?"

equineluvr ago

LOL ~1:55:0 -- They're complaining about a bunch of "shitty comments" people are making. Evidently SOME people "get t!"

bopper ago


equineluvr ago

LMAO! At 15:20: "Can you just take the drive out of the bag, and show it to us, and state that this is the drive that you received. Because people won't believe it."

Oh, the DRAMA! This is same lame-caliber BULLSHIT that Webb has been spoonfeeding to his idiot followers for MONTHS! LMAO!

V____Z ago

I know, it's absolutely mind boggling. Even the DNC fraud lawsuit lawyer, smart as a whip, is fully on board with this and defending Webb and even his drinking, from his Twitter account. I literally shut down my Twitter tonight out of sheer frustration duty to the idiocy there. (Plus I was shadowbanned again so there's really no use.)

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

what's the best way to be able to tell if one is shadowbanned?

V____Z ago

I had an account with a lot of followers, so when I was not SBed, I would get a fair number of retweets, and lots of comments, lots of likes, on every tweet. Then suddenly, there would be only one person every replying back, and most tweets would have zero activity, meaning no one is seeing them. And the ch age happens in an instant. It's happened so many times I can recognize it immediately. This time it seemed related to trying to awaken people to the lie of Webb. Or the Webb of lies, anyway, you tweet auto something tptb don't like, and you get shadowbanned.

chronikfunk ago

He may be forced to say that kim is a fraud, hence why he is getting drunk.

redditsuckz ago

These are your rulers folks The Jews...this is the tribe that killed Kennedy...Jack Ruby AKA Rubenstein and FUCKING DOCUMENTED IT...(((Zapruder))) film, Why do you think (((Abraham Zapruder))) kept the camera so still when there was pandemonium and 7-8 shots at JFK? They did 9/11 and were also there to DOCUMENT THE EVENT.

(((George Webb)))...(((Jason Goodman)))...(((Kim Dotcom AKA Schmitz)))...(((David Seaman)))...(((The Media)))...all actors distracting you from finding out the truth about them....and V________Z keeps posting their bullshit drama over and over.

srayzie ago

@V____Z has the links to back up this post. I don't agree with everything she says. Like her views on Alex Jones. But, we're all entitled to our opinions. Many people are interested in George Webb right now because of what he's been covering. I don't get why you have to be so damn rude.

jstrotha0975 ago

Never trust a smiling jew.

GuannaRue ago

Dude, I've been skeptical of this v____z character for a while! you are spot on!

HolyMoly0 ago

Update: they went back on and apologized. Kim said "it's all good."

V____Z ago

Heh, too late. Things aren't erased by apologizes. The internet won't forget these jokers pretending to be truthers. This one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed.

HolyMoly0 ago

I don't think the internet, in the long run, ultimately focuses on personality as much as facts. If they talk to Kim tomorrow, and something comes of it, then something comes of it. If not, then not.

seekingpeace ago

Did you know GW sent a woman in her 60's to a well-known truther's house at 8am yesterday with a "message from God" about how GW was in danger. She had a flash drive with her containing "information about George". The person sent her packing because GW had already lied to him.

Why does GW ALWAYS use women? (That's a rhetorical question) Isn't this the reason why Gwen was targeted?

V____Z ago

We suck as a truth community if we aren't documenting this kind of stuff. This man is legit insane. And dangerous.

bopper ago

Well V___ Z ... what do you do when the FBI is crashing down your door, guns a blazin' ... you get drunk of course :)

V____Z ago

Oy vey. Of course!

V____Z ago

And go out in public, and rely on a random comedian from the Internet to drive you to a safe place. This whole thing might just be a way to test how gullible we are.

bopper ago

Yeah, possibly a "social experiment," as you said in another thread. If so there be a lot of dumb people out there.

cantsleepawink ago

Because in a good spy novel there's always a female angle. Sex sells.

dickface888 ago

Who is this truther's house you speak of?

chowmetal92 ago

please post your gems

https://youtu.be/adaXYVyRLCE?t=6822 kim dotcom appears on gearge and jason late late show

https://youtu.be/adaXYVyRLCE?t=5237 french lessons / GEORGE IS GETTING ANGRY

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That was a strange ending to a strange live stream. There is a lot of deception going on, with many players hedging all sides. If any of them understand the bigger picture, this goes far beyond Seth Rich, the Awan Brothers, the DNC, Anthony Weiner and Hillary Clinton. There is a lot more missing from this investigation than included.

A real litmus test for all of them is if they will investigate and report on the massive criminal corruption and trafficking network linked to Racine, Wisconsin and how they are using Racine as a model for Human Trafficking, Sustainability, Community Policing, Pay to Play Racketeering/Embezzlement/Fraud/Extortion/Blackmail, Rigged Industries and Elections, Private Control of Public Education, Prison Release Programs, Fake News and Media Manipulation, Sanctuary City status, and Agenda 2030.

If we really want to crowdsource the truth, we need to be looking at the bigger agenda and how they are getting in front of the story and setting themselves up as the solution through fronts like The Fight to End Exploitation. This links directly with Racine, the Clintons, Chuck Schumer, John McCain, and Ashton Kutcher as the front man. Judges end up dead in Racine, and more innocent lives are in real imminent danger than Mos-sad and C I A guys who signed up for this. All of the local and fed authorities are corrupt or complicit, and the only other option is to publicly reveal the truth which begets more danger.

MommyLove ago

@wisconsin_is_corrupt what do you know about the child trafficking in WI through CPS and the family court system? I have heard from many families all across the nation in regards to this, but, will say, WI isn't a state that pops out as having a huge problem with it (unlike somes others like AZ, FL, CA,etc.). But, perhaps, WI does a better job of keeping it quiet. Please let me know of any leads you have on it. Thanks!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That is exactly correct and you are right that Wisconsin keeps everything quiet. Now that Racine, Chicago and Milwaukee are sanctuary cities, they have streams of undocumented immigrants to abuse. They also use the detention centers. They control all media and target any non approved media. They are desperate to cover up the secrets of Wisconsin, which are connected to Chicago, Pennsylvania, DC, Arizona (and John McCain), Denver, Haiti, Ghana, Belgium, UK, and other main trafficking hubs.

They create group after group to cover up Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. The newest is The Fight to End Exploitation. The groups linked to this are absolutely corrupt and involved. They are getting in front of this to control the story. The truth is that Racine is hiding a secret network of global elites involved in widespread abuse, murder and corruption.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

They stay in front of the story by creating the story snd them controlling the narrative. When the narriative hoes off vourse, the syory loses attention in MSM quickly. Case in point- Ariana Grande concert. They quickly stopped peddaling the shill story, the victims, the bomber, his accomplices and changed the narriative to onlu focus on the "benefit"

ArtificalDuality ago

Truth. What is "Truth"? Well... here it is:

Thruth is the concept to describe the binary outcome of an evaluation (Yes/No, True/False). Therefore, Truth is a phenomena that exists only with sentient beings capable of consciously running evaluations against information. Evaluating conditions.

The world is not binary though. But; one can drill down, through abstraction, to elemtary binary condition outcomes in the end. Truth becomes analogue when multiple conditions are ran together. 50% true, 50% not true -> gives mixed feelings, results in 'maybe'. But the individual conditions ran themselves are binary.

...option is to publicly reveal the truth which begets more danger.

And so I agree with this whole heartedly. It is the only way. Uncovering the zero-layer truth (people's hidden actual intent) is what will show who is good and who is evil. And through the "Cosmic Law" principle this will give us the Right To Defend under everyone's watchful eyes.

cantsleepawink ago

The function of these players is to contain the narrative/citizen investigation. Project Smoke and Mirrors.

anotherdream ago

It looks that way lately.

Vindicator ago

Well, it looks like one of the Anons got hold of Vault7 malware and turned the tables on them: https://twitter.com/CherokeeBlueTP/status/867451339244097537

The_Crux ago

Dueling Frauds. That's gonna be my band's name. Don't steal it.

anotherdream ago

Hahaha nice

cdglow ago

I still don't know what to completely make of Webb, but a little context helps.

If they are legit, they're working nearly non-stop, close to around the clock, on an extremely stressful case exposing really powerful people while their lives and their family's lives are probably being threatened by (literally) satanic child fucking cannibal criminals who control the entire law enforcement apparatus.

They're this close to cracking the case, draining the swamp, and saving civilization and KimDotcom is being a little bitch because he might be trying to negotiate with these fucks to temporarily solve his own legal problems.

Should Webb have done that? No, but this is enough to make anybody snap.

V____Z ago

And this is exactly why - they can't pull this off with a drunk George Webb. Karma, bitches.

DonKeyhote ago

If hes really former spook i am sure he can hold his alcohol as their job oftrn entails schmoozing. Bob baer for example said theyd go through two bottles of vodka at lunch. Then shoot bazookas at rocks and shit cuz no afghans were around.

equineluvr ago

Not necessarily. They come in different flavors: Officers, agents, assets.

vivalad ago

livestreaming for hours while sipping on vino - who knew it could end in a hot mess

NotTooLate ago

He always said in his video's that he knows where this is going. So this is just another average day enjoying what seems to be a daily drinking routine.

SoldierofLight ago

I almost spit my drink all over my keyboard... good one.

V____Z ago

Which was the only reason I was viewing...

Vindicator ago

Television has been forever ruined for me. The Interwebs have become one giant game of How to Host a Murder Mystery.