Silverlining ago

Merry George and Jason - the thing about the film school is at 1:44:55

From the NYT Mnuchin piece

People were also asking him to give their sons or nephews time on the set so they could learn about making movies. "I'd say, 'Why don't you send him to college?,' and they'd say, 'That takes four years and costs $100,000."' That is when Mr. Sherlock got his idea; instead of making movies, why not open a school to teach others how to make them? It took three months to write a curriculum and hire teachers, and in 1992 the New York Film Academy opened in the TriBeCa Film Center, with students originally paying $3,000 for an eight-week course. (It has since moved to SoHo and Union Square.)

Today, it has 250 employees and about 4,000 students. Most pay $12,500 for a one-year course at the schools in New York or at Universal Studios in Hollywood or King's College in London. Courses are also offered at Disney-MGM Studios in Florida; Paris; Florence, Italy; and Harvard. "We're not a university," Mr. Sherlock said. "We do very little theory; it's all hands-on, practical experience."

And there are no admission requirements. "Who am I to say who has talent and who doesn't?" Mr. Sherlock said.

OK there are three "success" stories, Mnuchins and the Mayflower hotel CT - Mr Croce and Pirate Dreams museum in Jamaica and Mr Sherlock and the film school.

I note that Mnuchin was/is in the film business.

Now suppose these people were linked and Mnuchin was involved with the dirty visas at the film school? Did the Awan brothers get their visas here? Now, wouldn't it be fun to drain Goldman out of the Trump swamp?

EDIT @ 1:43:10 Jason talks about New York Film Academy and Steve Mnuchin's son went there. I can't find anything about Mnuchin jnr on the site Jason also says it has a disproportionate amount about visas, but I don't see this either.

In any event Steve Mnuchin [head of Goldman Sachs, now Trump Treasury Secretary] had a film company as a "side business" - films include Avatar and Pan - @yingyangmom @jem777 @bluebirdsolitude @remedy4reality @rwb2

Silverlining ago

@Kawksnahch @truthseekertx @EricKaliberhall Rampant speculation, in above post, but...

Silverlining ago

I relistened to that. The hotel was done by Mnuchin's parents. The second man Croce was proud of a scull and bones tattoo - larping or a genuine bonesman? And Sherlock is dead. Maybe they just shared a publicist. Maybe more.

Jem777 ago

Seriously drain the Goldman Sachs Swamp. If Mnuchin was instrumental in Pan or even Avatar that is a serious problem. If he funded it might be different. If he knew the scripts & funded it huge Swamp drain.

Silverlining ago GW post Cernovich fat chew

21yearsofdigging ago


Silverlining ago @ 5:45 I feel bad about rubbing your nose in George Webb and the truth and reconciliation approach is likely to produce a better outcome than [civil] war. Nobody goes to prison.

Look at the TV behind him - is KEK winking at us? Wait for the end of the ad. Walnuts! [on pizza]

Silverlining ago

GW seems to be signing out today - Day 221 - 222 would be a good number to wrap up on.

privatepizza ago

Watching it now, thanks ! I'll reply : )

Silverlining ago he uses a Russia email account!

privatepizza ago

Who is he and how is he connected? How do you know he uses a Russian email account ?

Silverlining ago

the paper, entitled Tax Evasion and Inequality, said. “By our estimate, the top 0.01% of the [wealth] distribution owns about 50% of [the wealth].” [This must be wrong]

Silverlining ago

Ah - Gabriel is talking about offshore wealth, not total wealth, the thought of which made me sit up.

As a result, off shore wealth turns out to be extremely concentrated. By our estimate, the top 0.01% of the distribution owns about 50% of it.

privatepizza ago

Sounds about right, no? And the other 0.01% owns the rest ; )

Silverlining ago

George is sort of like Colombo, pretending to be thick and confused as he gently pumps them for info

privatepizza ago

I'm watching the one from an hour ago just now... they're like a pair of fuckwits who don't realize it's only themselves who think they're the bomb.

Silverlining ago @35:00 on - GW is pumping Trish for personal info and explains how this increases their chance of survival and that if this isn't stopped now, the body count will balloon.

Silverlining ago

KEK likes the 4Chan thread on the Seth thumb drive.

privatepizza ago

Just came back here to tell you this !!! Kek

Silverlining ago Thomas Paine calls George - who wasn't impressed by Kim or Trump, but turns to jelly for Thomas. As you listen, you see that Geo is putting his neck on the line [maybe] @ 1:20:05

Silverlining ago

Let's hope they don't blow themselves up! Not looking like there is anything pizzagate on the thumb drive.

Silverlining ago

If you've got three hours...

Trish and the thumbdrive Cernovitch is interviewing Geo on Infowars later [3:30] Am I watching history, here? [six hours delayed!]

privatepizza ago

Thanks as always Silver, appreciate all your wicked feeds, they're always spicy.

I did see some of this Trish The Dish one... is it worth watching it all then?

Silverlining ago

Just for historic interest - probably best to wait for people to sift through the information on the thumb drive. Unless you like watching paint dry. Unless you want to watch the power of the people in action.

Silverlining ago GW talking about the info on the thumbnail as they upload it to wikileaks.

Silverlining ago A history of GW - of sorts. Look out for the stratfor email - it is only to them re the Clinton Body Count.

Silverlining ago

He's the British diplomat who may have picked up the thumb drive for wikileaks. Are you watching GW? Are we Day 222 yet? June 2 let me check my Satanic calendar.

privatepizza ago

Gotcha, ty ! I'm listening to Sibel Edmond dishing the dirt on Jan Schakovsky and Creamer -

After I'll check GW out.... ugggggghhh !!!! 222

Kawksnahch ago

Something's not right here. This is trying to discredit him toooooo hard. This whole thread and the "responses".

jangles ago

Agreed. Odd this is totally deleted now

GrDec ago

I was following George Webb Sweigert when he deleted his first 50 or videos from YouTube, long before most people knew who he was, I actually have a copy of some of those deleted videos. In some of his first videos he truly comes off as a slightly deranged Paranoid / schizophrenic, claiming that the government is tailing him, etc

I thought his research was interesting, but too disorganized, and IMHO, he came off as some kind of Bipolar dude who starts making crazy connections and patterns out of nowhere. I have lived with bipolar roomates and i known what they are like when they are in their "highs" and George fits the pattern.

I started to get serious doubts about him when he started taking roads trips (i wonder who's financing those?) and saw him in a Long Island Jewish cemetery whining about the Jew rosenberg spies.. and i thought..only a hardcore zionist would worry about those two traitors..

I realized George Sweigert was a phony when i saw him making claims he had cracked the Seth Rich case when he named Alpha Jalloh as the Seth Rich killer. The funny thing is that this "killer" had been named almost a year ago at Some of the stuff he was parroting on the video came straight off

Wow.. some deep research, right?

Of course, when he took credit for his "discovery", he never named the source of the info, only the name of the "russian intelligence agency", which sounds a lot cooler, than some cheesy website, right?

Another thing this genius didn't investigate, is that there are at least two differently-aged criminals named Alpha Jalloh, one from NY, the other from Newark NJ. Any of these two could be the ones that got caught in Washington DC.

See for yourselves:

If the younger Alpha Jalloh was the one caught in DC, (not the one involved with the car theft operation), that means the other AJ from NY, the one that is supposedly an FBI informant linked to the DNC, is probably still locked in jail, and has nothing to do with Seth Rich.

To conclude this, i can truly say, George Webb is a phony zionist disinfo agent, who has accomplished nothing, other than to steal research and fake news from various sources.. and claimed credit for them!!

momadona ago

While I admit to being intrigued by GW's investigation, my senses have been going wild ever since I saw the first video. Who TF is this guy??! The way he speaks tells me he is either gov't or military intel. He's always using odd (but specific) phrasing, adding disclaimers or "blunders", etc. I've asked in many forums if anyone has about on this guy, to no avail. Why is all of his stuff still up? Why is he still alive? Who TF is Jason and where did he come from? Who's funding this little trip?? Why did this "citizen" all of a sudden decide to stop working and travel the u.s. on a fact-finding mission, staying at the best hotels, and whining/dining (at a moment's notice) people who wouldn't give any of us the time of day?

Nope. There's something rotten here.

V____Z ago

And now (22:00) he is backtracking "I wasnt the one who named Seths murderer, I just connected the Awan brothers and their car dealerships"


privatepizza ago

He is!!! Backtracking SoAB!!! I don't know how he can have the sheer audacity to do this...... really. Does he think his followers all have goldfish brain, or what?! Aren't his followers feeling they're being completely fucked around? I certainly would!

Thanks for the link, I just watched it. He backtracks at --- Timestamp 22.00 -----

"Well, I wasn't the one who said 'Jollah', was the one who killed Seth Rich, that was.... that was... 4Chan had that, Anon had that.... for a laaaang time. I was the one who connected the car ring.... he had a car theft ring here in New York, and a car theft ring in New Jersey."

I have no words. No words.

V____Z ago

It always worried me when he would ask for input from his fans, for them to contact him. I'm worried that he has collected information on people. When he said those people, by helping him, are part of this operation, it gave me chills. Innocent people thought this was the continuation of the pizzagate investigation, Webb started getting really popular just as Ryan and other researchers were being scared off and censored one by one. So Webb asks people to contact him, and now has a tidy list of the pesky pizzagate community. His brother works for the NSA. I wouldn't want him to have my information, that's for sure. And I would be pretty freaked out to be told I was now assisting Mossad.

jangles ago

@V____Z Wikileaks does take thumb drives, this is for sure. For someone who hates disinformation, you should be more cautious with you claims. Here is proof you are spreading disinformation. George Webb is a bit corybantic at times and this does not discredit the work he has presented as it appears you are trying to push. Your, @V____Z , tactics here are being measured. You, being a victim of child abuse, have reason to hold the citizen investigators, like George Webb, to high moral standards and demand clarity, justifiable logic and clean data. This witch hunt of yours appears to be unjustified. Can you defend your position?

Submissions via our discreet postal network Submissions to our postal network offer the strongest form of anonymity and are good for bulk truth-telling. Steps:

First place your leak onto a floppy disk, CD, DVD or a USB Flash Drive. If you are using a floppy disks, please create two as they are often unreliable. If you only have paper documents, we will scan them if they are of significant political or media interest (if you are unsure whether this may be the case, please contact us first).

Post your information to one of our trusted truth facilitators listed below. You may post to whatever country you feel most suitable given the nature of the material and your postal service. If your country's mail system is unreliable, you may wish to send multiple copies, use DHL, FedEX or another postal courier service.

seekingpeace ago

You don't need to be a member of Mensa to realize that drops "in person" is what the issue is. You also don't need to be a Mensa member to understand why "in person" drops to Wikileaks is not a good idea for both parties.

Weaponizing a person's past abuse to make a point is a new low, even for a twit like you.

jangles ago

@seekingpeace according to Wikileaks "Submissions to our postal network offer the strongest form of anonymity and are good for bulk truth-telling."

This contradicts your claim "that you don't need to be a member of Mensa to realize that drops "in person" is what the issue is." The subject matter being leaked and the individuals implicated by the leak are bigger concerns when it comes to the risk analysis associated and the challenges that arise when transferring the data. One does not need to be a member of Mensa to understand that the Podesta and DNC leaks were met with first class counter insurgency and the shear volume of data may have required "the strongest form of anonymity" for "good bulk truth-telling".

With regards to your claim that I was in some way "weaponizing a person's past abuse" to make a point is also hollow. I say in the comment above:

..being a victim of child abuse, have reason to hold the citizen investigators, like George Webb, to high moral standards and demand clarity, justifiable logic and clean data.

This is in no way weaponizing and was intended to present an empathetic resolve for the concerns presented by V__Z. I find @V____Z 's presentation professional and laid out with good intentions in mind, unfortunately there isn't enough substance behind the claim; George Webb is in some way a "mossad agent". Upon reading all the Recommendations from his colleagues on linkedin (/in/gwebb/), over 35, it is clear he hadn't had the time to be some trained agent as proposed.

Finally. You state; make a point is a new low, even for a twit like you.

Go fuck yourself @seekingpeace

V____Z ago

Go fuck your self?

In subsequent comments you're pretending to be a nice guy, heaping praise, and Webbsplaining from your position of greater understanding? Just stop.

jangles ago

@seekingpeace called me a twit. I took offence. @seekinpeace has only made comments here on voat and 80-90% of them are directed against George Webb. This is likely because this isn't just about pedophiles and his revelations regarding the extensive and illegal organ trafficking crimes don't match the Elites scapegoat of "this is just about pedophiles". Granted pedophilia is a huge problem, it isn't the only problem and people like @seekinpeace are apparently here, not to help, but to push "this is only about pedophilia" narrative. George Webb is one of their biggest threats because he is exposing the extent of this crime syndicate. This is my inference after reading all of her posts, she is an old hag here providing Conflict Resolution and Mediation Services. That is her job and her clients should be getting worried as more revelations are presented here.

I stand by my statement to @seekingpeace

Go fuck yourself

as for you @V____Z I stand by my statement above:

I find @V____Z 's presentation professional and laid out with good intentions in mind.

V____Z ago

So you're saying George is a liar?

jangles ago

He has been rather clear about having historical ties to Israel, he has worked with the old garb.

George is no Mossad ,maybe a Sayanim, but too loose a canon to be an operative. Honestly he ruined his career in an attempt to bring justice to those whom are committing the most evil acts against humanity.

Here you will find a FOIA request to the FBI by George Webb. He wants any of his history public and is doing great work without any apparent gains for himself.

V____Z ago

So you're calling him a liar.

jangles ago

I am saying that he said he has been involved with the old garb. Never did he say he is part of Mossad, if I missed it please link.

dirtydirty ago

@V____Z you have some skill brother/sister

I like your shit

V____Z ago

:-D !

4_InquiringMinds ago


I know car...I know. We have all had our various heroes dethroned. I too watched geo a lot in the beginning. I would rationalize off the wall comments until it was taking too much energy to rationalize. When someone repeatedly tells lies there is an agenda. Figuring out the agenda is speculative but an agenda none the less.

Reminds me of the line..."Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?"

CeepsNo ago

Good post. agree with a lot of ehat you say. havnt watched all of GW stuff but some.

He has admitted he is jewish on one of his vids.

Better info that is well sourced comes from here and fullchan

sunajAeon ago

He has lost his mind-"the good old days?" A little organ harvesting? This is a mad turn

ArthurEdens ago

213.12 is indeed fucked up. I remember someone said in November that the child compromise was started by israel in the 50's or 60's as way to insure themselves as a country

ThePuppetShow ago

You've gathered up some really good argumemts in this thread. Kinda hard to deny that he is some sort of disinfo agent. I'm having a hard time believing Mossad because that's obviously what he wants everyone to think. I also believe that a real agent would never admit what agency they're from, especially for no apparent reason.

bopper ago

"Eliminate everything that is impossible, and whatever is left, however improbable, is the truth."

allconnected ago

Yes,he has provided info that can be verified especially with the awans. All of that is now in danger of being buried under piles of BS he puts out that can not be verified or is easily shown to be false.

He said SR was shot by the fbi then said he was shot by some black guy - name escapes me. The only source fot this is a known hoaxer on the net.

He says SR was working with Shaun Lucas and it was the info SR provided that enabled DNC lawsuit to be filed. Zero proof heck wasn't any evidence they even knew each other. GW went on for days calling them the dnc duo. Finally he spoke to the lawyer who filed the suit who told him they didn't know SL, they had hired company he worked for to serve the suit, and they were not waiting on info from SR.

Before that he said SR was working with rattner, jones and gavin from wikileaks. Again no proof and his reasons for thinking that don't even make sense. He kept saying it.

Along the way he solved shannon gilbert's murder, the car dealers in cleavland, the two kids in iowa, johnny gosch and a bunch of others. He is a one man crime solver!!

Silverlining ago

I know you are not a fan, V___Z, but George has been really interesting the last couple of days.

Just been watching this The below starts @ 33:25 [couldn't get the timed links to work]

Crowdsource the Truth Interviews George Webb Interview 02 - Part 1 Jason Goodman and GW chew the fat.

It's all good, but from

Hillary taking money from the Berniecrats and giving it to the Hillocrats - bottom line.

Proof would be donation info, likely in the email attachments.

Links Ratner McFadden Jones Seth Sean Lucas and Eric Braverman [first five die].

We get the Snowden swap - a year ago his dead man's switch went off and he has never been the same since [did they pull a similar stunt with Julian Assange, I wonder] And Braverman still tweeting - but is it him? Explains dead man's switch.

Seth supposedly in same bar, same leather chair six nights a week. The only thing we have is Joe Capone. Joe at White House three days before hit. Intelligence business business - safe meeting places - free drinks - no credit card footprint. Podesta at WH 300 times for SCIFF - confidential comms - Joe Clancey ran SS for longest time - best buds with Podesta.

Operation is like a play - set up - Joe's job to get him drunk and put him out at 1:45. - next phase - B-C two guys pick up guy at 1:45 take him t med school garage [end].

Even if you think it is bullshit, to lead us away from where they don't want us to go, it is fascinating bullshit. And he is ostensibly trying to solve the Seth Rich murder, which we all want - at least most of us. Sure, there is a lot of informed speculation, but how else does anyone solve a who-dunnit? And equineluvr is rubbishing him - what more confirmation do you need that he is a good guy?

Now to find part 2 - doesn't seem to be up yet. But George did a youtube today, 220.1 so he lived to fight another day!

@privatepizza @yingyangmom @jem777 @carmencita @pizzalawyer

V____Z ago

Can you explain to me one thing? Yesterday he had the whole internet praying for him because FBI was right outside his hotel room waiting to kill him. Today he goes on periscope, calm as can be, and announces where he will be later this evening. This does not make sense to me.

cantsleepawink ago

It's called 'a mindf##k'. I'm noticing that as a strategy in lots of media now. Another way to put it is 'cognitive dissonance'. It's a technique psychopaths use in mind control.

In other words, people who WANT to believe the narrative must suspend logic and contort their own reasoning in order to keep the narrative going in their own minds.

V____Z ago

OH!!!! This may be the most enlightening thing have heard all day. This makes complete sense.

cantsleepawink ago

The Epstein connection makes complete sense to me:

Epstein sits on the board of the Mind, Brain and Behavior Committee at Harvard University.

I'm currently looking into this.

V____Z ago

I'm still blown away by what you're suggesting. I think you're right onthe money. I think we need to warn people because they're about to pull a false flag and blame a Somalian for Rich's murder, I am told.... And everyone is hanging on their every word.

rwb2 ago

That's because you are delusional in believing you have the capacity to analyze each and every facet of each and every person, place, or thing in motion.

Silverlining ago

I know you are not a fan, but George has been really interesting the last couple of days.

Just been watching this

Crowdsource the Truth Interviews George Webb Interview 02 - Part 1 Jason Goodman and GW chew the fat.

It's all good, but from Podesta and

Hillary taking money from the Berniecrats and giving it to the Hillocrats - bottom line.

Proof would be donation info, likely in the email attachments.

Links Ratner McFadden Jones Seth Sean Lucas and Eric Braverman [first five die].

We get the Snowden swap - a year ago his dead man's switch went off and he has never been the same since [did they pull a similar stunt with Julian Assange, I wonder] And Braverman still tweeting - but is it him? Explains dead man's switch.

Seth supposedly in same bar, same leather chair six nights a week.
The only thing we have is Joe Capone Joe at White House three days before hit. Intelligence business business - safe meeting places - free drinks - no credit card footprint. Podesta at WH 300 times for SCIFF - confidential comms - Joe Clancey ran SS for longest time - best buds with Podesta.

Operation is like a play - set up - Joe's job to get him drunk and put him out at 1:45. - next phase - B-C two guys pick up guy at 1:45 take him t med school garage [end].

Even if you think it is bullshit to lead us away from where they don't want us to go, it is fascinating bullshit. And he is ostensibly trying to solve the Seth Rich murder, which we all want - at least most of us. Sure, there is a lot of informed speculation, but how else does anyone solve a who-dunnit?

Now to find part 2 @privatepizza @yingyangmom @jem777 @carmencita @pizzalawyer

privatepizza ago

Thanks for passing this on Silver! Tbh Im reeling from the things I've heard GW say in the last few days and now firmly believe he's a narcistic psychopath with a mental illness! No joke!

He wants to go back to a little organ harvesting and taking organs from prisoners rather than kids. These go against my values 100%.

I agree it's utterly fascinating to watch Webb stating unproven theories for the past 220 days, but for me I'd rather get my leads from somewhere else and the research from the amazing researchers here and the chans. To me he's repeating what WE as a community have found, and mixing it with his own delusions. These are my thoughts and I can't hold back any longer and not say.

Thanks for sharing though Silver, as always you uncover incredible info, are an amazing researcher and I love working alongside you! I'm just out on GW for now !

EDIT... If he's legit I wish him and his followers well. It's just not sitting right for me, is all.

Silverlining ago

There is a lot of George bashing - reminiscent of Seaman - and people taking sides vehemently. Could this be a divide and rule reprise? I wonder if "they" are manipulating the KEK numbers - I looked out for 999 on a thread and found there are numbers missing - could be deleted post or something else innocent. But the whole point of MKUltra was to manipulate how people think, individually and collectively. I should hate to be just a rat in a masonic maze here on voat - although it has been fun [in a sick sort of way].

privatepizza ago

I'm with you there, it's a lot like being a lab rat!! Pushed this way and that not knowing what to believe. It's a labarynth. Agree we should have eyes wide open that there would be an attempt to divide and rule, that's always up there on their agenda and it's good to be always aware.

But easy, I feel there will be people we agree with and people we don't, and those we agree with on some things. Differences of opinion are so healthy and isn't a reason to 'hate' on anyone or a group because they don't agree with yours. Debate is good!! It will ultimately bring us to the truth, questioning everything and not acting as an echo chamber. This is just my personal opinion on GW, and I value others! And.... I'll always fight for the right for us to have opinions !!

I don't think I've been MK'd to disagree with GW's agenda, my values are long held and totally opposite to his by the looks. So I can't align with anything he says now that he's revealed his agenda.

Anyway, it is fun and we are evolving quickly ( in a sick sort of way!!! ). Lets keep rockin n diggin !!!! <3

Silverlining ago

Could it be Monarch mark II - an attempt to spin people's minds so they don't know which way is up. I'm where I wish I had never found out the truth about Santa!

Perhaps the whole KEK thing was a larp and the Egyptian at the computer screen glyph was just photo shopped. Did you see George explaining how the CIA would write a story in some out of the way gazette and it would get picked up by AP and then the mainstream press would circulate it as an AP sourced story - talk about fake news! And that is even before they get their plants into the newsrooms and their publishers up at Bohemian Grove or Bilderberg.

Perhaps it is just a CIA recruitment game and equineluvr is drawing up the short list of invitees. I'm definitely feeling manipulated!

Silverlining ago

You got outraged about George wanting to go back to old fashioned organ harvesting from condemned prisoners and traffic accidents. But, would I put a hit out on @privatepizza to save @yingyangmom @carmencita @newworldahead and the rest of the voat "community"?

If Hillary, or whoever her puppetmaster is, agreed to go back to the "accidental" harvesting in exchange for no pitchforks and torches, would I take the deal - even though I knew when they said no more gaming the system, they would be looking for a workaround - or probably had one when they agreed and I knew their fingers were crossed.

Would I sacrifice my son if it would stop the torture, rape, murder, eating the flesh and drinking the blood of infants and toddlers? Last possible attempt didn't work out too well [2000 years ago] - it was soon interpreted as carte blanche - sins all prepaid.

What a wicked world!

privatepizza ago

And if going along the lines of is a little is okay... is a little child abuse okay too?

zlomsocz ago

George Webb Alfred lambremont webre Laura Eisenhower David wilcock grahm hancock ale jones Kerry Cassidy coast 2 coast am radio= disoformation edgers, they feed mostly truth with misdirected narratives to throw off the pack

Pokes ago

How do users accumulate over 9k+ SCP's in 3months? Are they being paid to sit online all day?

V____Z ago

Really? That's your response to my providing you with proof that there are good reasons for questioning Webb? Questions that have nothing to do with the "timing" you suggest is suspect? Fuck the content of what i'm saying, just kneecap me with some vague accusation that i'm paid... to what? to tell the truth? I wish.

Pokes ago

Actually I didn't attack the content of your post because I don't disagree with it. There are some shady things about how George has handled himself, I don't doubt it after seeing your list. But at the same time it's all circumstantial, doesn't demonstrate necessarily anything underhanded. Another thing that bugs me about it is that he's being criticized for telling you who he is, whereas if he didn't, imo, there would be more cause to doubt the veracity of his claims. So he's jewish, and might have ties to israeli old guard intelligence.... I'm guessing that's how he was in a position to share what he has. And yes, I think anyone would be a fool not to take any "research" that has neither footnotes nor sources with a grain of salt. That said, I do feel like Webb has objectively furthered the investigation into pizzagate, podesta, the dnc, killary, etc..

But, all that aside, I am genuinely curious how you achieved that superhuman feat of 9k+ SCP pts in 3months.

V____Z ago

All right. I'll satisfy your curiosity. I work from home and have been researching stuff like the Hampstead case and the Franklin scandal for years. I am also a victim of a pedophile who liked to take pictures and ruined my chances of having a normal life (thus far, though I do hope for a full recovery at some point). It is no problem at all for me to post all day long here, and heretofore have not received complaints for this.

One of my biggest pet peeves besides pedophiles, are disinfo agents. So when I see the signs that pizzagate is being derailed by one, i suddenly have more passion for outing this fact, than for eating or doing anything else, including sleep.

It is those who have had their innocence taken away by some sick fuck, like i did beginning at 6 months old, who will most likely be the ones to relentlessly pursue justice and truth, and to go to the ends of the earth to STOP those who are harming our efforts. Fuck George Webb.

I also think you're being disingenuous with your summary of my post to you. I have no problem with him being Jewish, Jewish people are actually my favorite people. I was raped by a Christian man, but saved by a Jewish one.

The post I asked you to review shows around 10 fellow Voaters who have caught Webb in straight up egregious lies. He said he dropped info to wikileaks using thumb drives (or something like that) yet WL doesn't accept info in that format. He said he was viewing White House visitor logs that don't actually exist.

Under normal circumstances, even one of these examples would be enough to make his name mud around these parts, yet in this case those who bring these facts up are being denigrated. I don't know where your idea that i'm the bad guy and Webb is just an innocent Mossad agent is coming from, but i'm not super interested in hearing more from you until you actually read the material and respond to it, sans ad hominems.

Pokes ago

Oh and apparently they do accept drives. Please don't jump down my throat with nonsense.

Pokes ago

Wikileaks doesn't ofer PGP protection anymore, has arguably been compromised or co-opted, and in so I wouldn't rule out anyone not submitting via email necessarily being dishonest. Hey, I don't like a lot of what has been brought up about Webb recently either. I just notice that it is coincidentally following his endorsement by a relatively mainstream journalist. That worries me, as Webb has been espousing his line for months without many attacking his credibility so concertedly.

White house visitor logs don't actually exist? Tell that to everyone who has been claiming Alefantis visited the WH 5 times.

I don't believe I've used one ad hominem. I asked a question which I still feel is valid. You DO have an exceptional # of submissions, contribution points, etc... I am not saying you haven't earned them, I was just curious how you found the time to earn them all so quickly.

jangles ago

Wikileaks does take thumb drives, this is for sure. For someone who hates disinformation, you should be more cautious. Here is proof.

Submissions via our discreet postal network Submissions to our postal network offer the strongest form of anonymity and are good for bulk truth-telling. Steps:

First place your leak onto a floppy disk, CD, DVD or a USB Flash Drive. If you are using a floppy disks, please create two as they are often unreliable. If you only have paper documents, we will scan them if they are of significant political or media interest (if you are unsure whether this may be the case, please contact us first).

Post your information to one of our trusted truth facilitators listed below. You may post to whatever country you feel most suitable given the nature of the material and your postal service. If your country's mail system is unreliable, you may wish to send multiple copies, use DHL, FedEX or another postal courier service.

V____Z ago

Thanks for the advice, in the future I'll be more careful.

V____Z ago

Here is the post where Webb is called out for saying

that the CF is guilty of arms sales, but not child trafficking. He thinks the code words refer to arms sales, not child trafficking. In other words, he seems completely ignorant about #pizzagate, FBIanon, and all of the evidence that we have.

George responds in the comments. If you can make out his mumbo jumbo, let me know.

Pokes ago

All I notice is that HA Goodman endorsed George two days ago and all of a sudden there are multiple threads attacking Webb's credibility, even comparing him to David Seaman, who has offered nothing to further the investigation, comparatively. I'm not saying it doesn't alarm me to hear him making light of evil practices, although I can't be certain those remarks weren't tongue in cheek. I do, however, find it very peculiar there are multiple concerted attacks on his integrity coincidentally right after a prominent independent journalist told his subscribers to follow George. Also, please refrain from telling me that they're both Jews, as if that were some sort of argument and not just an indication of your prejudices.

V____Z ago

You're wrong to compare Webb and Seaman, you're also about the 4th person to do this, and I'm wondering wtf is up.

You're wrong about this being sudden. The questions are due to Webb being caught in OUTRIGHT LIES. Show me one lie from Seaman. The questions have been ongoing. Check the timestamps:

He named Seth Rich's killer based on a report from a HOAX site, Sorcha Faal. This is no smear campaign, it's a wake the f up campaign, and i've been posting about Webb for a long time, it didn't start today.


Comments and valid questions/concerns that go unanswered, since months ago:

Actually Webb thoroughly smeared himself.



Webb did say he isn't going after pizzagate, unless, he said, you guys can show me hard core proof.

He has also said he likes Obama, he states that he is a Zionist (though Dark Math can probably even excuse that one), and at the end of the "OMG we interviewed Seth's family investigator!!!" video from yesterday, he straight up claims Donna Brazille is innocent, didn't do anything wrong. His own (sudden) sidekick had to correct him "I don't think we can make that claim yet".

This is a disinfo agent of the highest order. And why wouldn't he be? Someone had to infiltrate our group.

We were worrying who? Exactly! John Podesta and Donna Brazille, among others.

Now he's blaming Muslims for everything, just as the Podesta/Clinton/Soros cult are wont to do. And y'all demand no proof beyond his word. Because he's got a great track record of telling the truth? Um, no. I'm not sure why.

No one of you has been able to account for his atrocious lies, lies that should make his word equal to dog shit in any truth community:

Pizzagate researchers, please put your investigative caps back on and don't be lazy. I get it. I would love to trust some well equipped, square jawed alpha male to take on the deep state for us, but if someone truly does that, they are taken out just like Ben Swann, David Seaman, Liz Crokin.

Some questions have yet to be answered. Perhaps @GeorgeWebb will do us the favor of clearing these up.

If indeed George is dispensing actual disinfo, I don't see why he is being posted here as if his word alone is a reliable source. Why not make a separate subverse for him and we can get back to using our own minds and trustworthy sourcing?? Since when is asking questions such as the below considered an attack??

He claimed multiple chairs were thrown at the NV convention. Besides claiming he was going to interview Seth Rich's brother, he claimed he was looking at logs which DON'T EXIST. And he's claiming that he has passed info to Wikileaks, in a manner that they don't accept, so this appears to be another wild lie. He also claimed that if we tweet out a certain hashtag, he would find us and we would each get at least a million dollars. He's deleted all those early videos though, as well as all of his Twitter feed up until about a month ago. No reason given. Just makes it hard to track his lies, is all.

From @allconnected:

Breaking : Seth Rich's murderer named by George Webb-- Alpha Jalloh I have been following GW for ages, and I think lately he has gone off the rails. He makes wild claims such as yesterday the fbi shot SR and today it's a new guy. Most of what GW says in his videos today was reported several days ago here by Sorcha Faal Even die hard tin fot hat wearers know SF is a hoax and makes stuff up. So GW is now putting out info that SF put out days ago? I think it is BS.

From @4_inquiringminds:

Altho I have not watched GW's ongoing investigation~ reading he thinks Seth was drugged, tossed in a van, roughed up for info, tossed out and the assassins were called to finish him off? So he was drugged, beat up, then calls his lady friend but what, doesn't mention he was just beat up and interrogated? Or if he did mention somehow that information was kept secret?

From @seekingpeace

he and others are pushing visitor logs that I doubt are real. I followed them and they go to a company called Graphiq Technology - a semantic tech company. Although they have the official sounding

The Obama administration visitor logs are no longer available as far as I can work out.

I ask people to verify themselves. Go to

Visitor logs for 2015 and 2016 are not available.

Go to and go to "About Us" and find out about the company behind

Here is Webb spreading disinfo at the very end he goes on about chairs being thrown at the NV convention - which NEVER HAPPENED, let alone that no one ever claimed there was more than one chair involved.

From @seekingpeace:

I only managed to listen to half of the George Webb promo on Hagman. I had to stop when I heard him banging on about Wikileaks.

I don't know why he is talking about thumb drive drops to Wikileaks when they themselves clearly state [and recommend] that

"Submissions to our postal network offer the strongest form of anonymity and are good for bulk truth-telling."

They also state: "WikiLeaks has a history breaking major stories in every major media outlet and robustly protecting sources and press freedoms. No source has ever been exposed and no material has ever been censored."

Yet here is George Webb openly stating that he has made "drops" to Wikileaks, which is completely against their policies.

And here is a DM about George deleting valid questions, and other strange behaviour like blaming Muslims:

Is it really worth scraping through the lies and bullshit to get whatever it is you're getting from Webb? Do you enjoy being caught up in another person's web? A complete stranger who has in the past taken part in pedophile entrapment schemes ("Brownstones") with the CIA? Weren't we doing just fine following our own leads that arose from the evidence? Why believe we need some Knight to take over, is it from laziness? Or frustration since thus far our efforts have amounted to little? This is exactly the opening intel agencies need to infiltrate a movement and suck it dry; see his definition of "School Play".

More from 4_InquiringMinds

Just for inquiring minds, as GW tells it he went to 3 different ones in 3 different cities doing dominatrix role playing for 'research'. If you understand the purpose of brownstones, vid cameras to entrap high level fill in the blank why in the world would one advertise on craigslist where any run of the mill perv could show up? There is absolutely no logic to his story at all. Oh wait, you are generic perv, let me turn the camera off/oh wait generic perv don't want you, can you send someone who is important? And he had the choice (according to him) of a child or dominatrix? So george, you had the choice of a child and yet did not report it asap bc you were just doing research? What happened to the child george? He is so phony I'm amazed anyone still gives him any credibility.

EDIT 1: Webb says he works for Epstein

From @srayzie

I've been thinking about rather I should share this or not. I don't want to start gossip about George Webb, since he has given some great info. But, I also feel that if I don't share this, then I am not warning those who are believing everything he is saying. Also, if what this woman is telling me is true, then there could be other victims out there. I think my record here should show you guys that I'm not a shill.

Anyway, this woman on Twitter has been telling George Webb to leave her family alone. Her and I wrote back and forth. I asked her if it was ok to share this and she said yes.

This relates to Pizzagate or pedogate, because many of you use the information that George Webb provides in your own research. I'm sure some of what he says is true. But, I'd be careful after this.

Here is some of our discussion. What stands out is that she says he works for Epstein.

Edit: Here is her Twitter account so you can look it up for yourselves.

She has been talking publicly too. She said that he hacked into her twitter today and asked if anyone was removed to follow her back.

Pokes ago

I didn't compare Webb and Seaman, I remarked that others are. In fact I disagreed with that comparison. And in truth i don't know that Webb isn't Mossad or a paid disinfo shill or limited hangout. I just remarked on the timing of this campaign vs him. I am also starting to question some of the things George has dropped mention of recently although I believe ppl are inferring things which aren't necessarily implied by his remarks, which is not to say that they don't raise alarms. What irks me most is how nonchalantly he talks about the inner-workings of the deep state and alphabet agencies, as if it were common knowledge. Having an allegiance to Israel, as he's jewish, doesn't make me doubt everything he's ever said; ppl readily accept that there are decent honest members of domestic intelligence agencies fighting the corruption and depravity so, while I won't automatically give George that much credit, I don't know that he's necessarily promoting an agenda either.

lynn1314 ago


HolyMoly0 ago

I don't trust Webb as far as I can throw him, and I remember being totally caught off guard at that "good old days" video. But I just don't understand... if he is exposing these ratlines for the public, then it's not up to him what happens to them, is it? He can't expect every average civilian watching to just nod their heads and go "uh huh. I remember the good old days. Let's go back to having secret criminal networks that the entire world now knows about, committing disgusting crimes and getting away with it with our full knowledge and consent."

What are the chances that this commentary was tongue-in-cheek? And in what universe would it sway public opinion? (or, for that matter, the extent of the clean-up?)

equineluvr ago

George Webb was discredited over a year ago with "GamerGate."

That was 100% BULLSHIT.

Been posting it for months. I haven't followed his recent BULLSHIT because I already KNEW HE WAS MOSSAD, as I've been posting for MONTHS.

How much TIME and FORUM SPACE have you Webb Kool-Aid drinking idiots WASTED with Webb's BULLSHIT!?

neverobey ago

can you provide a link for the gamergate/Webb stuff please?

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Never heard of gamergate. Will look it up, thanks.

DawnofTruth ago

George Webb is the David Seaman most us of dealt with a few months ago. Call them what you will. I call them shills with agendas only known to them. Be weary. Gotta check my windows now. Debug computer. Check under car. Will report back with a proof of life comment shortly. That is all. End transmission. (oh sorry. I was playing Webb there for a moment)

GrDec ago

and what a coincidence that both Dave Seaman and George Webb Sweigert are both jews?

jangles ago

George Webb is a hero and has been contributing more than most of the people on voat. His uncanny ability to present information in ways that jive both at the high level in government and with the common citizen should be viewed as heroic. George has not hit who he is he has presented his history his involvement with government agencies he has explained his position. To believe that his intentions are to mislead and misinform this community are nearly Ludacris. His neck his face are not on the line he is the one who is presenting this information in ways that are logical and well presented at times he may have misspoken and many times when I have confronted him about his poor judgement or misspoken inferences on the subject, he responds and clears the air. After reading this post and seeing the number of contributors hear that are damming the work done by George Webb I begin to laugh at the ridiculous nature of some of those people in this community. I think this is a defamation on George's character and those who continue to cherry pick words he has spoken in his videos and takes them out of context are playing in ways that we see the groups like Media Matters and CNN use. Damn it George Webb is an American Hero

V____Z ago

I'm embarrassed for you.

jangles ago

Is this because I haven't fell for the subversion tactics deployed here in force. Am I supposed to be politically correct? If you have any problems with my posts or comments please provide a logical construct on why I am mistaken, I would entertain a debate over the issues. I even will change my position if presented information that is sound and justifiable, with that said, I don't think GW is accurate 100% of the time, neither doe he. When presented good information he makes amends to his narrative, I know because I have corrected him multiple times, he addressed these insights and amended his narrative in subsequent videos. You can continue on this witch hunt of yours or you could return to providing useful context here at v/pizzagate .

Dressage2 ago

Upvoat!! I agree 100% He is a true American Patriot in my book. Also, all the researchers helping him are amazing. The info is coming fast to him and he sometimes gets confused with names, locations, etc., but with all the info that is in his mind it is understandable. At least, he is not begging for money like some do.

V____Z ago

Actually you missed his Livestream today. He and his Hollywood buddy are now saying george has put together all the pieces, solved the puzzle, only problem is, they need to get the info out in a nice film, which will take a lot of money.

equineluvr ago

Webb is a hero if you are an idiot.

None of that Jew's "exclusives" can be independently verified or refuted. Until you can, your jury should still be OUT if you're a critical thinker.

jangles ago

He does smell fishy, I get that, yet he provides great insights in his first 150 days that are very impressive and we'll sourced. Have you visited the Google doc he runs?

V____Z ago

George is claiming he has put all the parts together, now he just needs money to promote his findings

He just said, "I don't want to be known for breaking the biggest story of the century, all I want is to be on a kibbutz in Israel with my kids"

He's saying everything can be blamed on the Awan bros, and that McCabe is the only thing blocking George from busting this thing wide open.

4_InquiringMinds ago


George is claiming he has put all the parts together, now he just needs money to promote his findings

Followed link but now it's live again. Last thing I feel like doing is wading thru the previous dribble.

But just wanted to say I wondered when he would ask for money. I guess 'when' is now lol.

Great post VZ...just great. Finally ppl that have had suspicions about geo are gaining traction. I always felt that give geo enough rope and he'll hang himself/narcissist usually do (trump is a good example). Truth is easy to maintain/lies catch up with you sooner or later unless you have a rock solid script and stick to it. Geo is playing a dangerous game bc he's expendable and sure looks like he ad libs on the script so it just might be more beneficial to have him meet an unfortunate event health, accident or otherwise.

Back in the early days, post episode 50 geo said he was going to fly to Haiti to solve the Monica P murder. He was constantly going on about his life was in danger. His adoring fans were praying daily for him. I posted in comments if his life was in so much danger was it really fair to board a plane that could easily go poof/and of course no reply even tho I posted that several times.

I didn't think for a minute he was going to Haiti /but geo ignoring the question repeatedly said a lot more than the web he was weaving.

But I have to ask VZ...are you absolutely sure I won't be a zillionaire? I was kinda counting on that one :(

cantsleepawink ago

I always felt that give geo enough rope and he'll hang himself/narcissist usually do


allconnected ago

there is no proof that McCabe is even after GW. I looked into the xmas bomber and the fbi entrapment was put forward by the defense and covered in multiple outlets. No mention of GW or GS

seekingpeace ago

All well crafted characters have a "backstory."

V____Z ago

cc @Jem777

gumshoe_mob ago

I have posted a longer version of my take on George Webb here : (edit, see below)

When his videos were too erratic to follow, I searched for interviews he has given. Those interviews are the most interesting of his quest. He knows quite a lot about the workings of the government. He is spot on - on his history. If one ignored all the unprovable statements he has made, there is quite a lot left to learn from him. I don't think his channel was for anything more than giving him a platform to get information out to people about what our government is doing. I wouldn't discard the baby with the bath water, I should say.

Edit: I couldn't figure out how to link to my comment on another page so here it is.

GW's videos are too erratic to really follow. Where's the beginning? So, I watched interviews that he gave. He seems to be quite well versed in every "conspiracy" there is. During his interview with Kerry Cassidy at Project Camelot (which I became familiar with because of the interview with Benjamin Fulford -- note, good interview) many suspected government projects were discussed. If you are familiar with Dutchsinse and his videos on weather modification as well as simulated earthquakes, you will see just how knowledgeable George really is. --

And so, I've been trying to find the end game -- or the meaning of his wild goose chase of phantoms. I wondered if the point wasn't so much to solve the Hardy Boys' mysteries -- but to use the pizzagate and Hillarygate platform to inform the public about OTHER stuff he knows. You know, stuff that goes on, and the names of the operations they do, and the capability of government technology, and the dangers of Dyncorp. Some of that stuff is outrageous and is quite true. He is not a dummy.

Like the game of chess, there are corresponding players on each team, each using that piece's strengths. At one point I wondered -- with all these capabilities of our government if he isn't telling us that we... are... in... checkmate. All the conspiracies are true. Those who hold power, hold it exclusively to ensure they will win. And they are saying "hello" from the control panel. Pretty sick, eh?? Maybe, just maybe, he is Anonymous.

Edit: While watching the interview with Project Camelot -- knowing that "Camelot" was often referred to during John Kennedy's presidency -- a much loved president with a lovely wife -- and hearing the two of them discuss a "brotherhood" that the Dulles brothers formed within the CIA -- I hoped that the Kennedy's set up a "brotherhood" of their own to fight what they saw coming. In order to fight it, we must understand it, and George Webb is teaching us. hmm???

Coco-Hamilton ago

Not sure about how spot on his history is. This man has invoked the Pinkertons in several videos even going so far as saying that Rockefeller created and gave the Pinkertons their name because he wanted them to have a dainty British name. Never mind that Rockefeller was still so young and wasnt even in any business yet when Allan Pinkerton began the agency. I guess in his mind Allan Pinkerton didnt exist. Pinkerton was a Scott btw...schmuck. i admit...a small nit-picky detail to pounce on, but it is an example of how really uninformed he is and how he perverts reality to make his point. Another moment, speaking on history, would be him talking about his precious metadata and the case of Jack the Ripper. He wanted to put emphasis on metadata by saying the only evidence they had in that case was metadata..there were no witnesses. So glory be metadata. That was not even remotely true, there was actually multiple witnesses in that case who gave descriptions. Point is...he will deceive, misrepresent and lie outright to smash a square peg into a round least one that fits his agenda.

equineluvr ago

Benjamin Fulford!! LMAO! Fulford is about half as credible as Sorcha Faal/David Booth. LMAO!

V____Z ago

Definitely stay safe. That means not giving personal info to Mossad agents. He has been crowd sourcing for months, i wonder how many people's "mega data" he has filed away by now? And all those lonely housewives....

But i need to push back that i have done anything, i've only copied other people's insights. I don't watch him so can't, and wouldn't want to, take any credit.

Yates ago

The peri where he's sitting in a coffee shop - it was second to last an hour ago - about midway through he starts getting nostalgic for old NYC and starts talking about Woody Allen and a scene from "manhattan" where the 16yo girl tells Woody she doesn't want to date him any more. That whole segment is WTF.

paulf ago

Big George Webb fan here. Well, I was until the video above talking about subtle compromise, subtle rat lines, subtle organ harvesting. The only possible way I could excuse this is that it's a coded message to someone. Maybe. But right now, the view that he's a former or current Mossad shill peddling a little bit of gold in among all the chicken feed is looking more correct by the day.

V____Z ago

Thank you. I do think the powers that be know we are vulnerable, and use that against us. We are much better off looking to ourselves to do the hard and dangerous work, unfortunately.

unbiased_researcher ago

How many posts are you going to make about George Webb?

Seems more like a smear campaign. Just because you don't understand why he is saying what he is saying doesn't make him disinfo.

Coco-Hamilton ago

I would be more than happy to educate you on George Webb. You should check out my other comments. He is a fraud. Simple as that.

unbiased_researcher ago

Says the 1 day old account. Get a clue.

Coco-Hamilton ago got me...good informative response.

V____Z ago

If you understand why he is saying what he is saying, please enlighten us...

unbiased_researcher ago

Why don't you make a few more threads to raise more doubt? What does George Webb have to do with Pizzagate anyway? He doesn't cover Pizzagate.

V____Z ago

Exactly. And i've been begging people to stop posting his bullshit here for months. Or to get a separate thread to post his random declarations, but people insist he should be posted here on v/ PG. I don't know why that is.

artbart1 ago

I've had a few of those wtf moments as well, especially when he basically threatened the marine with release of his name/information. Who is going to talk to him after he does that?

The phone call with Goodman was so bizarre too, he starts to talk about his "connections to israel" and that he is mossad and jason cuts him off. Then he says something about jason being brought into this, and he goes "but I contacted you?".

The way he talks as if he knows every last trick and technique the CIA has is a little strange. He is very nonchalant the way he explains everything as if it's common knowledge.

Also the video where he says he finally got jason off tinder? And jason goes "cut cut cut" WTF?

allconnected ago

Also the video where he says he finally got jason off tinder? And jason goes "cut cut cut" WTF

LOL he said that! GW is not mossad, I think that is just more BS. He is now back on youtube and you think after yesterday where he names the murderer and then says hitman are after him he might give an update. NO he starts talking about the awans, wants to know if they worked at some company, and rambles on about crowdstrike saying stuff that has been known for weeks.

Jason is in over his head and has no idea what is going on.

V____Z ago

Jason is Webb's handler, because Webb has fucked up too many times and won't put the wine down long enough to make a coherent point.

Today they are announcing that they're going to be at some public place, telling everyone to come meet them. Yesterday the FBI was literally breathing down his neck about to kill him, and today's he's announcing his whereabouts.

I swear I think this is a social experiment to see just how dumbed down and desperate the American populace has become.

And/or, the powers that be decided to get ahead of the Podesta leaks/Seth murder by creating a story they're comfortable with ("it's all the Awan brother's fault, plus some other Muslim who murdered Seth") and making an EDGE OF YOUR SEAT documentary to feed to the people.

Remember, this very thing used to be illegal until 2013, thanks to Obama, who Webb claims to like, along with the rest of the Democrats. He's now aligning himself with Bernie ("Webb4Bernie") to try and establish cred with the Bernie crowd (the audience he is now targeting via his new alliance with HA Goodman and Tim Black). Today they were complaining about how hard it was to get on HA Goodman's show, and are telling their audience to hound Stephan Molyneau to have him interview them. They're selling this idea as if it's our duty to the Truth and our fellow Americans to get these guys on the biggest and most popular shows, to spread their videos far and wide. Holy Mother of God. The hubris. It's exactly what one would expect from Mr psyop salesman and his Hollywood sidekick who worked on the X Men (but did not do any expose' on the biggest pedophiles in town?).

neverobey ago

I am totally with you. In fact I spontaneous felt lots of love for your thoughts BUT that the Hollywood guy won't tell anything about Bryan Singer can be very easily explaines I guess. I have been sued by a lawyer who I wrote about in german newspaper. Had to pay lots of money and found out that this is how they operate. They sue you til death if you say ANYTHING about them. So you can't just go out on youtube and tell what you know. Without evidence you will get sued. I am not trying to defend him or Webb. Of course not. Just wanted to put in SOME (just a little ;) ) neutrality.

Silverlining ago

Maybe George got replaced - in the early days we never saw his face as far as I recall - just the cut-and-paste charts. When I went back recently I was surprised he was face to camera. Then in comes Jason - definite infiltration/handler opportunity. I wouldn't know if the voice was changed. Sounds the same to me, but I wasn't listening out for it.

seekingpeace ago

Interesting post.

"There are three major hooks for recruiting people: money, emotion - be it revenge or ideology, and sex."

George Webb is dangerous on so many levels.

V____Z ago

George Webb is dangerous on so many levels.

I agree. And this comment is so insightful it has redeemed all other bullshit i'm getting. I think i'll just leave the internet for the day and pretend your is the only comment i saw. thank you for this.

jangles ago

this comment is so insightful it has redeemed all other bullshit i'm getting.

Could this be because your claims are cherry picked and without clear references and full of obvious disinformation.
Another example of @V____Z 's witch hunt and disinformation campaign; Here you comment saying "this very thing used to be illegal until 2013, thanks to Obama, who Webb claims to like, along with the rest of the Democrats."

You don't understand the context of H.R.5736 - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, the legislation you referenced through the RT article and praised Obama for. Clearly stated in the summary:

Amends the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 to authorize the Secretary of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to provide for the preparation and dissemination of information intended for foreign audiences abroad about the United States, including about its people, its history, and the federal government's policies, through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, the Internet, and other information media, including social media, and through information centers and instructors.

in the text of the bill:

The Secretary and the Broadcasting Board of Governors are authorized to use funds appropriated or otherwise made available for public diplomacy information programs to provide for the preparation, dissemination, and use of information intended for foreign audiences abroad about the United States, its people, and its policies, through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, the Internet, and other information media, including social media, and through information centers, instructors, and other direct or indirect means of communication.

The Secretary and the Broadcasting Board of Governors shall issue necessary regulations—

“(A) to establish procedures to maintain such material;

“(B) for reimbursement of the reasonable costs incurred in fulfilling requests for such material; and

“(C) to ensure that the persons seeking release of such material have secured and paid for necessary United States rights and licenses.

The intention of this is to allow Americans to have access to the information that the US government broadcasts around the world. Granted 12 years of secrecy. Further it appears to target the information sent to CUBA. It is important to note that in this legislation now the State Department has the ability to appropriate funds for "public diplomacy information programs" not just abroad but now domestically. This is a bit concerning given the status of the Russia propaganda running rampant in the US today. Did this bill enable the State Department to deploy subversion tactics against Americans? It appears to be so, and if my interpretation of the text is correct, Obama made it legal for his administration to finance domestic propaganda.

“(b) Rule Of Construction.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the Department of State or the Broadcasting Board of Governors from engaging in any medium or form of communication, either directly or indirectly, because a United States domestic audience is or may be thereby exposed to program material, or based on a presumption of such exposure.

One can infer from this section of H.R.5736, above, that now, "thanks to Obama", the government can spread disinformation legally, and if Americans are exposed to it they are not in violation of the law.

@V____Z it is apparent you are not a legal scholar and your claim that "this very thing used to be illegal until 2013" is outright disinformation. September 25, 1789 was the day 'free press' became legal. Have you taken US Civics?

EDIT: @V____Z is a good contributor here at v/pizzagate and my intentions are not to diminish their work, my intention is to find the truth and clarify muddy water. There are lots of people here misleading us and @V____Z appears to be a good person with good intentions.

V____Z ago

"Thanks to Obama" - I don't appreciate that he signed the NDAA, I was being facetious. There was a ban on domestic dissemination of propaganda until 2013, and I don't appreciate that it was overturned. You're correct though, i am not a legal scholar.

What I have done is to gather up concerns from other users here and on Reddit by people who have caught Webb in so many lies and twists that it finally became time to warn others. I did it so they can take a step back and see if this is someone whose word can be trusted without further sourcing, as we have been doing regularly here. I am trying to help save this truth community from a disinfo agent who is becoming more influential by the day. It worries me greatly.

V____Z ago


remedy4reality ago

Mark Lane figure

jstrotha0975 ago

George Webb is a part of the Jew World Order.

waxdino ago

I'll add what others here have said before, why is he still able to post videos? Hannity says, "there might be something to this Seth Rich murder," and nearly gets booted off the air. Same with Ben Swann, etc. Why is George Webb allowed to post freely, making all kinds of accusations? Something else to keep in mind.

jangles ago

In the US we have something called the 1st amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

He is not paid, doesn't take pay. He is just exercising his constitutional rights. Hannity works for Fox News... if you don't know: he Rupert Murdoch controlled News Corporation, has as its second largest shareholder Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal; King Abdullah's nephew. One of the key aspects of Pizzagate are the saudis and their sex tourism $$. Here is a relevant v/pizzagate post with 300+ ups.

Now think. Whom does Hannity and Ben Swann work for? Fox News.

waxdino ago

Ben Swann works for CBS, but, anyway, I've also read reports of regular citizens on social media having their posts deleted or shadow banned. I don't do social media, so I have not followed that part of the story, so I didn't use that as an example. But look at us here; we're on voat because reddit banned this content.

Votescam ago

Actually, George Webb wasn't covering Pizzagate which he called "very dangerous." That may be one reason why he's still alive. From time to time after that he would make a comment and sometimes more about how it was being done in Haiti, for instance. And, recently, more and more.

micha_ ago

Wow. Didn't notice that. During #pizzagate he pushed "where is Eric Braverman".

HolyMoly0 ago

Maybe because youtube isn't Fox?

SterlingJB ago

Yep, YT is quite a bit different than a national TV show hosted by a nationally recognized personality. Not sure why the down voats. Basic point.

HolyMoly0 ago

So many youtubers talk about the stuff that Hannity and Swann got shut down for. It really is a basic point.

HennyPenny ago

He's able to post videos now? I tried twice yesterday to access webb4bernie and twice I got stuck with a scam virus. You can't access the site now. What does that say?

momadona ago

I got security warnings when I tried to access it the other day.

Riva ago

This is to try to discredit him.

fartyshorts ago

It works fine. The scam virus is probably local to your computer.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I didnt watch his periscopes because when he was talking to Jason he said he wanted to periscope so he could "see everybody who comes in." Why would that matter? He's nuts.

V____Z ago


neverobey ago

I am so glad this happens. I could never believe him. Thanks for pointing out.

sugarskull ago

I think he is absolutely full of shite and don't see the attraction that many have for him. One day hes in danger one day hes got all the answers and pandering for cash to get the job done. I wonder how many fall for this and how much he makes off idiots.

V____Z ago

same here. you're most welcome.