nathanwblair ago

I think a definitive list of murders & martyrs & promotion & veneration of such is our only real chance at preventing further bloodshed

cosmicmind ago

I upvoted you and I hoped the same but I think their souless and have no moral compass or conscience.

cosmicmind ago

I have always maintained that it's war and guns for the adults AND child trafficking for the children.
Saudi has a well known child industry AND alleged involvement with the war machine.

How does he contrast the Podesta - Abrahamovic - molech WikiLeaks with the arms focus?
Or the need to bring $65k hotdogs and pizza to a party?

He may have some very good info on arms deals, but he lost me when he said that his desire to avoid such a topic because it may not be well received by the public is not good or professional investigative journalism. It's like saying that we're not going to look at Clintons health issues (potential Parksinsons disease) because that wouldn't be good for her election campaign.


I try to steer away from the child trafficking in my videos because it is so unbelievable, people just immediately dismiss it as a conspiracy theory. If you have an FBI interview, that would be very interesting. Judicial Watch has FOIA'd the videos of those interviews.

ytube link describing Senator Grassley's attempt at an investigation re project flicker.

So, why does he think no one will believe it when it's already been documented and has now been suspiciously snuffed out as fake news because it's going deeper than the defense investigation and into the political elite?

party1981 ago

This all makes sense to me.

I have asked George several questions, but no answer yet. He's a busy guy, I guess.

I agree with you that is bizarre, and a mistake, to ignore the human trafficking angle.

To be fair, FBIanon said the same thing: nobody will believe us. Nobody will believe the magnitude of evil.

Suppose you have a video showing Hillary and Huma Abedine raping and torturing a 10 year of girl from Saudi Arabia. Would people think it was real? What would they say?

cosmicmind ago

The sad thing is that people have been programmed to be blind patriots. That combined with high inflation, distractions of entertainment and consumerism, and drama of a busy life they have been made into the perfect cattle. So sad.

But.... education has to start somewhere and somehow, and this seems to be the best time and place for it. If not now - then when?

If a video was presented off Weiners laptop, or off the wikileak CF emails and if it were supported in a press junket by Jeff Sessions and the NYPD who investigated it then the public would have no choice but to admit that it were true.
Some of them might not care and sadly some of them might be happy to see that they're not alone in some closeted desires, but at least it would be out there for us to take hold of and to use as more ammunition to educate those who actually have a soul and a conscience left.

I have to say that if Webb doesn't see this then I don't think he's much of a support, and probably more of a hindrance to exposing the entire truth.

But it's more like the rathole goes deep and that's likely why these people don't want to get involved.

for example:

the beginning of the vid goes over the UK involvement.

start at 29:00 to 31:00 starts to bring in the USA involvement and the Vatican. (meaning it's the 9th circle)

38:15 brings in the Vatican Francis. According to this article Ratzinger stepped down because of implications in the UK pedo-investigation.

39:55 claims that Barack Obama's pedophile brother, Samson, was barred from entering the UK.

40:34 an article on the Bush pedophilia affair -- Jeff Gannon.
I always thought GW Bush and UK Blair were unusually friendly. But the Bush's are also implicated in the Franklin Scandal, which pedo-crime was dismissed while the distraction was put on financial crimes instead.

Blair is shown in the earlier part of this video to be involved in UK child-crime.

40:52 UK undergoes blackmail. (Senator Grassley said that project flicker involved blackmail.)

40:58 claims it goes back to Germany as classic pedophiles.

41:23 speaks about Freud as the German adviser - having brothels in UK. Freud's grandson (?) was named as the visiting place of McCann's after Madelaines abduction, and the visiting home of Podestas during that abduction period. Freud was known as a pedophile.

and then we're back to the modern codename pingpong at London and Berlin.....

party1981 ago

You're not wrong. I just have to sit down and fathom the level of evil.

Realistically facing pizzagate is like waking up and realizing that you are inside of a Cormac McCarthy novel.

cosmicmind ago

That's true. Yesterday I began to realize the full scope of this rathole and understood why police aren't investigating.... it's too far spread and it's global and the filth of it has spilled over into enough of the general public.

Humanity has reduced its ethics and moral compass to such a degree that even the children are of no consequence to society. If they were people would be investigating.

You have citizens incapable of recognizing photos and comments that justify pedo investigation, and then others who could just give 2 shits about it all one way or the other.... while who is there to be a voice for voiceless children.

If all these people care about children and are innocent it should be a no-brainer to investigate.

This thread response by Webb has kinda made me sick to be honest. I live in a world with a lot of people that make me wish I weren't.

Priorities are pathetic. Dogs have a more ethical social structure.

party1981 ago

I agree with a lot of this. The evil is so massive people cannot wrap their mind around it.

party1981 ago

There is an excellent PDF, annotated, with all FBIanon Q&As, available at a link from a download website. I have read it many times.

dogmatix ago

Great work George. I appreciate all of your research and how you tie these seemingly disparate events together. Of course we know they aren't isolated but the media doesn't do its job anymore. I really think this this needs to be reposted again so that it can get more upvotes and views because what you are putting out there is powerful stuff.

DarkMath ago

George you had me until Paul Walker, then your credibility went down a little bit.

party1981 ago

George, can you give me specific pointers on sources for these claims:

  1. there were 40 underage girls
  2. Epstein filmed every one
  3. It was filmed with a teddy bear and crazy art

Last question: you keep telling us to:

  1. get our hands on the blackmail emails
  2. focus on full FBI for Benghazi
  3. two missing FBI 302s
  4. Petraeus sex case
  5. Huma emails
  6. Hillary's emails
  7. Reines' emails

What do you mean by this? Focus on emails that are already out there? File FOIA requests for ones we don't have? Something else? You're clearly ahead of us on the best strategy for advancing this investigation, and I think you kind of talk above our head, just slightly, without realizing it. I'm a lawyer and I can make FOIA requests happen.

More questions for you:

  1. Have you read FBIanon? Do you think he is legit?
  2. Do you think the FBI Vault Twitter dump was done by the FBI?
  3. Do you think the child trafficking stuff is true? If so, how comfortable are you ignoring that, when that is widespread Nazi-level evil? Also, I agree with the digger above: the child trafficking will be the most persuasive in the public eye. That's why we should focus on it. I don't see how the federal government is going to voluntarily give over CP, which could trigger a civil war or foreign war, simply because we file a FOIA request, especially while Obama is in power. Do you really think that something like that would happen?
  4. Erik Prince gave an interview on Breitbart that said the NYPD found evidence of sex crimes and child trafficking. Do you think he was telling the truth?

Last questions:

  1. "I can spill who I thought killed Michael Hastings and Paul Walker, but it won't help until you get McChrystal, Reines, and Petraeus emails"

Yes, please spill the beans. And what happened to those two ex-FBI guys in the Tesla in Indiana that spun out of control at super high speed for no obvious reason? Were they onto the regime change club?

  1. Where do I get more information on Reines and how he sprayed information everywhere?

party1981 ago

Hey, I saw your post about FBIanon.

I have always wondered about the FBI vault too, but I couldn't make sure it was 100% legit.

  1. Do we have record proof of the 4chan people saying that they will post at exactly that time?
  2. Was it is a string of posts at exactly that time, or just one? Do we have proof?
  3. Is it possible that LARPers or others just filed a bunch of FOIA requests in July, back when in FBIanon started, and then this triggered the Twitter dump? Or is that impossible?

You seem very knowledgeable. Even if the Twitter account was faked, FBIanon has gotten everything else right.

Please let me know what you think.

party1981 ago

I'm going to repost this comment in an easier to read format:

George, first let me say I love your videos and have been linking them to this site and to reddit and they've been getting some attention so bravo. However, as incredulous about the trafficking and FBIanon as you may be, there is one simple reason why I know they're both true: the Time-Traveling Trump joke.

For those who are new to this and don't understand the reference, on the original FBIanon posts, there was a joke circulating about Trump being a time traveler who found Nikola Tesla's time-machine (Fred Trump purchased the property Tesla's lab is on after Tesla passed away) Honestly, I thought that this person was just a very skilled role player and read his stuff bc they seemed fun/exciting. However, closer to election day, he stated that he and a few other agents were going to start fighting back and to watch for the signal on November 1 @ 11.

At exactly 11, on November 1, the OFFICIAL FBI Records Vault twitter account, after several months of inactivity, dumped many tweets, the first one being a seemingly random document about Tesla & Fred Trump. A nod to the people familiar with the 4chan posts. They are all still under gag-order and are in a very tense stand off with the rest of the government so the tweets they posted were smoke signals that an autist, like the ones who frequent 4chan, would see as a flaming beacon of where to look and what to ask for. The FOIA link they tweeted is them telling people to send in requests so they can dump documents and we can put the pieces together which people like you have had great success doing with the arms business. The Podesta emails and the FBI pedo imagery doc were just the more incendiary additions and the one people are going to latch onto. A lot of people aren't going to care about the slaughter and instability going on in a part of the world we've been at war with for almost 20 yrs, but almost everyone is going to pissed at the thought of kids getting molested and traded like cattle.

So while I do greatly appreciate the seemingly more "sane" component of these people's dealing, the fact of the matter is is that we are dealing with a network of individuals who are in such powerful positions that virtually anything is available for them to use as currency, and that includes people. I personally think that people need to stop focusing so much on that pizza parlor in D.C. but from the Podesta emails and other published reports on the subject matter, we can track spikes and lulls of child trafficking in countries like Haiti.

Hell, we uncovered the Laura Silsby connection to Clinton and Monica Peterson, a trafficking investigator from Denver, was murdered in Haiti last month when she went down there to investigate to Clinton Foundation, specifically the Caracoal operation they have. Her boss, whose name escapes me at the moment, used to work for Dyncorp, a company which shows up in the Podesta emails, when some concern was raised over a young boy who danced promiscuously as entertainment at a Dyncorp work function. Coincidentally, this same man had another female investigator die while in his employ around 2009 I believe. Just like you're piecing together the arms deal and oil business from the emails, we are linking together the other sordid side of this and together they paint a very, very bad picture, hence the MSM scramble for cover, NZ's John Key resignation, Operation Darkroom aka the Norway pedo sting immediately after Norway cut over 90% of their donations to the CF, and the possibility of the false flag you mentioned. This is a global network of arms, money & sex scandal and the players are all ducking for cover.

FuckTheseSickos ago

To the OP: deplorsdelight15 or anyone else. Has FBIAnon been back to say anything else?

party1981 ago

No he has not. Pls see my most popular thread:

"Update from a True Believer: FBIanon Is Probably Not Going To Post Again (theory)"

FuckTheseSickos ago

Thanks again. Just finished and also saw the link to Reddit. For anyone reading this that has not read the original FBIAnon posts. There is a link to a good PDF summary. I'm only 30 pages in. I have said it multiple times that the "basement" and "tunnels" are dead ends. We need to focus on the Clinton Foundation, Podesta and Soros. The was a post yesterday from George Webb about requesting FOIA's. That is what the collaborative effort needs to be focused on.

PDF Summary:!GlRkhbTT!bsjwIdm6QBtcM5YOxZtfxUvNlAPkn1Vp0BAvQxeSfmk

party1981 ago

Yes, I agree 100% with all of this.

FuckTheseSickos ago

Thank you! Checking it out now.

party1981 ago

George, what amazes me is that you seem to know much more about the players, details, and connections. I'm a smart man and I have been studying this for a month, but you know much more than me. You also seem to focus on facts, without dipping into true tin foil material.

Can you tell us about your background? How did you get so smart and educated about the CF and related topics?

TheSpeaker2 ago

The guy's real name is George Sweigert, I believe. "George Webb" is an homage to Gary Webb, a reporter who was murdered for investigating too deeply the CIAs involvement with drug-running.

In any case, his Youtube channel is loaded with good information, and he connects the dots and explains everything in a way that's easily digestible, though it seems disjointed. Would be nice if he could put together a longer documentary-style video that runs through all the events in chronological order.

Essentially, the Arab Spring was a destabilization scheme instigated by Clinton, Soros, and co. with insiders in the Pentagon and agencies. They would topple a government, go in and grab their weapons and oil, sell them on the black market, and then rinse and repeat in the next country. All profit.

In order for him to consider child trafficking and pedophilia as part of this, I think he's going to have to see some direct connections. That's going to be tougher, because selling children is not going to happen through front companies, it's all hidden.

party1981 ago

These are all great points. I have tweeted to him and left him a youtube comment. I hope that others reach out to him, too.

In my view, the strongest evidence is FBIanon. I don't see how the FBI insider, on July 2, can say that the CF is selling arms and people to whoever will buy them, and then conclude that they are selling arms, but think that FBIanon made up the child trafficking part - not after #pizzagate. Also, child trafficking one not a minor piece of disinformation, it was the heavy focus of what FBIanon said.

Endeffekt ago

"Pizza for an hour" doesnt sound like code for arms deal though. George Webb has done awesome job explaining how CF operates other than connecting it to child trafficking. Hes videos were shared here before but they got buried and those definitely are connected to this investigation as well.

party1981 ago

Exactly. I feel like someone as smart as George has not really looked at the #pizzagate evidence of given it a fair chance. We need him to investigate. His videos, research, and breakthroughs are incredible.

dogmatix ago

I have been following his videos for several weeks. It is some powerful, important stuff. Regardless of his take on pizzagate he is putting the pieces together against and drafting a powerful case against this same, evil cabal.

party1981 ago

Yes, he is making excellent insights and connections. I watch all of his videos.