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4_InquiringMinds ago

Lots of angles to this imho, shills and trolls flooding not only reddit but article comments and of course here, larpers, manufactured dissent, controlled opposition, gatekeepers, which is the reason I think Seth was assassinated the longer this plays out. Too many strange things surrounding this whole story.

First...> out of respect for the man’s family

The same family, the same brother that couldn't keep from smiling in the presser 2 days after Seth was murdered? Yeah I know ppl have odd ways of coping with tragedy so I watched the presser with an open mind...but...his smirk is just plain odd imho.

And of course the go fund me recently updated but one has to ask why isn't the DNC funding the investigation or even just Hill who said Seth's smile lit up the room? Inquiring minds.


Altho I have not watched GW's ongoing investigation~ reading he thinks Seth was drugged, tossed in a van, roughed up for info, tossed out and the assassins were called to finish him off? So he was drugged, beat up, then calls his lady friend but what, doesn't mention he was just beat up and interrogated? Or if he did mention somehow that information was kept secret? And if he did mention then you would think she told his 'grieving' family wouldn't you? If she did tell his family then it would seem logical the family does know it was more than a botched robbery, the DC police are sitting on it and if they really do want justice for Seth they would welcome the help of the public. Unless of course they were either paid off or threatened/but I keep going back to the smirking brother.

Plus I still think GW is a gatekeeper.


Lame Cherry, another gatekeeper, apparently has the theory Seth was on his way to some gay meeting place. LC hates just about anyone who is not white and straight, a gatekeeper of a different flavor. Kim, who can say about him/gatekeeper/distraction/making advantage of the situation or pissed as hell bc he knows more than he wished about Hill's vindictive side. Not that I give a shit about him bc while he was running megaupload he would turn in competitors for hosting illegal content thinking that would buy him protection/how's that worked out for you Kim? Did you default on donations to the CF?


It was his mother in the presser 2 days after doa that said Seth was talking away and moved her hands in talk talk talking. So just exactly what did happen at the hospital? And yes, even tho ppl have different ways of coping his parents did not look devastated to me but ppl are supposed to stop investigating bc they are so grief stricken?

Fifth...PI Wheeler, credit, discredit, statement, retraction, Hannity credit, discredit, retraction ya da. Back to what Ron Bernard said, create dissention, divide divide divide.

Anons of many flavors making the 4chan rounds/some may be legit/some not...but certainly a plethora of anons showing up.

Julian, legit all along or gatekeeper gone rogue when he was tossed under the bus...who can say?

Just a few of the things that make you go ummm/so many more examples. Where there is this much activity, where there is smoke there is fire.

However not to forget that looking at the right hand so the left hand is're getting sleepy, very very sleepy.

PS...and I'm sick and tired of this out of respect for the fucking grieving family. Sure, your son was murdered and grief comes with the territory. His murder is shrouded in very suspicious circumstances and ppl are going to investigate/it's not just trumplestilskins...lots of very decent caring ppl are involved. Seth's murder happened at a time when a number of other suspicious deaths occurred'/it's life/deal with it. Lots of ppl have dealt with this much and more when a murder has this importance of status. If it upsets you then don't look at the news, change email, stop twatting and set up some charity in Seth's name and get busy doing something positive in his name instead of playing the victim. Seth was the victim and ppl are not going to rest until they have looked under every rock. Sure politics are intertwined from both flash Seth was very involved in politics. All the investigations go with the territory. Maybe someone should splain to the family how things work. I personally am tired of their playing the victim card. Jesus ppl, do you realize the very person who came to see you in your time of grief might be the very person who ordered his hit? Or...maybe you do realize and you have been threatened? If that is the case why have a gofundme page which would only expose you to greater danger? Nope, things don't add up anyway you try to slice it.

I only hope Monica Peterson's murder gets the same scrutiny at a later date bc the blatant assassinations have to stop.