SayWhatNOWAY ago

I really find these lying freak to be a yuuuuge pile of dog💩

MarieElise ago

The files were given to them by the DNC's own computer data company-their VAN system. Hillary should not have bad mouthed her team. The leaks are coming fast and furious. There is more here then Seth Rich gave Guccifer for DC Leaks and additional to what Seth Rich gave Kim DotCom for Wikileaks. Panda-NSA Panda Poop-NSA blackmail files.

jstrotha0975 ago

I'll believe it when I see it. I would love to be wrong about George.

anotherdream ago

All this shit is bait and switch. We were this close to hearing about PROOF that Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks, and now all this shit is popping up with all this disinformation and false leads. The killer identified bullshit. All dead ended. We all need to retrace to the very last sources of credible information and deduce further from there. And also contemplate the connections these others have and why they keep inserting themselves into this.

Breadleaf ago

Ugh wat a fucking waste of our time and resources

PQhonest ago

Epic confusion with streaming comments and exhausted researchers. But so raw at the same time. They need 15 people in the room helping them.

evademoney2 ago

millions of ppl downloaded the file and are sifting through right now

V____Z ago

Kim Dotcom is obviously an idiot like everyone said. What's heartbreaking is that the very intelligent Jared Beck has fallen for George too.

Pizzalawyer ago

Hopefully that will be short-lived. Mr. Beck is way too busy probably to be watching George all the time. In small doses George is impressive and charming. And lots of sociopaths are charming, in fact it's an essential part of being a sociopath.

V____Z ago

Now that makes sense. And if he's a sociopath, that would explain why I am so creeped out by him. I actually had a nightmare last night after watching so much of him, and I very literally never have nightmares.

I just looked at some of his (10) videos from today, there is something so scary about him, and even more scary is that people are lapping it up, and allowing some creep from Hollywood to just take over, admitting this is a play, simply a movie script, using real life to create footage they will later reedit into the desired narrative, and sell as real. That sounds very CIA to me, and we know Hollywood loves to help make propaganda. I just don't understand how after all this research and red pilling, masses people are not using any discernment or discrimination when they see a big, wide smile.

On his first video of today, the first comment is from Jason goodman, with over 100 likes. It says "Stay calm and trust in George"

That is disgusting. People loved it. Maybe it's from being a Christian in the sense that I believe there is no savior besides God/Jesus, but the way they are using people's desire for a savior, and selling them this defunct salesman with a half baked, hollow storyline seems a bit blasphemous to me.

I'm angry about this lie. He officially signed off yesterday, next he's drunk and calling people names, now he's back at it as if he never said he was stopping. He's out on the streets of NYC yet only two days ago th FBI was literally trying to kill him, they were only feet away! And tens of thousands of people are buying this! God help us!

seekingpeace ago

George Webb is no friend of Julian Assange. He (GW) stated that JA was "brownstoned" twice. That's either true and Julian is being blackmailed or GW is full of shit.

Vindicator ago

Based on treatment by the Powers That Be, I lean toward option 2. No one is trying to "drone" George Webb.

equineluvr ago

Webb has you idiotic SUCKERS drawn into his WEB of BULLSHIT yet again.


bopper ago


Bluebirdsolitude ago

Please...if this were the thumbdrive for which Seth was murdered, do you honestly think these two would still be breathing?

Madwack ago

I watched all his video's, he even had me hooked in for a bit but it always bothered me as to why GW wasn't gunned down in broad day light for posting all that info.............he is a fraud and unprofessional ( drinking wine and drunk ) and the guy that is with him now........he seems off.....Kim Dotcom your my only hope....( OK downloading file )....

Vindicator ago

Yeah...have to agree with you

privatepizza ago

this ^^^^^

joey4track ago

pretty much

The_Crux ago

Corsi named Guccifer 2 as a rat operative false flag operation, and it was pure scientific evidence for that conclusion and not speculative conclusions that he drew from all that, and Corsi's speculative stuff is important too because it's evidence-guided

equineluvr ago

Corsi is a Harvard Ph.D. who is a regular on AJ's show, and AJ promotes him.

That should be enough to give a THINKING person pause.

If you aren't one, then maybe anecdotal will work: Corsi was on C2C AM a few years ago spouting all kinds of BS with zero documentation/substantiation. That's when I stopped lapping up his steady stream of stuff. PizzaLawyer here posted recently that he is still doing that.

You people can't declare yourselves "redpilled" and "awake" and then turn around and latch onto these characters. They disseminate disinfo. You aren't redpilled at all if you're part of their audience.

Vindicator ago

I think this is a wise statement. Detachment is essential for objectivity.

V____Z ago

You people can't declare yourselves "redpilled" and "awake" and then turn around and latch onto these characters. They disseminate disinfo. You aren't redpilled at all if you're part of their audience.

What more needs to be said?

je-sui-pepe ago

I feel in my gut he is disinfo. It's too convenient and it's like a plot scripted... and if he does have a thumb drive why would he be handling actual evidence?! I think it's an elaborate bunch of bs. I think that It's much more sinister and has 0 to do with Russia, and everything to do with the other 7 murders that we know are tied to the DNC. This Ain't the c. U. N. T. C1int0ns first trail of bodies or first Rodeo.

DonKeyhote ago

"Pizzagate is a branch of the JQ"

Silverlining ago

Three in a row - wadda you know?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I just DL'ed the file... not opening... just for safe keeping.

joey4track ago

Now he's asking Trish a million questions about her personal life about her kids and stuff. I just don't trust this guy

Yates ago

She chose to get involved here. She wrote the articles about Webb "The Accidental Journalist" probably another alphabet asset. When they support each other they raise their credibility in the public's eyes.

V____Z ago

They're making a film, they need to make their stars sound interesting. That's what this was about, imo.

Coco-Hamilton ago

Why would Webb one minute be pushing that Guccifer 2.0 is an impeachment ploy (but then be trying to LEGITIMIZE Guccifer 2.0 with that whole charade the other night? If there was new info on that drive...wouldnt that give legitimacy to Guccifer2 and in turn give legitimacy to the DNCs russian hack claim? Am i reading into that wrong?

EricKaliberhall ago

George Webb is drunk and tired.... Fuck it! If this is It, I'm gonna get Stoned:)

EricKaliberhall ago

Jason is Stoned:)

DawnofTruth ago

What's it supposed to show, prove or amass? I tried watching but Jason is obnoxiously loud and George starts talking )while sipping wine) then gets cut off by Jason. Jason needs to shut the fuck up or calm his shit down. Pick one!!

V____Z ago

In my conspiracy theory, what they are doing is amassing footage to create some sort of propaganda film for the State, getting out in front of the DNC and Podesta leak information we've been studying, twisting it all around and in the end, blaming a patsy.

fartyshorts ago

George is drunk enough to be in the repeating mode now... Pretty annoying.

privatepizza ago

That's when he says something he really shouldn't. Heads up

TimesUp ago

Files were apparently leaked by Guccifer 2 to citizen journalist named Trish. They are broadcasting it live now (discussing while downloading etc.)

If these are the files Seth Rich was killed for, it will be important to our investigation, because of the players involved.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Reddit users downloading files and saying they look legit (see comments)

DarkMath ago

Guccifer 2 was most likely a psy-op. It looks to have been part of the plan to frame Trump with regard to Russia.

LostandFound ago

I was just about to write the following,

*Wikileaks basically vindicated Guccifer2.0 and the chat logs confirming his source was 'seth' in April via reposting his supposed chat logs

Guccifer2.0 announced he was the DNC email source in Jul 22 16

Imo more likely Kimdotcom is G2*

.... then the fucking penny just dropped, George Webb is CIA, G2 was real is now a psyop, WL twitter was taken over / access given during the dark time before the election.

Heat comes back on Seth - as he is a nexus of a few DNC skeletons so they deploy the decoy Trish verified by WL

Now Trish can tell whatever story they like as one of the only living speaking pieces of this puzzle and take the focus push back on G2 as the russian source.

These are all a last ditch attempts to regain control of the narrative, someone must have been really naughty and why Kimdotcom decided now was the time to come out with more info.

DarkMath ago

"likely Kimdotcom is G2"

I'm pretty sure G2 is Warren Flood. @Jem777 explains it pretty well just a couple comments up here:

Unless you meant that's what you thought until you read Jem777's comment. I'm not sure. Your comment was a little ambiguous.

LostandFound ago

No thats just me thinking faster than typing, it was a bit all over the place.

Day and a half on europol and /pol/ matching up blurry photos and getting banned has my head blurred. Yeah just read the Jem response holy crap that makes a lot of sense I must further reference this work and see if it all fits as stated.

Jem777 ago

Gucifer 2.0 is Warren Flood. Obama & Biden internal IT specialist. Once the realized that Seth Rich had successfully transferred the DNC docs to Wikileaks the Obama team & FBI created fake Russian fingerprints on Word Doc. Then claim Russia hacked the DNC & release some documents through Gucifer 2.0. The problem is Warren Flood forgot to erase his watermark signature as the author of the documents. Also they are marked as created on June 15, 2016. There was a meeting in the Whitehouse on that day with Warren Flood & several Ukrainians (speak Russian) The leak is then made on Gucifer 2.0 website.

They were caught red handed and still lied. Seth Rich was murdered several weeks later after being unmasked as the leaker to Wikileaks.

This is in their own emails. Podesta & HRC talk about it. The FBI then pressure a Romanian hacker a to lie and claim to be Gucifer 2.0. They promised him citizenship, a free apartment, car, money etc. if he would agree to extradition and lie about being Gucifer 2.0. to testify against Trump.

He rejected this

anotherdream ago

All the evidence points to Guccifer 2 being a CIA invention and the documents' origins were traced to the DNC. These chumps are actors.

TimesUp ago

Very possible. Of the three online tonight, Trish seems the most credible. I've followed her on Twitter for some time.

Re: Credibility of Guccifer 2 -- someone said that entity was one of Hillary and Podesta's own psy-ops. We'll know soon -- to me, this depends in the contents of those files.

HolyMoly0 ago

Not Guccifer 2

TimesUp ago

I've been listening in real time...sounded like both Guccifer2 and Wikileaks involved? Who knows, because Trish has only disclosed the "origin" over the phone to Kim Dot Com (at least as the discussion has unfolded on YouTube tonight)...

At this point, who knows the significance of this leak. If it's Seth's stuff, it's important. If not...another brick wall.

vivalad ago

on the phone w/ktc - what is this, just when we thought it was over

HolyMoly0 ago

Watch for honeypot

Kawksnahch ago

i post about george webb since last year, i'm way on the list already. HAPPY HUNTING!

Silverlining ago

Which list? The hit list?

Silverlining ago

Slightly misinterpreted your comment, there.

Kawksnahch ago

twitter #RealTrishDish