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TimesUp ago

Files were apparently leaked by Guccifer 2 to citizen journalist named Trish. They are broadcasting it live now (discussing while downloading etc.)

If these are the files Seth Rich was killed for, it will be important to our investigation, because of the players involved.

DarkMath ago

Guccifer 2 was most likely a psy-op. It looks to have been part of the plan to frame Trump with regard to Russia.

Jem777 ago

Gucifer 2.0 is Warren Flood. Obama & Biden internal IT specialist. Once the realized that Seth Rich had successfully transferred the DNC docs to Wikileaks the Obama team & FBI created fake Russian fingerprints on Word Doc. Then claim Russia hacked the DNC & release some documents through Gucifer 2.0. The problem is Warren Flood forgot to erase his watermark signature as the author of the documents. Also they are marked as created on June 15, 2016. There was a meeting in the Whitehouse on that day with Warren Flood & several Ukrainians (speak Russian) The leak is then made on Gucifer 2.0 website.

They were caught red handed and still lied. Seth Rich was murdered several weeks later after being unmasked as the leaker to Wikileaks.

This is in their own emails. Podesta & HRC talk about it. The FBI then pressure a Romanian hacker a to lie and claim to be Gucifer 2.0. They promised him citizenship, a free apartment, car, money etc. if he would agree to extradition and lie about being Gucifer 2.0. to testify against Trump.

He rejected this