fogdryer ago

according to 4chan you are wrong about trump he is not innocent but he did not got rich by turning 12 year old girls into whores for the Jewish MOB ( Sheldon Adelson ) & EPSTEIN/Trumps Teenage-Models NYC

Disciple7 ago

In light of new findings. Note the discovery further down the thread.

LionParty ago

Monitor /user/chelseasPizza and /user/BlueBerryPie they have been posting all of these Muslim ties and it is all they post. Suspected major shills. They never use sources to back up their claims.

shortymcbossypants ago

Ok first I'm Sephardic, BIG difference than the Ashkenazi, and you dirty filthy CTR Shill son of a pox ridden wench. You can't even come up with anything new, all you do is spout the same damn shit over and over again. Pathetic little boy. Grow the fuck up and actually act like you have a pair of balls before saying that I'm a part of this, and maybe just MAYBE you can actually come up with some new leads instead of the same boring CTR copy and paste shill bullshit that you have been posting. As far as I'm concerned you are a pimple on the ass of humanity. Go ahead get the rest of your misinformation little CTR shills to downvote me, I don't give two flying fucks.

Kiss my Jewish and Latina ass you little bitch.

shortymcbossypants ago

Right keep telling yourself that Skippy.

shortymcbossypants ago

This is the 7th time in this thread alone you've posted this.

CandyPanda ago

James Alefantis hosting a Silk Road Society event in 2012 at the Smithsonian:

"Experience a party fit for a sultan with open bars, gourmet desserts, a glamorous guest-list, dancing to beats by NYC DJ Ani Quinn, special access to a new 3-d digital cave experience, and a private viewing of the landmark exhibition Roads of Arabia: Archaeology and History of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."

A year prior, Hillary Clinton talking about a New Silk Road initiative

Catseye2020 ago

Just a note often times the price of $0 is used on public documents to keep the actual sales price confidential you can search many Deeds of trust and see that they exchanged hands for $0 or $1 when the reality is that's not quite true. I'm not saying that they did or didn't I'm just sharing that from 20 years in lending It's Not Unusual to see things sell for $0 or $1

popezandy ago

The only reason this needs sources is because the person who discovered it ( has been disappeared along with his contributions. He had more than enough information to back up these claims! Please look at my masterlist where I explain the situation in it's entirety:

Please go upvote we need to investigate properly.

Headstart ago

I think they said to wait until Trump is inaugurated. Clinton has too much power with Obama in office - DOJ, etc.

Best to wait.

Gretch ago

Double check that, I don't believe Trump was ever on Epstein's plane

CandyPanda ago

So when I was digging, I found this That led to a couple articles how people were interested in why exactly there was a crowdfunding effort to bring a Politics & Prose bookstore to Georgetown.

So I checked out this group, and here's their site: Watched an interview with Benjamin Miller trying to explain his company, and he seemed pretty vague and generalized what it was all about, almost like he was not really able to explain it well (just my opinion there).

But then I found this from this year:

VictorDaniels777 ago

Can we get sources/links?

QuestionEverything ago

i dunno.. And honestly, its conjecture on my party ddg is compromised. Not sure if the NET is secure in any way shape or form anymore.

Be sure of your 1st and second amendment rights is always your best bet.

Baluga ago

whatdoesitmean is the source of this claim. (It was first with the story. You can't find an earlier source.) whatdoesitmean doesn't have verifiable sources, just "Russian MoF". Nobody corroborates. Several statements in the story are implausible. Therefore, this story should be rejected as having no basis. It is merely hearsay.

Geo_synchronous ago

It go's all the way to the POPE and Queen E... Kevin Annett has been investigating child trafficking in Canada for 18 yrs. Many missing Children and they found the bones of the children.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Someone from Little Red Fix manages the Coffee shop at the bookstore which is in the basement. They did a massive renovation (permit records) also "Celebrate the opening of The Den coffeehouse and wine bar, operated in partnership with Matt Carr from the Little Red Fox" (Politics and prose page)

Little Red fox owner Will Operate The Den Coffee and wine Bar at Politics and Prose

RecycledUser ago

Yeah, probably.

shortymcbossypants ago

Israeli's have known for years about how corrupt the Saudis truly are, this goes all the way back to PM Rabin. Some even speculate that Yitzhak Rabin was possibly killed by someone with ties to the Saudi's.

Gretch ago

Wet cleaners!! Any additional info on this? Also didn't I read someplace about Comet Pizza's connection to a pig farm

Baluga ago

Okay look it up. The story was originally 1.8B in Qatar. The original story:

Have you ever seen such a sketchy website? Clinton never had $1.8B, all reports were their net worth was in the hundreds of millions. Also, she never moved to Qatar in november, contrary to the article's suggestion.

Snopes on this (but you don't need Snopes to debunk something this bad):

RedditISCompromised ago

In that case - fuck Milo Yiannopolous


Nope. 9/11 was cover-up of 2.4 trillion dollars in financial crimes from pentagon operation to dismantle USSR. Plus they got to go into Iraq and steal everything, and set up drug trade in Afghanistan.

jackthyme ago

Yes. This deserves an entire discussion thread.

RecycledUser ago

I totally agree. And proof of this also should be blasted, to keep up with the fake shit put out by MSM.

RexAxisMundi ago

Sounds like that bookstore needs to be researched.


I believe this is the next level:

GrislyAddams ago

This could be why it seems like we are gathering a lot of circumstantial evidence but the real, hard, and undeniable stuff is's all in Arabic.

Noraa ago

5013 = CVS Pharmacy and Moneygram

so they can get any drugs?

amCassandraAMA ago

attorneys at law have to be registered. Ask how many Klynes are there in DC. Cross link that with image verification and we should come closer

amCassandraAMA ago

knock knock ... who's there?

probably saudis

amCassandraAMA ago

Of course its possible. Id say he is having business in between leasure, but dont use black light in the lolita express.

The repetition of visits is what makes the difference for me. 26 times Bill, really?

amCassandraAMA ago

I watch the whole pizzagate topic for weeks now, and it is blatantly obvious how many imagehosters, threads, archived sites, instagrams, facebookpages, whole fucking subreddits and so on just disappear. That is not directly google, but circumstance.

It is a fair assumption that the powers that be have at least a certain amount of influence over google, regardless whether google is doing that themselves or forced to do that or doesnt even notice through a Man in the Middle attack. Wikileaks info shows they are at least pushed into cooperating with dataflow to the feds and it is suggested they happily work together on certain top secret pages that are redacted

amCassandraAMA ago

doing gods work all over the board with this heh

SockGuy ago

You should be able somehow to look up where a company buys their wholesale products. You can't dump a bunch of caustic down the drain with out permits and or throwing up huge red flags in the waste treatment department. However you can have a ph leveling tank to level it out before you dump.

YingYangMom ago

Interesting. Why wouldn't the police let the people inside the bookstore? Is there anything in there that people aren't aloud to see? What's hidden in there?

standalone ago

This information isn't confirmed. Original author was a new account of a few hours old, and provided no source. This stuff is useless unless backed by evidence.

sheer-con ago

It's not white people doing this. Look deeper.

davej1 ago

CNN/ALEX JONES(LIAR) False witness Sharif S. Silmi, Esq. (liar involved with comet pizza gunman HOAX trolling is a Lawyer (of course) that specializes in Immigration and helps so called ABUSED women with relief. SO then HE decides to take his family to a Pizza place in the news for abusive actions and child molestation. Does do not seem like that makes since regardless of what you think of the main story, What a clown show this is.

This man is a LIAR and a false witness period. You want to talk about #fakenews this guy is it

CandyPanda ago

Sharif Silmi works for a law firm that plugs how much Nancy Pelosi loves their work. Not only that, he's been in Washington over a year and admits in an interview it was the first time he had ever gone there. Another convenient timing. Spends an hour there and yet goes around repeating over and over what a great family place it is. It's not a family place - it has late hours and runs a club out of its back where underage kids aren't supposed to be allowed. It's like Chuck E Cheese running a strip bar after hours.

bidentime ago

Comet Pizza makes the best halal pizza around.

cantsleepawink ago

Have a look at the logo of the organisation he works for, Immigration Law Help

VieBleu ago

This should be turned over to an investigative reporter as it is very very worthy if you have the back up which I assume you do?

Anyway you could submit to The Intercept?

sheer-con ago

Also Drudge Report, which usually reports on anything interesting no matter how wacky, has been utterly silent on pizzagate.

standalone ago

I don't see anything in OP that supports "Google has muted ALL". Please don't make unsubstanciated claims. Provide your sources.

srayzie ago

What search engine do you smarties get this deep info??

Celticgirlonamission ago

im·pu·ni·ty. [imˈpyo͞onədē] NOUN 1.exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action:

"the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings" ·

synonyms: without punishment · with no ill consequences ·

scot-free · unpunished

golly ago

Wasn't it already confirmed that the Kline on the lease is not the Kline that works for the DOJ?

ris4republican ago

Remember when google was loaning their planes to the Clintons, did they use google's planes for child trafficing??

shortymcbossypants ago

I think I acutally saw something on a gossip site, called Blind Gossip of possibly alluding to some big name tech guys taking boys and girls on their yachts and having their way with them, and that some reality type star was part of that whole thing. And I found it.

Google Bigwig has women on yacht

PizzaClinton ago

Search above for all the property's near Besta Pizza, then go find who pay's the payments. Records say that CONNEB Ii LLC is owner, CON-NEB is Dubai/Saudi National Engineering, responsible for most skyscrapers in Dubai, and owned by Saudi. Big money investment for world-over including DC.

Most of the internet (GOOGLE) has now been scrubbed since this was post two days ago, they haven't yet had time to scrub the public records databases.

fr33europe ago

manipulation of search results and de-listing of sites from search in the google engine. I was shocked to see 8chan not listed. Go ahead and visit 8chan, and then do a google search for where you're at. You can't.

(In fact if you don't know the URL for 8chan, your first mission is to find it since you can't google the site itself)

srayzie ago

So what's a good search engine now?

amCassandraAMA ago


srayzie ago

Thank you

leavethebag ago

Last I checked duck did the same.

fr33europe ago

Yeah I remember reading somewhere Duck Duck go was run by guys with big noses and small hats.

QuestionEverything ago

duck duck may have been acquired by lycos. And purposefully hushed up.


Balarama ago

Wow. impressive work chealseas pizza. I too crave more citations from your OP, but lets run with the good Bc yes u have identified an elephant in the room?

Let me shed some light on how/why 6 buildings on the same block (in upscale DC) could be acquired/purchased for $0 (@ least 3 on same day in 2003).
F1. Neighbors; Connecticut AveWhen regarded along with the OP & collaborative commentary, I think CFO Anon will highlight some of the animating logic behind the cluster $0 buyouts on connecticut ave.

Balarama: Hey Anon, doing some research, its a cmmrcial real estate / acquisitions question, can u offer explanation why 6 buildings on the same block (in upscale DC) could be acquired/purchased for $0 and several on same day in 2003? In what situations do $0 bulk property purchases go down? & whats really happening with transfer/exchange of assets?

CFO Anon: Maybe they are worthless. For example, cost more to fix up or tear down than let alone. Or, an arms length transaction between family members. Could be some kind of succession planning deal too. Where they need the investment basis to be really small.

BLRMA: Investment basis or invstmnt base?

ANON: Either, I think, will suffice. The price / value that is declared to the IRS. Eventually, a low basis will come back to bite you in the long-run. In estate matters, where selling is not a extent option, having a low value is not stupid. Unless you need it to borrow against. My point is, there could be a lot reasons. ...The real reason for valuing low is short-term tax obligation.

LtSilverFox ago

Where tf are the sources like what is going on in this thread

Chance903 ago

Please cite your sources . It is a very well put together but without credible cites it is pointless.

spez_dispenser ago

WTF is this the same Abdel Rahman Hammad?

Holy shit! Why is a pedo pizza joint owned by a guy with the same name as an assasinated Hamas guy? Coincidence?

RecycledUser ago

I saw on eddit, that now only did they stop Milo's livestream (the people are still in that chat), but him or someone removed any PG names in his video titles. And on AJ's site, I think you are correct he was told to shut it down; the only video I could find there or on YT about PG was the one today with Doug Hageman. The only other PG one was one that favored MSM/or the agenda of TPTB. Every minute that goes by, it looks more and more like they want to shut everyone up about PG; like Pandora's Box was opened, which wasn't really in their plans. Hope everyone knows of at least one place to regroup, if this gets taken down.

pizzahthrowaway ago

The chans (specifcally full and end) will be the places to carry on.

RecycledUser ago

what do you mean full and end? I've never been on the chans. thanks.

amCassandraAMA ago

they are like a fungus, its not just one site

toobaditworks ago


pizzahthrowaway ago

They call two of the chans full and half, endchan is another one all together, I'd spell it out but I think you can figure out which chan is full if you know one is known as half.

I'm sure you can figure it out, but lurk first, they have a different culture and a lot can be learned from lurking a long time before posting.

zofo777 ago

Where is the source for this, dammit?! Start including links to this stuff.

CrackerJacks ago

Witness in Comet Ping Pong speaks on InfoWars.

Now this person said it's the first time he's been there, he's only ever heard about pizzagate on the radio (no research) and he's never been in the back room. Yet he says there is nothing going on there.

What nationality is he? Saudi? The block is owned by Saudi's?

This thread on Reddit have him down as muslim.

He also Tweeted that a guy walked in with a shotgun, but on the infowars video he said he didn't see the gun.

Sharif Silmi, Esq ‏@bayreef Dec 4 @asmamk guy just walked in comet Pizza with shotgun

HelpingChildren ago

I posted about Lucien who works for Saudi's who was at the Comet Pizza when the supposed man came in. He is completely immersed working for Saudi's. I have documented here on another post. I need help. There was a muslim lawyer that was there too. Were they together having a meeting at Comet Pizza? I post a little about that person, could not find much maybe some one could help. All pages have been saved.

MommyLove ago

The Clinton Foundation, The Clinton Foundation, The Clinton Foundation, The Clinton Foundation, The Clinton Foundation!!!


Keep DIGGING!!!!

O-nite ago

The cf: a global marketplace for dealing arms, humans, intelligence, organs, etc and laundering the money in donations??? This theory came about when trying to explain what I think is happening here- what do you guys think?

totesgoats908234 ago

When i searched one of the unique looking strings, I found the origin of this theory

Last link is broken

But it seems you can still get to the forum thread, outside of the cache, from the cache page

Well I found your stuff over at even though I'm a regular here, I have been asking this question for a month, where is the DBA info and property records for the block, looks like you found it, and upon study it appear Gill is the Realtor on behalf of NEBCON Ii LLC, after on hour all over the net I finally started getting good tracks with NEB-CON LLC, that led to Adel Ameen Amer | LinkedIn الإمارات العربية المتحدة - ‎Engineer at CONTRACTING L.L.C - ‎modern executive contracting Value: 183,000,000 Dhs ... Value: 400,000,000 Dhs ... projects like Tower, Commercial Building, G+14, 500 villas, etc with value 750,000,000 Dhs.CON.N.E.B ... ... Once I headed over to Saudi Arabia you can find a lot of stuff on CON. N.E.B. Ii LLC, it appears that SAUDI BOUGHT the BLOCK a long time ago, and handed it over for Zero Dollars to Andrew Kline

houndog ago

Hey how come my browser warned me not to go to your linked page?

totesgoats908234 ago

Because you touch yourself at night.

Chance903 ago

Citing Voat is NOT an independent source...

totesgoats908234 ago

What the fuck are you talking about? Did you not look at the last link in the image and the link to spurstalk source? The first page shows the theory came from 4chan last month. I'm just trying to follow the path that OP took to get to this theory. Not endorsing it or anything.

Jesus, some of you people are so hopeless.

Chance903 ago

Listen here kiddo, you do not have to rant like a spoilt child. Speak to me like an adult or just do not reply. I am sure you are under 18 from your reply.

totesgoats908234 ago

Still no explanation about what the fuck your ass was talking about.

You, sir, are a cunt.

Chance903 ago

You are most certainly entitled to your opinion. while you are playing with yourself and words. I just caught a pedophile related to pizza gate violating his parole. So carry on,good sir.

totesgoats908234 ago

LOL you caught him huh?

You are a complete dipshit.

Chance903 ago

Okay. you say anything you like, but unless that poster has also submitted the information, what help was it. I am not going to justify myself to a 13-year-old frustrated child.

totesgoats908234 ago

Hope you broke the case, detective!

Chance903 ago

Thanks kid.

Hoppy375 ago

Chill here were all in it for the same purpose

totesgoats908234 ago

Where did you gather the pieces of information to compile these connections?

You make huge specific claims but have no sources.

Free_Radical ago

This. There's not a single link in the OP's post. I'm all for exploring new angles but this is ridiculous. A 3 hour account with huge claims and zero evidence.

Chance903 ago

Thank you, as ex LEO these people do not understand that this is why mainstream will not take you guys serious unless you can cite and sourse it. The only reason I take this serious is because like any good investigator , I tried to discredit it and could not. Get your shit together people . If you want mainstream to believe then you better cite everything or it is a waste of time.

totesgoats908234 ago

This is the original thread -

It seems that Besta pizza in MD is/was owned by an arab fellow -

The whole besta pizza block in DC is basically owned by a company that this guy is saying is saudi based -

Another guy claims its a DC based firm that buys strip malls -

The main guy thinks its saudi related because he found this through a google search -

Projects (Area) Manager SS Lootah Contracting Co. March 2002 - July 2010 (8 years 5 months) Look into the projects like Tower, Commercial Building, G + 14, 500 villas, etc with value 750,000,000 Dhs.CON.NEB

Besta pizza does seem to have one arab owner at least. Seems like red herring, may look into it more tomorrow.

amCassandraAMA ago

upvote for visibility

UglyTruth ago

Seriously, the corporate whores of the mainstream media can go fuck themselves (except for the BBC, which cat get right royally fucked). I'm all for sources and verifiability, but who in their right mind would expect the Mockingbird media to apply fair and balanced reporting to this subject?

SpikyAube ago

BBC makes me sick. They are this morning here in the UK doing interviews with people who were abused as kids by people in the football clubs. These poor guys are breaking down on TV talking about the awful abuse and how it affected them, and this awful interviewer keeps probing them to ask exactly what happened, trying to pry the details from these poor guys. I was in tears watching it.

And this sick bitch also happened to be the same woman who did a sympathetic 'poor-innocent-victim-of-false-accusations' interview with Ricky Dearman, the smarmy guy accused by his kids of satanic/sexual abuse and child murder in Hampstead, London, last year. The judge dismissed the whole thing as absurd and said the kids' mother had tortured her kids into saying this stuff against their Dad. Turns out in the course of pizzagate that this Ricky guy has a connection to the Clintons through a guy he worked with at an organisation in Haiti.

I get the feeling they're doing these child abuse interviews and getting off on it or something. It makes me feel so sick. This just has to stop.

amCassandraAMA ago

why are you sitting here get working publicly discrediting this "Journalist"!

Meme BBC to the ground, that fucking FAKE NEWS organisation, the boss even was a pedo sympathiser, remember Mark Thompson?

TheUltimateDebate ago

I just want to ask, where is the proof that Trump was "turning 12 year old girls into whores for the Jewish MOB"??

YingYangMom ago

I've search through Epstein's black book report and Trump's name wasn't in it. Trump's not into kids. His type is the 6 feet tall blond models.

pizzahthrowaway ago

There isnt any, he personally had Epstein banned from Mar a lago after he found out he was hitting on underage girls, theres a high likelihood Trump knows of these goings on but no reason to believe he's been involved in them, people just post that because they dont like him or are trying to seem "nonpartisan" but really if Trump was that in on it, he would have already contributed to shutting it down, instead of appointing Gen Flynn who actually tweeted about this scandal specifically.

sinclair ago

I saw the post where his son tweeted on it, I did not see where the General himself said anything. You are talking about the one where he says in so many words that it's not going away until it's proven false?

TruthTrumps ago

RE: "TRUMP got rich by turning 12 year old girls into whores for the Jewish MOB ( Sheldon Adelson ) & EPSTEIN/Trumps Teenage-Models NYC ( 1980-1999 ). " Same here. Not saying it is not true...but please show evidence s/such assertions.

Hoppy375 ago

All signs imo are pointing to trump taking this whole fucker down.

RecycledUser ago

I agree with you. Him and his REAL administration. In that case, is there any facts/documented proof that we do not blast, and hold off until after 1/20? There has to be a reason Milo did scrap it. Just like a trial attorner doesn't show his cards until absolutely necessary, during discovery, Should we not give more heads up, for them to delete evidence, which we've seen them do some already. Like to show our cards if the benefit isn't there? I'm not talking about this OP's find, just in general.

VieBleu ago

expect to be disappointed. He's one person.

EndThePizza ago

I remember for a while it was thought that the Besta Pizza Kline and the DOJ Kline were two different people. Has it been proven that they're the same person? How was it proven?

BallsDeepInReality ago

Both are attorneys in DC.

Publicly available and only a google search away.

EndThePizza ago

"Both are attorneys in DC"

Agreed, that does make it likely that they are the same person. Anything more definitive? We shouldn't use "probably" as if it's fact, at least not when presenting the information to the public.

thezodiac ago

Must be the "Fake News" filter, lol.

Steingalen ago

What big bucks from Norway are you talking about? I know our government is giving money to the CF, but is that it? Must be some oil or something you mean?

But if you could help me answer this, then I may finally get to understand how Jens Stoltenberg all of a sudden from running a small northern country suddenly became head of NATO.

EndThePizza ago

Even some of the people at the top could be good, but they can't speak up without getting squashed like a bug

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Connect this pizzagate stuff to the saudis FBI anon was discussed about from chan users.

There are some pedo saudis and I think Indians the Clintons have made deals/been in contact with.

zofo777 ago

Documents showing ownership?


I get the feeling that at some stage Pizzagate is going to have to be renamed Saudigate.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Im thinking so!


It''s the "Jews" :/ .... self proclaimed at least.

All of these people are Satanist owned. The people who own us, own Saudi. (((((((((((((Rothschilds)))))))))))))))

apparatchik1488 ago

Everyone needs to understand that Saudi Arabia is a complete puppet of Israel and ZOG.


I'm not convinced that this is true. But I think that in the 80s the Saudis and Israel came to a modus vivendi that enabled the Saudi regime to survive. I think that Israel thinks the situation is now not entirely to its benefit.

apparatchik1488 ago

Just look at what they do. Everything they do is falling right in line with Israel and international Jewry's interests and agendas. That is what matters.

shortymcbossypants ago

Oh ffs, well we're close to unbusting the truth guys! Here come the Jew Haters!!!!


This chimes in very well with the claims of some researchers that Obama and Clinton are both Saudi agents - a fact that would also shed light on Huma Abedin's long relationship with Clinton.

Chance903 ago

Geeze people noone sane will believe this IF YOU DO NOT CITE CREDIBLE SOURCES, if you make an alliagation please back it up.

Baluga ago

In the interest of getting facts right, the $1.5Billion in Dubai is 100% a made up story on a par with the most ridiculous alien stories. It came from one of those websites that produces sensational fables for the clickbait, they cited unnamed Russian ministries as the source, and namedropped a whole bunch of nonsense.

Lobotomy ago

What's that all about then?

Baluga ago

Simply this: Clinton did not have $1.5B and did not transfer $1.5B to Qatar. The story is made up.

Lobotomy ago

Ah, ok.

MeatballPizza ago

Remember TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars flowed into Clinton Foundation from Saudi Arabia. Saudis also owned the Bush family. Saudis also lobbied in D.C. and hired the Podesta Group.

Two of the witnesses to the events yesterday at Comet -- an Arab immigration attorney specializing in moving 'goods and people' and some Arab journalist who happened to be in the area. Saudi connection?

fvckh1m_up ago

what are people complaining about influence from russia from .. smh

MeatballPizza ago

Hillary blamed Russia for Wikileaks, fake news, you name it. All Putin's fault because he and Trump are big buddies, despite the fact they've never met.

fvckh1m_up ago

Nothing to complain if you ask me.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

Alex Jones sounded awfully cucked today (Monday)

MeatballPizza ago

Didn't he? Maybe they told him he could be sued because of the gunman. He did a 180 on the entire topic.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

I bet they threatened him with a libel suit.

MeatballPizza ago

Jimmy Comet is a public figure. But, yes, lawsuits cost lots of money.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

I think the way it works is like this:

Pizza Gate is #fakenews so if you accuse someone of being involved you have to be wrong because its fake! No one is allowed to consider the possibility that it is true. I'm not a lawyer but I think if Alefantis can claim damages from this "fake" allegation then he can sue for libel. I don't think it matters that he is a public figure. The only thing that matters is that the allegation is untrue.

That's why they are so hell-bent on this fake news narrative. It is the linchpin of their plan.

MeatballPizza ago

"Conspiracy theory" was the previous way they tried to dismiss any counter narrative (the truth). CIA invented the phrase to attack those trying to report the truth.

"Fake News" is the new b.s. phrase. It was likely poll tested and focused group (like the media/CAIR created 'Islamophobia').

Fake news. This is meant to justify censorship (Non news is non speech, Orwellian style) and to tell the sheeple they need to rely on the MSM.

srayzie ago

I thought so too!

VieBleu ago

once and for all what does cucked mean - cuckolded? cocked? f***d?

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

Its just a catch-all insult for pansy-assed liberal men.

srayzie ago

I don't really under stand the cuck thing either. I would like to know too!

VieBleu ago

basically short for cuckold, a weak man.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

We are living in the age of deception, brother.

JimBuckJew ago

That lawyer was an odd basketcase. I've been trying to look him up, I know a lot of lawyers just like him. His story is hilariously bad. You expect me to believe he just so happened to be out on a Sunday night eating at that restaurant, then blames Alex Jones of all people on the incedent, when Alex Jones HARDLY had anything to do with the investigation. There are hundreds more videos with more views than infowars with all of this.

za-throwaway ago

This is definitely an angle that needs heavy research. This, the hawaii thing, and Monica Peterson thing, and I would also say the Giustra/Carlos Slim/Bill Clinton angle and that seems to be a very questionable arrangement.

MichelleK ago

Yes I researched this today. THey are always together

RecycledUser ago

If you have the chance to look at the James Corsi book, Partners in Crime, it is full of Clinton/Giustra links (corporations) they founded. Edit: Also, since Corsi got a lot of his facts from Charles Ortel's investigating of the CF, a lot of this info might be on his site, Or possibly in the Peter Schweitzer book and YT video, 'Clinton Cash'.

chelseasPizza ago

If the American People found out that for 20+ years the Clinton Foundation has been supplying Sex-Slaves, Child Snufff Videos, and Satanic Child Abuse events on behalf of Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and Arab Emigrates. All HELL would break loose upon WASH-DC.

This is worse than Aliens, A story like this MUST be silenced at all costs. This is why MILO was told to shut-up, and why Bigg's has quit INFOWARS, and why the cops did the false-flag yesterday.

All stops are now being pulled to shutdown PizzaGate ASAP. The entire world would quit using the US-DOLLAR if the world found out that it was just a front for child-rape-murder. People in South America to ASIA would burn US-DOLLARS and US-FLAGS.

The US-GOV is not left-right, or demonCrat or rePUGican, its DEEP-STATE money power elite, who have been child fucking since Albert Pike. So long as white elite were fucking the children of the poor it was all good, but now we have Arab's fucking the white children of the elite, the system can no longer excuse itself or find higher moral ground.

contrarianism ago

No a meltdown would not happen. People are too jaded by now.

KanyeMKULTRA ago

Someone needs to start making pdf flyers that we can print and spread. WAKE THEM ALL UP!

LA_Trump ago


sheer-con ago

Careful with the anti-{insert group here} talk.

christa ago

Even The Young Turks did a hit piece decrying it, which I won't link to because it's fucking garbage.

VieBleu ago

Wow. If TYT found it, it must be very very obvious.

srayzie ago

I didn't know Biggs quit Infowars! When you say Milo was told to be quiet, do you mean when Twitter kicked him off? Or is there more now?

Chance903 ago

Before we get excited , we must make sure these are facts ,cited with reliable sources.

amCassandraAMA ago

keep a cool head, as hard as it seems

Chance903 ago

I don't have issues keeping a cool head but for sure some others could use some ice.

JimBuckJew ago

Joe Biggs didn't quit, according to his Twitter. Where did you get that info?

RecycledUser ago

It came up on quite a few searches I did too, saying he quit.

kekistocrat ago

If Biggs really did quit, that makes me think of Aaron and Melissa Dykes and nary a word spoken about (((Israel))). In other words, a gentle ploy to diversify their brand, so to speak.

SpezKanSukMyDik ago

I don't care. I believe in the truth.

soitxx ago

already love this community.


I basically agree with this interpretation but I think it's Israel that is covertly trying to undermine Saudi influence in America. I think Tel Aviv now realises Saudi influence has gone so far in Washington as to be a threat to theirs.

RecycledUser ago

I agree with you. I think they probably don't care a bit that the public knows, they think they have control over us. But for Israel to find out the Saudi influence???? That's huge.

anon123 ago

If the FBI thought silencing this story was the best course of action, we would not be getting cryptic bits of info from them. Actually, they probably would've opened an investigation to satisfy the public just to announce a month later or whatever that they couldn't find anything.

standalone ago

The FBI knows its shit. It won't make a move so long as Killary is in control as the investigation would be shutdown in a blink. Atmosphere will be much less deadly once Trump is in office.


Fbi is investigating itself and the government can't indict itself. Here's where We come in