Sheilaaliens ago

Anyone interested in said rabbit hole video, that was my live stream which you can see here. Shows how I got to his account in the rabbit hole. Disturbing monster that one is. I cant believe they let people like this roam free in society.

thatglimmer ago

Has this all been archived?

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago


I just spent some time going through all 5 pages of this Flickr and from what I can tell some of these pics maybe he got them off of another website because they look very high quality and others look like his smartphone. They could also very well be a hidden camera or one of those cameras hidden in eyeglasses because a bunch of these pics look like they're of people mainly women and girls in normal real world settings like the mall or a grocery store or something. What also has me concerned aside from the pics of the young girls in seemingly normal photos is the Scientology books pic and the series of pics that to me looked like static but may very well be some sort of steganography that's hiding something else.

If you know how to safely uncover the hidden images in a steganography file then please do so and tell us what you find.

ThorTheWonderful ago

So you had seen actual CP in those pics on that flicker account?

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

I can't he blocked me on twitter. I posted his twitter acct on this thread I just can't find it at the moment.


not the first time I have seen East Side Pizza in Austin mentioned


how the fuck does a random toothless sex offender dude from Maine get access to Bohemian Grove?? makes ya wonder who else he knows

ThorTheWonderful ago

So a recap after further looking.. 1 photo shows trussed rafters for the roof, next a room with light joists I think a mezzanine, but I said it is on a stud wall, a closer look and I realize the stud wall is footed on a concrete wall. I think this is the lower room they are talking about. and 3, the heavy joists typical of old commercial construction for stores and other operations. A loaded store shelf can weigh tons and the floor has to be able to hold that plus a fork lift if need be. So HUGE 4x16 joists on 16 in centers.. You wouldn't use that much if you lived in Alaska and expected a 40 foot snow load, that is not the roof in a DC building, thats the floor for the main level.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Ya if you see the one with the light joists, and the access hole above, that would be a storage mezzanine or something. and the wall in the back ground rising up to that mezzanine is a stud wall. But the photos where the heavy joists are, I can fin no stud walls, only concrete and brick. Some of the concrete is un-finished and you can still see the dimples from the form retainers.

xmen ago

who does take pictures of little girls in his living room ? who does take dozens of pictures of a random cute girl into public places ? Or just their butts or hair ?

This guy is clearly a freak...

did someone access to his "adult" pictures ?

He is also a scientologist enthusiastic ...

Warnos44 ago

That woman looks like she's about to smash his fucking face in. Omg if my husband saw someone doing that he wouldn't be alive.

ThorTheWonderful ago

We need that information even if it makes your stomach turn. You should take screen shots and just censor the faces and lude parts. Or maybe somebody else here can do that.

The reason I say censor their faces is for the legal ramifications. But the originals should be backed up some how as evidence. Should they apply!

We_The_People ago

And he is holding books by Ron L Hubbard, The founder of Scientology.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Because the buildings are stepped side by side, it is likely a room to the lower side would step down and a mezzanine could be above it, but it likely be built with light rafter more typical of a modern reno using 2x8's, 2x10's or 2x12's. The heavy rafters are the ones I believe indicate a basement.

We_The_People ago

Oh wow. He has a Diploma. Imagine my surprise.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Ya I assume those are deleted. If you keep looking at the photos, you'll see concrete walls as well and those floor joists are very typical of the age and main floor structure of such buildings.

MRAinTX ago

Notice all of the stalking pics on women--in several you can see them looking at him with agitated glance

Also do you recognize this guy looks like he might be a trafficker. He takes pics in different countries and it even shows him in a car traveling on the move, yet his home is trash and he has no money. How is this guy paying to fly all over the world. This is something --Wow!

Headstart ago

He is a real creeper! He definitely is stalking young girls!

ThorTheWonderful ago

We need to create an index so we can find all these things.

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

Mr. Potato Head has to mean something.

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

That comment made me hate the internet a little bit more...yuck

OccamsTaser ago

Looking at people who like the same photos as that account..they are all pedophiles. Loads of pictures of little kids. One page dedicated to naked babies. Where did you find this guy and what is the relation?

very_concerned ago

I was on youtube this morning and there was a youtuber talking about this page on a live stream. I don't remember the name of the youtuber but the credit for the find is hers. Rabbit Hole was in the title. I'm not related by any means!
I know that there are very disturbing pics and that there are also comet ping pong pics. I don't think this is a smoking gun for the whole case but there is something terrible about this and it is for some reason posted for everyone to see. I expected to see more about this as the day went on but it never happened. So I signed up and posted about it. That's as far as it goes for me.

OccamsTaser ago

Okay I get you. I am going to look more tonight, but indeed that is a serious rabbit hole.... some really disgusting, sick fucks on there. Maybe if the guy had posted pictures of Pizza Hut it would be different, but the link between comet ping pong and pedophiles/pedophilia cannot be ignored. If you remember the link to the youtube video please send it my way, it would be interesting to find out where they found this account.

FuckTheseSickos ago

You can see the bathroom stall in this photo and even hand railing.

devnulll ago

Why does this guy has infowars stickers all over his place. Something is not right here.

MAGABoomer ago

I know right? honey pot.

micha_ ago

Plausible. A real secret door would not have cut the top wooden panel in half.

Nana66 ago

FuckTheseSickos ago

That's the bathroom. It has been known you have to push on the wood beams to get in. In the video walk through he took the guy back there.

micha_ ago

Somehow I double posted this. Srry.

ThorTheWonderful ago

You might go through those flicker photos, I see many have been deleted already.. But maybe they still can lead to more on the paintings, I saw one with an alien playing pingpong naked and another with a boy playing pingpong while naked woman lay in the back ground and assorted other details I didn't pay too much concentration on as I was looking for the proof of a basement.

Chance903 ago

Yeah, There is something definitely wrong here....but I too do not want banned, but if I lived there you can bet your ass I would go to the Police and show them his profile...he is stalking.

MAGABoomer ago

Explicit pics of hair? Comet art? Creepy stalker pics of Asian women on the street? WTF is creepy about this?

MAGABoomer ago

It's a honeypot. Collecting IPs from here and maybe elsewhere.

Chance903 ago

I looked at nearly 3k of pics, this guy for sure stalks females, something is wrong but nothing OVERT.

We_The_People ago

MR POTATO HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just scroll down

Warnos44 ago

Maybe a pic of potato head is the pw for the hard drives.

drain-o ago


We_The_People ago

He has his state id posted in his account on page 76 of the casiocasiocasio account. I am not linking to it. This is one sick son of a bitch.

ThorTheWonderful ago

These photos give us absolute proof that Comet Ping Pong has a basement..

Here is the main floor, you can see the rafter above. Also if you look at the outside of the building you can clearly see there is no room for any upper level, not even a crawl space.

Now here is the basement where you can clearly see FLOOR JOISTS..

Somebody archive these photos before they take them down please.. These are proof of a basement!!

Edit: add one more

patriot357 ago

Yea, I thought the video of the red-masked, transexual female singer was clearly taken in a basement.

ThorTheWonderful ago

It would make more sense for noise control too. If you are having a private concert in the middle of the city in an old brick and wood building, you will be letting out a noise disturbance if you do it on the main level.


As a registered sex offender, his behavior (taking creep shots of kids in schools, public spaces and libraries) may be illegal. At the very least, local law enforcement needs to know about him so that he's on their radar.

His name is Robert I. Robinson:

Please start tweeting at the Augusta, Maine Police Department and the Augusta State Police (@augustamepolice and @MEStatePolice) with links to his the above Sex Offender Registry link as well as the Flickr link (

E-mail these links, including archived versions, and screenshots to the Commissioner's Office, Assistant Commissioner and Public Information Officer here:

If they get a lot of people contacting them, they will look into it.

Chance903 ago

If anyone lives in Maine do you lmow this library where this guy is stalking children?

RightThisWay ago

In a different post /u/Nana66 says they accidentally viewed one of the greyed-out images and it was "a penis with young girls hair wrapped around them and ejaculation on their hair"

On Page 2 of his flickr are some weird photos of him holding up/eating cheese pizza, then a bunch of photos of Comet Ping Pong, Right in the middle of these are some greyed-out images, can someone who knows how to do things safely please check out and ARCHIVE these images?...This could well be some of the more damning evidence we've seen so far!

When I archived the account the greyed-out images don't show up...


blacked out images on page 2 are not CP just bands playing in what looks like comet pingpong theres a logo on them: byt

Nana66 ago

These are not the grayed photos that come before the pizza pics but apparently these are private but can be seen if you make an account.


the blacked out pictures of page 1 are of a penis rubbing in hair.. they are from 2 other accounts

RightThisWay ago


Nana66 ago

I went back and took pics of my computer with my phone of a couple zoomed open by my Zoom app that usual opens pics on Facebook and Reddit for ex. without having to click. I never tried to click them so IDK if they would open but I have to say I might be assuming based on all other pics that they are young girls but one seems to be on a childs type bed. They have names in the corner of each pic and I looked one up. Gabriel Logan has an oriental womans head as the default but account is private.

RightThisWay ago

The rest of this guy's flickr is enough to know he's a total creep who's interested in young girls. The cheese pizza pics everywhere are suspicious, and the greyed-out photos right in the middle of all the Comet pics could very well be damning.

However as dedicated as I am to the pizzagate cause I am not going to register with flickr in order to look at images that I know could be something illegal, and I am definitely not going to store them on my computer.

Not sure what to do.

KaliPhobos ago

you guys might not have thought about this, but this is finally a convicted pedophile that will most likely go to jail for these photos. And also he clearly has a connection to Comet Ping Pong. If we relay this information to a couple of newspapers we might actually get them printing stuff like "first pedophiles connected to #PizaGate and #CometPingPong going to jail" or something like that.

I think this MIGHT become a really big story if we find the right words for it and the right guys to relay it to the press. I'm wishing you the best of luck. This might be our opportunity to shatter their "fake story" shield!! <3


Forget the press. They have their own narrative. Start reaching out to the Maine State Police. Now. See my other post on this thread. Even if its just e-mailing them or Tweeting at their twitter account. Believe me, if they see these pics, they will become alarmed. As a registered sex offender, there are all sorts of limits on his right to interact with kids. He's clearly stalking kids to creep shot them.

21yearsofdigging ago

Agreed. MSM will do nothing right now

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago Its Robert L. ROBINSON resides in augusta maine convicted gross sexual assault 3 times another flicker page with pics of abused cat whose foot cut in half

one of many youtube pages same hat and glasses in one vid he has a M.I. T shirt on

KittyTigerlily ago

These are some real sick suckers. I read something today on State of the Nation2012. You guys probably know about it. It's here:

Made me sick to my stomach.

KaliPhobos ago

true in this case that might already be enough. I was generally speaking of what would be best in such a case. But however we should present one or two of those clearly nsfw pics, too, as that might heavily influence the jailtime in such a case I believe. What we also mustnt forget is check the guys that subscribed his pedo shit and/or commented to those nsfw pictures as they are most likely his pedo friends and we should try to get the whole network down not just a couple of the key players in it. If possible create a list of comments / subscribers with screenshots for everything in case it gets deleted.

Any volunteers to report this shit to the authorities? I would but I'm not even from ur continent so that might be a bit of a problem ^^

And yess, I understand you wouldn want to save such stuff, same for me :/

smoothassilk ago

archive it all!

We_The_People ago

I think this is a hidden video camera that he is taking stills from. This account seems like his dumping account while he takes pictures from here and puts them on the other account. I need a drink.

LtSilverFox ago

Oh my.....

Nana66 ago

I have no idea how Flickr works but These could be favorited pics or something from other users. I noticed it say By so and so at the bottom of pics and I looked a name up, Gabriel Logan, and there's a user with an oriental womans head with her hair up in like a geisha style as a default and the rest is private.

moimoi ago

Absolutely fucking vomit, but from what I can tell (judged by his pics uploaded before then) his Comet Ping Pong obsession seems to have started after this all came to light and not before.

His other Flickr account with a ton of creepy pics:

His comments are disturbing af:

"Busted! But there ain't anything you can do about it old lady I'm certainly going to masturbate to your daughter's beautiful fucking ponytail and think about covering the top of her head with sperm and there's nothing you can do about it"

EDIT: I don't think you can see the comment on the link, here it is:


he has a pic of the sign being installed, way before the scandal broke

Chance903 ago This man is stalking school buses and Libaries . Geezus, anyone reconize the location?

KaliPhobos ago

the only "problem" is: we can get the public (sfw) pics and the comments like this, but the archive cant backup the restrictet content (the pedo pics). Not like they're worth saving (definitely not) but they're the only "real" proof we have that could bring this sicko in jail. Without them I dont think we have good chances of bringing him there :/

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Robert l. ROBINSON is this the same guy ??

looking4truth ago

Archive this please

Chance903 ago

when you scroll down one of the pics says sex oh fender...

Nana66 ago

Do you see the pic of him holding a manila envelope addressed to Robert Robertson in Maine from Rebekka USA? All I can think of is a gross video tape is inside.

AnonymousRider ago

Hair fetish. Little girls in tiny beds all lined up? Pedo dormitory downstairs at CPP?

apparatchik1488 ago

This is it, there needs to be an investigation. Even if comet ping pong isn't the site of a torture chamber, there is something really fishy and a open PEDO is going there and posting many pics about it.

madmanpg ago

Christ, it just hit me. What if this fucking piece of shit thinks he can get access to kiddy fucking by following pizzagate? Maybe find a way to get in touch with Alefantis? I honestly don't know how these people think so I'm open to any possibilities.

carlofusilier ago

I think you're right, and he is just some legit retard with no actual connections to this case. Why would politicians associate with the likes of this guy? You must need more in common with these people than JUST a preference for diddling kids.


what is most telling is that this is a pedo who has many pictures of Comet - including the sign being installed. why is he so fascinated with this place?

carlofusilier ago

Oh, good point. I thought the pics of comet were from after the news broke.

LargePepperoni ago

he could be a low level customer where they send the undesireable children.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

In one pic hes in a maine library is this the guy? I cant tell. Rob Robinson aka Rob casio Convicted sex offender

it says he is missing teeth and flickr has a selfie of toothless guy also says he has cats which are not taken care of has cat pics...also Rob casio posted he likes asian girls travels to korea and is a convicted pedo, flikr has street pics in what looks like korea

Nana66 ago

That was me I archived but the grayed out pic dont archive.

VieBleu ago

I make a new post about it. It isn't whether it is simple, it's that we don't want to have to tell different people the same thing over and over again. Having all skills in one place would be helpful.

VieBleu ago

Thank you. We need to have a "classroom" post where different skill sets are taught. We need shortcuts to archiving. I'm going to ask for this in a new post.

Warnos44 ago

Some idiot is commenting on his profile, start archiving/screen shotting

Warnos44 ago

If you look into mk ultra stuff one of the"programs" is making the subject believe aliens abducted them. Alice in wonderland, wizard of Oz, butterflies, bunnies, cats, etc are all representative of it.

Naalu ago

I cant open flckr

very_concerned ago

I don't know how to archive or do any of that stuff before this comes down. I don't know how to use this at all. I posted so it could be checked by those who do.

madmanpg ago

Ugh. Subhuman filth. At least he's been profiled.

Wanderlust16 ago

Oh my! what a creep

TomorrowTomorrow ago

Just some quick googling. Looks like he just takes creep shots all the time, has 2888 pages of shit, only on like page 8 wtf fuck this guy.

Shogun77 ago

Whoa. Has a pick of Terry McCauliffe (Hillary's bagman at Clinton Foundation, at one point was being investigated by FBI) at Comet Pizza!

Edit: were these pics taken before or after the scandal broke? I noticed that he has an "Infowars" sticker in one of the pics. So it would suggest the latter. Maybe he went in right after the rumors started and when the original artwork was still there. If these were taken before the scandal it would be significant since he is a convicted pedophile.

Either way the Terry McCauliffe pic is VERY revealing. The Comet crew can now be directly linked to the seedier side of the Clinton Foundation.

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

Here is his




We_The_People ago

Just looked at his youtube and confirmed he is that retarded.

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

For sure.

Rskr202 ago

That guy made a ranting video about pizzagate and there were Infowars stickers on his window. That must be a collection of "evidence" or something. I don't remember how I came across the video, probably on Twitter, but I remember his face.

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

This Video?

Wanderlust16 ago

In the same pic there's also Jimmy Reyes, who has worked with children...{}

AreWeSure ago

The door is hidden but not a secret. It leads to the bathrooms.

Stayvigilant ago

That's the toilet in the bathroom

TomorrowTomorrow ago

He is.

Also this.

Warnos44 ago

Christ on a cracker. Lifetime restraint huh. Shouldn't he be in jail now for having those pics?

Scotty_Doesnt_Kno ago

Does anyone know how we can forward his flikr acct to correct authorities?

fartyshorts ago

Lots of pics of young girls with long hair, pics of sperm in hair, pics of dicks in hair, etc.

He also "talks to a lot of girls online"

zeebo ago

I'm already noticing people posting comments on this 2 month old post. PEOPLE DO NOT POST ANYTHING, IT WILL JUST CAUSE THEM TO WITHDRAW ALL THE EVIDENCE, CONTROL YOUR FUCKING EMOTIONS. Save that energy for our search.

Investigate1999 ago

I agree.

I think that we need to call for radio silence. If we present new information, then we should blur out contact info.

FuckTheseSickos ago

Exactly, zeebo. Why the fuck are you idiots commenting? Spend the time to archive. YOU ARE DOING NO GOOD COMMENTING. Fuck!

Investigate1999 ago

I think that they are commenting to scare off their fellow perverts.