Nana66 ago

I saw them with my Chrome photoZoom extention. I just hover over pics and they pop up without clicking.

129fkrdoe00 ago

can confirm. there were images that were blacked out, but my chrome plugin Hover Zoom+ displayed the images when I hovered. Which means they were downloaded to my PC. And they were very questionable images. I cleared my cache right away. This is my statement being made publicly that those images were not knowingly clicked on.

Nana66 ago

Me too.

MAGABoomer ago

There are no creepy photos on that link. There are no grayed out photos. Suggest this is honeypot to collect IPs. Are tears rolling down your face? Fucktard.

Nana66 ago

I just checked and it's all still there, grayed out pics and everything else. Thanks for being an ass though.

MAGABoomer ago

Please link DIRECTLY to just ONE grayed out photo. TIA. That will do.

Nana66 ago

I haven't clicked any of them my computer pointer hovered over one and my photoZoom app popped it up. I don't plan to click any of those but other pics are of little girls with long hair posing seductively and random girls who don't know someone is taking pics of them. He has a hair fetish and likes little girls with long hair and also apparently recently became interested in comet ping pong pizza.

MAGABoomer ago

He's also got Info wars stuff so becoming recently interested in PG seems about right.

I did not see any true children...he clearly has a long hair and Asian girl fetish. Asian female children are really easy to spot as they literally look like little boys physically unless they have long hair. Very undeveloped. So if it's got boobs and some semblance of hips, it's either a teen or woman. If he was all up on children I don't think the library Asian gal would have held much attraction for him. There were some white girls doing hair...but those are all over the Internet and they also make videos. At least it's not a foot fetish.

KaliPhobos ago

I'd prefer ten idiots with serious feet fetish problems over one sick pedo that faps to little stranger girls he takes photos of. Also if you look at the photos below the greyed out ones you can ee it's definitely little girls, probably 10 or 11 years old.

VieBleu ago

Hmm I did see greyed out images and creep photos of a guy obviously following young teen and pre-teen women and some girls and photographing them. Still, may be a honeypot because posting and reposting seems suspicious. How likely to just happen on some guys photos from CPP but anyway it's been archived by someone in the first thread it was posted.

MAGABoomer ago

I literally saw nothing at all. Just some creepy kind of guy who surreptitiously takes photos of asian women on the street and likes long hair. The art is already well-known shit from Comet Pizza. If you saw a grayed out photo please link directly to it. I've gone through that twice and saw nothing.

VieBleu ago

There were a lot of squares of greyed out photos at that link. Other than that, I can't help either of you.

MAGABoomer ago

So you cannot link directly to the page where said photos exist? There was nothing in 5 pages of photos that was as described. I looked twice. Then figured the exaggerated reports here were go get people to click on a honeypot link so their IP could be tracked.

VieBleu ago

Maybe. From the material I saw the guy looked like a creeper. I don't need to link, the original link is the only link needed don't ask again. I don't think you can "see" past the greyouts, so I also suspect this poster.

MAGABoomer ago

If you keep saying something is there that isn't there, take a screen shot and prove it. Because people gonna be clicking away to "SEE". If it's a honeypot you already got nabbed so to prevent further nabbing just screenshot what you see.

By saying that you SEE this..(grayed out photos) you are in effect getting people to go there to look and see what you're talking about.

Yes, he's a creeper...but sneaking photos of fully clothed attractive Asian women and fapping to them is just that, creepy, but has zero to do with pizzagate and KP.

VieBleu ago

How do I put a screeenshot in a post? You may note that I am the one starting the "Skillz Classroom" thread for people who don't know automatically how to do various things. I don't see a "picture" upload button on the comment menu. BTw there are plenty of under age girls on that site, not women.

MAGABoomer ago

Asian girls always look underaged. Used to live in Asia.

Go to suspicious photo

Click prt sc sysrq button

open paint

click control paste

then crop out any personal identifying information (usually your browser bar)

save as, to desktop (easy to find)

go here

open windows explorer file enter photo name in search bar drag into

click upload

then copy link in address bar, and post here.

inspectordutch ago

someone please verify and back this shit up!

Antonius ago

I saw the pics...he obviously has a fetish for long hair and chineese girls too. Perhaps black hair also.

KaliPhobos ago

I know I risk getting a lot of negative votes for this but that's what I think:

I know that might be some REALLY unpleasant work, but you should check if it's DEFINITELY underage girls. if it is (so it would be concidered a crime) make sure to backp some screenshots with timestamps. (I cant see these pics myself as I have no account there). You of cause dont have to backup everything but if possible keep a photo of every girl (in case we find something out about kidnapped girls connected to that guy) as well as a definite proof it's pedo activity. (backup it so we have a valid reference to prove that guy's a pedo).

afterwards you should report the pictures so they get deleted and possibly even the accound banned.

if it's the same girls that are shown later, then it's definitely minor girls (they lok like 10 or 11 years).

Idk about the rules but watch out where to upload backups of such content...

If we dont backup such stuff to dig it up again later it'll all get deleted without any word about it and the pedos won't even get any kind of penalty for their doings :(

MAGABoomer ago

THere is NOTHING on that link, it's probably a honeypot to collect IPs from Voat...they keep posting it here as an OMG look but don't look...

Nana66 ago

I didn't see faces only backs of heads.

KaliPhobos ago

oh ok. I'm sorry but I have no account so I couldn't see the greyed out ones. but still the other photos which definitely show little girls should be enough tto get him into serious troubles again

jml1201 ago

This pisses me off!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will not open the picture but where did he find this flickr account?

de_trek ago

what the fuck...