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Pokes ago

How do users accumulate over 9k+ SCP's in 3months? Are they being paid to sit online all day?

V____Z ago

Really? That's your response to my providing you with proof that there are good reasons for questioning Webb? Questions that have nothing to do with the "timing" you suggest is suspect? Fuck the content of what i'm saying, just kneecap me with some vague accusation that i'm paid... to what? to tell the truth? I wish.

Pokes ago

Actually I didn't attack the content of your post because I don't disagree with it. There are some shady things about how George has handled himself, I don't doubt it after seeing your list. But at the same time it's all circumstantial, doesn't demonstrate necessarily anything underhanded. Another thing that bugs me about it is that he's being criticized for telling you who he is, whereas if he didn't, imo, there would be more cause to doubt the veracity of his claims. So he's jewish, and might have ties to israeli old guard intelligence.... I'm guessing that's how he was in a position to share what he has. And yes, I think anyone would be a fool not to take any "research" that has neither footnotes nor sources with a grain of salt. That said, I do feel like Webb has objectively furthered the investigation into pizzagate, podesta, the dnc, killary, etc..

But, all that aside, I am genuinely curious how you achieved that superhuman feat of 9k+ SCP pts in 3months.

V____Z ago

All right. I'll satisfy your curiosity. I work from home and have been researching stuff like the Hampstead case and the Franklin scandal for years. I am also a victim of a pedophile who liked to take pictures and ruined my chances of having a normal life (thus far, though I do hope for a full recovery at some point). It is no problem at all for me to post all day long here, and heretofore have not received complaints for this.

One of my biggest pet peeves besides pedophiles, are disinfo agents. So when I see the signs that pizzagate is being derailed by one, i suddenly have more passion for outing this fact, than for eating or doing anything else, including sleep.

It is those who have had their innocence taken away by some sick fuck, like i did beginning at 6 months old, who will most likely be the ones to relentlessly pursue justice and truth, and to go to the ends of the earth to STOP those who are harming our efforts. Fuck George Webb.

I also think you're being disingenuous with your summary of my post to you. I have no problem with him being Jewish, Jewish people are actually my favorite people. I was raped by a Christian man, but saved by a Jewish one.

The post I asked you to review shows around 10 fellow Voaters who have caught Webb in straight up egregious lies. He said he dropped info to wikileaks using thumb drives (or something like that) yet WL doesn't accept info in that format. He said he was viewing White House visitor logs that don't actually exist.

Under normal circumstances, even one of these examples would be enough to make his name mud around these parts, yet in this case those who bring these facts up are being denigrated. I don't know where your idea that i'm the bad guy and Webb is just an innocent Mossad agent is coming from, but i'm not super interested in hearing more from you until you actually read the material and respond to it, sans ad hominems.

Pokes ago

Oh and apparently they do accept drives. Please don't jump down my throat with nonsense.

Pokes ago

Wikileaks doesn't ofer PGP protection anymore, has arguably been compromised or co-opted, and in so I wouldn't rule out anyone not submitting via email necessarily being dishonest. Hey, I don't like a lot of what has been brought up about Webb recently either. I just notice that it is coincidentally following his endorsement by a relatively mainstream journalist. That worries me, as Webb has been espousing his line for months without many attacking his credibility so concertedly.

White house visitor logs don't actually exist? Tell that to everyone who has been claiming Alefantis visited the WH 5 times.

I don't believe I've used one ad hominem. I asked a question which I still feel is valid. You DO have an exceptional # of submissions, contribution points, etc... I am not saying you haven't earned them, I was just curious how you found the time to earn them all so quickly.

jangles ago

Wikileaks does take thumb drives, this is for sure. For someone who hates disinformation, you should be more cautious. Here is proof.

Submissions via our discreet postal network Submissions to our postal network offer the strongest form of anonymity and are good for bulk truth-telling. Steps:

First place your leak onto a floppy disk, CD, DVD or a USB Flash Drive. If you are using a floppy disks, please create two as they are often unreliable. If you only have paper documents, we will scan them if they are of significant political or media interest (if you are unsure whether this may be the case, please contact us first).

Post your information to one of our trusted truth facilitators listed below. You may post to whatever country you feel most suitable given the nature of the material and your postal service. If your country's mail system is unreliable, you may wish to send multiple copies, use DHL, FedEX or another postal courier service.

V____Z ago

Thanks for the advice, in the future I'll be more careful.