rwb2 ago

4truthUnited, I think I appreciate your effort to respond, but I'm afraid you are far too cryptic. I do not recognize anyone with the initials SHH, and google is no help especially since there are thousands of web pages containing those initials, which just happen to also represent Sandy Hook Hoax. I would appreciate a last name or some other tiny morsel to lead me down the right rabbit hole to find this shady character that you say Jones is or was aligned with.

Equally perplexing is your comment about arrests. As far as I know, no one was ever arrested in relation to Sandy Hook, save for this very recent story Sandy Hook arrest which I highly doubt is the one to which you are referring. Wikipedia is at times sketchy on some controversial things, but if there were arrests related to Sandy Hook, they'd still likely be there, yet a keyword search shows the words arrest, arrests, or arrested do not appear even once in the article. You imply multiple people were arrested and belong to some group, and hint that maybe Halbig was a part of this group, but I have not the foggiest notion of which people or which group, and no notion of how or where to begin looking for same.

The only tangible bits of information one can glean from the totality of our exchange is that your dislike for Jones started at the time of Sandy Hook, and that you think Halbig is naive, therefore, I can only infer you believe the official story as presented say in the Wikipedia article is essentially true, and that there was no coverup of any kind. We're sure not going to open up another dialogue about the validity of the Sandy Hook story as Jones and V____Z are enough to handle, so barring some clarification from you on SHH or that group of which some were arrested, I'm going to assume your dislike for Jones was kicked off by him calling it a hoax of some kind and leave it at that.

rwb2 ago

You didn't bring up his name, but Jones is the only reason V____Z and I remain at loggerheads. You implied something Jones said or did around the time of Sandy Hook changed your thinking about him, and I merely inquired as to what it was. I wanted to know if it was reasonable, or whether you had perhaps misheard or misinterpreted something he said. It happens all the time. Now you are saying there are yet other reasons you don't like Jones, and won't elaborate, but that is your prerogative. I have never produced a single post about Alex Jones at Voat that was not defensive and in direct response to savage attacks on him, so I don't need a lecture implying I'm at Voat to sway anyone.

rwb2 ago

After saying I didn't want to open another discussion, I might regret the following, but I'm compelled to say a few things in his defense.

At the end of the day, Infowars is a platform for delivering news, information, and commentary on same. Alex Jones cannot remotely be expected to solve any of the problems you are imagining. However, depending on one's definition, he has solved some things for some people. For example, he unequivocally says over and over again vaccines are savaging this generation with skyrocketing autism rates. His solution is stop vaccinating. He's been telling people for over two decades that there is a shadow government that already controls everything and yet still wants to exercise even more control over the daily lives of you and me, and he says this shadow government is now making their final move on a host of fronts, but that would be the same shadow government (run by satanic child sex torturers according to Jones) that is so powerful it sways entire nations and even history this way or that way. How can one Alex Jones remotely solve any part of this problem with nothing more than the Infowars platform?

Look, Jones does what Jones does best, and that is wake people out of their somnambulistic stupor. Jones has no power of law, no police force, and no real means of doing anything other than informing people of the dire situation on a bevy of fronts. If you think he hasn't solved anything, you at least have to ask, what would a definitive solution from Alex Jones regarding any specific problem actually look like? If you can't even describe it, I think that shows you are asking for the impossible. It seems no one's ever really happy with where Jones directs his attention, because he's everywhere at one point or another, which some people read as nowhere. I cannot think of one subject of importance to our world that Jones hasn't addressed time and again. If you can, please name it. His list of past guests is nothing less than astonishing. He has hosted many of the bravest and most independent thinkers of the last quarter century, in fact, thousands. Jones's reporting over the last 22 years is so broad and so deep, one cannot even paint a picture that can do it justice. If you're going to question the truth as exposited by Jones, by logical extension, you have to question the truth of all those people Jones holds in such high esteem he hosted them over and over again. Right now, Jones is highly focused on the current attempt of the deep state to bring down Trump, and yes, some other important subjects have been temporarily shelved, but I believe Jones's read on the situation today is that if Trump falls, the thousand other issues we need to worry about won't matter much.

And I am puzzled that you couldn't tell me precisely why your opinion of Jones changed at the time of Sandy Hook. I was really hoping for an honest answer. I would have liked the opportunity to perhaps give you a different viewpoint in the spirit of friendly discourse.

pby1000 ago

Interesting. You want to go straight for the jugular. I like it!

rwb2 ago

I don't particularly want to open another discussion, but I am very curious why you became a skeptic of Jones specifically during his Sandy Hook days. Jones was/is highly critical of the official story, and that's stating his position conservatively. Jones also had Wolfgang Halbig on the show, more than once if I recall correctly. Halbig is a former state trooper and school safety consultant who has catalogued a litany of anomalies surrounding Sandy Hook. He's arguably the foremost expert on the strangeness of Sandy Hook. He has also been persecuted for digging where people do not want him digging. Halbig is positive there was a coverup of some kind and has worked tirelessly to unravel the truth.

Can you be more specific as to precisely what Jones said or implied that made you become a bit of a skeptic at that time?

rwb2 ago

If there is a reason for the temper, directing it at people who had nothing whatsoever to do with instigating it (like me, or Alex Jones) is highly reasonable. It's unclear whether you are referring to Jones when you say shyster trying to make money off of a very personal matter, but assuming you are, Jones is not remotely trying to make money off same. And V____Z steadfastly refuses to acknowledge that Jones has devoted more time to telling the people of this world that it's run by satanic child sacrificing pedophiles than any other person living or dead. Jones gave a venue to many incredible voices for the children like Ted Gunderson and Nancy Schaefer over and over again when these people were pariah's to the MSM, and V____Z refuses to ask why. With regard to Jones making money in general, as in selling things, Good Lord, how do his critics expect him to pay for the operation? It takes substantial amounts of money to run Infowars, and because Jones does not receive a paycheck issued from Langley like V____Z imagines, he has to earn it, somehow. I cannot say it enough times, Jones has many faults, but protecting pedophiles is not and never will be one of them. His contempt for anyone who would would harm any child cannot be measured by man. @V____Z says he's a man of faith, so then he knows God will measure Jones's work when the time is right.

pby1000 ago

The US government determined that waterboarding is not torture, so there's that.

I think it was John Yoo that wrote the memo, so we should start with him.

karma101 ago

George Webb on Periscope meeting with Jerome Corsi. Working link.

karma101 ago

George Webb on Periscope, he's fine.

rwb2 ago

He may be a very nice person, but then he's a nice person with a huge blind spot. Nice people can make mistakes too. Perhaps you did not notice that I too communicated with him on friendly terms for a time. I deferred to him on DS, but not only did he not defer to me on the matter of Jones or temper his opinion in the slightest, he doubled down on his savaging of Jones even though DS himself is on record as having much regard for Jones, with the one obvious exception of not remotely agreeing with his retraction regarding JA. With regard to his generally high opinion of Alex Jones, V____Z said "David is naive" which was an outrageous and hypocritical thing to say.

pby1000 ago

Yes, the firing squad is out because it is considered an honorable way to be executed.

Criminals traditionally were hung or beheaded...

carmencita ago

Thank God for Angels in the Night like you 0:-)

carmencita ago

It seems that people are maybe trying to get away from the pizza/pedo gate part of it for a while? It can be really hard on the brain and the soul. Kind of a burned out feeling maybe. Some want more and some can only take so much. I am hoping that is what it is.

pby1000 ago

I see. I interpret it much differently. I believe there is evidence against them, and there is even more still to be uncovered.

Moving on, to me, means that they come forward and reveal all of their illegal activity and then beg for our forgiveness. This will not happen.

The other option involves a guillotine or the gallows.

carmencita ago

Yes, we used to have a lot more researching. Also more posts about clues TO BE researched as well. Now it is a lot of GW, Infowars,, etc. Also, posts about whether anything he says makes sense, etc. What would happen if we just ignored any posts about GW? . Maybe he will just die out then. We have had a few possible false leads on here lately. I am saying possible. There were a couple on 4chan people were wondering about, then GW, and the Keepers (being that Soros has controlling interest of Netflix) and possibly the group of students that are researching the Seth Rich case. Also we had some trying to taint the image of Seth and his family. I am itching to just getting back to researching.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Compromised Darknet pedophiles have inundated this sub attempting to discredit Webb.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. So now I'm a dark net pedophile? 🤔

seekingpeace ago

The elite are into "death pool betting" and snuff films so you may get your wish if he is disappeared.

DarkMath ago

Who's John Podesta selling the organs to?

V____Z ago

He is not in danger or being followed. He's a bullshit artist bullshitting.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

I'm certainly not a board certified psych, but I feel like he has been experiencing some mania in recent weeks. His thoughts are very flighty and he just keeps going deeper and deeper. Something feels very unhealthy about it. I feel he might be well intended, but needs to take a break.

seekingpeace ago

MK Ultra programming is glitching.

V____Z ago

David Seaman is unfairly denigrated in this sub. If you truly think Seaman is worse than Webb, you'll have to defend that. Webb has told a web of lies, actual lies, which i detail here

Can you name one lie David Seaman has said? One?

Can you tell me why a reporter/yoiutuber who lies is somehow better than one who asks for financial support?

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

David Seaman is a shyster and an opportunist.

V____Z ago

Again, you have to give specifics. This is the problem i've had with the anti-Seaman brigade, they're never able or willing to provide actual evidence of wrongdoing, or even stretching of truth, let alone disinfo. Why would you lie about someone?

Ziggystrife ago

I ain't happy until Podesta is getting slammed by Bubba for picking up soap for the rest of his days.

srayzie ago

🤣 I agree!

lynn1314 ago

I don't think Podesta is the issue here. It is MUCH bigger than him.

jbooba ago

Lol. He is warning them. You want a translation? "I DONT WANT JOHN PODESTA TO GO TO JAIL. I DONT WANT TO PUSH THIS INVESTIGATION TO THAT POINT." means he CAN AND WILL DO IT IF HE HAS TO. another translation is FU PODESTA.

pby1000 ago

It is similar to what Robert David Steele is saying. Give them the chance to come clean first and make amends. If they choose not to do it, then the hammer gets dropped. There are a lot of guilty people here, some going back decades.

seekingpeace ago

Just so you know:

"Current and former CIA officers and contractors who have signed the standard CIA secrecy agreement are required to submit to the PRB any and all materials they intend to share with the public that are intelligence related, such as materials that mention the CIA or intelligence activities, or that concern topics to which they had access to classified information while employed at or performing contractual work for CIA.

This submission requirement extends beyond the sub-set of topics they may have had immediate responsibility for on a day-to-day basis."

V____Z ago

Steel isn't a trusted source either. Intel agencies sending their guys to come influence online discussion.

DeathTooMasons ago

Geoge Webb has made many such absurd statements. He is doing his Robert David Steele impression. George Webb is a scumbag spook, but a friendly one.

George Webb, the friendly ghost, The friendliest ghost you know. Though grown-ups might Look at him with fright, The children all love him so.

He always says hello (Hello), and he's really glad to meetcha. Wherever he may go, He's kind to every living creature.

Grown-ups don't understand Why children love him the most. But kids all know That he loves them so, George Webb the friendly ghost.

Kids love hm so.

NotTooLate ago

Do you have a link to the DM's or did someone screen scrape them?

srayzie ago

Would changing that to a medium be better for you?

shachalnur ago

check out GW periscope channel @webb4bernie or his YT .

great fun,and very talkative today.

good things coming

V____Z ago

Do you all realize he literally claimed Seth Rich's parents are pedophiles involved through Offutt AFB in Omaha, in the Finders? And no one is suing him or calling him a dangerous conspiracy theorist of the alt right?


lynn1314 ago

He didn't say that.

Hopevoats ago

I haven't watched all of his videos and I don't pretend to understand all of the nuances of the deep state.

My hypothesis is that every aspect of this is as compartmentalized as we see in US intelligence agencies; with the strings being pulled by a very select few at the top.

All of these varying factors (including Conservatives vs. Liberals and Arabs vs. Israelis) are begrudgingly (or perhaps unwittingly) working towards the same cause. This can only happen if they are motivated by some religious extremism or major compromise. This means that George Webb could be heavily invested in feeding us detailed information about certain factions in order to keep us off the scent of the powers that he serves, directly. My suspicion would be that he serves Mossad.

My gut instincts are that most all of this is a grand production (an extension of the lie machine that is our day-to-day reality) and that we are cluelessly tripping along the path that they have cleared for us.

It sickens me to sound so defeatist; but I truly believe that nothing earthshattering will come of the George Webb production.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Well then what's his point? If he doesn't want him in jail, why go to the ends of the Earth to help do just that?

srayzie ago

I was thinking the same thing

numbtoyou ago

Behold i saw a pale horse whose rider is death, and everywhere he went, hell followed.

privatepizza ago

What the hell is this? I quote GW below talking about the alleged money laundering of organ business between Pakistan and the US. What the actual f**k ? Is GW saying that the old business of taking the organs of condemned prisoners is much better???

I'm not trying to destroy the old business, it's the new business I'm taking about..... and I don't think anyone will watch this... eyes kinda glaze over when you talk about this...., no I don't want to bring down the entire network.

It's the new business which is reall really nasty. We've gone from taking the organs of condemned prisoners to all of a sudden shooting 7 year olds in the head and shooting two in Chicago to get the size and weight right for cardiac implants, and that's.... like I said.... if we just go back to the old business it would be much better. Because these things could collapse the whole network. --- Timestamp from 6.00

seekingpeace ago

You know that Mossad are trying to take over the Pakistan drug routes, don't you?

privatepizza ago

I didn't, no. Do you have a source? A link?

seekingpeace ago

Strangely enough, Wayne Madsen has been reporting this for a long time. Wayne Madsen called GW out as a hack who was blaming Muslims.

Google Wayne Madsen on Pakistan and Mossad. He's been saying for a while now.

privatepizza ago

Thanks, I'll check it out.

privatepizza ago

@srayzie I'm tripping out too! I feel a strong urge to make a thread about this.... mind you I'm so behind after my router being hacked (just fixed God willing), I don't have time to post another thread and all that ensues. If anyone would like to, I'll support.


srayzie ago

I'll let someone else post that one. I've already been accused of working for David Brock and being a paid troll lol

privatepizza ago

Haha... I hear you! You know I read a great comment re Voat the other day which went something like, "Voat is a divine oasis of free speech, you just have to go through hell to belong"

I liked it... so true! Understand. I'm gonna get caught up on Internet things and then maybe I'll post.

V____Z ago

Let me know if you decide not to and i will..

privatepizza ago

Feel free V ! You can look like a Brock employee or a Russian agent ; ) /j

srayzie ago

Lol true! Ok, then you can look like an employee of Brock's haha

privatepizza ago

laughing.... and ha ha... I don't care lol, as they say, you walk through hell ; )

But this is freaking shady af

srayzie ago

After you post, I'll leave a comment saying you're a Russian agent instead. Lol ok I'm done haha

privatepizza ago

lol cheers!! I'll ping ya!

srayzie ago

Yay 🎉

srayzie ago

I know!

srayzie ago

I saw that earlier too and was tripping out!

YingYangMom ago

Makes you wonder, huh?

shachalnur ago


But look at the downvotes,

This is usually a sign you're seeing things right ,on this site.

If you don't attack George Webb,or G-d forbid defend him ,you get downvoted.

That says a lot,and makes George Webb only more credible and interesting,and outs the downvoters for what they are:

Gatekeepers for TPTB

Truthseeker3000 ago

Excellent post @srayzie I used to watch George Webbs videos but stopped after I heard him more than once say he wanted to stay away from the actual pizzagate investigation. Further, he's never banned or complains of videos being removed or twitter being suspended, nothing. When he talked about MS13 and the murder of Shannon Gilbert I questioned him on here on a clear contradiction, no response. It does not fit. A lot of his stuff is a wild goose chase with sporadic videos. It leads u everywhere u don't want to go. He claimed to go see Noreen Gosch, Johnny Gosch's mother but he never even had her on camera and she always does interviews and he talked about meeting her on his short 3 minute video and that was it. I strongly believe he's working for someone to put this out here, some truth some fiction, but no one has time to discifer all this ramblings. Anyone who says they don't want John Podesta to go to jail I have no use for, I'm done with anything more he's doing. He's too protected and if he's truly one of us why did he out his son in his videos saying he's a brilliant medical student who got hired at whatever hospital it was that he mentioned. Makes no sense. And finally, George Webb always announces where he is and where he's heading to next, so my biggest question is this, why has he never been followed or run into people threatening him in the places he shows up or at the houses he is investigating? This to me is an important fact, if it were us, they would be onto us following, threatening, gang stalking, whatever other tactics the CIA use on citizens investigating.

V____Z ago

He did actaully meet with Gosch, who posed for a picture with him at a diner. His tweet said that she recommended the Netflix do about her son, and that was all he got out of her. The photo was SO awkward, him beaming from ear to ear, her sitting there like a trophy, used to get him street cred, a weathered face from years of pain, not sun, barely able to smile.

He later deleted that and all his tweets up to about a month ago.

MysticMa ago

Spot on and my ? is WHO is FUNDING HIM or is he just FLUSH? He said something the other say about how the reward money should be divi'd up... Struck me as odd...

Amino69 ago

Spot on! My rule of thumb is, if they attract significant MSM attention of any kind, refuse to discuss or acknowledge the (((problem))) and demonstrate behaviour that is out of sync like we're witnessing here, they are not to be trusted. This is why I have written off Assange, Snowden, Dotcom, Chumpsky, Jones, Seaman, Dice, Molyneux etc etc etc...

DeathTooMasons ago

You get it.

srayzie ago

I was just thinking that because this morning he was asking if anyone wanted to volunteer to go with him. Then he aims the camera out the window and says "well there's my blue car". I guess to let whoever wanted to show up know that he's still there. He sure doesn't seem to be fearing for his life by exposing all of this. I didn't know he visited Johnny Gosch's mom. But, he says he's had interviews with people, but we don't know if it's true.

remedy4reality ago

no way... that faggot runs Washington DC and was the CIA handler for 3 Presidents... whoops !! TWO. Cause Hillary lost !!

Podesta >> Italian; A Chief Magistrate of region

V____Z ago

Podesta is HUGE. And if Alefantis is a Rothschild, we can see that this little club goes to the very top. This is why those who point fingers mercilessly at Podesta, like David Seaman, get smeared by major press; and those who point AWAY FROM Podesta, like George Webb, can do and say whatever they want and are ignored by Brock's smear campaign, indeed, they are exulted.

SoldierofLight ago


privatepizza ago

As far as I can see, GW doesn't provide evidence for his claims. He simply somehow knows and we're supposed to follow along to the next line of connections, again without evidence. He never says how he got to where he is. His diction is vague and imho, sounds shady and disingenuous.

If he does turn out to be a hero, I'll be happy to hold my hands up. For anyone to say 'I don't want Podesta to go to jail', when he supposedly hasnt yet unraveled the whole story, is to me, pretty damn shady. Let's see, however for every claim he makes, I think we have to ask ourselves, and GW, show us the evidence. Show us the sources. Let's us see how you arrived at these conclusions.

Amino69 ago

Georgie boy triggered my BS radar months back with his overly assured demeanour. I know he has experience in the intelligence field and is obviously an assertive individual but something felt wrong initially and now this has confirmed my suspicions. Who was he really before we encountered him through Pizzagate as this may be the clincher? Going from anonymity to globally renowned truther takes time and an impressive track record, e.g. his YouTube account is almost ten years old but his first video was only posted one year ago. If he's this good, surely he would have been squawking about issues before this?!

TPTB are the ultimate chameleons/Machiavelli's and mastered the charade of leading the opposition long ago. Webb is almost certainly a Deep State limited hangout and has had an effective impact on encumbering this investigation. Like I and others in this community have stated in the past, we cannot afford to place our hopes on individuals and MUST strive for collective objectivity, concentrating on and valuing the evidence and leads above all else.

equineluvr ago


Like a few others here, I've been saying it for MONTHS. I'm so happy to see this being discussed openly and others being awakened.

Some of us have been around this block multiple times so have a trained eye. You newbs have to learn the long, hard way.

miballz ago

He is right. Podesta should not go to jail. He should face a firing squat.

srayzie ago


SayWhatNOWAY ago

WTF! Why is anyone listening to Webb another freaking TwatWaffle traitor! Donna the Ox is a Evil lesbian ProPedo!

Don't want to push to the point that the Evil Vile Satanic Pedo MFing bunghole banging NAD sucking pencil penis Podesta Molesta doesn't go to prison?? Are you fucking kidding me!!!!!!!!!

I can not even text this shit out! I am so pissed! Time for all cock sucking HillPedo supporting ProPedos to shut the fuck up and stop wasting our time! Do NOT support this Webb MFing LOSER!

Pizzalawyer ago

Great commentary by everybody which only serves to keep me sitting on the fence about George. But I'll be remembering these excellent points made by everyone as this case continues to unfold. Regardless of George, John Podesta has served as both Enforcer and Cleaner for the Clintons for decades and unlike George I would like to see him spend his retirement behind bars.

quantokitty ago

Wait ... the person who is ALLEGEDLY a child molester shouldn't end up in jail? REALLY? And you can't understand why people are suspicious of this?

Fuck George Webb. He's dominated the forum with this BS. He probably is a disinfoist that gives out half-truths all to keep his ego buoyed and get people to follow him. I don't watch him, don't care to, and he's off my list of those to take seriously. I will not be giving anymore of his videos an upvoat, nor will I even open one up to read it.

remedy4reality ago

@DarkMath is his fucking twin / He was sent here for the same exact purpose.

He has been exposed and nothing he says should be listened to. Notice how that cunt sits by and waits for new posts to appear. If it's something important, he will jump on it and control the narrative of the submission. Listen to the condescending arrogance in his first comment. 'I know how these people think' ahahahaha what an ASSHOLE !!

V____Z ago

sits by and waits for new posts to appear. If it's something important, he will jump on it and control the narrative of the submission


remedy4reality ago

He will agree with the consensus viewpoint(s) but then subtly deflate excitement or interest, or steer it away from its rightful destination. He is professorial and condescending, like Obama. He always throws in the smiley face at the end, to disarm the really stupid or needy. He has at least 5 remora ( sucker fish ) that follow him around and praise his sage leadership. He tried to brush me aside attack and insult me when I said I knew his roll many months ago. Like I said: lets pound this jerk into the ground and expose him. lol

jstrotha0975 ago

Yes DarkMath is paid opposition. He spreads disinfo.

mooteensy ago

I've wondered for a while. Thanks for the confirmation!

quantokitty ago

I was thinking the same thing, but wasn't sure. I hate to call people when I'm not sure, but will trust your instincts.


DarkMath ago

Keep crying like a little bitch. Arguing with an Irishman is like wrestling a pig. You're both gonna get dirty but only one of you will enjoy it.


remedy4reality ago



DarkMath ago

How original. If you're going to try to insult someone at least make it funny. You get 0 style points.


V____Z ago

Sorry but this is neither original nor funny.

Keep crying like a little bitch. Arguing with an Irishman is like wrestling a pig. You're both gonna get dirty but only one of you will enjoy it.

DarkMath ago

You still think I'm a shill. I express a differing opinion and I'm a shill.

As I recall I did the same thing to you not long ago. I guess what goes around comes around. This must be my punishment.

It's all good. No hard feelings.

V____Z ago

Cute story bro. How's that Mossad money?

DarkMath ago

Holy fuck. Stop it. I'm not a shill. This is exactly like when I called you a shill. As I recall you said it's not working. I can't remember but it shut me right down.

Whatever you said to me replay it and apply it to yourself.


V____Z ago

OMG you're hilarious!

evademoney2 ago

He Probably Doesn't Want The investigation To end With Their Imprisonment Delaying Or Possibly Sidelining Other Potential Leads/Perps/Victims.

HollandDrive ago

Webb "be careful what you say, you'll give yourself away!"

bopper ago

Anybody remember when we were talking here about voodoo doughnuts, and then the next video of Webb's he incorporated ... wait for it ... voodoo doughnuts.

carmencita ago

YES! I have commented a few times that I remember twice at least when we were researching and comments were upvoated and got really hot with info, and the next day he was coming up with what we talked about. I am tired of him taking up space and time on this sub. and stealing our research. We spend too much time on him that we could use doing our own research. We are more intelligent and don't spend our time coming up with "attention drawing videos" that get us off track. We do real hard research when we keep our minds on the right track.

V____Z ago

I am not the only one to notice that he blatantly steals from this sub, he doesn't even wait a day. He also watched to see what voices we trust, and makes sure to get on their podcast and charm the hell out of them. Within a week he has taken over he entire group of voices I listen to and trust. He's now 'friends' with them and they're recommending everyone follow him, as if he's some god whose history is irrelevant. There's an air of fear and respect around him, and the chances that anyone will question him (like, hey man, why did you claim to give Wikileaks information in a manner they don't even accept?) seem absolutely nil.

Cywar ago

Who the hell is George Webb??

bopper ago

Sean Connery in disguise. If you're serious, he's a controversial figure here, says he's a spook on our side, does a bunch of boring but "somewhat," "sometimes," intriguing stuff. Youtube stuff.

DonKeyhote ago


remedy4reality ago

it happened

bopper ago

I have no idea where to find it, but there are others on here who can corroborate, I've talked to them about it.

Scout's honor it happened.

srayzie ago

Yeah and Alex Jones is supposed to have Corsi? I think that's who...he's supposed to drop something huge about Seth Rich's murder

V____Z ago


Please don't mention Alex Jones or anyone under his wing in a serious manner ;)

Commoner ago

Seriously, it doesn't matter what he is or what he says. We only need to watch the MSM to know what not to believe.

V____Z ago

It doesn't matter, and yet right now in the top five posts here, one of them (with 95 up votes) says something like "George Webb has revealed Seth Rich's murderer!!! [insert random Muslim name]"

remedy4reality ago

I slept about 2 hours last night with a deep sense of foreboding.

bopper ago

Yeah I'm feeling the same thing. I hope the economy doesn't tank. Banksters may pull the plug.

remedy4reality ago

Think about this: what if there is proof of say 100 or so members of the Committee of 300 torturing or raping children or holding Satanic rituals?

Could TRUMP seize the Federal Reserve and threaten war on any nation led by these criminals, unless they were arrested and charged ?

lol these are the thoughts that are giving me insomnia

bopper ago

Exactly. And there are only nine meals between peace and anarchy.

This is a boat that can't be rocked, it will tip over too easily. (Like the island of Guam :)

"He that rides a tiger cannot easily dismount." Unfortunately.

remedy4reality ago

This is a CULT OF KID FUCKERS and they are ALL going to hang!! What is wrong with some of you people? Are you just not up to speed on how massive this all is, is that it ?

Webb's loyalty is to Israel and Israel runs the United States through systematic blackmail. It's probably how 9/11 was pulled off. To think this stops with the the Awan Bros ( who Pakis will not extradite ) or a couple of MS13 thugs, is a disgusting affront to humanity. Webb is shepherd who's primary goal has always been to STOP THE INVESTIGATION FROM EXPOSING EVERYTHING.

These fuckers have 2 million Americans locked in jail, have been fighting bullshit wars for 15 years, they are forcing massive migration into our lands that is destroying our communities, they have run $20 Trillion in debt that THEY DON'T PAY. Oh.. and they FUCK KIDS. Let's not forget that

Don't let this moment in history pass us by, because it will never come again. They have horrible plans for all us.

EDIT : @DarkMath is a (((CONCERN TROLL))) and anything he says can be tossed right in the shitter. Just like Webb.

DeathTooMasons ago

And Webb does not want arrest.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

That's right! Never again will we be free if these fucks get back into the Oval Office!

DarkMath ago

"They are ALL going to hang."

I hear you but this thing involves THOUSANDS of people. This is bigger than the Nuremberg Trials by a long shot.

Those at the top need to pay but they engineered this thing to compartmentalize things and then used extortion for the rest. I'd guess many wouldn't have done this on their own. They got sucked in and held there with extortion.

I see maybe tens getting hung, hundreds in a long shot but definitely not thousands.

je-sui-pepe ago

I'm going to up vote you because cooler heads must prevail. although PODESTA and HILLARY for sure need to HANG!

remedy4reality ago

What if there is a massive network of gangs, numbering in the thousands, who sacrifice children or kill them for their organs? And all the elites who set that up and profit from it ?

Sorry DarkMath, I never have appreciated the way you attempt to suppress the investigation.

V____Z ago

I agree about Dark Math. This is not going to be easy to explain to your Maker, although it might be entertaining for you to manipulate the innocent here at v/ PG.

DarkMath ago

"who sacrifice child or kill them for their organs?"

I'm glad you brought this up. Poor people don't eat their own for the fun of it. This is so crucial you understand what's going on. These low level gangs are the hired help. Yes they're guilty as fuck but let me ask you this. How likely is it going to be that these thousands in gang networks are held accountable and not those at the top?

Come on, you see it coming. You know what could happen. You're stepping right in their trap. They want you to waste your time blaming low level perps when they were just doing it for the money.

The problem is people who were doing this for pleasure. That's a whole different breed of evil that people can't lose sight of.

remedy4reality ago

lol oh... DarkMath Save it, buddy. I've been on to you for months, I just like keeping things civil with you.

We have Satanists in the perimeter, silly. Kid fuckers fill our courts and LEO's and there is a conspiracy to destroy this nation of ours. Your description of the breadth of all this is severely lacking.

Btw, don't tell me what I am doing and don't tell me what I see without asking me first. That was a pretty sad straw man.

DarkMath ago

"DarkMath Save it, buddy. I've been on to you for months"

Bro I ain't a shill. I'm doing this for free. And I will tell you what the fuck you're doing. You're doing exactly what the people at the top WANT YOU TO DO you dumb ass.

Revenge is a dish that's best served cold. Unfortunately it looks like yo too dumb to understand that.


remedy4reality ago

the cunt blows his own cover

Nothing gets by me. Nothing.

DarkMath ago

"Nothing gets by me. Nothing."

Ummmm, I just got by you. It was really easy. I'm not a shill.

In fact I find it surprising you think John Podesta is as high as this thing goes. And that makes me suspicious of YOUR desire to want to head down hill and hunt low level perps.

Who would have the money to by a shill and send them here? The Low Level Perps or those at the tippy top.

remedy4reality ago


Ok folks.. everyone scroll up and see how @DarkMath has misrepresented my points THREE TIMES in a single post. I said this shit INVOLVES 9/11, you cunt. Now, how the fuck is Podesta involved in 9/11, you stupid piece of shit ?

You're a twat, and now... you're on my bad side.

Should have kept your fucking mouth shut.

DarkMath ago

Ahh you don't like being called a shill do you? Now you know how I feel about YOU.


remedy4reality ago


My rep is solid as rock, you fucking cunt.

Keep it up. I can go for years, shitbag.

Bolux ago

Time to put the handbags down, both of you do great investigative work, you're wasting a talent with this horseshit.

V____Z ago

You defend George Webb and befor that, Alex Jones, this is not a good track record. It pains me that we can't all just trust each other and get along, but you are defending the very entities sent to kill our investigative spirit.

DarkMath ago

"defending the very entities sent to kill our investigative spirit."

George Webb is killing your investigative spirit? No offense V but you must not have a strong "investigative spirit".

I highly suspect George Webb has "sponsorship" from the good guys in the IC whoever or wherever they are. If I had to guess I'd say Mossad. The point is George Webb is handing out freebies. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Is George Webb steering clear of the steaming pile of dog shit on the side walk? Hell yes. Does that do anything to hide or hinder knowledge of that steaming pile of dog shit? Hell no.


V____Z ago

So you think Mossad are the good guys. That would explain why you don't see Webb's being a Zionist problematic.

Do you have a problem with the fact that he claims to have given information to Wikileaks, but in a manner that they don't even allow? What about his claim to have have seen White House visitor logs that don't actually exist? Something good guys do?

DarkMath ago

"Mossad are the good guys"

Mossad plays both side of the table. All these people do.

V____Z ago

Well you're the first person to claim Mossad and Zionists can be defended. But you also defend Alex Jones and George the salesman Sweigart, so I guess it follows. What doesn't make sense is why your comments get so many up votes. I don't see the people who supposedly agree with your bullshit actually supporting you with words, in the comments section. Very strange.

Anyway, you've outed yourself now. If people still upvote you its because they're paid or stupid.

remedy4reality ago

told you !! it's OVER for @DarkMath


DarkMath ago

Is your ex-wife still a pilot?

Don't worry scro, there're plenty a tards out there leading really kick ass lives.

remedy4reality ago

you're done on this sub, faggot

DarkMath ago

What are you some sort of online bully where you tell people whether they can talk or not?

I'm done on this sub? Says who? You? You're some cranky ass-hole who can't tolerate someone with a difference of opinion.

That's pathetic beyond words.

remedy4reality ago

you're a cunt concern troll that has been outed

I'm gaining allies right now, cunt. :-D

DarkMath ago

Meanwhile on the Interwebs George Webb just solved the Seth Murder case:

And let's bring this into focus. You're mad at me because I echo many of the same arguments that George Webb makes. Specifically GW has said many times if you don't remove the root of the problem it will come back. He uses the analogy of a McDonald's franchise. It doesn't matter if you arrest the cashier and a few of the cooks, the owners will just hire new ones.

That is the whole point of my first comment here. That's from GW. We need to search UPHILL not downhill where you want to spin your wheels researching thousands of hired MS-13 members and a bunch of Nigerian hired help.

There's only so many hours in the day and we have limited resources. Going downhill is a waste of time. Uphill is where the justice is found.

remedy4reality ago

@DarkMath is a (((CONCERN TROLL)))

Read the definitions carefully and look at his posting history on this particular submission.

He is a CANCER on this entire sub that needs to be eradicated, STAT!!

DarkMath ago

Knock yourself out. I'm not going anywhere and it pisses me off that you think you have the right or authority to "eradicate" me.

You're acting like a 6th grade bully on the playground. It's pathetic. I'm pretty sure if someone's going to get kicked of this sub it's you for being such a crank.

People have a right to their own opinions you fascist shit bird.


remedy4reality ago

cunt.. you don't have opinions, you piece of shit..


DarkMath ago

Dude you're wasting your time on me. I'm not a shill. If you keep this shit up I'm going to the mods and see what they say. You're going way over board here. You're being a bully and a whiny little bitch.

remedy4reality ago

shut up you stupid cunt and go suck Millennial Falcons pussy, you faggot.

Both you fucks are shitbags.

DarkMath ago

You think I'm absolving John Podesta. I'M NOT.

John Podesta will go to jail. The choice is John Podesta either hangs or goes to jail. If he hangs you get nothing. If he goes to jail you get him to give up his pay master.

Hopefully that helps you understand my position but sadly I don't think it will. You just want to be an ass hole to me at this point and you've stopped being rational.

remedy4reality ago

Look at the shitbag @DarkMath who claims to know about Webb and Mossad and yet he pretends he has no fucking idea the damage a limited hangout can do to an investigation of this magnitude.

You're a stupid lying cunt DarkMath. I will run you off this sub, you faggot.

DarkMath ago

"he has no fucking idea the damage a limited hangout"

That's hysterical. I gotta hear this. Please tell me how George Webb is damaging this investigation.

remedy4reality ago

cunt plays passive aggressive and diverts from his stinky cunt posts

DarkMath ago

Asking you to explain how GW is damaging this investigation is being aggressive?

A question isn't aggressive. You can take it or leave it. You're obviously leaving it. Why is that? Why can't you answer the question?

remedy4reality ago

cunts like you get nothing, you fucking pile of garbage.

You fucked up. I will haunt you on this sub.

DarkMath ago

You can't answer the question because GW isn't harming anything. GW is a freebie.

And bee tee dubs you losing your cool should help you understand you've got nothing. I'M NOT A SHILL.

If you want to cry like a little bitch that's great. Knock yourself out.


remedy4reality ago



DarkMath ago

Arguing with an Irishman is like wrestling a pig. You're both gonna get dirty but only one of you will enjoy it.


remedy4reality ago

smelly cunt


DarkMath ago

You're a crying little bitch with PMS.

remedy4reality ago

you're fucked on this sub


DarkMath ago


You're an idiot. This me having a conversation with you.


remedy4reality ago



DarkMath ago

Good one. You're not even funny.

remedy4reality ago

Oh, the arrogance. Usually controlled, he really blew a gasket, didn't he ? lol

HollandDrive ago

Webb plainly says "I'm a democrat." Thus propagating the divide and conquer myth of choice in elections.

DeathTooMasons ago


Psychanaut ago

Agree with you 100%

Blackkcalb ago

It would be easy to think that you are paid or have an interest in interrupting Webb's investigation from the truth. They best point you make is that he is never banned, and none of his videos get taken down. Someone should ask him about that.. The Democrats and the Republicans are forced to do things, but they are the ones who got themselves in that position. In those positions of authority you are held to a hard standard, so being a coward and violating your oath is no excuse. They get spoiled and would do anything to hang on to power, they are being blackmailed. My problem with Webb right now is the guy he is hanging out with in his vids, he has changed. He is proclaiming he knows who the murderer is, and I think he is pointing away from the real murderers. He is leading people to a different narrative. Here's what people don't grasp about human nature. Talented, honorable, people with integrity start on a project and are 100% true blue. They are revealing serious stuff, someone approaches them and says, "your a smart guy, we like your work, but if we could just make a few suggestions about where this should lead" O, by the way, next time you check your account, don't be surprised when you see 45 million USD real dollars. All one has to do, is put yourself in their shoes. A lot of people would say, 'o no, i would never sell out' lol, would you sell out if they could make it look like you did not sell out.

V____Z ago

Nail on head. Though I think since he has worked operations in the past for Intel, this one did not begin innocently. Do you have any sign that ever actually cared about Eric Braverman?

srayzie ago

So...according to your comment, it seems to me that you're saying that George Webb could be a sell out. Isn't that what I'm getting at? Walking in his shoes and how others would act if they were made offers is neither here nor there. My point is that people should be aware that he could be feeding us some truth as well as disinformation and we need to remember that and use our filters and not trust everything this man is saying. Oh and it's funny that you think that I could be paid to discredit George Webb for a living. I have a life and am here daily because I care about children. I could say the same thing about you because you defend him.

DeathTooMasons ago

He is not as sellout. He is a spook. Spooks do evvil for the bankers and their secret societies. George is one of them. There are no good spooks. George is one of them and he is doing his job.

Blackkcalb ago

I said it would be easy to think that, not that I did think that. None the less, I appreciate your further elaboration. George Webb could be a lot of things, sell out, good guy, I dunno, I don't really watch him much because his voice makes me super drowsy, I get so sleepy I can barely hold my head up, I am not joking.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I didn't watch him much either until he recently started researching Seth Rich's murder.

Blackkcalb ago

scuse my improper punctuation's and grammar. I give OP a voat up, good points

allconnected ago

I am starting to think GW might have a few screws lose. He just says things with no evidence. Then days later sqys the exact opposite withno evidence. His videos today cover info posted here days ago by a well known disinfo/hoaxer.

cantsleepawink ago

It's Project Smoke and Mirrors.

Jobew1 ago

man i always got a weird vibe of george webb (not the late, great, other whistleblower Gary Webb) and pretty much ignore him (tho I check out some articles here on his work to see if i'm wrong)

rwb2 ago

Thank you for finally doing what many others refused to do. I've watched part of the video. Here is my early assessment. Admittedly, it will be very difficult to articulate my point in brief.

The description of the video is: Podesta Runs the Enforcement Network for Hillary Since Foster, FU Network Is Total Revenge, Even When Not an Enemy, SEIU Janitors Know How to Put a White Coat On For a Three Minute Pillow Snuff. At 6:20 Webb essentially says that Podesta runs the child trafficking and organ harvesting FU network. The idea that George Webb believes these are not punishable crimes is preposterous. Yes, he said exactly he doesn't want to see John Podesta go to jail, but this is a turn of a phrase. It's no different than when one of these demons looks at their victim and says I don't want to hurt you. If Podesta ever looked at one of his victims and said I don't want to hurt you, would that statement be true? Of course not.

Webb does not mean it. Webb spends an inordinate amount of time shining a 10 000 watt spotlight on demonic Clinton/Podesta crimes and any of you really take those few words literally? He says he ran into Andrew McCabe earlier in the day. Can none of you analyze how that might factor into his comments since he knows they would be following everything he says and does?

Human expression can be very complex at times. He's speaking extemporaneously, and the statement that he does not want Podesta to go to jail should not remotely be taken literally, especially when he spends 99.67% of the other time outlining Podesta's crimes, which are punishable by death in 31 states. You know that, I know that, and he knows that. Psychologically, it was an involuntary defensive statement under the obvious heat of the FBI and many others.

lisaolivia1 ago

Interesting percentage estimate of the accuracy of GW's information. Reminds me of rat poison.

srayzie ago

First of all, you are welcome. You seem very defensive of George Webb for some reason. You wanted me to find the video where he says that. But, now that you seen it, you say to not take these words literally. It doesn't matter if he thinks McCabe is watching. He could have said nothing, but chose to instead say something that really says a lot to me and shapes how I view him. If you want to continue to defend him that is fine. I'm sure you have your reasons.

V____Z ago

S, just some background. This rwb character came here just after Alex Jones declared Comet pizza innocent and that pizzagate was bullshit. I was staring to warn people about Jones' many close ties to the CIA, and was attacked relentlessly by rwb, who actually became the first and only person on the Internet to claim he'd like to meet me in person, to teach me a lesson about how wrong I am concerning Alex Jones (later saying he was just so angry he couldn't help making the threat). This is probably a paid troll, and he's got a screw loose though his use of the English language is stellar. Just a warning to you.

srayzie ago

Oh wow. Thank you for telling me

rwb2 ago

As Paul Harvey would say, and now for the rest of the Story.

S, just some background. This rwb character came here just after Alex Jones declared Comet pizza innocent and that pizzagate was bullshit. I was staring to warn people about Jones' many close ties to the CIA, and was attacked relentlessly by rwb, who actually became the first and only person on the Internet to claim he'd like to meet me in person, to teach me a lesson about how wrong I am concerning Alex Jones (later saying he was just so angry he couldn't help making the threat). This is probably a paid troll, and he's got a screw loose though his use of the English language is stellar. Just a warning to you.

As usual, V____Z manufactures facts to suit his purposes. I will now disassemble those facts one by one.

This rwb character came here just after Alex Jones declared Comet pizza innocent and that pizzagate was bullshit.

Voat only provides vague dates for old posts rounded out to the month, but sometimes google is our friend. Here’s proof that my first Voat post was on Feb 16 2017: The submission and the comment

Alex Jones made his on air retraction on Friday March 24 2017. See proof here: Media Matters on Jones retraction

In other words, V____Z claims I joined after the retraction perhaps as some kind of damage control, but the indisputable truth is I joined over five weeks before the time he claims. I would have to be inordinately prescient to join Voat five weeks before Jones's retraction in order to make V____Z's theory work. In addition, Jones never remotely backed off Podesta or Clinton. Edit: Upon further recollection, Jones started walking back on CPP prior to the on air retraction, but the fact remains he was all over CPP and Alefantis when the Podesta emails broke, and remained there for some time, that is until the players decided to put the boots to Jones to the exclusion of everyone else.

I was starting to warn people about Jones' many close ties to the CIA, and was attacked relentlessly by rwb,

Completely untrue. In fact, V____Z and I had a rather warm relationship for more than a month before I started to push back on his relentless attacks on Alex Jones, and if he denies it, I will publish our private correspondence. I reached out to V____Z by DM because I had been involved in a ferocious defense of David Seaman, and at some point noticed V____Z had also defended him. V____Z told me that he knew DS better than probably 99% of people at Voat because he had followed him on twitter for years before pizzagate broke. I asked him several questions about DS because of his much better knowledge of same, and I trusted V____Z for a time. I continued to defend DS as I had already done, but now armed with key information courtesy of V____Z. And even when I spotted the first critical comments about Jones from V____Z, I first reached out in private mail again, and very cordially defended Jones in a way that I thought would allow us to continue to contribute at Voat on mutually respectful terms. Then I discovered V____Z was on a mission to destroy Jones, and I was obligated to counter his program. Thus began the slow spiral downward. We have since had no less than eight run ins about Jones of one kind or another. One final comment in this regard. V____Z had already attacked Jones several times prior to our private conversation, but I was wholly unaware of this at the time.

who actually became the first and only person on the Internet to claim he'd like to meet me in person, to teach me a lesson about how wrong I am concerning Alex Jones (later saying he was just so angry he couldn't help making the threat).

This is perhaps true. V____Z ‘s relentless attacks on Jones and Infowars are at times so outrageous, he's actually moved me to subtly imply something like this, however, it should have been obvious that the practical chance of us ever meeting was infinitely small, so him taking me literally was hard to fathom.

This is probably a paid troll.

My efforts countering V____Z's program to destroy Jones does not remotely meet the standard of being a troll. And I’ll say it yet again, Jones couldn’t afford to pay me what I am worth. I defend Jones out of loyalty for his work shining light on the deep state/nwo/global elite and their crimes against humanity. Proof I'm not paid? As V____Z duly notes, my writing style is hard to mistake, and if I were actually on Jones’s payroll (thus technically the CIA’s payroll since V____Z thinks Jones is on their payroll) my work defending Jones would show up on other forums or internet venues. As it is, any sufficient google search using unique keywords I’ve used when defending Jones will indicate Voat is the only place where I have made such an effort.

he's got a screw loose

V____Z didn’t think I had a screw loose when we warmly discussed the outrageous attacks on David Seaman. V____Z has a thoroughly closed mind. When he told me he knew Seaman better than 99% of the people at Voat because he had followed him for such a long time, I took him at his word, yet V____Z will not remotely reciprocate even though I know Jones far better than he does, and have proven this with sheer logic time and again.

In spite of appearances, I don't despise V____Z. However, he is so misguided, I am constantly moved to respond in the strongest of terms. The preceding is perfect proof that he can and does get major facts wrong, and he's got virtually all the facts wrong not just about me, but about Alex Jones, a man who if given the opportunity would separate the sternum with his bare hands and tear the still beating heart out of anyone who would bring harm to a child. So would I. V____Z doesn't appreciate the fact that my life experience allows me to peer right into Jones's soul in a way he will never be able to. Jones has many faults, but suffering pedophiles is not and never will be one of them.

srayzie ago

Well I am an Alex Jones fan and have followed him for 10 years. Ive always defended him except the time that he kissed James Alefantis' ass. That pissed me off. But, I've been watching him today. I didn't mean for my post to get you guys upset at each other. I'm ok with people thinking what they want as long as they don't come at me with attitude. I hope you guys can work it out because I would assume you guys have a similarity too. That's these kids.

rwb2 ago

I'm defensive of anyone being misunderstood. I know less about him than many others posting here and have no compelling reason to defend him. I used to defend Robert David Steele, until I heard two baffling comments from him in less than a week. My opinion changed. I am not above changing opinion when necessary.

Webb could have said nothing, but speaking extemporaneously demands the listener grant certain latitude in interpretation, and if he had the foresight to anticipate the controversy those few off the cuff words would stir, he would not have said them, would he? The fact he did provides subtle information that goes right over the heads of many. Put another way, if Webb really was trying to keep Podesta out of jail, wouldn’t it be a lot easier to just not shine a 10 000 watt spotlight on his crimes instead of uttering a few words in an apparent attempt to convince the world to just leave him alone?

srayzie ago

Ok you're entitled to your opinion

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Thank you for providing the youtube video. Webb is either naïve or disinformation. Why wouldn't he want to see Podesta go to jail if he is involved in criminal activity. He is an apologist for Donna Brazille and others that may be involved.

V____Z ago

There isn't a naive bone in his body.

remedy4reality ago

it's a pretty fucking incredible statement, isn't it ?

Never trusted him.

justice4kidz ago

anyone who doesn't want to see John Podesta in jail has some serious issues of trust here, knowing what we know about pizzagate, and his connections. What we need to do is get Hillary Clinton, or Podesta, with the smoking gun and give partial immunity so they can out the 70% of the compromised politician gangsters in our government. They have so much dirt on everyone that granting partial immunity to a big fish will allow us to reel in the rest of the swamp.

srayzie ago

See I view it as we need to catch the little fish to turn on the big fish because these big fish, or should I say sharks, are like the ring leaders. THEY are the ones that need to be brought down.

Aloha808 ago

I have not missed an episode of Webb. It's like a really good audio book but he mixes in a lot of bullshit with his facts. He hardly ever produces evidence, he just says this guy is the killer with no proof or this hospital is organ harvesting with no evidence. He keeps saying he's doing this series to get McCabe off his back and then he is passing the torch. I'd like to hear what a couple psychiatrists have to say about him

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Mixing in bullshit with facts is the hallmark of a disinformation agent. All the "exclusives" I've seen from him so far on this forum have been bullshit. If there is even one non-bullshit Webb exclusive, I'd like to see it. If there isn't then HE is bullshit, malicious bullshit, a cancer on the Pizzagate investigation community.

jstrotha0975 ago

Everybody mixes disinfo with the facts. That's how you stay alive. Look at David Icke. He's spot on with everything and then he takes a big fat dump in the punch bowl by saying elites are shape shifting reptilians. He comes off as crazy so there's no need to kill him. Same with Alex Jones, like 25% of what he says is to make him sound crazy. Or maybe it's the actual truth that makes them sound crazy. It's how they are able to not get shut down or killed.

V____Z ago

I wouldn't agree that everybody does this, but indeed Webb and Alex Jones do.

V____Z ago

So well said. How can anyone defend a limited hangout disinfo agent (who has admitted to working pedo entrapment schemes for the fucking CIA) if they know the true definition, and purpose behind it?

seekingpeace ago

Has anyone checked the flight logs to see if GW has travelled on the Lolita Express?

DarkMath ago

I've learned to speak the language these people communicate with over the past 6 months. Let me translate:

George Webb is suggesting to John Podesta and Donna Brazile that they turn State's evidence and don't go down with the ship. Basically do the right thing.

And frankly given this cluster fuck is so massive and we know it's run on extortion I see a lot of people making deals in the next couple of months. And that's how all these giant Rico cases are finally brought down anyway albeit this one looks bigger than every Rico case in American History combined...oy vey. They go after the lower level people and then work upwards.

There'll be a lot of "come to Jesus" moments too for many of the people caught up in this because the higher the climb the hard they fall. Part of me is looking forward to the collapse but the other part of me is thinking I don't want to watch people start offing themselves because I've seen people do that it's fucking horrible, guilty or innocent, and it's hard to watch. No doubt some people will be falsely accused that's a real possibility too. This could get real ugly.

I feel so strongly about it I wrote a post about it here:

And I wrote one just this morning to help put this shit show in context historically as this thing is so massive it stretched all around the world:


pby1000 ago

It is the best way to roll up and criminal organization. There needs to be a Truth and Reconciliations Tribunal. They can come clean and tell the truth, and the whole truth, or they suffer the consequences. This includes former Presidents, too.

DarkMath ago

"They can come clean and tell the truth, and the whole truth... or they suffer the consequences."

I used to think that but almost every time I suggest that people call me a shill and then try to rip me a new ass-hole. The average Deplorable Shit Lord is out for blood I'm afraid.

I myself being a Deplorable Shit Lord understand where they're coming from because about 3 months ago I was out for blood too. But I got closer to God and regained my wits by praying several times a day and re-reading relevant passages from the Bible.

I highly doubt your average Deplorable Shit Lord will do that. People are out for blood. These crimes were too fucking foul to comprehend. This cluster fuck has vigilante justice written all over it. I'm glad I'm not in the 0.01%.

pby1000 ago

The reason I suggest it is because WE are all decent human beings. WE are kind and compassionate and forgiving.

Of course, THEY will never come clean because THEY are evil and will never take responsibility for their crimes against humanity.

If we give them the option to come clean, but end up condemning them to death, then we can sleep well at night knowing that we gave them a chance.

SuperJohnWayne ago

So, you turned out to be a shill after all, along with your "hero" George Webb. The Webb guy, I never trusted, but I wasn't sure about you. As srayzie said, Molesta Podesta is a big fish. If you don't want him to burn, you are a Sorus-funded faggot.

DarkMath ago

" If you don't want him to burn"

You're assuming a plea bargain means no jail time. Podesta will plea bargain to save his life and go to jail all so they can get to the people who hired him.

This is obvious and I'm not sure why you're having trouble with it.

SuperJohnWayne ago

No, it isn't obvious because the most substantial evidence involves Podesta emails, Alefantis pics, and the myriad of circumstantial evidence that surrounds the Clinton, Podesta, CPP sphere. Seeking dark matter or energy beyond this sphere is simple diversion, stalling, and gaslighting.

DarkMath ago

The Clintons, Podestas, most likely Alefantis and all the pedo stuff is coming down too. Don't worry. But you're trying to go after a cancerous tumor with a sledge hammer instead of a scalpel. That worked so good the last time when those 2 dudes show'd up in front of Comet Ping Pong and proceeded to have a hissy fit. I've got news for you. Hissy fits don't work. Cold, calm and collected is what works. Revenge is a dish that's best served cold. You'd suck in the Mafia. Actually that's a good idea. Go read The Godfather then come back here and apologize to me.

"Seeking dark matter or energy beyond this sphere is simple diversion"

You think this is limited to only the actors on stage at the moment? Dude, please, don't be a child. I'm sorry to insult you but you don't know how the world works.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Your comment is laughable. In no way is an unnecessary plea bargain from the US DOJ equivalent to false-flag Soros-sponsored emotional protesters outside of CPP. I have quite a good grasp of how the world works, thanks.

DarkMath ago

Hey, don't preach to the choir. I'd like to put these people through a meat grinder myself. I'd even pay to turn the crank.

Sorry if I implied anything different.

V____Z ago

You are either a disinfo agent or larping as one. I think the latter is more likely. It's an exercise for your intellect, i would bet. Because no one who wants to be taken seriously in a truth community trying to out a govt-connected pedo ring, would say something like "there are good guys in Mossad" and that Zionists are fine, that partial truths are fine, and you can trust Webb, who makes claims about the murderer of Seth Rich BASED ON SORCHA FAAL.

And one more thing, in general... I think George Webb's sudden rise to stardom is due (besides our community's extreme thirst for justice, and frustration by its absence) to a troll campaign, not organic commenters. The stories and coments are just too similar. HA Goodman says he received "thousands" of comments telling him he MUST go on George Webb's show. I look at Tim Black (who had Webb on due to his own commenters, and now calls him and his new sidekick "friends") who is doing a lie show right now, and i see this in the comment section - tell me if you don't see this very comment on almost every related video you see?

NotOfThisWorld567​we ALL need to get oeople watching George Webb's investigation into our gov't corruption

DarkMath ago

"there are good guys in Mossad"

Yes. There are good guys and gals within Mossad.

And they just helped find the killer of Seth Rich and thereby circumvent The Sloth of May from starting WWIII by getting NATO to invade Syria in retaliation for the Manchester Arena Bombing. And it wasn't just Mossad, it sounds like other intelligence agencies chipped in too including "Those Fucking Russians!(tm)".

I understand your point about all the sordid Pedophilia stuff getting put on the back burner. But I think you'd agree avoiding WWIII takes precedence right?

Did you listen to the Cicada audio about the Sloth of May and June 1st?

V____Z ago

First of all, you claim that the killer of Seth Rich is known? On what do you base this?

EyeOfHorus ago

I look forward to many CCTV uploads of these Pedo's "taking the easy way out" on LiveLeak. Much popcorn and beer.

SecondAmendment ago

@DarkMath, you really are cool. You're a good one. Thank you for all that you do, and thanks for linking to your other posts.

HolyMoly0 ago

Good points. Better to have them talking than killing themselves. Can't get the network sorted out if the known players can't be interrogated.

Plus, Webb doesn't decide shit about what's done in a court room. He's just talking.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Promise these fucks everything, then line them all up and let them fall face first into a mass grave!

11-11 ago

Thanks DarkMath. I am following your links and LOVE this article / and links.

THIS one is really good

How do you dig this stuff up?

You do great work. Do you have a paid newsletter or what? You really just write all this stuff and post to let people read for ** free ** hahaha you are amazing.

signed, your biggest fan

DarkMath ago

"How do you dig this stuff up?"

1) I'm divorced.

2) I don't drink anymore so I have lot's of extra time.

3) I have a deteriorated disk in my lower back and can't get around too well. The last time I attempted any strenuous activity I was laid up for a month no shit. That happened last Fall around the time this whole thing started. I consider just getting to the bathroom under my own power a victory for the day. I think God wanted me to do this because I'm pretty much limited to about 2 hours on my feet a day. Long story.


YingYangMom ago

Please watch this "Down to earth" video for your back pain:

This is a breakthrough discovery and it works.

11-11 ago

re bad lower back / no good. been there done that.
you can check this stuff out the collagen powder

it works for knees and people swear by it (per testimony's on the site) i found dr oshea's work via my vaccine research ( ) O'Shea wrote book called: sanctity of human blood. I read it, wrote to him and he signed me up for his newsletter

i heard about the powder while reading the newsletter. it takes a couple of months to work (i heard). it tastes like nothing (i heard from a user). you mix it with juice / anything that had vit c.

Going back to your research/writing skills, your high school english teacher deserves a reward (?). Anyway, I appreciate your work but by saying so, I got 2 down votes lol keep writing away :-)

jangles ago

Your contributions here are awesome. Thanks for being here, I don't have as much time and try where I can.

DonKeyhote ago


shachalnur ago

George Webb is a guy who knows what he is doing.

Podesta has already been dumped by Lynn de Rothschild publicly on twitter.

They want to make Podesta the scapegoat in case they can't keep their Satanic Pedo Control Grid in place.

George and other more intelligent peeps know this,Podesta will fall anyway,but it's not good to flatten him now,because the Elite will make sure the buck stops there,and/or Podesta will have an unfortunate accident.

Anybody here attacking George Webb is either not that smart,or is a shill for the Rothschild/Rockefeller Elites.

V_____Z, srayzie , DcDale and a whole bunch of others have a clear agenda: Giving you reasonable stories and arguments for 90% and in the end push you in the wrong direction.

These kind of posters are Brock Brigade 2.0,the more advanced usefull idiots,their last line of defense.

Don't waste your energy discussing with them ,they are experienced mindfuckers,catching anybody who's not Red-Pilled enough to get to the truth.

20Justice4All17 ago

Thanks for this explanation (to my previous posted question about GW'a endgame)...another question: Podesta is a hard concrete target...Rothschilds Peosatanist ring is darker and more nebulous. Are you able to articulate GW's endgame with them...I guess I'm talking process of bringing them down and what that might look like.

remedy4reality ago

lol fuck you

shachalnur ago

Intelligent answer,bro. Strong arguments

remedy4reality ago

zero sub points and you're calling people shills and two of them are people who deserve respect for their work here.

I repeat myself: fuck you

srayzie ago

Wow, that must have hit a nerve. How much does David Brock pay you? 🤔

shachalnur ago

Well anybody having a problem with somebody like GW knowing more than you will ever be able to understand is your problem ,not GW's ,mine or other peeps who have been down the rabbithole longer and deeper than you.

remedy4reality ago

gawd.. get the fuck out of here, faggot

bopper ago


QuoteUnquoteArt ago

"Anybody here attacking George Webb is either not that smart,or is a shill for the Rothschild/Rockefeller Elites."

I'm smart and I'm not a shill and I have yet to see one good reason to trust Webb and I've seen plenty of reasons not to trust him.

shachalnur ago

see my answer to blackkcalb

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Okay. I just did. It's a bunch of insubstantial bullshit with some antisemitic tripe thrown in. Go fuck yourself.

shachalnur ago

That's funny,I'm Jewish and an Israeli.

There are many Jews like me ,GW,A. Breitbart,Seth Rich,A.Swartz etc.

You just don't understand how that works.

i see my comments have been deleted by whomever,for the first time I've been posting here.

that tells me a lot,and should serve as proof for others that attacking GW is fine on Voat ,but defending him is prohibited.

use your brain.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Surrrrrrrrre you're Jewish. Surrrrre.

shachalnur ago

coginive dissonance is a bitch,tembel

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

You're a Nazi whore, not a Jew. Go away. Stop poisoning this sub.

shachalnur ago

Send my regards to Rothschild Hasbara Central.

Ve lech tisdayen

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Oh how cute, the little Nazi pretending to be a Jew knows how to use Google Translate.

20Justice4All17 ago

QuoteUnquoteArt, Either you are a paid shill, paranoid schizo, or pedosatanist. Shachalnur is one of the most knowledgeable posters on VOAT (and other forums)...he is what he says he is and knows what he says he knows.

Blackkcalb ago

Well help us out. Why do you think none of G.Webb's vids are taken down? Why does none of his tweets get censored, like the others? Is it because of his subtlety, or is it because he is saying what someone else wants?

EsciSpectre ago

I don't know about his twitter, but his youtube only has like 33k, well now it's going up pretty fast because he's on the fp of T_D. Maybe they don't think he's a threat. For the elites it seems like all they care about is popular perception and controlling the narrative of the masses.

They have so many interconnections with powerful people to keep them safe and out of trouble, so long as the masses don't turn against them. So if Webb is legit (I have no idea on the matter, but I'm naturally a skeptic) I would guess the elites just don't see him as a real threat.

shachalnur ago

I already answered that in another post yesterday.

  1. George Webb has a serious intelligence background,so has his father. so he knows a lot more than he outs.

  2. What do Aaron Swartz,Andrew Breitbart,Seth Rich ,George Webb,and certain others like David Seaman, have in common?Look at the consequences when these kind of guys get snuffed,it won't go away,they knew too much and said too much for comfort for their Tribes members.

  3. George Webb is part of a larger operation ,as you can see now he openly works with Jason Goodman,H.A, Goodman and their knowledge and GW's knowledge are kept by several others,and that's an insurancy policy that Swartz,Breitbart and Rich didn't have then.

  4. Basically GW is untouchable because he has a lot of Jewish guys covering his back,and touching him will release a deluge of info the Elites don't wanna be out in the open.stopping GW will force peeps to look into his videos from day 50,and most of you never did.You're watching a high level blackmail/Brownstoning war,and peeps in the know from both sides follow every word he says.

  5. If you don't trust George Webb, so don't. Just ignore him ,and get your news from somewhere else.But don't try to understand what he's doing when you haven't been down the rabbithole long and deep enough,Anybody attacking him without knowing what he's doing is not very clever,it's like "I don't understand ,so it's rubbish",a childish reaction.or you have been ordered to attack him,without knowing how or what to attack.

6, To understand the vast amount of facts and sources he has you have to watch all his vids from the start,it's a library/document for future investigators and prosecuters.just following the pied piper who says GW is Mossad ,it can't be true because he's alive blablabla is part of the deal,it's been calculated and in GW's advantage,but it will take time to understand how that works.

6.5. It's no coincidence it's Jews causing the biggest problems for Rothschild,there has always been a part of Judaism that knows who Rothschild is,what he wants ,and how ultimately to fight it, The fightback started in June 2012,and we're getting closer to the Endgame than most understand.

Blackkcalb ago

Thanks for the information, that is very helpful. I did not catch your post yesterday, cause I don't follow your post. The part about Jew's causing the biggest problem for the Rothschild's I find very interesting, thanks for that view. As for watching Webb's videos from the beginning to end. I am afraid that is impossible for me, I kind of like Webb, however his voice and presentation makes me so freaking drowsy, I never have made it through not one of his vids without falling asleep. I joke not. So again, thanks for doing the work for me.

shachalnur ago

You might want to follow Henry Makow's site,he'll give you the background on this spilt in Judaism that has existed for Millenia.

i'm being attacked visiously right now ,even being called a Nazi whore,while I'm Jewish and Israeli.

Be aware that most people attacking here are Rothschild Hasbara Central.

Geoge Webb's style, voice and deliveryare not an accident.

Only people who know how to split facts from spin can understand what he's talking about.

reading the comments under his videos are very important,his commentsection is a datamining operation,and many comments and info are censored .

great entertainment,great operation,and very problematic for TPTB.

That's why defending GW here will get you attacked relentlessly.

why don't they just ignore GW if he's bullshit?

bopper ago

Sounds like you have an agenda too, honestly. These posters aren't shills. Check their history.

Commoner ago

I think some of the older ones know what is coming, and will just give up and die rather than go through any hurt. I am thinking of zbigniew Brzezinski, in particular. He had to know a lot of what happened over the years. I hope nobody innocent gets harmed. Most likely there will be some that suspected something, but thought it best not to ask any questions, who will feel the most remorse.

srayzie ago

We need the small fish to catch the big fish. Podesta is the BIG fish. He will never do the right thing. Any deals that are made need to bring down these sharks. He's guilty of many many things, So, I don't know how anyone can ever say that they don't want John Podesta going to jail.

Now I will translate what George Webb is saying: John Podesta and Donna Brazille, you aren't the ones I'm after. I like you guys. Don't worry, I'm not going to push this investigation too far. I got your back.

V____Z ago

This is exactly it. And he did say he isn't going after pizzagate, unless, he said, you guys can show me hard core proof.

He has also said he likes Obama, he states that he is a Zionist (though Dark Math can probably even excuse that one), and at the end of the "OMG we interviewed Seth's family investigator!!!" video from yesterday, he straight up claims Donna Brazille is innocent, didn't do anything wrong. His own (sudden) sidekick had to correct him "I don't think we can make that claim yet".

This is a disinfo agent of the highest order. And why wouldn't he be? Someone had to infiltrate our group.

We were worrying who? Exactly! John Podesta and Donna Brazille, among others.

Now he's blaming Muslims for everything, just as the Podesta/Clinton/Soros cult are wont to do. And y'all demand no proof beyond his word. Because he's got a great track record of telling the truth? Um, no. I'm not sure why.

No one of you has been able to account for his atrocious lies, lies that should make his word equal to dog shit in any truth community:

Pizzagate researchers, please put your investigative caps back on and don't be lazy. I get it. I would love to trust some well equipped, square jawed alpha male to take on the deep state for us, but if someone truly does that, they are taken out just like Ben Swann, David Seaman, Liz Crokin.

Some questions have yet to be answered. Perhaps @GeorgeWebb will do us the favor of clearing these up.

If indeed George is dispensing actual disinfo, I don't see why he is being posted here as if his word alone is a reliable source. Why not make a separate subverse for him and we can get back to using our own minds and trustworthy sourcing?? Since when is asking questions such as the below considered an attack??

He claimed multiple chairs were thrown at the NV convention. Besides claiming he was going to interview Seth Rich's brother, he claimed he was looking at logs which DON'T EXIST. And he's claiming that he has passed info to Wikileaks, in a manner that they don't accept, so this appears to be another wild lie. He also claimed that if we tweet out a certain hashtag, he would find us and we would each get at least a million dollars. He's deleted all those early videos though, as well as all of his Twitter feed up until about a month ago. No reason given. Just makes it hard to track his lies, is all.

From @allconnected:

Breaking : Seth Rich's murderer named by George Webb-- Alpha Jalloh I have been following GW for ages, and I think lately he has gone off the rails. He makes wild claims such as yesterday the fbi shot SR and today it's a new guy. Most of what GW says in his videos today was reported several days ago here by Sorcha Faal Even die hard tin fot hat wearers know SF is a hoax and makes stuff up. So GW is now putting out info that SF put out days ago? I think it is BS.

From @4_inquiringminds:

Altho I have not watched GW's ongoing investigation~ reading he thinks Seth was drugged, tossed in a van, roughed up for info, tossed out and the assassins were called to finish him off? So he was drugged, beat up, then calls his lady friend but what, doesn't mention he was just beat up and interrogated? Or if he did mention somehow that information was kept secret?

From @seekingpeace

he and others are pushing visitor logs that I doubt are real. I followed them and they go to a company called Graphiq Technology - a semantic tech company. Although they have the official sounding

The Obama administration visitor logs are no longer available as far as I can work out.

I ask people to verify themselves. Go to

Visitor logs for 2015 and 2016 are not available.

Go to and go to "About Us" and find out about the company behind

Here is Webb spreading disinfo at the very end he goes on about chairs being thrown at the NV convention - which NEVER HAPPENED, let alone that no one ever claimed there was more than one chair involved.

From @seekingpeace:

I only managed to listen to half of the George Webb promo on Hagman. I had to stop when I heard him banging on about Wikileaks.

I don't know why he is talking about thumb drive drops to Wikileaks when they themselves clearly state [and recommend] that

"Submissions to our postal network offer the strongest form of anonymity and are good for bulk truth-telling."

They also state: "WikiLeaks has a history breaking major stories in every major media outlet and robustly protecting sources and press freedoms. No source has ever been exposed and no material has ever been censored."

Yet here is George Webb openly stating that he has made "drops" to Wikileaks, which is completely against their policies.

And here is a DM about George deleting valid questions, and other strange behaviour like blaming Muslims:

Is it really worth scraping through the lies and bullshit to get whatever it is you're getting from Webb? Do you enjoy being caught up in another person's web? A complete stranger who has in the past taken part in pedophile entrapment schemes ("Brownstones") with the CIA? Weren't we doing just fine following our own leads that arose from the evidence? Why believe we need some Knight to take over, is it from laziness? Or frustration since thus far our efforts have amounted to little? This is exactly the opening intel agencies need to infiltrate a movement and suck it dry; see his definition of "School Play".

More from 4_InquiringMinds

Just for inquiring minds, as GW tells it he went to 3 different ones in 3 different cities doing dominatrix role playing for 'research'. If you understand the purpose of brownstones, vid cameras to entrap high level fill in the blank why in the world would one advertise on craigslist where any run of the mill perv could show up? There is absolutely no logic to his story at all. Oh wait, you are generic perv, let me turn the camera off/oh wait generic perv don't want you, can you send someone who is important? And he had the choice (according to him) of a child or dominatrix? So george, you had the choice of a child and yet did not report it asap bc you were just doing research? What happened to the child george? He is so phony I'm amazed anyone still gives him any credibility.

EDIT 1: Webb says he works for Epstein, trades 'spy secrets' for sexy pics

From @srayzie

I've been thinking about rather I should share this or not. I don't want to start gossip about George Webb, since he has given some great info. But, I also feel that if I don't share this, then I am not warning those who are believing everything he is saying. Also, if what this woman is telling me is true, then there could be other victims out there. I think my record here should show you guys that I'm not a shill.

Anyway, this woman on Twitter has been telling George Webb to leave her family alone. Her and I wrote back and forth. I asked her if it was ok to share this and she said yes.

This relates to Pizzagate or pedogate, because many of you use the information that George Webb provides in your own research. I'm sure some of what he says is true. But, I'd be careful after this.

Here is some of our discussion. What stands out is that she says he works for Epstein.

Edit: Here is her Twitter account so you can look it up for yourselves.

She has been talking publicly too. She said that he hacked into her twitter today and asked if anyone was removed to follow her back.

EDIT 2: As expected, George is suddenly (since this post) claiming to be in trouble with the FBI - and explaining away what is being claimed here. Apparently he's on periscope right now claiming they're after him because he has put it all together

One reason i've wanted to hold off on showing clearly how much we have on him, is exactly for this reason, because he changed his story in accordance with what we are saying here. And right now he's squirming out of his past, making excuses. Of course, as we all know, if the FBI is after you, you're definitely one of the good guys, right? And of course, if Webb claims he is suddenly in fear for his life, it's definitely true, right?

Here is the Periscope from an hour ago, with Jerome Corsi who is partnered up with InfoWars/Alex Jones, as well as Jason Goodman, who comes from Hollywood and worked on X-Men with the biggest pedophiles in California.

DeathTooMasons ago

You has me until you added David Seaman. That clown has your respect as somebody who was silenced? I will have to scrutinize your post harder. You reached on that one.

V____Z ago

That's a weird way of putting it, "David Seaman has your respect, as someone who was silenced". You cannot infer anything from my statement beyond "Seaman was silenced". He was hit harder than any other truther in the pizzagate realm. Show me ANYONE with more mainstream hit pieces than this:

One of the principal proselytizers of the PizzaGate conspiracy appears to be David Seaman, a one-time unpaid Huffington Post contributor


David Seaman racked up views from believers in the debunked Pizzagate conspiracy. But do fans know about his ‘scandal-mongering’ books?


“We’ve been watching since the Podesta emails came out on WikiLeaks,” Danielle said. “And we just followed it down the rabbit hole.”

They said they learned of Saturday’s protest from a video posted to YouTube by David Seaman.

Seaman, who spoke at the rally, declined to speak to The Washington Post, calling the newspaper “fake news” and screaming expletives at a reporter.


The throngs of Pizzagate “true believers” are readying themselves for Saturday’s march on the White House. But rumors have begun to swirl that David Seaman, one of the weekend’s star speakers, may not be participating out of sheer concern for the thousands of children reportedly ensnared in the international web of Democratic intrigue.

And this is probably just an small example, but i'm in a hurry. Now, go find me ANYONE hit this hard for their pizzagate reporting. What has MSM written about George Webb? Maybe they'll do a hit piece on him being a conspiracy theorist, since he has claimed that Seth Rich's family are pedophiles part of the Finders. Maybe the family's DNC appointed lawyer is writing up a libel suit right now... But i highly doubt it. Seaman wants Podesta to go to jail, and Clinton to hang. Webb protects them. You do the math.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Why don't you, equineluvr, and DarkMath go have a circle-jerk with George Webb. It would be a better use of your time.

V____Z ago

You truly think exposing this information today is a waste of time?

srayzie ago

Were you saying that me? 🤔

srayzie ago

This isn't me taking sides. But, your comment cracked me up 🤣

SuperJohnWayne ago

No, sorry, it was menat for V____Z.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I like her but the comment was funny

SuperJohnWayne ago

How do you know V___Z is female?

srayzie ago

Well I'm not sure. I just thought so

SoldierofLight ago

Well done. You called it on Webb a long time ago.

V____Z ago

Thank you, that means a lot. Now i hope they don't come after me :))

SoldierofLight ago

Take my earlier suggestions about protecting yourself to heart. But continue to be fearless because they feed on that and also, you're doing important work.

V____Z ago

OK, thank you. Let me go find those replies....

srayzie ago

Wow thank you for putting all of this together. I wish I would have seen the video of him saying he went to see an dominatrix 3 times. For research? I don't know what that's all about. Wendy told me about liking the domination thing but I didn't know about him researching it.

V____Z ago

If you trust Wendy, ask her to tell you what he said on his videos about taking part in "Brownstones". I kind of have to assume she was one of his groupies at the time and probably knows the details more than anyone.

Full disclosure: I have to rely on others since I don't watch his videos, except for a few rare snippets for research purposes.

Irrelevant gut feeling: the reason he shaves his sideburns, and the reason he seems a little 'off' physically, is because he spends time in drag.

srayzie ago

Lol. Well he's 6'8 so that wouldn't be too pretty. He's into being dominated so you may not be too far off. Wendy said he's got sick fetishes and that she tried to help him. Well, as long as it's not children I guess 🙄 She told me at the time that I could share. I posted about her before. I don't know about Wendy. She has major mood swings. But, she shared a bunch of his DM's with her on Twitter. Screen shots. I've talked to her on facebook messenger and stuff. I actually feel sorry for her. She seems paranoid. I saw their chats that she posted tho.

V____Z ago

I also feel sorry her, which is why i'm so mad that people are defending GW. It's not OK to prey on people like this, and when his followers were calling her a whore, he stayed silent. He seemed to enjoy watching her get beat up. He never defended her.

srayzie ago

I agree!

V____Z ago

Where are the shots of the texts where he is promising 'secrets' and further leads, in exchange for sexting/pics?

srayzie ago

I don't think that's what she meant. Not in an exchange. I asked too. But, she's married and deleted them

V____Z ago

I saw the posts myself, and there are screenshots of them somewhere. He is asking for a picture of her in her black leather pants, and she keeps asking him to stay on track, and he is eeking out little bits of information along with requests for pictures. She is dying for the info, hanging on his every word, as if she's about to save a bunch of innocents if only she can get to the bottom of the mystery. He's talking in circles and often just ignoring her requests for actual information. He keeps everything vague, and changes topics in a flash. She seems like it is driving her mad, and she also likes the idea of being seen as sexy, and does indicate she's willing to send pictures...

srayzie ago

Oh wow. I didn't see that. She said she thinks he seeks out women who help investigate. When I talked to her a few weeks ago, she said that Webb had messaged her and wanted to meet because he was in her town. It scared her and she said no. This was all AFTER the big blow up and her exposing him. I wouldn't meet him either!

V____Z ago

Holy crap NO WAY!!!

Did you hear he's suddenly 'in fear for his life, FBI is after him' - RIGHT on the tails of our outing him. I fricking KNEW he would pull this shit.

srayzie ago

I'm watching him Live on Periscope. He's driving with Jason Goodman

V____Z ago

Jason Goodman, who comes straight from Hollywood. This is a cia op, and they've got their Hollywood guy and their "roving reporter" star. How cute. Did you know Goodman worked with Hollywood's most egregious pedophiles, the director and star of The X Men? That's NOT GOOD.

RED ALERT -- Jason Goodman worked with these guys:

Bryan Singer (X-Men director pictured above), along with several dozen Hollywood directors, execs, casting agents, actors like Sir Ian McKellen (paedophile X-Men star pictured above), and high powered paedophiles, molested children regularly for a dozen or so years on casting couches across Tinsel-Town and at their Beverly Hills Homes. There are simply too many claims to list.

From child actors committing suicide, to videos circulating on Live Leak and youtube depicting sexual assaults, to John Travolta’s claim that he had been sexually assaulted by dozens of Hollyweird big shots as a teenage actor-the list is as long as my arm.

And in spite of the fact that the liberal media have been quick to brand the young accusers liars, (I thought the left didn’t like blaming victims in rape cases?) more and more allegations have surfaced.

The most egregious example of gay child rape being the case of X-Men director and actor’s rampant sexual molestation of children.

The incident first surfaced when 31-year-old, former child model Michael Egan, known in Hollywood circles as ‘Mikey likes it’, claimed the X-Men director Bryan Singer sexually abused him as a teenager along with several other notable Hollyweird figures who had a penchant for pre-pubescent boys.

srayzie ago

I just saw someone post that! I'm gonna go look

tx2truth ago

Thank you for your post. George Webb is c.i.a. distraction plant. Listen to every word coming out of his mouth: PURE SPOOK S_$T.!!

V____Z ago


He even gets off on admitting it. Hiding in plain sight. When he described the supposed CIA op called a "school play" he was literally telling us what he is doing here. Takes the energy of a group that is looking into sensitive areas, and redirects it.

tx2truth ago

U betcha. I just started watching utubers 9/16....I guess I'm a little late to the party. I smelled spook on geo webb after viewing the 2nd 178.whatever.

DarkMath ago

" Podesta is the BIG fish."

I hate to break it to you but I'm pretty sure we're not seeing the very top of the pyramid here. John Podesta is way up there but you need to get ready for the possibility that there are entire hidden levels to this thing.

wokethefkup ago

Agreed. It's only a tip of the iceberg. Rabbit hole goes deeper I'm sure. Podesta might be a big fry bit not compared to the royals.

GeorgeT ago

And there are many, many invisible levels which run this whole pedogate thing. Alifantis is several levels higher than the Podestas. Webb echoes David Steele - he wants all these monsters to be exposed but no punishment. He wants us to 'move on.'

srayzie ago

David Steele doesn't want them being punished either?

GeorgeT ago

Exactly. In a lengthy interview with Victurus Libertas (covers pizzagate extensively) David made clear that he wants exposure but not prosecution. He said that we should move on.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

FUCK THAT. What's the point of this if not to take them down? Rape a child, kill a child, just ho-hum? Is that how far this country has fallen?

Fuck. That makes me ANGRY.

GeorgeT ago

It makes me bewildered!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Fuck all those who want to "move on"

Tell that all the victims to just "move on" you penis sucking Evil twit David!

pby1000 ago

Yes, there is no "moving on" for this one. If that happens, then things will go back to what they are eventually. We need to make sure this never happens again.

srayzie ago

I haven't trusted him either. He always seems desperate to be heard. Whenever I read something from some anon who keeps saying "ask Steele, he knows", it makes me think it's him. One called him Bob instead of Robert like they are buddies and insiders. But, I didn't know he didn't want them prosecuted. That makes no sense to me. Especially George Webb who has exposed organ harvesting and everything.

cantsleepawink ago

Seems to like the sound of his own voice. Massive ego.

cantsleepawink ago

Agree. There's a whole other level from the politicians and their flunkies my research tells me.

srayzie ago

Of course

bopper ago

I think OP means "relatively speaking" he's a big fish. Of course there are bigger fish. This is global.

DarkMath ago

"This is global."

Exactly. John Podesta is the hired help.

srayzie ago

Either way, he's a shark 🙄

DarkMath ago

John Podesta could give classes to Machiavelli on how to be a bad ass mother fucker.

John Podesta is guilty as fuck but holy shit that guy's a management genius. I never suspected a thing. It must be part of the Italian blood. They've been breeding this into their DNA for the past 2500 years at least.

It's just like The Godfather movies. Yes the crimes were horrible but ya gotta step back and think holy shit what a story, these people were sharp. Michael Corleonne was one sharp mother fucker.


SayWhatNOWAY ago

Podesta the Molesta is psychotic no conscious High IQ, no soul, no empathy! Which makes him a monster & Very Very dangerous!

srayzie ago

That's what I always thought about Hillary. If you were to step back and leave child trafficking and stuff out of it, these people would be gangster! They are very sharp. In a movie we may like the side of the villain. But, in real life these people are evil. There would be no better ending then to bring these bitches down.

DarkMath ago

"in real life these people are evil."

And they're psychopaths which means their own undoing is always cooked into their story. A psychopath can't gauge their audience so they're flying blind. They never get that "angel on your shoulder" cartoon character saying don't do it. That's fun in the beginning and pure hell on the other end.

It'll make for an interesting summer.


SoldierofLight ago

They ARE evil. Letting them walk as Steele and Webb want only means they walk away to continue their evil. You think Podesta and others will suddenly and forever stop raping and pillaging children? Uh, no. They have an insatiable and permanent demand for blood just as a dog develops after it's gotten into the chicken house and slaughtered the trapped animals inside it.

DarkMath ago

You think Podesta's going to stay in business? Are you high right now?

Podesta will take a plea bargain at best. I don't even want to think about at worst.

SoldierofLight ago

Nope, not high unfortunately. I was saying that if he gets to walk free, which is what Webb and Steele want-- full disclosure, no punishment, it's not like Podesta is actually going to stop being evil. He needs to be held accountable. As do many others.

srayzie ago

Not high unfortunately lol

DarkMath ago

"He needs to be held accountable."

I agree. But if they just hang Podesta what's his incentive to turn state's evidence to get to the people who hired him?

SoldierofLight ago

Not sure why you're arguing with me when I think we're saying the same thing. I never said to hang him. I said he shouldn't walk.

srayzie ago

I sure hope so

EvaEverywhere ago

Hey, I like Donna Brazile too but that doesn't mean I would want her to get away with murder (or, more likely, being an accessory to corruption). I am weary of people who are very partisan. None of the people we ever encounter in life are totally awful or absolutely great. Partisanship and weaponized partisanship is making people incapable of talking to each other. Even if George Webb is a limited hangout, he is still providing interesting information. His work may also serve as an early warning system for the criminals he seems to be exposing. But, normally, just the Awan brothers situation should be a huge scandal. That by itself proves that the MSM is involved in covering up the misdeeds of elected officials. His work illuminates certain things. George Webb is not on the pizzagate train, so his comments about John Podesta are framed within his own investigation mission. We should respect that choice since he is spending his own time and money looking into these things. He also posts every day, which is a huge stack of work in itself.

DeathTooMasons ago

Yeah, a lof of work for the alphabet agencies. He is a piece of shit spook. You are impressed by his work ethic?

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

"Even if George Webb is a limited hangout, he is still providing interesting information."

Who cares how interesting his information is if it's unsubstantiated speculation that he pulls out of his rectum?

In a nutshell, why does anyone here trust him? Have ANY of his scoops turned out to be right? If not, then he is junk.

carmencita ago

I can't help it , I had to laugh so hard at that. Picturing it was even more hilarious. Yes, I have read up above from some one that he has a screw loose, the Voodoo donuts claim, the get out of jail card for Podesta and that is about enough for me. Time for people to get off of the Webb Merry-Go-Round.