Coco-Hamilton ago

There was no hit piece. One of his commenters told him there was and he just ran with it.

DeathTooMasons ago

George Webb, the friendly ghost, The friendliest ghost you know. Though grown-ups might Look at him with fright, The children all love him so.

He always says hello (Hello), and he's really glad to meetcha. Wherever he may go, He's kind to every living creature.

Grown-ups don't understand Why children love him the most. But kids all know That he loves them so, George Webb the friendly ghost.

Kids love hm so.

DaleEaston ago

"george webb" = jew disinfo shill. Don't waste one second with the random musings of some random jew asswipe. Webb and his shills have been up here trying to promote his jew ass as some kind of "leader" or "savior" of pizzagate, but why? Wtf did jew George Webb have to do with exposing pizzagate in the first place. Answer: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

George webb is a random jew with zero qualifications who spouts idiotic zionist horseshit. Anyone who posts this jew's bullshit disinfo should be banned immediately.

DaleEaston ago

Why do the random musings of some jew named "george webb" matter at all?

bopper ago

I don't like this guy.

privatepizza ago

Does anyone think he's saying that the FBI killed Seth Rich on behalf of Hillary / Podesta / The DNC? Or that they killed him for being the leaker of the DNC material w/o the knowledge of the above?

IF he's saying the FBI killed Seth, it takes the heat off Podesta, Palmieri, Brazzille and Mook, right?

Ovi-Kintobor ago

I am starting to wonder if many of the white knights here on VOAT aren't just shills since the beginning now. Obviously, Webb is shady. Fact. But wait, has he ever claimed Pizzagate (the pedo-part of it) to be a false story ? Answer : no. In fact, he stated CPPP to be a front end for convoying children to the elite, and more recently that there is/was underground tunnels used for compromising high level politician using young girls/children, and that is a fact.

There is a significant difference between someone who wants to stay away from the pedo-part of the story ('cause it involves high level political corruption, a whole network that is potentially more dangerous to investigate due to the nature of the corruption and its consequences worldwide, because it seems unthinkable for the mass audience and because it is not the easiest part in order to crush the whole thing)

And someone who blatantly tries to debunk pedophiles practices in an worldwide elite circle.

The easiest part is obviously to ties the DNC to murders and drug cartels. Because it is understandable, acceptable for the mass. Understandable. Not occult-pedo-satanist based, which is part of the corruption system that will eventually gets uncovered by domino-effect.

There is a solid reflection through his investigation about the murder of Seth Rich. Solid evidences about the use of BlackBerries, credible information about the whole system (configuration and syncing of the phones). Interviews, cross sourcing, live investigation in the street...

He may be closer to uncover the whole story than you will ever be when you are trying to expose pedo-satanic practices which are unthinkable for too many people.

Of course we know and care about any moral aspect of this craziness. "Children suffering" YES I KNOW, THANKS. FYI my sister-in-law's sister was confronted to a child abuse case (child rapes...) and helped the mother of the victim to build a case against her ex-husband. The police station of the city never ever wanted to take the complaint because "the ex-husband was powerful here, you will get problems". They were forced to file the complaint in an other city.

I know this is hard to understand because everyone would like to see this story crucified on the front page of every newspaper in the world. But we need to concentrate our efforts on what can be a starting point for a domino effect...

At least, do not denigrate their work because they understand how hard it is to redpill the mass about the worldwide pedophile corruption system.

ArthurEdens ago

The whole day of videos is fantastic

Votescam ago

Yikes .... Yes, the "robbery" of guns did seem odd .... now that George Webb points that out.

Must have been a bigger more heavily supported assault of Seth Rich than we've imagined?

ON EDIT: This then means that the FBI is helping to cover up Pizzagate?

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Understood, but he keeps reaching, looking for new content.

Where is it said that it was a robbery? Like in the sense anything was actually taken? I thought he was not ultimately robbed.

andrewweiner ago

Lots of people don't get his approach or sense of humor or whatever it would be called. When he says he is supposed to root for Mossad because he is Jewish, is that really proof that he works for Mossad? When he says he wants to get back to the good old days when child compromise operations were more secretive and less Sodom and Gomorrah, does that really mean he wants child trafficking to continue? Maybe read between the lines a bit better.

shachalnur ago

It's a bit shocking how many peeps can't see what GW is. He's involved in a very delicate operation,having an intelligence background. He's "untouchable" for reasons most don't understand. And then there's the huge amount of shills trying to turn even good posters against him. GW has lot more knowledge and proof than he tells people,and that's his insurance policy. He's part of a bigger operation,where actually other Jews like him play a big role. Most people forget Andrew Breitbart,Aaron Swartz and Seth Rich are all Jews. He's doing a great job,slowly strangling the reptiles into panic and mistakes. His sidekick Jason Goodman ,is a very clever guy as well. He's fine with the fact most peeps think he's Mossad or whatever,it doesn't interfere with his job. Actually shills attacking him here are very helpfull to his,and his group's ultimate goal.

20Justice4All17 ago

Hey Shachalnur, is GW working with deep State Israel you mentioned to me a few months ago? What do you suppose is his endgame as far as it concerns Pizzagate? I ask this in light of his comments telling Podesta he didn't want to see him in jail.

seekingpeace ago

Aren't you the disgusting cretin AKA BenBen who tried to frame Gwen in the murder at the gym? Aren't you the creep who told her you impregnated your sister so you could try and glean information out of her? The sayan based in the UK?

Didn't you say George Webb was a Mossad sleeper?

shachalnur ago

is this your new name, DcDale?

Or you just use that name to stalk people.

"Gwen" knows personal stuff about you,and doesn't seem to trust you too much anymore.

I might ask her some details about you

You're becoming a nuissance,you little Nazi ,time for you to leave normal people alone.

Go celebrate your menopause somewhere else.

Besides that,I can get along quite well with GW ,we're in contact,and I might give him a shout about you.

what kind of sick schizo are you anyway?

Now,fuck off you sick bitch

seekingpeace ago

Yes, you have not gone unnoticed. Your digital footprint is forever!

V____Z ago

Pizzagate researchers, please put your investigative caps back on and don't be lazy. I get it. I would love to trust some well equipped, square jawed alpha male to take on the deep state for us, but if someone truly does that, they are taken out just like Ben Swann, David Seaman, Liz Crokin.

Some questions have yet to be answered. Perhaps @GeorgeWebb will do us the favor of clearing these up.

If indeed George is dispensing actual disinfo, I don't see why he is being posted here as if his word alone is a reliable source. Why not make a separate subverse for him and we can get back to using our own minds and trustworthy sourcing?? Since when is asking questions such as the below considered an attack??

He claimed multiple chairs were thrown at the NV convention. Besides claiming he was going to interview Seth Rich's brother, he claimed he was looking at logs which DON'T EXIST. And he's claiming that he has passed info to Wikileaks, in a manner that they don't accept, so this appears to be another wild lie.

From @4_inquiringminds:

Altho I have not watched GW's ongoing investigation~ reading he thinks Seth was drugged, tossed in a van, roughed up for info, tossed out and the assassins were called to finish him off? So he was drugged, beat up, then calls his lady friend but what, doesn't mention he was just beat up and interrogated? Or if he did mention somehow that information was kept secret?

From @seekingpeace

he and others are pushing visitor logs that I doubt are real. I followed them and they go to a company called Graphiq Technology - a semantic tech company. Although they have the official sounding

The Obama administration visitor logs are no longer available as far as I can work out.

I ask people to verify themselves. Go to

Visitor logs for 2015 and 2016 are not available.

Go to and go to "About Us" and find out about the company behind

Here is Webb spreading disinfo at the very end he goes on about chairs being thrown at the NV convention - which NEVER HAPPENED, let alone that no one ever claimed there was more than one chair involved.

From @seekingpeace:

I only managed to listen to half of the George Webb promo on Hagman. I had to stop when I heard him banging on about Wikileaks.

I don't know why he is talking about thumb drive drops to Wikileaks when they themselves clearly state [and recommend] that

"Submissions to our postal network offer the strongest form of anonymity and are good for bulk truth-telling."

They also state: "WikiLeaks has a history breaking major stories in every major media outlet and robustly protecting sources and press freedoms. No source has ever been exposed and no material has ever been censored."

Yet here is George Webb openly stating that he has made "drops" to Wikileaks, which is completely against their policies.

And here is a DM about George deleting valid questions, and other strange behaviour like blaming Muslims:

Is it really worth scraping through the lies and bullshit to get whatever it is you're getting from Webb? Do you enjoy being caught up in another person's web? A complete stranger who has in the past taken part in pedophile entrapment schemes ("Brownstones") with the CIA? Weren't we doing just fine following our own leads that arose from the evidence? Why believe we need some Knight to take over, is it from laziness? Or frustration since thus far our efforts have amounted to little? This is exactly the opening intel agencies need to infiltrate a movement and suck it dry; see his definition of "School Play".

More from 4_InquiringMinds

Just for inquiring minds, as GW tells it he went to 3 different ones in 3 different cities doing dominatrix role playing for 'research'. If you understand the purpose of brownstones, vid cameras to entrap high level fill in the blank why in the world would one advertise on craigslist where any run of the mill perv could show up? There is absolutely no logic to his story at all. Oh wait, you are generic perv, let me turn the camera off/oh wait generic perv don't want you, can you send someone who is important? And he had the choice (according to him) of a child or dominatrix? So george, you had the choice of a child and yet did not report it asap bc you were just doing research? What happened to the child george? He is so phony I'm amazed anyone still gives him any credibility.

Coco-Hamilton ago

You are the one guy that gets it Btw, George us no alpha male. He is a close to sixty, feeble man with a gut, who is extremely self conscious about how he looks on camera. "I dont want my double chin on camera". Raised with a silver spoon, siphoning money currently from his millionaire buddy Goodman while wishing he was more like his brother Dave. His brother who works for the NSA and was fired from STRICOM (Simulations people!) and tried to sue the army for wrongful termination. If anything...his brother is the real agent here. Webb is a goof. A career tech salesman with a failed attempt at a book on sales. His biggest mistake was leaving the basement for his road trip which started right after he bragged about meeting with Hollywood big shots to film a documentary. The road trip is so he has material to put in the doc. Why do you think he is so loving to Goodman whom he only met a few months ago? Who do you think is going to be helping him make the doc? You all know Goodman's career in Hollywood, right?

V____Z ago

Yes, Goodman worked on X Men!!!!

And truthfully, when i say alpha male in this case, i'm referring to the energy he uses to exert control over people in interviews. He is totally in charge, and i'm watching all my favorite, strong male youtubers simply MELT in Webb's presence. They're treating him like he's a king, they get weak knee'ed. He's very manipulative and no one seems prepared for it.

But physically I think he's actually in drag more often than not, that's why he has a soft appearance and shaves his sideburns, in my personal view.

Thank you for this info.

Psalm100 ago

Is this what's being talked about - an FBI memo? If that's the case, these people at the Donald on Reddit say they believe it's fake:

I don't know what to believe, but want to listen to everyone and be cautious about everything.

V____Z ago


Silverlining ago

In this George Webb [I think] is saying that the shot with the two fire trucks was on V Street and either file footage or a staged reconstruction, with or without Seth Rich on the floor. @carmencita @privatepizza

carmencita ago

This is the shot:**Don't know but that is what this site published in their article and it was also featured on 4chan. Two places with the same photo.

RoadRunner1 ago

It is on W Street & Flagler Place if THIS is the picture he's referring too.

privatepizza ago

Thanks, going to look now... I've been watching all the GW tell vids. Fascinating.

ZunarJ5 ago

Am I the only one who has considered the possibility that the Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas 'deaths' were staged and they may have both gone into the Witness Protection Program?

readstuff ago

Don't know if it's possible for Lucas but it seems possible for Rich, given the lack of autopsy report, hospital id, police/neighborhood film etc. But why, under whose authority and for whose benefit? Only Obama agencies like CIA, DoJ and FBI had that power during the summer before election.

ZunarJ5 ago

There have been so many false flags / hoaxes where fake autopsy reports, etc. have been created so I don't pay too much attention to that when I think something might not be true. Gut feeling tells me that Seth Rich went into the witness protection program. I can only hope I am right about that with Shawn Lucas too. The powers-that-be have far more information on pedogate than is public knowledge, including rescued victims and their testimonies. IMO, there are many, many people / agencies that would benefit from staging such distractions so the psychopaths themselves are totally baffled as to what is really going on.

DerivaUK ago

To reassure you, you're not.

ZunarJ5 ago

As the saying goes... "The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing."

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Thats a thought I have not considered. Anything is possible.

Silverlining ago George Webb has another theory about the symbolism that people keep finding.

They're tells to convey information. FBI(?) use "win" in a name to identify one of theirs, Wingate-Robinson Dr Eowyn Later video suggests hit get done in Lou's Bars - lose - the other team.

@anonOpenPress @darkmath @yingyangmom @newworldahead @carmencita

anonOpenPress ago

Please make a new submission (discussion) of that video, including the Seth Rich related connection you found

RoadRunner1 ago

My posts aren't showing up on George's youtubeBut the shooting was on W Street & Flagler Pl. See THIS article it matches up

V____Z ago

When you say "but the shooting", are you correcting someone who may have made a false statement about the location of the shooting? I'm coming into the conversation blind, sorry.

carmencita ago

I believe the screenshot is correct. Also, there are only EMTs and DCFD there because I believe an ambulance may have never been called. They took him to the Hospital in a FD vehicle or an ambulance was coming or on the way. This shot could have been taken seconds before other arrivals. Also, the Police Report could have been filled out but those people never arrived. Bogus Report to cover up the fact that they just were not needed. Everything was set up as though they did it correctly but really did not. That is why there are EMTs and FD people. Also, Here is what stood out for me from your article: " Note Flagler is a one way street. Without knowing the direction Victim was walking, it may be noted if the Assailant(s) were in a vehicle, their direction would be limited by the one way street, whether in approach to, or escape from the crime." SO OK, if there is only one way out because Flagler is also a dead end that runs right into a cemetery (I think it is St Mary's) I know there was someone on reddit that said the attackers could easily have run through the cemetery and exited out onto Capitol and jumped into a waiting car. This would avoid a vehicle being seen or chased (although I doubt they would be chased if the DCPD is playing along). But imagine if someone had come out of their house onto the street, I believe that is why they just ran right through the cemetery. I am putting this out there as a scenario. You are free to question it or knock it down. That is how investigations evolve and come up with a solution. @V____Z @readstuff @DarkMath

Pizzalawyer ago

George is doing alot of valid work and hard work it is but there is something "off" about him that I don't think is sinister so much as it relects a personality trait. He take a little bit of genuine info then spins it not just to show the larger picture but to show off how clever he is. He wants his viewers and the black hats to believe he is one step ahead of them. Every sentence is filled to the brim with spy craft lingo to once again show how he's hip to all the methods and tactics of the bad guys. Then he digresses in mid sentence to show off his amazing command of the entire matrix. It's very annoying and has a bullshitter quality to it which in turn undermines his credibility somewhat. Its just a stylistic thing and a personality thing and i try not to let it interfere with the good stuff he is doing. But damn, it's annoying. Just my take on the man...

V____Z ago

It isn't just stylistic. When he was interviewing the lawyer for the DNC fraud case, he interrupted the flow to almost water down the actual info with minutia, then he suddenly asked if Shawn Lucas was involved in the "chairs thrown at the Nevada caucus". For one thing, there wasn't even one chair thrown there, and anyone pushing that idea is not a friend of the truth. No one has ever suggested Shawn Lucas was there, that came out of left field, and it would do nothing but to damage the reputations of Lucas and Bernie supporters. So his rambling is littered with disinfo that actually serves the Clinton crew. He has said I the past he likes Obama, and he doesn't think the pizzagate perps should serve jail time. This is a classic infiltrator, it's so obvious I'm not sure why there is any question left, or any posts still rising to the top here.

Pizzalawyer ago

You may be right. At least we agree on the minutiae quality of his work diluting it down to nothingness. I've only started watching him more often since the Seth Rich story broke and I'm eager to glean anything from any source. But I'll pay better attention. I was disturbed by his Donna Brazile comments. He hasn't yet figured out what a snake in the grass she is? So maybe he is a disinformation agent overwhelming his audience with 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon junk till your head wants to explode and just maybe his reliance on spy craft lingo is coming naturally to him because he is one.

V____Z ago

So maybe he is a disinformation agent overwhelming his audience with 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon junk till your head wants to explode and just maybe his reliance on spy craft lingo is coming naturally to him because he is one.

I knew I liked lawyers. I don't need to say another word here... leave it up to you to summarize everything i've been trying to say for the past 3 months in one short sentence.

quantokitty ago

Don't believe this for a moment. They would never do that themselves.

Jem777 ago

I won't even explain it anymore. Funny how you guys are still attacking Webb when he now has other journalists with him and his sources "FBI agents" "DC police officers" "Medstar nurses" doing on camera confessionals. Keep up. Yes the bullet in Seth is an FBI bullet. This was known days ago. The evidence has already been provided by many people including FBI agants themselves.

DeathTooMasons ago

Webb deserves to be attacked. He is a spook. Spooks lie and nothing else. George Webb is not dead. So he is a working spook. when spooks work, they lie. Top job qualification is lying good. Wake up. Stop having heroes. Is he or is he not a spook? you think there are good spooks? You think George is just some guy that thinks like he does and knows what he does? So he is Casper?

Are_we_sure ago

"an FBI bullet?"

Did he say that?

RickFeynman ago

Since 1913 the FBI was JDL, since 1929 the FBI was ADL, since 1970's the FBI is SPLC.

FBI killed Seth Rich, and SPLC had Jeremy Christian in PDX kill two jews on a train.

The FBI is muscle of the Fed-Res-Bank since 1913, and has always been under Zionist control since birth.

J Edgar Hoover kept in power for 50 years because he was OWNED by Kosher-Nostra Mafia.

srayzie ago

I just started getting more into George Webb since he started talking about Seth Rich. Do you know who this guy is that is traveling with him?

The problem I have with George Webb, is that like a week ago, he said that he liked Donna Brazille. He said she's nice but was forced into doing what she's done. He said he didn't want her going to prison or Podesta! He doesn't want Podesta going to prison?! That is huge to me.

He also said a couple of days ago that he's trying to stay out of the Pizzagate stuff. I think he's shown us great info. But, him not wanting Donna Brazille or John Podesta in prison puts up a big red flag for me.

joey4track ago

I think that is for some kind of blanket amnesty with resignation type deal. It sure as Hell ain't justice but it's an often made compromise in high profile cases such as this. Not saying I agree but I think that's George's MO

V____Z ago

@Jem777 tells me I've got it wrong when I repeat that Webb has said he doesn't want Podesta going to jail. Yet I hear numerous people say that they've heard him make this very claim. Jem?

srayzie ago

I've heard it too. I also find it strange that none of his videos are being taken down. I watch my YouTube subscription list daily on this kind of stuff. They keep having their videos taken down. Yet, Webb is traveling, showing evidence and interviewing people and none of his videos are being removed. He goes on podcasts. He's becoming high profile. His Twitter account isn't ever suspended? Journalists are being fired for reporting on Seth Rich. But, George Webb is always safe. Doesn't that seem strange?

He does give a lot of good information. But, there is something off. I agree with @yingyangmom that he's getting protection from someone. He's working for someone.I just think we need to be careful believing everything he says. He could be limited hangout. I talk to Wendy, the one that was texting with him all of the time until things went wrong and she got scared. I posted about her before with her permission. There are strange things about him. I'm not trying to be mean. I just want people to be cautious. @Jem777

rwb2 ago

It's not enough to hear something and just repeat some vague paraphrase days or weeks later, because you might have heard it wrong, or misinterpreted, or missed vital context in statements before or after the one you focused on. I've asked V____Z and his cohorts for citations for incredible claims about what Webb might have said, and I am still waiting. Look, it's not rocket science. If Webb has said Podesta should go scot free, surely one of you could use this thing called a pen to scribble perhaps six characters on a notepad, those being the day of the video and the time within. I do this all the time when I spot important information, for future reference. Or, I favorite the video. If you do this, when someone like me asks where the quote can be found, you can provide it. Those who cannot note the locations of hyper critical information that might drastically change the opinion of large swaths of people cannot remotely consider themselves competent pg researchers. You're all suspect of gross incompetence due to this shortcoming. If I was any one of you, I'd spend as long as necessary looking for the quote to prove my point. The fact none of you will do this is also a sign of laziness, intellectual or otherwise.

srayzie ago

Go watch the videos yourself. Don't take our word for it. I don't deal well with attitudes. I'm not here to convince you. If you're so bothered by our George Webb comments then go do your own research. I know I'm not going to go back and watch all these videos again. If he says it again then I will take notes. It was about a week ago he said that he didn't want Podesta going to jail. Have at it.

rwb2 ago

I'm deeply bothered by all unsubstantiated claims. It is one of the main reasons why there is such discord at v/pg. I shouldn't have to watch mountains of videos to figure out if any of you got it right. Voat is uncensored, so you're free to post whatever you want, be it truth or fiction, but don't expect others to accept it as truth unless you can provide a way to validate it, and expect to be taken to task when the claims are as bold as saying someone advocates freedom for satanic child sex traffickers.

srayzie ago

I'll log it next time. I wasn't thinking about it. Are you wondering about the one where he said he thinks Donna Brazille is nice and he doesn't want her or Podesta going to jail?

rwb2 ago

None of us can stay on top of everything or the utterances of every person remotely connected to pg, so at times we depend on others to report on those other things. I've watched only a handful of George Webb videos, perhaps eight or nine longer ones, and the ones I saw were compelling, and appeared to have information that could only come from someone with deep sources. I also see he has many people following his video blogs, and they say he's doing good work. Then there's another contingent that says he's disinfo etc. Therefore, I am presented with an obvious contradiction. I ask, which side is correct? Or, is the truth somewhere in the middle?

It is incumbent upon anyone making serious charges to be able to substantiate the charge. This is universal law 101. In fact, it's the Ninth Commandment. I'm really not trying to give you a hard time. If Webb ever said Podesta should go scot free, and if there was not some missing context that explained such an outrageous statement, my opinion would shift dramatically. There is no other venue where validation is more vital than in an internet forum like Voat. This idea is completely lost on someone like V____Z, who had to defend DS against endless unsubstantiated claims, claims that could not be validated, and yet he does exactly the same thing against Alex Jones and George Webb. It's breathtakingly hypocritical.

srayzie ago

Well I'll try going thru them tomorrow. I know it was right after it was revealed that it was Donna Brazille that wanted that private investigator to stop investigating.

rwb2 ago

Another case in point.

Are you wondering about the one where he said he thinks Donna Brazille is nice and he doesn't want her or Podesta going to jail?


I know it was right after it was revealed that it was Donna Brazille that wanted that private investigator to stop investigating.

These two statements of yours which are separated by mere minutes are highly contradictory. The first claims he likes her and the second claims he called her out for wanting a P.I. to stop investigating. It is highly unlikely both can be true statements. There is no way for my logical mind to process these sentences together, therefore, I have to dismiss them as misreported or untrue, at least until such a time as they are validated. Since you volunteered them, you're responsible for validating them.

srayzie ago

I found it so am going to post it soon

srayzie ago

He is not the one who called her out. His comment was after it came out on the news. Then, he said that he likes Donna Brazille, but that she's forced into doing this stuff. Then he said he doesn't want her going to prison. Then he said he doesn't want a Podesta going to prison either. I'm gonna look and see if I can find it. It's a lot of video. But, I didn't make a submission. I responded to a comment because I couldn't remember which video he said that in. So you can cal, down. I would appreciate it if you lose your attitude.

V____Z ago

I am aware that there is a (barely "unspoken") understanding here that being polite and nice trumps asking hard questions of our sources, however that is not the case when it comes to people who call out Podesta, such as David Seaman. When they are people that you might imagine David Brock sending his trolls after, people that directly point fingers at those mentioned in the Podesta emails, there is no concern over being nice. People attack David so hard I can't even mention him here.

I am trying to hold people's feet to the fire because this isn't a game. We are here to save children. The time for being nice and polite is long gone. The deep state plays on our weaknesses, just as Wendy was played.

Webb has been caught in several major lies, and if he's just testing us to see how much we'll fall for, well we aren't doing very well on that test. Because he has been able to charm his way onto every major podcast that people here have made clear are ones they trust. He is such an alpha male, that even the more hardened podcasters/youtubers melt in his presence. They won't question him. To even note that no one has ever, or is allowed to, question George Webb, will make you very unpopular. I'm getting a big angry about this. I feel we are being manipulated. on behalf of pedo protectors.

I am a victim of a pedo who also took pictures. To this day i feel naked when a camera comes out and very rarely will i allow my picture to be taken (which infuriates everyone). Similarly, when an alpha male tries to exert control through manipulation and tactics like overwhelming charm, or guilt-tripping, it hearkens back to when i was too small and innocent to do anything but be used as a sexual object.

As an adult, it makes me sick to see it happening again, to see "be nice" used as a reason not to put an end to it. While we are worried about being nice, tiny children are being raped.

<This is only sparked by your comment, srayze, not aimed at you. It's aimed at the Reddit/Voat culture and I'm saying we need to take another look at it, as it might be working against us if applied, as it is, with a bias.>

srayzie ago

I can see what you mean. On a serious note, I'm sorry you went thru that 😢 Going thru being molested yourself I think makes you even more passionate about this cause. I was a victim myself. A close family friend and a family member. No pictures. But, I know how that can affect you even as an adult. I said I wasn't trying to be mean because I didn't want Jem to think I was attacking her. I'm glad you are here and working to try to save these children. ❤️

V____Z ago

(I thought you were referring to GW with comments about being nice.)

V____Z ago

I know what you mean, s. And i'm sorry to hear you too were a victim. People don't believe me here when i say this, but of my female friends, only one of them wasn't abused. It's so incredibly common. I'm so glad you're here too!

srayzie ago

Thank you. I heard it happens to 1 in 3 children. It's made me overprotective. I think it's much more common than people think. I feel like once I hit puberty I was surrounded by perverts. I think that's the prime age. It's sickening.

V____Z ago

It definitely is. They have no idea (nor do they care?) how much damage it does to take away someone's innocence before they've even discovered they had it.

srayzie ago

I know. I LOVE kids. Innocence is beautiful. I don't get how someone could choose to take that away. Now I think I had it lucky because what I went thru pales in comparison to these poor kids being tortured and murdered.

V____Z ago

Well, I don't believe they think of children as human, or as able to be harmed since in their mind, the children won't remember. I got this understanding when I heard Joe Biden say, after stroking a child's hair, "I like children more than people"

ArtificalDuality ago

I've been mulling about Webb some myself. More so, how he's perceived by the public and I have to admit I share the same sentiment. Content being taken down, active harassment are well known means to shut up truth and he seems to be escaping all of that.

Now with a headline like "Webb: FBI shot Seth Rich" all this added together sets off a big red flag. "Them" try to coax the public to go up against the state. Luckily the PG community is somewhat aware of that risk (Operation Gladio), but if stuff like such an accusation as the FBI shooting Rich, with such (an indeed, made-to-be-high-profile) a backing, this surely is reason to worry.

Even more so, all of these leaks AND an unwilling, complicit LEO upper echelon seem to suggest that all these leaks are in fact the controlled release of "Gladio" fuel.

They just did not anticipate the human populace to deal with the revelations in a lawful manner, much less, the collective diving on it and unearthing the darkest of connections...

V____Z ago

I also heard that he is claiming Seth Rich's family are pedophiles and through Offutt AFB in Omaha, involved in the type of stuff outlined in Franklin Scandal. THAT is straight up libel, and it can be very dangerous if people start to pick up that line and attack the family with it. Why did he not get sued for that? Why did mainstream media not make fun of such an outrageous claim and call him a conspiracy theorist?

Are we being set up to be taken down?

YingYangMom ago

I'm not sure that it would be smart for him to say that he wishes for them to go to prison either.

MolochHunter ago

why not? half the internet is saying it

YingYangMom ago

That half of the internet isn't his audience.

Votescam ago

Plus Webb has at least once made clear that Pizzagate is a very dangerous subject.

srayzie ago

But, he could have said nothing at all. Instead he says he likes Donna Brazille. But everything he does seems unsafe. I don't think him saying he doesn't want them going to prison would be much different.

V____Z ago

He has also said he likes Obama!

And that he is a Zionist!

YingYangMom ago

But everything he does seems unsafe.

Webb is obviously backed by some agency. Which one would be hard to say. I personally don't know, but this is undoubtedly the reason he's still alive today. Why does he have to say something that seems to be outrageous to many? I have no idea. Maybe he's being coerced to. Maybe he needs to spread some disinfo to keep going. Anyone that's on a mission HAS to cover themselves, has to spread some amount of disinfo to keep under the radar. Do I trust the guy? Nope, nobody in their right mind should. Is he one of the good guys? I have no idea. Am I wishing for him to be one? Absolutely. Am I keeping my hopes up? No way.

Jem777 ago

You are very close @YingYangMom he is on a mission. It is do or die for him and he knows it. That fear will motivate you to keep moving and to tell all the secrets. It also scares the hell out of the "fake" good guys corrupt FBI agents, CIA, Mossad, etc. You keep feeding information and letting everyone know you have the evidence and you have given it to others and there is lots of it.

He is saying and has said directly to McCabe if you take me out things will only get worse. You can only say that if your insane or have nothing to lose and tired of being hunted. He is in the latter.

He is alive because he is keeping himself alive on camera. He stated that months ago. McCabe & counterintelpro has been hunting him down for 7 years.

You want to understand him read Gary Webb. Research Michael Hastings. Watch Kill the Messenger. While you are at it realize he is those characters before their deaths and he is trying to stop his. He might be flawed we all are but if they get him and you take part you will read his story or watch the movie one day.

This is exactly the way the other messengers died. TBTB are forced to letting some truth out because of courageous citizens, journalists, patriots, or others then they hunt them until everyone calls them crazy, or others hideous names. They are found dead or have an accident and it is discovered later they were telling the truth all along. The citizens glorify him or her a movie of half truths are written and those responsible are never held responsible. Seth Rich.

YingYangMom ago

So what you're saying is that the protection he's getting is not coming from any agency, but from the information he's gathered by doing his own independent research which he's hanging over some VIPs heads... Could be. I've just watched this episode here where he gives us a tip about agencies (for example the FBI) using "tells" to convey info and make agencies identify "one of theirs" I thought this info was very credible and probably accurate. And I do believe that he's obligated to drop some disinfo to keep himself safe from TPTB. I truly want to believe he's one of the good guys. And if he is, I wish him well and lots of luck.

Jem777 ago

Something like that yes. The protection might be white hats on the inside feeding him enough info and leading him saying if you keep going tell the story we will feed it to you. Lead you & teach you. He obviously has some background in intelligence work & says that. He might be smart enough to tell the story, scared enough to keep going. Don't think he is just some innocent guy of one is hopefully people know this. Hoping he is not involved in children & Satanism at this point that would be a bonus. If he was (don't think so)hoping he is outing himself and everyone else in a grand confession.

YingYangMom ago

Don't think he is just some innocent guy of one is hopefully people know this. Hoping he is not involved in children & Satanism at this point that would be a bonus. If he was (don't think so)hoping he is outing himself and everyone else in a grand confession.

Yup. Like I said before, I absolutely want to believe he's a good guy, however I can't know for sure and it's hard to have hope nowadays with all the deception going on. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

srayzie ago

I'm right there with you

V____Z ago

He claimed to be looking at White House visitor logs that don't actually exists. He claims to have dropped information to Wikileaks in a manner they don't actually allow.


HollandDrive ago

Kissing persuasive lips. Odds are ... never mind.

acme2011 ago

Could he have implied that the bullets were fired from stolen FBI guns? I feel we should stop believing anybody and just look at facts. That way we will not be caught in a guessing game of disinfo-ism. Seems like even before we look at the claims we start arguing about their veracity. D&C much?

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Aligning this guy with pizzagate does way more harm than good. Same with The Dr.

Down voat me all you want, but Ive brought open minded people here to get more PG info and those two immediately shut them out with the nonsense.

jstrotha0975 ago

An FBI vehicle was broken into and a gun stolen about 2 hours before and 2 miles away from where Seth was killed.

millennial_vulcan ago


jstrotha0975 ago

I can't find the link because the search has been disabled for over 2 weeks dummy.

jstrotha0975 ago

Just searched and couldn't find it.

millennial_vulcan ago

....hey, if I had a micropenis and had grown up with people pointing and laughing at me my whole life, I'd be as angry as you, too.

Good luck!

jstrotha0975 ago

why are you looking at my penis creeper?

millennial_vulcan ago

pointing and laughing at it, loser.

jstrotha0975 ago

leave baby penises alone pedo enabler. You should be ashamed of yourself.

millennial_vulcan ago

I'm ashamed for YOU...penis enlargement is always an option if you can afford it.

jstrotha0975 ago

Why, do you prefer a larger penis?

millennial_vulcan ago

Don't you?

jstrotha0975 ago

I never heard a complaint about it. every girl I met said that it's nice. they didn't say small or big, they just always say nice.

millennial_vulcan ago

they were being polite?

jstrotha0975 ago

Probably. but lets face the facts. if you or me had a big penis, we would be making porn.

millennial_vulcan ago

sadly, true. Heck id do it with a small one.

Stukov ago

I think this hit the major news networks at the time, because I remember people making fun of the FBI for losing their gun at work.

millennial_vulcan ago

Thank you very much. Wow.

GeorgeT ago

Reminds me of Alex Jones how he was ranting against Arabs and as if by providence a conspiracy surfaced that implicated Saudis - Blocks of real estate around CPP turns out to be owned by the Saudis! What does Alex do - what Webb does - takes us on some Awan Brothers wild goose chase. All this while Jacob Schwartz, a freak who had 86 videos of 6month old babies raped is set free on a $7500 bail!! Is Webb that ignorant? I think not. I mean guys, twitter activated auto ban for mentioning Brian Podesta & John Podesta in the same sentence??? As Biff Tannen would say 'Hello, McFly, anybody home? ' It's high time we called out so called respectable shills. Look at the amazing work Honeybee is doing. Awan Brothers? Is he serious? The thing is that as of now we have too much evidence! Question is how much more evidence is needed when the likes of Jacob Scwartz are thrown behind bars without bail - THEY HAVE THE EVIDENCE - video of a baby girl being raped - and he gets a bail! What on earth is going on! Yeah let's look into Awan Brothers shell we!! MSM in 2013 reported how Hillary covered up for pedophiles, on Youtube, posted here several times. Need more evidence Webb! Still the Awan Brothers goose chase?!!! He must be an idiot or a shill!

DeathTooMasons ago

He is a spook and there are no good spookls. Once it was obvious what he was, why did anybody respect him?.The answer is that most have a childish need to like people. I call George , Casper, the friedly ghost. His fans are admiring a piece of shit spook because he is unemotional and easy to listen to. That's all it takes. Casper is a favorite for those who not only want to be informed, but have somebody to like. Fuck Casper, a friendly spook is still a spook.

GeorgeT ago

Agree. Like that David Steele guy - a spook. He had the nerve to say that all those child molesters should be exposed and - SET FREE - put it behind us and move forward. I sprayed coffee all over my keyboard when he said that.

remedy4reality ago

He's a shill.. Back a few months, I told him after his 3rd consecutive Awan Bros. video that PG investigators were worried about his tack away from the CF and the CGI and towards a clique of (((MUSLIMS))). He responded and said to the effect. " I love these comments. If you think exposing blackmail of 40+ members of Congress and Paki agents on the State Dept payroll is small change or a Muslim hunt... ect "


anonOpenPress ago

Using caliber .22 handgun?

Tyranny-News-Network ago

22 refers to the model ; Glock model 22. But the caliber of that model is .40. Definitely a possible assassins choice.

rastrodetortuga ago

FBI wet teams do not miss kill shots, so no...

Edit: OTOH they would want to make it look like it wasn't a pro job aswell, and non-lethal torso rounds to the back do not look professional, and more like an assault/attempt at murder.

BTW- have they stated whether or not his wounds indicated if he was running? As in running away from something or someone he saw?

Kacey ago

If it wasn't FBI you could say the same thing about the Clinton kill team . They have successfully offed quite a few. If the mafia was used you could say the same. Likewise the CIA. Perhaps someone wanted him alive and wounded for a time to scare him into giving up unfo, then they off I'm. So because the shots didn't kill him doesn't rule out the FBI

Kacey ago

OTOH why would theFBI use an FBI bullet when they have plenty of seized guns and ammo. That is a better reason to doubt that the CIA did it

Blackkcalb ago

Yes, information could account for the wounded scare tactic. I read someone mention organ harvesting also. These are amazing times. I know for sure, these criminals feel comfortable being above the law.

readstuff ago

Re: GW = Mossad (for example).

What is the benefit to Mossad of casting the FBI as Rich's assassin?

irelandseyes ago

Some are like cellophane = I can see right through this BS. Now that George Webb is getting MAJOR attention, the shills come out to discredit him.

DarkMath ago

I couldn't find the link either. I'll keep an eye out for it and let you know.

Big picture is whoever George Webb is working for he's exposing some toxic dirty laundry. You can't really call it "disinfo" because it looks to be true.

My issue with George Webb would be what is he leaving out. I'd agree with you 100% that there's more to this story than we're being told right now.

remedial ago

Excellent points, black hats are losing control of their/this narritive! This is why such a hardline on the Rich story within the MSM, no Rich stories whatsoever fire(d) the reporters...clear message received by all!

Now, what to do about those "pesty" internet conspiracies! Enter George Webb, mission: join the Internet white hats and drive the narritive!

DarkMath ago

"Ever wonder why MSM don't feel like calling this guy out?"

They did call him out. Rolling Stone did a hit piece on him.

"...because he works for them."

I highly doubt he works for the MSM or CIA. If I had to guess I'd say he works for or is sponsored by Mossad which would explain how he's been able to survive this long unearthing some of the dirtiest and most depraved crimes in American History.

I think the CIA and Mossad had a falling out if you will. It was probably over Hillary Clinton and the fact she's bat shit cray cray.



Bluebirdsolitude ago

George Webb also said LaRaza would shoot down Trump's plane when he flew into DC for the Inauguration. Didnt happen. Then he said Trump would be assassinated during Inaugural Parade when he got out to walk. He has said numerous times that Obama is innocent and clean and anything he did was not his fault because he was forced to do it. He has also repeatedly ask people to retweet to Russia Today. He has also said he, George, is an Israeli citizen, he is a journalist, no he is a computer guy, no he has IT experience, no, he works with Wikileaks, and on and on and on and on.....he has contradicted himself so many times it's not even funny. He has details of murders he shouldnt have so either he is lying about those details or he was there. The man is full of contradictions. I personally believe he works for Obama since he constantly mitigates him. Yes, I know this will not make his followers happy, and for that I apologize.

GeorgeT ago

I had suspected of him being a shill for some time. Alex Jones was full of crap too. Notice how nobody wants to go near the CPP and its American Psycho Alifantis - they would rather chace ghosts. Elephant is in the room yet Webb keeps taking us across the globe for a safari in order to spot - the same elephant. The likes of George Webb are pied pipers who lead us round the circles!!! Yet Anthony Weiner's laptop is sitting there with its 'lifeinsurance' files! It's a joke!

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Good point. I had not even thought of that.

paulf ago

George Webb also said LaRaza would shoot down Trump's plane when he flew into DC for the Inauguration. Didnt happen.

I thought he said that was a possibility.

Then he said Trump would be assassinated during Inaugural Parade when he got out to walk.

It may have been a possibility that was prevented. Or he was just plain wrong.

He has said numerous times that Obama is innocent and clean and anything he did was not his fault because he was forced to do it.

Utter horseshit. He's pointed out where Obama's hand has been forced and that's about it.

He has also repeatedly ask people to retweet to Russia Today.

So? They're real journalists and he needs all the help he can get.

He has also said he, George, is an Israeli citizen, he is a journalist, no he is a computer guy, no he has IT experience, no, he works with Wikileaks, and on and on and on and on.....he has contradicted himself so many times it's not even funny.

I don't know how old you are but none of these are mutually exclusive at all. I for example am an investigative journalist, a programmer, a systems administrator, a citizen of one country but a permanent resident of another thanks to previous military service, a digital forensics consultant and a technical contractor. Where exactly are the contradictions? This is pretty normal fare for professionals with a generalist slant over 40 years old.

He has details of murders he shouldnt have so either he is lying about those details or he was there.

Or, you know, his sources told him.

The man is full of contradictions.

Nope. It's the nature of this game. When you're digging for something that's hidden, especially by alphabets, then it's going to be a) hard to follow, b) constantly evolving and c) full of conflicting information.

Blackkcalb ago

Yea, your post is more rational than, bluebirdsolitude, good job on pointing out the ridiculous emotional tirade.

HolyMoly0 ago

Well said

2impendingdoom ago

I don't watch George Webb so I'm not going to comment on the video, however, thank you for your comment. I don't think FBI killed Seth Rich. They are very likely aware of what happened, but if they did it, they would have kept control of the investigation, same with Wisenaut in Miami Beach. I think he was drugged in the bar (why he was all chatty) and then followed home and shot when he got to a dark spot. I think that that Capone is involved, the MetroPolice and the hospital. Seth's organs were intentionally not injured so that the hospital could harvest them. I bet Monica Peterson's organs were harvested also.

EDIT: all that being said, you have to wonder what is George Webb's motive for accusing FBI.

DarkMath ago

"He has said numerous times that Obama is innocent and clean and anything he did was not his fault because he was forced to do it. "

Obama is a puppet. There's simply no question about it. He's a closeted homosexual and TPTB probably use that to manipulate him. And I'm not saying homosexuality is wrong. If anything I'd say Obama should come out of the closet because he couldn't be manipulated so easily.

Obama is kind of a tragic figure in this whole shit show. His heart is in the right place but he's rolled over so many times it's sad to see.

HolyMoly0 ago

Any chance you remember which videos he said each of those things in? Getting tired of reading about these "contradictions" and having no way to verify them myself without going through every single god damn video.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Welcome to /pizzagate, where people say all kinds of dumb shit without any source to back them up. Get used to it.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Heres the ones on Libby/Abby

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Im sorry I dont remember specific vid numbers.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I started watching him on Day 53 and stopped watching daily somewhere around Day 90-120 or so. I have periodically swung over there 1 or 2 times since when someone referred.

Go look at vids right before Inauguration.

Go look at vids he did on Libby German/Abby Williams murders where he said Libby was killed first by garrotting. He said she put her hands up to the garrotte to fight it and one of her fingers was hung under the garrotte and it cut her finger off. How does he know that? He said that Abby was raped all night and then murdered right before being found and her body was still warm when found. How does he know that? He said there were 4 people involved in their murder. How does he know that? Ive been married to an LE for 28 yrs. LE does not put those kinds of details out there in an active investigation because it damages the integrity of the case when they have to take it to trial. The vids he did on those girls so alarmed me that I submitted them to the Libby/Abby FBI tipline and also to the local tipline in the girls town....thats how serious was my alarm at what he said.

He also covered Jon Benet Ransey case (also garrotted) and had "inside" info about that.

He also covered women killed by Long Island strangler and had "inside" info about that. How? How does he know those details, and if he does, why has he kept silent so long?

He is either lying, or he really knows and if he really knows, HOW DOES HE KNOW?

The vids he did on the couple at the car dealership, Mike & Trina Kuznik, he gave the details of the murder, and said the woman was dragged into back room and raped before being murdered. How does he know?

Again, LE does not give out those details to people who have no need to know, so either he is lying, or he knows, so how does he know?

Call your local PD and ask them questions about any crime in your area and see if they are willing to give you details on active investigations.

If someone can give me a logical answer to all those questions, I am more than willing to consider it and will admit my mistake, but until then, George is highly suspect to me.

Jem777 ago

"LE does not give out those details to people who do not need to know, either he is lying or he knows." How many people arrive on scene after murders where blood is on the walls, have pictures & videos of kids in Haiti & Syria getting their ribs cracked open and organs removed. Know what garotting even is? Most cops do not even know that trust me?

He can't be randomly arriving on murder scenes in multiple cities around the country right? He isn't stumbling across active organ harvesting operations in Haiti on YouTube! He surely isn't a monster involved or they would be on to him! How is it that he is getting insider active law enforcement & CIA investigative information and even be directed exactly where to go? Because inside FBI & Law Enforcement officers are giving it to him and leading him every step to tell the story because they are trapped inside corruption. He has prior training in several disciplines but is getting real time info. You said your husband is LE 28 years. Want you to consider there are many LE on this forum and others that are speaking truth. Trust me George Webb is part of that.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

And if there are other LE on this forum, let them speak. If you are LE, then you know it is not uncommon for LE to pass information between agencies, whether city to city or state to state...a quick phone call to give a heads up...happens all the time. If George is legit, let the LE here who vouch for him and vouch for his info, pass that info to the investigating agency or the DA in those counties. I have yet to see George go into any DA's office or PD or SO.

If I am wrong I will admit my mistake and apologize to George.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Well, insulting LE by saying most of them do not even know what is garrotting is not what another LE would do. The majority of cops are not keystone as George implies alot of time. I hope you are correct and I am incorrect, but for the time being, I have my doubts about him.

HolyMoly0 ago

Thanks. I think it's about time for a "weird shit about George Webb" compilation project. We need some kind of consensus on this guy.

carmencita ago

I think there is something to what you are saying. At the beginning I listened to a few of his videos, but after a while I wondered why he did not get a bullet to the back of his head? Or a heart attack? Or his car did not crash into a building somewhere. If others dared say what he has said there is NO way they would be walking this earth. This is what is seriously bothering me.

remedy4reality ago

Webb reminds me of Mark Lane in the JFK assassination. You trust him initially because his views align with yours, but upon further consideration it seems like he's leading you away from the pure truth. In 'Rush to Judgement' Mark Lane flushed out important witnesses, most of whom met their demise before the Warren Commission was even formed.

Votescam ago

Mark Lane didn't lead us away from any information -- he first pointed to the fact that JFK was "shot from the front ... from behind?" .... and he followed through until he exposed both of the CIA's David Atlee Phillips as "Bishop" -- and Howard Hunt as to the fact that he was in Dallas on 11/22/63 despite his denials.

Witnesses were mentioned in every book, but certainly those doing the dirty work for the plotters didn't need to be told who the witnesses were as they were searching them out in every way. Often they tried to report to police authorities which is one way they were easily found. In other cases they readily gave information and interviews to reporters and other private investigators.

Mark Lane remained steadfast throughout his life in bringing forward information about the JFK assassination.

4_InquiringMinds ago


Mark Lane flushed out important witnesses, most of whom met their demise before the Warren Commission was even formed.

Brought back memories. I lived in Houston at the time. One of the best developed grapevines was the beauty shop which was common in those days for women to go to my mom included. The witnesses that apparently Mark flushed (didn't know it was him at the time) met a slew of unusual deaths or disappeared all together. The assassination was talked about in hushed tones bc so many were dropping like flies. All before the Warren C.

carmencita ago

Bingo. There are many sides to the JFK story and many wanted us to be led down another path. When will the true story ever be told? I have twice (although I hardly ever watch Webb or any other YT Idols) caught him repeating exactly what we investigated and discovered the day before he releases his video. Just Sayin"

redditsuckz ago

When will the true story ever be told?

Probably never but in October this year we might see a little truth...

25th JFK Assassination Secrets Scheduled for 2017 Release

carmencita ago

Definitely Popcorn Time. This will be an amazing release, if they even tell the truth. I believe the Deep State, the Bushes and the CIA (Old Man Pappy Bush) will definitely hold most of it close to their vests. They only way to find the truth is to expose all of it and LOCK THEM ALL UP. Thanks for the info.

Votescam ago

Actually, the "true story" of the JFK coup on our president and our "people's" government was being told the very night of the assassination as people in DC gathered at events that had been planned long before and whispered the names of the assassins.

Presumably many of them turned information over to attorneys as more than 100 attorneys in DC are said to have expired very soon after the coup.

Many people still ask that question because they believe the disinfo spread by the plotters suggesting that "we'll never know who killed JFK."

However, very quickly, in just a few books -- and with a movie which was frequently shown on TV called "Executive Action," starring Burt Landcaster, Robert Ryan* -- the public was made aware of those who were involved.

Since then, of course, Madelaine Brown - one of LBJ's mistresses -- has also given us a list of the names involved. Many were present at the home of Clint Murchinson the evening before the assassination at a private meeting, after which LBJ informed her that . . .

"“After tomorrow, those goddamn Kennedys will never embarrass me again. That’s no threat. That’s a promise.”< You can also find the Madelaine Brown interviews on YouTube.**

See: High Treason I and II, by Livingstone See: Crossfire by Jim Marrs and the "JFK" movie which reveals the essentials of the coup. These materials are likely available at your library or a library near you.

ALSO keep in mind what Detective Rothstein NYPD has told us about three major investigations over 50 years of prostitution and pedophile rings by the NYPD which were stopped each time when names of higher ups began to be linked to the crimes. Also that one of those investigations had gone as far as a State investigation in Albany where Hearings were being held before it too was stopped.

Note that near the end of the video, Rothstein also points to the lack of reporting on our military's involvement in this trafficking.

Additionally of interest: --

Detective Rothstein makes clear that WATERGATE was also not only about prostitution rings being run by the Democratic Party, but also about pedophile rings. And that a "book" recording this information was at the DNC/Watergate building which seems to be one cause for the break in

Too ...

LBJ and Bobby Bakker were running prostitution rings in order to entrap members of Congress.
Hotel rooms were set up where women of the night/day were provided to lure members of Congress.

  • They used the title "Executive Action" to make a later movie having nothing to do with assassination of JFK.

** Partial list of names of those attending the private meeting at Clint Murchinson's the evening before the JFK assassination ....

Quote -- Here's the list of those at the meeting the night before the assassination -- Includes, Nixon and Hoover and John Connolly

Clint Murchinson

Syd Richardson


Brown Brothers

George W. Owens

Joe Campisi

John McCloy

Malcolm Wallace

John Currington

Cliff Carter

Amin G. Carter

Jack Ruby

Carlos Marcellos

Joe Sivillo

Larry Campbell

Larry Curtis


Earl Cabell - Mayor Dallas

Bill Decker -- Sheriff of Dallas

Ted? Thornton

W. O. Bankston

Clint Peoples


May have missed a name or two --

Also, Helen Thomas (Journalist) had also been present at the earlier affair which Madelaine Brown was also attending at the home of Clinton Murchinson and she was still there as the men began to arrive at Murchinson's home for the private meeting. The morning after the JFK assassination she filed an affidavit listing the names of the men who were present that evening.

carmencita ago

Thank you for the most powerful message and information. I read it to my husband and though we have not believed the lies for many years, I have also never believed the story about Jack Ruby, just some bar owner going mad and killing Oswald. Amazing about LBJ. I had heard about it before, but there were other stories as well. Which one do you believe. That one makes much sense. Helen Thomas being included too is amazing, especially that she filed the affidavit and was allowed to live all those years later.

Votescam ago

Thank you -- Jack Ruby had been involved very early on with Nixon and HUAC going back to McCarthy Era. Will try to find a link for that -- Basically, he was Mafia, but had been around a long time in his involvement with these people and as you look at it overall (as Mae Brussel made clear and many others now) we see Nazi connections to the coup. (See Operation Mockingbird, Paperclip, Gladio and MKULTRA if you're not familiar with these CIA programs.) Jack Ruby tried to get info out to the public in every way possible to make this Nazi involvement known. Including letters from prison making these accusations. Also makes clear he was forced to kill Oswald by threats to his lives of his sister and brother. This shows again the CIA/Mafia involvement -- organized crime exists at the pleasure of Elites as they need them and a ready supply of thugs. Ruby also involved with drugs and prostitution. LBJ according to Billie Sol Estes had something like 18 murders done for him -- his main personal murderer was Malcolm Wallace whose fingerprints were found on 6th floor/cardboard boxes. LBJ was severely mentally disturbed as he himself relates -- had to keep himself on tight leash. Near the end, they had to pay a psychiatrist $1 million with gag order to hear his confessions regularly. (Pretty much same story as Nixon -- there's no way, imo, to deal in all this death and destruction and not be insane or become insane.) Cover up which exists to hide LBJ's involvement and criminal activities continues on even now -- very powerful. Probably wherever Thomas filed the affidavit it never saw light of day. Which is why LBJ was looking to hide records for 75 years so they could all presumably be destroyed by then. Fortunately, reporters immediately got to the people who were trying to alert us to this rising fascism in US and we know who were involved and how it was done. And imagine those who actually did it are long dead.

You can get much of this info on YouTube but if you hit your library you'll find wonderful early on books like High Treason I and II by Livingstone. Most libraries still have them! Crossfire by Jim Marrs and would always rec his books as he too goes on into the secret societies and rituals in other newer books. Right now story about SUGAR and CANCER is in one of his books -- aha -- !! It's Rise of the Fourth Reich .... an excellent book. Also control of medical system by Rockefellers discussed here recently.

Good luck -- and what you do know ... keep on tellin' it -- :)

carmencita ago

Thank you so much for the Enlightenment. I have just written those books down and will certainly be looking into them. I have a long list here next to me, but have been so very tied up with the SR investigation. I believe that one big reason they wanted Kennedy out of the way was the pulling out of troops from Vietnam. LBJ was more than happy to comply, whatever his reason, being either he believed in it, or agreed to do it to stay alive. I am sure there are more reasons they wanted JFK out of the way, such as his hatred for "secret societies". JFK- "I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind."

Votescam ago

The point about those books is they were early books which shows how long the truth has been known. And they are excellent books. Agree re VN -- LBJ was also early involved with NASA and "space" programs, talking about Moon as "highest hill."
There's pretty much no way to deny that LBJ was one of the main masterminds of the JFK assassination. See: LBJ: Mastermind of the JFK assassination/Philip Nelson but .... LBJ was the first suspect and I don't think the nation ever moved away from that suspicion. LBJ/Dulles -- but presume you saw the list of names ... ? It also couldn't have been done without the WH/President supporting the cover up which all of our presidents have done since then. :)

carmencita ago

I am sure even though it has not been proven, it is in the minds of many. We shall see when that PBS report comes out.

Votescam ago

PBS report?

carmencita ago

Yes, I am awful at finding things, but in the last few days I read on here that there will be a release of some of the Secrets about the JFK Assassination and that PBS will be doing a Special.

Votescam ago

PBS has pretty much been corporate owned for decades now -- Including Koch Bros./John Birch Society buying in, as well.

Documents that still exist have probably been altered or destroyed or disappeared.

1992 JFK Classified Records Act - John Tunheim headed it up -- Plus 4 panel members\ Unanimously concluded that ...

"Oswald was employed by the CIA working on high level assignments and probably also for the FBI."

Can't prove that to you because the History/Discovery Channel program was confiscated. At the end of the one hour program, Tunnheim repeats this conclusion TWICE and the TEXT appears below on the screen.

carmencita ago

Well, the fact that the program was confiscated, should tell us something. I somewhat guessed the special would be tailor made to their convenience. Not something we were hoping to hear. It's so sad that there is not much that will shock us anymore.

Votescam ago

The program appeared on HistoryDiscovery Channel when it was calling itself "the network for the new Millennia."
It appeared for about a month or more and using a new TV recorder I began filming it after seeing it a few times and recognizing it's value. At the time of the JFK assassination, all of our journalists/reporters began asking for Oswald's work records, his income tax returns, W-2 forms. They were always denied. However, they would have been in the Classified records.

While I was recording the program-- just before the end of the program where Tunnheim repeats their unanimous conclusion -- my doorbell rang and since I had stopped recording to eliminate an ad, I didn't get the last part which was the most essential part of the program.

Since it had been appearing fairly regularly, I wasn't concerned. However, after maybe one more appearance the program disappeared. A while later, what appeared to be a rebuttal to info in that program appeared and it was very poorly done and rather ridiculous. It played maybe three times and then that disappeared as well.

Never saw the original documentary again and later heard that Jimmy Carter had alerted the LBJ family and Bill Moyers and former Pres. Jerry Ford.
Evidently all copies of the documentary were taken from the History/Discovery channel and it has never turned up on YouTube.

I've also read that John Tunnheim did report the findings of the Panel to a Congressional Panel and that this was about the time of the Lewinsky scandal and the Clinton impeachment. Presumably the report and its findings were buried -- the actual report, that is.

carmencita ago

That must have been infuriating. I am sure you have tried every which way to obtain the lost part of the program. I have long had admiration for Jimmy Carter, but recently my feelings have changed about him and a few others. Did Tunnheim write a book? I can think of no other solution, for the Congressional Panel and the findings, surely as you say, will never be released as well.

Votescam ago

I think that at the time the program was pulled -- where he very clearly put himself in danger in order to get the info out -- that he was probably very seriously threatened at the same time which usually also includes threat to the family - children. When I saw Fetzer's book on the obvious EDITING of the Zapruder film I realized that he wasn't aware of the info and I wrote him a note. He called me and I made clear that the tape I had didn't have the last bit of info (unfortunate that they did it that way) ... and I sent it to him. Think he knew Tunnheim, but again -- all it proves is that there was a program no longer seen with a missing ending. And unless it appears on YouTube at some point, then that effort is pretty much over. The last part of the series of "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" ... "The Guilty Men" ... did finally show up on YouTube. But YouTube now has a new owner and things are changing there. I'm sure other people saw it and we may find out one day that someone else recorded it. Let's hope that Tunheim manages to stay alive and some day soon the world will be safer for truth.

carmencita ago

Wow. What a story. I wonder, have you tried on Ebay? A lot of time people sell things without knowing what they have or how important it even is. Like kids selling their now deceased parents belongings? I just checked and there are quite a few 2 disc sets avail. but I noticed one with 3 discs, maybe that could be the full set? IDK, I agree that sometime the truth will come out.

equineluvr ago


The MOSSAD disinfo agent strikes again!!

Blackkcalb ago

Check this pattern. (Concerning your MOSSAD comment) I noticed that they pretend to be enemies while they work together, to throw off detection. Accuse their real enemy of what they are doing them selves, just like Democrats are doing. But on a side note, FBI weapons was used, and the FBI is corrupt, and the FBI does and has covered up crimes since their creation. But when it comes to killing, if the FBI wanted him dead, they would have put a bullet right in the base of his spine and brain. So unless they wanted him at that hospital to die, I don't think the FBI directly killed him. There was anger involved in his death, it was personal.

DarkMath ago

" I don't think the FBI directly killed him"

That's not surprising. That's what hit men are for.

"There was anger involved in his death, it was personal."

So you don't think he was mugged either right? A mugger would just take money they wouldn't take it personal.

Blackkcalb ago

you are confusing

DarkMath ago

"The MOSSAD disinfo agent"

I've asked you this about 5 times and you never answer:

Who do you think killed Seth Rich?

Can you please respond. If you don't think TPTB murdered Seth Rich then you have to explain who you think did it and why. There is no way he was mugged and fought back because they didn't take his wallet.
