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Jem777 ago

I won't even explain it anymore. Funny how you guys are still attacking Webb when he now has other journalists with him and his sources "FBI agents" "DC police officers" "Medstar nurses" doing on camera confessionals. Keep up. Yes the bullet in Seth is an FBI bullet. This was known days ago. The evidence has already been provided by many people including FBI agants themselves.

srayzie ago

I just started getting more into George Webb since he started talking about Seth Rich. Do you know who this guy is that is traveling with him?

The problem I have with George Webb, is that like a week ago, he said that he liked Donna Brazille. He said she's nice but was forced into doing what she's done. He said he didn't want her going to prison or Podesta! He doesn't want Podesta going to prison?! That is huge to me.

He also said a couple of days ago that he's trying to stay out of the Pizzagate stuff. I think he's shown us great info. But, him not wanting Donna Brazille or John Podesta in prison puts up a big red flag for me.

V____Z ago

@Jem777 tells me I've got it wrong when I repeat that Webb has said he doesn't want Podesta going to jail. Yet I hear numerous people say that they've heard him make this very claim. Jem?

srayzie ago

I've heard it too. I also find it strange that none of his videos are being taken down. I watch my YouTube subscription list daily on this kind of stuff. They keep having their videos taken down. Yet, Webb is traveling, showing evidence and interviewing people and none of his videos are being removed. He goes on podcasts. He's becoming high profile. His Twitter account isn't ever suspended? Journalists are being fired for reporting on Seth Rich. But, George Webb is always safe. Doesn't that seem strange?

He does give a lot of good information. But, there is something off. I agree with @yingyangmom that he's getting protection from someone. He's working for someone.I just think we need to be careful believing everything he says. He could be limited hangout. I talk to Wendy, the one that was texting with him all of the time until things went wrong and she got scared. I posted about her before with her permission. There are strange things about him. I'm not trying to be mean. I just want people to be cautious. @Jem777

rwb2 ago

It's not enough to hear something and just repeat some vague paraphrase days or weeks later, because you might have heard it wrong, or misinterpreted, or missed vital context in statements before or after the one you focused on. I've asked V____Z and his cohorts for citations for incredible claims about what Webb might have said, and I am still waiting. Look, it's not rocket science. If Webb has said Podesta should go scot free, surely one of you could use this thing called a pen to scribble perhaps six characters on a notepad, those being the day of the video and the time within. I do this all the time when I spot important information, for future reference. Or, I favorite the video. If you do this, when someone like me asks where the quote can be found, you can provide it. Those who cannot note the locations of hyper critical information that might drastically change the opinion of large swaths of people cannot remotely consider themselves competent pg researchers. You're all suspect of gross incompetence due to this shortcoming. If I was any one of you, I'd spend as long as necessary looking for the quote to prove my point. The fact none of you will do this is also a sign of laziness, intellectual or otherwise.

srayzie ago

Go watch the videos yourself. Don't take our word for it. I don't deal well with attitudes. I'm not here to convince you. If you're so bothered by our George Webb comments then go do your own research. I know I'm not going to go back and watch all these videos again. If he says it again then I will take notes. It was about a week ago he said that he didn't want Podesta going to jail. Have at it.

rwb2 ago

I'm deeply bothered by all unsubstantiated claims. It is one of the main reasons why there is such discord at v/pg. I shouldn't have to watch mountains of videos to figure out if any of you got it right. Voat is uncensored, so you're free to post whatever you want, be it truth or fiction, but don't expect others to accept it as truth unless you can provide a way to validate it, and expect to be taken to task when the claims are as bold as saying someone advocates freedom for satanic child sex traffickers.

srayzie ago

I'll log it next time. I wasn't thinking about it. Are you wondering about the one where he said he thinks Donna Brazille is nice and he doesn't want her or Podesta going to jail?

rwb2 ago

None of us can stay on top of everything or the utterances of every person remotely connected to pg, so at times we depend on others to report on those other things. I've watched only a handful of George Webb videos, perhaps eight or nine longer ones, and the ones I saw were compelling, and appeared to have information that could only come from someone with deep sources. I also see he has many people following his video blogs, and they say he's doing good work. Then there's another contingent that says he's disinfo etc. Therefore, I am presented with an obvious contradiction. I ask, which side is correct? Or, is the truth somewhere in the middle?

It is incumbent upon anyone making serious charges to be able to substantiate the charge. This is universal law 101. In fact, it's the Ninth Commandment. I'm really not trying to give you a hard time. If Webb ever said Podesta should go scot free, and if there was not some missing context that explained such an outrageous statement, my opinion would shift dramatically. There is no other venue where validation is more vital than in an internet forum like Voat. This idea is completely lost on someone like V____Z, who had to defend DS against endless unsubstantiated claims, claims that could not be validated, and yet he does exactly the same thing against Alex Jones and George Webb. It's breathtakingly hypocritical.

srayzie ago

Well I'll try going thru them tomorrow. I know it was right after it was revealed that it was Donna Brazille that wanted that private investigator to stop investigating.

rwb2 ago

Another case in point.

Are you wondering about the one where he said he thinks Donna Brazille is nice and he doesn't want her or Podesta going to jail?


I know it was right after it was revealed that it was Donna Brazille that wanted that private investigator to stop investigating.

These two statements of yours which are separated by mere minutes are highly contradictory. The first claims he likes her and the second claims he called her out for wanting a P.I. to stop investigating. It is highly unlikely both can be true statements. There is no way for my logical mind to process these sentences together, therefore, I have to dismiss them as misreported or untrue, at least until such a time as they are validated. Since you volunteered them, you're responsible for validating them.

srayzie ago

I found it so am going to post it soon

srayzie ago

He is not the one who called her out. His comment was after it came out on the news. Then, he said that he likes Donna Brazille, but that she's forced into doing this stuff. Then he said he doesn't want her going to prison. Then he said he doesn't want a Podesta going to prison either. I'm gonna look and see if I can find it. It's a lot of video. But, I didn't make a submission. I responded to a comment because I couldn't remember which video he said that in. So you can cal, down. I would appreciate it if you lose your attitude.

V____Z ago

I am aware that there is a (barely "unspoken") understanding here that being polite and nice trumps asking hard questions of our sources, however that is not the case when it comes to people who call out Podesta, such as David Seaman. When they are people that you might imagine David Brock sending his trolls after, people that directly point fingers at those mentioned in the Podesta emails, there is no concern over being nice. People attack David so hard I can't even mention him here.

I am trying to hold people's feet to the fire because this isn't a game. We are here to save children. The time for being nice and polite is long gone. The deep state plays on our weaknesses, just as Wendy was played.

Webb has been caught in several major lies, and if he's just testing us to see how much we'll fall for, well we aren't doing very well on that test. Because he has been able to charm his way onto every major podcast that people here have made clear are ones they trust. He is such an alpha male, that even the more hardened podcasters/youtubers melt in his presence. They won't question him. To even note that no one has ever, or is allowed to, question George Webb, will make you very unpopular. I'm getting a big angry about this. I feel we are being manipulated. on behalf of pedo protectors.

I am a victim of a pedo who also took pictures. To this day i feel naked when a camera comes out and very rarely will i allow my picture to be taken (which infuriates everyone). Similarly, when an alpha male tries to exert control through manipulation and tactics like overwhelming charm, or guilt-tripping, it hearkens back to when i was too small and innocent to do anything but be used as a sexual object.

As an adult, it makes me sick to see it happening again, to see "be nice" used as a reason not to put an end to it. While we are worried about being nice, tiny children are being raped.

<This is only sparked by your comment, srayze, not aimed at you. It's aimed at the Reddit/Voat culture and I'm saying we need to take another look at it, as it might be working against us if applied, as it is, with a bias.>

srayzie ago

I can see what you mean. On a serious note, I'm sorry you went thru that 😢 Going thru being molested yourself I think makes you even more passionate about this cause. I was a victim myself. A close family friend and a family member. No pictures. But, I know how that can affect you even as an adult. I said I wasn't trying to be mean because I didn't want Jem to think I was attacking her. I'm glad you are here and working to try to save these children. ❤️

V____Z ago

(I thought you were referring to GW with comments about being nice.)

V____Z ago

I know what you mean, s. And i'm sorry to hear you too were a victim. People don't believe me here when i say this, but of my female friends, only one of them wasn't abused. It's so incredibly common. I'm so glad you're here too!

srayzie ago

Thank you. I heard it happens to 1 in 3 children. It's made me overprotective. I think it's much more common than people think. I feel like once I hit puberty I was surrounded by perverts. I think that's the prime age. It's sickening.

V____Z ago

It definitely is. They have no idea (nor do they care?) how much damage it does to take away someone's innocence before they've even discovered they had it.

srayzie ago

I know. I LOVE kids. Innocence is beautiful. I don't get how someone could choose to take that away. Now I think I had it lucky because what I went thru pales in comparison to these poor kids being tortured and murdered.

V____Z ago

Well, I don't believe they think of children as human, or as able to be harmed since in their mind, the children won't remember. I got this understanding when I heard Joe Biden say, after stroking a child's hair, "I like children more than people"

ArtificalDuality ago

I've been mulling about Webb some myself. More so, how he's perceived by the public and I have to admit I share the same sentiment. Content being taken down, active harassment are well known means to shut up truth and he seems to be escaping all of that.

Now with a headline like "Webb: FBI shot Seth Rich" all this added together sets off a big red flag. "Them" try to coax the public to go up against the state. Luckily the PG community is somewhat aware of that risk (Operation Gladio), but if stuff like such an accusation as the FBI shooting Rich, with such (an indeed, made-to-be-high-profile) a backing, this surely is reason to worry.

Even more so, all of these leaks AND an unwilling, complicit LEO upper echelon seem to suggest that all these leaks are in fact the controlled release of "Gladio" fuel.

They just did not anticipate the human populace to deal with the revelations in a lawful manner, much less, the collective diving on it and unearthing the darkest of connections...

V____Z ago

I also heard that he is claiming Seth Rich's family are pedophiles and through Offutt AFB in Omaha, involved in the type of stuff outlined in Franklin Scandal. THAT is straight up libel, and it can be very dangerous if people start to pick up that line and attack the family with it. Why did he not get sued for that? Why did mainstream media not make fun of such an outrageous claim and call him a conspiracy theorist?

Are we being set up to be taken down?