Narcissism ago

George Webbs stuff is awesome and I like his just give it direct approach. If the girls were likely raped all night just say it. If the parents don't like it do something, else they were in on it themselves as is often the case.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

This is SICKENING to me in that it seems Webb goes to no end to make EVERYTHING part of the big cabal conspiracy and the cops are all in on it and covering up the crime and etc etc speaking about one of the girls he says, "after a night of rape"....these parents are going thru HELL. They are going thru HELL, and Webb is saying "after a night of rape" about their child to 1000's of people? All I can say is Webb BETTER be right if he is going to put this out there. If this is just more conspiracy theory and him using a HORRIBLE crime to advance his viewership, if he is just surmising, he should be ASHAMED of himself for disrespecting these parents and causing them more pain, and for disrespecting the cops who are trying to solve this by implying they are dirty! And go ahead and defend him...shill this comment all you want, I dont care, this is just over the line, even for Webb! Have a little compassion for hurting families!

paulf ago

I don't think you're a shill. But you need to be dispassionate about this sort of thing. An unspeakable crime was committed but it wasn't done by George Webb. He's just investigating it and drawing conclusions based on his vast experience of investigating child trafficking and murder. That's a heck of a lot more than anyone else seems to be doing, even the cops.

Did you notice that the parents themselves were not allowed to speak about the case for months? So if you want to talk about causing pain, then point the finger at the right people. It's thanks to people like George that these sort of activities are being exposed so we can bring them down.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

With all due respect to you, and I mean that sincerely, that is standard operating practice for the family involved to be asked not to speak. My hubby been a cop for 28 yrs. The reason being so they can keep details of the crime out of the press. Not to suppress it, but so they will know when they have the real killer because only the killer will know those details. Thats my point. How does he know all of this that only the cops and the killer(s) know? How does he know there were 4 killers involved? He either doesnt know and he is making it up, or he knows, which again I ask, how? How does he know the info regarding the Long Island victims? Something stinks.

Alot of what George declares as nefarious behavior is just standard investigative work designed to protect the integrity of the case.

Regardless of any of that, this is a fresh, active case. These parents are living their worst nightmare. If he wants to cover it, that is his business, but he needs to have respect for these deeply grieving families, and for the cops trying to solve it.

paulf ago

Thats my point. How does he know all of this that only the cops and the killer(s) know? How does he know there were 4 killers involved? He either doesnt know and he is making it up, or he knows, which again I ask, how? How does he know the info regarding the Long Island victims? Something stinks.

I don't know. I just know that his track record so far good enough to trust on this sort of thing. He's been doing a daily investigative series for six solid months now and thousands of people, from ordinary folks like you and me right up to intelligence agents, have been assisting in his investigations. So yeah, he's very well informed about a lot of things. I know because I often check out what he says and it always adds up.

Regardless of any of that, this is a fresh, active case. These parents are living their worst nightmare. If he wants to cover it, that is his business, but he needs to have respect for these deeply grieving families, and for the cops trying to solve it.

If he could waltz into a bar and pick up the details from local people, then I think it's a little late for keeping quiet out of respect.

seekingpeace ago

"Vast experience investigating child trafficking and murder" Really? His background is computers. What you are saying is that law enforcement are stupid and only "secret agent Webb" is smart enough to solve the crime. LOL

seekingpeace ago

I think he's beginning to look and sound unhinged. Rolling stone doing a hit piece on him....weird little vlogs...blaming the Muslims for everything...there aren't any citations or evidence for anything anymore, just his narrative... I could go on...

At the end of the day, it seems unwise to trust someone who by their own admission is compromised.

Jem777 ago

From what George shared he located a Muslim/terroism training camp in Indiana that is home to a massive mosque and property where young men a have been brought out and trained in militaristic skills related to combat talk under the guise of equal rights fro muslin said. These are straight out terroist training camps where they are caught on film learning garatting techniques (involving the strangulation of victims with wires and special militaristic training.

lol and behold 2 young girls age 13 & 14 are kidnapped & go missing from Indiana in a location close to this training camp. They are found a short time later dead from being garrated(death by striangulaion with a wire like devise) so severe many of their fingers were severed from their bodies due to the horror of crime.

This just happened. These training camps are operating in full knowledge of state govts. Such as Indiana.

He indicated in his second video that he got the details of the rape & garatting including injuries from citizens and family. He also indicates there are DNA samples from several and gives approximate death times including information about body tempature. If someone is confused to believe that local cops & family have not leaked this to him you are not paying attention. He is being provided this information. He is openly sharing it because the elite government are implicated. He is trying to stop this.

Magonia ago

Upvoat! I'd like to see some more opinions on this before I go too in depth mine. I've followed this case from the beginning. Lots of strange things and people in a small town.

  • The man who owns the property lied about his alibi
  • Violated his probation by consuming alcohol and also drove to a dump/recycling center around the time of the girls disappearance. He's now serving a 3.5 year jail sentence because of it.
  • FBI has video AND audio of the suspect yet will only release a grainy still image to the public
  • the girls obituaries have two different dates of death leaving some to suggest that one girl was kept alive longer on purpose
  • the date is also interesting because if you assume the girls were murdered the night they were taken and not the day they were found then the date of February 13 matches the date two little girls named Lyric and Elizabeth were kidnapped and murdered under similar circumstances on a trail in Iowa. - Although police have insisted that the two cases are not connected -

Okay I'm done for now! Just glad someone finally brought this case up on Voat! I can only take so much censorship from the people at web sleuths.

DopeandDiamonds ago

It is far too similar to the Lyric and Elizabeth case to not be related.

carmencita ago

Here is what we do know, both sets of girls were on the trails by themselves. The girls were kidnapped, murdered, and left in a wooded park. Both sets of girls went missing on the 13th of the month. **They have committed these murders for decades. They are for CP and Snuff. The Angie Houseman case in St. Louis is similar. There are sick people waiting to see videos of these heinous acts, imo. There are global rings making videos and making huge profits. Just a few facts.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I am digging deeper into this.

I have not heard of the other case but will add it to my research list. Thank you.

carmencita ago

It is from years ago, but it is still going on. Believe me, they are still using the same MO. I believe it includes the making of CP and Snuff for profit.

janedoemadashell ago

OMG! It never ends....

carmencita ago

WTH? I wonder if this was done for CP and Snuff? There is a huge demand for it globally. I wonder if the Awan Bros. might have a gang operation going across the country or moving around in areas? This is horrific. Also I remember hearing at the beginning that someone dropped them off for a hike. I think that in itself is very odd. Why would you drop off 2 young girls by themselves in a secluded wooded area like that? This is really a hornet's nest.

janedoemadashell ago

O God, I didn't about the hike info! This stuff sometimes indeed gets me to question my own sanity....

carmencita ago

There were similar crimes in St. Louis area. Angie Houseman is one and I believe that was CP and Snuff.

janedoemadashell ago

The dark history of St Louis is so powerfully sad, I have not heard of Angie Houseman, but I will go read up and ty!

carmencita ago

You should also read about the jane doe case in st. louis. I warn you it is not pretty. It was upsetting, but someone I have been working with on here told me to not be afraid of reading anything and then use it against them. There was also a police global CP bust Operation Cathedral that included a father and son team that were arrested for CP but they could have possibly been guilty of the Houseman murder. Here is a link for a post on Jane Doe It was submitted by @Wolftrail72722

janedoemadashell ago


carmencita ago

I fell into total immersion of St. Louis. It sucked me in. You should really look into the Submissions of @Wolftrail7272 for they are very informative about what is going on not only there but it can be applied to all of the operations into how they are operating. The involvement of the Catholic Archdiocese expanded my thinking into realizing they are involved in all major cities. His delving into the Tenet Healthcare System tells us that their involvement with the CF would bring this whole thing down. If you do look into this, let me know your thoughts.