Jem777 ago

Spins biffada occulta seems to have genetic traits to possible certain bloodtypes? This might help lead to understanding connections with RH factors. This is also related to Madeline McCann. Coloboma has some connections to RH factors. Outward sign in the eye of a genetic component. These children/adults are kept on international donor list named C. A. R. I. S.

Wolftrail7272 ago

You're getting it.

Also, the info I spoke with the FBI with was not anything I've posted before. I'm holding it private unless I believe no action has been taken, then their hand can be forced. I do trust the FBI, to be clear, to do the right thing, and I think giving them time to collect data is the proper way to build a case. I will not rush them, but what I do want is for them to listen to me and I want to see/hear some confirmation that they have followed up. I trust they will give me this confirmation in time.

Jem777 ago

Got your back in more ways you can imagine

Jem777 ago

Connection as well to spine surgeries...making more sense

Wolftrail7272 ago

Did you come across Jane Doe's spinal issue?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wow. I'm so sad. This is tragic. May you rest in eternal peace little one. :(.....

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Or may you come back reincarnated as a bastion of justice who not only gets to live a full life, but also has the satisfaction of destroying the scumbags who did that to you. Either way, God has you.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I will. Thank you.

rodeo13 ago

Thank you for posting this, and your previous post. I went to college in St Louis, and still love the city. Had never seen this story before but I have no doubt it's part of the interconnected web of PG.

Piscina ago

RIP little Jane Doe

Jem777 ago

This is so sad. Hope it is not deleted needs exposure to stop this madness. The fluoride testing information alone telling all of us they can determine location and history of child from North to South. Fluoride is placed in drinking water intentionally for there to be testing in the US based on these bio markers should alarm everyone.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Focus on who the psychics were. Dig there...

Smyrtz ago

Fluoride also calcifies the pineal gland.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Boron decalcifies it!!!! Spread the news! We need our dreamers back...

Oh snap! Thought for a bit and realized the imolications of what you are saying. She was groomed to have her pineal gland eaten...

carmencita ago

Wolftrail When you first posted about her I could not read it. It is horrible. I know how it corresponds with the rest of the story. Snuff and Child Pornography in St. Louis. Dig People. Dig. There is more to this than you think. Thanks for keeping us posted Wolftrail and Stay Safe.

Wolftrail7272 ago

"Knowledge and Power directly imply one another." - Foucault. Read everything you can, no matter how disturbing, and use it like a weapon.

archons ago

Any recommendations in particular?

Fateswebb ago

They're just gonna delete this thread man. You have to at least say how you think it relates to pizzagate.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I don't feel like linking the "artwork" of Podesta's with children in only sweaters in tiled rooms, but I'm certain you've seen it. The MO is consistent. If you think it is isolated to a pizza place in DC, I suggest you crack open a beer and read a great deal more. Not tryin to be a dick, just sayin that if this thread was going to be deleted, it would have by now. I have talked with mods a few times about St. Louis. I have also "worked" with the FBI. I'm holding on to a lot more than I've released so far and don't want to dox myself, as I'm one of the only people releasing info on this city. There was a country club that recently burned down in St. Charles, and I can tell you, there is a reason the ATF is involved. I can't say more about that, but there will be more fires in this city.

Fateswebb ago

Absolutely bro. And I know how big this is, and have known about pizzagate and was trying to open people eyes to it 15 years ago. Keep up the fight bro.

3141592653 ago

Right on . Me too.

Queen_Puabi ago

Possibly two drug addicts looking for copper pipes to sell? Is there a link of who the men were?

Wolftrail7272 ago

Suspiciously, in both the Ricky McCormick case as well as this Jane Doe case, both individuals are found very soon after their deaths. With McCormick he was found 3 days after his death, and with Jane Doe it was 3 to 5. Both were in very out of the way places in the sense that it is statistically unlikely that people would just "come across them."

Not only these two, but the case of Angie Housman, who was found tied to a tree at Busch Wildlife, had died only hours before some hunters came across her, naked and frozen with gaffers tape (kind used in film) over her eyes and mouth. Make no mistake, these are not coincidences. The police (major case squad) and FBI know a great deal more than they let the public in on.

Jem777 ago
