Wolftrail7272 ago

Thank you for your interest. I remember the banners as well, mentioning a "crackdown on trafficking." I thought, and still think, they were likely about drug trafficking, as I knew people who were involved with pot sales at the time who mentioned things running dry at that time.

Have you heard about the Veiled Prophet? I would be willing to bet you with a great deal of certainty that those involved in Veiled Prophet are not innocent.

Jem777 ago

Know them personally. Direct contact with all. Everything.

Jem777 ago

Follow up on the McCormick story and secret messages. Many will not follow but should. Wolf trail you are a courageous hero.

Wolftrail7272 ago

On the subject of McCormick, I mentioned in the thread that there is something strange about his eyes. This is important. His specific health issues put him at increased risk for organ harvesting. He was also a documented pedophile who had a few kids with children. There is an implication in this. His health defect is genetic... There are large forces at play. I have much more information on him I have not released yet but I do answer questions to the best of my ability without giving myself away.

Jem777 ago

Bloodtypes, biomarkets, case study

Votescam ago

I know zip about either of them -- except one had something to do with caves. Turilli something to do with Jesse James

carmencita ago

As I have said many times on here before, you can't make this stuff up. It is so entangled and mired no one will believe it when it blows. That is how they designed it. They know that none of them will blow the whistle because they know what vile things the Cabal can dish out. I am so glad I am not in there world, I would not take a penny, not that they would give it. They are selfish low life.

carmencita ago

I am doing deep research on the St. Louis and Church connection. It makes me want to go and help the people living in the toxic waste dumped on them by the Manhattan Project. It is a crime on humanity. That is horrible but there is something else going on there that is horrid and people will have a hard time understanding. It is the core of the whole investigation. It is going on in many other large hub cities and will shake people to their core, but St. Louis is it's center.

Forgetmenot ago

V for vendetta one of my fave movies!They are stealing our children and our future. When will people wake up this is massive. They deserve to be remembered, that their death was not in vein. We need so many monuments everywhere! There is so much to investigate....the evil must be exterminated they are inhuman!

salinaslayer ago

I never understood why people would hate the church the way they do, but damn, how can you not in these circumstances

Orange_Circle ago

John 4:4King James Version (KJV)

4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I am comfortable that anyone reading our exchange will judge accurately which one of us has an axe to grind.

Orange_Circle ago

Zechariah 2:8 “For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.”

carmencita ago

I may be wrong but I think it is Child Pornography and sometimes Snuff. Possibly a ring. It seems that whenever there are priests from almost anywhere in the country that have committed egregious abuse, they are sent to the same St. Louis Retreats repeatedly for decades. There must be a reason for this. It all ties together somehow. The Archdiocese is involved with this.

carmencita ago

SNAP is blasting the “callous, reckless and deceitful secrecy” of officials with the St. Louis archdiocese and the Marianists, a religious order to which Christensen belongs. The group believes top church staff should have told citizens and Catholics and law enforcement about the allegations against Christensen. And, SNAP says, the Catholic hierarchy should have clearly informed the public when it deemed the accusations credible enough to formally kick Christensen out of the priesthood.In 2002, Christensen was sued in St. Louis by a former Chaminade student, Michael Powel, who said Christensen repeatedly molested him as a child. Christensen’s church supervisors refused to accept service of the lawsuit, so Christensen was able to delay the proceedings for five years. In 2007, process servers surprised Christensen at a downtown St. Louis bar he organized. But Powel died of a brain tumor before the suit could be resolved.Powel was represented by St. Louis attorney Joe Bauer. Other attorneys handling cases against the Marianists include Ken Chackes (St. Louis. 314 872 8420) and Adam Horowitz (Miami, 305 931 2200).Christensen, now in his late 60s/early 70s, also taught at McBride High School and started a non-profit called the Institute of Integrated Rural Development in BangladeshAt least five other local Marianists have been named as accused pedophiles. They include Fr. Robert R. Osborne, Brother John Woulfe, Brother William Mueller, Fr. Daniel A. Triulzi, and Brother Tony Pistone. Each faces/faced one or more civil lawsuits. Litigation against Triulzi and Mueller has been settled. The religious order runs Chaminade, Vianney and St. Mary’s high schools in St. LouisSNAP is urging parents of students at those schools to demand openness and reform by the Marianists. *** These were all priests loose in St. Louis. I am sure they were up to their usual heinous acts upon children. I am going to see what I can dig up on them and if they stayed at any of the retreats and guilty of making CP.

Wolftrail7272 ago

You are very much on the right track now. It is institutional. All I can say for now.

carmencita ago

There has been a development between Pope Francis and the Knights of Malta. The head of KOM was asked to step down by the Pope and he has appointed a replacement. Usually this falls upon Archbishop Raymond Burke (OMG). KOM is Freemasons. The list of members is shocking. It is loaded with elites, royals and many of whom we know are pedophiles. I believe there might be a connection possibly with this change and what has been going on in St. Louis. Could the Pope be trying to stop the pipeline of sex trafficking and CP in St. Louis and other hubs? I recommended the Poster of that article check out your posts about St. Louis and the Archdiocese. They indicated they would.

carmencita ago

So it is within. Possibly they are creating the CP for the Church? Including the Vatican and the Hierarchy? The Vatican seems to never be in a hurry to shut these Retreat Centers down. Just like Archbishop Carlson refused as well. So my guess it goes further than just the Archdiocese of St. Louis for that would be a small operation. All of those priests and all of those years makes me thinks it goes further than St Louis. Roma.

Orange_Circle ago

Shut up.

Orange_Circle ago

What are you talking about.

Never mind. Don't answer that.

Wolftrail7272 ago

By your tone alone I can tell you misunderstand me. You do not protect pedophiles from the rule of law. Equality under law.

Fitzgerald actually was a good man who was forced out, and while he ran it he did not allow pedophiles in his treatment. You need to do your homework and read your own data.


carmencita ago

La Salle Retreat Center. The facility was first built in 1872 as a Catholic “Protectorate” after a St. Louis cholera epidemic orphaned many area children. Although the orphanage was created by St. Louis lay people, Archbishop Kenrick invited the Christian brothers to take charge of it in 1876. It became St. Joseph’s Industrial School in 1884, open to all young boys. In 1885 the orphanage was destroyed by fire, and the La Salle Brothers bought the property from the diocese. In 1886, they built a three-story center on the stone foundation where the orphanage had been. The facility then became a center of formation for young boys studying to become Christian Brothers. The Junior Novitiate included the high sch0ool years and the year of Novitiate followed after graduation.By 1940, fire had destroyed much of the farm buildings, and a second fire in 1988 ended the farming operations at the facility. The school’s population reached a high point in 1941, when there were 200 Novices, Junior Novices, Brothers and retired Brothers living in community at La Salle.Brother Marvin Becker, now a part of the staff, came to the facility at age 14. I did a lot of research on Brother Becker, who is now deceased. Could not find any links to abuse to him or by him. I cannot imagine that there was not any abuse going on while the Center was a School. 200 Novitiates and no abuse? We know better than that. I will keep on checking, that place creeps me out with it's history and the history of the Archdiocese of St. Louis.

Wolftrail7272 ago


You won't find too much in their past. What you should look for are the pentagrams. But this is not a priority, truly. This is a place where "retreats" happen, and we should focus on the people doing them. Wonder if the Marianists have done anything lately... they use La Salle often and have a small center nearby. Here is something interesting as a side note which is very close to all these places:


Ctrl-Left ago

One of the most interesting is the bookcase the swings out to reveal a set of stairs that leads to the working basement.

carmencita ago

I remember this case and was consumed with watching the news of the rescue for days. It just amazed the heck out of me. Still cannot believe it. How frightened these two boys must have been. To the point of signing his name as Shawn Devlin.

DustyRadio ago

Have you read about Bella Dodd's interviews and the communist infiltration of the Catholic Church? It is very interesting and informative. It explains a LOT of the happenings of the last century in the Catholic Church. Dodd testifies in Congressional hearings regarding this. There are weak men and bad men throughout history who have done terrible things, in the Church and out, but the deliberate attempts to subvert and destroy the Catholic church from within are real. They put pedos and all kinds of sick people into seminaries with the express purpose of destroying the Catholic Church.

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you for all of this!

PizzaGate711 ago

Wonder what's going on at this Church to warrant police presence. What do you think is going on at the 'Iglesia Ni Cristo Church of Christ' in Gaithersburg, Maryland, to warrant police to be on guard? http://imgur.com/MW3mOos The Church is located on Google Maps as being at 'Gaithersburg, MD 20877. USA' - and that's it. No street address is provided - but zooming in you'll find the address of the Church being '222' Cedar Ave, Gaithersburg Maryland. http://imgur.com/OkdIkhC This is a close up of the Church crest, which looks very much like a Freemason/occult type crest, taken from the church of the same name, in nearby Washington DC. http://imgur.com/Cbw0ida

Turns out in fact it is Freemason....

***** EDIT - from @fartyshorts >>>

Supposedly any connections to freemasonry are denied by the church, but pretty much ALL of the symbols on their crest are taken directly from it. Scottish rite aprons have all of those symbols on them in various arrangements/combinations.

I found this comparison that someone made: http://i.imgur.com/9XzrfeO.jpgJPG

Rotate this image and you'll see a roped off car park area; blocked driveway; truck out the back, and a double-cab utility and white windowless van, that are positioned ready to drive off. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Iglesia+Ni+Cristo+Church+of+Christ/@39.1355193,-77.2013334,3a,75y,300h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1syrRMZcuHU0dBkCtPLzk55w!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DyrRMZcuHU0dBkCtPLzk55w%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dsearch.TACTILE.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D392%26h%3D106%26yaw%3D300.9552%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b62d314811ecff:0x2f493e4aa399785d!8m2!3d39.135663!4d-77.2016481!6m1!1e1 http://imgur.com/g1fR6PH http://imgur.com/k3LIEQ2 http://imgur.com/FpGuujS The police car would of had to have reversed into the spot. And it looks as though a vehicle is parked in that small area regularly. http://imgur.com/UcaD0dq Google Earth shows 3 Churches by this name in Africa. Two are in Lesotho and one in South Africa. Here's the location of the 'Iglesias Ni Cristo Church' in Mafeteng, Lesotho - obviously a mining site. http://imgur.com/fHwBR3b Looks like something is being transported in and out from the Church property in Gaithersburg, and it must be pretty damn important to have the local police on guard. Photos are from the Google Maps website - that strangely does not supply an actual address. So what’s the photo communicating I wonder? Anyone know if this US based Church is involved in the Clinton Foundation's trafficking of children from Lesotho and South Africa?

Votescam ago

"Church" is usually mentioned in any of these pedophile scandals: Belgium, Australia, UK-Hampstead Case. After all, it's all male-supremacist religion and organized patriarchal religions underpin patriarchy. Don't know why women still support any of these religions.

And try this "Catholic Church owns Billion-dollar German Media firm Selling Pornography" from this link -- it's to a UK archive which was linked to in the new article here right now at top on Obama's $65,000 pizza/hot dog party. It's very varied and very long -- but has a LOT of info. Suggestion: Scan first -- wait for day you're feeling strong. Nothing graphic, however. http://www.ukcolumn.org/oldforums/index.php?p=/discussion/8665/procuring-children-bbc-virtual-pedophile-matrix-sos-children-s-villages

Drnoway ago

Who is surprised? Hands up! Nobody?

Wolftrail7272 ago

Honestly, I believe the FBI is doing that for us, however, I will look into it as well as I have not had to previously.

Wolftrail7272 ago

You are correct. These are just one town away. Very close. Look at a map and you will see.

EllaMinnow ago

I grew up near castlewood and I remember once seeing people with robes and torches through the woods at night. Several stories of things like that

Wolftrail7272 ago

333 Belleveiw Rd. (Yes, this is the correct spelling), I can safely assume? Near the place kids called "Zombie Road," but there were many legitimate claims of this type of thing, and evidece of many animal sacrifices. I had gotten into the main house at 333 many times and there was a great deal of evidence to prove it was used for rituals, but I don't want to detract from the real evidence given here by going into that. Nearby, La Salle Retreat Center has a pentagram in its walkway for visitors. I will see if I can find photos and if not will go take some myself.

carmencita ago

I remember the La Salle Retreat Center from researching other places. Will look into it some more. I remember some strange feelings about that place.

carmencita ago

Yes, Please. Even though this was going on when you were a kid, it could still be happening today and provide a background for some of the CP videos made for sale. Either way it could also provide clues as to what might be involved with the priests at the Retreat Centers. Thank you for this. I will be waiting to see.

EllaMinnow ago

I forgot about the retreat center. We always called them monks BC they wore long brown robes...Robes! I never put that together before. The retreat center and the other places mentioned are on different roads but basically all share the same backwoods. maybe it was them?!

carmencita ago

I believe there are a lot of connections here. Everything seems to be connected! It is uncanny that they had their fingers in every pie. Keep digging.

EllaMinnow ago

I spent several Friday and saturday nights on zombie road and actually that's where I saw the people with robes and torches. I thought it was called Lawler Ford, not Belleview but either way. And I saw something crazy on down the road in Sherman once too.

EllaMinnow ago

No kidding, it's actually schuerman and not Sherman? I lived near there for 20 years and never knew. There was always a big pentagram and a devil's head spray painted under the train bridge for one thing, but that could have just been kids playing around. However once we were swimming downstream from the bridge and we came across a burned out bonfire with an animal's head on a long stick stuck in the ground. I think it had been a pigs head but im not positive. I didn't see any sign of the rest of the animal but a different time we came across the headless body of what may have been a small goat. That was right off the side of the road on zombie road though not Sherman (I'm sticking with Sherman, old habits). Edit: these memories are 30 years old. I think it's very likely we saw the burned out bonfire and animal head closer to the Glencoe river access and not schuerman/Sherman, if it makes any difference.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I would highly encourage you to write out what you saw here, as potentially myself and others may have similar stories of such events. Lawler Ford Rd. is/was Zombie Rd, but Belleveiw Rd. Was basically next to that, near Schuerman Beach.

Wolftrail7272 ago

https://youtu.be/htTC0GUfwoQ Ohhhh whoops, did I forget to mention the Castlewood Treatment Center? Costs $650,000 to treat someone there for an eating disorder, and lots of claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse as false memories. Almost like there is something strange going down in St. Louis. Eh?

Jem777 ago

Yes I would like to share direct info. On this wolf trail. From inside and can connect them all personally. Ma to Ny to St. Louis. From Tav. To Dr. 'S involved. The model itself founder. Know personally and can help guide. Personal numbers as well just need to be in person

Wolftrail7272 ago

We can set something up.

Jem777 ago


carmencita ago

OK, this sounds insane. I think he put them under and they participated in something maybe for porn. They just think they did not participate for that is what he told them to remember. I believe there is a lot of satanic ritual stuff going on for there have been a lot of years of Archdiocese priest abuses and porn snuff films for profit. This guy may be part of it.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Think about it like this: it costs $650,000 to treat someone at this center for an eating disorder... These are children of the elite. They undergo regular therapy, not "hypnosis," both in group therapy and 1 on 1 therapy there. I believe they are uncovering repressed memories that are real, and are suppressed as these individuals seeking treatment also typically exhibit Dissociative Identity Disorder... There is a man who started a "Castlewood Treatment Center Victims Group," on facebook, saying that all allegations of Satanic Ritual Abuse are false memories. Wonder if he has anything to hide...

Jem777 ago

Set something up before 1st person witness to discuss personal testimony from inside The SS with Dr. Fre and Jung to passing in US at 80 seven years ago. Also (W) to model and inside St. L & now in No. Ca and inside the facility on the coast.

carmencita ago

I had a feeling some of those things really happened. Someone said that they had seen people with robes and torches years ago near Castlewood. I think maybe some of the things they have seen happened there. The Jane Doe case made me cry. It took two days until I could bring myself to read it. I read one account that said she had red and purple nail polish on. That was strange for in those days a little girl of that age would not be wearing that on her own. Someone put it on her trying to make her up like a prostitute or for a porn movie like we know many were making for Wonderland Club. Snuff Perhaps. Now that I have read it I cannot get her out of my mind. Hope, with beautiful skin. the color of cinnamon.

carmencita ago

Wow. What the hell is going on in St Louis. What would be the purpose of this therapist wanting the clients to believe they took part in Satanic Rituals? Wonder if they were planning to kidnap them later and somehow they would take part in some crazy ritual night that he and others take part in. You know they have a code word or something that causes them to oblige to their wishes. Maybe I have had too much wine tonight?

thisistotallynotme ago

What the hell is going on in St Lous.

Missouri Loves Company.

Wolftrail7272 ago

You got a laugh out of me. Taken a step further, there is a town within St. Louis called "Des Peres," which is pronounced exactly like "Despair." Despair in Misery! Hah! Not that it exactly has anything to do with Pizzagate, but worth a chuckle.

carmencita ago

It is the Archdiocese that is causing all the Missouri.

Forgetmenot ago

I am starting to realize that reality is even more bizarre than anything my imagination can make up.

carmencita ago

I have said many times you can't make this stuff up. Just when I think I have read the most disgusting story, they come up with another one. I have had to developed games I play when I get to bed at night to block out the thoughts I may just have read.

Wolftrail7272 ago

A patriot with some infomation. Thank you. We must find more info on the way in which he shared video.

carmencita ago

I hope one of us finds your answer concerning Allenmeier. Carlson did not report abuse by a priest in the 80's and the priest went on to abuse again. Carlson said he did not know whether abuse of a child was a crime. With a statement like that we can suppose that he allowed more abuse or committed some himself. I would not be surprised if he is behind a large child porno ring that spans the globe. Somehow the Vianney Renewal Center is involved, imo. There is some really creepy stuff going on there. Angie Housman could have been a snuff victim.

Highcard ago


CHRISTIAN PRIEST RAPED 30 CHILDREN AT A CHARITY IN>>>> note: St. Louis note: He's still out there. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/soc.culture.bangladesh/SBJLsovkSCI

carmencita ago

Well, Don't know if this is one of the guys, probably the son. He was born in 1982 Jason Alan Meier AND he is in jail right now as a Sex Offender. Indecent Assault of 28 yr. old female. Former address on Redwood Ln, St. Charles, Mo. This might be the son. Can't find anything on the father. Thinking maybe he and the mother never married and they had different last names. Still looking. Looking up other info now.

mooteensy ago

Yes!!!!! Please share!

Orange_Circle ago

Stay strong. Pray. The world needs us.

Orange_Circle ago

All pedophile roads lead to Rome.

There is a famous Jane Doe from St. Louis. I always thought it sounded like she was used in a snuff film.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Are you talking about the headless girl found in University City just north of Forest Park? They did an analysis on her bones and found that based on her flouride exposure she likely grew up and lived somewhere along the southern coast of the US, possibly on an island outside the states. She was a black little girl, found in a yellow sweater with a red and white rope around her arms... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Louis_Jane_Doe

I'm sorry any of you even have to read this.

Orange_Circle ago

Yes, that's her. Bless her, no longer suffering.

I do not understand why things like that happen.

Forgetmenot ago

We must not forget about the victims that have no name. Someone has to carry them in their heart and at least remember.

Orange_Circle ago

Yes. I agree.

carmencita ago

Wow. That is why I will not stop and I will do this everyday until it EXPLODES. Will try to read tomorrow. Have had my fill of heartbreaking stories today..

catslovejustice ago

It sure seems like it. I think they have paid out 4 billion or so in damages to sexual assault victims. Makes me wonder what the $$$ from the Al Smith dinner really goes to. Maybe it does go to needy NY children. But with all of the corruption within the church, it really gives me pause to ponder.

mooteensy ago

I would love more info on this....but also probably hate it at the exact same time.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I have had many nightmares about this, but something was different about last nights. Something changed. I didn't feel helpless. I vaguely remember breaking a lot of vases and pottery. Not sure how that helps. Buy ammo, though. Trust me on that.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Wonder what Archbishop Carlson has been up to... COUGH COUGH. Please, dig.

Orange_Circle ago

He's probably been up to raping altar boys and covering things up like all good bishops do.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Ask me questions, everyone. I will reply.

catslovejustice ago

Are you talking about this: http://www.stltoday.com/lifestyles/faith-and-values/st-louis-archbishop-carlson-claims-to-be-uncertain-if-he/article_4215ecea-3409-53b3-813b-545c81a1b793.html

**During the deposition taken last month, attorney Jeff Anderson asked Carlson whether he knew it was a crime for an adult to engage in sex with a child.

“I’m not sure whether I knew it was a crime or not,” Carlson replied. “I understand today it’s a crime.”**

Wolftrail7272 ago

Welcome the the center. You understand, now, whats going on. Nobody could reasonably believe him on this. Fundamentally, this is the most wrong thing. Likely why actions were taken against him within the church, which also means the church knew what was happening.

catslovejustice ago

It seems like this happens a lot. Didn't the last pope have issues because he failed to report crimes under his watch? Like the Sandusky thing. It's a good ol boys club and they don't want to do anything that will impact donations coming in.

Mad_As_Hell ago

This type of thing is rampant in Catholic Church: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases

It was official policy to deal with abuse cases internally using Canon law rather than involve the authorities. This usually involved moving abuser priests from parish to parish, allowing them continued access to young children.

In Ireland, the top Church representative was found to have been involved in forcing victims of a serial abuser priest to sign vows of silence: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1257904/Irelands-Catholic-leader-Sean-Brady-paedophile-priest-cover-up.html