AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

Have you checked Reddit yet? There's a thread on there where someone appears to have partially solved the cipher. There are keywords that jive with your suspicions. It's not fully cracked. I bet the undeciphered portions are names of people and specific places that perhaps are double encrypted or encrypted with a different key. I wish I was smarter. The thread can be accessed by googling for the name and it pops up on first page of results.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Many people claim to have deciphered it, but which are you specifically speaking of?

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

Did you receive my previous reply? I can't tell if it went through or not

Wolftrail7272 ago

I did.

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

User by the name of gasgrassass. Is he on the right track? There's mention of sex, small underwear (Mispelled - which makes sense if he wrote it because he could be misspelling things but then who wrote the cipher?), preschool, and some other words that eerily jive with context you're providing. Oh yeah - and trailer. You specifically mentioned a pedo keeping children in his trailer. Would we not expect that to come up in the notes if this ring or case has all these folks somehow related?

Thanks for your prompt reply. I am quite nervous about posting here and I rotate usernames not keeping one for the length of more than one thread. Which makes it hard to respond or IM people without points. :/

Thank you for your dedication to this. I don't know who you are but it's people like you that give inspiration to those who have been struggling to make sense of all this heart shattering truth to the deep horrors that go on in society.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I believe I know the thread and user but please link it in a reply to this comment. I think he has the right idea in terms of what the notes are relevant to but has deciphered it wrong.

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

This is the one I am referring to. The post is the last one from the bottom by user gasgrassass

Wolftrail7272 ago

Yes I've worked on that particular deciphering a bit from what I believe was a websluths forum. I think it is stretching at best but the person who attempted to decipher it understood that the context of McCormick would be in the pedophile vein.

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

Hi wolf trail. It's me again. Just curious - does the Jane Doe of St Louis have anything to do with David Shurter or his father Robert Shurter? David Shurter claims his father used to use voting role to strangle his victims. You have hinted in the past that voting rope may have been found or involved with that Jane Doe cases. David Shurter insinuates that the boring rope is possibly very meaningful or significant. Was he trying to draw attention to Jane Doe? Were you trying to draw attention to him? Or just possible coincidence?

carmencita ago

I did not hear anything about a St. Louis press conference today. So, I am still waiting to hear from you. Hope you can send a message just to know that you are OK.

carmencita ago

Well, Ricky must have stumbled on something. If they were web add. then he must have copied them in someone's office while they were out. Maybe he was surprised and they did away with him.

Wolftrail7272 ago

You're getting very close. Let me help. Ricky's death did not seem professional, though when found his body was extremely light for how short of time he had to decay. This suggests the possibility of organ harvesting, but not strongly. There is much more evidence to suggest that the hospital was engaged in organ harvesting without trying to tie Ricky into it. Leaving a body that had been harvested in the woods is not the MO of an organ harvesting ring. This is why I bring up Tenet's actions during Hurricane Katrina. They, as an institution, killed off the patients they couldn't move. Look into this. Their actions during hurricane Katrina are important. What "Foundation" has Tenet donated money to?

More on Ricky: he was released very early, and likely sought out Fr. Fred at Deaconess Hospital at the behest of the FBI. He had been accused in multiple cities previously, and was the first priest to be held past his sentence due to violent tendencies. As we know, pedos have some strange drive to take pictures and record things. This may be a psychological quirk due to their need to exert power over their victims. But to get back on track here: Maury Troy Travis was a serial killer in St. Louis who video taped his murders (he was in the same prison at the same time as Ricky); Michael Devin of Imos Pizza in St. Louis made child porn; the owner of Dojo Pizza in St. Louis was charged for making child porn, and there was a man in St. Charles which is just outside St. Louis (along with his father) who were arrested and charged for holding children in cells in his trailer and making a large portion of the child porn available on the Wonderland Club and were caught in Operation Catherdral.

Likely Ricky was seeking this priest out either for the FBI, or for his own purposes, and was killed for being an informant, or as the star of a snuff film. Potential for organ trafficing as well, but unlikely. His eyes do look strange in his mugshot though.

carmencita ago

Tenet Healthcare sponsored Clinton Foundation's Health Matters Conference and also Partnered with CF on Global Health and Childhood Obesity and that's just for starters.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Almost there. Tenet Healthcare will bring down the Clinton Foundation. Mark my words. Many are implicated, many will fall. Spread this.

carmencita ago

The first person I thought of was George Tenet. Director of the CIA from 1996 to 2004 and Dep. Dir. from 1995 to 1997. He was on duty when Ricky McCormick was found dead. Also within the message I saw quite a few times the letters SEN were used together. Senator? Just a couple ideas.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I have had this suggested to me (George Tenet) but I do not believe it to be relevant. Also, I suggest focusing on the circumstances regarding McCormick's death rather than just trying to decipher the notes. The circumstances point towards a corruption that will blow your mind. Here is some more meat worth looking into and why I believe Ricky's death has to do with Tenet Healthcare, and the violent pedophile priest they employed when Ricky made his trip to the hospital, the last place he was seen alive:

Edit: I believe it is relevant that these machines are still plugged in rather than unplugged, due to the fact that to save money it would make more sense to unplug them so that they don't draw ambient power.

carmencita ago

Could they some how still be reaping beenefits by keeping them plugged in, like by still being a running hospital as long as the equipment is being in use? Was there some kind of law passed to pay them even though they pulled out? I wonder what part the priest played in McCormick's death? Something related to him being a pedo for sure. Maybe he found out about what the priest was doing, maybe to children in the hospital? McCormick was not prize but murder is murder.

carmencita ago

Well, they were guilty of admitting thousands of psychiatric patients that did not need hospitalization and also for over charging them and insurance companies. I wonder if they harmed McCormick in some way and he found out? He may not have been as dumb as his family thought. If they raised him they were not so smart either.

Jem777 ago

I wonder who shares the name "Tenet?" A little research might be needed.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Let me make a suggestion for research: Who has Tenet Healthcare donated to? Why did they lobby Jeb(!) Bush in Florida?

carmencita ago

Well! Jeb Bush had to step down from his position on Tenet's Board of Dir. Tenet had also made quite a profit form Obamacare! Ha Ha! Tenet was also involved in medicare fraud and lobbied Rich Scott to remove hospital standards for pediatric heart surgeries. Bush had to step down since he would be running for Pres. This company has been in a lot of trouble. Rick Scott goes way back to being caught in millions of dollars in med. fraud in Texas which Bush helped him get out of and helped him get a start in Fla. Don't know if this helps any.

Wolftrail7272 ago

This does help greatly. Now, can you find what they did during Hurricane Katrina? It will shock you when you see it. You could definitively call it a "smoking gun" and proof of something very, very dark. When you see it as an institutional action, you can start to tie the organizations they donated money to into this, and everything will unravel from there. Then, you will understand why I am being somewhat cryptic about this.

carmencita ago

How horrible. Jindahl is a piece of work. Tenet evidently has been running hospitals into the ground in so many states and covered up by from both sides of the aisle. They are all in this together and there are no two parties. They just want us to think so. We run to the voting places and vote and they fix it to come out however they deem. It does not matter anyway because behind the scenes they are laughing. All the Dems will ok all of Trumps picks and they just helped vote down Bernie Sanders Drug Bill. That is against Dem. Principles. Bill Clinton was also involved with Tenet. Partners in Crime.

Wolftrail7272 ago

You are getting close. How was Bill involved with Tenet? Dig here.

carmencita ago

I know they made large donations and he being one of them.

ThePuppetShow ago

Only one of the notes is on the FBI site, unless I'm missing something. Do you happen to have the other?

Wolftrail7272 ago

Yes, sorry, I should've been more on top of that.