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V____Z ago

Sure, check out the ships, but meanwhile there are important questions to ponder, or try to get Webb to answer:

George is dispensing actual disinfo.

He claimed multiple chairs were thrown at the NV convention. Besides claiming he was going to interview Seth Rich's brother, he claimed he was looking at logs which DON'T EXIST. And he's claiming that he has passed info to Wikileaks, in a manner that they don't accept, so this appears to be another wild lie.

From @4_inquiringminds:

Altho I have not watched GW's ongoing investigation~ reading he thinks Seth was drugged, tossed in a van, roughed up for info, tossed out and the assassins were called to finish him off? So he was drugged, beat up, then calls his lady friend but what, doesn't mention he was just beat up and interrogated? Or if he did mention somehow that information was kept secret?

From @seekingpeace

he and others are pushing visitor logs that I doubt are real. I followed them and they go to a company called Graphiq Technology - a semantic tech company. Although they have the official sounding

The Obama administration visitor logs are no longer available as far as I can work out.

I ask people to verify themselves. Go to

Visitor logs for 2015 and 2016 are not available.

Go to and go to "About Us" and find out about the company behind

Here is Webb spreading disinfo at the very end he goes on about chairs being thrown at the NV convention - which NEVER HAPPENED, let alone that no one ever claimed there was more than one chair involved.

From @seekingpeace:

I only managed to listen to half of the George Webb promo on Hagman. I had to stop when I heard him banging on about Wikileaks.

I don't know why he is talking about thumb drive drops to Wikileaks when they themselves clearly state [and recommend] that

"Submissions to our postal network offer the strongest form of anonymity and are good for bulk truth-telling."

They also state: "WikiLeaks has a history breaking major stories in every major media outlet and robustly protecting sources and press freedoms. No source has ever been exposed and no material has ever been censored."

Yet here is George Webb openly stating that he has made "drops" to Wikileaks, which is completely against their policies.

And here is a DM about George deleting valid questions, and other strange behaviour like blaming Muslims:

Is it really worth scraping through the lies and bullshit to get whatever it is you're getting from Webb? Do you enjoy being caught up in another person's web? A complete stranger who has in the past taken part in Brownstones with the CIA? Weren't we doing just fine following our own leads that arose from the evidence? Why believe we need some Knight to take over, is it from laziness? Or frustration since thus far our efforts have amounted to little? This is exactly the opening intel agencies need to infiltrate a movement and suck it dry; see: "School Play".

More from 4_InquiringMinds

Just for inquiring minds, as GW tells it he went to 3 different ones in 3 different cities doing dominatrix role playing for 'research'. If you understand the purpose of brownstones, vid cameras to entrap high level fill in the blank why in the world would one advertise on craigslist where any run of the mill perv could show up? There is absolutely no logic to his story at all. Oh wait, you are generic perv, let me turn the camera off/oh wait generic perv don't want you, can you send someone who is important? And he had the choice (according to him) of a child or dominatrix? So george, you had the choice of a child and yet did not report it asap bc you were just doing research? What happened to the child george? He is so phony I'm amazed anyone still gives him any credibility.

4_InquiringMinds ago

And here is a DM about George deleting valid questions, and other strange behaviour like blaming Muslims:

Mercy, GW being a front to create a ff for censoring the internet...very plausible. Ppl will find a way to circumvent just like they have in the torrent community.

As far as deleting questions/he deleted a whole vid where many of us got into a depth discussion about SRA. Too many questions, discussions to delete so he wiped it all out.

A complete stranger who has in the past taken part in Brownstones with the CIA?

Just for inquiring minds, as GW tells it he went to 3 different ones in 3 different cities doing dominatrix role playing for 'research'. If you understand the purpose of brownstones, vid cameras to entrap high level fill in the blank why in the world would one advertise on craigslist where any run of the mill perv could show up? There is absolutely no logic to his story at all. Oh wait, you are generic perv, let me turn the camera off/oh wait generic perv don't want you, can you send someone who is important? And he had the choice (according to him) of a child or dominatrix? So george, you had the choice of a child and yet did not report it asap bc you were just doing research? What happened to the child george? He is so phony I'm amazed anyone still gives him any credibility.

And how are you paying for all this travel to investigate george?

Oh george...

V____Z ago

He (or his sycophants) has an answer for everything, at least the questions you can get to him without him ignoring or deleting them. He says he made enough money in the past to fund his current escapades. Today he was with 2 other guys and even though we're supposedly concerned with a murder of an innocent man, he's having a grand ole time as if he's hanging out with frat boys, not a care in the world. All smiles. Every REAL researcher has been slightly uptight, nervous, certainly not jovial when talking about the crimes of the elite Those researchers have all been given good reason to be nervous, David Seaman had his entire life's work wiped form the internet, he was called a nutjob by huge MSM publications, which will make getting future work challenging. Liz Crokin had to step back our of fear for her safety. But George Webb has no one trying to censor him and seemingly hasn't got a thing to worry about, and he knows it.

He wiped out his entire first half of youtube videos, when he pretended to be super concerned about Eric Braverman. But that was all a show. This whole web being weaved is a show to get us distracted. And it's working like a charm. He has charmed EVERYONE. He found out who the youtubers were that we respected, and one by one he has gotten invited on their shows, did his "blablabla Pakistan blablabla ratlines blablabla bla bla", and people fawn over him. No one asks who it is that's feeding him all this info. Who is writing this script? No one person can to 10 videos a day, and if they do, you have to ask HOW, WHY and WHO is giving him so much info.

It's almost as if someone gave him the assignment to infiltrate pizzagate. And lead us AWAY from the protected elites at the heart of pizzagate and somehow get us looking instead at random Muslims, any Muslim is fine. Throw em under the bus. BUT STAY AWAY FROM COMET.

He's supposedly Johnny on the spot all of a sudden with Seth Rich, yet he isn't doing the obvious things, the things we need done. AFAIK, he hasn't even called the coroners office to see if an autopsy was performed. I don't believe for a moment he wants to help us investigate Seth Rich, or pizzagate. He wants to steer us in whatever direction he's being told is preferable.

He is so phony I've never been able to watch more than one whole video. It was my first one, it was where he claimed we coul dall tweet a certain hashtag he made up, and he would find us, and we would all get AT LEAST a million dollars. Many people remember this, but if shills ask me to prove it, i cannot because he has removed those videos.

Yet people on Voat protect him, regardless of the stack of red flags, and I am not entirely sure why.

Let me know if it seems a good idea to make an actual blog post highlighting the various red flags. Also let me know if this seems like it might be dangerous, in case he actually is working for some powerful nefarious org (as I believe is the case). I'm bothered by the lack of investigation into this character, yet I don't want to make myself a target so some feedback on this would be most welcome.

rwb2 ago

It's almost as if someone gave him the assignment to infiltrate pizzagate. And lead us AWAY from the protected elites at the heart of pizzagate and somehow get us looking instead at random Muslims, any Muslim is fine. Throw em under the bus. BUT STAY AWAY FROM COMET.

Your reasoning is so dysfunctional, it's almost hard to comment upon. It's a bit like explaining why water is wet. Anyone who does not operate day to day according to your whims, as if they should telepathically receive messages from the great V____Z who deigns what is important and what is not, is disinformation according to you. George is supposed to wake up and say to himself, I better start looking into pizzagate matters in perfect accord with anonymous Voat member V____Z lest I become an agent of disinformation. It's beyond comical.

I'm still waiting for the citation to your bogus claims about what Webb might have said in this thread:

Let me know if it seems a good idea to make an actual blog post highlighting the various red flags.

If there is a blog post forthcoming, it will be fabricated with extreme malice and substandard research. Why you cannot even prove one simple claim about Webb as evidenced in the thread I cited. I'm not even a fan of GW, but your inability to cite one quote to back up just one of your claims is the biggest red flag within view.

seekingpeace ago

Wayne Madsen @WMRDC · May 18 Replying to @RalphHornsby I was inundated with kooky re-tweets re: YouTube channel of Geo Webb. It was not a benign action.

This is not the first time I've heard about his followers/viewers inundating professional journalists/investigative reporters with tweets about George and his YouTube channel.

V____Z ago

I see that ALL the time. "You must check out George Webb" is in nearly every related video comments section. Spammed everywhere. And he's going out of his way to make sure to connect with everyone on the front lines of this truth movement, making himself the face of our investigation (whilst no one will even consider that there might be problems with this). He has a personality that tells everyone he is in charge, and so far everyone of the journalists i respect has fallen under his spell, like they're in love with him. This is so painful to watch i can't even.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Let me ponder on this, the feedback thing. You bring up good points pro and con about making a blog post.

In the meantime I need to go chase some any generic muslim grin~

4_InquiringMinds ago

Let me ponder

Afternoon V_Z wave

After pondering I would vote no. There is no point in making yourself target potential. For many of us going thru the 'who to trust' phase it's been revealing to say the least. I still recall the pm's I've shared with ppl about is he the real deal and just subject to lapses of critical thinking or a gatekeeper. Could say the same for many others I had questions about. Cool thing is once I got past my bias for certain ppl, liking them for fill in the blank it becomes pretty obvious how the gatekeeper pattern works/and I must say someone put considerable time into crafting the dynamic. One thing I did learn watching geo in the beginning was the study of patterns. As with any decent gatekeeper the majority of the information (especially in the initial stages) is legitimate. It has to be to create the hook bc above and beyond the words used there is an energy field and the architects of gatekeepers 101 know this. After all they have an entire division studying human responses, effective mind control and they have an understanding of energy fields. These folks are not your generic keyboard thumpers.

So I learned quite a bit watching geo in the early days. Every country invaded followed a pattern, every illicit business set up followed a pattern. It was when geo started interjecting falsehoods into the pattern that caused cognitive dissonance for moi. Like when he said what's his name, Feinberg, had a private residence in Egypt where the Muslim Brotherhood met to plan nefarious deeds. It took several days for commentators to get it corrected/Feinberg bought the former Egyptian embassy in nyc. Now how could a supposed top notch investigator make that kind of mistake? So geo changed it to right, nyc, but it's a brownstone. Sheesh, any research into Feinberg would tell you that is ludicrous. He's super private/if he wants to or is running brownstones he most deff wouldn't do it from his private residence. Oh, but he has security cameras geo would say. Well yeah, most billionaires do.

At first these kinds of obvious mistakes run thru bias are geo has a few screws loose but is well intentioned. This was around the time that the you can be a zillionaire promo. Best I can tell those vids are still up but who wants to waste the time going thru them to be able to site instances...meh.

For some of us it slowly dawns that geo is not stupid and this fits a pattern. The more one looks for patterns in one, ie geo, the easier it becomes to see patterns in others. It's like a whole new arena of seeing things opens up. Bias is a tricky mechanism and one the architects use to advantage. Gatekeepers each have their own flavor to gather in a certain group that have a particular bias which can be as simple as a way of speaking, physical characteristics or supposed philosophy. From that a cult like following ensues with the goal of keeping ppl chasing tales with their tails is achieved.

Doing a blog of all the inconsistencies would open you up to ppl with strong biases...and boy, ppl can become pretty unhinged when they hit cognitive dissonance. And of course not to forget our regular crew of shills and trolls (hi guys and gals smile).

Ppl are awakening at the rate they can comfortably navigate. Geo is just one of a treasure trove of gatekeepers being unleashed to divert and diffuse. For me personally it's amusing to see the different scenarios, dramas that are being played out. The Fox drama is most entertaining.

I was sorry to see Trey G is not who I had hoped he was. But alas, life goes on.

So back to your question~I don't see any point in setting yourself up as a target. Would 'they' even bother with you/hard to say. You might just be one of many voices of dissent in the crowd or you could stick in someones craw and become a pet project of harassment. Of course it could also be something more than harassment/who knows. The herding of the masses is effective from one perspective and from another many are jumping ship. I don't know if anything we say can influence the tipping point too much, but our combined energies world wide does effect the tipping point. Awakening is a day by day process. I don't see any of the issues that we are so passionate about resolving anytime soon, things tend to move incrementally. But I do see a momentum growing by leaps and bounds. Ppl are motivated by the love for children/something that is triggering the paternal instincts in us all which is hardwired in. As this energy field of paternal instincts grows the tipping point takes on a greater intensity so expect more gatekeepers, more diversion, more drama. Those that say focused are the stabilizing energy field. You contribute the most by your commitment to that stabilization. The dark deep state works with energy fields and so do we.

Stay safe and use caution as to what you bring into your energy field.

4_InquiringMinds ago

And you know what V_Z...pondering some more on gatekeepers vs useful idiots.

Gatekeepers follow a certain pattern that if you watch them over an extended time becomes obvious.

Useful idiots (and I don't mean to imply they are all idiots per se) have a different flavor, are frequently very emotional, passionate about issues where they can be fed disinformation or 'spooked' like David S, where they come off as nutters and discredit the issue by their drama escapades.

So take someone like Anderson C...gatekeeper/no doubt about it. Morning Joe couple, gatekeepers, Alex gatekeeper. Does that mean everyone working for alex is a gatekeeper, no, but useful idiots, sure. Gatekeepers would keep lots of useful idiots around.

On that note Sean H...gatekeeper or useful idiot/I vote useful idiot. Same with Judge Jeanie. Granted Sean could be a gatekeeper/I don't know enough about him/but he really does seem like an idiot/therefore useful. When the useful idiots get out of control they have their hands slapped.

Trey G...hard for me to peg bc he is an investigator and I find it hard to believe that anyone of that capacity buys the Assad gassed his ppl when the SA was winning (and is still btw) and days away from peace talks. That would either make Trey a gatekeeper or someone found his price/or a puppet piece all along.

Useful idiots would be extensively psychologically profiled to target their triggers. Paranoia is a good one if the person fits the profile. Some useful idiots are more 'present' than others and how they are manipulated varies.

trump I would vote useful idiot~speaking just for myself of course wink