Are the perps starting to realize the consequences of there actions?
If John Podesta buying art, diamonds and precious metals as fast as he can is any indication of their mental health right now then yes but just barely. In fact I think John Podesta is very aware of just about everything going on and has been for years. John Podesta could teach Machiavelli a thing or two.
In fact John Podesta is doing what anyone would do when they see the handwriting on the wall. However the person everyone suspects John Podesta is working for........hhhmmm not so much. You have to wonder if they're suffering from a major brain disorder like Parkinson's Disease because their grasp of reality right now borders on insanity. Whoever made that call to murder Extortion 17 took this whole cluster fuck to a new level.(1)
"1)" When running a large organized crime operation it's never a good idea to make an enemy of a team of 8,985 highly trained assassins who's commitment to each other is probably the strongest in all the armed forces. Just sayin'. You'll lose that fight every time.
I'm not sure who gave that order to murder Extortion 17, I've pondered that for a long time. But I'm thinking I know who it was given the decision was completely devoid of reason and accountability. I wonder if that's why heads of virtually all organized crime operations the world over are all men.)
Pro Tip: If Helen of Troy had a face that launched 1,000 ships then Matt Mills probably has an equally compelling face and could launch 1,000 8,985 trained assassins "ships". He's the guy on the right, you can't miss him.