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DarkMath ago

I've learned to speak the language these people communicate with over the past 6 months. Let me translate:

George Webb is suggesting to John Podesta and Donna Brazile that they turn State's evidence and don't go down with the ship. Basically do the right thing.

And frankly given this cluster fuck is so massive and we know it's run on extortion I see a lot of people making deals in the next couple of months. And that's how all these giant Rico cases are finally brought down anyway albeit this one looks bigger than every Rico case in American History combined...oy vey. They go after the lower level people and then work upwards.

There'll be a lot of "come to Jesus" moments too for many of the people caught up in this because the higher the climb the hard they fall. Part of me is looking forward to the collapse but the other part of me is thinking I don't want to watch people start offing themselves because I've seen people do that it's fucking horrible, guilty or innocent, and it's hard to watch. No doubt some people will be falsely accused that's a real possibility too. This could get real ugly.

I feel so strongly about it I wrote a post about it here:

And I wrote one just this morning to help put this shit show in context historically as this thing is so massive it stretched all around the world:


srayzie ago

We need the small fish to catch the big fish. Podesta is the BIG fish. He will never do the right thing. Any deals that are made need to bring down these sharks. He's guilty of many many things, So, I don't know how anyone can ever say that they don't want John Podesta going to jail.

Now I will translate what George Webb is saying: John Podesta and Donna Brazille, you aren't the ones I'm after. I like you guys. Don't worry, I'm not going to push this investigation too far. I got your back.

V____Z ago

This is exactly it. And he did say he isn't going after pizzagate, unless, he said, you guys can show me hard core proof.

He has also said he likes Obama, he states that he is a Zionist (though Dark Math can probably even excuse that one), and at the end of the "OMG we interviewed Seth's family investigator!!!" video from yesterday, he straight up claims Donna Brazille is innocent, didn't do anything wrong. His own (sudden) sidekick had to correct him "I don't think we can make that claim yet".

This is a disinfo agent of the highest order. And why wouldn't he be? Someone had to infiltrate our group.

We were worrying who? Exactly! John Podesta and Donna Brazille, among others.

Now he's blaming Muslims for everything, just as the Podesta/Clinton/Soros cult are wont to do. And y'all demand no proof beyond his word. Because he's got a great track record of telling the truth? Um, no. I'm not sure why.

No one of you has been able to account for his atrocious lies, lies that should make his word equal to dog shit in any truth community:

Pizzagate researchers, please put your investigative caps back on and don't be lazy. I get it. I would love to trust some well equipped, square jawed alpha male to take on the deep state for us, but if someone truly does that, they are taken out just like Ben Swann, David Seaman, Liz Crokin.

Some questions have yet to be answered. Perhaps @GeorgeWebb will do us the favor of clearing these up.

If indeed George is dispensing actual disinfo, I don't see why he is being posted here as if his word alone is a reliable source. Why not make a separate subverse for him and we can get back to using our own minds and trustworthy sourcing?? Since when is asking questions such as the below considered an attack??

He claimed multiple chairs were thrown at the NV convention. Besides claiming he was going to interview Seth Rich's brother, he claimed he was looking at logs which DON'T EXIST. And he's claiming that he has passed info to Wikileaks, in a manner that they don't accept, so this appears to be another wild lie. He also claimed that if we tweet out a certain hashtag, he would find us and we would each get at least a million dollars. He's deleted all those early videos though, as well as all of his Twitter feed up until about a month ago. No reason given. Just makes it hard to track his lies, is all.

From @allconnected:

Breaking : Seth Rich's murderer named by George Webb-- Alpha Jalloh I have been following GW for ages, and I think lately he has gone off the rails. He makes wild claims such as yesterday the fbi shot SR and today it's a new guy. Most of what GW says in his videos today was reported several days ago here by Sorcha Faal Even die hard tin fot hat wearers know SF is a hoax and makes stuff up. So GW is now putting out info that SF put out days ago? I think it is BS.

From @4_inquiringminds:

Altho I have not watched GW's ongoing investigation~ reading he thinks Seth was drugged, tossed in a van, roughed up for info, tossed out and the assassins were called to finish him off? So he was drugged, beat up, then calls his lady friend but what, doesn't mention he was just beat up and interrogated? Or if he did mention somehow that information was kept secret?

From @seekingpeace

he and others are pushing visitor logs that I doubt are real. I followed them and they go to a company called Graphiq Technology - a semantic tech company. Although they have the official sounding

The Obama administration visitor logs are no longer available as far as I can work out.

I ask people to verify themselves. Go to

Visitor logs for 2015 and 2016 are not available.

Go to and go to "About Us" and find out about the company behind

Here is Webb spreading disinfo at the very end he goes on about chairs being thrown at the NV convention - which NEVER HAPPENED, let alone that no one ever claimed there was more than one chair involved.

From @seekingpeace:

I only managed to listen to half of the George Webb promo on Hagman. I had to stop when I heard him banging on about Wikileaks.

I don't know why he is talking about thumb drive drops to Wikileaks when they themselves clearly state [and recommend] that

"Submissions to our postal network offer the strongest form of anonymity and are good for bulk truth-telling."

They also state: "WikiLeaks has a history breaking major stories in every major media outlet and robustly protecting sources and press freedoms. No source has ever been exposed and no material has ever been censored."

Yet here is George Webb openly stating that he has made "drops" to Wikileaks, which is completely against their policies.

And here is a DM about George deleting valid questions, and other strange behaviour like blaming Muslims:

Is it really worth scraping through the lies and bullshit to get whatever it is you're getting from Webb? Do you enjoy being caught up in another person's web? A complete stranger who has in the past taken part in pedophile entrapment schemes ("Brownstones") with the CIA? Weren't we doing just fine following our own leads that arose from the evidence? Why believe we need some Knight to take over, is it from laziness? Or frustration since thus far our efforts have amounted to little? This is exactly the opening intel agencies need to infiltrate a movement and suck it dry; see his definition of "School Play".

More from 4_InquiringMinds

Just for inquiring minds, as GW tells it he went to 3 different ones in 3 different cities doing dominatrix role playing for 'research'. If you understand the purpose of brownstones, vid cameras to entrap high level fill in the blank why in the world would one advertise on craigslist where any run of the mill perv could show up? There is absolutely no logic to his story at all. Oh wait, you are generic perv, let me turn the camera off/oh wait generic perv don't want you, can you send someone who is important? And he had the choice (according to him) of a child or dominatrix? So george, you had the choice of a child and yet did not report it asap bc you were just doing research? What happened to the child george? He is so phony I'm amazed anyone still gives him any credibility.

EDIT 1: Webb says he works for Epstein, trades 'spy secrets' for sexy pics

From @srayzie

I've been thinking about rather I should share this or not. I don't want to start gossip about George Webb, since he has given some great info. But, I also feel that if I don't share this, then I am not warning those who are believing everything he is saying. Also, if what this woman is telling me is true, then there could be other victims out there. I think my record here should show you guys that I'm not a shill.

Anyway, this woman on Twitter has been telling George Webb to leave her family alone. Her and I wrote back and forth. I asked her if it was ok to share this and she said yes.

This relates to Pizzagate or pedogate, because many of you use the information that George Webb provides in your own research. I'm sure some of what he says is true. But, I'd be careful after this.

Here is some of our discussion. What stands out is that she says he works for Epstein.

Edit: Here is her Twitter account so you can look it up for yourselves.

She has been talking publicly too. She said that he hacked into her twitter today and asked if anyone was removed to follow her back.

EDIT 2: As expected, George is suddenly (since this post) claiming to be in trouble with the FBI - and explaining away what is being claimed here. Apparently he's on periscope right now claiming they're after him because he has put it all together

One reason i've wanted to hold off on showing clearly how much we have on him, is exactly for this reason, because he changed his story in accordance with what we are saying here. And right now he's squirming out of his past, making excuses. Of course, as we all know, if the FBI is after you, you're definitely one of the good guys, right? And of course, if Webb claims he is suddenly in fear for his life, it's definitely true, right?

Here is the Periscope from an hour ago, with Jerome Corsi who is partnered up with InfoWars/Alex Jones, as well as Jason Goodman, who comes from Hollywood and worked on X-Men with the biggest pedophiles in California.

DeathTooMasons ago

You has me until you added David Seaman. That clown has your respect as somebody who was silenced? I will have to scrutinize your post harder. You reached on that one.

V____Z ago

That's a weird way of putting it, "David Seaman has your respect, as someone who was silenced". You cannot infer anything from my statement beyond "Seaman was silenced". He was hit harder than any other truther in the pizzagate realm. Show me ANYONE with more mainstream hit pieces than this:

One of the principal proselytizers of the PizzaGate conspiracy appears to be David Seaman, a one-time unpaid Huffington Post contributor


David Seaman racked up views from believers in the debunked Pizzagate conspiracy. But do fans know about his ‘scandal-mongering’ books?


“We’ve been watching since the Podesta emails came out on WikiLeaks,” Danielle said. “And we just followed it down the rabbit hole.”

They said they learned of Saturday’s protest from a video posted to YouTube by David Seaman.

Seaman, who spoke at the rally, declined to speak to The Washington Post, calling the newspaper “fake news” and screaming expletives at a reporter.


The throngs of Pizzagate “true believers” are readying themselves for Saturday’s march on the White House. But rumors have begun to swirl that David Seaman, one of the weekend’s star speakers, may not be participating out of sheer concern for the thousands of children reportedly ensnared in the international web of Democratic intrigue.

And this is probably just an small example, but i'm in a hurry. Now, go find me ANYONE hit this hard for their pizzagate reporting. What has MSM written about George Webb? Maybe they'll do a hit piece on him being a conspiracy theorist, since he has claimed that Seth Rich's family are pedophiles part of the Finders. Maybe the family's DNC appointed lawyer is writing up a libel suit right now... But i highly doubt it. Seaman wants Podesta to go to jail, and Clinton to hang. Webb protects them. You do the math.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Why don't you, equineluvr, and DarkMath go have a circle-jerk with George Webb. It would be a better use of your time.

V____Z ago

You truly think exposing this information today is a waste of time?

srayzie ago

Were you saying that me? 🤔

srayzie ago

This isn't me taking sides. But, your comment cracked me up 🤣

SuperJohnWayne ago

No, sorry, it was menat for V____Z.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I like her but the comment was funny

SuperJohnWayne ago

How do you know V___Z is female?

srayzie ago

Well I'm not sure. I just thought so

SoldierofLight ago

Well done. You called it on Webb a long time ago.

V____Z ago

Thank you, that means a lot. Now i hope they don't come after me :))

SoldierofLight ago

Take my earlier suggestions about protecting yourself to heart. But continue to be fearless because they feed on that and also, you're doing important work.

V____Z ago

OK, thank you. Let me go find those replies....

srayzie ago

Wow thank you for putting all of this together. I wish I would have seen the video of him saying he went to see an dominatrix 3 times. For research? I don't know what that's all about. Wendy told me about liking the domination thing but I didn't know about him researching it.

V____Z ago

If you trust Wendy, ask her to tell you what he said on his videos about taking part in "Brownstones". I kind of have to assume she was one of his groupies at the time and probably knows the details more than anyone.

Full disclosure: I have to rely on others since I don't watch his videos, except for a few rare snippets for research purposes.

Irrelevant gut feeling: the reason he shaves his sideburns, and the reason he seems a little 'off' physically, is because he spends time in drag.

srayzie ago

Lol. Well he's 6'8 so that wouldn't be too pretty. He's into being dominated so you may not be too far off. Wendy said he's got sick fetishes and that she tried to help him. Well, as long as it's not children I guess 🙄 She told me at the time that I could share. I posted about her before. I don't know about Wendy. She has major mood swings. But, she shared a bunch of his DM's with her on Twitter. Screen shots. I've talked to her on facebook messenger and stuff. I actually feel sorry for her. She seems paranoid. I saw their chats that she posted tho.

V____Z ago

I also feel sorry her, which is why i'm so mad that people are defending GW. It's not OK to prey on people like this, and when his followers were calling her a whore, he stayed silent. He seemed to enjoy watching her get beat up. He never defended her.

srayzie ago

I agree!

V____Z ago

Where are the shots of the texts where he is promising 'secrets' and further leads, in exchange for sexting/pics?

srayzie ago

I don't think that's what she meant. Not in an exchange. I asked too. But, she's married and deleted them

V____Z ago

I saw the posts myself, and there are screenshots of them somewhere. He is asking for a picture of her in her black leather pants, and she keeps asking him to stay on track, and he is eeking out little bits of information along with requests for pictures. She is dying for the info, hanging on his every word, as if she's about to save a bunch of innocents if only she can get to the bottom of the mystery. He's talking in circles and often just ignoring her requests for actual information. He keeps everything vague, and changes topics in a flash. She seems like it is driving her mad, and she also likes the idea of being seen as sexy, and does indicate she's willing to send pictures...

srayzie ago

Oh wow. I didn't see that. She said she thinks he seeks out women who help investigate. When I talked to her a few weeks ago, she said that Webb had messaged her and wanted to meet because he was in her town. It scared her and she said no. This was all AFTER the big blow up and her exposing him. I wouldn't meet him either!

V____Z ago

Holy crap NO WAY!!!

Did you hear he's suddenly 'in fear for his life, FBI is after him' - RIGHT on the tails of our outing him. I fricking KNEW he would pull this shit.

srayzie ago

I'm watching him Live on Periscope. He's driving with Jason Goodman

V____Z ago

Jason Goodman, who comes straight from Hollywood. This is a cia op, and they've got their Hollywood guy and their "roving reporter" star. How cute. Did you know Goodman worked with Hollywood's most egregious pedophiles, the director and star of The X Men? That's NOT GOOD.

RED ALERT -- Jason Goodman worked with these guys:

Bryan Singer (X-Men director pictured above), along with several dozen Hollywood directors, execs, casting agents, actors like Sir Ian McKellen (paedophile X-Men star pictured above), and high powered paedophiles, molested children regularly for a dozen or so years on casting couches across Tinsel-Town and at their Beverly Hills Homes. There are simply too many claims to list.

From child actors committing suicide, to videos circulating on Live Leak and youtube depicting sexual assaults, to John Travolta’s claim that he had been sexually assaulted by dozens of Hollyweird big shots as a teenage actor-the list is as long as my arm.

And in spite of the fact that the liberal media have been quick to brand the young accusers liars, (I thought the left didn’t like blaming victims in rape cases?) more and more allegations have surfaced.

The most egregious example of gay child rape being the case of X-Men director and actor’s rampant sexual molestation of children.

The incident first surfaced when 31-year-old, former child model Michael Egan, known in Hollywood circles as ‘Mikey likes it’, claimed the X-Men director Bryan Singer sexually abused him as a teenager along with several other notable Hollyweird figures who had a penchant for pre-pubescent boys.

srayzie ago

I just saw someone post that! I'm gonna go look

tx2truth ago

Thank you for your post. George Webb is c.i.a. distraction plant. Listen to every word coming out of his mouth: PURE SPOOK S_$T.!!

V____Z ago


He even gets off on admitting it. Hiding in plain sight. When he described the supposed CIA op called a "school play" he was literally telling us what he is doing here. Takes the energy of a group that is looking into sensitive areas, and redirects it.

tx2truth ago

U betcha. I just started watching utubers 9/16....I guess I'm a little late to the party. I smelled spook on geo webb after viewing the 2nd 178.whatever.