Bolux ago

Also how on earth do you get a bomb big enough to that damage into a concert. We saw petty in Tampa a couple of weeks ago, it was a strip away from a strip search.

11-11 ago

i love this

thanks for linking this video d

i had not seen it before and, frankly, was a little scared of digging into it too far because their full-of-shit lies do not run very deep do they... like a pond with a newly formed layer of ice. If you venture too far out, you go right through and then **** damn **** it's COLD.

thanks again keep up the great work

DarkMath ago

No problem, it was my pleasure.

Regarding the thin layer of ice you mention, I like to call that a house of cards because it's collapse is more egregious. Ice you just fall through and it's over. A big house of cards could have thousands of pieces and watching them collapse is more rewarding.

To wit the recent Manchester bombing leaks:

That tells me these fuckers are turning on each other. They know it's very close to the end and they're starting to rat each other out and doing innumerable other insults in private we won't here of for another 10 years but you just know whatever it is the book about it will be a NYTimes best seller for years.
