dcdale9 ago

Wendy came to the conclusion herself Dana and Webb were seeing and sleeping together. I looked at the woman's FB page and saw nothing but a single Mom with an autistic child. An activist. Lots of family and friends. If Mango girl was dating Webb, there's no hint of it on FB. Dana like a lit of females who follow him flirt all the time. I think that's all it was. Yes. Webb would get involved with Wendy. He recently confessed his love for Alison.

dcdale9 ago

Sorry for the delay. New to twitter. Dana Newton is a puzzle. I told her o don't know if she's Webb's GF. If she thinks Newton is being recruited she may be a victim and not a GF.

sgd1971 ago

THANK YOU! I thought for sure that's what he said. I think the dominatrix lady was with Jesse James (Sandra Bullock's ex). I've never had a voat message before and to now have one assuring me, my memory is intact, was a nice relief.

dcdale9 ago

Wendy is not crazy. GW is MK Ultra. That name blue bird gave you is a Middle East foreign national . A damn troll. Nothing he reported to the forum was true. NOTHING! I gave him a chewing out. Wendy is trying to post a file I gave her. It proves Webb lied telling her the father and his pedo friends killed the child. Webb lied to Wendy about Jon Benet Ramsey murder. I don't have an account and I'm on Wendy's shit list also. I am not going to stand still while most feel sorry for Webb.She wants to open the file. Maybe someone can help her.vl I noticed a lot of plants in the forum. New woman with no identities.

srayzie ago

So you mean George Webb is MKUltra? The Middle East foreign national is 0hour? Is that what you're talking about? I was getting along with Wendy so I don't know why I'm blocked. Are you? What file did you give her? I'm intrigued. Is it true people died that she was talking to? What did George do to make her think he's MKUltra? But first, how do you even know what me and Bluebird have been talking about?

srayzie ago

I'm starting to think that too. She's got degrees and had a great career. She was knowledgeable in our chats. But, her tweets are weird.

Jem777 ago

This is ludicrous on its face. Brownstones are about blackmail. George adlmitted on camera he went to several different cities and chose the dominatrix route on purpose as he was gathering evidence. Specifically because their is no way in hell he would be involved in children.

The whole working for Epstein is a joke he is exposing Epstein repeatedly. He is also exposing the CIA/NSA/FBI and others. He is not a Zionist he just said he was jewish that is very different. He actually got in hot water initially because he stood up for a Muslim kid he felt was being framed by FBI McCabe.

The smear campaign is a desperate attempt for the entire Deep state to get others to stop paying attention to him.

badastrid ago

I was willing to give "Wendy" the benefit of doubt until she claimed that GW and Eric Braverman are gay together. First real laugh I've had all day!

private-i ago

it was Jesse James porn star ex-wife: Janine Lindemulder: George talks about is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm8yt8KGI0M

ArthurEdens ago

It's basically espionage, this exchange. Who knows what's right?

nomorepepperoni ago

I take whatever Webb posts with a grain of salt. He could be "limited hangout" or flat disinfo (the stuff that isn't sourced), but at the same time, this woman's claims strike me as too fishy.

Methinks someone high up is sweating about the Awans and so planting their own disinfo account...just my humble opinion, though.

Angelight ago

Dont know either personally atm, so I can be objective without prejudice here, and her story just does not add up. Shes married with kids and falls for this guy, he has a type of romance with her and it all ends. Instead of moving on shes out for vengeance with her vivid imagination. He hubby is either a clueless derp or a vegetable if all this was real and hes not involved or divorcing her. If I were that afraid, I would take my kids and run, get off the grid, and get someone to help not on twitter.

Attention seeker, out for blood.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin
mobile.twitter.com/Gwenjackmann /v/pizzagate 4 OP
mobile.twitter.com/Gwenjackmann George Webb disinformation? 4/9/2017 OP

Death2Masons ago

No way of knowing if it is true. But Webb is a spook and because of that, he has little credibility. Spooks will give 80% truth so you trust them and swallow their 20% lies.

equineluvr ago

Yep. Classic con(fidence) man tactic.

V____Z ago

If "they" want to discredit Webb, they would use big sources like the MSM that went after David Seaman. MSM doesn't touch him, he isn't hurting TPTB.

This woman seems legit to me. I suppose it will all come out in the wash. Though it means nothing, my personal feeling is that he looks like a govt operative and like a predator. Shifty eyes. Never trusted him. And he has said things that give me reason not to.

Verite1 ago

I think ppl need to watch the entirety of his video series b/c it connects everything and seems utterly authentic. This post is drivel. IMO

V____Z ago

Did you see the video where Webb promised that everyone who tweeted a certain hashtag would get at least a million dollars?

equineluvr ago

Yet ANOTHER in the stable of Webb's BS disinfo points.

Saibra ago

Have you ever heard the statement, delusions of grandeur? I think this lady is the definition of it. A housewife from Minnesota knows all this Intel? I have some oceanfront property in Nevada if anyone is interested. Thanks for sharing.

equineluvr ago

Maybe he fed her a bunch of BS like he does his YT "audience."

V____Z ago

Knows intel? She only claims to know her own experience and what GW shared with her.

Saibra ago

Read all her tweets. Not basing my opinion of her infatuation with taking down GW. She seems to want to be relevant. But don't we all? And btw, I have no opinion of George Webb. He bores me.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Is this the same woman?


ThePuppetShow ago

That page's estimated creation date is in 2010, so it's not a freshly made cover story. Is Trump using people to discredit PG investigators now too?

TimesUp ago

That's her real name, face and location, from what I've gathered...

dcdale9 ago

Yes. That's Wendy.

TimesUp ago

@dcdale9 -- does Wendy need help from any of us, or has everything calmed down by now? Do you feel her experience with Webb and the information she has shared are credible and important to our investigation? I'm hoping to sort this out because Webb's info is crucial, if accurate. Feel free to DM me.

dcdale9 ago

Very credible. That's the truth.

dcdale9 ago

Why is this information so important to you? There's much more that wasn't posted on twitter.
Wendy is doing fine.

TimesUp ago

Because like everyone else, I'm trying to sort out the truth.

If a leading investigator (with supposedly breakthrough information like international ratlines and Awan Bros. spy ring on the DNC payroll) has been lying, or seriously mishandling relationships with other investigators, that's something EVERYONE should know.

I've never been one to take sides or join the chorus of critics. I'm frankly too old for junior high level politics and games. I just want the truth. Obviously, I could see, like everyone, that Wendy was freaking out because of Webb, and I honestly felt for her, but was confused.

I also acknowledge that some things should remain private or personal, and that's NOT at all what I'm curious about. I want the truth as it pertains to our investigation. Anything short of the plain truth scuttles the results we're all working so hard for.

dcdale9 ago

I'm new to twitter. I'm looking for DM.

TimesUp ago

...referring to Direct messaging on VOAT, not Twitter. The VOAT message icon is the 'envelope' at upper right of page. Feel free to contact -- I'm trying to unravel things (like everyone is)!

srayzie ago

Oh wow. It looks like her twitter picture to me. Now I'm even more confused.

Astrodreamer ago

She sounds like a deranged CIA wife or daughter.

srayzie ago

I looked at your history as well. You're funny

je-sui-pepe ago

I would be careful in that I am noticing (maybe its just me....) but recently there have been a lot of SJW people appearing all around screaming and going after anyone and everyone (especially male) in my world. Going after artists and anyone who is remotely public with harassment on their Facebook pages. They are all women and they are all starting weird shit. so just be careful who you get involved with right now.

SoldierofLight ago

She seems more like a drama queen who really enjoys being center stage. Not getting the fear vibe from her at all. And if she'd entered into an affair with Webb while married, wouldn't she want to stay on the quiet side? Especially if she's being targeted. I mean, her kids' lives are supposedly at stake. Also, how does George Webb cause her kids to get harassed by other kids on the playground? And how does she know it's him? Do the bullys say, "This one's from George!" I think this woman is likely taking advantage of you and your kindness. I'm glad you brought this to our attention, but I encourage you to let her go. I still have a red flag about Webb that I can't identify so I'm on a wait and see. Maybe the issue is that nobody is to be fully trusted.

MostPostersAreShills ago

The downvotes on this thread confims hes a shill. I stopped posting here because I realize that my name is actually true. Thanks so much for exposing that piece of shit shill, and helping me confirm that all the people who shove him down our throats on this board are shills too. This is like when we exposed david trash garbage shillman and confirmed all the acoounts who support him are shills too. I guess its too late though since I stopped my pizza gate investigating because shills and disinfo is too strong. Fuck it all.

Although ill be honest that girl looks like such an obvious liar. I wouldnt believe her if it wasnt about somebody who I was kind of already sure is a shill. She sounds very schizophrenic because of her paranoia. I wish shed have given you some concrete evidence.

After going through her tweets she seems like a crazy schizo. I sent her some tweets, but im already sure shes a disinfo simply because she is holding off on info which usually means bullshit.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

So you say you're not a shill. Fine, benefit of the doubt, but you have to admit that if you were one? that would be a pretty clever strategy. You build up enough trust with months of well intentioned related pizzagate posts and then one day bam! pick one of the most outspoken pizzagate researchers out there and try and plant a seed of doubt about that person with character assassination. Not saying that's what you're doing, just saying it would be an intelligent shill strategy.

srayzie ago

I don't know how to prove I'm not a shill other than to just keep doing what I'm doing. She's posting about it publicly anyways. If I was down for a strategy, I would post something much bigger than just a small conversation that involved George Webb. People are always on here wondering about him. I wonder too.

I'm not going to start all of this and have to read people's comments that are hating on me just for fun. I honestly feel that people should read her comments and then choose what they want to believe from it. I would have felt bad if I didn't share it and then something happened and I had not even tried.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Agreed. I see your thought process. Just keep fighting the good fight, but make sure to use logic and common sense when going through articles. Pretty sure your gut feeling told you something about the article once you read it.

sgd1971 ago

This is my very first post . Hope it doesn't crash and burn. I THOUGHT I remember watching a Webb/Where is Braverman Ep.? 3 months or so ago? I swear he mentioned being led into a "Honey Pot" situation himself, in the past. I would love to know if I dreaMt this but I surely thought he admitted to such a situation and he said he chose prostitute? over...young'un. I love George Webb's work. Exciting and scary, if it is for reals. I love all of the true researchers/investigators and pray for their safety.

srayzie ago

She posted that Webb, Epstein and Eric Braverman all work together. She said George Webb threw Epstein under the bus.

Freemasonsrus ago

I used to see her comment a lot on his videos. Can't remember her name, but IIRC she used to have conversations back n forth with that bipolar "Ladonna Rae" character. I remember thinking it was odd (if I am correct and it was her) bc everyone else was blocking that person bc they were always shitstirring.

The one thing I would add is that I've twice emailed GW with good info and received no response. I actually sent one yesterday just to check if I had the correct email before sending the info, which included pics and video of one of his targeted areas of research, and received no reply. I simply follow the solid leads out there that are links to actual articles he posts. The "educated guesses" he takes I take w a grain of salt.

V____Z ago

I caught him saying 2 things that weren't true, and gave him the benefit of the doubt since everyone was so hot for him. I figured he'd want to clear up his mistakes in a follow up video, as any of us would do if we were corrected on any point. Nope. He sidestepped and shimmied in response (via Twitter). Truth is not his number one priority. I have a feeling it's to distract and mislead PG researchers.

sound_of_silence ago

it's funny how those little things can stick.. i've seen titus frost call ouroboros an infinity symbol more than once.. doesn't make sense... same with george and his "spread the net wide" approach.

edit replied to wrong comment...


equineluvr ago

"Hot" for him is right! My theory: All the grandmas on here have the hots for him because he has hair.

V____Z ago

He creeps me right the fuck out. But I guess some women go for that predator/footballdude/bully look...

HereticalPeasant ago

ANON05 recently on this archived thread: http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/120374919#p120388849


This cannot be dismissed.

DarkMath ago

Anon5 is a shill. He suggested looking for human trafficking victims in boats with extra sound proofing. That's what's called a "Fool's Errand".


SoldierofLight ago

That or there's a fleet of disco boats out there with soundproofing so nobody hears the BeeGees and sometimes these boats also transport children. We just need to search the docks for the sounds of Jive Talkin'.

DarkMath ago

I miss the 70s.

SoldierofLight ago

Well go find those disco boats!

Catchthem ago

If i look at all her tweets, none of them seem to make any sence. I am not accusing OP, but this has ALL the signs of a Dis-INFO operation to get George Webb down.. (just like we have had many PG investigators had a massive smear campaign against them) Where was her husband while they were in LOVE ? She is typing tweets all day long..

equineluvr ago

Her husband could be military, could travel for business, may even live/work in another state. Who knows.

srayzie ago

I one of her recent posts today, she said that Webb hacked her account last night so if anyone was deleted to follow her back.

Catchthem ago

Now tell me please wat made you sooo convinced of this NOT being a smear-campaign, but real? Because all i see is Bullshit tweets which do NOT seem to make ANY sence at all..

Whattheheck321 ago

This is really scary if for real. She is tweeting a bunch right now including what she says is her "real name". She seems scared.

srayzie ago

I know. She's worried about her parents too

Whattheheck321 ago

This is her twitter. We need to keep track of her


chordwonder ago

Somebody will find something wrong w/ everyone who gets too close to the truth. Never fails. Even if it's very convenient hearsay. The timing...

evademoney2 ago

He is trying to interview the correct woman that was held by the awan brothers. a police report was filed. the awan brothers fled to pakastan. This may be the same lady that was held captive or may be someone else and this i think is what he is trying to figure out for a proper interview. she may be involved. these spies and the alegations is real and recorded by capital police. you would have to watch the last 40 videos. If we knew where his team was posting their information for us to investigate ourselves, that would help alot instead of watching 40 videos detail the the trail he is following.

DarkMath ago

I read the whole exchange. This has got disinfo smear written all over it. Some random person on Twitter claims George Webb is into being dominated sexually? First up that's hysterical given George Webb played division 1 basketball and is 6' 8". Secondly there is no evidence, nothing. This is more fake news.

This reminds me of when that women accused Trump of raping her when she was 13. She even got a lawyer and wouldn't you know it right before she had to put up or shut up she withdraws her accusation.

Same thing with the Russian Dosier, some "detective" found evidence Trump liked golden showers and wanted to sleep in the same bed Obama slept in.

None of these accusation are even remotely believable and I'd argue show the extreme lack of game by whoever's trying to discredit Trump or Webb. Basically these people are desperate and are grabbing at straws. This is a sign of desperation more than anything else. These people know their Goose is Cooked. It won't be long now if this is the best they've got.

dcdale9 ago

Who are the people? I read all the thread too. If Wendy and George aren't who they day they are, who are they then? Everyone seems so vague. The link from Field McConnell liking Clinton among 3 others as the killers of Jon Benet .....snuff films, JABS betting system etc. Is supposed to show the answer Webb gave us not true. I read in the tweets Webb told Wendy it was the father John and his pedo ring who did it. That has been shown not to be true by the physical evidence. I was unable to open the link. I asked Blue bird if she was able to do it.

DarkMath ago

"The link from Field McConnell liking Clinton among 3 others as the killers of Jon Benet"

Could you paste in that link here? Thanks.

dcdale9 ago

Search abeldanger.net links. There's several on Jon Benet

equineluvr ago

"George Webb is into being dominated sexually? First up that's hysterical given George Webb played division 1 basketball and is 6' 8""

Non sequitur.

HEIGHT has NOTHING to do with sexual preferences, especially when it comes to dominance and submission.

"This reminds me of when that women accused Trump of raping her when she was 13. She even got a lawyer and wouldn't you know it right before she had to put up or shut up she withdraws her accusation."

Trump's "mentor" was MOB CIA lawyer ROY COHN. I have no doubt that faggot Roy taught Trump the ropes on making serious THREATS.

"This is a sign of desperation more than anything else. These people know their Goose is Cooked. It won't be long now if this is the best they've got."

Yeah, ALL THE BAD GUYS ARE GOING DOWN! Man, you must watch a lot of movies because you live in La-La Land. They didn't go down in the wake of Franklin, and NOTHING has changed in 30 years. If anything, things have only gotten WORSE.


DarkMath ago

"They didn't go down in the wake of Franklin"

There was no Interwebs during the Franklin scandal. Trust me this thing's coming down one way or another. We have no Constitution anymore. We literally live in a Fascist Dictatorship. We outnumber the conspirators 3,000 to 1, are allowed to own assault rifles and form militias.

It's all over but the cryin'.

Tanngrisnir ago

He did say in one video he volunteered to get whipped by a dom while investigating a ratline. I don't think it is a big deal though. It is in no way illegal. He can have whatever weird kink he wants as long as he isn't hurting anyone. Just thought I would point this out as ironically it is the most believable thing she has said so far.


I do think the lady is mentally unstable though. She seems to genuinely believe what she says but then she says a lot of contradictory stuff. Also she is into flat Earth theory now too.

NotHereForPizza ago

I remembered this instantly. This isn't the first time this has been posted about either.

I guess they're trying to cash in on the brownstone.

DarkMath ago

"He did say in one video he volunteered to get whipped by a dom while investigating a ratline."

Yeah I remember that. That would certainly explain this story, he was pretending to be a john to get evidence. I think it's funny that people think George Webb could be a bottom. It's fucking hysterical. The guy is single handedly taking on the FBI, CIA and Clinton Crime Family and people think he could be a bottom. I don't think George Webb has a submissive molecule in his body.

KnightsofHubris ago

Some random person on Twitter claims George Webb is into being dominated sexually? First up that's hysterical given George Webb played division 1 basketball and is 6' 8".

This is like a Hall of Fame non-sequitur.

HollandDrive ago

Why would his size figure into his (alleged) fetish. It's a non-sequitur only in a normal world. People are into all sorts of crap.

DarkMath ago


George Webb is an alpha male's alpha male. Rule one of any alpha male is never be dominated. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

This is a disinfo campaign against George Webb nothing more nothing less.

Touchdown50 ago

I disagree. Bdsm doms make big bucks Turning powerful alpha males into their slaves.

DarkMath ago

"Turning powerful alpha males into their slaves."

Sorry, an alpha male does not find pleasure in being dominated. You need to be an alpha male to understand that. :-D

Touchdown50 ago

So your saying all alpha males are the same?

DarkMath ago

Give it up.

ArthurEdens ago

She might have come up with thay angle from his admission of having to participate in s&m to get in with some people. This lady might be catfishing even

KnightsofHubris ago

George Webb is an alpha male's alpha male. Rule one of any alpha male is never be dominated. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

Oh my goodness. Really? Do other people think George Webb is the alpha male's alpha male? I have never thought about that one way or the other with him.

DarkMath ago

6' 8" Division 1 basketball players are automatically a member of the alpha male club. It's kind of a rule.

KnightsofHubris ago

How about Division III point guards?

Also the history of 6'8" pro basketball players will tell you this is not true. Kwame Brown, Dwight Howard and a few others come to mind. And my particular favorite Javale McGee

Here's the 7 foot Javale McGee trying to inbound the ball after his team made the shot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IBuv26ZErI

Running back on defense while his team is on offense https://youtu.be/_5RdCiKL290?t=93

Some of the worst attempts at dunking you'll ever see https://youtu.be/grEg1rln-GU?t=23

DarkMath ago

Thanks KnightsofHubris for clearing that up.

MostPostersAreShills ago

George webb is an obvious autist schizoid.

DarkMath ago

"obvious autist schizoid."

Ok, so that's not a counter argument. That's you flipping over the chess board and stomping away back to your room until Mom comes home.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Its a counter argument if you consider your false statement a fact.

DarkMath ago

"false statement a fact."

Let me get this straight your case against George Webb isn't his evidence of human trafficking, organ harvesting and drug smuggling.

You're evidence against George Webb is that he's not really an alpha male.


seekingpeace ago

LOL - Ask any dominatrix who most of her clients are... Military, Judges etc - all alpha males. Besides that, I think George Webb is good at connecting dots but people should be skeptical of his motivations that's all.

DarkMath ago

"people should be skeptical of his motivations that's all."

Anyone exposing brownstone ops, charity fraud, corruption at the top of the FBI and organ harvesting has his motivation exactly where they should be.

If you can't see this as disinfo in league with Trump liking golden showers then you need help.

seekingpeace ago

Yes, exposing brownstone ops etc was enough for me in the beginning but the Zionist agenda is just too strong to deny now (for me). I won't be a Zionist tool.

DarkMath ago

"Zionist agenda"

You lost me there. George Webb's case is against the Clinton Foundation and the Deep State. I can't even recall when he's talked about Israel beyond the fact he's Jewish.

Can you be more specific?

srayzie ago

Well she's tweeting public stuff and threatening she'll tell what she knows if he doesn't leave her alone. I don't know if she's telling the truth or not. But, I will let you all decide. I couldn't just not say anything.

DarkMath ago

"threatening she'll tell what she knows"

That's how you know she's lying. If she had something she'd have released it already. This is just like the Russian Hacking thing.

V____Z ago

She has already released her information to a lawyer and to the authorities, according to her tweets. she's also well respected and not some rando, again according to the tweets.

DarkMath ago

"not some rando"

She wrote "He MK Ultra'd me".................Um yeah. The woman is nuts or this is a disinfo campaign.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Shut the hell up your the biggest disinfo campaign on this board gtfo.

DarkMath ago

"disinfo campaign"

You've got that wrong dipshit. We like anyone who exposes brownstone ops, charity fraud, corruption within FBI leadership, organ harvesting, and drug smuggling.

In fact you're going to have to explain why exposing all that is "disinfo" and a bad idea.

If you can't back up your arguments you lose.


MostPostersAreShills ago

Shut the hell up you sound like such a robot. You say the same bullshit everytime I see you. Then you always leave the same bullshit wink.

DarkMath ago

You don't address the evidence instead you go with I "sound like such a robot.".

Yeah, you're a light weight.

Azzipdoe ago

Love you darkmath. Anyone that's truly here for good intentions knows who's shilling and who isn't.

George Webb has done nothing but good so far. He seems honest and genuine unlike pizzagategear and seaman. And yes, this lady is a rando. As said before, if this guy really did rape here, mk ultra her, or w/e she's claiming.. she'd spill the beans right now with actual evidence instead of threatening to. Common sense. This thread needs locked.

DarkMath ago

Azzipdoe I think he pretended to be a "john" when he was investigating one of these ratlines. I think that's how he got on her radar. The forces of darkness are no doubt trying to twist this into something it isn't. They're desperate and are acting like a cornered animal.

srayzie ago

She just posted this like 20 minutes ago

https://mobile.twitter.com/Gwenjackmann Attn: Jeffrey Epstein. I have PROOF that Webb tried to throw you under the bus! Its in my conversations! Only one of you gets Immunity!!

SterlingJB ago

Yeah, her twitter's a trip. She said she was filled in by Love is Good or something, another acct that used to post. Same acct told me she could see if she could do something about my comments not getting blocked. He's also hinted at having association with Epstein lately. Commented that he was avenging Ghislaine Maxwell's father's death. Then he said he was room mates with someone who worked the coyote ugly party's for both hell's angels and Jef Ep. Weird. Gwen or Wendy (GW; not saying she's not real just noticing sync these days) also helped develop the braverman narrative to a gallery in Tel Aviv and to Braverman's real father. All in all, some interesting storyline to say the least.

srayzie ago

Supposedly that's how she met George Webb. By watching his videos, she started researching too. He supposedly hacks into her twitter. She said that Braverman, Webb and Epstein all work together.

SterlingJB ago

All I know, and maybe I've just spent too much time in the screen era, there sure seems to be a production element (of the found footage variety) and constructed rather than organic storyline, Thought that from the beginning. But at the same time I don't see the harm since he's not exactly diminishing what's going on here and I've enjoyed the reading list, and I also could be completely wrong about it not being organic too. I think her talk about avi braverman and the art gallery in tel aviv is relevant though. Since if there is one thing missing in his series, and I really am not anti-semitic but not exactly zionistic either, is Israel and Mossad. The story teller of story tellers. I've also asked to have an on the record interview with him w/o pseudonyms about where he exactly he fits into this but haven't received a reply.

seekingpeace ago

I think it's pretty obvious he serves Israel. Will the Awan brothers be the Mossad patsies? I'm also convinced that Mossad took control of Wikileaks in October.

Following the money is also good but you also need to ask who gains the most. It seems Israel has gained the most from recent activities.

badastrid ago

What's her name?

private-i ago

Her name is Wendy Doster

srayzie ago

Her name is Gwen

TimesUp ago

Gwen Jackman is a pseudonym (not her real name).

badastrid ago

Can you post a link to her twitter?

srayzie ago

Here is her Twitter. But please, nobody harass her. If what she is saying is true, she doesn't need that. I feel bad for her. https://mobile.twitter.com/Gwenjackmann

MysticMa ago

I would proceed with caution as I read a lot of her tweets... and (sic) sense is screaming. Just like I read the Gucicifer2.0 tweets with that actress? She was coming on to him hot and he said very little. There are women who's live in an imaginary world though the cyber world. Some of my clients actually met perfect strangers, knew very little back ground but were so desperate they jumped head 1st. None ever worked out & then there were a few that made up shit and hid behind a screen or text. The world is full of people who are far from grounded and lack common sense. I normally would feel like you do and want to help as well, but the shit I/we have seen, read and heard here the last 4mo has shaken my perception of humanity. I use to think I had seen & heard it all (stone cold nut cases too) but every day recently has been an eye opening experience. It is almost like every day is A FULL MOON 24/7 and the crazies are at play! Nothing surprises me anymore...

srayzie ago

I have changed so much in the last 4 months too. I look at life so differently and don't trust people. I'll be careful. But as curious as I am, I kind of don't want her to say too much. That's dangerous.

MysticMa ago

Yepers, she is either assuming/inflating the scenario or she actually has real knowledge, in which her method of putting it on blast seems immature at the least. cryptic/physco at best. Which could rain hell upon her. I'm not on twitter but I do look at links listed, Usually it is a feed with response from followers. All I saw was her tweets which were kind of spacey. Are they hidden?. Anyhow, caution/careful but so keep us posted.TC!

FckPizza3 ago

Idk.... this seems weird. I don't follow webb personally but I would just be cautious of him if you do and not totally buy into her story. I mean there would be more woman speaking out if this was true right?? And she should show you some proof of this...idk... seems fishy to me. She could be working with the other side to discredit Webb.. So people would stop following him. But who knows anymore!

equineluvr ago

That is interesting info, OP. Prepare for a shitload of downvoats when the Church of Webb arrives.

Those suckers! I've been telling them all along, but they wouldn't listen.

Azzipdoe ago

Didn't you support seaman? Lmao.

srayzie ago

I know. I figured that I'll be called a shill and downvoted like crazy. I'm bracing for it.

FckPizza3 ago

Well I will counter attack with up votes lol. But thank you for sharing the info. It just seems a little off. I do think you should keep in touch with her though.... just in case it is true. And keep archiving everything.

V____Z ago

Just so you know, I upvoted you for this hours ago, and now it's gone.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I will. I told her to stay in touch. She's talking about stuff still https://mobile.twitter.com/Gwenjackmann

FckPizza3 ago

Okay good! If anything happens to her (Which I pray doesn't) you could be the one that brings her justice... this is a crazy war were in! 🙏

srayzie ago

I told her I'd be praying for her. She's posting threats to him on her twitter now

FckPizza3 ago

Eek! She shouldn't do that!! I think she would be best to ignore him.... but idk...

ThePuppetShow ago

Something doesn't sound right with her story. She put her whole life on hold for him. She though they fell in love. Now he's harassing her kids and HUSBAND? Sounds awfully LARPy to me.

seekingpeace ago

She's a bit old for LARP, no?

ThePuppetShow ago

I didn't look far enough to find out her age. I was out when I heard she was thought she was in love with George Webb, she has a husband. IMO either her and her husband lead a swinger/cuckold lifestyle or she's flat out cheating. Either way, I personally can't trust her to be honest.

srayzie ago

I don't know. You guys can just take it for what it is.

fartyshorts ago

She sounds schizophrenic to me.

MrWaldeck ago

She sounds "paid" to me.

ThePuppetShow ago

Thanks for sharing, that's just my opinion. We'll see what the consensus is, maybe she's just a whore.

srayzie ago

I don't get that vibe from her. i feel bad for her.

ThePuppetShow ago

Is there another option? The woman has a husband. She didn't say ex husband.

srayzie ago

Online affair I guess. That's pretty common.

DonKeyhote ago

I for one haven't relied on anything he's ever said. We always knew about Braverman, the complex in haiti, DynCorp, etc.

V____Z ago

Limited hangout. And this is why he's safe, and doesn't get attacked. I hope the truth comes out soon.

equineluvr ago

No! He has an "army" of "anonymous" "white hats" keeping him safe! LOL

kekistocrat ago

Spot on. He's a zionist for fucks sake.

dcdale9 ago

Omegashock.com Search George Webb

kekistocrat ago

Much obliged.