kekistocrat ago

Much obliged.

chordwonder ago

I think George is the real deal. He does make some bold accusations, but I don't believe he'd make them if he wasn't absolutely convinced, knowing he could be sued if not true or provable. Also, he is not monetized. That's a big one for me. Not that everyone monetized is a fraud, but it eliminates suspicion of profiteering.

Narcissism ago

My guess is that he is a Mo$$ad operative. His stuff is all against Hillary's mafia gang, while never mentioning the Neo Con/ Zio mafia. Which is OK so long as people realize they are getting part of the dirt, but will need to go elsewhere for the rest. Overall I really like his stuff, nobody else has his intel or comes close to him in terms of knowledge or delivery.

Death2Masons ago

Yes, he said it at the end of one of his videos. He then said he knew he would get heat for that but oh well.

Death2Masons ago

George is a spook. He was trained to lie. Now he is all the sudden a good guy. You do know by now what spooks do yes? Traffic children, Harvest their organs. Control all corporate media including the news. Assasinate leaders and create coups. Murder reporters. Murder people in false flag events and blame it on countries they are trying to get the justification to attack. Create social division through propaganda and staged events. Subvert the truth movement by joining it and leading it in the wrong direction, or by acting crazy or pushing rediculous theories to discredit by asociation. George Webb was a spook. George Webb loves other spooks. George Webb has no emotion when he talks about their heinous crimes. What are you confused about? George Webb is useful but keep him at arms length and attempt to identify what part of his info is limited hangout. Or be a fan. Up to you.

TruthTrumps ago

Am thinking something is off with his 3 times+ per day reveal of crime and corruption of US broad daylight...deep, darkest of darkest secrets...yet he roams broad daylight. He has alluded to being offed by TPTB....but I no longer take that seriously. He has even mentioned where his son works. Who does that when they are spilling the beans on the US government, as he is?

equineluvr ago

^ for you. Of course he is MOSSAD. He practically admitted that flat-out early on by stating that he is JEWISH. If it's "just a religion," why would that matter? Do you see other "investigators" going around saying, "I am Methodist" when it has nothing to do with the story?

All the intellectually passive sheep here DESPERATELY want some shepherd to herd them. The ENEMY has studied our psychology for hundreds of years so KNOW this. They are MORE THAN HAPPY to trot out shepherd after shepherd for the gullible to follow, like the Pied Piper leading the children over the cliff.

People need to learn to THINK FOR THEMSELVES and not DEFER to some "expert" or "insider" to tell them WHAT TO BELIEVE and WHAT TO THINK. It's absolutely NAUSEATING reading post after post like that on here.

herbsmoke ago

This. Also they get so emotianally involved in their leaders and experts that they attack the messengers who point out the shillery of their leaders. Trump is theperfect example i have been downvoted for months by trumptards for pointing out his zionism and zionist israel first dual citizen appointees, and the fact that he is probably a child rapist too. Dumb people need a leader so they don't have to actually read and investigate and think for themselves. Thats why absolutely nothing has happened over pedogate, and there has not been one single high level arrest, and they refuse to mention the talmud pedo synagogue of satan source of it all

srayzie ago

From what I keep hearing is that his brother is but who knows. I'm curious about him tho

kekistocrat ago

He says he's a zionist? Sauce, please?

garouwarrior ago

FBIanon did say in his first 4chan thread to look out for Zionists fwiw...

DarkMath ago

I didn't mean anything by the question. I apologize if I offended you.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Maybe George was Brownstoned like he once admitted and is forced to do these videos. He gets told what he can and can't say. So he is in part a victim. Like saying pizza and cheese were code for something else other than what we know they are. Remember he said that? Those were some of the videos went missing but many were found. I find myself getting numbed by all that he says. So the videos likely serve many purposes. He would be an excellent car salesman lol.

educate_yourself ago

i just happened to be watching one of his videos from day 60something and he describes the people hes working with the current and former agents to believe their country has fallen to a multi-generational coup and they are engaging in a counter-coup. very similar to what steve pieczenik said. like it sounded almost word for word the same idk. perhaps disinfo mixed with info? as most do? idk

TruthTrumps ago

A while back he questioned Steve P about something, in the commentary below one of his video. Steve gave an extremely brief answer (i think it was "no" to a question Webb asked). For some reason, i got the feeling they aren't on the same team. idk either.

educate_yourself ago

okay well i like georges info but i for some reason have a hard time trusting him

SatnamWaheguru ago

Notice the 33 upvoats. Hellooo freemasons :) we see you.

seekingpeace ago

Do you have a problem with George personally or with his sources and citations?

TruthTrumps ago

No I don't. I have followed him somewhat...and have appreciated what he is uncovering. However, it truly puzzles me that TPTB are allowing him to spill such horrifically incriminating evidence. He appears to roam freely...and no one seems to get in his way. Way back when he started w/ the "Where is Eric Braverman" videos, I thought for sure that "they" would try to take him out. Not only did that NOT happen...he has exposed far more than what anyone expected...yet there he is...pounding the pavement, investigating in broad daylight...on YouTube 3+ more times per day...revealing very dark secrets of crime and corruption within the US government. You don't find this somewhat remarkable?

seekingpeace ago

Let's just say that world events in the last couple of days have changed my views. It's pretty obvious to me that Israel has access to the Huma/Hillary emails and server.

DarkMath ago

I don't understand what your point is: "Every single one of his videos are posted in a facebook group . YouTube has his videos all scrambled . GW mentioned that months ago ."

Care to elaborate?

DarkMath ago

Cc1914 you have no point. In fact I'd say it's the exact opposite, he posts so many videos people are constantly checking for any new ones because the MSM has decided to ignore the biggest scandal in the history of the planet Earth.

DarkMath ago

"vast majority of people ignore posts with George Webb"

Says who? You?

You have no evidence of that.

neurofluxation ago

I tend to think anyone claiming to have FBI contacts and "shady" contacts elsewhere in various organisations needs to be taken with a huge pile of salt (not just a pinch).

This is just my opinion, but George Webb came out of nowhere and LOADS of people started pushing him on the PG forums and sub/verses...

I have watched a few of his videos... Quite a few... There's a lot of generalising and assumption... None of this is good.

NOW... Before you attack me, I'm not saying he is bad or good for PG and I'm not saying PG is bullshit either...

All I'm saying is DO NOT BELIEVE SOMEONE JUST BECAUSE THEY SAY SO... Question everything...

Edit: a word

Jem777 ago

I think George Webb & friends just took laid it all out. She is stating that Eric Braverman is a Kissinger.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

She goes by Wendy Doster on his youtube comments

evademoney2 ago

Ive been watching his videos since day 1 and he followed the money->Associates->Businesses->Corps->Foundations. It Cant all be explained in an hour or even 3. Until one indulges in his Team's findings completely, one can not discern much of a completed theory

equineluvr ago

About a year ago, Webb promoted "GamerGate." That turned out to be 100% BS.

Now he is pushing "MangoGate." LOL

He also promotes "Abel Danger," which is a PROVEN DISINFO outfit.

Believe that bullcrap at your own risk, especially the stuff that cannot be independently verified or refuted.

DarkMath ago

How familiar are you with logical fallacies?

This is a logical fallacy called "Begging the Question":

"About a year ago, Webb promoted "GamerGate." That turned out to be 100% BS. Now he is pushing "MangoGate." LOL"

Your logic is because George was wrong about GamerGate he is now wrong about MangoGate.

You can't do that. You actually have to prove WHY he's wrong. You're being intellectually lazy.


Death2Masons ago

Yes, but no. Because he is wrong about one thing does not mean he is wrong about a different thing. But if the feeling is that he intentionally misled, he can be discredited and not a useful verifier of events or theories.

equineluvr ago

Here, I'll dumb this down so you can grasp it -

Ever set foot in a courtroom?

ANY testimony is ALL about credibility.

Webb is a disseminator of disinfo, ergo he has NO CREDIBILITY..

DarkMath ago

"Webb is a disseminator of disinfo"

What about MangoGate don't you believe?

Are_we_sure ago

That's not "Begging the Question." It's closer to Ad Hominem. And it's not Ad Hominem either if the question is why should I trust George Webb? Then this is completely relevant and nonfallacious evidence.

kekistocrat ago

AreYouShill -- you're back. We've missed you.

Ahem.... @DarkMath has it right. Equally, it could be a composition/division fallacy -- Assuming that what is true about one part of something must be applied to all, or other, parts of it. As well, perhaps the genetic fallacy -- judging something good or bad based solely on where or from whom the information came. Or simply an anecdotal fallacy -- using personal experience or an isolated example instead of a valid argument, especially to dismiss statistics. However, one fallacy it most certainly is not is the Ad Hominem fallacy -- 'against the man,' -- attacking one's character or personal traits in order to discredit or undermine an argument.

And it's not Ad Hominem either if the question is why should I trust George Webb?

Why did you defeat your own argument?

Your handlers aren't giving you the proper care that a shillibasterly cucklefin deserves. You should prepare a lengthy essay explaining why you need better shillifactor training to meet the insatiable needs of your new pay raise.

DarkMath ago

What about MangoGate don't you believe?

TimesUp ago

Gwen Jackman is apparently a pseudonym. She uses her real name (another name) on FB (including the Webb-related HRCRatline group of which I am a member, and which she no longer is). I'm not willing to dox her here, but she disclosed her real name in one of her tweets. I'm baffled by her claims about Webb after having seen how she previously rallied around him.

shachalnur ago

Something triggered her.

Been following George /webb since day 15

she was OK,and then just flipped.

in one of her tweets yesterday she said she was abused as well as a kid.

she knows George and the braverman's

she comes from a powerfull family.

I follow her info,because ,like many triggered abusevictims,she will release a lot of relevant info.

Hope she's safe,and knows what she's doing

she's taking on a lot of powerfull people ,and maybe even her family won't be happy.

TimesUp ago

Interesting. In my volunteer work with victims of severe childhood abuse, I've discovered a common theme: a serious hesitation to trust anyone, and tendency to project nefarious intent onto anyone who gets close, often triggered by some inexplicable thing. I don't personally know "Gwen" or George, but my personal interactions with him (in sharing research) have been positive and solid. Some day hopefully the truth will all come out and everyone will stay safe in the meantime.

shachalnur ago

Right now many triggers are released through TV,commercials,MSM,Hollywood etc.

Victims and perpetrators are being woken up,many of them seriously abused ,some Satanic,or through MK Ultra.

both will be unable to stop talking and signalling,

it's by design,and time to pay attention.

Help the victims ,be very much aware of triggered pedo's and (Satanic) abusers.

it's not gonna be nice.

20Justice4All17 ago

...'by design', do you mean tptb want to trigger these people? If so, why? Thanks

shachalnur ago

did you watch the Matrix?

what if there are so many victims,perpetrators and ,let's call them "other abusers" who practice abuse or fantasize(watching child porn) ,that there is just a minority of people who see a problem?

What if people have already been programmed that this is not a problem,those kids are the cause of your problems anyway,right?

and what if these people turn on those who protect their children?

couldn't be?

Scary huh?

TimesUp ago

Thanks for info. It's challenging for the average person to try to understand SRA and mind control stuff, let alone how to navigate safely while trying to help.

V____Z ago

That's what makes it more believable.

DarkMath ago

AltRightPsyOp why didn't you answer my question? Let's try again:

"but he is immune because he constantly spams new videos which makes discussion of those videos impossible. "

Please explain how a new video he posted makes it impossible to talk about older videos?

If you can't answer simple questions like that then YOU are the shill in this conversation not me.

sunajAeon ago

ANYONE reporting in the mainstream (including Youtube) is suspect; no one can be completely trusted-that's just the way it is

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Your grammar can't be that bad.

Tanngrisnir ago

I read quite a few of Gwen Jackmann's posts and there is wildly contradictory stuff. Just a week ago she claimed to have known George Webb personally and sounded like a lovelorn teenager. Then she was saying he had entered some relationship with a pro-Michael Moore honeypot sex-kitten and she feared for his safety. Now she acts like she has never met him and he is a sex criminal and a Mossad agent.

While I understand not wanting to blindly trust Webb her claims are just too inconsistent to me and she sounds more like a borderline girlfriend than a legitimate investigator.

V____Z ago

I'm not sure how you get that she's acting like she doesn't know him personally. I read just the opposite from her tweets.

Tanngrisnir ago

I can't find the exact quote of hers. It may be because Webb has so many videos or maybe because they were deleted. All I can say is she seems at best factually unreliable and at worst totally off her rocker.

For example, here she is genuinely espousing the flat Earth theory just today.

GJackmann ago

I posted that video not bc it had anything to do w Flat Earth ( which I have no firm belief on) but bc it exposed Hollywood transgenderism. I found it very interesting. That's all

Mommyplayer571 ago

That tranny video was interesting. Even if I don't beleive it, it's an example of what a normie must think when I talk about PizzaGate.

V____Z ago

Well she is in touch with a lawyer about what she knows regarding Webb, so hopefully we will find out.

Tanngrisnir ago

I hope so.

paulf ago

Any examples of GW leaking harmful information? He's famous for using mainstream sources and his own eyes only so I'm not sure what you mean by 'leaking'.

Secondly, who gives a fuck about what this woman thinks? Seriously. Does she have a track record of thoroughly researched investigation like say The Honey Bee? Is she a journalist? Why does she link to videos by flat earth nutcases? Why does she personally attack Trump family members? Why do you care?

srayzie ago

I've always wondered why YouTube is not removing his videos. They remove so many, but not his. He's uncovering very damning information about a lot of people and corporations and they are not deleting the videos? Why?

herbsmoke ago

He is a zionist jew...they own the media

V____Z ago

Limited hangout, distract from the real perps. Whatever he is saying, it's want the powers that be want said.

srayzie ago

So you think he's working with the other side?

V____Z ago

Hasn't he admitted as much? He says he's ex CIA, no? There is no such thing as "ex".

equineluvr ago

^ Correct. There is a LIFELONG allegiance to The Company.

"You're a Company man for life."

DarkMath ago

Wait a second, George Webb "spams new videos which makes discussion of those videos impossible."?

Do you mind explaining how a new video he posted makes it impossible to talk about older videos?

V____Z ago

I've never trusted him. The first and only video I watched he dropped some ridiculous bullshit about everyone tweeting a certain hashtag so he can later find us to give us each at least a million dollars.

This woman tweeting trusted him only a week ago, still tweeting out his daily spammy videos. Now she says she has figured out what's going on. Eric bravermans brother is living in Israel. She believes Eric is there too, and that Webb is MOSSAD. She says she has proof Webb is a honeypot (and disinfo, which many of us have already figured out), and she's in contact with a lawyer who says he is the one who figured out the Silsby/Clinton child trafficking connection.

I got the above by perusing her tweets. She seems pissed at Webb who she accuses of being a honeypot.

Let the truth roll out!

Death2Masons ago

Ty for this. I don't trust spooks period. So even though I liked his detailed clinical approach, I never trusted him. There are no good spooks. They act in secrecy, are masters of propaganda and are above the law. This does not bread honesty and good ethics.

Jem777 ago

Webb yesterday exposed the most evil character that FBI anon said to be very careful researching because of extreme danger last name of Yunn...He has been traveling to show the depravity of the US in first person and ended last night at Yale where Eric Braverman of the Clinton Foundation was an alleged teacher but went missing.

He then went to the building on campus where the Skull & Bones started in the US in the late 1800's. He talked about G.W.B. Sr. And Jr. Who were Bonesmen as well as Kerry and others. He explained how Yale was owned by "The Crown" and how Americans had lost that battle and The Crown infiltrated at that time.

He explained how the CIA was formulated in the Skull and Bones and under the authority of the Crown. He then showed the library where Bill and Hilary allegedly met on Yale campus. It was very powerful everyone should watch.

We (Americans) were infiltrated a long time ago. Skull and Bones is as many know a deep secret society that is directly linked to the CIA. George Sr. was an agent, director, President.

The rest of them all connected through Yale and S&B

equineluvr ago

"He explained how Yale was owned by "The Crown" and how Americans had lost that battle and The Crown infiltrated at that time. "

The U.S. is still a British colony and always has been. Ergo, no "infiltration" was necessary.

Webb is spoonfeeding you SUCKERS bullshit!

abortionburger ago

Hey Armyseer, thanks for answering my PM last night. I'm about to delete this username, it was nice being harassed by you :)

herbsmoke ago

George webb is a zionist israeli shill take his info with the appropriate grain of salt

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

This woman reminds me of other abuse victims. You're not sure what she is saying is true, but she certainly believes it.

V____Z ago

It seemed a bit nutty, but look at how others respond to her, in particular the lawyer. They all seem to hold her in high regard.

islandofdelight ago

Webb said early on that he was in contact with former and current FBI, whitehats presumably. He must be a target for sure, and could be taken out as he knows. He could also be protected by whitehats. There is no evidence to suggest that he has been anything but truthful. He is a gifted researcher and has been looking at these thing for many years.

I'm sure the real shills don't attack Webb so much because they don't want any more attention than necessary on what he's explaining. They fear his videos going viral.

herbsmoke ago

Except thepart about his self admitted zionism

throwaway345678 ago

You're forgetting the possibility that he is actively CIA/FBI and feeding you all disinfo mixed with good info.

For example: he said Hillary / .gov pedophiles should not be prosecuted. Another example: He said MKULTRA/ SRA is a psyop. It is not a psyop, and the entire reason for his series (may) be to cover that fact.

I am not saying he has never given good information. But much of that was plagiarized from other researchers, then tweeked with false statements. It's what makes him very potentially harmful - he sounds very good superficially, and he develops trust with his audience, to then convince people SRA/MKULTRA isn't real, and that we should all just forgive Hillary and Podesta.

Webb also supported Obama and dislikes Trump - make of that what you will.

remus_schmitt ago

Thank you for making the only reasonable comment regarding Webb. The LAST thing they want is ANY kind of attention on George WHATSOEVER. simple as that. George Webb will be a household name.

Jem777 ago

Agreed. They completely delete all mention of him but he has them on videotape, in pictures, and he has the information spread out. There are many white hats involved.

equineluvr ago

Why hasn't he been taken out? Oh that's right -- he has an "army" of "invisible," "anonymous" "white hats." LOL

herbsmoke ago

Yes israeli mossad hasbara trolls are his army

badastrid ago

Always best to listen with all filters intact. GW makes some offhand comments that I don't agree with, that don't ring true. AJ, Cerno, Pieczenik, all these guys are limited hangout on given issues.

ich1baN ago

I've heard Cerno is a plant from people on this site before, can you rehash why that is the case? Thanks in advance.

9217 ago

Look up the legal documents he tried to unseal. He was working in the interests of Epstein, evidenced by Epstein's defense lawyer, Dershowitz. (who has also been accused of raping girls on orgey island) - Dershowitz joined Cernovich's motion because it benefitted the defendant, Epstein.

AngB23 ago

Same girl is info dumping on Twitter right now. Dozens and dozens of texts possibly from GW

badastrid ago

I don't think any of these guys are disinfo, per se. I monitor all of them and try to ignore personality, just take in the info. I don't personally care for Cerno, in spite of what he may say however. I do think we're in a soft coup at the moment, and much of what's going on in the world is a coverup of pedogate. All are mouthpieces for leakers in various alphabet agencies. I think GW is interesting atm because he's neither pro-Trump or pro-Clinton, but he sure makes it look bad for Hillary.

Poot_McGarvey ago

I heard it was because doucheawits appeared in one of his documentaries and he wrote a lawsuit concerning a Jeffery Epstein pedo-case that resembeled doucheawits lawsuit.

I haven't heard much more than that and I'm not sure how the pieces fit together there.

equineluvr ago

CERN was working to "unmask" those sexual abuse victims.

CERN is a POS.

jangles ago

only in videos 4 or 5. He has a structure about how he posts. vids 1 & 2 are more evidence based 3-7 are more opinion.

Jem777 ago

Did you just see his last video today.

jangles ago

The Hells Angles are fuckers. Kinda the white MS 13. Could need to be worried about his status. What make and model of vehicle do you think he is in?

Jem777 ago

I don't know. It is not the angels it is gov. to be worried. Check out the twitter that is following him stunning info.

jangles ago

These cards are folding

NotHereForPizza ago

Look, just because an individual doesn't see eye to eye with you on a given subject doesn't mean that the identity itself should be challenged as a result. This is both irresponsible and irrational.

We need to commend these people for their exposure on the subjects we care about, and stop focusing on the negative ones quite as much. It seems to me people tend to disagree on a lot of subjects, and that's okay, because it's where critical thinking starts. But, if you're going to dilute this situation to, "Person A believes in idea B, therefore I can't trust any other opinions they convey to me." then you are, by all means, failing yourself as well as those around you.

Let's try and work with even just a little logic here.

badastrid ago

What part of "filters" don't you understand?

NotHereForPizza ago

No, I saw that part, but this seems to be a common argument wherein people group the same individuals together under the same premise which is always, "should we really believe these people?" It's ad nauseum at this point and it needs to be brought up.

Frankly, you're helping perpetuate the narrative and whether it's on purpose or not doesn't matter. The fact that you happened to include the same people this time (without david seaman this time, shockingly) really set off flags for me.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't go through your post history and see how many times you've mentioned it, and it's not exactly directed at you. However, you can say, "always be skeptical" every time you bring up this argument, but you're still bringing up this argument.

DreidelDance ago


abortionburger ago

One thing that always struck me as interesting.... all of the legit investigators get TONS of shilling against them, but only George Webb seems to be immune to their attacks. Why is that?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Who do you consider a legit researcher? Webb, for his few instances of, imo, faulty speculation, has put in many hours, and very good research , makes a convincing case against many players that need to fall. Honeybee is the only other I respect and put any stock in.

Jem777 ago

Webb gets shilling, he gets worse. No one is allowed to post his videos are links or they will automatically be deleted. Have tried over and over. In the beginning they were left up for awhile now immediate deletion. That is how I know that he is right over the target besides his in depth research and actual physical evidence he has. He is alive because he is vocal and many white hats are behind him leaking information from within the Deep state.

About a year ago George put in FOIA requests to the FBI, ATF, his local police, etc. where he asked for any records on him to be made public. This is all on line. He gave his full name birthdate and location.

After about 50 episodes of his series he is doing he started talking if Dyncorp and overnight someone hacked his YouTube channel and erased all 50+ episodes. He spoke carefully indicating there son sort of threats going on. He then said I am going to give out some deadmans switch info. here and gave full name current address & location and the fact that his evidence was also in the hands of others. Indicating if they kill him it is still going to be released.

SatnamWaheguru ago

This is the only logical comment on this thread. I think this entire post is run by shills who 'think' and 'feel' that they don't trust George Webb without giving any kind of reasonable explanation just to sway any of the readers on voat. These shill conversations lol. I think its their new tactic. So weak.

herbsmoke ago

Saying he is a zionist shill or sayanim disinfo agent which he admits his own zionism from his own mouth is not a lack of evidence you fucking twat. Zionist babylonian talmud following pedophile satanists are the root cause of pizzgate

SterlingJB ago

I like the George Show, and it think much of his info is valid but lately , even b4 one of his fans jumped ship and is slinging ultimatum's at him on twitter, he's mentioned some things that makes it seem like he knows or has worked for (worst case: still working for) Mossad Jef. He said he was avenging Ghislain's Maxwell's father's death and then he said he was room mates with someone who worked coyote ugly parties for Jeff and/or Hell's angels. There's also a story arch quality to what he's doing which makes it seem like he's working from a script or story board. I'll keep watching since most of the arguments I'm seeing here for why what he's doing is not a positive thing don't seem right to me (only thing I can think of on the negative end is exposing one ratline to replace with another), but there's definitely lots going on he's not letting the average viewer in on.

herbsmoke ago

George webb is a zionist

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Facepalm.jpg. sigh

DreidelDance ago



md3inaustin ago

I hear you guys. Always thought GWebb's lack of attacks were due to a lack of spotlight, hardly anyone but PizzaGaters knew who he was. But I could be wrong.

Regarding the GWebb, AJ, Cernovich, Pieczenik comment about them being limited. Who do ya'll trust More for info on this & general political inside intelligence? ...Always looking for more sources to corroborate information against.

badastrid ago

Also interesting that he uses an alias. I do think, however, that he does a good job of presenting concrete evidence of the trafficking ratlines.

TimesUp ago

The woman who's criticizing him, in part for using an alias, is ALSO using an alias (as "Gwen") on Twitter.

I agree with you about the value of George's research and evidence of human trafficking perpetrated by many of the elite PG suspects we're tracking. I also think his revelations about elite Brownstone operations (via Epstein and others) offers an excellent framework for what we're trying to unravel!