Pokes ago

Still nothing more to go on despite the scrutiny stirred up by the last couple of voodoo posts. I think this is grasping at straws. Could we let this slide until we see something a blue-pilled person wouldn't laugh at us for?

Lonesome_Pizza ago

I don't care about being laughed at, I care about solving the case. Leads are meant to be further investigated, so we can determine if the suspect have any involvement in crime and that is what we'll do.

Pokes ago

Do you hear me advocating anyone not investigate leads? This does not appear to be a lead is all I'm getting at; we have a swirl, and seemingly not a whole lot more. While it's possible that the dudes who started voodoo are sightly creepy, they're also possibly just hipster doofuses from the hipster doofus capital of the world who tailored their marketing to their market. They are incredibly popular, and their donut game is strong, so it's not exactly like comet pizza which in no way makes a pizza warranting the attention they receive. I'm not saying it couldn't be something, I am saying this is the third post I've seen inferring some nefarious pedophilia-related subsculture based on a penis donut and a swirl which, as others have stated, could have just been chosen because it's an easy design to create w icing.

sugarskull ago

I don't know about Voodoo but I do know as far as tunnels go Portland is the godfather of using them for nefarious purposes. I posted this once before and had someone say it was debunked but I never read that whilst researching.

Piscina ago

The swirl, the penis, the star--they look dirty.

Z11Mama ago

Portland sees a lot of ht activity. VooDoo is close to I5. The I5 corridor is known for traffikking. Definitely reason to keep it in our file of red flags as we find out more about Portland but so far, there is not even one completely solid reason to believe VooDoo is truly involved. More of a chance with ht and satanic stuff than pedo imo.

Lonesome_Pizza ago

We'll let God judge this matter.

lorlipone ago

I have a good friend who worked there. I bought weed about 30' from them. Maybe they hide it well, but it sure as fuck seems like the answer is no.

nomorepepperoni ago

Swirl is NOT BLover or even LBLover! It's a generi-swirl (just a circular swirl, no triangles or hearts).

That said, Voodoo seems a tiny bit oddball. Could just be "edgy" BS, though, from what's found so far.

Lonesome's Pizza looks a tad more interesting, IMO: so far, a pretty creepy "Christmas card", and the place apparently hosts "cool music" and ships "demo CDs" or "cool art" with some of their pizzas. At least, that's what I see so far on their Yelp reviews. They're also open late at night.


Edit: Found their Instagram.


Oh, nothing makes me hungrier than a photo of a rotting rat corpse. WTF?


EDIT 2: Mirrored at least one PizzaSlime pic as well: https://www.instagram.com/p/xxl5BzwAA8/


Good things come in pink boxes... great tag line...

AngB23 ago

This caught my attention more than anything else. Obviously not partial to just boys

3141592653 ago

Do we know if there is evidence of the tunnels being used for anything sinister currently?

Lonesome_Pizza ago

There is a tunnel system at The Old Time pizza Shop in Portland, Oregon Gmap coordinates

It's quite possible that a tunnel system is in close proximity to voodoo doughnuts, lonesome pizza, and several nightclubs in the surrounding area.

FreeRebel ago

Yeah, that swirl.... looks to me like a simple shape easy for any fool to drizzle over the pastry. The mouth, the teeth, the little stake, all really easy to do. Also I believe there's an ancient tradition of a swirling energy in that part of the body. Something the Falun Gong developed more recently. Saying, it has a plausible reason to be there. If someone was caught doing something, it wdb interesting to speculate if the little swirl on the voodoo doll was really part of the deal. Other than that, I feel Old Occam hovering over with his proverbial Razor.

BadGuacamoleTV ago


Rigg5 ago


Lonesome_Pizza ago

Yes Portland, Oregon needs to be investigated. Comet pp is just the tip of the iceberg.

Pixel_loves_Polygon ago

This is duplicate thread. The same one was posted over a week ago if I recall. If it's worth investigating people will. No need to keep reposting it.

kazza64 ago

pretty sure the cia would have been involved the human trafficking otherwise it would have been shut down

Lonesome_Pizza ago

True true, the abc gang have a lot of international channels to import children and women into the US like the Iran Contra Scandal featuring CIA insider Oliver North

Xbxn ago

I hope not because their donuts are amazing.

Lonesome_Pizza ago

I'm sure those donuts have a yummy surprise in them. Melt in your mouth delicious, finger licking good. Made with water from the fountain of youth

nomorepepperoni ago

"Secret ingredient" 😷

kazza64 ago

the tears of children

formatist ago


Lonesome_Pizza ago

Take a look at what their neighbors do. https://i.imgur.com/R81fXFM.jpg

Here's their location proximity. Proximity Map

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I don't know, it's got a twisted sense of humor and a swirl... that's all we have to go on. I'd suggest letting this "lead" die off unless there is something of substance. Feels like a reach, a far reach.

Lonesome_Pizza ago

We'll let the people decide if this is worth researching.

formatist ago

And a pretzel penis. And 'good things come in pink boxes'

Lonesome_Pizza ago

they think they're slick, we all know what they mean by Good things in Pink boxes and it walks on 2 legs.

formatist ago

What does 'it walks on two legs' mean?

Lonesome_Pizza ago

A pink box between two legs. you know "the lady cakes" that guys like.

Lonesome_Pizza ago

Refreshing some light on some important posts