AreWeSure ago

What's the evidence the FBI said this?

snopesiscrap ago

2007 FBI Memo to all law enforcement,etc.

AreWeSure ago

And where is this memo that mentions Voodoo Donuts?

Eyezopen ago

Longtime lurker. Want to thank everyone for all their amazing work on here. Was redpilled a longtime a long time ago. I also came across Voodoo Donuts and was wondering the same thing. Definitely think this place needs more investigating. I've managed to redpill about 10 people it's frustrating how many are so ignorant to this.

francine_rose ago

There is one in Portland and one in Eugene

DontTreadOnMemes ago

You know what... look at the header image on their website. The little monster pastries have spirals drawn on them.

Maybe there is something to this.


While looking through the merch I saw that they put out a Voodoo Doughnut record label. It's interesting that, like Comet Ping Pong, they seem to be more involved with music than other restaurants. So I took a look at one of the records they put out and it is by the owners themselves under the names Cat Daddy and Tres. They are definitely a couple of colorful individuals to put it lightly. So I google Cat Daddy and Tres and I find an old Huffington Post interview from 2010 and another from 2013. Decided to archive them.

We need to start looking all these names up, all the names of the different bands they've produced records of, the owners, their friends, we need to dig through all the social media just like we did with the people who frequent Comet Ping Pong. I clicked on OP's video very skeptical at first but this might have some legs. Could be nothing but smells fishy enough to warrant some digging.


Here is an archive of VoodooDoughnut official Instagram post of a 4' "locally made" Coffin in Portland. Sound familiar to anyone else here?


Interview after they opened up a Voodoo in Denver. He talks about their record label and their naked janitor who sings vocals on one of the albums.


Voodoo Doughnut Records Instagram pic of a Sgt. Pepper style album cover. Archived because that album cover is famous for being full of hidden messages so this one might be too.

Could all be nothing, would really like to see the owners' personal Instagram pages but only found one and it was private.

carmencita ago

You Know what else? On the left side of the picture on their header image, there is a donut with a pentagram on it. Inside of a Pink Donut on the right side there is what looks like a little child caught in the donut hole almost as crying to get out. This is really sick. Also the video has some really creepy stuff on it. A little girl dressed in a par of panties that a woman is wearing as well. It is disgusting. This place is rancid imo. Good Find.