twistedmac11 ago

Do some research on the Shanghai Tunnels in Portland. There is a company that leads tours of the tunnels for the public the tours start at Hobo restaurant according to the website. If you look at Hibo restaurant on a map, it's only a few blocks north on the same street as Voodoo Donuts. I don't think it's a stretch to say Voodoo Donuts might have access to the tunnels.

Edited to add screenshot of driving directions from Hobo Restaurant to Voodoo Doughnuts:

Nana66 ago

I have heard that top pic swirl is a vagina and the center represents a clitoris....

"Good things come in pink boxes".....

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Shanghai Tunnel Bar... I wonder why they named it that...

Spiritual_War ago

The Old Portland Underground, better known locally as the Shanghai tunnels, are a group of passages in Portland, Oregon, United States, mainly underneath the Old Town/Chinatown section and connecting to the main business section. The tunnels connected the basements of many hotels and taverns to the waterfront of the Willamette River. They were built to move goods from the ships docked on the Willamette to the basement storage areas, allowing businesses to avoid streetcar and train traffic on the streets when delivering their goods.

I wouldn't be surprised if Lonesome Pizza and Voodoo Pizza used the tunnels for human trafficking to hotels underground

twistedmac11 ago

I did some research on the Shanghai Tunnels and Voodoo donuts once, and discovered Voodoo donuts is only a couple of blocks south of the where the historic tour of the tunnels starts, so it's perfectly reasonable to think it may be sitting on top of one of the tunnels.

Spiritual_War ago

James Alefantis is friends with a coffin maker in Portland, Oregon name Scott Cummings, it's quite possible that Voodoo Donuts is getting their coffins from Scott Cummings and it may be possible that VooDonuts are could know Alefantis and may associate with eachother from a mutual friend Scott Cummings.

But I gave this information out so people can see that VooDoo Donuts boy lover donuts is more than enough to warrant an in-depth investigation by the community.

shakethetree ago

Thanks for resubmitting with the links. I intuitively feel Voodoo is up to no good, but have yet to find the direct connection. I want to badly. The best I found was that Alefantis knows Scott Cummings (Scott's daughter is Alefantis' god-daughter), and Scott and his wife own the daycare that could be looked into more. I knew he had that coffin making company in PDX as well. Anyone connected to Alefantis is suspect in my book. Still nothing direct yet. Have you searched for the previous Voodoo sub discussions? That is where things were left. EDIT: I forgot the search feature has been temporarily disabled by PuttitOut.

SaveTheChildren ago

By the way I've seen some videos on YouTube about people exposing these things I'm not sure if you've seen them yourself.

shakethetree ago

Exposing what things exactly? Do you have links?

EDIT: are you talking about Illegal News?

SaveTheChildren ago

I think so.

Well, this lady is kinda crazy and i saw one of her videos but she definitely references illegal news

shakethetree ago

Define "kinda crazy." Ha. Ok will look through some of her videos and see if I can find anything of worth. Would be great if you could filter through as well.

SaveTheChildren ago

Pizzagate is backburner conspiracy for me right now

shakethetree ago

Ok - thanks for links anyway

TweedleDee3000 ago

Someone with an automatic rifle needs to visit this donut shop.

nosy ago

there you go again with your crystal clear incitements to violence. you've been posting all over this forum haven't you?

i don't believe you are a sincerely concerned about children.

i think you are a troll with an agenda to hurt and discredit this community.

ArthurEdens ago

That guy has been shilling for weeks with reverse psychology and sarcasm

Spiritual_War ago

Here's a photo from Lonesome Pizza which is located across the street from Voodoo Donuts.

equineluvr ago

That is the most convincing compilation to date. Thanks!

Spiritual_War ago

Voodoo Doughnuts sells "Coffins full of Doughnuts" There's a coffin maker in Portland, Oregon named Scott Cummings who is friends with Comet pizza James Alefanits. It's quite possible that Scott is making coffins for voodoo donuts owner and it's even quite possible that James Alefantis is associates with the Donut shop owners Kenneth "Cat Daddy" Pogson and Tres Shannon. Donut owners in pimp suits

anonOpenPress ago

A promising lead, but more evidence needed. Possible?

Spiritual_War ago

There's a pizza shop called Lonesome Pizza located across the street from Voodoo Donuts. Here's a a borderline kiddy porn photo

anonOpenPress ago

uploaded 3 months ago, after the pizzagate became known... odd

Makingspace1 ago

Yeah these guys are asking for it...full on digger treasure trove if you ask me.

equineluvr ago

Yes, possible. But do you have any evidence connecting the two?

There are tons of carpenters in Portland who could make those coffins for VooDoo.

Spiritual_War ago

That's something that we can investigate, I just wanted to inform the people how this donut shop have all clues of being a place of child trafficking. There's also a pizza shop across the street from Voodoo donuts and here is a disturbing photo from Lonesome Pizza

shakethetree ago

That photo is suspect for sure.