GunzRazorsKniiiivez ago

Got curious and was looking around their website ..locations in many trendy cities on the western half of USA and then .. They randomly have a location in Taiwan? Um, OK.

aleeum ago

blue swirls? coincidence?

murphy212 ago

It was 2 days ago I remember.

Roy38 ago

It's there, I never noticed the sort by day/week/... feature.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Just to play devil's advocate here:

Club Rouge was investigated for ONE teenage dancer under 18, who apparently LOOKED 18, and who provided a fake ID which said she WAS 18, and the club says they cooperated with the investigation, and there's no indication otherwise. To hold this as evidence of child sex trafficking is a stretch. It appears to have been an anomaly caused not by the club, but by one dishonest teenager acting and appearing older than she was.

Now prove me wrong.

rickman ago

Some thoughts though. Check out Justin Muraviob(actually spelt Muraviov) in that video. Relaxed, smiley, taking it all in his stride and finding the whole thing amusing. Gay vibe coming from him as well. Reminds me of Alefantis talking to the people outside Comet. Unfazed by the whole experience.

On UrbanDictionary two entries refer to Haiti and the Lwas when you search voodoo.

Voodoo Haiti link

Voodoo/Vodou and Lwas - Haiti, vodou and the Lwas

If you search Myspace for voodoo donut and voodoo doughnuts, among the profiles linked to the restaurant there are also 5 members of the public with the username voodoo donut/doughnuts. To me this suggests that phrase has a specific meaning not just related to the restaurant. Much like comet and ping pong have been discovered to be drug and sex references.

UrbanDictionary - Voodoo donut

UrbandDictionary - Voodoo Doughnut

What a surprise when you look through Voodoo Doughnuts site to see they support charities involved with at risk youths, the homeless and immigrants/refugees and prisoners.

I was looking at Voodoo on Google streetview. Looked back at old images and found this. Voodoo in the middle just starting out and on the end we see the sign for Berbatis Pan. With PAN is huge letters. Berbatis was a Greek restaurant that also played 'ear splittingly loud' live musicHandful of mixed reviews. Loud music, bad food, surly staff. More coincidences similar to Alefantis and Comet. Greek, Pan, loud music you wouldn't expect in such a venue.

Article about the owner of nearby strip clubs buying Berbati's Pan. Does this guy own Club Rouge as well?

Frank Faillace's LinkedIn page shows he owns a lot of clubs. No mention of Club Rouge there.

Berbati is a valley or city in Greece it seems. It was close to Mycenae. The Mycenaen religion involved human sacrifices.


Back to doughnuts. Bucks birthday picture has two doughnuts in front of a man's crotch on top of each other with a candle in the middle. Very suggestive and out of place as Bucks don't appear to sell doughnuts. Isn't a cake more traditional for a birthday? The photo even says cake and yet they use two doughnuts? One small and pink - a lone unpopular UrbanDictionary entry describes a pink doughnut as the thing between a girls legs. Well you can see how Voodoo use doughnuts as references to vaginas and even child sex in the same way Comet uses pizza as a reference to body parts and sex. Why would you want a baby to wear a t-shirt that says 'The magic is in the hole'? Since when is the hole, the empty space, on a doughnut magic?

The Portland connection also links the Woolman/Cummings family, parents of Caris. I wonder if there are any further links.

fuspezza ago

I think this is a really old story I belive.

Arrvee ago

FBI Warns Voodoo Doughnuts May Be Child Sex Trafficking Front in Official Memo;

Co-Owner Also Connected to FBI Child Trafficking Investigation at Club Rouge Strip Club

Now this is something. Is the FBI memo viewable?

Mad_As_Hell ago

Hah the CTR downvoaters are out in force, must've hit a nerve. It's so demoralising to see NCMEC's hands all over these operations, if we can bring them down then the whole cover up is likely to fall apart.

whazzat1970 ago

One of their most famous doughnuts has the blue baby boy swirl.

3141592653 ago

Same with their logo


Its legal in cali now thanks to sacramento.

Jem777 ago

Nice work. Get em

Fateswebb ago

If i recall club rouge is voodoo donuts in the morning?