Vindicator ago

Here's one of their more popular ones, a cream-filled chocolate beauty.

shakethetree ago

I really wish you would have posted this as a discussion and at least made some effort to provide evidence to back up your question. For pete's sake, the little boy lover symbol is on their stupid monster doughnut logo. It is not hard to provide the image for people to look at. And no, I am annoyed so I am not going to do the work you should have done.

Spiritual_War ago

I just need help with all the information I'm gathering, but I will make a simple post, so the community can discuss it

Pixel_loves_Polygon ago

I looked at the instagram and all I see is a voodoo themed donut shop. I'm going to guess an "influential" guy like Alefantis has met a lot of restaurateurs and other business owners, shared business contacts with them and had work done by some of the same craftsmen. It doesn't mean all of them are guilty of child sex trafficking. And to further play devil's advocate, themed underwear for teens are sold everywhere. Go to Target and take a look at the panties with cherries and sayings written across the butt on them. It's not exactly socially unacceptable these days. (you may find it so, but many others do not) We've got arrests happening, FOIA requests to make, real victims coming forward, political ties to investigate. I just don't know about trying to connect every restaurant owner that knows Alefantis somehow to pedophilia through instagram photos. I honestly think it'll be used against us in the long run to make it look like a social media witch hunt. Which means it can hurt how seriously law enforcement and the government takes it and how willing they are to act on it. And lets not forget the amount of disinfo and wild goose chases we've been sent on before to distract from something legit. Maybe something will come out of this but I just think we shouldn't be throwing the accusation of pedo around so lightly. I get some of you hate hearing this but it's how I feel. Emotions are high but objective investigating and presenting of facts that no one can deny, not sensationalism, will win the day. I believe that.

Makingspace1 ago

Probably late to the party, but this is definitely a good suspect in the pizzagate research. The overt pedo symbolism, the satanic symbolism, the sexual innuendo in the about page, the odd meaning of business name: voodoo donut. "An action wherein an individual runs circles around your nude body, slapping your genitals on every pass", recent removal of their blog from their web page...the odd mixture of sexual and satanic themes with children...this business totally stinks of pizzagate links. Dig into this one more!

Vindicator ago

Who downvoated you for that? Have an upvoat. Come on, people. This is Voat, not Reddit.

And furthermore:

Makingspace1 ago

nice work...i went to your video about the "special orders" and I noticed as you did that the blog had been taken down. You are correct, but you can check removed web pages using the wayback machine FYI. when i checked some of the blog posts nothing really stood out except one thing. A lot of the blog posts indicate where they will be at and what events are going on. I can only speculate that the blog would indicate good places and times to make drops, or exchanges, perhaps trafficking trades? I don't know. There may be more obvious clues if you look through all the blog posts, but i only spent a few minutes.

Saibra ago

Alrighty then.. That looks legit! :) A doughnut shop next to a strip club with children modeling skivvies over the Shanghai tunnels. I just can't wrap my head around this. Jesus.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Resist the carbs! Eat fat and protein!

Spiritual_War ago

Ok, there may evidence that Alefantis and Voodoo doughnuts may be connected together by a mutual friend, Scott Cummings(CarisJames father) the Portland Coffin maker. I'm not sure if Scott makes coffins for voodoo donuts, but Scott is only 2.8 miles from Voodoo Donuts.

Voodoo donuts 4ft Coffin:

Voodoo Doughnuts instagram;

Voat thread about Scott Cummings and voodoo donuts -

InfoWarsDotComFan ago

Yeah. And I haven't heard anything here on voat about the Portland Shanghai tunnels like the people at datehookup discuss.

InfoWarsDotComFan ago

Probably. Lots of Pedogate investigating going on at the datehookup forums. This is from January