EQJ ago

Looks like his new restaurant is only 2.8 miles from the infamous voodoo doughnuts in Portland. Hmmmm. Just food for thought. 1501 NE Davis St, Portland, OR 97232

8887766554433221 ago

Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service (CARIS) Is he tagging children with congenital anomalies??? They have the coloboma eyes.

DMT and the circadian rhythms (PAX6) impact on ageing.

PAX6 is related to the eyes along with PAX2. PAX6 is significant because it is the connecting pineal/occular piece.

PAX2 is related to cellular death.

PAX3 I imagine is the PHI gene in that case, the form of the objects, whereas PAX6 is functional.

Yes he is tagging those children with that condition. The reason Mads eye keeps changing, is because she was possibly cloned and the public sympathy garnered subconsciously ushers in acceptance for the practice.

Yes indeed they are looking for particular genetics to clone. They want Aryan and not in the sense of blonde hair/blue eyed. It has more to do with Neoteny and also a particular bloodline which harbours congenital mutations within the pax genes, such as ouroboros eye. Hence, the pick children with this distinction.

The Genetic Quirk Of PizzaGate

The genetic trait in they prize children

Ok in another pizzagate thread on reddit/voat someone confirmed the cult use images in their videos (neutered noel by the apes features an eye with a coloboma), many of the children on James Alefantis Instagram were said to feature the same eye distinguishing mark. here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1466996

edit: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1458452

https://amp.reddit.com/r/Operation_Berenstain/comments/5gqsgd/voat_children_with_extremely_rare_genetic/ https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/44836

Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxYKvkKVvMEYouTubeYouTubeYouTube

This mark is known as being indicative of a very particular genetic mutation.

"Snake-in-the-eye" as part of Sigurd's name denoted a physical characteristics. He was born with a mark in his left eye, described as the image of the Ouroboros (a snake biting its own tail) encircling the pupil of his eye. The snake mark had been prophesied by his mother Aslaug, the daughter of the Valkyrie Brynhildr. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigurd_Snake-in-the-Eye

In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene. Source: http://en.rodovid.org/wk/Person:58462

Ok, so now we an occult reference to the genetic eye mutation, the snake which eats it's tail Ouroborus

Also we know SOROS and MCCANN share this common trait.

As PAX6 is known to affect the pineal gland, as referenced above through academically citable sources, it is interesting to know rationalwiki cites that 50% of the population's pineal glands will have calcified by age 12 source: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pineal_gland

I hypothesis (no source needed mods) that this may well be another genetic quirk and relevant to the consciousness and capacity of the individual.

DMT and the pineal gland http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1471-4159.1976.tb04456.x/full

Can't reply to comments at the moment, sorry voat wont let me.

For this to manifest in an individual both parents would have to be genetic carriers of the congenital Pax6 Mutation. Both the Scandinavian Ring Dynasty/Rosomani, and the Pictish Agathyrsi had their origins in the Albian/Black sea region and migrated North and West through the Baltic, across the Swyddian Soleyar (Scandinavian Peninsula) to Alba Scotia (Scotland). It is likely that both tribes were carriers of the same Pax6 Genetic mutation that was responsible for cases of Anaridia among the Khazarian population from which the Judean family of Herodias (also carriers of the Pax6 mutation) originated. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%B3lkvangr

EDIT - extension https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d7/d6/c2/d7d6c29068506d745059b901c7a0e13b.jpgJPG

Now it gets a little weirder. I googled Caris and Waardenburg. Guess what came up as the first result: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=waardenburg%20caris http://www.caris.wales.nhs.uk/ear-anomalies-and-hearing-loss

Congenital Anomaly Register and Information Service (CARIS) Is he tagging children with congenital anomalies??? They have the coloboma eyes.

Yes, it is commonly found as a visual indicator of a deeper genetic quirk within the Pax6 transcriptor. It's also largely involved in our sense of smell, the olfactory bulb is responsible for neurogenesis, the production of stemcells, which are critical to organ and clone engineering.

carmencita ago

Why would you ask such a question Is she in undies. Sick. Really Sick. Ugh.

waxdino ago

It was really bugging me too until I realized they were probably talking about potty training. Came here and saw someone else already posted the same thought. Doesn't seem like something to get hung up about.

brokenwings1986 ago

I think what makes it even more sick and strange is that it's a man commenting that and the winky face. As a mother of 2 myself, if one of my guy friends commented this about one my girls, I would most definitely be weirded out. Plus, it was completely out of context of the picture. Like WTF does undies have anything to do with this picture?

carmencita ago

They are Low Life Pedos.

brokenwings1986 ago

And they make it blatantly obvious

carmencita ago

We will have to take them down a peg or two won't we?

brokenwings1986 ago

I really hope so

Element2301 ago


Karen Harding is the owner of "Cup and saucer Café" and hence it seems Alleyways as well. At least when it opened as we can't be sure the owner is still the person who opened the place. Digging further...

Edit - Yep: http://www.buzzfile.com/business/Alleyway-Cafe-Bar-503-287-7760

Haldelos ago

WTF....Seriously?!?!? the last link...pic of a little girl...with THIS comment?!?!? woolmings.famSo... Is that girl in undies??? ;)))))

AreWeSure ago

Yeah, he is in the business of making signs and other metal things. He's an ironworker and does custom work. So if you want a metal sign, he can make you one.

Z11Mama ago

If this little girl belongs to Scott Cummings then she is the little sister James Alefantis stated on his Megyn Kelly segment, taped Caris to the table. Hmm...

Element2301 ago


This picture explains the lineage a bit. Mae would be that older sister and that would be Quinlin. Quinlin and Caris seem to be of similar age.

Z11Mama ago

So there are three sisters?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

In Oregon? Yes, part of the Cascade mountains.


(Sorry; had to do it.)

Z11Mama ago

OMG! It took me forever to figure this out. Voat doesn't show what the reply is to. Good one Zales McMuffin! And I did finally figure out cousins.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

You gotta click the "parent" link. That expands what you're looking at to include the message immediately above it.

Z11Mama ago

Thank you!

Astrodreamer ago

Cummings in Portland the same.

iamthepizzanow ago

Wow. That place is fucked up.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Excellent work

The_Kuru ago

May have been eluding to the kid wearing undies instead of diapers because toilet training. The mother replied "success today" which I think probably means with the toilet.

Element2301 ago

It still seems like an inappropriate thing to comment on social media, especially with the wink...

The girl in the photo appears to be Quinlin, daughter of Michael Cummings and Nicole.

Looks like her: http://archive.is/Ppe19



I would think there are way more appropriate ways to comment about that on social media and even to be commenting about that at all seems strange to me. On the other hand it would be such an outrageous comment to post on a picture of a child without that being the context that it does seem plausible. It is also possible it is something of an inside joke as well, playing on that ambiguity. But it is a good point, the undies/no diaper is a lot less disturbing than undies/no undies context and it is an explanation that would make this less damning.

The_Kuru ago

They are just talking to each other in their own way which is totally innocent and not expecting that Alefantis would create a shit storm that would make people look at their innocent little inner family conversations about the kid learning to use the toilet and succeeding to not wetting the bed. I think you should probably drop it.

But since this account with that pic and conversation was the only one that hadn't gone private, if it goes private today then you know they kept it public until today to entice investigators into focusing on some innocent posts and making wrong conclusions.

Piscina ago

In one of those photos little Caris appears to have a large, round mark/bruise on her forehead.

ansipizza ago

Since you mention myspace, there was a breach a while back where it was possible for anyone to view private photos. Archives were on freenet last time I checked. If any of the pizzagate cast of characters had myspace accounts, this might be worth pursuing. Just a thought.

Element2301 ago

I tried downloading this but I can't seem to get it to work. I've never been able to access Corey Woolman's account f.e. If someone else wants to have a go at it by all means, there might well be something in there.

ansipizza ago

The myspace dump was from early 2008. Would that still be of interest or was that too long ago?

Here's the story about the myspace security leak. https://it.slashdot.org/story/08/01/25/1845206/MySpace-Private-Pictures-Leak

ansipizza ago

My Freenet isn't working as of a week or two ago. Freenet is very decentralized so I won't think paranoid thoughts. I'll try to get those photos downloaded.

newworldahead ago

Great post, OP. The girl in the last photo you shared, is it me or does she too have bags under her eyes?

Element2301 ago

She seems to, but I just looked it up and I'm not sure that is damning in and of itself:

According to this

"There are a number of reasons for dark circles under your baby's eyes, and almost all are normal, says pediatrician Tanya Remer Altmann"

I'm no expert but it seems like it does not have to indicate abuse or neglicence.

joe_hill ago

"Woolming" = Corey Woolman +Scott Cummings

they have the same name on forum/social network