Godwillwin ago

Ohhhhh my worrrrrd :(

I'm so disturbed.

There really is NO other explanation for the horrendous actions of these people besides evil. Satan was IN them. Just like he's IN these baby raper murderers.

That is the only explanation. Human beings with souls do not do things like this. The souls of these people have been sold to the devil.

And why a band would put this stuff in their video is beyond me?

Atlantean120 ago

Damn, I respected Sai Baba, as there are countless books about his miraculous healings. This sucks...

Godwillwin ago

Look st their faces - the girls all lined up. You can feel their emotion. They know that someone is coming to the abuse them more. One 2nd to last looks ticked off and you can see the hate she feels for whomever is coming. The 3 in the middle look afraid and one of them looks to be thinking who is it this time. Then the far left and far right seem to have lost hope. I'm so mad by all this. Ive lost 7lbss since this news broke. I literally cannot eat sometimes.

Godwillwin ago


I don't want to go back to look at that poor guy :(

Do you think the guy on the table was a juvenile? Maybe a 13 year old or do you think he was a young man?

d3r ago

I will boycott, though not over fear of magic. Interesting thought though.

pizzagater99 ago

yep you're right. i thought i had seen this before. thanks for the info. looks like they might have googled some of these pictures. if someone could reverse image search the torture pics it could possibly debunk this lead.

the_cat_whisperer ago

Is he/she/it saying Youth in Asia, or euthenasia? Or maybe both, a sick play on words

Godwillwin ago

I think both.



book written by victim

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

I hadn't seen these screenshots before (I saw the video but its so disgusting and morbid my mind naturally ignores it) Thank you so much for taking the time and posting.

** Seriously ....The media is trying to defend against this inferno with sticks** Unstoppable....and they know it.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

This is one of the bands James Alefantis owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza calls "Family Friendly Entertainment"! The woman who made this is allowed to work with Children at a school! And Girlscouts, and disabled children.

Why the pic of a baby dressed as pizza amongst images of rape sodomy torture? These two things should never be in the same sentence much less the same video! The Majority is not DOWN WITH THIS!

Noraa ago

What are they trying even, they want children and teens to leave their safe space and lure them into their hellhole. I am going to be sick..

Godwillwin ago

So the ghost games is an album? Right? An album they released on feb 19th. I'm gonna check out that link some more.

Noraa ago

yes, an album.

Stukov ago

So where does this video come from, I'm missing what this links from?

Godwillwin ago

Here's video in Comet ping pong of this majestic ape person. It's a long video. It starts off with something about celebrating the birth our lord (who EVER their lord is) on Jan 1st or maybe December 31st- can't remember. Go to 5 minutes to hear part about killing the baby.

the band is named heavy breathing. The music video with the torture pics is a heavy breathing video. Sasha Lord and Amanda Kline are in the band too. Some of them may be the same person?? Other voaters, am I getting this right?

blackeneth ago

The occasion was Sasha Lord's birthday

Stukov ago

So how was this found then?

basil999 ago

Good work! Someone with more skill than me should analyze these videos;

Check out the art work for Heavy Breathing on soundcloud; https://soundcloud.com/heavybreathing. Also if you check out the youtube videos for the Apes, a group Amanda Keinman also was in you can clearly see from various images that she is indeed Majestic Ape ;https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZUHQtm89f_0ccFmnZwby8w. The vidoe of the live show in Leeds there is a very clear view of Amanda telling a joke before a show.

A group on Heavy Breathings label, electric cowbell records, is called Superhuman Happiness. Check this creepy video out. The band members look like they are about to cause incredible harm to the children. There is nothing happy about them. All their videos they look ghoulish. The only smiles are forced smiles.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO1AhBTAYNI&list=PL0E38EA13C5F03187&index=6

In this video one of the band members smears lipstick on his mouth; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sILpQJEyUxU and then in this video a little boy in his underwear smears lipstick on his mouth in the same way; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3K8i5HTeCc&index=12&list=PL0E38EA13C5F03187 plus image of a kid dragging a dead or unconscious kid in front of a playground dome gym set. Someone should analyze the symbols in these guys videos. Lots of pedophile imagery and little kids. Lots of stuff in this groups videos. Small heart in big heart image for "second heart" video.

Also pedophile symbol at 5:58? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3hQHyYV4io

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

are the ghost games where the kids hide in the woods and they are hunted? this is a royal pastime...


when I was a kid, our teachers took us on a night trip to abrush filled field and played "snipe hunt" in the dark, we were running around getting chased and scared by the teachers as well.

I bet they play a similar game, with a different outcome

sentryseven ago

I had posted some of these too but no one noticed. https://sli.mg/a/GPssJZ

Godwillwin ago

What's in the brown bag? Drugs? The little pink girl bedroom I hadn't seen nor the bed on fire

stickittotheman ago

Amanda Kleinman needs to be in prison. I hate that bitch more than Alefantis!

pipo44 ago

OP, This two links are down, please reupload. http://i.imgur.com/ldNdWYe.png http://i.imgur.com/kJUTmRR.png

d3r ago

fml it's true

DigForTheKids ago

Hey, all the links are broken.

Godwillwin ago

They worked at first. Im not sure what happened, but if you scroll through some of the comments you'll find them posted there by more computer savvy folks.

Queen_Puabi ago

Who is the old gray haired woman?

Godwillwin ago

No idea. Wondering that too

Godwillwin ago

Oh my gosh. What? They really did this? :( WHY is heavy breathing into this stuff? I cry to think these freaks are doing this to children

stickittotheman ago

Yea, you can only imagine. Just watching Amanda Kleinmans videos makes me want to throw up. She is the one that needs to be tortured more than any of them.

Atlantean120 ago

I can't even press play.

billybigrigger ago

careful you don't succumb to it...

ryguyhermosa ago

EDIT: saw someone else did the work and posted all the pics. lest search YOUTUBE and find more of these videos, this can't be the only one.

i downloaded the video, went frame by frame in premiere. confirmed, and there a couple more shots that are creepy as well (well all are creepy) should i repost or add to this thread.

if anyone can do a search to find out more videos that do this frame jump, post the link and i will download and do a report on this

TrotskyTrotsky ago

I can read chinese.

The drawings with the chinese character depict scenes from the rape of Nanking, in which two hundred thousand women and children were raped and murdered by the japanese. It was one of the war crimes in ww2

Atlantean120 ago

Would it be anything else? Jesus...

stickittotheman ago

Thanks bud.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

Np. finally put that minor in chinese lit to use.

DarkMath ago

LOL, I just used my European History degree for the first time last week and I'm 40+.

mattblak ago

I paused some of the other bands that perform at CPP as well, made me feel sick and I have seen my fair share of rotten dot come crap in my life, sex stains welcome to La La Land is very hypnotic and has the perfect pedo logo on the cube in middle of screen throughout the video. heavy breathing video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og8okrj7otY pause at 1:56 , 2:48 thats not one I saw though, majestic apes mouth does look like Alefantis' for sure

Godwillwin ago

I agree that the mouth during the "story" reading looks like alefantis'. It's definitely a man's mouth - you can see stubble

Maybe it's Amanda sometimes and Alefantis other times?

Lockeye ago

I watched multiple videos then compared them to google search images of him, I bet they are the same person.


there are times, though where you can see Ape/Amanda full body and you can tell she is a female by her hips, body shape.

He could be doing the close up spoken word shots, while she does body shots, not really sure what to think

darkofthemoon ago

Baba also means grandmother in Russian. Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales is a witch who eats children. She is very well-known. You may remember her best from her hut that walks on chicken legs.

pizzagater99 ago

we need to find a source for those drawings and images, i have a feeling this is important

vonHugenbuben ago

I know it's hard but you have to be patient. Any charges that are brought against any of these people right now would be immediately pardoned by Obama. I'm positive this is why the elite are desperately trying to swing the electoral college, they know their days are numbered. All Trump has to do is appoint a special prosecutor to really investigate and they are screwed. January, I'm hanging on for January.

Godwillwin ago

Thank you for setting me straight! I start to panic and need to be reminded of good things.

gopluckyourself ago

host this on something other than imgur please some of the links are missing now

Rigg5 ago

Here are all of the images from Neutered Noel. Just noticed the same eye deformation as Soros and Mccann in one of them.


bdmthrfkr ago

15 pictures down, Saudi Arabia highlighted in picture of Earth.


Noraa ago

first image is so horrifying, never fails to stop my heart. creepy af

Queen_Puabi ago

WTF is the rolled of meatloaf looking thing someone is about to eat? Ugh

Rigg5 ago

Dunno but all these people seem to like this eye anomaly, or hole in the eye.

Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze7v1cA7rec

shaboyi999 ago

2nd and 6th pics are from Chinese Falun Gong dissidents, depict police torture believers.

2nd pic: police said "too painful to die" 6th pic: probably waterboarding, police said "this is to save you", "poke through you to death today".

justanotherone ago

Protip, click the cog and set the speed to .25, it makes it far easier to screen shot.

Godwillwin ago

Wish I would have known that while I was tediously moving the mouse. Lol

dFrog ago

Wow. Good find. If you're having trouble stopping at a particular frame to capture an image, you can use Freemake Video Downloader to download the video from YT and then just do a frame-by-frame advance in VLC or something. It would also probably be good to have copies of these videos in case they get taken down. I have the one of Majestic Ape's little "roast" spiel saved, among a couple of others.

jackthyme ago

Meet Majestic Ape's nemesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhuoLMpz3aY

thezodiac ago

Yeah I saw that video but the images came very fast. Thanks for the screenshots. These people are sick, fuckin psychos.

Kwijibo ago

A couple of your links were broken, so I reposted here.



mouserr ago

the 2nd picture looks like the person suffered a massive number of puncture wounds.

bopper ago

Good work. Sick band.

carmencita ago

I looked at the first one and I cannot stomach looking at the rest, it is beyond my level. This is really sick crap and somehow should be given to the police. I just don't know who to trust anymore.

Godwillwin ago

i think my post was yanked. do you think the pictures are from torture they were present at?

Orange_Circle ago

I think there were just typos in the link, like an extra )). They opened fine when I copied and pasted just the link.

carmencita ago

The first and only picture I looked at I am afraid to say immediately made me think of some pedophile have anal sex with a child. It was disgusting and I could only look for a few seconds. It was heart wrenching because of what came to my mind. I am stomaching a few things because I want to help solve this insane and disgusting crap these morons are doing. It would be good if someone else had seen it.

quantokitty ago

Could be. The point is that I think they have been present.

liberatechildren ago

Second pic the officer has a speech bubble with Chinese characters

Godwillwin ago

i know. i wish i could read chinese. can anyone here translate?