gopluckyourself ago

rule 1 You establish no relevance and the article is absolute bollocks. If you want to use this article please repost as a discussion establishing relevance WITH CITATIONS.

hedy ago

This is the 5th CRAP post I've come across trying desperately to tie VD to PG and CP --- and how many of these have been posted by IllegalNews? Nothing posted so far has any relevance, shares any evidence, draws any ties to CP, PG, trafficking or anything suspicious. This is noise and distraction and contributes absolutely nothing to PG. I've been to VD numerous times. Their doughnuts are crap but nothing at all to be suspicious about. You're click-baiting. Keep this shit off PG.

Lorent ago

Was just cruising on their Instagram when I noticed a pretty white lady on the feed. She is wearing this scarf:

I mean, just in time for the holiday season. Let's sing a carol. Do you see what I see?

Womb_Raider ago

Well, yeah. Very few vegan joints actually care about vegan values (in my area), they just charge a lot of money.

Aysemari ago

I really had a hard time reading this article very erratic and just plain twisted. I agree all signs are there language to use to describe things is very unusual interesting word of choice is to say the least

Womb_Raider ago

There are too many other things in the article to mention, but I find it very strange about him practically worshipping RIngling Circus, yet offers vegan donuts. His vegan customers would surely consider him a hypocrite if they were aware of this.

It's probably just a business move. Vegan or gluten free products are a fad, might as well supply them. I would if I were a business owner.

ArthurEdens ago

It's all a business move and all a front

Womb_Raider ago

But the success also remains counterintuitive: In a town where foodie culture is king, a doughnut isn't pushing the exotic >envelope. Even the Voodoo motto suggests the secret isn't the doughnut: "The magic is in the hole."

This is the only thing that sounded 'off' to me. The rest actually made me kind of admire the owner of Voodoo. What has you convinced he's some evil child abuser?

ArthurEdens ago

Browse their site, merchandise page, instagram, and youtube

Womb_Raider ago

Hmm. Okay. I'll let you know what I find I guess

ArthurEdens ago

No doubt. Voodoo -- Haiti. Pedo swirl on chocolate figurine donut sacrificed with pretzel. I mean come on, that chocolate donut looks like those old blackface pictures, all these Portland libs don't get mad at that?! What else? Child sized coffins. Creepy tagline. Christmas video has owner ask girl if she's been to denver, then looks at camera knowingly. Denver is human trafficking center and home to probable satanic temples under the airport. All signs point to yes.

IllegalNews ago

The owner calls himself "Cat Daddy" (MK Ultra) and used to work at a pedophile place called "Pan" owns a strip club called "Kat" that is attached to Voodoo Donuts, does a Satanic band at Dante's strip club across the street AND works as a "Vagina Pageant Judge" at Club Rouge in town, which was busted by the FBI for hiring a child for their strip dances. Will post that one tomorrow, did a vid on it today.

hedy ago

This is crap. Post evidence - ANY logical link or keep this shit out of PG.

laml ago

check out their logo.. also within the pics.. random "weddings" with bride holding baby

IllegalNews ago

That logo was incredibly racist. Total blackface.

rooting4redpillers ago

Eighth row up from the bottom. Two photos of a little girl in pink dress, posed with "voodoo" related art seems out-of-place amidst all these death tributes. Seemed weird enough to be notable.