George Webb has figure out who killed Seth Rich. Let's step back a moment. Sometimes dot connecting gets ahead of itself.
I've watched the entire series, and a lot of it feels like the disinfo technique of mixing about 20% constructed narrative into about 80% truth. I stuck around for the truth (which I think is the ratlines, blackberry, 'school play' and assorted spycraft,) but there were always red flags, like:
the way he kept referring to the Seth Rich medical info as a "report" without disclosing that it was an anonymous 4Chan post. So much for transparency.
the slippage and blurring when he spoke about Muslim organizations, eg claiming that the Muslim Brotherhood and Hezbollah were trading intel, without explaining why in the world that would be, since they are antagonists without common ideology. But I also knew he had connections to Israel, which would explain the less rational info about Hezbollah. Then he started talking about Saudis, while pointing to a photo that was clearly an Afghan tribesman. I know all Muslims are interchangeable to many US viewers, but it was as ridiculous as talking about Chinese people and pointing to an Indian as evidence. I couldn't tell if he was that ignorant, or if he was exploiting the assumed ignorance of the audience to sell his narrative.
His obsession with McCabe. McCabe was hacking his computer, deleting stuff that GW now admits he deleted himself, McCabe issued immunity deals, the way he flubbed when asked why he was sure McCabe did so, but Comey wasn't involved, etc. Not defending McCabe, but it felt fishy.
Doxxing that Marine in the rented house, including even mentioning where he had originally come from (which is the type of info that's useful if you want to track down someone's family.)
The revelation of the killer, with such flimsy evidence.
The biggest WTF?? was when he'd had a bit of wine and started saying how he wanted to return the IC to the old days, where instead of these out of control ratlines, there was just a little organ harvesting, just a little trafficking, just a little compromising people with children. What?? I expected him to post something the next morning taking it back and explaining what he really meant, but no.
Today he's been waxing nostalgic about the early IC again, and basically admitted he's affiliated with Mossad, qualifying that there are 2 Mossads, the new one involved in the milieu around Clinton, and the old one, the great Mossad that made Israel what it is today.
That's it. I'm out. Still watching, but don't trust him at all.
And this from reddit: Wtf?! Is George Webb working for Mossad, Israeli intelligence. Check this out, very strange
I've been following George webb for a while and I enjoy his work on the Seth Rich investigation. But, being a conspiracy junkie, I keep an open mind and look at all theories until there proven otherwise.
Anyways, after doing a quick search on George Webb theres this thread on Voat on him. If you look in the comments section there's another link to another thread, showing proof of his brother being an ex NSA agent.
So, this morning George named the killer, awan brothers, and he started freaking out saying he think they will call a Hitman on him. He calls jason goodman while he's still in hotel and jason uploads this call to his YouTube. Wtf is George talking about?? It seems like he works for someone and "they picked jason to film" REALLY STRANGE if you ask me
So he was locked in his hotel and scared to leave until his friend, comedian guy, came and got him. So, george starts periscope LIVE (webb4bernie) just in case anything happens to him. So, then he tells us, the viewers, we are all Mossad agents bc we helped research. WTF (I went back in the scopes and couldn't find the video he says this at, so if u watch his scopes please post the video he says it. Thx(
Periscope 1 - George scaring Jason in this scope. Brainstorming all different ways the hitmen can take them both out.
Periscope 2 18:50 - when referring to Israel he says "We" like he's one of them and Jason is confused and asked if he once lived there.
Periscope 3 17 mins - he says usually when someone has a high IQ there's usually intelligence behind them supporting them. Is he referring to himself?
Interview - Jason and George finally arrive to Dr. Coris house for an interview. Dr. Corsi works with infowars and there's a lot of spectaclation Alex works for the Israeli intelligence
Also, go to his periscope and the last 12 videos are all from today. Watch them bc they are pretty intense and really strange. If you see where he calls all his viewers "mossad agents" please screen shot the comments, bc a lot of us were shocked he said that we were Mossad agents.
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artbart1 ago
I've had a few of those wtf moments as well, especially when he basically threatened the marine with release of his name/information. Who is going to talk to him after he does that?
The phone call with Goodman was so bizarre too, he starts to talk about his "connections to israel" and that he is mossad and jason cuts him off. Then he says something about jason being brought into this, and he goes "but I contacted you?".
The way he talks as if he knows every last trick and technique the CIA has is a little strange. He is very nonchalant the way he explains everything as if it's common knowledge.
Also the video where he says he finally got jason off tinder? And jason goes "cut cut cut" WTF?
allconnected ago
Also the video where he says he finally got jason off tinder? And jason goes "cut cut cut" WTF
LOL he said that! GW is not mossad, I think that is just more BS. He is now back on youtube and you think after yesterday where he names the murderer and then says hitman are after him he might give an update. NO he starts talking about the awans, wants to know if they worked at some company, and rambles on about crowdstrike saying stuff that has been known for weeks.
Jason is in over his head and has no idea what is going on.
V____Z ago
Jason is Webb's handler, because Webb has fucked up too many times and won't put the wine down long enough to make a coherent point.
Today they are announcing that they're going to be at some public place, telling everyone to come meet them. Yesterday the FBI was literally breathing down his neck about to kill him, and today's he's announcing his whereabouts.
I swear I think this is a social experiment to see just how dumbed down and desperate the American populace has become.
And/or, the powers that be decided to get ahead of the Podesta leaks/Seth murder by creating a story they're comfortable with ("it's all the Awan brother's fault, plus some other Muslim who murdered Seth") and making an EDGE OF YOUR SEAT documentary to feed to the people.
Remember, this very thing used to be illegal until 2013, thanks to Obama, who Webb claims to like, along with the rest of the Democrats. He's now aligning himself with Bernie ("Webb4Bernie") to try and establish cred with the Bernie crowd (the audience he is now targeting via his new alliance with HA Goodman and Tim Black). Today they were complaining about how hard it was to get on HA Goodman's show, and are telling their audience to hound Stephan Molyneau to have him interview them. They're selling this idea as if it's our duty to the Truth and our fellow Americans to get these guys on the biggest and most popular shows, to spread their videos far and wide. Holy Mother of God. The hubris. It's exactly what one would expect from Mr psyop salesmanJPG and his Hollywood sidekick who worked on the X Men (but did not do any expose' on the biggest pedophiles in town?).
neverobey ago
I am totally with you. In fact I spontaneous felt lots of love for your thoughts BUT that the Hollywood guy won't tell anything about Bryan Singer can be very easily explaines I guess. I have been sued by a lawyer who I wrote about in german newspaper. Had to pay lots of money and found out that this is how they operate. They sue you til death if you say ANYTHING about them. So you can't just go out on youtube and tell what you know. Without evidence you will get sued. I am not trying to defend him or Webb. Of course not. Just wanted to put in SOME (just a little ;) ) neutrality.
Silverlining ago
Maybe George got replaced - in the early days we never saw his face as far as I recall - just the cut-and-paste charts. When I went back recently I was surprised he was face to camera. Then in comes Jason - definite infiltration/handler opportunity. I wouldn't know if the voice was changed. Sounds the same to me, but I wasn't listening out for it.
seekingpeace ago
Interesting post.
"There are three major hooks for recruiting people: money, emotion - be it revenge or ideology, and sex."
George Webb is dangerous on so many levels.
V____Z ago
I agree. And this comment is so insightful it has redeemed all other bullshit i'm getting. I think i'll just leave the internet for the day and pretend your is the only comment i saw. thank you for this.
jangles ago
Could this be because your claims are cherry picked and without clear references and full of obvious disinformation.
Another example of @V____Z 's witch hunt and disinformation campaign; Here you comment saying "this very thing used to be illegal until 2013, thanks to Obama, who Webb claims to like, along with the rest of the Democrats."
You don't understand the context of H.R.5736 - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, the legislation you referenced through the RT article and praised Obama for. Clearly stated in the summary:
in the text of the bill:
The intention of this is to allow Americans to have access to the information that the US government broadcasts around the world. Granted 12 years of secrecy. Further it appears to target the information sent to CUBA. It is important to note that in this legislation now the State Department has the ability to appropriate funds for "public diplomacy information programs" not just abroad but now domestically. This is a bit concerning given the status of the Russia propaganda running rampant in the US today. Did this bill enable the State Department to deploy subversion tactics against Americans? It appears to be so, and if my interpretation of the text is correct, Obama made it legal for his administration to finance domestic propaganda.
One can infer from this section of H.R.5736, above, that now, "thanks to Obama", the government can spread disinformation legally, and if Americans are exposed to it they are not in violation of the law.
@V____Z it is apparent you are not a legal scholar and your claim that "this very thing used to be illegal until 2013" is outright disinformation. September 25, 1789 was the day 'free press' became legal. Have you taken US Civics?
EDIT: @V____Z is a good contributor here at v/pizzagate and my intentions are not to diminish their work, my intention is to find the truth and clarify muddy water. There are lots of people here misleading us and @V____Z appears to be a good person with good intentions.
V____Z ago
"Thanks to Obama" - I don't appreciate that he signed the NDAA, I was being facetious. There was a ban on domestic dissemination of propaganda until 2013, and I don't appreciate that it was overturned. You're correct though, i am not a legal scholar.
What I have done is to gather up concerns from other users here and on Reddit by people who have caught Webb in so many lies and twists that it finally became time to warn others. I did it so they can take a step back and see if this is someone whose word can be trusted without further sourcing, as we have been doing regularly here. I am trying to help save this truth community from a disinfo agent who is becoming more influential by the day. It worries me greatly.