pizzagatePI ago

I've watched George webs videos in the past and thought they were pretty good. He is far advanced in his knowledge of the tangled Webb of satanist and how they rape the people. But i stopped patting attention a little while ago. Why did he leave D.C. In the middle of the Seth rich investigation? Was he threatened? Now he's claiming crazy things, like he is mossad? All here know the evils the Mossad comits, so maybe he's claiming he is a part of their organization to throw us off and keep himself alive? Either way thanks for the work George. Stay safe. And remember evil will always lose in the END.

banusaur ago

OP is a faggot

shachalnur ago

Podesta has already been sentenced to death by Lynn de Rothschild in a tweet after the elections.

Podesta will fall anyway,but those in the know don't want him to go down yet,because that will give the opportumity to TPTB to make him the scapegoat and/or he will have an unfortunate accident.

A bit like Wiener,who's a bad guy ,but not the top.

George Webb and others want to get to Brock,Schumer,Blumenthal,Wassserman-Schultz and the rest of the Satanic Pedo Mafia and sacrifycing Podesta is a way to keep those people off the hook.

Just like attacking Donna Brazile is useless,she will go to jail anyway,but might be fingered as the scapegoat or fall guy.

The Awan brothers are central in this ,and so is Seth Rich,and that's were the focus should be.

20Justice4All17 ago

Ok this answered GW's endgame here in the about Rothschilds...means and method? Do you have a link to your 2012 theory?

shachalnur ago

Hi there,

i'm not sure Voat is the place to write stuff that hasn't been public yet.

yesterday I got attacked by some "respected"commenters here for giving some background info and context on GW and other stuff.

i recognize the tone of these posters,they are long term plants,cultivating trust by repeating most things that have been published already ,and collecting many upvotes by stating the obvious garbage about that we are all fighting the ugly Pedo Elite.

But they are Gatekeepers,attacking anybody getting too close to the truth.

There are at least 8-10 posters here that are trusted by most peeps who are new to the rabbithole,and they are destrying truthfinding on this site.

Very sad but that's how it is,and that's why you will not find a lot of original info on Voat,it's polluted and controlled by Brock brigade 2.0

Because I suspected this is the case on this site,I will refrain from posting anything that is original.

my theorie can be found in old posts on veteranstoday under my handle shachalnur ,in the years 2012-2013,just google them.

detailed theorie is kept by several oldtimers on the net in conspiracyland,and have not been published ,and will not be published unless something bad happens to me.

in short,june 2012 was watershed,Deep State Israel had to change sides in order to survive the endgame Rothschild had planned for june 2012,and that included Israel and the middle east being blown up.

Deep State Israel joined BRICS(Russia) and cooperates with Iran.

all this wartalk is for the masses,I predicted back in 2012 there will be no more wars between Israel,Hezbollah, Syria ,Iran ,Egypt etc.,there will only be leaking wars between the 2 sides.

Eventhough nobody believed it,it turned out to be true,no wars,only leaks.

Trump and co. are not Rothschild controlled ,but part of an assembly of different forces that are united because they have a common enemy: Rothschild and Rockefeller.

GW will not be touched,he's protected by the Trump forces and Deep State Israel.

GW doesn't really understand who he is working for,he thinks there's old mossad and new mossad,but that's wrong.

Old mossad was always very bad and Rothschild first,and has become obsolete in the new geopolitical landscape.

that's why you hear less and less about proven mossad operations ,simple because Mossad has been in the process of being cleaned up from the inside by Deep State Israel.

All this blabla about Mossad this and that is rubbish,they are on a short leash,and many agents are being outed,while Shabak and other Israeli intell, agencies are taking over their tasks.

mossad is seen as a problem in Israel now,and has become the enemy within for Deep State Israel.,and she will have to reign Mossad in ,and that's more difficult than it seems.

Understand there are a lot of jews that know who Rothschild and Mossad are,and they are fighting them now .inside and outside Israel,because they know they are being suicided by their Pharao in London

The internal fight in Israel over power is still going on(Rothschild Zionists against paranoid woken Israeli's),and the outcome of that will decide over the short term survival of israel,or war that will end most life in the Middle East and Europe

i expect some fireworks diplomatic or otherwise ,having to do with the temple mount around 7th of june,we''ll see.

if I get cut off on this site ,you can find me on twitter,same handle.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Once in CIA and Mossad. Always in CIA and Mossad.

The trick to misinforming is to throw lot's of truth in with deliberate bullshit. Just enough to ensure an incomplete picture and make investigators realize way too late that somewhere back there, they took the wrong fork in the road. But where?

ArthurEdens ago

He said he has ties with Mossad, not that he is Mossad, who gives a shit op?

numbtoyou ago

the guy looks like buzz light year. He is bull shit. He takes you off the trail.

jstrotha0975 ago

It's pretty clear we should be ignoring Goerge Webb the joo. He's disinformation.

allconnected ago

Oh please!!! Healso says in that phone call that Jason was choosen by Intel C to work with GW. Jason responds what? how? I called you. GW then mumbles some crap and moves on. I actually now think GW might be nuts. His whole claim that he was being targeted for saving the xmas tree bomber. I finally looked into it and tons of stories on how the fbi might have been guilty of entrapment and zero on GW or Sweitgert leading the charge.

HolyMoly0 ago

He doesn't mumble some crap. Seems like he's saying they directed Jason's attention somehow. I think Jason knows more about it than we can at this moment. But I agree that this should be clearer.

allconnected ago

it is obvious GW forgot how Jason came on board and when Jason says bit I called you he mumbles some crap that somehow they directed Jason attention with the implication being they wre behind Jason calling GW. IF that doesn't sound likecrap to you then I guess you will believe anything.

GW is not Mossad and in fact I think he is dangerous to those looking for the truth, but spinning his theories with no proof. His story about defending xmas bomber is also ??? lots of info on fbi entrapment but none on G being involved.

HolyMoly0 ago

I'm not sold on Webb. Just think we should keep up to speed on how he's selling himself as he enters the mainstream--which seems to be his trajectory.

seekingpeace ago

He will never make the mainstream because very little of his "work" can be verified. In fact, he himself can't be verified. LIBEL! He will forever be on the fringe, where he belongs.

He already tried to "allegedly" deliver the Trump sex tape to NYT and they laughed at him.

The stuff he says that can be verified has come from other sources, eg, Sey Hersh, Sibel Edmonds CIA memoirs.

I know reading books is out of fashion these days but the good stuff he put out in the early videos was already in the public domain.

There's a valuable lesson here for younger people - verify then trust. It will save a lot of wasted energy.

HolyMoly0 ago

I say he's entering the mainstream because he has an interview with Rod Wheeler coming out. Nobody mainstream can get an interview, but they all want one, so I think this will likely get their attention, and their commentary.

He's a little bit like Milo and Cernovich--whatever your criticism of them may be, it's undeniable that they've figured out how public attention gravitates. Webb understands the same thing, in his own subtle way, and he's been stepping up his game lately.

pizzaequalspedo ago

It's entirely possible that Mosad is perfectly fine with seeing the Clinton crime family go down in flames.

remedy4reality ago

except they pulled off 9/11 along with their dual citizen Zionist scum in the Bush Administration

Mossad is our enemy. Know that.

seekingpeace ago

No they didn't. They may have had a role with the explosives but 9/11 was orchestrated by a supra-national government made up of international elite and bankers who use pedophilia as a control mechanism.

It's not logistically possible for Mossad to have control of the Red Switch Network so stand down orders could be issued.

A large amount of US defense has been outsourced to a company called SERCO.

remedy4reality ago

dude... Chertoff, Pearl, Wolfawitz, Zelikow, Zackiem, along with Cheney and others are all complicit in 9/11

Who do you think those dual citizens were getting orders from ?

pizzagate3456 ago

There's some good people in mossad just like there's good people in the CIA. Not everyone in there is 100% evil

pimpinainteasy ago

At the lower levels, true.

At the upper levels, they are pretty evil. To get to the top, you almost have to be a conniving sociopath.

DeathTooMasons ago

I am going with yes, everybody in the CIA and Mossad are evil.

pizzagate3456 ago

Not true, Robert David Steele was in the CIA and is has helped the truth movement greatly

meowski ago

Sex slaves on Mars?

samhara ago

Steele is a cover - up artist and liar. CIA are never Ex-CIA.. Liar.

remedy4reality ago

grain of salt

they're are no ex CIA

remedy4reality ago

and how the hell do you know that ?

tx2truth ago

Wow....tell me something we don't know. Webb is so full of b.s. it's coming out of both ears.

equineluvr ago


DarkMath ago

I don't mean to say I told ya so but I told ya so.

What we saw the last 6 months is a Civil War take place between the Intelligence Communities of several countries. And this was a mother fucking street fight all the way. I can't say street fight without this clip, indulge me for a moment.

The CIA, Mossad, SVR, MI6, French Intelligence etc etc. It was an old school Mafia turf battle for lack of a better word between the New and the Old Guard. It was the Young Guns trying to make a name for themselves and unfortunately underestimating the Old Dudes in the fight. The Old Guard still had quite a bit of lead in their pencils.

And the Good Guys and Gals won one for a change. But I suspect the "mopping up" will go on for months. This was a fight to the death and broke a lot of shit I'm sure.

This cluster fuck wasn't about any Religion. It was about Good vs Evil. Greed vs Charity.

What a fucking story. Holy shit.

shachalnur ago

Very close,but not exactly.

The split is not Old Guard and Young Guard.or even old Mossad or new Mossad.

It's a collection of anti-Rothschild forces against the Rothschild Control Grid.

It's a fight against an old sect going back to the Babylonian Sanhedrin.

Rockefeller is still on Rothschild's side in my opinion,by the way.

George is no Mossad ,maybe a Sayan,but too loose a canon to be an operative.

"Old Mossad and Lebanese ,uhh Yemeni babies and Palestinian babies,i don't wanna get into that..."

He means well ,but got it all mixed up.

He's one those weirdo's that do what they have to do,are very clever,and do it in the right moment,so they are protected.

Others ,like Breitbart or Swartz ,were doing the same ,but too early.

George is playing with fire,but his work plays an essential role in the fight going on behind the scenes.

DarkMath ago

"anti-Rothschild forces against the Rothschild Control Grid."

Who were the ones that thought harvesting organs from children was a good idea?

shachalnur ago

Everybody ever since it's lucrative.

Torturing and killing children is much older.and done for different reasons.amongst them some very sick Satanic beliefs and blackmail.

Organ harvesting,like most Eugenics activities are more Rockefeller's field.

Rothschild is reaping the benefits,especially politically.

DarkMath ago

Do you have any good youtube videos that go over what you're saying in more detail?

neverobey ago

In this interview you can see Journalist Conchita Snarnoff who wrote the book "trafficking" and wasn't able to publish it for 9 years because Random House made a contract with her and refused to publish.

She says child trafficking its worth over 167 billions and more than nike, starbucks and google combined.

Or what was the question, @DarkMath? When it comes to child sacrifices this goes back to ancient days and is documented in holy scriptures like the bible and other.

DarkMath ago

"When it comes to child sacrifices this goes back to ancient days"

I believe you. But there's one big difference, there was no Interwebs back then.

I'm guessing the predator will soon become the prey. That's why I keep bringing up the Reign of Terror. Poor people have been pushed too far and I gotta sneaky suspicion of what's coming next. It ain't gonna be pretty for the 0.01%.

neverobey ago

We'll see. I really don't know because I have worked for the poorest and it is really hard to motivate them into any kind of movement. This is not a judgement, rather the logical result of long time oppression. This is what got me frustrated all the time when I fought against the sanction system in german welfare.

DarkMath ago

"it is really hard to motivate them into any kind of movement."

I don't know where you live but here's what happened in LA after the police who beat up Rodney King were acquitted. These poor people look pretty motivated:

How much worse is organ harvesting than what was done to Rodney King? He got to keep his organs after all.

I can assure you when the truth comes out that old rich white people were harvesting organs from poor black people all across the country all hell's gonna break lose.

neverobey ago

You may be right. I live in Germany. Things are quite different here. We are known for being calm and submissive as far as I'm concerned. At the time we are known for our economic power while in fact more people skid down to poverty. Everybody knows how figures in statistics are tricked down but no great masses, no nothing. I somehow hope you are right even if I still believe that a peaceful solution could be possible. I mean: look at us! How to we wangle to work together so well over here? THIS is exactly what we need to do in my opinion. Don't care about feminism, racism, Ismism anymore. Let's not get divided and stand together for a cause. Yeah, I know I am very romantic. I am!

DarkMath ago

"I live in Germany.....We are known for being calm"

Yeah you don't know many poor black people. They're not known for "being calm". The whole organ harvesting thing.......I don't even want to imagine.

This was a reaction to a joke imagine the reaction to a real insult and then multiply that by a billion.

This is why I know those at the top must be psychotic. A psychotic can't judge another human's potential reaction because they don't have the ability to feel empathy.

A non-psychopath would leave the whole organ harvesting of poor people business alone due to the knowledge its discovery would lead to a mass ass pounding of any rich white people involved.

But a psychopath never has that angel on their shoulder whispering in their ear it's a really bad idea. So they say what the fuck and do it without comprehending how they just signed their own death warrant.

neverobey ago

have a little help from my refugees … :)

DarkMath ago

I've seen the refugees over there. You've got nothing to worry about. Over here poor black people still remember 300 years of slavery. That's way more dangerous. They're so fucking pissed right now and I can't blame them. The organ harvesting and George H.W. Bush's domestic crack business are going to put blood in the streets. Be glad you don't live in America.

shachalnur ago

Start reading Henry Makow's site,good articles about this subject and you can find vids there .

Most articles about this subject are written by Jews ,like Henry Makow himself.

And read Fritz Springmeier's books like "Bloodlines of the Illuminati".

The question of who is fighting who exactly is the biggest one amongst those who follow this fight for decades.

I released my theory in june 2012,and it is still correct and playing out,and sevearl oldtimers in conspiracy land seem to agree by now.


DeathTooMasons ago

There is no civil war in the inteligence community. You have been had. Arrest are not imminent. Sorry Peter Pan.

meowski ago

This hoax goes back to Benjamin Fulford, David Wilcock and that camp of new age Law of Attraction woo-woo gurus. The CIA is not Constitutional. It's a menace and should be phased out.

DarkMath ago

"Arrest are not imminent."

You wanna bet?

pizzagate3456 ago

Rockefeller vs Rothschild

Vic138 ago

Yeah, I've been hearing that. I always thought they worked together and I don't see any non-overlap. Estulin had a good interview recently with jeff Rense where he said that. (He said: "The old families of Europe are leaving the group led by the Rockefellers.")

Which side are the banks on? I know CFR and Trilateral Commission are with Rockefeller so maybe that part is losing power, especially now that Trump is President. And I know Estulin has said the old families in Europe (d'Este, Guelph, Frescobaldi, Hannover, Baruch, Krupp, etc) are the ones really holding power. So I don't see how the Rockefellers could be that powerful, they're not even close to a high-level bloodline.

I don't get the Rockefeller/Rothschild split at all. I listened to that damn interview twice and still don't get it.

shachalnur ago

there's no split .

They have always been complementary.rothschild the controller/planner ,Rockefeller the executioner.

It could be that Rockefeller might consider jumping ship ,when he sees Rothschild is finished.

But he'll be dealt with later ,for the damage his Eugenics operations have done to men and this planet tha last century or so.

No hurry,Rockefeller doesn't control the Fiat currencies or the weapons,besides the biological ones.

Vic138 ago

Estulin implied that the Rothschilds (and the people they represent) didn't want a collapse right now, they want prosperity for the near future because in a total collapse they would lose their power and have to somehow get it back. So our interests just happen to coincide with theirs. The Rockefeller side would prefer war and are pushing for a war in Russia, Syria or wherever they can find it.

shachalnur ago

Does Estulin really know what Rothschild "thinks" and "wants",or is he just guessing?

Rockefeller is not the one that creates wars,he is the Executioner responsable for the Eugenics department,Big Food,Big Pharma,and controlling/blackmailing the US Deep State.

Rockefeller follows orders from London,and derives all his power from the banking Elite that plans and creates wars.

He might go it alone ,but for that Rothschild has to fall first. ,

DarkMath ago

"I listened to that damn interview twice and still don't get it."

Can you paste in the link to that interview?


Vic138 ago

Here ya go:

I use (to download to an mp3 file I can listen to on my phone.) MP3FY is good because it can handle any length file. Download from computer then do the xfer.

DarkMath ago


JesusRules ago

Who is George talking to?

HolyMoly0 ago

Jason Goodman. Works in film.

He's been helping Webb in DC and New York for the last week or so.

jstrotha0975 ago

I think Jason Goodman is disinfo too.

meowski ago

Webb, Steele, Goodman all have my bullshit meter on full tilt.

V____Z ago

Holy crap. Straight outta Hollywood, helping Webb with his "school play".

This dude worked on X Men --- RED ALERT --

Bryan Singer (X-Men director pictured above), along with several dozen Hollywood directors, execs, casting agents, actors like Sir Ian McKellen (paedophile X-Men star pictured above), and high powered paedophiles, molested children regularly for a dozen or so years on casting couches across Tinsel-Town and at their Beverly Hills Homes. There are simply too many claims to list.

From child actors committing suicide, to videos circulating on Live Leak and youtube depicting sexual assaults, to John Travolta’s claim that he had been sexually assaulted by dozens of Hollyweird big shots as a teenage actor-the list is as long as my arm.

And in spite of the fact that the liberal media have been quick to brand the young accusers liars, (I thought the left didn’t like blaming victims in rape cases?) more and more allegations have surfaced.

The most egregious example of gay child rape being the case of X-Men director and actor’s rampant sexual molestation of children.

The incident first surfaced when 31-year-old, former child model Michael Egan, known in Hollywood circles as ‘Mikey likes it’, claimed the X-Men director Bryan Singer sexually abused him as a teenager along with several other notable Hollyweird figures who had a penchant for pre-pubescent boys.

SoldierofLight ago

At about 7:40 in the YouTube clip on this post, Goodman strongly comes across to me as a bad actor. Like, they're running off a script for this video. Does it ever end? I guess their school play will continue until or unless there's no one left in the audience to listen to them.

equineluvr ago

Another one who is full of sheeyat.

Freemasonsrus ago

Jason Goodman

DonKeyhote ago

  • never get involved in a land war in asia
  • never invade Russia in winter
  • never go in against a sicilian when death is on the line
  • never trust a jew talking onscreen

tx2truth ago

Get right with the Lord so u don't get left behind. He'll forgive your bigotry

DonKeyhote ago

Zionist christians are the dumbest of all dumbfucks

pizzagate3456 ago

Christians who support muslims are dumber

DonKeyhote ago

Muslims > Joos

tx2truth ago

The only Islamic terrorist is you Wear that black rag head rag with pride. What the LORD GIVETH, THE LORD TAKETH AWAY.

pizzagate3456 ago

I'd feel safer living in Israel than in a muslim country.

pimpinainteasy ago

Christians are discriminated against and marginalized in Israel. There are Youtube videos about this.

pizzagate3456 ago

This is true, but they are treated far worse in muslim countries. They are executed in muslim countries

DonKeyhote ago

Give me 2bn a year and the latest weaponry ill build u a safe place too

pizzagate3456 ago

Saudi Arabia has that and yet most people still wouldn't be safe there.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL saudi arabia is one of the safest countries on earth and with a high standard of living

jangles ago

Unless your a woman

pizzagate3456 ago

Yeah for muslims, not for Christians. It's a fact that Saudi Arabia has a ban on the construction of Christian churches. Also, Saudi Arabia kills gays and atheists. Doesn't seem safe to me, it's only safe if your an obedient muslim

DonKeyhote ago

I'll take total security over "tolerance". Theyre pretty sure they know gods will so why the fuck would they host people calling them heathens? What good could hosting missionaries do for their citizens

tx2truth ago

Actually hate spewing pukes who sound like Islamic terrorist deserve to wear the black rag around their heads. Yours is being shipped to you free of charge. Wear it with pride. .....cause when THE MAN comes around you'll be left off the train. Namaste brother.

pimpinainteasy ago

LMAO, brutal but true I'm afraid...

People have said the Webb was Mossad before, but I guess this is definite confirmation.

Freemasonsrus ago

Just like all other aspects of life, there are good sides and bad.

SoldierofLight ago

Wow. He says several very, very interesting things.

DaleEaston ago

Thanks for confirming what was already obvious. More jew bullshit = "george webb"

V____Z ago

Jew and Zionist aren't synonymous. Don't try to pull that here, please.

tx2truth ago

Thank you.

Eli3k ago

Oh yeah?

HolyMoly0 ago

Weird. I just noticed your post (1 min before mine.)